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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6783416 No.6783416 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

Previous >>6730676

>> No.6783419

>what you're working on
>the industry
>things that excite you about art
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Fucking weather sucks ass.
Tastes like shit.

>> No.6783430
File: 159 KB, 820x739, 1654800803826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for Will Weston's new book!

>> No.6783487
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>what you're working on
>the industry
It would be cool if I got into it, but I'm mostly a hobby artist. Don't really care.
>things that excite you about art
Unironically really good torso anatomy
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Studying requires so much of my focus. It makes me sleepy super easily, and I wish I could study for longer to learn more in my limited time to draw.
It evaporated :(

>> No.6783635
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>what you're working on
I'm trying to draw my MMO character doing fighting game normals every day, just so I can force myself to draw something daily. Plus I want to follow a book but I don't know if I should try Keys to Drawing or Loomis first.
>things that excite you about art
Personal expression. The journey.
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FUCKING BEGIN. Anatomy, or perspective, or construction, or whatever, I am completely lost and directionless. I'm drawing from life little by little on actual paper but then what?

t. Day 2 faggot

>> No.6783646

>Keys to Drawing
It goes trough all fundamentals in a very simple manner(not in deep details tho but lurk moar).
>I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FUCKING BEGIN. Anatomy, or perspective, or construction, or whatever, I am completely lost and directionless.
Begin with overall fundamentals books.

>> No.6783651


>> No.6783692 [DELETED] 
File: 508 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20230808_003037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a chill little server the good people of /wct/ might like


>> No.6783710
File: 64 KB, 682x500, FzmC8ZvWwAAAHF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you're working on
>the industry
I'd like to be a gacha or game artist someday, but I don't think i'll ever do that unless I really put my mind into it basically making it a second job
>things that excite you about art
Well drawn armpits.
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Not enough time for it sadly.
I drink around 3L of it per day

>> No.6783738

hogarth or vilppu or mattesi

>> No.6783741

None, if you really wan`t to learn anatomy then medical stuff. Some good lectures on youtube.
Or medical anatomy atlas- they are hard tho. Otherwise Hogarth.

>> No.6783760 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 225x290, fredinsuit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feel as if art is full of nothing but drama? What causes this?

Art influncers ew

>> No.6783778

is it possible to make it as a sketchfag?
i hate finishing anything and it always looks like dogshit. i get lots of compliments for sketches but get shat on for anything finished.

>> No.6783793
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>> No.6783796

Key animator. Let underlings clean up your mess. Long road to get there of course.

>> No.6783863
File: 435 KB, 1448x976, not mine but I liked it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you're working on
My MAGNUM OPUS (In 5 years I will disavow it and say it was always shit)
>The industry
The one thing in the world that would bring me true happiness would be seeing all of those parasites die horribly.
>things that excite you about art
When it looks pretty or when it's very cute or when it's of mai waifu
>Frustrates you
The sheer amount of time it's taking me to do said Magnum Opus and having to balance irl professional and social obligations, and what with needing to eat, sleep, and pay my bills cutting into what actually matters in life. I would legitimately just never leave the studio (read: my bedroom) if that was an option.
mmm tasty

>> No.6783899

Why not /vent/

>> No.6783930

It's pretty much the same thing anon. Go ahead if you wanna vent

>> No.6784206

Boymoder image

>> No.6784216
File: 91 KB, 691x668, 1539254723160vent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked /vent/. Made a bunch of op images for them, once upon a time

>> No.6784225

you sound fucking awful

>> No.6784230

Either become a key animator like >>6783796
said (warning, not the best pay) or really lean into your sketches. There is defiantly a market for sketches just find your niche.

>> No.6784235

Is becoming a key animator in the Japanese anime industry really that easy?

>> No.6784253

Yes just be Japanese and draw.

>> No.6784371

How did you start?

>> No.6784475

i finally got a standing desk after years of wanting one
its nice i dont feel like such a gargoyle anymore

>> No.6784536
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Mentally? For sure, but cute anime girls are what keeps me going.

>> No.6784540

>Well drawn armpits.

>> No.6784614
File: 315 KB, 600x860, desuvult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>what you're working on
>>the industry
>>things that excite you about art
>>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
>Fucking weather sucks ass.
can relate

>> No.6784619

>is it possible to make it as a sketchfag?
yes, just search around for an artists that does the kind of art you want to make and has a messy style
one example is to learn how to paint directly like alla prima or with a quick sektch then straight to painting and have a half impressionsitic half rendered finished image, im sure you can find several artists that do this both traditional and digital, both western and eastern

ofc depends on what you mean by "making it" because if you have something specific in mind and it already favors a certain type of artwork, it sbetter to do that

>> No.6784639

I'm tired of not being able to draw when I can due to my work.
And I can't find a new job because of reasons.

>> No.6784644

What hashtags can I use for porn fanart? Is using the source material hashtag a no no?

>> No.6784645


>> No.6784646

I don't need other people's tardbux, already got my own.

>> No.6784869
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>what you're working on
Pixel art
>the industry
It's all slop and I might engage with something that has an actual budget past the year 2012 behind it a couple times a year
>things that excite you about art
It's escapism basically and takes me away from myself and my life
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
My soul is constantly drained from work and I just wanna sleep all the time
I gotta replace my filter

>> No.6784873

some days i can draw and love everything i do, other days its like I'm not in control of my own hand.

>> No.6784878

based kokonutchad

>> No.6784917

>what you're working on
Furthering fundamentals et weight
>the industry
I'll pass
>things that excite you about art
The sheer ability to create what is inside my mind and to recreate what I'm seeing is extremely blissful
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
The sheer ability to misshape what I'm seeing into an abominable amalgomation is extremely appalling
Need to drink more of it

>> No.6784918
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i have a crush on an artist i follow

>> No.6785147
File: 2.00 MB, 640x640, 1689127253688823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my first official gig to work for a Japanese company.
Not art-related, but this gives me so much peace of mind to draw after a tough period of no prospects in life, which ate away my energy.

