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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 480x360, 1696180028111410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7039460 No.7039460 [Reply] [Original]

holy gains

>> No.7039461

>anime shit
Who cares

>> No.7039462
File: 77 KB, 675x632, 1601954090422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He got good at copying
>That is more than enough to impresses nu-/ic/ and create a thread

>> No.7039479

He's still 3652 days too early to even challenge the likes of you, senpai.

>> No.7039484

What's going on

>> No.7039485

Made more improvement than the vast majority of /asg/. That general is a fucking joke

>> No.7039487

Are they still trying to use calculations from Saturn's orbit and moon runes when drawing a floating head?

>> No.7039525

as much as i want to say it's a meme to just have all your drawing "progress" tied to just copying pictures 1:1, i am also sure there's some learning by osmosis going on here and you know what? he drew every day, so that mogs most other aspiring artists. i'd pay to see the pewdiepie perspective arc though.

>> No.7039533

nice another influencer making more people want to draw, thank god i stopped working with anime shit completely worthless for the competition you get

>> No.7039541

I don't get it. Where are the boxes?

>> No.7039543


>> No.7039547

Watch in 4k

>> No.7039566

Reminder he is only able to progress this fast because he is living in japan and being infected by GMI asian genes. The little bits of dead skin, hair, and spit of japanese people he absorbs via conversation or food contamination on a daily basis is what making him progress, NOT drawing everyday.
This only proves asian jeans theory is actually true.

>> No.7039584

>anime website
You seem to care enough to post here

>> No.7039596

This is wholesome and inspiring and it makes me happy :)

>> No.7039618

Yes and they deserve to be humiliated like this

>> No.7039620

>nice another influencer making more people want to draw
And? What's so wrong about? I find it endearing considering we're in the age of AI

>> No.7039628

i dont like competition, ai included. the less people pursuing art the better for where i live

>> No.7039629

I keep hearing about asian jeans but surely all the major brands worldwide have their jeans made in some Chinese factory?

>> No.7039632

How childish of you. I prefer seeing how much fellow humans can accomplish and elevate the arts. Competition is needed for that

>> No.7039638
File: 331 KB, 626x842, 1688869410610258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039639
File: 55 KB, 417x741, b1f06d578599e8c8e3381175f07e2766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw full time(job) but geez imagine being a multi-millionaire and having a zero stress life.
Of course he is going to progress.
These days I'm so stressed out doing a bunch of coomer comms and building my SFW portfolio, while having no friends or social life and leaving at home, that I think I'm burning out and sure as fuck I'm creatively bankrupt.

Pewdiepie can truly create art without being tied to money or wordly needs. Unfortunately he chose to draw moe shit.

>> No.7039642

I believe you have to be borderline insane and/or retarded to pursue art as a career. I am unfortunately.
But you shouldn't worry. Normies easily give up, specially these days where zoomer brain is fucked and demands instant rewards.

>> No.7039646
File: 1.29 MB, 1316x884, pewds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so whats (you)r excuse for still being shit?

>> No.7039647

Im not living in japan and im depressed

>> No.7039648

I work

>> No.7039664

I think most here are afraid of just simply drawing lol

>> No.7039667

I don't try very hard, or at all tbqh. To be fair to everyone though it isn't like he's trying to learn by construction, or learn to shade his anime girls, or even learn to draw bodies. Of course he's going to get really good, he's copying and he's only copying one thing. He didn't draw a single male character.

>> No.7039669
File: 637 KB, 1316x884, yc2e7axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is still a fucking DAY 1 /beg/

>shitty air that is floating in the air directionless
>cat ears in different perspective from the head
>ear at the bottom of the jaw
>white void bg


>> No.7039673

He probably actually enjoys drawing unlike a lot of people on /ic/ who just recents and blames everyone else for not trying.

/ic/ is just /r9k/ for people that draw

>> No.7039679
File: 21 KB, 300x301, FMdEE7AakAUEqfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well how bout you post that werk

>> No.7039681

Still has infinitely more appeal than your potato loomis heads though stay sneeding sister

>> No.7039682

What does that have to do with what >>7039673
said at all? Or do you just say "pyw" to any post you don't like as a knee-jerk reflex?

>> No.7039685

don't you see the lines behind? there is your loomis head by pediepy

>> No.7039686

>Still has infinitely more appeal
good cope

>> No.7039705

Even while copying he somehow mogs 75% of this board

Gotta start "just draw"ing crabnons!

>> No.7039711

thats just his style bro
would be funny if it was copied from ai though

>> No.7039714

Copying is not drawing, it's copying.

>> No.7039717

its fun and that's all that matters

>> No.7039718
File: 52 KB, 850x400, 1705862047081850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039721

ok this is really embarrassing for /asg/

>> No.7039725

Take copy and replace the y with an e.

>> No.7039726

I like animu, /asg/ can burn in hell with their permabeg xerox copies for all I care

>> No.7039743

you are almost right. He's able to learn this fast because he's a celebrity with a loving family and plenty of friends. Everything he draws is validated by his life, and he gains energy by drawing.

Most people here are punished by life and use drawing as an escape, but it hurts more to draw sometimes and there certainly is no reward.

