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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6821751 No.6821751 [Reply] [Original]

Were concept artists replaced by AI already? I was told they would be among first to go

>> No.6821758

Not established ones. New ones may get less gigs? I haven't really heard anything of note. Hawken reboot had ai art in the cutscenes, so, that's some impact at that company, I have a feeling they don't have any artists on staff, given the quality of the visuals.

>> No.6821761

AI is more likely to replace illustration jobs where the image is the final product
concept art is more about ideas, visual communication and design according to spec

>> No.6821765

Let's just say if it wasn't hard enough, it only got harder.

>> No.6821772

concept artists got replaced by photobashers years ago

>> No.6821774

FZD was shut down.

Do with this info as you will.

>> No.6821776
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it's so over

>> No.6821778
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>> No.6821785
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> This Time I Know It's Fo Real

>> No.6821816

They can gather all his audio from his YT channel, make a Chat GPT version of him, run a text to voice script using Feng's voice (AI). Then make some AI concept art videos/tutorials based on his art, with endless prompt ideas.
His spirit will remain alive, just like those Freddy Mercury AI covers.

>> No.6821874
File: 165 KB, 1131x1030, 3FE21F71-B7C3-499D-8A82-F0E0A943F297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counting on becoming any kind of artist as a career even 10 years ago was a dubious proposition, and it's only gotten more difficult because of this AI shit. I think the best consumer entertainment projects will have as many human hands behind them as possible in the future, but at present we're in an uncomfortable transition period where people are both captivated by the novelty of AI and by the potential to spend as little as possible. The consumers will get tired of ostentatious and erratic AI nonsense before too long, and it's indie studios driven by human effort that will ultimately win the day and supplant them.


>> No.6821883

they are more likely to use AI to bash and reference to generate idea more than illustration
The fact that using Ai art is not the final product makes more sense. Still need a good composer/artist/director to comb everything together

>> No.6821906
File: 425 KB, 1000x425, eyeyye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isn’t and hasn’t been for a decade at least
feng era concept art specifically was all about throwing shut at the wall and seeing what sticks, with all specificity and preciseness thrown out the window
just spam random silhouettes, photobash some shit on the cool looking ones, and let the next faggot in the production line sort it out

>> No.6821925

Imo what’s most likely to happen is Concept Artist will still get jobs just be paid less and also be expected to significantly increase their output with AI assistance. If artist don’t agree to slave wages though I’m sure they’ll just try to cut it with just the AI.

Right now though AI is so dogshit I don’t think a project could realistically get off the ground without a few real artist to tidy up the AI slop so it doesn’t look like AI slop (see that dogshit marvel show). Maybe in the future though.

>> No.6821929

Real artists will just post their art as a hobby and make pocket change from freelance commissions, while AI Art Professionals will be paid to find said hobby artist's works and use said work to create a new image generator designed to mimic their art, which they will then use to create art for their employer.

Have fun

>> No.6822045
File: 120 KB, 720x960, 77B586C8-C797-4E03-9EF4-76628896A932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you and your two hundred million fellow "AI Art Professionals" from Bangladesh will be making top salaries and have the kind of stable employment that trained, experienced professional artists have struggled with for decades prior. The more people who are able to do something easily, the more money they can earn to do it, thats how it always works.

>> No.6822050

Yes but you see thirdworld AI Artists can work for peanuts. Why pay the skilled artist with a strong portfolio when Rajesh can turn said portfolio into a new picture shitter and create endless knockoffs? Why commission an artist for $100 when you can give somebody in Mumbai $5 and say "give me this idea and have it look like it was made by this artist" and he can give you hundreds of iterations of the idea?

>> No.6822065

Fuck Donald trump and fuck white people

>> No.6822074

I'm not on the side of AI, but let's just say certain events won't allow me to side with concept artists either.

>> No.6822115

Yes but you only need one Rajeesh to do this and not hundreds of them. Not to mention you can just cut Rajeesh out entirely and have the devs continuously generate stuff in the background while doing other tasks. The 3rd world is obsolete with the exemption of factory and mining work.

>> No.6822138

Fzd shut down for a reason.

>> No.6822168

>concept art is more about ideas, visual communication and design
And illustration isn't? Most illustration isn't very literal with whatever story it is they're illustration, besides children's storybooks - and to me kid's books should always be hand drawn on paper, or you're fucking up.