I've been slowly healing artistically for the past few months, but THIS is a huge step into a stable life, which means no resistance to create.

Just wanted to tell my best friends on /ic/.

>> No.6785206

>Be me, Brazillian
>Hmm, maybe this one I will post online
>A fucking gang gunfight breaks out in the street
>Well, let's just hope I don't die
>Continues drawing

>> No.6785219

Cute! Tell us more anon.

>> No.6785231

Good luck anon.

>> No.6785246

Nice anon, good luck!

>> No.6785716

>what you're working on
At some point I can't stop rendering things in a way that just looks fucking hauntingly scarey instead of the cute I'm going for so I'm just trying to work out some feelings I guess ultimately
>the industry
i wish, too depressed, just try to draw for myself rn
>things that excite you about art
coming up with stories, but i'm out of inspo lately
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
how you can just suddenly not be able to draw fucking anything some days even though you're so inspired but because you can't actually flesh out any ideas you can't go anywhere with it in a satisfying way
I have a chai latte

>> No.6786384
File: 327 KB, 1978x2048, FtyC_laWcAAY6p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you're working on
Drawing from refs of my waifu.
>Things that excite you about art
Big, beautiful hair.
>What frustrates you about art
Actually drawing hair.
I drink a lot of on work days...barely any on drawdays.

>> No.6786700

are you guys actually imagining what you draw before you draw it? I don't even feel like I draw. I just construct retarded bodies and then try and gaslight a figure out of them. Like I'm building a tent in a cartoon where the poles keep collapsing.

>> No.6786754

Yeah. Then I realize I'm not good enough to draw it well and get depressed a bit.

>> No.6786815

>Japanese company
You sure they aren't ブラック? I've heard that even the ones in other countries have the same work culture. Hopefully yours is not. Good luck anon.

>> No.6786831

I'm hired on a project-by-project basis, so they give me the scope and the deadline before I accept it.

So far it's been pretty lenient. The secret is to work with companeis that deal with foreigners so they have to be less taxing on the employee, otherwise people from developed countries (which they often have a demand for) wouldn't accept the conditions.

The only exception is English teaching, which puts you at the bottom of the pyramid and anything goes, company's morals become a lottery.

>> No.6788033
File: 60 KB, 612x472, 1688610047913064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be game artist and maybe draw some pin up on the side
>ai comes along
someone give me a white pill to keep going

>> No.6788052
File: 47 KB, 750x691, EAmr-PAWsAEoiWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube blocks me from seeing ads
>disable ad blockers
>get AI ads from Grammarly
I want to stop using youtube. It's only a matter of time before they prevent downloads too, right? Time to download all the good art tuts from there.

Please tell me what i should archive. I'll share them when youtube goes caput

>> No.6788225
File: 135 KB, 750x558, 172696-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a japanese ero-artist by the name of Toro.
His art looked genuinely terrible at first. And yet, he pulled together a small game with CG all drawn by him, story by him, everything by him. It didn't do too well.
I played it. It had somewhat fun boss fights, albeit basic. An interesting mix of kinks (she's raped constantly and in new ways in every level) but nothing really stuck out.
Pic related is art of the first game.

>> No.6788227
File: 108 KB, 680x480, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking criticism from the first game’s failure, he then made another one. This one was titled Black Souls, and as the name suggests, was heavily inspired by the souls series. He took his interesting boss fight ideas and made them tenfold as fascinating, with plenty of items and builds being capable of making the game winnable, and also making plenty of boss fights avoidable. The kinks were both better drawn and more detailed- his erotic scene writing improved massively. The characters themselves were also fascinating past their erotic enjoyability, and this is all without mentioning the incredible story that lurked under the surface of what seemed to be just a nice ero game.

This game was popular, but not quite as well received as all of the work put into it would suggest. Here is an example of art from that game. The artwork had now improved, if slightly- but the core, scratchy style of his was now not a weakness, but a strength. Toro’s art is recognizable to anyone with even a passing interest in his series at a glance.

And so, he began development on his third game.

>> No.6788230
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Souls 2 is what has propelled Toro into being as popular as he is with the ero-game community today. The story connects itself to the original Black Souls while expanding further, the builds and items you can use to progress incorporate elements of Bloodborne, the endings are varied and all give further hints and nudges to the story underneath the surface, and the art itself improved even further. The characterization was peak, with villains and allies having their own little stories that you could influence one way or the other depending on what YOU wanted.

The point I am trying to make to you, as someone dismayed by the apparent ease of AI in making the public happy, is that Toro’s art is incredibly bad. But he managed to cover for that by working incredibly hard in every single other department- until his art caught up to such a point where his failings were now considered a style, and his cover, a masterpiece of a story.

You can do it. Just try.

>> No.6788254

ai is not gonna replace artists, itll never have the soul. it's main userbase are coomers and uncreative tech bros. there is really nothing to worry about here. keep going :)

>> No.6788322

>itll never have the soul
cope. soon enough no one will have any reason to choose human art vs ai except for contrarian niggers who think a shitty art being made by a human makes it any better than a masterpiece by ai.
these are the same people who constantly listen to orchestras and classical pieces because they think it makes them smarter and superior btw

>> No.6788328

I think I wanna larp as a schizo on here for performance art is that a good idea?

>> No.6788330

I cannot believe how retards like you are still lurking this board, almost a year and a half later, still seething about how no one is accepting your ai. Funny how hard pajeets have lost in the mianstream media, their little toy's reputation, down the shitter.

>> No.6788339

rent free lmao.
ai only continues to grow. and normalfags either don't care or support it. the only ones screeching are you niggers who keep insisting on some abstract "soul" concept only autists on 4chan actually care about
keep seething though

>> No.6788349

you used a racial slur first, buddy. Most normalfags hate ai. It's generic spam that all looks the same. All the hentai subreddits I follow have banned it. Most would rather jerk off to something a smelly dude has drawn with all his heart and soul. But stay in denial all you want

>> No.6788350
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1476705516155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artis't opinions don't matter AI is the future!!!!
>w-why don't artist see my AI slop as hecking valid, am I not an aritst too!!!??!?
Don't know what you promptfags meant by any of this.

