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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6789437 No.6789437 [Reply] [Original]

How do you find a background artstyle that matches your main artstyle?

Like do you just draw places the same way you draw characters? What are the most common background artstyles?

>> No.6789442
File: 253 KB, 844x462, 1591938010490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting to backgrounds and composition is the true litmus test for your style. If it looks like shit (i.e. too far from realism) then you have a dead-end ngmi style. It's unfortunate but some people were doomed by shit taste from the start.

>> No.6789446

just use photos for it

>> No.6789463

What If I'm just shit drawing but the style is good?

>> No.6789506

>How do you find a background artstyle that matches your main artstyle?
You dont really have to do that, in fact it would be more ideal if you didnt. If your art style is well structured and flexible, you can easily use it for your backgrounds, the catch is that you have to properly create contrast and harmony between it and your objects (characters, items, etc) which is more of a matter of composition, color theory, among other fundamentals.

>What are the most common background artstyles?
There's no such thing as a common BG art style, much like there's isnt a commom art sty-
>anime/manga/weeb trash
...nevermind that last part.
I dont know what Im seeing at the OP, but I dont like it.

Incorrect. It's not about lack of taste or not leaning towards one specific style, it's about having a well defined art style that has enough versatility and structure to work for backgrounds. You can make any style work any way as long as it's properly made.

>> No.6789510

Everyone has a style, and they've obviously the capacity to change as well. But not stylefags. They're a different breed of stagnant retard that will never change, and will never improve.

>> No.6789522
File: 55 KB, 720x576, 996e3351ab6a640f8812bc0e0e193892433fdbc7190db64dbd12a108678c9840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect again. Just because you're pursuing to draw on a specific art style, whatever it is, it doesnt mean you're bound to stagnation. People who stagnate are those who cant see further from their status quo and dont bother to push themselves beyond the capabilities of their style, and that applies to everyone making art as anyone can stagnate.
That said, I dont know what you mean by "stylefag", is this another dumb buzzword synonym for an already existing concept like "artists that pursuit stylization" or something?

>> No.6790291
File: 24 KB, 500x224, 1682512483372188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your style, OP?

If so, the best background would be one that blocks the entire view. What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.6790435

I remember seeing this character in an oc thread. It's a furry with a tongue coming out of its arse. That's not a tail.

>> No.6790473

You've just described stylefags, dumbass. They're a lost cause by your own admission. The change you keep describing is tantamount to abandoning a style in most cases - like transitioning from a stickman 'style' to something more complex as you improve technically. Stylefags then are the retards who insist on stickmen for whatever cocksucking reason (fame and renown, probably) and are forever constrained by the limits of a style that simply does not allow for complexity, as well challenge and growth.

>> No.6790490

This nigga with the tail makes me wanna cry why do you do this anon?

>> No.6790521

For the third time, incorrect. And dare I say you sound extremely biased towards artists with stylization as their goal, having such a narrow-minded concept of them and essentially telling people how to do art based on your own mindsets, which is wrong in so many ways.

I can easily tear apart everything you said, but what are the odds of you TL;DR-ing me? Im not making a lengthy post, expecting a discussion, only to be met with an aggressive midwit who only wants to win an internet fight.

>> No.6790532
File: 834 KB, 1023x1077, 1557814220453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you're the most slimy little kikefaggot I've had the misfortunate of encountering on /ic/. The pilpul and chutzpah is truly something else. Don't reply to me ever again, btw.

>> No.6790539
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was another aggressive midwit trying to win an internet fight.
Cant say I didnt see this coming. Good thing I saved myself from the TLDR.
Peace, anon.

>> No.6790541
File: 194 KB, 247x319, 1657690914616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't peace me you gay fucking pozzed fuck. I might catch your faggot disease. Try drawing instead of masturbating over sophistry all the time.

>> No.6790546
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1658456450482697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try drawing instead of masturbating over sophistry all the time.
Nice projection.
I am drawing alright, something Im doubting you even do, but Im not going to debate on that one.

>> No.6790557

Post the last thing you drew (and at what time) and I'll respond in kind. We can still settle this like men over your pansy games.

>> No.6790804

That's not a tail. He has a massive mouth on his back which converts into objects that he pulls out of. Like Hammerspace.

>> No.6793727


>> No.6796129