>AI Art Professionals will be paid to find said hobby
You mean the interns and secretaries. No one is hiring a fucking... "AI Art Professional" pffft, you have to be trollin'.

>> No.6822172

yeah bro definitely mhmm

>> No.6822173

And that reason is?

>> No.6822191
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>> No.6822197

An artist would only ever stop because of AI y'know. Why do you think Picasso isn't make art now? AI is the reason!

>> No.6822215
File: 362 KB, 686x1193, IMG_20230831_184150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hawken reboot practically dead on arrival so it not like them including "AI" scenes really makes it any more marketable
>basically it's everything you liked about the original being removed and instead marketing doubled down on p2w systems

>> No.6822220

>Were concept artists replaced by AI already? I was told they would be among first to go
I haven't heard anyone publicly talking about gigs being harder to get, or having been let off (outside of china and korea). So despite all the kicking and screaming from the industry it might have all been a nothing burger.

>> No.6822231

From what I heard, Feng Zhu just got bored of the same thing after 25 years working in the industry, and wants to move on to film making or something like that

>> No.6822234

Either way, the skilled artists won't be getting paid unless they're willing to work for the same wage as a diversity hire high-school dropout who finds "data" (read: actual art) to "train" the company's models.

>> No.6822242

So you say, but we haven't had a single example of that (in the west) yet, so it's all speculation on your part.

>> No.6822251

Shaniqua's going to use your freely shared art to take care of her babies and there's NOTHING you can do about it, chud.

>> No.6822254

In your hypothetical world, it'd be some curry muncher getting hired, so I guess Shaniqua's baby is going to starve to death.

>> No.6822258

reposting wojaks and being a redditor isn't better than collecting welfare anon
>either way to technically that could fuck with that since they been cracking down on online revenue
>If not it just fuck your taxes

>> No.6822264

Finally karma caught up to Feng. Ben Mauro gets the last laugh.

>> No.6822268

>Shall we send rajeesh the prompts? >Wait... Why not ask the ai ourselves?
Sorry rajeesh, you were never needed. You have 0 value.

>> No.6822274

That's what gets me, this hurts third-worlders the most. The cheapest lowest quality jobs and clients are gone, so it's going to hurt new-comers to the industry, but that's pretty much the entirety of the jobs for third-worlders too. Uckmud, or whatever the stable-diffusion guys name is, has really fucked over a lot of his fellow countrymen.

>> No.6822304

redpill me on the feng - ben mauro shit

>> No.6822311

Feng zu hired Ben Mauro and some other weta artists to work at his school, made lots of grand promises to them. Did not uphold his end of the bargin, made their lives hell. Search the archives for Ben Mauro Feng Zhu controversy. Ben made a Facebook post about it(that he deleted).

>> No.6822320
File: 11 KB, 411x718, FwRe7vqWIAAu8HN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Almighty

>> No.6822322

Emad Mosquito.

>> No.6822379
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6822495

>The 3rd world is obsolete
this would be true if the 1st world wasn't having a fertility crises while the 3rd world is growing. there is a reason Indians dominate the tech industry.

>> No.6822498

Wrong. India's and China's populations are declining too. The demographic issue is almost world wide, with only a handful of countries seemingly not being affected.

>> No.6822502

Take AI in all it's forms into consideration, india is going to lose all it's advantages. 1 AI does the work of 100 million indians.

>> No.6823136

He still used an Intuos 3 tablet.

>> No.6823149

no why? branding more often than not, commissions come from people that want something from you specifically, more than just wanting a pretty picture, they want you to make the draw.
this is the reason people prefer to buy iphones from apple itself instead of the chink knockoffs
And it's the same reason why people want the original works of piccasso ect.. so badly while they can just get a copycat prints or cheap derivatives instead
eg. they buy for the brand and since there can only be one you despite thousands of copycats. And of course, the AI copycats aren't even worth the bandwidth they take.

>> No.6823152

>. 1 AI does the work of 100 million indians.
You don't have pay for rasheesh's internet electricity and server bills he does that himself all you have to do is pay pennies for the commission and he will do it when it comes to smaller projects it's actually better.

>> No.6823159
File: 274 KB, 1152x1851, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept artist are eating good rn.
Who do you think does work on all the samey-looking scifi/fantasy movies on netflix and other streaming services?