>> No.6788359
File: 223 KB, 837x835, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His art looked genuinely terrible at first
That's what it means "terrible"

>> No.6788363

fucky eyes?

>> No.6788364

To be fair, there a few ero-games with any decent effort put in.

>> No.6788374

why are indians so racist?

>> No.6788386

>redditor who plainly admits to follow and interact enough with a mentally ill hentai subreddit
glad to disregard your opinion

first day on 4c?

>> No.6788395
File: 92 KB, 859x1070, Blessed-Virgin-Mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you anon, this baord needs more people like you to spread some goodness instead of only dispair

>> No.6788403

>glad to disregard your opinion
if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I'm more honest than you. The only reason you're so aggressively defending ai art on an art board is because you felt humiliated in previous threads here and want revenge on us. Not only that, you're insecure you don't have our skills nor the work ethic to learn a tangible skill. You say you disregard our opinions, but you keep coming back here, time and time again, hoping that the tides have changed and ai art is more popular and that drawing is dead. well boo hoo. I'm less afraid of ai than I was a year ago, and I'm sure most countries are going to outlaw it into the ground, along with deepfakes. I hope you find happiness one day, pajeet, but it's hard to find that in India

>> No.6788410

nice projection. good luck on your drawings anon. you'll need it if you ever want to get on the level of ai

>> No.6788433
File: 297 KB, 690x596, 1681839339022694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Im just thinking too hard about it, but Im feeling my art isnt that special since it doesnt get many reacts from people, other than vague, generic compliments. I feel like I need an extra element of spark, that something that gives people even a little bit of hype or interest. Or maybe Im just no one's cup of tea. I feel like these thoughts have been in my mind before...

Also, kind of offtopic, but everytime I enter a thread and post something, chances are it dies immediately or activity slows down significantly, it's like a curse, everyone shuts up when I post. Wish it worked on the threads it matters, sometimes it feels like this curse is filtering the shitpost, but it rarely works on threads it should.

>> No.6788450

I can't right-click layers in krita

>> No.6788458

ask any great artist or musician or writer about "soul" and 99% will emphatically agree that its a thing and is the lifeblood of all great art. Stay in your lane, npc.

"nice projection" he said with a quiver in his voice and tears welling in his eyes, rejected once again from the art world for reasons he will never quite grasp.

>> No.6788498
File: 173 KB, 1152x656, FwcbLlPXgAA_aXy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes me personally awooga at art is when someone loves what they do and it shows.
I'm going to use JKDot5. Fantastic artist, does lots of print-worthy pieces that I've even encountered at friend's houses. They're usually drawing the trendy thing, girls you can recognize easily if you're at all in his intended strike range (anime fans with disposable income), but unlike a lot of other artists in the FOTM rat race, he's achieved a measure of success.
Personally, I believe it's because of his love for girls with crazy gazes. Every girl in pic related captures your attention like THAT, because they're giving you a crazy look. He clearly loves drawing it, because it's in every picture, and more importantly, it's done WELL.
Find what you love, hone it, use it as a weapon. Hope this helps.

>> No.6788508
File: 1.69 MB, 1437x1920, 50309870-969C-49A3-A7CF-2E934F012C4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep drawing what you enjoy and forget any external praise, enjoy the process anon, seems like generic and vague advice but it is spot on on the issue, stop overthinking and just keep on keeping on

regarding the second portion, its just all in your head and it reflects your anxious mind overthinking about other peoples thoughts about you, again, just relax

God bless

>> No.6788621


>> No.6788961

>Find what you love, hone it, use it as a weapon.
>Personally, I believe it's because of his love for girls with crazy gazes.
Funny, for something so specific, I can relate to it. I do have a liking for blonde female characters and I can see myself gladly drawing nothing but cute blondies. I wonder, though, how do you even *show* your passion for this specific likings? Does it come naturally once you commit to the task for long enough? That makes sense to me.
>just keep drawing what you enjoy and forget any external praise, enjoy the process anon
You're right too, I should keep myself committed to the process and drawing what I do want to draw, even though I never really deviated myself from that principle. I just get a little insecure about people not engaging with my stuff as much as I'd like to sometimes, maybe Im just overthinking it and closing down to counting what I dont have, instead of counting what I do (as it shows this board and a lot of people outside of it regards my trash surprisingly well). I have to keep /ic/ more in mind whenever I get these feelings.
>regarding the second portion, its just all in your head and it reflects your anxious mind overthinking about other peoples thoughts about you
Im going to believe you and keep that in mind too, hopefully I can finally get rid of that nagging feeling everytime I post in a thread.

Thank you very much, you two.

>> No.6789010

AI is like photography, the vast majority is soulless but someone who knows what they're doing could potentially make something soulful. Either way not going to replace artists, just like the camera didn't. I don't think it can be banned though when it's so easy for anyone to set up.

>> No.6789027

"AI is like photography"

Cameras never choose the shot for you. Cameras aren't "creative" for you. It isn't at all the same and i'm sick of this rhetoric.

>> No.6789031

Most people aren't putting much thought into composition when they take a photo, so it could be good or bad by chance. The equivalent of AI slop (artistic value-wise) isn't artistic photography, it's the random pictures non-artists take. Either way my point was about how it can't replace artists and isn't worth being afraid of.

>> No.6789044

>most people arent putting much thought into a photo
not true at all. even normalfags want quality shots of whatever they're taking pictures of
visit /p/

>> No.6789052

>isn't worth being afraid of.
probably based. Its hard times though.

>> No.6789218

>want to draw a scene with multiple characters
>did some thumbnailing
>characters are all in profile, so boring
>making them in more advanced perspective might prove difficult cuz /beg/
>tfw beginner with huge aspirations
Another cycle of several days of procrastinating already started, nice.

>> No.6789227

use reference, even use yourself as reference.