>> No.7039750

>Most people here are punished by life and use drawing as an escape

>> No.7039752

amazing how just drawing actually works

>> No.7039754

this highlights the unfairness of art. I used to think it was a meritocracy, that the only thing that mattered was the hours I grinded. Like it was a video game and I could just solo grind without anyone bothering me and I would eventually be rewarded, but no. That's not how art works. Pewdiepie can draw a shitty anime girl and have millions of people be MOVED by it, while I can spend years drawing and nobody likes my art. Its just like how you can never have a girl love you, or how you can't just get a job, or how the bus leaves while you're running late trying to wave it down. This life is just not fair, its designed to shit on me. I'm playing on Lunatic difficulty but I'm not going to stop drawing because the second I do, the world wins. And It will have to kill me to stop me from drawing.

>> No.7039758

ur redline at the top of the head is wrong

>> No.7039759

okay i'll hang myself

>> No.7039769

I like him but it's kind of bad? His lines are very shaky. Now, does he ever draw something below shoulders?

>> No.7039780

Watch him become a pro and then argue in favor of AI art by saying that if you're scared of genAI it must mean you're a shit artist. Can't wait for the meltdown.

>> No.7039797

I wouldn't say zero stress because he just had a baby. It is unironically a full time job. Unless he has a nanny or he's the kind of inbred to let his wife do 100% of the childrearing, but that's not the impression he gives.

>> No.7039800

A baby is only stressful/tiring if you don't have all day to sleep whenever you want to catch up those nights

>> No.7039826

>he's copying and he's only copying one thing.
He never claimed he isn't. I think he even noted he was proud of one of the times he drew from imagination.

>> No.7039836

>gets a panic attack and spills coffee on himself when a better painter says he’s stupid

>> No.7039839
File: 644 KB, 612x360, 1668895727235381.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039853

>It’s the battle between antique and modern genius. M. Ingres belongs in many respects to the heroic age of the Greeks; he is perhaps more of a sculptor than a painter; he occupies himself exclusively with line and form, purposefully neglecting animation and colour […] M. Delacroix, in contrast, willfully sacrifices the rigours of drawing to the demands of the drama he depicts; his manner, less chaste and reserved, more ardent and animated, emphasizes the brilliance of colour over the purity of line.
>After dinner, holding in his hand a cupful of coffee, he brusquely went up to Eugene Delacroix, who was standing by the fire, and said to him: “Drawing, sir, drawing is honesty! Drawing, sir, drawing is honor!” In his agitation the cup of coffee capsized and poured over his shirt and waistcoat. He seized his hat in a fury… “This is too much! I shall go; I will not let myself be insulted any longer.”

>> No.7039859

>spergs out and spills coffee all over himself
what the hell

>> No.7039863

Post your work

>> No.7039880

>autistic loomisfags screeching incoherently at renderGODS
a tale as old as time

>> No.7039917

Imagine spilling your spaghetti so bad people are still discussing it centuries later

>> No.7039920


This guy has the stars aligned under him as he has the looks, brain, talent, discipline, family, wealth. Its like his entire life is about winning. He improves incredibly fast. He has literally has everything, I could never dream of. Good for him, but I can't help but feel jealousy.

>> No.7039924

kek, the vilppu mentality has really poisoned /begs/ here, hasn't it?

>> No.7039927

Post your fucking work.

>> No.7039928

I believe most people who tell you to "just draw" don't emphasize the importance of references. That might be it.

>> No.7039931
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, 1706301623921498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people still follow construction """"""teachers"""""" like loomshitter and vilturd, holy cope lmao just look at him go with no loomfucker and mogging 99% of this nodraw board

>meanwhile at day 99999 of IC

>> No.7039934

if you don't have like $40 to put towards art supplies, maybe prioritize getting a fucking job.

>> No.7039937

>Most people here are punished by life and use drawing as an escape
>le tortured artiste meme
no nigger, this doesn't describe a vast majority of the lazy neet faggots here.

>> No.7039938

I dnt live in america, it 40 for you is 250 for me

>> No.7039943

Pawell, please stop embarrassing ic and just do what pewds did. Copy art you like, pick a narrow subject, get good at one thing, stop half assing 100 different things. This is your year!

>> No.7039945
File: 141 KB, 1060x1080, 1635869074245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest tragedy to happen on /ic/ is that people like you and the guy in your pic take instructional material literally instead of a supplement. If you read Loomis, Loomis tells you to develop your own approach; his methods worked for him as a commercial artist. Loomis emphasized an in depth understanding of form and perspective especially when drawing heads since a good drawing of an appealing head is what sold in his time. Instead of developing an approach and workflow you treat drawing as a formula and wonder why you can't draw a floating anime head from imagination to save your life despite grinding boxes and figures with heavy construction. Just because you imitate somebody else's methodical approach in figure drawing doesn't mean you'll translate that into your own drawing of the FOTM big tiddied anime girl; you need to develop that by just drawing. That's where the term comes from - just draw.

>> No.7039950

The greatest trategy is people like you still recommend his bullshit when you can clearly fucking see that its waste of time unlike just doing what pewds does

>> No.7039954

I'm not going to be convinced of any "improvement" until I see a fully drawn figure from imagination in perspective complete with a background instead of floating heads or cropped bust shots in the white void, and the same goes for anybody. Drawing from imagination is the ultimate filter for this board since it forces you to think and problem solve and how to use references to help you understand the form better.

>> No.7039962

>i wont be convinced until hes /pro/
dont worry he's already on the that path while you're on the 5th year of copying potato heads

>> No.7039965

Good to know I've ascended to /pro/ tier.