>> No.6823169
File: 174 KB, 445x244, spazmatika el hondu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concept artist are eating good rn.
>Who do you think does work on all the samey-looking scifi/fantasy movies on netflix and other streaming services?
anybody else supprised by the fact that AI slop bots have been around for at least 5 years now and there is hardly no replacing to speak of? apart from a few shovel ware gacha games I have heard of 0 high profile examples in the field of music modelling or 2D with any attempts to force the subject resulting in massive pushback was it all a big hysterical nothing burger or is the true fuckining to start later?

>> No.6823172
File: 456 KB, 915x1144, Brigadier Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6823180
File: 50 KB, 1024x577, 1663440091153043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no author
there is nothing to critique appreciate or aspire to with with AI slop
it doesn't understand what a "redline" is nor how it can apply the advice of pro's to improve it's "art" because it doesn't draw anything it generates slop by slamming pictures from it's dataset together Without any understanding of what it's actually doing, similarly there is no talent to cultivate or uniqueness to appreciate because it has neither.
if you feed it nothing but rembrant it will produce rembrant derivatives if you feed it chris chans autistic scribbles it will shit out derivatives of sonichu and never evolve beyond that point because it's a machine.
there is nothing to look up at for an aspiring artist nor does it have a unique style or brand that people would want to flock to eg.quentin tarantino or others hence people don't give a fuck.

>> No.6823216

You need to pay for indians either anon

>> No.6823371

pre-production will be AI only, with "art fixers" as a new job
production will need real artists or you won't be able to copyright

storyboard artists are next on the chopping block, which is amazing given how arrogant they are, just like concept artists, good riddance, draw pigs, paint whores, art sluts

>> No.6823380

>storyboard artists
It's amazing how little AIfags actually know about production, since they rarely seem to even understand the point of storyboards, much less what makes a good storyboard.

>> No.6823391

lol really projecting your personal failures and jealousy there, huh?

>> No.6823420

This is all assuming that the technology stagnates, which is very unlikely.
Commercial art will be 100% done by AI probably a lot sooner than people think.

>> No.6823450

KWAB, did that school produce anyone of value?

>> No.6823453

a lot of similar courses are taught in
has anyone tried one?

>> No.6823462

I agree somewhat, but before long a director will be able to draw stick figures and get his vision across pretty clearly working with ai.

>> No.6823471

it definitely will stagnate both due to its parasitic nature and because of the way it functions at its core. it's still a garbage RNG machine in essence

>> No.6823491

>see fzd art teacher shill himself in youtube 3 months ago
make a lot of sense now

>> No.6823843
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x1024, 1693371245710047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai can do text now
is even more ogre than before
well at least drawing will be a passion hobby again instead of third worlders doing it for a living

>> No.6823856


>> No.6823859
File: 806 KB, 951x648, 1693251023553663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting text on blank background isn't impressive nigga
>it still shat the bed up on that front

>> No.6823860


>> No.6823863


>> No.6823865


>> No.6823866


>> No.6823869


>> No.6823870


>> No.6823879

Is this some attempt at keeping this thread active? I've also seen this particular style of constant bumping in other AI threads. Go shill your dreck artificial shit somewhere else.

>> No.6823883
File: 15 KB, 193x261, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less trying to reach bump limit since AI fag keeps shadow bumping these threads if you don't kill them
>that and janny is useless as always

>> No.6823885

This now the the dot thread only dots here on out

>> No.6823886

>there is nothing to look up at for an aspiring artist nor does it have a unique style or brand that people would want to flock to eg.quentin tarantino or others hence people don't give a fuck.
This is what has me chilling out on AI, it's helped me see what I really value in art. I think about the art hat has really moved me, whether it's an Inio Asano manga, a Miyazaki movie, a Kubrick movie, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc. There's usually an auteur behind it with a singular vision.
Great art is also inspired by real life to some degree—idiosyncratic human moments—the most you could get with AI is a pomo remix of previous creations.

>> No.6823888
File: 719 KB, 1200x1562, 1663237686621075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cai ai draw text?

>> No.6823889

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>> No.6823891

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>> No.6823893


>> No.6823894

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>> No.6823898

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>> No.6823899

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>> No.6823900

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>> No.6823901

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>> No.6823902

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>> No.6823903

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>> No.6823906


>> No.6823908 [DELETED] 


>> No.6823911 [DELETED] 

-Praise Mickey or else "HoHa"

>> No.6824403

Kill yourself. If you're just trying to be funny, kill yourself anyway.