>> No.6789243

im so tired of the nsfw commission blender
i was a retarded 18 year old in need of money with a vague interest in furry designs and now im in my early 20s barely scraping by and attached to this job. no car no license no outside work no irl friends and i fucking hate porn so much its unreal.
lol bro just do it for the money.. i would rather get paid half what i do now to do sfw commissions, i need to double my hours so i can try to make a new unrelated account and gain traction but i waste most my days away because im too frustrated to draw. i fucked up man, money is decent but im losing passion for art and my drawings look like ass for the amount of time ive been drawing

>> No.6789337
File: 274 KB, 1600x1500, IMG-20230708-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My childhood dream is to be a mangaka.

It is weird that now that I'm an adult the main reason I want do a small 4koma is to make the dream of kid me true?

>> No.6789345

Kind of worked last time, but the refs on internet tend to not have what I look for and I'm not quite interested in making photos of myself(especially that gender aren't matching). Might bite the bullet, tho.

>> No.6789346


Worth a screenshot

>> No.6789489

Inspirational, makes me want to work on my video game that I'm underqualified to make. Thanks for writing anon

>> No.6789496

ambitious, multiple characters interacting is one of the harder things to tackle
also, post thumbnails

>> No.6789508

>little stories that you could influence one way or the other depending on what YOU wanted.
This isn't really true... The lesser amount (or just density, relative to BS2's size) of timed, consequential events in BS2 is actually its major flaw relative to the BS1, which had something happening somewhere at all times. The endings and overall narrative were certainly better, but BS2 felt like a big wasteland at times with all the underutilized locations.

>> No.6789745

How's Newgrounds community for inspiration and growth in art? Do they have any forum games or challenges or is it more only a place to post art?

>> No.6789762

nvm. I checked, and it seems like a fun forum.

>> No.6789808
File: 294 KB, 400x400, 1614562373777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss drawing traditionally. Like not just doodling in a sketchbook but with the big sheets on a big piece of plywood.
It was nice, having my own place. Drawing studies and really working on them, then pinning them to the wall to reference later.

I'm hiding drawing from my family, and digital is a lot easier to hide.
It's a lot less "cabin fever"-y with them around, but I still miss the privacy

>> No.6789956

Why are you hiding your drawings from your family?

>> No.6790117

Stuff I draw is pretty vanilla, it's just that certain cultures just aren't kind to artists.
It's not an exaggeration to say my dad would kick me out onto the streets if they found out.

I love them all regardless. They've lived by these beliefs all their lives, it can't be helped.

>> No.6790203
File: 515 KB, 1200x1403, A young detective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I better at drawing or music composition?

>> No.6790312
File: 27 KB, 590x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you're working on
a lot, or at least im supposed to be
>the industry
would be nice to work on an actual team project
>things that excite you about art
seeing and dissecting people's strengths in their artwork
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
i tend to become overly satisfied after i've done one thing that trying to draw more stuff becomes incredibly frustrating if its not living up to the thing i last did. i'm not even a good artist or a perfectionist, just that the tingle of creativity only works for so long
filtered water is nice

>> No.6790405

Are you from an Islamic culture? I knew some artists who were who would constantly get shit from people around them about drawing being haram. Personally not Muslim but I also hid my art because if they saw it my parents would lecture me about how art isn't a viable career (as if I can't draw for fun).

>> No.6790413

Drawing. But keep working on both if they make you happy anon kun.

>> No.6790542

>what you're working on
A short comic.

>the industry
I had some huge projects fall through on me. I am devastated and now scrambling to figure out what I am going to do next.

>things that excite you about art
I actually like to see what I will do next. I never really have a clear idea about what the piece will look like, what I want to do, ever, so it's always a really exciting process to see how it turns out. It's always a surprise.

>anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
The more you learn you then realize how much you don't know which then can then add on to the anxiety.

>> No.6790803
File: 139 KB, 640x800, tumblr_ovrm279va01ro3irro1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys use a second monitor for your reference or do you put it right into your drawing software and draw next to it? I started doing the later and have noticed instant improvement.

>> No.6791047
File: 343 KB, 125x123, 1671600350916528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pull up a ref on my second monitor, take a good look, then close the window before I continue
this is actually kinda dumb in hindsight, huh

>> No.6791193

its really amazing that
>just draw
really is the solution for any art block

>> No.6791739

>soft erase
>draw over
>it's shit
>soft erase
>draw over
>we're getting somewhere
>soft erase
>draw over
>passable, for now, will come back to it later.

>> No.6791750

I think I have that with everything
>I kinda want to do something besides sitting in front of computer
>and waste the day again?
>I should do something with myself
>but I'm kinda afraid/lazy
>*proceed to actually have fun*

>> No.6791810

I'm working on a "commission"(I say it that way because it's just a friend paying me for a piece) and I got mostly everything done except the background, which is always a hurdle for me

>> No.6791816

Disagree, subject and how it is shown > overall skill level

>> No.6791823

I'm a coomer and AI has only replaced pin up artists but they didn't do shit anyway. Those that create animation, doujins and especially ero-games aren't going anywhere for a while

>> No.6791942

Have you not seen all the games using AI art that already exist? Doesn't seem to be that much demand for them but they're there.

>> No.6791979

This is the first time I've seen a visual artist say my drawings were better, usually you guys say my drawings suck and the other things are better, and the musicians say my music sucks and the others are better.

>> No.6792500

I'm going to kill myself and make all of you watch
I'm going to rip my own cock off
fuck art why can't I just draw, why is it always like this

>> No.6792679

Even "bad" art takes time an effort with a human artist. AI removes that gate altogether, and the issue that comes to the front is that the floodgates (of crap) are gonna be open. So going back to his first game, at least it *got* a reception. In the future you'll be forced to pay people to play ur shitty game just to get any notice.

>> No.6792961

We would have to take a look at all these original, but badly drawn things than never got any recognition. We would have an entire pile of those.
It's simply a case of survivorship bias.
I think Black Souls was simply a case of players getting baited with porn and then given schizo lore instead. Some stuck around.

>> No.6792995

Since when do people people walk at 5:30am? I’m seeing way too many people and even school kids outside. Did some influencer make this time of day popular? It used to just be me and the random homeless man walking by. My tranquil alone time is gone…do I need to walk at 4:30am now?