>> No.7039975

you're a pro at being permacrabbed by western ""teachers"" recommended to you by other people who also dont draw. good job anon

>> No.7039980

I might have brain damage from domestic violence, stress and drinking to cope. I feel like last time i made any fast paced progress was before i committed to alcoholism

>> No.7039994

Crabs gonna crab.
>white void background
He had other drawings with background in the video. And his day 50+ scribbles are very much improved from day 1
Keep projecting your suffering soul on others seething constructoid kek

>> No.7039999

Unlike the guy you posted I learned from the western teachers as you put, took their instructional materials and redrew them with what works for me instead of mindless copy like with what your boy is doing. He's not learning anything other than being good at copying, if you want to know how much you know about drawing yourself try and draw something from imagination and see if you can turn that white void into something you can read from.

>> No.7040000
File: 192 KB, 828x621, IMG_3372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cope is real, this represents the average /asg/ shitter.

>> No.7040001

There is no excuse. I am bad. That's it. The years I've spent have amounted to nothing. I have always known that my approach to drawing is fundamentally flawed, but I do not know how to change it. I don't find any books or courses helpful at all. I simply have no idea what to do.

>> No.7040005
File: 104 KB, 736x914, 2cdd93a2690d5e7b1e5e8acff31be4ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check these twitter profiles
>30k posts since october 2022
maybe spend less time on twitter and draw?

>> No.7040007
File: 69 KB, 749x671, 1639625295597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bar is so low that a fucking copied drawing of an anime girl head is making people become disillusioned after years of "drawing"
If you are at this point, just quit drawing. Art was clearly not for you.

>> No.7040014

he lives in japan, I guess it is pretty easy to concentrate when there's no reggeaton blasting and dogs barking next to your window

>> No.7040016
File: 1.27 MB, 3000x2015, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040017

>i learned from western teachers

Ok then you must be good, PYW crab shitter

>> No.7040018

The cope is real >>7040000

>> No.7040020

accuracy filters most beginners, I'd say he's doing great

>> No.7040021

Meanwhile he was robbed in Japan and I've never been robbed my whole life(touch wood)

>> No.7040025
File: 2.69 MB, 2480x3508, 1703932418812917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are at this point, just quit drawing.
Don't worry, I won't. My mind won't allow me to. I'll just continue spinning wheels forever and ever.

>> No.7040026 [DELETED] 

I'll leave it up for a couple minutes

>> No.7040028

It's impressive for 100 days. Definitely more improvement than the average beginner artist in the same time span.

>> No.7040029

waiting crab shitter where is it

>> No.7040031 [DELETED] 

It's on the link you little nigger.

>> No.7040033

/asg/ in a nutshell

>> No.7040037

But then what are they supposed to do? It's not only about art specifically, but its rather that his life cannot be inspiritng either, because he's essentially a trustfund child who had bigshot parents, while also being way above average looks, and the hyperactive personality made his youtube career skyrocket. He capitalized on something what now every single person tries to do, aka monetizing children's content and while being family friendly. He's a literal prodigy.
The only valid argument here is that, it was impossible for him to fail in life, as comparing him to yourself is just stupid.

>> No.7040038

>no boxes either
Loomis is a scam, isn't it bros? Please aswner

>> No.7040056

What makes you think Loomis is misleading you?

>> No.7040061

>does he ever draw something below shoulders?
He did in the video

>> No.7040066
File: 124 KB, 1069x747, IMG_9756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 years older than I am
>White like I am
>Learning to draw manga past the point you're supposed to be "too old" without the mandatory Asian talent genes

Not saying anything dramatic like "Pewdiepie saving me from roping myself", but I do feel some solace that's lightening my depression a bit.

>> No.7040070

post screenshot fag or it didnt happen

>> No.7040073

>muh depression
Holy fucking zoomers are hopeless go touch grass no cap for real on god

>> No.7040082

5:38, 5:41, 13:13

>> No.7040086

didn't happen then, fuck off peds, you're not getting my money to buy your kid milk

>> No.7040088

Nah you deserve to be kept in doubt FAGGOT

>> No.7040090
File: 41 KB, 398x279, 1706745072929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sure anyone can improve fast when they're rich and don't have to waste time and energy working

>> No.7040092

go make a new reaction video or better yet a challenge on how long you can be hanging on a rope before you pass out, fucking ridiculous

>> No.7040096
File: 114 KB, 873x250, 1705100242352992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile /IC/ spends years copying complete 0 appeal ugly old men like this and then recommends others do the same

>> No.7040098

Post your work retard

>> No.7040102

You are supposed to learn the principles behind what makes those heads (form, proportion, and volume) and apply what you learned onto your own drawings. The part where you are supposed to just draw from what you observed in that book is where all of you fail.

>> No.7040104

Im still waiting for the other constructcell to do so, unfortunately it didnt happen as all of the crabs recommending these shit books dont actually draw

>> No.7040106

Who are the masters copying?

>> No.7040107

>crabs STILL recommend this absolute shit even after being mogged by a doodler over 70 days

>> No.7040110

Who even cares for some no-name drawing anime of all things?
Maybe if it looked a single bit creative I could say he's progressing or whatever but it's just a generic anime girl.

>> No.7040113


>> No.7040114

Drawing completely from imagination isn't even necessary, it's a retarded rhetoric picked up by /ic/an'tdraw because "Kim Jung did it and he's the best so if you don't have photographic memory like him you're garbage."
Meanwhile some of the best illustrators in the world constantly tell people, "if you want to get better use reference."
This guy is still a faggot though.

