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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.33 MB, 970x1316, 1707555814239640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7055186 No.7055186 [Reply] [Original]

will ai kill graphic design/art careers

>> No.7055189

AI bait thread.
Thread hidden.

>> No.7055199

Corporations with the desire to have over simplified logos and designs killed graphic designs.

>> No.7055202

friend of mine who studied with me has invested thousands of hours in digital art training. bought online courses for another 1K and more.
>stable diffusion came along
he fucking lost it
he is literally foaming at the mouth when you touch the subject

>> No.7055219

Not immedietly, and if it does happen eventually it'll be far enough in the future that it's pointless predicting it right now. That being said things have already changed a fair bit and will continue to change in the near future so if you do graphic design or digital art you should try to keep up with generative AI tech, might just give you a leg up on the comptetition.

>> No.7055227

>AI bait thread.
>Thread hidden.
deeply hurt feefees

>> No.7055337

I would be too. Someone should kill these AI techbros (I would do it myself but I am already on a watchlist)

>> No.7055339


>> No.7055557

Will being a faggot make OP kill himself

>> No.7055738

It's going to be no different than when every cellphone got a digital camera. It's not going to replace anything, just even the playing field and make average people with no talent make quality work. Every digital artist will now need to try harder if they want to feel special.

>> No.7055753

Perhaps not because someone still has to vet the output

>> No.7055775

I hope ai kills Mark Zuckerberg

>> No.7055786

>even the playing field
Everyone has access to a pencil. And AI does not produce quality work, it’s shit lol.

>> No.7055787

not the worst thing that happened to art in the last years lmao

>> No.7055829
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>> No.7055834
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>will ai kill graphic design/art careers

This might already be happening. Game developers and graphics and movie industry start asking for AI skills. It's a maybe just a change like going from paper to digital art. But not everybody will be able or willing to follow this trend. It may even be necessary. Who knows?

>> No.7055835

AI hope so

>> No.7055837

>he is literally foaming at the mouth when you touch the subject
Because he's tired of retards like you pretending it's anything but shit.

>> No.7055843

>But not everybody will be able or willing to follow this trend.
I genuinely don't know what you mean by won't be able to. Even retards in group homes are capable of using controlnet. The peasants always get told these things will "create new jobs" but in reality studios are going to have one Indian using midjourney 15 to replace hundreds of employees.

>> No.7055849

You faggots aren't even putting effort into your false flags anymore.

>> No.7055852
File: 621 KB, 1280x768, AlbedoBase_XL_extreme_perspective_a_street_scene_in_a_hyperde_0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in animation this kind of already happened, you no longer need an army of slaves to draw every frame if computers can help with transitions. Now you only got key-animators creating key-frames.
But this was low skilled work that was outsourced to India or China anyway.

But AI might be even able to replace concept artists. This is a problem for high skilled artists in the west.

>> No.7055902

Eventually yes, but first it's going to kill, in this order, cloud """engineer""" faggots, software developers and /g/ types.

>> No.7055909

>Now you only got key-animators creating key-frames.
bro that's not true. maybe in some westoid powerpoint slop. not in real animation.

>> No.7056016

if it was shit it wouldn't be a concern

>> No.7056092

Was this your attempt at a greentext pajeet?

>> No.7056125

Probably not during our (working) lifetimes. It will streamline and automate repetitive things that artists probably hated doing already and allow them to focus on other things. The people that are going to get fucked the most are support and administrative positions (i.e. low-end/entry level positions).

The broader point: Dont be picky with things that can give you tangible/marketable experience and always look at ways you can add value to your work/company (As has always been the case desu senpai).

>> No.7056134

>indian folk wisdom

>> No.7056139

Paper costs less than 11 for 500 sheets where I live. I think it's 5 or 6 bucks so your post is even stronger

>> No.7056158

>another AI thread

>> No.7056259

i tried hard, don't shame me like that *cries into pajeet headset*

>> No.7056283

reminder if AI was not a threat people would not shit and piss in fear on this board over it

>> No.7056328

the bottom rung, new designers, fresh out of school designer, yes, they are DOA

AI lifts the bottom, being mid is not enough anymore

>> No.7056822

You forget that if you actually want to make uncensored shit you need to have a phyton programming course because free AI shit is heavily censored. The thing is that AI shills were already techbros. They already had a skill 90% of the population didn't.

>> No.7056967
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AI is already good enough for most purposes.

>> No.7056972
File: 793 KB, 879x1641, AI SLOP ANIME BURGER GIRLS now with improved AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is the way of the future. Now I can finally quit drawing and focus more on masturbating to AI

>> No.7057110

lmaoing at that hip

>> No.7057907
File: 144 KB, 672x672, image(31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder if AI was not a threat people would not shit and piss in fear on this board over it

true, but I think so far it's mainly a danger for "anime artists" trying to make money with furry porn and similar shit

>> No.7057928

not them, but can you explain?

>> No.7058701

>will ai kill graphic design/art careers
and nobody cares

>> No.7058741

Third worlders are already doing that.
Before chat gpt Pajeet was already stealing work from me in Uni. Why pay me $300 for an 7 page essay when Rashik will do it for $20. $10 if you tell him you have bobs and vagene

>> No.7058759

>reminder if AI was not a threat people would not shit and piss in fear on this board over it
a typical feature of some developmental disorders is the inability to tell emotions apart, for example, confusing annoyance with fear

>> No.7060275

If so, ai will kill many more careers than that

>> No.7060309
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>> No.7060315

Aside from the fact that I disagree with your premise from the get-go, why is flattening the playing field a good thing? How interesting that it is artists who have to work harder, instead of people like you who refuse to pick up a pencil.