>> No.6824436

A little search led me to a comment saying there might be some political bullshit involved.
FZD school still operating? : r/conceptart - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/conceptart/comments/1149nt8/fzd_school_still_operating/

>> No.6824447

High on copium

>> No.6824483

naw, they're good. It's a year out & the only threat AI poses is low level fiver shit or your pothead friend who'll use midjourney for his album cover instead of offering you a few dime bags for one. Oh yeah, and memes.
/g/tards now getting desperate, trying to bump these threads with ASCII art. Here, I'll give you a bump with this post. You're welcome.

>> No.6824504

>political bullshit involved
Basically, the free state rent is over, that's all. Feng took advantage of some government subsidy to help a private entity (Feng) to open an school. Now the benefit is over and Feng is just packing up and going home. He can't do that in america, no one will be able to pay for that here. That's why america is in shambles.

No state/government, no social progress. Let that be a message to the baby libertards thinking that america was built just by divine intervention, and not because there was a big state managing our nation resources to build up this land of opportunities. Internet was developed by the state, 3D animation technology was developed in 1972 in the university of utah a public institution as well, and so on. Now we are freeze in time, our nation collapsing, without a state. The whole economy in the hands of literal retards, building the biggest yacht ever, filling pools with gummy bears, and buying chat platforms to shitpost and troll everyone else. Meanwhile the rest of the world, is developing 6G technology.

>> No.6824528

I honestly don’t see how they’re wrong, anon. Can you explain where ai is endangering concept art?

>> No.6824530

China will be the number 1 country once Bid Daddy Xi retires. Wolf warrior policy will be shut down and the Motherland will be free and open again

>> No.6824541

China already has their new rich retards, they're also on decay.

>> No.6824560

Whatever retard, it's precisely because of government grants and loan guarantees that schools that teach jack fucking shit demand "$50,000 a semester" tuition rates and force double digit IQ, <500 credit score adult children into taking three superficial "social justice" kindergarten-level classes for every elective/major they pursue in accordance with their arbitrary "credit" system. God you are such a surface level thinking dumb faggot midwit bitch lmao

>> No.6824581

>Whatever retard. God you are such a surface level thinking dumb faggot midwit bitch lmao
Woah, did I struck a nerve somewhere in your tiny brain? Shit, sorry anon. I'm not sure if you're aware that you're making my point here. Even in a shitty "private" school system, those institutions still require hand outs to be viable. So, education still need the state's help to function but now they have to subsidy the "private middle-hands giving the service" on top of that, LOL. Pathetic. Same with the finance disasters, there's no state's money for the people, but there are trillions of state money for the "private" banksters. Don't you see that's all a big scam you dummy? You will understand when you grow up. hopefully.

>> No.6824625

Concept art isn't "gone" from AI but it's already taking a hit.
People think it's going to be an overnight shift but it's more like a slow progression to getting humans out of the production pipeline. At first and already is the more grunt work type illustration and Concept artists that are getting railroaded out then towards higher levels. Really is just creating an ever shrinking pool of more specialized artists making it harder and harder for new talent to get a foot in the door.
The unfortunate truth is these jobs are going the way of the dodo and there's really fuck all that can be done other than not support industries using AI.

>> No.6824646

Read my post again: the schools don't "require" hand outs, many of them have savings accounts in the billions. The government gives the students hand outs so they can afford to pay the asking rate of schools that should have been dissolved or changed their business model years ago. The government is making the tuition rates higher by giving out mortgage-tier loans to every double digit IQ D-student with zero credit history retard that asks for them, so they can then be literally coerced to attend a bunch of useless courses taught by red rumped morons to finally supplement their "major" elective (i.e. the only thing the student really gives a fuck about)

What would happen if the government stopped honoring these grants and making loan guarantees? The schools would either restructure and charge less so people could actually afford to attend them, or go out of business.

Vampires deserve to be killed, if they aren't willing to charge a reasonable tuition-which they are absolutely capable of doing if they'd toss out the legions of dead weight SJW fag professors-then they should go out of business and make way for a leaner model. This is already happening.