>> No.6793001

Right school started, but I don’t remember kids waking up that ticking early. It’s always been after 6am

>> No.6793038

So I deleted my social media accounts last week. Had about 1k followers. I know a few clients are probably wondering WTF happened to me but I took the extra precaution to delete my Discord. Took a break from drawing too to put more focus on my studies and other interests. I feel like this is a good, natural progression for me. I'm curious if others here have done something similar or have let art become just a hobby rather than a passion/job.

>> No.6793124

>Did some influencer make this time of day popular?
There are a ton of "5am morning routine" videos these days so yes.

>> No.6793218

Figures. Very bizarre morning I've never seen that many people up at that hour in my area. 4:30am it is then.

>> No.6793748

>soon will be done with the sketch
>many lines are nice and thick
>also quite smooth looking because ran over the place with few lines when needed
>now cleaning them up
>the art standard demands to make a lineart out of it
>tfw it will be boring, samey and jaggy because no actual line and pressure control
>also, a lot of time will be lost
I'm pretty close to leaving it al cleaned up sketch phase.

>> No.6793787

Probably because in many places, it is very very hot outside later in the day. 5:30-6 is ideal before the sun is completely up and it's still tolerable outside

>> No.6793912

based early morning walker

>> No.6794234
File: 3 KB, 200x91, 1669139019764621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn in two whole months because of this stupid fucking heat

>> No.6794309

same but she's also a streamer

>> No.6794327

your zipper is down

>> No.6794361

this is the worst excuse
is your pencil melting? get a fan and get back to work

>> No.6794365

You probably live in 70f. You've no idea how draining heat can be.

>> No.6794367

the fan blew my paper away

>> No.6794372
File: 130 KB, 412x278, 1658488291076962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but a bad weather, specially heat, can really take a toll on your motivation for anything, not just drawing, so at 38c I can excuse him cause I've worked heavy jobs in +40c heat and I know how horrible it is.
>Just get a fan
It doesnt suffice, I've tried drawing with a fan straight to my back, heat is not that easy to brush off your system.

>> No.6794419

whenever i have a good day of drawing or a piece i'm really happy with i kind of get scared to start another drawing that it won't be as good as my previous. which is obviously true. just a dumb passing thought/fear. probably just a /beg/ thing

>> No.6794463

come on. two whole months?? invest in a window unit if its really that draining
i work in a kitchen thats regularly 115F (46c) near the grill i know what its like to be sweaty and uncomfortable but you have to find ways to manage

>> No.6794468

My vacation from work is drawing to a close. I still have enough money left to keep on living like a neet, but I think I have lived long enough in isolation as is.

Since the time I quit my job, which is almost a year ago, I have been focusing on writing and drawing. My art skill is still shit but I'm having fun, I only learned to draw to illustrate my writing anyway. Normies think I'm a god but you know normies think anything that isn't a stickman is basically Rembrandt. In reality I'm still lightyears away from earning money with my art. And I just don't see how I will ever earn money with my writing project, which is a webnovel and the occasional illustration. It's a bit sad that I will have to find a day job again since I have been having fun acting like a neet, and my project is giving me enough daily satisfaction despite feeling like living in stagnation.

>> No.6794532

for a while I was making good progress, doing figure studies daily, making progress with things like drapery and perspective, but for two weeks I haven't been able to sit down and meaningfully draw at all, I sketch random lines and try to make something come out but I can't get into the zone, is this real art block? I've never been this frustrated before, even when I was a prebeg

>> No.6794566

I turned 22 recently and I feel old already. I'm aware that my physical prime will only last a few more years and that makes me nervous.

>> No.6794629
File: 75 KB, 525x792, 0AD8C27D-6507-46A3-BA5F-DD33ABCEF481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you're working on
A short comic
>the industry
Don’t know anything about it, art is just a hobby for me. I guess I don’t like that CSP is a subscription now.
>things that excite you about art
I’m starting to understand hair better, so I can’t wait to play with that.
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
It kills me that my nsfw account would be better exposure for my sfw art than my sfw account. It’s the worst when I know both audiences would like it (with edits of course), but I keep them secret from each other.
I am so thirsty.

>> No.6795357

>let's try that lineart thing
>pick gpen
>set the size few points larger
>I like it
Hey, it might work!

>> No.6795378

In 2 years you’ll be in the “look at my friends landing jobs and making money” phase and then 2 years after that you’ll be in the “look at my friends getting married, having kids, starting a family in a nice big house and look at me” phase” and then you’ll blink once and you’re in your late 20s inching to 30. Then you’ll stop caring. Some people just weren’t meant certain roles.

>> No.6795382

friends* I mean, people who you knew in life

>> No.6795424

It just rained on me just how much I'm behind every other artist, specially after just finishing some fan art and instantly looking up what people have made. I know I should use this as motivation to get better and reach their level but I cant feel but to ask "why bother".
Please and thank you, water is nice.

>> No.6795563
File: 220 KB, 863x812, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna draw from life more but god damn johnny

>> No.6795602

thats not even a lot for something youre going to use for the rest of your life, you can even resell it since youre clearly a 1 week beg

>> No.6795621

i've been drawing for two months lol?

>> No.6795641

then stop bitching and buy the goddamn head

>> No.6795717

I'm learning how to draw a table in perspective other than isometric!

>> No.6795774


>> No.6796351

Life is good.

>> No.6796389

I'm suicidal. I feel like a cliche. The only thing keeping me from killing myself is the fact that so many artists have already killed themselves and now it's not an original way to go, just pathetic.

>> No.6797073

Did you have that moment when you realize a character in the drawing you're making could do a simple thing to break the entire scenario you invented? Like just clapping to make noise while unable to speak.

>> No.6797134
File: 2 KB, 330x76, Eyelashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave myself a goal of drawing something and getting someone to commission me for a dollar before the end of the week, otherwise I'd just go ahead with plans to kill myself.
That was such a dumb idea. Now I start feeling desperate just from turning on CSP. What was I thinking?