>> No.7060323
File: 5 KB, 640x427, dontschizoaroundhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to take your MEDs !!!

>> No.7060332
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20231007_15_58_12_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other traditional names are Azimech /ˈæzJmɛk/, from Arabic السماك الأعزل al-simāk al-ʼaʽzal 'the unarmed simāk (of unknown meaning, cf. Eta Boötis); Alarph, Arabic for 'the grape-gatherer' or 'gleaner', and Sumbalet (Sombalet, Sembalet and variants), from Arabic سنبلة sunbulah "ear of grain"

>> No.7060335

you never ever respond in any meaningful way. can you just stop posting random wikipedia articles that you like ?

>> No.7060336
File: 78 KB, 1914x717, WIN_20231222_00_27_14_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1983, Andreas Plaitakis and Roger Duvoisin suggested that the mysterious magical herb, moly, that appears in Homer's Odyssey is the snowdrop. One of the active principles present in the snowdrop is the alkaloid galantamine, which, as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, could have acted as an antidote to Circe's poisons.

>> No.7060340

go outside and stop coming here

>> No.7060341
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>> No.7060345

the focal points of the perspective lines makes this pic related so much worse ...

>> No.7060357
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Later, Mastusius killed Demiphon's daughters and tricked the ruler in drinking a cup containing a mixture of their blood and wine. Upon finding out the deed, the king ordered Mastusius and the cup to be thrown into the sea. Crater signifies the cup.
Crater was recognized as a constellation called Moana-'ohu-noa-'ei-ha'a-moe-hara ("vortex-ocean-in-which-to-lose-crime

>> No.7062080

now AI is about to kill video and filmmakers

>> No.7062082

We already had a thread. Not relevant to /ic/ until it is generating 2d animation. go to /g/ or /v/

>> No.7062785

nobody cares about artist feelings

>> No.7062793

the most famous artists have entire articles written about them for random forgotten doodles they did while taking a shit. you just wouln't get it NPC-kun

>> No.7062810

this wtf, lol. theres been thousands of books, plays, movies, etc written about artists.

>> No.7062889

only losers care about other losers
also cope
you will never be one of them

>> No.7062906

Did factories kill handicraft?

>> No.7062912

Yes. Hand crafted shit is expensive. Your average Joe will choose the IKEA desk instead of the one crafted with the sweat of a hard working artist in a heartbeat. Masses are too retarded to appreciate art.

>> No.7062924

>Hand crafted shit is expensive
So not only is it still done, it's considered of higher value than factory-produced stuff. Gotcha.

>> No.7062928

>Masses are too retarded to appreciate art.
>art will never be done by AI!!! REEE!!!
and you wonder why you pompous midwits are getting replaced so easily
sniffing your own farts for learning to draw shapes and anatomy figured out by others centuries ago instead of learning modern knowledge like programming or advanced social skills like streaming
you are like kids thinking they are smart for memorizing "E=mc^2" or "mitochondria is the power of the cell"

>> No.7062930


>> No.7062931

this meant for >>7062928
cope harder

>> No.7062935

both of you are right. Hand crafted is considered higher value and making it there is much, much harder. And they are not as sought after. Cheap, low quality slop is much much preferable for the general folk.

It's good to laugh at the artist getting replaced until it will be you who the comptetition will be creeping up for. And you will not enjoy competing with machines.

>> No.7062940

Yes, graphic design is FUCKED, even more than illustrators.

>> No.7062943

>low quality
>more precise, accurate and detailed than any fart sniffing "artist"

>> No.7062955

>you think you're so good just cuz you can draw a circle
Straw man
>get with the times grandpa
Appeal to novelty
>you're all pompous brainlets
Ad hominem
>sniffing your own farts

>> No.7062956

gonna cry?

>> No.7062984

Honestly this shit really does worry me. I actually am a programming major and have a career in tech, and I love computers and love programming my own projects and shit. I just hate unethical and parasitic applications of tech, which generative AI ultimately is.

AI could much better be used to develop vaccines, enhance weather models, and such, the fact it's being used as a plagiarism machine and as an excuse to cut corners and run departments on skeleton crews is a conscious human decision rooted in greed and hackery.

I am a hobbyist artist for the most part but it is a bit of a side gig too and so the idea of it being used as a theft machine does disgust me.

>> No.7062991

>I just hate unethical and parasitic applications of tech
This is why I gave up my pursuit of a career in tech because I realised I'd be virtually unable to get a job that I won't viscerally hate and feel down right guilty doing. Most of my would-be colleagues from college work in companies producing stuff like AI scams or gambling applications and I don't want to do that. I'm not much better off with art now as AI is gonna replace my skill in the workforce either way but at least no one in my social circle is going to manipulate me about how it's deserved and ok.

>> No.7063003
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I hope so

>> No.7063005
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>> No.7063008

>literal head in the sand mentality

>> No.7063014

> I just hate unethical and parasitic applications of tech,
anon you are already 30 years too late. early computer culture was extremely cool but it died before you were born. AI is jut the latest incarnation of SV rot.

yes lol

>> No.7063017

sora is really impressive. first time ive been actually blown away with the tech that I am concerned with what it will be like in ~ 5 years. infinite ai spam.

>> No.7063044

I've been looking through this stuff all day.
it really feels like we're on the verge of something that will actually change everything. like if Ai can already visualise in near photorealism with persistence in 2024, imagine it in 6 months. this shit will improve exponentially from this point. and this won't just be in the visual arts. this could revolutionize the human race as a whole, and i don't think that's an exaggeration.

i don't know what to feel.

>> No.7063100
File: 3.81 MB, 576x1024, AI videos - one year difference.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over chuds

>> No.7063101

drawKEKs, your resposne?