>> No.6824648


>> No.6824672

Anon, you're repeating the whole thing again. That's what I'm saying, either way, this fucked up "privatized" system doesn't work without the state's help. The "grants" for the students goes to those private fuckers anyway. It's a big private scam. That fake private model doesn't work. Those institutions just take money, and they don't have to be accountable to anyone. "it's just the student choice" right?. jfc.
>This is already happening
It's been happening for ages already. Education quality went down the drains in america. Shit need to be regulated again. We have been under the "invisible awesome hands of the market" for decades now, and this is the result. The fall of the west. Meanwhile the east is about to surpass our dead carcass left in the dust. They are investing in their people, they are no giving "hands outs" they are building a whole civilization.
We need education, we need health-care, we need housing, and we need jobs. The west civilization needs to be rebuilt right now.

>> No.6825005


>> No.6825019


>> No.6825022


>> No.6825023


>> No.6825026


>> No.6825031


>> No.6825032


>> No.6825034


>> No.6825036


>> No.6825043

,. ,.

>> No.6825069


>> No.6825092

Not really. Automation of any kind only automates the process. Concept art is one of the process where the final image will always differ from the original concept, so the final piece will always go through human decisions at the end. I wouldn't greenlit an AI generated image as the final product unless I want my peers to laugh at my name in the industry lmao.

>> No.6825117

>AI will replace all art jobs!
Bro, firstly, if AI slob was anything worth, the "artists" would have been noticed by know. Ai'ers are basically commissioners, but with even less control.

Secondly, I equate AI art to that of a digital camera. Almost everyone walk around with a 4K 60-120 fps smartphone. Citizen Kane was produced on black and white film from the 1940's, almost 100 year old technology. Literally everyone has access to a film studio in their pockets, better equipment and easier than ever access to potentially limitless information.

What do they do with this?
They make TikToks.

AI "art" is the TikTok of Painting and Drawing. It's only brainless idiots with a dopamine addiction, levels of dopamine rivaling that of a chimpanzee's ability to self-regulate themselves next to a pile of bananas, can find entertainment in that.

Good riddance.

>> No.6825119


>> No.6825121

That's a perfect analogy. AI has brought to light just how artless and devoid of creativity the average person is.

>> No.6825176
File: 130 KB, 1918x698, Hateful-8-trailer.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citizen Kane was produced on black and white film from the 1940's, almost 100 year old technology.
And pro filmmakers still prefer that 100 year old technology. Tarantino & Nolan only shoot on film. Anyone think a pro like them will ever use AI for effects?
What is with this shit? AI posts not getting as much engagement because the bloom is off the rose, so shills desperately trying to bump the thread? kek

>> No.6825190

These are actually a great points. In regards to using the specific type of film, It's got a lot to do with feel, I believe, from what I've read and heard from interviews. Imagine people discussing the feel of an AI generated image/animation. You couldn't.

On another note, purely financial: They can't even be copyrighted.

No company would ever want their intellectual property mishandled and paying an idiot to type out on a keyboard. If they could, then they wouldn't hire a dope from a first world country.

>But muh Art Correction Job!

Dear AI artist. Do you honestly think that Paramount can't scrape together the extra 50 cents an hour to hire another Indian or Chinese person to do that? If these people lived during the industrial revolution, when they would first see the steam engine, they would literally believe they can become rich by thinking they can be the ones working on the factory floor. You might have a job now, but it's gonna be outsourced to China as soon as it is commercially viable.

>> No.6825192

Just to clarify; it's called low skilled labor. Something of which almost every developing nation can accomplish.

>> No.6827685


>> No.6827693

Bump-kun, how many threads have you bumped in the past 2 days?

>> No.6827703


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>> No.6827874

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>> No.6827877

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>> No.6827886

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>> No.6827888

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>> No.6827891


>> No.6827894


>> No.6827899


>> No.6827901

Concept artists, I dunno
But "random cool picture" artists definitely
I've seen TWO trading card games entirely done with AI now in my country

>> No.6827904


>> No.6827906

and that country would be...

>> No.6827911


>> No.6827913


>> No.6827916


>> No.6827917

It's also why you see thirdworlders gloating so much about picture shitters. They seethe over intermediate artists selling commissions for $20, because in their world, selling a couple $20 drawings a week is a fucking career level salary, while in a more developed country that works out to be less than minimum wage. Add in the fact that even some thirdworlders are wising up to the value of a US dollar to their US patrons and asking higher rates as a result, so now you have intermediate coom artists in SA and East Asia earing what would be PhD level salaries in their country.

>> No.6827919


>> No.6827922


>> No.6827925


>> No.6827929


>> No.6827933


>> No.6827936


>> No.6827946


>> No.6827951