>> No.6797202

How about you stop coming up with retarded ideas and just keep working at your own pace?

>> No.6797256

I thought giving myself a goal would help me get off my ass and draw something. Didn't seem like a bad idea at the time.

>> No.6797268 [DELETED] 

Threatening yourself with death might not be the best way to get yourself to work. Subconsciously you know it's fucking absurd.
Take a long walk, exercise, meditate, specific Lemon Balm tea, something ought to calm your mind.

>> No.6797272

Threatening yourself with death might not be the best way to get yourself to work. Subconsciously you know it's fucking absurd.
Take a long walk, exercise, meditate, drink Lemon Balm tea, something ought to calm your mind.

>> No.6797282

I wasn't threatening myself with death. I plan on doing it anyway. But if I saw that drawing was something that could work out maybe I could use it as an excuse to give myself a second chance.

>> No.6797285

Even more so you need to take a walk and drink that tea. You're in dark spot, it's temporary.

>> No.6797286

Go for a walk maybe out of town away from civilization. Inhale the air of nature and marvel at its beauty.

>> No.6797293

Thanks for the recs anons. Not in the mood to get out desu but thing's will be fine in the end

>> No.6797333

I've realized I can only draw in one burst each day. Even if its 1 hour, or 6 hours of straight drawing. Once I'm done, I can't start again for the rest of the day. Breaks are impossible

>> No.6797338 [DELETED] 
File: 115 B, 405x405, 1692211690502723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't get the respect you probably think you deserve. The moment you're out of sight or stop giving certain people what they want you'll be forgotten. You deserve the temporary lust of people less skilled than yourself. But that's a problem that solves itself with machine learning.

Your smut fetish "art" has no artistic value. No "soul." What is "soul" anyways? Soul is synonymous with passion. Your motivation determines your passion.

Intrinsic motivation is internal motivation within yourself, doing something because you want to. Because you enjoy it. Soul. Extrinsic motivation is doing something only because it leads to a specific outcome regardless of the action that produced it, external motivation. Soulless. If you worry so much about being "fucked over" by the platforms you willingly upload your smut to what does that say about you?

Smut fetish art is soulless in every way regardless of what excuse you use to justify it. If your only end goal is to gain social networking service points of approval just go post pictures of your body and leave drawing to the real artists. (By the way, posting nude images of yourself is a coping mechanism used almost exclusively by people with low or no self esteem.)

Seasonal anime, vtubers, "OC" fetish art. You're all one in the same. Did you think just because you thought up a character design yourself that you were exempt from the soulless clout chasing appearance? Stop pretending like you're above others. Those who draw all day every day because they love it regardless of what's being drawn, that's fucking soul. You? Who can barely draw at all for your own enjoyment? You know where you stand. Also if you think you deserve a livable wage for drawing a picture every other week you're a retard. You claim to feign indignation yet you refuse to do what works. Nothing is unfair. You're just getting what you deserve.

>> No.6797346 [DELETED] 


>> No.6797351

It's been hot as a motherfucker the past week or so. Can't sleep, can't work out, can't do my wagie job, barely getting time in to paint. Feels like I'm crippled by the heat and it's bringing out all the worst emotions. I just want to git gud, man.

>> No.6797945

fucking hate blank paper

>> No.6797999

Drawing used to be the reason I would stay sober but honestly I suck dick at it, it really no longer is a valid reason to not snort oxycodone.

>> No.6798087
File: 166 KB, 398x397, 1682982153066037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of sad to be so enthusiastic about other people's projects and make questions, engaging in what they're doing, only to not meet the same enthusiasm whenever I get to ramble about mine.

It's not like Im demanding people to be interested, or that Im only getting invested just so people do the same with my stuff, but isnt it rude to just leave someone hanging and not reciprocate?

>> No.6798123

i gave up on drawing and switched from part time to full time at my dayjob and now i just paypig a few smallish artists i like.
this is pretty much the ultimate cuckoldry but at this point im so resigned to my own failure at drawing that living vicariously through others is better than toiling over art myself. at this point i just want to see art being made even if im too retarded to make anything good myself.

>> No.6798126

NIGGER stop being so annoying and uninteresting ok? luv u

>> No.6798186

Annoying, no. Uninteresting? Perhaps.
I just cant make people engage with my stuff for more than surface level and that getting me a little bummed out, specially so with some schizos actually rubbing it in saying that what Im doing is bad.

I guess I just have to do better and make stuff that actually makes people engage with it, tell a story through art, say. Im sure that would make people more interested.
Still, knowing the solution doesnt really wash away the feeling of hopelessness, you know, that feeling that creeps in when you feel like giving up.

>> No.6798651

my left eye has been twitching nonstop for 2 days just make it stop

>> No.6798682

My eyes keep burning when working digitally for an extended period of time and I can't tell what I'm doing anymore because of the afterimages, at which point I'm forced to take a break. I know I should take breaks more regularly but I don't want to break the flow.

>> No.6798921

Starting to now realize I should be learning things to be employable first, even if it means i’ll work on goyslop for kids networks. At least I would then have an art job and not hopping from menial job to menial job.

>> No.6798923

but + when I get the job then i can draw my weeb shit on the side.

>> No.6798948
File: 1.44 MB, 2433x1373, IMG_2656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Hello designer friends!”

>> No.6799932

How come I can only draw well in the wee hours of morning

>> No.6799954

depends on whether or not you mean you wake up early, or you just stay up till 4 AM

if you wake up early: because your most productive and focused hours are in the morning
if you're drawing late into the night: because you're dunning krugering and not seeing your mistakes

>waah waah i just draw better at 4 AM
no you just get complacent because you're functioning at a lower level by that time

>> No.6799955

happens to me when im really stressed out. try to destress.
Brain has not used up its energy to process things so its not tired.
It is rude to leave you hanging. The people you are talking to are probably egotistical. It's best to just not engage with them if possible because they won't have it any other way.
When the conversation is one sided try to lead the conversation back to you but obviously don't make the whole convo about you. You need a back and forth.