>> No.7063109

AI would not replace aritsts, but what ai would do is create a world were no one cares about art anymore, everyone would consume ai slop and would ask for more.

>> No.7063110

Using AI, I will make movies(and games) from characters and backgrounds I painted myself. I'm big into world-building so there's no way to prompt that unique visual stuff. So, I win from where I am sitting.

>> No.7063113

*career wise idk maybe I will stand out in the sea of slop since it would look different. might be a needle in the haystack, but you could use AI to find the needles.

>> No.7063138

I wish I was born 15-20 years earlier, fuck this gay shit

>> No.7063144

no, i will

>> No.7063149

lol yes. Those artists didn't know how good they had it.

>> No.7063156
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>will ai kill graphic design/art careers
It already did. I was a GD in the 90s (art school graduate) when computers only recently entered the field. It was a good job, decently paid job, I loved learning Corel Draw, Photo Paint and Photoshop, I did stuff that was "magic" to others in them. I had a 21 monitor that was big as a small house, costed a small fortune, and was a point of envy for everyone, in the times when everyone nad a 14 inch and 15 was a luxury.

With time, GD jobs got shitty, so I learned Html & Css, and became a Web Designer.
Teh Interwebs just came up, hard to explain what a revolution it was.
I was a Man Doing Magical Things again, beyond comprehension to regular folk. Especially after I learned Flash and started to animate shit.
But over the years, this job dried out too, so I learned PHP, JS, and other shit, and became a Front End Developer.
It paid well, but wasn't as much fun, so I gave up after some years, and went into construction.
I always liked DIY shit and was never afraid to get my hands dirty, so it wasn't that hard. Also, it was satisfying. I was building cool stuff again.

Year of Our Lord 2024, I still do construction from time to time, but Im getting old, so it gets hard sometimes.
So I'm learning motion design and animation, because I like it.

My point is?
Sorry, you will have to keep learning new shit and adapt to new environment for the rest of your lives.
AI revolution doesn't scare me.
If all goes to shit, I can live off the land I brought, I also can into gardening. Small garden made with the help of wife can already provide me with enough potatoes tomatoes etc. for a year, I did the math.
Have kids.

>> No.7063163

>Sorry, you will have to keep learning new shit and adapt to new environment for the rest of your lives.
Many see AI as the end of the road though. Learn to cope lol.

>> No.7063166

Yea when "computars" and "interwebs" came some saw it as end of the world too.
"whats that, you can order groceries & shit online? but what about small family owned stores! You're ruining people's lives!"

>> No.7063170

>came some saw it as end of the world too.
they didn't have much reason to. AI is a completely different beast because of the exponential progress.

>(people waiting at a train station)
>Hey look! The AI-train is coming pretty fast! it's accelerating toward our humans capabilities station
>(AI zooms right past without stopping)

>> No.7063172

>If all goes to shit, I can live off the land I brought
wow good for you :)

>> No.7063173

you can see the remains of vuman excrement on the sandwich, zukercock coprophiliic

>> No.7063174

you so know "AI" is just a buzz word for the tech-illiterate, right?
I may only be an ex Front-Ender, but I do know a thing or two about programming.

>> No.7063176

>bumping a week old bait thread
This board is filled with retards

>> No.7063184

>you so know "AI" is just a buzz word for the tech-illiterate, right?
Stick all the current systems together, scale compute, and you have a Not-AI capable of almost anything an average human can do(and more)
why not call it AI?
>not hiding threads and instead whine about posters in them
speaking of retards...

>> No.7063200
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1708159796707839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI stop! stop now!

>> No.7063836

patreon will be filled with fake AI vids of people doing art XD

>> No.7063989

It was this or draw.

>> No.7064015

This isn't like the tech revolutions of your younger years, get with the times old man. Humans are running out of things that machines can't do. Klaus Schwab will be happy to seize your land (which you don't even own) for the new world order.

>> No.7064024

Janny honestly needs to do their damn job with all the AI spammers

>> No.7064027
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rest of this thread shall be for cocks of all size, shape, and word use

>> No.7064031
File: 81 KB, 720x900, 5-body-positive-dick-penis-art-willy-line-drawing-prem-vishal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7064062

I mean like 99% of it and the process of change wasn't pretty

>> No.7064068

it's over because even if honed eyes can spot some flaws the masses won't and the crazy people will find flaws in legit videos so the average joe has no way to gauge what's real and not

>> No.7064095

Can't wait to see all the poo memes /pol/ will make with this

>> No.7064098

>can't wait to cope while more artists lose their jobs
You lost the culture war.

>> No.7064103

It has only begun, Indian

>> No.7064107

I too wonder what the memetic general there gonna do with it, It's fun giving them more ways to be as chaotic as possible

>> No.7064108

why are you focusing on pajeets and not jews in this context?

>> No.7064109

>like people being racist and misusing stuff is really anything new
>especially when it's /pol/ being /pol/

>> No.7064112

It's also fun seeing how this technology "democratizing" art has allowed far right chuds to churn out material at lightspeed. Leftie tech trannies really thought they could put this out in the world and regulate it. They literally killed their own monopoly on media production. Genies out of the bottle, Fag Altman.

>> No.7064117

Pajeets are just useful idiots for Jews. I actually feel a bit sorry for them. The poo memes are just funny.