>> No.7040117

This guy did loomis, I see the potato sketch underneath it

>> No.7040120

I'm on youtube for half of my day everyday, how come I've never seen this guy?
Not that it even matters, you just took the least important thing out of my reply to point out.

>> No.7040121

Now post your drawing

>> No.7040124

Isn't that Mr. Beast now? I can never keep track.

>> No.7040125
File: 710 KB, 1366x768, 1683638485476247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you shunning your Japanese superiors?

>> No.7040131

How do people with full time jobs get babies???

>> No.7040132
File: 48 KB, 466x601, 1529103004813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am a Loomis zealot and quite frankly if you are filtered by fun with a pencil there's a perfectly good reason why you cannot draw for shit.
Drawing from imagination is a necessity since the drawing will impose on you to search for references and learn how to use them in order to draw whatever it is you conceptualize.

>> No.7040137

this is who AI was meant for

>> No.7040138

>Kim Jung did it and he's the best so if you don't have photographic memory like him you're garbage
This is funny because it's not even true. The guy stared at naked men all day at a bathhouse to remember the form. He used reference but just real life.

>> No.7040150

>he only posts others reaction images because his own drawing folder is empty

sasuga crab sama

>> No.7040151

i mean you cant just draw cute girls and call yourself a master at teh drawz. you have to draw all things, of sorts. also thank you for the pic, it helped me draw some old men in a nice, cartoony style

have a nice day anon (i mean that sincerely c:)

>> No.7040157

>saved his rare occurence of a japanese person existing alongside a crab book
someone could buy a book? nooo way!! i better save that pic as some epic own

>> No.7040158

Check the archives from this thread. I'm not going to post it again.

>> No.7040160
File: 3.74 MB, 2548x1247, 1701510558955377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare occurrence

>> No.7040161

>my work?
>yeah it was posted from me in a dream
stfu crab you dont draw

>> No.7040162

You can always tell a shit thread by the amount of anime girl avatarfags

>> No.7040163

>i learned from western teachers just to draw something that looks like i just referenced some obscure hentai
>b-but at least i didnt copy it!
Wew lad, another proof that all that matters is appeal and the result, not how you get to it. It's over

>> No.7040164
File: 925 KB, 761x1008, 1683447611634913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare occurrence

>> No.7040168

im not too sure what /ic/ wants from art.

when i see unique artstyles that look slightly shoddy due to just starting out, they crap on it, calling it garbage. when its an anime style, they call it generic and bland.

it makes wonder; what styles do you guys like the most? personally for me its cartoony

>> No.7040169
File: 475 KB, 1360x1920, 1689238875612393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare occurrence

>> No.7040170

>hes gone out of his way to save and repost images of japanese artists knowing of another artists existence
>he still thinks this is some slam dunk

the absolute state of nodraws

>> No.7040172

How bad is Sweden right now that he thinks Japan is better? The doctors there are somehow more apathetic than American ones.

>> No.7040178
File: 68 KB, 774x1032, leviathan__prince_of_hell_by_sweetsummerboi_dgt09nz-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewd! I saw his 30-day video. He is the one who inspired me to start 30 days of painting. Pewds has such massive improvement for a beginner. I bet Pewds wants to do his manga.

>> No.7040177
File: 238 KB, 969x1000, 1706466122613398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040179

>he keeps doing it thinking this is a win
buck and brain broken, how about you post your work after studying these """""masters"""""" retard, oh wait, you dont draw

>> No.7040180
File: 752 KB, 1720x1644, 1697200832273436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040182

Nooooooo you can't dismantle our weeaboo fantasy land like that!

>> No.7040183

brain broken, unfortunate

>> No.7040184

That explains why it's so bad

>> No.7040187
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1675309063104466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence

>> No.7040188
File: 127 KB, 1400x953, Image 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy stared at naked men all day at a bathhouse to remember the form

>> No.7040189

dont samefag retard straight after flooding your pics, extremely obvious

>> No.7040191

The difference is I developed the ability to draw anything I want while the likes of you are tethered behind tutorials, how to draw "x" or heavily rely from a reference in order to copy. In spite of looking like I referenced an obscure hentai, I can proudly say I didn't copy.

>> No.7040193
File: 57 KB, 575x558, 1681750663162511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence
>rare occurrence

>> No.7040194
File: 713 KB, 1280x824, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I'm getting at from this thread:

>Want to draw anime girls? just copy them until you can make your own stuff
>No! Don't copy anime! you will end up like /asg/. You need fundies and books
>Fundie books are a /beg/ trap!
>It's okay to be /beg/ as long as you have appeal

So which is it /ic/?

>> No.7040197

>retard saved more pictures of loomis books then any actual drawings of his own
still waiting on you to pyw crab

>> No.7040202
File: 194 KB, 1098x1410, 1693200871502109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-don't fost pics that proved me wrong
>it's not fair :(

>> No.7040203

Anime studios don't want you. Your senpai will never notice you.

>> No.7040208

You can't do well what you don't know well, but every once in a while you'll get lucky and do well without ever knowing it well. You choose which you want to be

>> No.7040209
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1705535841647020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro just grind your fundies, anime is just an art style bro and if u master the real form you can just transfer your skills effortlessly

>0 works posted
>loomis books posted 8
about right

>> No.7040214
File: 306 KB, 845x741, 1700757369759081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>rare occurrence<<<<<<<<<

>> No.7040216


>> No.7040217


>> No.7040220

Sort of unrelated but book on the right just got officially translated, is it worth picking up? For reference I already have the 3dtotal publishing figure book and also taco's books and some others I don't exactly need fresh material, I just like observing different approaches to figures.

