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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6798954 No.6798954 [Reply] [Original]

Do you avoid showing your work to people you know due to shame? I don't want mom to see my work for instance

>> No.6798956

Same. She found my shit a couple of years back and so I keep my stuff hidden/locked away like Fort Knox. Only person who's cool with my art is my dad... tentatively.

It is what it is I guess...

>> No.6798958

Yes, all I ever feel like drawing is My little pony characters in erotic poses

>> No.6798976

Yes but not because of porn. I actively avoid showing my friends any of my art because I feel like I can never draw anything that’s good enough to show to them. I often daydream about the day I’m finally satisfied with my artwork and it’s good enough to the point where I want to show it to them and they subsequently shower me with compliments. That might be a little selfish of me but I just want to be praised for being good at something

>> No.6798980

No, I am hesitant a bit because I only do sfw fetish stuff, but I've been surprised everyone's ability to kinda look past the content. The only person I won't really show is my grandmother

>> No.6799388
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My dad draws futa /ss/ for fun, I only don't show him because he makes fun of my anatomy and tells me to study more villpu.

Mom doesn't give a shit, says I suck, and is glad I got a real job instead of doing it for a living.

>> No.6799403
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What is a job you can say you have that is NOT art but noone will want to look into it or ask much about it? Or art related but noone will fucking ask that much about it

I do art and am starting to make it and talking to any people IRL about it infuriates me to no end, they are so retarded. They tell me unsolicited selling advice or that I can "do 3d art for Pixar"!
Absolutely brain damaged responses that are out of touch with reality and I am sick of it.

>> No.6799462
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Im not comfortable with showing my art to my parents anymore, not because it's porn or anything (we did have that talk already after I personally showed them the lewds), but because showing them is mentally exhausting.
For one, moms thinks they are too childish, sometimes mocks me about the lewd ones into making them more prude (than they already are); my father on the other hand doesnt care a single bit. And the only reason they are not berating at me (that much) for picking art/design for a career is because Im already doing good money out of it.

>I often daydream about the day I’m finally satisfied with my artwork
Funny, I actually made this dream a reality myself. Long ago I wanted to be praised by my eldest cousin and he never really liked my stuff at the time (nowadays I see why). It was when I stopped caring about his validation and focused on improving my craft that for the very few times I showed him my stuff, he actually liked it and said I was improving and doing a great job, but I honestly didnt care about his praise anymore, so it was alright.

>> No.6799476

I don’t mind showing my family if it’s the tame stuff. I try to keep anything suggestive or sexual away but sometimes the old man will barge into the room and compare one of my girls to one of the Real Housewives of Orange County :(

>> No.6799515
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My mom and lil bro are actual pro artists and they both told me to quit drawing because I don't have talent unlike them.
I'm actually a beglet too so I think showing them my stuff would only prove them right.

>> No.6799520

how about you draw more, practice the shit out of art, just to spite them and to prove that your mom is dead wrong and is an absolute moron

there is no such thing as talent, only hard-earned skill or cheating

>> No.6799553
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Tbhs, I wish I didn't show it because nsfw reasons..
I don't show it because I still fucking suck at it.

>> No.6799968

I avoid showing my parents anything I make because they shat on one of my pieces when I was 13. If you're not willing to at the VERY least not shit your own kids painting you don't deserve to see their success and feel proud about it. I hate them both so fucking much, I try everything to make it look like I'm a bum so they feel like failures.

>> No.6800040
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I hide any and all vulnerability to people I know, so yeah I don't show the art either

>> No.6800041

>you don't deserve to see their success
this goes for everything anon. Some people just don't fucking deserve to be part of your life and cut them off like the toxic tumours that they are

>> No.6800042

I post my work but nobody even acknowledges its existence.
I dont know what to do.
Sometimes I reply to my own posts and have conversations with myself.
And I refuse to use discord or any form of social media.