>> No.7064118

the whole media industry just exists to program people anyway, on a large scale this AI shit will be such insane shit to control the masses through a million layers of misinformation and divide and conquer tactics

>> No.7064119

okay but do you realize that whenever you go on some random thread and start calling people pajeets when you run out of arguments it literally just makes you look like a retard? no I'm not a shitskin

>> No.7064121

Wanting to have serious arguments on a place like 4chan makes you a legit retard

>> No.7064124

name a better place since it's certainly not fucking reddit or whatever twittershit you advocate and it's not like I can talk about interesting shit with my friends because they're just not into anything that isn't super duper basic daily shit

>> No.7064125

>focuses on mentions artist losing jobs
anon he responded too just mentions /pol/ making fun of pajeets
>you lost the cultural war
now going what about the (((jew))) as a deflection.
has general pajeet behavior

>> No.7064129

but pajeets worship jews, this headcanon you have really limits your thoughts

>> No.7064133

>since it's certainly not fucking reddit or whatever twittershit you advocate
Anon don't put words in my mouth, get some better friends that aren't npcs

>> No.7064135

but we live in an NPC world

>> No.7064138

and both will be made fun of on /pol/ regardless of anything
I'm not sure what your expecting if they want to be seen as a goyim

>> No.7064139

I was thinking about the whole anti AI movement on 4chan always deflecting to pajeets

>> No.7064143

Just be a hobbist. There's no rush, you have all your life to git gud.
Of course, no one will give a shit about your work, but who cares.

>> No.7064144

most people definitely dream of the trifecta of being good at something you like, being popular doing it and being rich because of it

this dream is shattered and a lot of people have a hard time coping but it's what it is

>> No.7064145

T B H its more their own fault for wanting to make self righteous and India #1 threads here and being ass mad of being made fun of
>also see Canada or Japans thing
>you must import more "blank here"
>wheres there's India hate coming from

>> No.7064147

It certainly wouldn't be a place where anonymity is built-in.

>> No.7064150

the account driven sites certainly attract hivemind people even worse

>> No.7064154

Perhaps, but to have any serious discussion requires stakes.

>> No.7064155

nah, I can't even imagine having any serious conversation with a redditor because all you get is basically hivemind preprogramed crap

>> No.7064160

At least beforehand hobbyists could still do film festivals and group shows and stuff. Now it will be every instagram whore and failed millenial techbro spamming these things and ruining them for people who have actual interest.

>> No.7064161

See if this had some stakes attached to it I might be inclined to try and explain to you why you didn't understand my point, but since it's 4chan I'll just say you're a dumb faggot and never look at this thread again.

>> No.7064162

written like your average smug redditor

>> No.7064183
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also I guess pic related on pajeet hate
>unless they want to post the CEO meme
even though everyone everyone hates most CEOs anyways

>> No.7064187

>Boomers dying off and leaving their houses to foreigners instead of their kids.
Sounds right.

>> No.7064191

yeah it's basic boogieman shit so that people can point their frustration on some group as always but I don't get why leftists find pajeets free game but da joos is off limits even though they're just as much if not more in this biz

anyway I have no gripe with any of the groups working on this

>> No.7064197

I'm more surprised janny wants allow /pol/ discussions but you know what better use this thread then AI spam "discussions"

>> No.7064231

Poor, stupid and afraid of new technology is no way to go through life. Learn or die.

>> No.7064422

yes it is and no he won't

>> No.7064428

>learn or die
>the point of ai is to not learn

>> No.7064429

No it's not and no he won't because he's a larper who doesn't own anything

>> No.7064437

>No it's not and no he won't because he's a larper who doesn't own anything

seething non white poorfag :)

The funniest part is land prices in my area have trippled since 2019.

>> No.7064448

I think you meant to say your rent has trippled

>> No.7064487

because they are patsies for the jews

>> No.7064550

Yea, I do charge people more than before covid, but it's not my fault people want to live in my town. :)

Seriously though, stop being poor, Jesus Christ!

>> No.7064595

God, I hope someone at open AI leaks their shit I NEED TO COOM.

>> No.7064950

You don't have a pirated chat gpt 5.0 model from the torrents yet? No rack of NVIDIA Tesla A40s?

>> No.7064991

Nah. There's still going to be the guy who uses the AI to make what the client/boss asks for; and that person is going to need to have good enough taste to know the difference between what's simply a good picture, and what's a good design/illustration, as well as have the skill to paint over and customise work well.

We're definitely going to see job losses though, and we're probably going to see a wave of that overly glossy shitty AI crap everywhere very soon - it'll be the new globohomo artstyle.

>> No.7065206

>it's over because even if honed eyes can spot some flaws the masses won't and the crazy people will find flaws in legit videos so the average joe has no way to gauge what's real and not

exactly, and we are in an election year, it's likely we will be flooded with all kind of AI fakes

>> No.7065431


>> No.7065441

Autist detected. AI art is probably useful for generic outlines, but it lacks a personal touch. Hand-made art will always be more soulful and valuable

>> No.7065991

I would rather be backward minded than be as well adapted to the modern world as a tapeworm is to an intestine.

>> No.7066014

No, stop making threads faggot

>> No.7066143

It 100% will.
I wish I could draw, as I have an incredibly vivid imagination, but now I can use Ai, I like it.
But it's already started killing the artists first.

>> No.7066147

>I wish I could draw
you don't seem to wish that very strongly.

>> No.7066155

Just because you enjoyed the privileged genes and upbringing of an artist doesn’t mean everyone did. Most people need to study and work, they can’t just draw all day while mommy pays for everything. AI democratized art by allowing the everyman to enjoy art, and you gatekeeping faggots can do nothing about it.

>> No.7066157

>prods a squishy boi
>a flood of toxic ooze gushes out
sorry man!

>> No.7066205

I did lots of drawing growing up, still do some now like drawing tattoos, and last night I did a a day-time rendition of an old linux wallpaper I randomly remembered, from when I was a kid called 'alien night'.