>> No.7040223


>> No.7040225

It's an extremely beginner friendly book on perspective.
If you already have the basics of perspective down you're better off with Scott Robertson or Eric Olsen for deeper learning.

>> No.7040226

> practicing thing makes you better at thing
Who fucking knew?

>> No.7040227

obsessed, still waiting on that work which you dont have

you should study brigmans book twice, all of loomis books, right side of the brain and then copy hoggy at least 3-4x before attempting anime

>> No.7040236

>In spite of looking like I referenced an obscure hentai, I can proudly say I didn't copy.
Forgot to add, but it shows. Not to mention we have to trust your word on that. Anyway my point stands. And no i dont use tutorials to draw, but i also used to be a beglet that thought drawing from your head is an achievement enough on it's own

>> No.7040237
File: 145 KB, 900x675, 1624506030184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally, LITERALLY, every anime tutorials are just Loomis ripoffs.

>> No.7040239
File: 593 KB, 2000x1930, 1700063465460796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's STILL posting after getting this ass blasted
Amazing really. You'd think by now these permabegs would learn that there's more to just mindlessly copying Loomis, and that there's a reason he's been gold standard for beginners around the world for the last century.

>> No.7040256

Oh I see, I figured it more more of an advanced anatomy book like stonehouse's.

I already studied those but I'm not a fan of the in-house anime style.

>> No.7040263

Who is that?

>> No.7040267

Dude just decided to be an artist for fun and he's already better than me... It's over. I'm done.

>> No.7040268

I really don't understand this autistic argument over construction or whether it's a board culture meme. Is it really hard for you guys to accept that everyone learns differently and not one shoe fits everyone's foot?

>> No.7040270

a hag, wake me up when vtubers are on average 13 and ill consider watching them

>> No.7040279

you dont draw though so how is anyone getting assblasted, id rather follow the steps of pewds then a loomis worshipping nodraw

>> No.7040287

The amount of seethe and cope in this thread is astounding.

>> No.7040323

>I'm done.
Nothing sticks together, oh
Sick of sitting in doubt, please let me figure this out, out

>> No.7040347

I own that book, had it for years. There’s a lot more at play from mangaka than just copying Loomis, mainly Japanese art education and Asian genetics
Even if you follow the exact instructions from this entry, you will never have a fraction of this chink’s talent.

All western artists have a style that looks distinctly bootleg, no matter how hard they try. Even bad Japanese artists can be detected among a sea of good western artists. Every higher breed will tell you that it’s impossible to be like them because “Everyone has the own style”.

Tldr the kyoani arsonist was based

>> No.7040348

It's fine to use your own method of studying, but to have a threadwide meltdown because some permabeg doesn't like a beginner book is mindboggling.

>> No.7040351

The guy is Brazilian though kek

>> No.7040353


>> No.7040354

>There’s a lot more at play from mangaka than just copying Loomis
Well it's a good thing I already mentioned you shouldn't just mindlessly copy his books. Something permabegs desperately struggle to figure out.

>> No.7040359

Why did you quote me?

>> No.7040360

>copy le bridgeretard twicd

>> No.7040367

>start drawing for fun
>"oh shit, i actually fucking suck..."
>or relentlessly compare to others
>"but it's still fun"
>self-reflect and get critiques for feedback
>discover weaknesses
>confront weaknesses with fundie books, videos, senpai advice
>patch up knowledge gap while retaining appeal
Not the most efficient path, but at least begs won't implode and give up early on.

>> No.7040368

The point wasn't just about it existing in Japan you bumbling fucktard.
The point is the Japanese masters you idolize also suggest using the very book you autistically disregard as a base standard to get better at drawing anime, you permabeg.

>> No.7040370

when the fuck did I say to copy Bridgman twice?

>> No.7040374

thats what this entire board says retard, and not a single anon has improved from doing so

>uhhh its not about it existing in japan
>heres my folder dump of it being held by japanese people
ok retard

>> No.7040375

not a single anon has done that either

>> No.7040376

Latinos are just as godmodded as Asians.

Only white, black, and jeets are incapable of drawing convincing manga art

>> No.7040379

id like to think that, but its not true aka see pawell and his copiers

>> No.7040380

What’s the sauce on this anyway? What magazine or guide is this page pulled from? Who drew the presenting femboy?

>> No.7040382

>putting words into my mouth
Then maybe they shouldn't mindlessly copy Bridgman?
Even Proko of all people literally tells you not to copy 1 to 1 Bridgman's work, and to instead focus on how he constructs the forms, you fucking retard.

>> No.7040384

Proko is a great example, hes mastered your beloved loomshitter yet he cant draw anything on his own without it looking prebeg

>> No.7040385

>uuhhhhh Loomis is meme
>let me completely disregard his books despite my Japanese masters also recommending him as a foundation of drawing anime.

>> No.7040386
File: 1.96 MB, 2315x1573, 1591775252855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7040387

>its not about japanese people being in proximity of my bible
>but heres why its important theyre near it

are you fucking brain dead?

>> No.7040388

Proko’s art is generic and soulless. Anyone who looks to him for Inspiration isn’t doing it to make cute anime girls. Maybe western capeshit at best

>> No.7040389

Hence the point "PROKO OF ALL PEOPLE" telling fucktards like (you) not to just mindlessly copy Bridgman.