>> No.6799958
File: 135 KB, 720x552, 1627956580572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you're working on
Anatomy after a long unintentional break
>the industry
Heh... yeah I have no idea, just hope it is possible to get a good following on Shitter still
>things that excite you about art
Getting gud again! I was starting to get thousands of likes on my stuff. Finally felt like I was making it...
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Forgetting shit after my divorce and money issues made me take a long ass break and re-grinding fundies feels like fucking hell. I want to DRAW god damn it. Like shit that I really want to draw
I hate water and subsist on beer and soda
No I am not fat

>> No.6801406
File: 213 KB, 720x654, 1682986592284316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel so defeated, i have no energy or motivation to draw. just finished some classes and i think i hit a burnout without even realizing it.

>> No.6801416

lol loser, nobody actually likes to draw dumbass

>> No.6803052

>happens to me when im really stressed out. try to destress.

It finally went away with multiple naps :')
Either it was the naps or a waterpik'd the heck out of my teeth this morning. Or it was stupid me drinking tea and coffee.

>> No.6803059

draw lines on your own faces planes and use a mirror.

>> No.6803142
File: 291 KB, 939x534, 1649176800270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on,
A comic. Just finished pages 6-7 yesterday. Today I'm drawing pages 8 to 11, I'm halfway through page 9. I'm drawing just rough pencil sketches, my plan is to have the pencil sketch for 4 pages in one day, scan correct the sketches and draw the final line-work the next day, and color and edit stuff the day after that, ideally I'll have 4 finished pages every 3 days. Picrel is semi-related to what I'm working on.
>the industry
There is no comic industry, at least not outside of East Asian countries and maybe France. What we have is the Super-Hero Genre in North America. Outside of that what we do have is self-publishing, which admitedly is rather niche but you can still live off of that since what you earn a 100% of what you sell yourself, a big publisher would need to print out millions of copies and have them sold in stores across the continent for you to earn barely a penny from each copy sold, while you could've printed out a couple hundred copies and sell them yourself, earn couple dollars from each copy you sold and made about as much money if not more so.
>things that excite you about art
Talking about self-publishing, what excites me here is that I don't have to adere to the standards set by some company, I can draw the style I like, I could play with the size of the book if I want since I'm printing it myself (or rather, going to a shop that prints stuff but y'know, I'm working directly with them, not an editor or publisher) or the lenght. You can get pretty creative not just with the style but also the format.
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Wish I could start, ink and color and finish about 3 pages a day, to have those 21 pages long chapters done in literally a week but that's proven to be too much of a work load. I'd need assistants for that, like they do in Japan.

>> No.6803573

both happened to me when i was staring at my screen drawing/gaming for long periods of time.
fixed it by turning the monitor brightness down to the lowest value and keeping a light on when it got dark.
don't blow out your eyes anons, otherwise you'll never be able to appreciate visual artworks again...

>> No.6803677

This motherfucker cheap as sonuvabitch of a client. I literally pour my soul to make him a fucking great map for his shitty game, and he's like just making up shit. All the while he takes the most "how to" porn scenes without question coz that other fucking artist is a chick . Fucking idiots mate I can't take I want to bite a plutonium rod

>> No.6803742

too late for me, i use blue light prescription glasses now because my left eye is weaker. Ironically that was the eye that was twitching now that i think about it.

>> No.6803792

Why is it so difficult to turn my mindless 4chins browsing time into 30-60 minutes of doodling.
Active mental activity hard, but I just know it'll make me feel much better than waiting for dopamines on this website..

>> No.6804021

I swear to God every Asian art course has a "croquis" section and it's just there as filler bullshit to filter you from moving forward.

>> No.6804149

>think I'm improving
>the piece I spent hours on gets shat on
1.I'm mildly mad, but I'm not sure at what, probably at myself for wasting so much time
2. I should make smaller pieces that I can finish in reasonable time

>> No.6804246

>paypal takes a bite out of all payments that enter your account
>then takes another bite out whenever you transfer your balance to your bank

is there anything I can do about this? Its killing me

>> No.6805179

I'm decent at drawing casts both trad and digitally but the moment I try to make anything in color my rendering regresses to prepermabeg levels and close to none of the value knowledge I have translates.

>> No.6805203
File: 34 KB, 507x492, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 1 on 1 mentorship with an animator I look up to in a few months so I really have to study now.
It stressing me out a bit cause I have to learn animal anatomy and how to animate animals moving and acting also the same human shit too. I know I'll improve a lot since I have no choice but to show I improved since I asked for a few months to study but aughhhh I'm going to go insane cause I have to stay inside AUGHHHHH

>> No.6805673
File: 30 KB, 500x363, d7c6406c02a183b04039fab4a9966bf32c7da13436e2f5cc7196954c87c19c07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate leaving a barely finished draw on hold simply because I have to work. It puts me on a bad mood having that draw lingering on my head while I need to do an overly demanding job on top of it.

This is one of those times I much rather be drawing right now.

>> No.6805736


I don't like how I'm working blazing fast and yet the workload still somehow feels like it is not enough to squeeze in a little bit of free time. Too hyper aware of 60 minutes.

>> No.6806093

>begin drawing
>0.0001 seconds later, get hit with a wave of fatigue
>can't keep eyes open
>feel like I'm going to pass out
>turn off art program
>wide awake
>open art again
>suddenly lethargic and microsleeping

>> No.6806510

Anyone use Drawception? I feel like the timed factor does train your skills even though the most you'll make is dumb toon art

>> No.6806687
File: 108 KB, 500x410, tumblr_1a638caf57ba91d164174c4e4d82bf70_c01f6cea_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My early retirement plan
Currently earning $100K/yr, with $200K savings/investments.
>Can buy a $80K Apartment every year
>8% net returns, 6.4k/yr (~$500/mo)
So in 4-5yrs, I might be able to retire... Or maybe it's cope.

I'm just sick of stressing and working all these years. I just want to fucking draw

>> No.6806694

I wanna do trad more, but I don't like having the light on.

>> No.6806887

I’m learning more from books than videos at this point.

