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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6913433 No.6913433 [Reply] [Original]

My art teacher is a basic bitch, and she won't let me delve into topics of sexuality and hedonism in my art assessment.

Is she just a prude? Why can't an adult student address adult topics in a presentation? The only person who has to see it is the person marking it, it's not gonna be put on a public billboard.

>> No.6913434

Explain the entire situation

>> No.6913438

she doesnt want to see your furry porn, anon

>> No.6913439

Dude you're in a college with other people who probably aren't trying to see that shit just try being considerate for once in your damn life until you get somewhere that's more accepted.

>> No.6913440

Turned in my assessment draft last night. It's about how historical and contemporary artists have depicted hedonism in their work, and how this affects modern society.

She tells me my chosen subject is not appropriate, and that I have to choose a different inquiry and different artists.

I ask her if I can still focus on the broad subject of hedonism in the assessment, and she says no...

>> No.6913442

ask her about Egon Schiele

>> No.6913444

I don't care, fuck them.

What is the benefit in shielding people from subjects they're unfamiliar/uncomfortable with? They're adults taking an adult course.

>> No.6913445
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Even for adults, sexual topics are a difficult topic to bring to the table, specially in a professional environment, you cannot afford people to disrupt a said environment by dwelling into topics that can easily go from "artistic" to "outright obscene" with a few wrong moves, specially when you dont know people's mindset on said topics and cant be sure that participants would keep it civil.
Your best choice is to board the topic in the most professional way possible in an environment where people are well aware of the respective boundaries of the topic.

For an adult, you are complaining about it as if you were a child.
>Whaaa she is stupid and doesnt let me do what I want!
Take your time to understand your teacher's reasoning next time, maybe even ask her politely, maybe she has a very compelling reason to limit your interest in sexual topics.

>> No.6913446

>Take your time to understand your teacher's reasoning next time
She didn't give a reason.

>> No.6913449

Given the replies and further context you provided, I can assume you didnt ask for an explanation either.
If you're working on an assignment topic and you get it rejected, the most logical step would be to ask for an explanation.

>> No.6913452

Ok I'll ask her.

Won't get an answer, I can promise you that.

>> No.6913460

>until you get somewhere that's more accepted

I'm sorry how long do I have to wait before I can address sexual/hedonistic topics in a formal setting? 30 years old? 60 years old? 90 years old?

>> No.6913470

>Won't get an answer, I can promise you that.
Chances of getting an answer could increase if you ask in such a manner that denotes interest in her reasoning, rather than making it sound like an attempt to argue against her.
Rather than straight up asking
>"Why cant I write about X topic?"
do something more like
>"I would like to know why I cant write about X topic"
followed by your reasoning as to why it is an appropriate subject to talk about and making further emphasis on your curiosity about her reasons to disagree.

That at least assures that you're not the one being a dick here.

NTA, but it's not about age, it's a lot more complicated than that. Certain topics cannot be lightly discussed in certain places with certain people at certain moments. It requires getting to know the people and their positions, letting them know you and your position, as well making an organic conversation environment where the topic can be safely discussed where are parties are (either willingly or subconsciously) compliant to addressing said topic, which requires appropriate body language and dialogue.
You can be an old coot and still be called a pervert by talking about tits and asses as if it was a topic of much scientific relevance (because it can be) because you have failed to make an organic conversation environment where the topic can be discussed in a civil manner.

TLDR: There's a time, place, people and words for everything.

>> No.6913518

You're not allowed to talk about hedonism because the concept itself is a "far right dog whistle".
You're not allowed to talk about sexuality that isn't LGBT+ because hetero sexuality is "toxic masculinity".
And no, there'll never be an "appropiate space" for it. It's systematically fought against from top to bottom. Even if you make your own private hedonist art circle you all will be punished as soon as any institutional authority finds out.

>> No.6913581

I had a group game project for school where a chemist character could chuck vials of acid. It had to be reworked because an acid attack irl happened shortly after we started and the school wanted to avoid being the subject of a headline.
as >>6913518 touches on, your school is similarly trying to mitigate risks to their public reputation, in all likelihood.

>> No.6913673

just do the fucking assignment retard

>> No.6914019

She probably sniffed the autism and didn't want to waste any brain cells trying to coddle the retard once you turned in what would likely be some coomer abomination. and seeing >>6913444 you're definitely autistic so don't even try to front.

I remember in a college some 30+ year-old retard drew the shittiest big-headed anime girl fingering herself that would've made even /lsg/ laugh. The teacher practically branded him as NGMI in front of the whole class and he came to the last session wearing a trench coat with his previously curly hair straightened over his face. Shit was jokes

>> No.6914022

>Dude you're in a college
Banning topics because they make people uncomfortable isn't very academic.

>> No.6914033

that tied up leg is so bad, lol. Who is this shitty artist?