>> No.7040390

dont he spend less than 5 minutes per figure? you dont fully learn something without spending time to study the figures, spending time to see if you remember what you learned by drawing without reference after a week or so and then practicing it until you fully internalize it and never forget what you learned

>> No.7040392

he draws daily for 3 hours

you should take advice from people who can actually draw. Proko can copy and that is it

>> No.7040393

It's not JUST because they own the book you cum guzzling faggot. It's WHY they own and recommend it.
Japanese man holding a fucking photo of the book and saying "study this to get better at drawing anime" and your first though is "naw, it's just some decor"
Fucking r-e-t-a-r-d

>> No.7040394

I accept your concession

>> No.7040397

No argument? That's fine, you'll never make it anyways, permabeg.

>> No.7040398

but is he drawing to check if he remembers what he studied, you don't fully learn something if in the next morning you have completely or partially forgotten that thing

>> No.7040399

you worship him yet you dont draw

>> No.7040401

>But then what are they supposed to do?

>> No.7040402

Sounds like some heavy projection on your part, permabeg.

>> No.7040405

feel free to post the lack of results of from your loomis studies

>> No.7040408

I did loomis

>> No.7040412

clearly, because you have no drawings to show

>> No.7040415

This was my try at anime

>> No.7040419

good for you anon. The other guy with a boomers cock down his throat wont post his work though as he knows his "studies" amounted to shit

>> No.7040421

this is probably one of the most autistic /ic/ threads i've seen
if you dont like loomis or even construction then dont, get another book
do your own research, search the archives, and make your own study plan
simple as that

>> No.7040423

no, study bridgeman twice

>> No.7040425
File: 149 KB, 705x657, vyuhg9huh89jio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do your own research, search the archives, and make your own study plan

>> No.7040426

>People told me best way to improve is draw from reference
Holy fuck, /ic/ crabs eternally btfo. They will NEVER recover from this.

>> No.7040429
File: 619 KB, 1014x1686, yug68fyguhi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna draw down to ELECTRIC AVENUE and then we'll take it higher

>> No.7040439
File: 438 KB, 1892x1075, Att.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even wait five minutes
Now post your work.

>> No.7040441

oh it's this nigga, hey nigga what's up? hangin' out with BITCH ASS katsunei still?

>> No.7040443

>do your own research, search the archives, and make your own study plan
i actually do made a roadmap/study plan but its more focused on fundamentals and i am making another one that more focuses on character design (something that i can easily practice)
my fundamentals one started with observation/sight while the character design one starts with something that is similar to figure drawing but focuses on drawing bodies, im planning to adopt david finch's plan if this works with me

>> No.7040444


>> No.7040448

you posted... no gesture no appeal constructions? Do you want me to post my anime head copies as a response???

Post YOUR work

>> No.7040450

i usually see these kinds of argument in /ic/
>both debate and throwing shit at each other
> an anon will say "pyw"
>*someone actually post his work*
>either the first anon wont reply with his own work or will just say "heh it looks shit" and disappears from the thread

>> No.7040451

>I post my work
>he doesn't post his because he's a certified permabeg
You fucking coward.

>> No.7040453

that' a construction, anon
how about you post your work too for comparison :^)

>> No.7040454

anon you havent posted shit, you may aswell have posted some boxes. What have you used those ugly figures for? Surely youve drawn something as a result... right?

>> No.7040456

you want me to post my finished pieces while this retard gets to post some ugly constructs he copied from reference, fuck off

>> No.7040459

You have no finished pieces kek. You won't save face from this.

>> No.7040460

>you want me to post my finished pieces
then dont post your finished pieces and do the same thing as him, post your WIP if you have one

>> No.7040463

Im not looking to get crabbed if you think posting some shit tier studies is what was wanted

>> No.7040464

this is the ultimate blackpill for "I can't draw!" AIfags that go full doomermode about the "artcels" holding them down

>> No.7040465

im gonna bet that if you post your finished work, that anon still wont post his own work

>> No.7040467
File: 105 KB, 779x577, 1680239720737342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's ok for (you) to get crabbed ;)
Just pyw you pussy.

>> No.7040468

he doesnt need an amazing piece, but posting some box constructs is really all you can expect from a loomtard

>> No.7040469
File: 893 KB, 879x751, 1668572110450682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love all these hot takes but not a single one of you faggots post your work to show any form of merit.

>> No.7040470

>posts shit from reference constructs
>heh checkmayte

>> No.7040473
File: 1.62 MB, 4158x2674, 1697106696826175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I'm still learning so I don't make a lot of finished paintings. These are some older ones I did early last year. I'm not posting anything more recent. You can do the same.
Now pyw.

>> No.7040474

I like the futa, will post my pieces once im at my computer

>> No.7040475

damn dude these are actually pretty based

>> No.7040476

Either samefag or pussies backing off from posting any work.

>> No.7040477

Not the anons you were responding to, but this is actually better than what I thought I was going to see. A lot better. Good on you, anon.

>> No.7040478

>be big eceleb
>copy animu pictures
>make content
>start selling those doodles
>make just a couple more millions
come on
its obvious

>> No.7040479

I just hope that whatever he's copying from eventually will send him a love letter to cease and desist or pay a jew lawyer for legal fee's from plagiarizing and using something proprietary to bolster his own shilling spree.

>> No.7040480

What most of you faggot lack is an end goal. Pewd in the video said the one important thing, he has an end goal in his mind. What is your end goal?

>> No.7040481
File: 15 KB, 348x342, 1706529890305928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040482

Honestly this, if this was some no name sub 500,000 follower channel no one would care.