>> No.6800044

>pro artists
>unironically think talent matters
sounds to me that it was luck more than their skill that got them to where they are. Just do you and fuck em, they don't need to be a part of your journey

>> No.6800045

>And I refuse to use discord or any form of social media.
Unironically I was suicidal and didn't draw for years until I got into a small, niche fandom on instagram and started drawing for it.
I owe my career to that honestly

>> No.6800051

Look man I unironically instantly deleted my discord account I've had for years the very moment I saw they added the pronouns bullshit, you just dont understand how far gone im into this anti kikery mentality.
Which is precisely why I wont use instagram, facebook, meta, threads, xitter or whatever shit they throw at me.
I will fucking not.

However that clases with the very human nature of wanting to belong, and the artistic urge to share your work.

So you can see how fucking conflicted I am.

>> No.6800053


>> No.6800061
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Not that anon
But I just post my art and avoid politics at all costs.
I am a dredge to society because I am a "leftist" but do think trannies are mentally ill and should not be actively encouraged and also think segregation should be a thing again if black people feel like victims who hate white people so much and they can create their own totally based and great society, look how lovely Africa is.
But I also support socialism and am pro tax the rich, anti mega-corporation, pro sex work, ACAB, etc
A complete political abomination
Just pyw on Shitter, avoid talking to people with pronouns and call them "they" and do not make art friends
I get my social interaction fill from friends I met from 4chan and I do not show them my art and prepare stuff not in my usual style to show them so I will never get canceled

>> No.6800062

Man, being so bothered by it is really fucking with you. Like your aware that your consumed by it and it's degeneracy yet you push on. Tough spot

Idk I don't have the answers, I wasn't in such a bad way like you but I stopped holding my views when I actually became friends with the people I judged and realized they are just living life and don't keep up with the culture wars shit at all and actively avoid it like most people.

If it were real life you'd be way more open to it and the pronouns bullshit would be way more mellow, if it would be there at all - all parties usually agree it's not worth it to sour relationships because of such stupid shit.
Idk anon, I don't know what advice to give you other than to try and get into a real life community or bite your tongue and actively ignore social justice shit in online communities where it's not the focus. Communities with extreme SJW shit are very uncommon and niche, most people draw whatever the fuck they want and it's also not "acceptable" by todays standards, that's why they are niche and don't bother with twitter or tumblr.

For example in my niche thing there were a few people who were as you say, they were just kinda ignored and ghosted because nobody cared about that shit even if they were lgbt and not all of them agreed with it. Like if these fruit loops can just ignore and live their life then we can take a page out of their book too, for me it was focusing on the problematic CNC incest smut with the rest of the degens.

(and for what it's worth, the sjw virtue signaling nets you the least amount of clout. Standard issue hot people especially if lewd gets you the most. Social media isn't as shit as you think it is).

Alternatively draw political commentary if your so consumed by it? I'd rather you get better and ignore that shit but I really don't know what else you could do

>> No.6802045

I'm almost 40. I haven't showed my parents anything, or want to show them anything since 15 or something.


>> No.6802111
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>omg why r u so bothered? just ignore it lol
Anon, no one gives a shit if you like it up your ass and believe you're a girl.
Just miss me with that gay shit you're using as a substitute for a real personality, and don't bring it up where it doesn't belong.

You want to be a fag? Go be with fags like you and don't cry racism mysoginy homophobia if some random people in a community about anything else than homofaggotry doesn't make you feel heckin' valid 24/7 about your mental illness.

If you come up to me irl and start telling me all your pronouns and how i need to respect your fetish, i'm beating the shit out of you.
You need to respect my urge for violence since i'm a man and your kind firmly believes we're all animals who rape and murder.
I won't rape you though, you're not a woman.

>> No.6802123

You'd hide them even if they were sfw. And on 4chan there's GR15, too.
t. draws sfw poni

>> No.6802132

some of you retards want to be victims so bad holy shit...
anyway very funny thread, list more bogeymen plz

>> No.6802135


>> No.6802148

the internet is not reality. when you close the computer and actually look at the world around you, the trannies aren't real. the gender police aren't real. it's all on a little screen on a little box. nothing matters except what you think/believe matters.

