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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6820109 No.6820109 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this as a guide?
>inb4 just draw
True but I am in need of brushing up on every fundamental so I feel that I need a bit more structure. I've been practicing hands for a while but there's so much more I need to learn.

>> No.6820123

No it's complete over-rationalized, neurotic trash and this guy isn't even very good. Art doesn't have "levels" like a video game. You should never look at this again. Seriously.

>> No.6820132

But should I at least change up what I practice? I need to relearn all the fundies

>> No.6820144

Kind of an odd question. Change up what? What you should be doing at any given moment depends on what you were doing/interested in just before that moment. This is why overly specific infographics, while offering a placebo, don't actually help.
You need to be able to self analyze as well as prioritize what you value. If color isn't that important to what you want to do, or even linear perspective, hold off on that a while. Don't wait to do creative work, even if it's very simple sketching from imagination. It'll never get any better on its own, you'll never be good enough, so dive in.
Then practice whatever is holding you back from doing the drawing of a lifetime as you go along.

>> No.6820150

Everything is holding me back.
I'm a /beg/

>> No.6820153

I'm gonna be real with you, anon, this attitude is what will have killed ALL of your gains 5 years from now. I actually think it's a bit dumb to identify with being a /beg/ even if logically you know it's true.
You ultimately have to self-start and struggle through the process, uncomfortable though it may be. It doesn't have to be straight up misery though, it can be fun most of the time if you figure out what you like to draw and earnestly believe you have the spark.

>> No.6820155

It's on point, hentai is the greatest artform known to mankind.

>> No.6820156

Read this first

>> No.6820160

reminder that if you genuinely need to make a new post to ask /ic/ anything instead of just doing your own research and learning from your own successes/failures, you're already ngmi.

>> No.6820168
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This. I have never learned anything from /ic/. You just don't know if the information you get is correct. This includes this post.

>> No.6820194

Based and checked

>> No.6820200

>I have never learned anything from /ic/
if you do have more targeted questions you don't get answers for on google, post your work on /ic/ and there's a chance you can get advice, paint-overs, and redlines etc from, pros here.
knowing whether its correct is harder for a beg, but redlines and paintovers should speak for themselves for the most part.

>> No.6820204

Literally just draw, what the fuck are all those step by step things of the order you should practice things?
You literally just draw to get better at drawing, needing someone to list off what you need to improve instead of feeling for yourself what is in need of personal improvement is an incredibly stunting disservice you could do to yourself
Unless you are learning something specific like another artist's artstyle by the artist himsel (see manga helpers) it makes no fucking sense.

>> No.6820210
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i dont know why people crab on nsio here i love this retarded infographic sex with cirno plapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplapplap

>> No.6820248

Post your work.

>> No.6820250

There are fundamentals to drawing. It's important to study each one.

>> No.6820251

You know damn well he won't. They never do.

>> No.6820259
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>> No.6820263

Does anyone here actually finish their drawings?

>> No.6820267
File: 137 KB, 996x1198, 1693363402281012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not doxxing my 91451455155$ money maker account bruh

>> No.6820269

People will blast on bad red lines. /Beg/ is great for beginners if they can stomach the criticism. It helps them build a thick skin like how it used to be. You go learn from a master he will rip your art to shreds, you won't even get his real critique until you become competent, then right when you think you're getting there a whole new level of shit is flung upon your head. It's good for artists.

>> No.6820272

>/beg/ is great
Stopped reading there
OP, just download the books and get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6820536

>infographic is from 2016
never change /ic/

>> No.6820547


>> No.6820566

what I meant is that unless you are literally and factually retarded, you dn't need someone telling you what to practice and IN WHAT FUCKING ORDER.
If you're self aware you know what to practice and will take it at your own pace without neglecting any aspect, but getting told when it's ok to practice something is fucking mega retarded.

>> No.6820572

What I mean is say I suck at every fundie. How should I practice them? Do I just focus on one for a long period of time until I'm good or alternate?

>> No.6820574

spend about 1 hour on each one and switch, eventually you will grasp everything, you are just suffering from fear of doing it and messing up, it's just practice, allow yourself to do mistakes here, you will learn from them.

>> No.6820576

Thank you.

>> No.6820587

it helps to have a path
but don't try to gamify art, at least don't follow someone else's "build" religiously
there's a lot to learn in art and no one learns stuff at the same pace or even at the same time. learn fundies from different sources, and be open to new techniques. you will notice a pattern between all good artists who have similar habits but done in different ways

but if you really need to gamify that, learn the same information from 3 different sources

>> No.6820614

1. Try to do something.
2. Objectively evaluate the results and identify flaws.
3. Study to help you improve on the flaws.


>> No.6820615

his art must have improved

>> No.6820753

>How accurate is this as a guide?

you already have it OP, you just posted it

the problem is you, going here just to validate anything acting like a child who can't make a decision, why bother asking here

all you just need is to follow it like a guide and spend "time" practicing it

if you don't have the patience, effort nor time to even bother then go find another hobby if its not for you

>> No.6820775

Or i could just prompt

>> No.6820787

prompt, draw, whatever works for you

this board is the problem when it come to this form of media, I'm just baffled at the people who come to say nonsense like OP did

>"hey I just found this helpful tip from X that tells me all I need to know to succeed"
>"better got to /ic/ to VERIFY this because I can't trust myself to make the decision cuz I'm a lazy and no effort bum"
>thread devolves to shit as beggers and grifters pollute the place with nonsense, mental gymnastics, and trolling

maybe OP is just a troll who came here to stir up the place just for laughs or is just an idiot