>> No.7040483
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x1024, 1627863149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040489

Nah, no smart business person would do that, they'd just try to ride pwedipies fame for clout.

>> No.7040490

I have no excuse, I'm just genetically inferior. He's surpassed me in less than 3 months while I spent 3 years to achieve a worse result.

>> No.7040498

>he copied from reference
you can't draw that from your mind?

>> No.7040501

first time ever using ic ever
what manner of doodlebabble is this

>> No.7040504

I have the exact same pose pack in the same order as what he drew, unfortunate that your visual library is shit and cant identify obvious references

>> No.7040505

how does one learn to color like this

>> No.7040507


>> No.7040509
File: 333 KB, 1689x1033, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

color theory

>> No.7040511

how'd he do the hair? i'm always struggling with that

>> No.7040515

by carefully copying it, he got all day

>> No.7040519

> Vilturd and not Vilppoo
You had one job and you can't even do that right, you really are retarded.

>> No.7040521

copying who

>> No.7040522

to add, each color fills a certain value range, with some range overlap whenever you feel necessary or want an accent

>> No.7040525

send him an email or letter asking

>> No.7040527

he's drawing better than me.

>> No.7040528

give me the tl;dr

>> No.7040530

He isn't saying they're tortured artists, just plain tortured.

>> No.7040533

[yt] he drew 100 days!

>> No.7040545

Is this a copy or an original drawing?

>> No.7040550
File: 669 KB, 705x818, 100day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will let you guys in a secret if you want to improve
Do 100 day challenge with the intention to improve and use references.

You don't improve gradually, but you improve significantly in short span of time.
There's some time where you felt like you got an enlightment and suddenly your drawing and understanding of your art quality increased a lot.
You can draw for 10 years but still permabeg because you did it half assed and going on and off for weeks or even months or even do some dumb studies.
That's why the 100-day challenge survivor always improve significantly at the end. Unlike the meme inktober this method makes you actually push yourself and this shit is felt like chewing glass after 20th day, it's NOT FUN and you might be forcing yourself to draw but you'll be likely to improve if you do this. You can even sell those arts on gumroad after you finish it. Just make sure you are not half assing it and draw with the intention delivering best quality artwork as possible.
If you are curious just search #100日チャレンジ on twitter

>> No.7040557

how do these people have the time

>> No.7040558

can't do that im too busy with commissions

>> No.7040560

>expecting /beg/ to finish an illustration in a day
bruh, some of them can barely make a clean line and you expect a finished 12h worth illustration everyday. Bruh, even a simple academic figure drawing can take an entire evening, there is a reason that challenge is aimed to artists and not beginners

>> No.7040561

>Scared of being bad
>Work up courage to draw
>It's bad
>Oh no
>Stop for a while
I lose all gains I make because I'm a pussy who's been scarred by almost failing out of university

>> No.7040570
File: 688 KB, 1344x1755, 56dtrdytyguh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'm gonna have to draw more Rapid Juice.

>> No.7040572

whatever makes you not get the rope i guess

>> No.7040579

that's the coward's way out, we must embrace this suffering as fuel for our journey through life

>> No.7040595

Most anons here generally consider stylization of any type as not "legitimate" art

>> No.7040598

The schizo meltdown in this thread is why I don't draw with the goal of "making it"
Some of you fags need help

>> No.7040604

how about you make it

>> No.7040605

Nah, we just consider anime girl standing #45156431461568 boring and overdone

>> No.7040626

lmao that redline looks like shit.

>> No.7040646

Your line control is good, as is your focus on designing shapes, but pay a little closer attention to proportions.

>> No.7040654

He also told people to draw a lot from memory, but as usual his advice (and that of other masters) is never taken seriously until someone like Krenz comes up with a """"method""" and all of a sudden they're drawing from observation using plumb lines, angles and measuring like they were supposed to.

>> No.7040698

Just gonna +1 >>7040005, I looked at some of these accounts and I couldn't see a single picture buried among reaction pictures.

>> No.7040701

>katsunei mention
really makes u think >>7040429

>> No.7040709

>itt: asg copium overload
I guess swedish jeans was the secret sauce all along.

>> No.7040724

you defend him?

>> No.7040742

He draws one specific thing and one specific thing only. If you spend 100 days on a very specific goal, you can achieve it. I would argue without any previous training you could learn to play Through Fire and Flames on guitar if you dedicated 100 days to it. You'll learn barely nothing about actual guitar playing or music in general, but you will achieve your goal. He did a great job at drawing shoulder up anime girls in 3/4 view. Most /beg/s (myself included) are not invested into a singular goal and therefore progress is made across many different fundamentals and give the appearance of a lack of progress since after 100 days of studying figure, accuracy, perspective, anatomy, lighting, color, etc. You won't be able to complete a piece as nearly as appealing as what Felix can do. But over time, Felix will hit a point of diminishing returns (he probably already has) and he will either need to take on fundamentals or stagnate. At that point, any /beg/ worth their salt will already be miles ahead.

>> No.7040751

It's amazing how much fucking seethe Pewd was able to generate by simply just drawing.