>> No.6802156

I don't show it to family, even though I draw pretty innocent stuff. Just feels weird... they ask what I do all day and I lie and say I play video games, then my parents think I am lazy

>> No.6802158

What makes you think the post you replied to is real?

>> No.6802159

*blows smoke in your face*

>> No.6802172
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Most of the time I draw comics or anatomy, so I don't really show what I do. My mother tries to see it but I don't like it because I draw horrible. She's pretty good with watercolors so I'm intimidated by her.

>> No.6802183

>due to shame?
Yes, but not because I hate my work, but no compliment ever sounds sincere to me. So I won't shown family and friends my work, so I simply won't get frustrated by them.

>> No.6802273

Yes, but it depens what and to who. Mainly I show my sketches to my friends and I show them more of my personal sketches/ideas. I also show my drawings to my parents, but not that often. I only show them the things I know they'd enjoy, so some classic shit/excercises.
Yesterday I've been travelling by a train and I was sketching some dude's backpack on the otherside of the wagon. I noticed he noticed me, but he did nothing. Before getting off he approached me, looked at the drawing and took a photo even tho it was just a simple sketch. He said it's cool and he's unfortunately must get off so he let me took a photo so I can finish. I usually don't sketch during traveling, because I'm afraid somebody will notice I draw them/ their stuff. This time I persisted and overall it was a nice experience.

>> No.6802298
File: 218 KB, 451x543, 16554623314352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"trannies are not real and if you say so you're terminally online"
Why do you niggers argue like honest to god shills?
>pride parades are not real
>drag queen story time is not real
>more then 25% of minors identifying as lbts are not real
>companies pandering to freaks is not real
>autistic kids getting arrested for having lesbian nans are not real
>"just ignore it, lmao"
You know, you have a point.
You can't be guilty of a crime if they do not exist.

>> No.6802346

look outside ur window rn. is there a pride parade happening in your neighborhood? right out front of my house is nothing but a road and cars driving back and forth. when i go into my back yard i don't see any trannies. all i see is the surrounding neighborhood, the clouds and the sky. is there drag queen story time at your local library? if you went inside, likely the only thing you'd see is a bunch of lower class old ladies working there and random people from the place you live going there to read and study. were there really so many gay kids and trannies at the schools you went to when you were growing up that it traumatized you? i only remember the very few but very cute lesbian girls from middle and high school. you are letting fake things from the internet replace your own life. what's real is only directly real for you. my most recent important life concern was forgetting that it was family guy friday which is when they play family guy on tv all day. nothing other people in the world do or say has ever mattered when it comes to your own life and it never will. the only thing that's changed is now you have a portal that lets you see any horrifying garbage you want and it gives you the complete freedom to let it overrun and completely ruin your life until your daily routine is posting about niggers on an imageboard.

>> No.6802472
File: 510 KB, 893x663, 162323979844654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies are not real, omg u obsessed
>stop going on the internet and saying nigger
What does this chatgptnigger want from me?

>> No.6802655

>thing i didnt say
>thing i also didnt say
we had a nice talk. we have a good back-and-forth going.

>> No.6802664

ive shown my parents my loli art, they dont care cuz its just 2d drawings and i pay bills with it, ofc they dont mention it to anyone else for obvious reasons, if what their son does come sup in a conversation they jsut say i do remote internship for some tech company

>> No.6802798
File: 564 KB, 521x454, 165989465614654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny damage controls hard
>projects even harder
>"i'm talking to you"
You're talking to yourself, schizonigger.

But sure, you're epic trolling and btfo'ing le 4chan racist homophobic terminally online incel stalker obsessed xyz buzzwords etcetera.
Epic meme and epic troll my fellow 4channer.

>> No.6802806

if i didn't show people my work i would starve and i would die. it brings me a lot of joy when my mom tells me she likes a show. i think it's important to be able to appeal to the different generations, you know?

>> No.6802812

Stop being a pussy and show your mom what a failure of a son you've become. If you claim to be her daughter, chances are you're just as pathetic a failure. Either way, your mom dies with regret of ever giving you life.

>> No.6803085

Okay even agreeing with your point I have to say ow the edge