I am just not very good though, and yes I wasn't as dedicated or w/e as I could be, but that's life, ya know?
If you can use a microwave, an air fryer or a ready-meal, or use an automatic car instead of manual, or use a calculator instead of a number-log book, or use a pc instead of books and such, why can't I use ai to put my ideas into a visually pleasing way, tailored to my desire?

This. Videogames allows anyone to potentially become great at football, even if they're a fat fuck or disabled, with a growing scene for competitions for e-sports, traditional sports is no longer only accessible in one medium and to only the genetically blessed.

>> No.7066207

>Videogames allows anyone to potentially become great at football,
masturbation made me potentially great at sex

>> No.7066212

>with a growing scene for competitions for e-sports, traditional sports is no longer only accessible in one medium and to only the genetically blessed.
esports are traditional sports?

>> No.7066215

> upbringing of an artist
im an engineer anon and draw as a hobby, what's stopping you from learning a visual language?

>> No.7066221

I did, I’m a prompt engineer.

>> No.7066223

post the best prompt you ever made(not the pic, unless you want to)

>> No.7066232

>just share the fruits of your work, bro
Do your own research.

>> No.7066241
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, _5f42dc08-cb18-4040-a656-071090a1a5a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I am a prompt master myself, I was just curious.

>> No.7066246

you’re like a baby

>> No.7066258

personal preference. pyw

>> No.7066262

nice try, fag. you’re just a larper who doesn’t even run his model locally

>> No.7066263

/g/eet pls fuck off.

>> No.7066286
File: 104 KB, 256x256, tmpd0_8yswy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't much, but I still give it a whirl when a big update comes out (last one of interest for me was modelscope)
Actually a good idea.

>> No.7066306

it may kill some
specifically cheap outsourced code monkeys
but developing software, or any sort of engineering for that matter, isn't just about execution
it's also about accountability and responsability, and AI can't do take that
that's why it's easier for AI to replace entertainment and "art"
no one cares if it fucks up

>> No.7066316
File: 80 KB, 672x672, image(52)b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all "prompt engineers", graphic designers and anyone interested

AI can already produce designs and even videos hard to identify for average people.
Many people still trust pictures and videos.
If you are not worried about this you are stupid.
This is not meant as an insult.
The problem is how this power can be misused.
Especially the power to easily create fakes. In an election year we might be flooded with all kinds of AI generated shit.

>> No.7066323

all kinds of communities are disrupted by AI. my mom is a crocheter and is always running into fake patterns for sale.

>> No.7066325

Yes, I used to make d&d illustrations before, now I barely work on that, in about a year my commissions almost got to cero

>> No.7066334

I'm just looking to make a quick buck from this by selling AI generated stuff to the masses

>> No.7066339

It's more or less the same for the design/illustration industry. Cheap jobs will go, but someone with the knowledge will be doing the higher tier stuff, even if they're using AI themselves.

Why should this worry graphic designers? I mean it sucks that our politics are going to get more fucked, but what's that got to do with them?

>> No.7066446
File: 426 KB, 1029x1390, 877E3B12-38FC-4181-93B9-3EEB54B10764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was a lad of about eleven years, and we got to talking about art, during which conversation he informed me that he, too, was interested in art and was hoping to quit being a shoeshiner.
>This common urchin of the dirt informed me he already had mastered box-drawing and Loomis and soon he would begin posting on Twitter, afterwards moving to commissions and hopefully self-publishing indie comics.
>I paid my half shilling, went back to the office and had my broker sell all my art stocks. My reasoning was thusly: if a mere shoeshine boy was lecturing me on art careers then the unwashed masses were surely all aboard the notion and it was but time before the boat sank.
>As a result, I survived the Art Crash of 2024 with my finances intact while more than one of associates and competitors drank themselves to death or ate a bullet.

>> No.7066447

AI will make graphic designers more productive. Technology always seems to help. What architect still uses blueprints and hand drafting tools?

>> No.7066491

>architecture is shit now
what a coinkadonk

>> No.7066512
File: 3.99 MB, 720x1280, lil ai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you are the human in this video. But no matter how much you're going to bully and kick down the poor little AI, it will always get back up and keep scoring.

>> No.7066516

>it will always get back up and keep scoring.
Just wait until its battery runs out, or hits the off switch.

>> No.7066527

>Just wait until its battery runs out, or hits the off switch.
What if your pencil runs out of lead?

>> No.7066536
File: 723 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_2611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in the front office of a very famous basketball team doing graphic design. Posters, merch, magazine covers, you name it I do it. If you follow this sports team on any social media or have ever seen them play live you have definitely seen my work.
I use AI all the time, mostly for filling in and expanding backgrounds in photoshop. But last week I was asked to make an Oscar’s statue mascot parody of our mascot, and I legit just prompted it in Dall-E and after a few prompts I had one that looked great. Edited into the poster, did some touchups, everyone loved it.
So no, graphic designers will adapt, and will use AI to get work done.
Commission porn artists are fucked, thoughbeit. I have a job because multimillion companies and organizations need people in the role of graphic design, even if that’s just prompting. But if autists can prompt up their own fetish porn, you’re all fucked. Already seen with the massive influx of really low quality SD posts on deviantart and pixiv

>> No.7066539

Lead? You pleb, I only draw with cum, unlike you dispassionate swine.

>> No.7066541

>graphic designers will adapt
the ones with jobs right now, sure. kids entering school right now? what's left for them when they graduate in 4 years?

>> No.7066551

Just because an industry shrinks and changes, doesn't mean it completely vanishes. It's not like most students were getting a job in said industry anyway.