>> No.6914034

It's Art college, not kindergarten

>> No.6914191
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College is all about pleasing the prof which is why you have to contort yourself to get that little piece of paper. Everyone knows that.
You need a good social environment that can keep you upright and is able to remind you who you really are so that when you graduate and go into the real world you don't fall into the abyss because you've forgotten how the world works and you are still able to still find your own voice.

t. college dropout

>> No.6914194

>Turned in my assessment draft last night
Post it. I wanna see if you've got something insightful to say on the topic or if you're just a weirdo who credits your teacher out.

>> No.6914465

CBF posting it but I'll summarize the essential points of the presentation:

It's a technical and conceptual analysis of artists Nobuyoshi Araki, and Daido Moriyama, basically exploring how they've portrayed hedonism in their work from the 1900's, and how it's influenced contemporary art and modern society.

My inquiry question is "To what extent does historical and contemporary art reinforce and/or challenge hedonistic values, and how does this impact contemporary art and modern society?"

I chose one piece from each artist to breakdown, and then linked to contemporary depictions of hedonism in the modern art ethos.

>> No.6914469

Blab blah blah pyw

>> No.6914471

>Your face when you find out it's a photograph and not a painting

>> No.6914477

>asking introspective questions in academia

What is this? The 1920s? You're just supposed to make some tame filler slop to get a decent grade. Being subversive is for the industry approved actors.

Us normal folks aren't allowed to engage in intellectual discourse, lest we nudge the narrative away from whatever state sanctioned brain washing is on the menu.

Go work on your personal projects.

>> No.6914479

you first nerd

>> No.6914493

(You) are deflecting faggot. Maybe you shouldn't make up imaginary scenarios on a glass blowing forum to replace your daily human contact.

>> No.6914494

you have schizophrenia, pls do not project

>> No.6914499

>still no work
Thanks for providing me right, loser.

>> No.6914503

I don't have any of my personal artwork on my PC you fuck.

Not all of us are NFT hentai artists.

>> No.6914683

dumb coomer

>> No.6914863

Because not everyone likes to be thrown sexual topics in their face by random people. What a surprise.

>> No.6914886

>teacher is a basic bitch for not letting me draw porn
Sounds like your the basic bitch, anon.
I remember my fellow classmates who only expressed their artwork through sex where all degenerates narcissistic with subpar artistic abilities.

>> No.6915017

You're retarded. The poster you're replying to obviously wanted to read your assignment so they can better ascertain whether or not you were in the right AKA answer you original question, you retarded fuck, but you responded as such.
Also, I wanted to see what it was you submitted versus what the instructor wanted, because historically, and I mean on fucking 4chan of all places, people like you tend to just be overly emotional retards and judging by your reaction to someone wanting more context - you are.
So either post your work like they asked or shut the fuck up and do what you are told by your instructor.

>> No.6915020

This. We're supposed to just take OP's side because he doesn't want to post his retarded essay? LMAO

>> No.6915051

this board is very judgemental.

>> No.6915080

>subhuman coomer can't control himself and has to coom wherever he goes

>> No.6915106

Critical thinking skills makes one seem judgmental to those who possess none.

>> No.6915217

If for some miracle reason your prof takes a second look at your proposed subject and reconsidered, try narrowing it down a bit " yada yada and its effects on x" can at times be too broad to guide your thesis/essay. You'll likely end up with an incoherent mess of a dozen different areas of contemporary art and how it's been affected by hedonism and to a reader itll be very jarring, which does affect how you'll be scored (yes, professional educayors will let their boredom affect your grades)

>> No.6915236

this entire thread is performance art

>> No.6915453

I think you mean that this thread is serious academic study, no less important to society than maths or chemistry.

>> No.6915998

Not OP. But how is hedonism associated with the far right? I though those types reject those types are anti hedonist?

>> No.6916003
File: 978 KB, 200x200, 1687899495085885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee without reading anything I bet OP has a really good point and wasn't just a borderline autistic freak who weirded out his teacher with an inappropriate essay on why tying up naked little japanese girls with ropes in the basement is actually really based and cool

>> No.6916010

You literally just go to catbox.moe and attach the file.

The only possible reason you wouldn't post it is because you know its fucking weird and cringe and ur gonna get roasted.

>> No.6916095

i think he means that acknowledging hedonism exists and that it has an effect on society, particularly negative, is something associated with right. op wasn't entirely clear in the op post.

>> No.6916528

The modern American left is at the very bottom of the slippery slope. Normal people who happen to have a different skin color, or like getting fucked in the ass, already have the same rights as everyone else, if not more.

So now they champion rapists, pedophiles, junkies and thieves to continue their never ending fetishization of "the downthrodden". And anything that reminds them of that fact is "the alt-right".

Ironically hedonism can be right-wing. Epicurus et al proposed finding pleasure in the little things in life.

>> No.6916532 [DELETED] 

>art teacher

Something tells me you’re not as adult as you claim. And you’re probably turbobeg, your teacher doesn’t wanna see your 8=D dicks or misplaced titties, or vulva in the middle of a stomach.

>> No.6916541

>Pursue a self-reliant, body and soul fulfilling life surrounded by friends. Enjoy the good things in life and don't fall for the spell of false brief pleasures that will cause you prolonged suffering in the future.
Yeah Epicurianism would be declared right-wing in current year.