>> No.7040760
File: 4 KB, 376x45, 1657464753314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what they say
if you don't want something, there's always a reason and if you want something, there's always another way

>> No.7040761

this is cope

>yeah bro i went to the gym too but he only grew his arms because he kept training them
>yeah i got no results and my abilities visibly didnt improve but im somehow better off

l m a o

>> No.7040775

>"oh shit, i actually fucking suck..."
>or relentlessly compare to others
these two reasons but especially the first one made me quit drawing for 5 years and the effects are still lingering around and its hard to get back to having fun with it

>> No.7040783

by always drawing from ref he's developing the skill artists need the most: observation
the ones that are going to be wasting time are begs that try to learn anatomy when they can't even draw what they see

>> No.7040792
File: 2.36 MB, 3376x1316, 1660549556020125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am always thinking about this one, how does one qualify if someone's good at observation?
let's say some anon knows if something's bad in his art but currently lacks the skill to put what he observes into paper, for example, for the life of me I can't properly draw textures from organic subjects

>> No.7040796

Why do you even want to draw a... potato? What is wront with this board

>> No.7040798

if you get ref with a stronger lightsource, not diffused, you will have an easier time.

>> No.7040800

>What is wront with this board
i draw and this is an art image board
what's wrong with it?

>> No.7040804

to draw your irish waifu preparing a meal?

>> No.7040807
File: 94 KB, 454x328, proportion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd worry about getting the proportions right first

>> No.7040812

after getting the proportions right, what about the textures?

>> No.7040820

Someone who does an all body routine 3 days a week is going to have much smaller arms than someone who does arms 3 days a week, are you retarded?

>> No.7040844

Asian genes

>> No.7040849

art is meaningless without suffering. Its just a product at that point. His anime girls are devoid of soul. A single line drawn by me has more pain, love, and emotion put into it.

He draws to get more views on his youtube slop. I draw out of spite for this shit world.

>> No.7040851


>> No.7040854

Dude is retired. He makes YouTube videos because he enjoys doing them now.

>> No.7040857

Whatever you need to tell yourself to keep from improving.

>> No.7040864

doesn't disprove anything I said. It actually strengthens my argument. successful happy normalfags cannot create art

>> No.7040870

>I draw out of spite for this shit world
let us see them works then

>> No.7040872

This just sounds like a cope. He just wants to draw and then you cope by saying "lmao not real art".

Dude doesn't care.

>> No.7040897

NTA but it was from one of the hentai manga magazines which Fakku localizes. You can find more of these if you do your piracy reps

>> No.7041037

the truth is to have talent
if you are a talentless hack, no amount of practice will suffice
its like blacks and swimming, they just arent made for it

>> No.7041043


>> No.7041045

>your pic
she cute

>> No.7041061

they are also much worse off for it. full body routines are a meme. go for a run and hit your group for the day, much more effective than doing one meme exercise per body part.

>> No.7041100

This. Loomis' heads recommended to /beg/s because it's a good example of how the form works in 2D drawings. His structure is also good, it can be applied to anime heads.
But instead of taking that advice and running with it, these people fucking copy Loomis. They take his potato heads, and fucking copy them. Even though he himself says "don't copy this, play with the shapes yourself, do your own thing, this is an example".
These are the people that become perma/beg/s. They're too afraid of their own creativity, they fear stepping out of line. So of course PewDiePie mogs them - he's been drawing anime for 100 days, while they spent their 100 days copying Loomis' potato samples and 0 days drawing anime.

>> No.7041110

>fellow humans

>> No.7041139

You're a fucking retard if you think that bro splits are more effective than an all body compound routine.

>> No.7041217

cool b8. yeah go to the gym and do your 3x8 everythings for 2 hours 3x a week it's fun and productive.
>bro split
you don't even know what you're describing lmfao, this board can't do anything right istg

>> No.7041552

I watched the whole thing, it's over.
It's so fucking over for real this time, I've spend countless hours trying to reproduce results like this, trying to follow what I've studied, trying find my own style that amalgamates everything that I know, with no results, and then he just draws for a few minutes a day and get it by the 84 day. The green hair girl is his own draw, from his imagination, no references at all, he found his own artstyle just like that, something I couldn't do for almost four years. I literally don't have the will to continue after this, I just can't, trying to do art is the most unfair kind knowledge in the world.

>> No.7041557

>the other anon didnt post his work
as expected
anyway, nice work anon

>> No.7041576

You brownoids give artist a bad name and is the root cause of the AI push in the first place. Fuck off.

>> No.7041594

If your art was that better people wouldn't pay us to draw their shitty coom material

>> No.7041611

>with no results
Maybe try getting results

>> No.7041872

I'm lazy and retarded.

>> No.7042078

Did you ever have moments like he did in the video, looking at your older drawings and instantly seeing flaws or where you could improve? If not, you're not practicing properly.

>> No.7042680
File: 64 KB, 1048x649, sataniacopyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people are seething, copying anime heads is literally the easiest thing ever after a few tries when you have observation down. I made this after having drawn for 3 weeks.

I don't get it, I really don't. Pewdiepie copied for 100 days straight, and you think this is somehow surprising? How little do you retards draw?

>> No.7042730

you don't understand anything at all do you? that's why you've been stuck for more than a decade mikuretard

>> No.7043201 [DELETED] 
File: 794 KB, 989x1419, (new)(new)1665260015824595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanons add me on discord : konepsia_
especially if you are into anime,vidya, lolis, artistic and creative hobbies, castlevania smt yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou /m/ shows pokemon fate digimon kemono girls megaman monster hunter FU fire emblem final fantasy the 4 heroes of light bravely default, SFM animations females from the DoA games final the rwby anime and many things

>> No.7043351

I like it anon!

>> No.7043504

Unironically you're actually retarded