>> No.7066568
File: 734 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_2573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I graduated there were no jobs anywhere. Took me months to get one and I was close to the top in my class. But the second you’re in, you’re in. I got a job and it was a cakewalk, pretty much worked for four or five hours a week. And that one job on my resume let me get a job with my dream team and I also get lots of freelance work making YouTube thumbnails for decently famous sports channels. I even have a guy who put me on payroll, I make an extra grand a month just to make a thumbnail once a week for the dude.
And yeah, I know plenty for talented people in my class who never broke into the industry and gave up, but that’s every major. Admittedly GD has a high rate of that, but it’s always been that way. My advice is:
>Learn every tool available to you, even if you think AI is immoral. Because if you refuse to use a tool, there are a hundred pajeets who won’t
>make a portfolio, and start doing so now
The end

>> No.7066583

>doesn't mean it completely vanishes
1 man could do the job of a whole vfx studio with SORA 2

>> No.7066592

>vfx studio
Different industry.

>> No.7066598

How long before the "SORA" moment for GD?

>> No.7066613

>How long before the "SORA" moment for GD?
about a year ago, but /ic/ is populated by beginners and amateurs so they got no clue

>> No.7066620

We've all seen the AI images, but are all the graphic design studios and illustrators out of jobs yet? No? Then our discussion on the possibilities for the changing industry are still relevant, dingus.
It doesn't take an economist to talk about the economy.

>> No.7066625

Why do these read as bullshit or fake advertising responses with how much you use "famous" or "popular" thing but give nothing specific
Unless you want to be identified I say bullshit. Are those ChatGPT responses used as well

>> No.7066629

>work in the front office of a very famous basketball team doing graphic design
This one here honestly just gonna say your curry poster for how retarded it sounds

>> No.7066630

I feel like graphic design is a little more insulated on a corporate level due to the reputation of it needing to "solve a problem" and all the moving parts that a design needs. However, I think definitely in less than 10 years there'll be enough "solved problems" that an AI could theoretically make stock standard corpo slop UI + graphic elements no problem, which is a problem because a lot of designers actively push those corpo slop design styles because money.

It's why I think people really need to step into the personal design style game more instead of just kowtowing to [le ebin design trend of 20XX] memes

>> No.7066644

>people can’t be successful and shitpost on 4chan
>graphic designers don’t exist

>> No.7066681
File: 97 KB, 1024x1536, Show_a_person_finding_inspiration_for_work_from_home_in_everyday_activities._Vector_illustration_in_flat_style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can already do this kind of design. AI improves much much faster then anyone can imagine.

>> No.7066711
File: 144 KB, 720x388, IMG_20240219_103743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you the same nigger bumping near 2 year old threads on /gd/
It's like tripfag again... you've even posted the same near bot response
Fuckin call center niggas really need to respond and make posts on all of 4chan with multiple tabs up

>> No.7066715

It's about as hard as building your own PC
all you need is a 10 min tutorial, coding is for nerds only
and bam, cunny for weeks

>> No.7066716

That's not graphic design, that's an image

>> No.7066725
File: 214 KB, 720x584, IMG_20240219_104342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do bump year old threads on multiple boards and want to be taken seriously

>> No.7066730

no need to do it yourself,
are full of this shit

>> No.7066785

As opposed the artistic visions on /ic ?

>> No.7066802

/ic/ is in no way better, it's a pile of crap as well as the rest of

>> No.7066882
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, 1708292087830296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /ic/ look at this and still be in denial? Like art is literally being automated. Your livelihood is meaningless now.

>> No.7066899

You don't have a vivid imagination if you're going "computer, generate me an x". You didn't make anything, the computer did.

>> No.7066901

>Be me
>Poor ass faggot with no support
>Took me 8 years to produce anything decent
>It's hard
>Faggot like you unable and unwilling to put in the work and effort got an easy button and now being shitty to the people he was envious of.

>> No.7066904


>will ai kill graphic design/art careers

You'd have to be retarded to major in graphic design in the current day. Even 15 years ago it would have been a bad investment.

>> No.7066906

boohoohoo should have learned to code

>> No.7066913

Where is the updated Will Smith eating spaghetti video? I thought this ai stuff was public?

>> No.7066932
File: 1.72 MB, 512x512, 62383647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not public, and also they don't want celebrity likenesses to be used so don't expect to see that video.

>> No.7066933

NTA but he’s probably referring to Photoshop’s generative expand.

>> No.7066939

Still looks janky as fuck bro. I'm less worried about being an anime waifu artist and more worried about not being able to know what's real anymore. Thanks AI.

>> No.7067015

>"Show a person finding inspiration at home from everyday activities"
>Shows a person on the computer looking at stock and clocks and other shit
Bad example you no taste idiot.

Aren't we talking about Graphic Designer/Illustration? Why are you talking about video?

>> No.7067020

>they don’t want
nice democratization you got there
if only there as a way to make whatever you want without corporations telling you what you can and can’t make…

>> No.7067025

No rules only tools...
>reading the terms of use on your new "tool"

>> No.7067042

It's their tech, they can do whatever they want with it. Eventually it'll be replicated.

>> No.7067058

lol no, this is the golden age of AI, the only reason it’s as open as it is is startups trying to blow up and sell out before closed source models with 100 times the money shit all over them

>> No.7067084

No what? Tech getting replicated is literally all of human history.

>> No.7067093

we can’t mix cement or stack stones as well as cultures thousands of years ago to the point people literally think either aliens did it or they had magic potions that turned stone to putty and back again

>> No.7067127

People also think the earth is flat, what's your point?

>> No.7067150 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr

>> No.7067152

>hurr durr

>> No.7067355

Day of the rope for coders is upon us

>> No.7067361


I will not feel bad when china destroy's india

>> No.7067362

>I have a front desk job where I sit and play with midjourney all day while daydreaming about being a graphic designer

>> No.7067366

You're just mad you were bad at art and didn't work hard enough for it/couldn't do it so you take glee in bringing everyone down with you. As if coding isn't also going to go too.

You're calling everyone privilege but anon was a poor fuck who worked hard and you're shitting on him. This is why AI bro's are scum. You're destroying art.

>> No.7067369

I've been of the mind that Graphic Design is fine, though the low-tier shitter jobs will be gone (sorry third worlders), but I worry for Illustration.
I know that AI can make pretty pictures, but I feel like we'll stagnate culturally and visually if we don't allow for people to illustrate and push boundaries. Things seem bleak when there are AI children's books, which in my mind should always be hand drawn (and traditionally at that, they should inspire children to draw, not look like a shitty overly clean calarts cartoon network show). I hope there's an industry that illustration will continue to thrive in, and that it doesn't only get relegated to self-publishing or being dependent on having and audience of fans donating money.

>> No.7067376

>people couldn’t enjoy art before they could prooompt

>> No.7067529

>we can’t mix cement or stack stones as well as cultures thousands of years ago

actually we can, we even use it for important structures like bridge supports that need durability , most of the time we just use cheaper stuff that crumbles to dust after a few years because profit

same with AI and digital art , it's cheap but sloppy, who can afford it can still hire a real traditional artist and spend money for an oil painting

>> No.7067602

>have vivid imagination
>feed ai prompts to get closest to whats in my minds eye
I don't have the skill or time to put pen to paper, to accurately make whats in my minds eye. I never said I made anything either, I just have a vivid imagination and I want to see it made into an image I can show people. I'm basically the far opposite end of the scale from aphantasia, my imagination is as clear as day, I can taste foods, feel textures, smell smells, feel sensations, make my mouth and eyes water by imagining I'm ingesting vinegar, have my pupils shrink from imagining I'm starring at a glaringly-bright light, and hear any type of sound or any voice.
I cannot easily protray anything of that without having a film crew, a special affects team, a studio, and much more, let alone trying to just draw it.

>> No.7067661

>Aren't we talking about Graphic Designer/Illustration? Why are you talking about video?

a video is a series of pictures

>> No.7067664

I mean sure but the computer is still able to pull shit off so it's absolutely a viable option to create artwork or whatever media slop

>> No.7067666

roman concrete meme is just about putting volcanic ash in it (allows it to harden even underwater), this has been solved, it's a myth that we don't understand it

>> No.7067705
File: 1.89 MB, 1024x1728, rembrapp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7067756

but anon... will you still just be making anime girls while typing all that

>> No.7067838

>>7067529 see
we literally can’t even stack te shit, they destroyed half the site when they tried
and that’s one example, there are sites of mortarless waterproof construction of 1300 ton blocks going back 13k years with no explanation of how the blocks were even shaped, to say nothing of logistics
stop going nyyyyagh ackshually like a retarded fucking redditor

>> No.7067841

good thing nobody mentioned rome or concrete, huh, retard

>> No.7067918
File: 283 KB, 1262x1491, Screenshot_20240220_191537_Edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick, tock...

>> No.7067950

Twitter being even more shit after Elon take over and can only wonder if this gonna finally kill it.
I'm not sure why you want to mention it T B H nigga if it only means more bot posts

>> No.7067957

do us a favor go back to

>> No.7067958

>literal paper on the subject
>le /x/
go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of, you fucking retard

>> No.7068346

>graphic design
That's funny. Every fucking graphic/line needs to be on its own individual vector layer for a variety of reasons. And ultra high quality dpi is an absolute must. Until Al bundy can generate on separate layers in print quality detail that entire sector will still rely on human slave labor.

>> No.7068374

>vectorizes in your path
>noooooo but it makes nonsense overlapping blobs
still faster to correct than making it from scratch
dpi is irrelevant for vector graphics

>> No.7068382

You can blame it all on your shitty boomer parents for allowing the patriot act to happen.

>> No.7069186

>You'd have to be retarded to major in graphic design in the current day. Even 15 years ago it would have been a bad investment.
sad but true

>> No.7069246

cement goes in concrete and roman concrete is hyped as some super duper space alien concrete

>> No.7069247

doesn't photoshop AI literally do this?

>> No.7069293
File: 3.87 MB, 3740x4044, 3D2697DE-8A0F-4FD9-9C73-5C41086C9CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This but the art industry.

>> No.7069294

the change is good but the process is going to be painful :)

>> No.7069298

>globalist agenda
>globalist chop shop
>the left
/pol/ doing its darndest at the "don't say capitalism" game lol. Of course there's the racist shithead smart-boy-notices-things piping up too lmao.

>> No.7069300

kill yourself

>> No.7069305

>ai videos a year ago
>absolute kino
>boring shit

>> No.7069307

>AI democratized art
there is nothing democratizing here. You're just running beta tests for corporations and you're doing it for fucking free just to spite artists.
There was nothing stopping you from picking up a pencil. I write novels as a hobby despite essentially being away from home for 13h everyday excluding shop trips as a blue collar. I did not need something so rooted in creativity as art to be automatized. I wish I didn't need to pack the steel at my mill, I wish that was the direction of AI, but instead they're just cutting costs and replacing creative people.
Hope you're ready for literally fucking everything to drop in quality, because that's what AI art will result in. You prompting cunny in Da Vinci's style won't change that. You're still accelerating the downfall. Even by doing captchas.

>> No.7069311

You started early, I'm not even out of uni yet.
Talk about privilege

>> No.7069314

>Why should this worry graphic designers?
AI enables plagiarism on a level people just 4 years ago thought was unimaginable.
AI enables flooding the market with million flavours of slop.
AI enables neverending stream of propaganda.
All of this is already happening and will only get worse.

>> No.7069316

That has nothing to do with graphic design.

>> No.7069317

I understand all the people whining about it but it won't change reality so you should adapt because it's just futile to fight

no, some vague ideal won't change this

>> No.7069320

prove him wrong nigger
>wow, i can't believe it, a system that embraces greed and profits cuts costs wherever possible? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? it must be jews!

>> No.7069324

a disproportionate amount of ___ run the banks and media

>> No.7069332

rich people

>> No.7069336

i do the creative things i do because i enjoy doing creative things. living in a 1st world country i already have the option to live my life without doing anything at all, but i don't want to, so i'm working on learning all the skills necessary to make a video game. all of them will probably be entirely useless in just a few years, but what the fuck else am i meant to do?
if the future really is just sitting in a VR pod on a cocktail of drugs while robots take care of everything else then i don't care either way. as of now, all i know how to do is to live my life, so i'm going to continue doing that whether or not AI can make art as well as people.

this is going to make the world a worse place to live in, but it's not like we can stop it. i will support the luddites, but there's absolutely no chance they will win and get AI banned or whatever.

>> No.7069337

>who happen to be ___

>> No.7069340

...rich people due to capital accumulation over generations.
japanese and korean corporations don't have kikes.

>> No.7069342

afraid of dying

>> No.7069343

okay so the jews don't control the media or central banks because muh china got it

>> No.7069346

jews happen to collude with each other so they form large pockets of the rich people, if one jew gets rich five do

I'm not saying nepotism is wrong but this mechanism explains things

>> No.7069815

It's so over bros. Funny how the antichrist first takes the jobs that need creativity, and the slave labor jobs in factories and mcgoy will be replaced last by robots kek.

Fuck this gay earth. Wish I was born 10 years earlier so I could be an digital artist in 2010.

I feel only despair and hopelessness.

>> No.7069972

>Wish I was born 10 years earlier so I could be an digital artist in 2010.
Trad is calling

>> No.7070499

graphic design is propaganda

>> No.7070533
File: 29 KB, 602x399, main-qimg-afc85a89bdfeb7c06d27b9d71c95369a-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks way better than this.

>> No.7070629

>reddit spaced falseflag

>> No.7070650


>> No.7070656


>> No.7070677
File: 123 KB, 1007x757, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7070679

>AI and design in the same sentance

Lol, lmao even

>> No.7070684

>this could revolutionize the human race as a whole
better put a ban on all AI development so artists can maintain the monopoly on milking furry commissions

>> No.7070739


>> No.7070741


>> No.7070746


>> No.7070755


>> No.7070756


>> No.7070761

Fags be watching these things 24/7 it feels like they have alerts for it going to pg 8

>> No.7070764


>> No.7071115
File: 392 KB, 362x446, 1541233549172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI won't affect me because I draw traditionally and people want real art they can hang on walls or collect in general

>> No.7071352

AI is dangerous and evil. It's cons far outweigh it's uses.

>Let's just replace ourselves so we can sit around all day and masturbate


>> No.7071369

It’s like the dream of some nihilistic death cult who use hedonism and sensory excitation as a way to cope with their wounded souls. They once loved, and were hurt. Now the hurt turns to hate and rage. They hurt others. Now they themselves are not something they can love. Now they hate themselves, the world, God, and all. While holding back childhood tears.

>> No.7071381

It doesn't even the playing field, there's no point in drawing anymore.

>> No.7071384

I'd be cool with AI if it just cured all diseases and then fucked off and let us get back to business as usual(without cancer and shit)

>> No.7071386

>there's no point in drawing anymore.
there's no point in you posting your thoughts online, AI can do that for you.

>> No.7071387

>but I want to express myself!
what did you think art was?

>> No.7071440

just let the robot express yourself for you, write arguments for you, think critically for you, etc

>> No.7071483

I'm sure America putting a ban on AI development in their country will make the
world much better off in 20 years...

you'll still be able to make art if a robot can do it too
hell, you'll be able to do all the things you enjoy still if robots took away 9-5s
>inb4 I like being a wagie

>> No.7071500

Humans need to do things to be sane. Robots doing everything for us, including art and creativity, is dystopian. Robots should be relegated to doing hard stuff that makes our life more difficult, but in order for us to be sane we still need to extend sone energy doing things for ourselves rather than turning into wall-e.

And no, art will be made obsolete as a skill if robots do it. I'll still be stuck working shitty jobs for my lifetime but all of the fun shit will be automated.

>> No.7071550


>> No.7071552


>> No.7071559


>> No.7071560
File: 60 KB, 600x797, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breatty much

>> No.7071561

>digital art training
whomst says stuff like that anon or was that other person right in their pageet assessment

>> No.7071563


>> No.7071564

>social skills
your average Tik Tok user or buzzword influencer are hardly good examples of that. Especially if their audience is in elementary or barely going to highschool

>> No.7071565


>> No.7071566


>> No.7071568
File: 325 KB, 1218x1600, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7071570

I still don't get you, just FUCKING DRAW IF YOU WANT TO DRAW
it doesn't matter if another picture of something different exists out there, there's already a billion 3rd worlders pumping out so much art it may as well be infinite

>> No.7071607

But you are the cancer...

>> No.7072062

Why is India such a fucking meme country.

>> No.7073010

FUCK OFF AGENT SMITH!! delete yourself

>> No.7073792

a country of a millionbillion recently emancipated slaves that I'm not sure wanted to be free

>> No.7074505

this looks like a stanley kubrick movie