>> No.6807307

It's going to take years no matter how hard I work to get to a level I'm happy with. My drawing is mid, my painting is mid. No matter what, I still need to finish my pieces and post them online. Even just so people can rip me a new one about problems in my work I am aware of, but haven't the skill to fix yet. It's a tiresome proccess.
I just want to make better art.

>> No.6807465

Recently, there was something I wanted to see, there was no example of it, so I drew it myself. While it isn't very quality or stylish, I feel like this is the first time I drew something that satisfied my needs like that, though I of course wish it was better.

>> No.6807472

Do trad outside on a canvas in the sunlight

>> No.6807741 [DELETED] 

This youtube chick posts more about her gear than her art. Like the prime example of Wojak surrounded with art supplies holy heck. If she’s happy that’s fine but like come on man.

>> No.6807744


>> No.6807746 [DELETED] 


>> No.6807753

ah crap I don’t want her to see this place on her analytics. sorry about that.

>> No.6807866

I doubt Carritube would mind as long as her comment section isnt awful

>> No.6808100
File: 156 KB, 736x973, 1681732479875380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon here... I think I might be able to finish two pages within a day if I ink traditionally. Up until now I was doing line work in photoshop. Coloring takes me just a couple hours, sketching and line work is were the bulk of the work is at.

Captcha: TJ Rand

>> No.6808467

I wonder how I actually manage to draw a finished piece in first place, as shitty as it can be. When I'm trying to practice, I give up nearly instantly.

>> No.6808690

>Currently earning $100K/yr, with $200K savings/investments.
With art??

>> No.6808711

>I guess I don’t like that CSP is a subscription now
They did that? I've been using it for years but I don't think I'm being charged for anything.

>> No.6808727
File: 85 KB, 297x303, 32526774575487484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from art
come on, when did I even imply that? That's why I'm trying to build a base-line of passive income in the first place.
It's from Engineering. Lots of scholarships, quick graduation, tons of workplaces, very well payed in certain fields.

It's soulless work though. Absolutely draining. Most people can't do their jobs properly, so every meeting is a fucking minefield to navigate where they try to get you to say something to drag you under.
I'm naturally a very talkative person but during work I zip up, because I know what they're after.
It's like this everywhere too, every engineering firm in the country is a high-pressure cut-throat environment.

I fucking hate it. I want to quit so fucking bad, but I need the money for myself and my family (mom and sisters).
If I can get myself, like, $24K/yr of passive income, with some emergency savings, I might be able to retire. That's my hope

>> No.6808733

>when did I even imply that?
That was just my wishful thinking. But I think it's really cool you're able to work a job like that, as soul-sucking as it is. You must be really smart.
I hope you can retire soon. But if it gets too much make sure you just quit before having a mental breakdown. It's not worth it.

>> No.6808778
File: 42 KB, 500x334, 1685551464711723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up to a Paypal notice coming from one of my commissioners about not delivering or updating after 4 months.

I want to be mad, but I just cant bring myself to do so. I already messaged the client letting... them know the reasons for that huge delay (irl stuff + current commission being difficult), so hopefully that settles on it's own.
Still, it sucks because they have a point, but it would've been nicer he just told me directly, much like my other two clients on queue did. Besides, we did have an exchange about me being slow and taking my time to deliver, they knew, so I dont know why they didnt ask me.

>> No.6809046
File: 127 KB, 1337x446, 1663748163651810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out about the transform tool's "perspective" and "mesh" modes.
As a shitty artist, I am amazed by how powerful it is.
I just need to scale up my images, a bit.

>> No.6809081

>4 months
It's your fault, lazy cunt. You give artists a bad name. You should have refunded him at least

>> No.6809119

>its another "can't draw the other eye" episode
When will the government put me down? Hurry it up please.

>> No.6809120

This is why I draw exclusively in 3/4 view...

>> No.6809121

Its what Im doing, but the eye closest to the viewer always looks off for some reason

>> No.6809130

Just stop being afraid of drawing tracking lines in the draft

>> No.6809192

I'll admit I have drag my art quite significantly, I've procrastinate and I've been lazy, fair enough. But these four months havent been solely of procrastinating, my thesis and internship were this semester, easily one of the most excrutiating and soul crushing moments of my career, needless to say I was extremely busy. On top of it, work has been as killer as usual, specially the past few weeks with heavy works of moving heavy units, cleaning them and reinstalling them, that along smaller, yet time/energy consuming works. And to add to that, the commission Im working on right now is by far one of the hardest draws I've done and, if I want to make things right, I have to do it one step at a time in the limited time I have.

Im not trying to make up excuses because I am aware I could've done better, but my time and energy are very limited as well.
>You give artists a bad image
Im sorry, but why should I care about that? If anything I concern how people see *me* as an artist, which is already bad in itself for my commission delays.
>You should've refunded him
Im still doing the commission, you know?

>> No.6809246

Learn for next time. Imma be real, anon, it is a dick move to take a clients money and not keep him posted about estimates, timelines and posting progress when it occurs so he's clear that you didn't just scam him. Real life can happen, but when you get payed to do something, you become a business. Don't be like those construction work freelancers that say they're gonna do shit, but just spend their time blowing off the client to get crunk or do other jobs. You don't want to get a bad rep because that shit can stick with you for a long time.

>> No.6810281
File: 328 KB, 1110x1600, 20230824_064914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon
I was just thinking back to it this morning, how the only time I was happy was that short year I was a NEET, waking up in the morning and drawing until the evening.

I think I'll keep this as my personal goal for the coming years.

>> No.6810477

i took two ritalin tabs at the same time and banged out something in 10 minutes when i was stuck on it for a few days prior

>> No.6811918

le bump

>> No.6812029

How do you structure your art training?

I try to keep a mix of master studies, figure drawings and original for my work. If I'm struggling with a particular thing I'll do a few studies of that. I copy manga pages on the side as that is something different than illustration that I want to learn as well.

Back in the day when I used to only do studies and figure drawing, I kept getting annoyed that I have nothing to really show to other people, because I don't think they're that interesting. Do you think that only doing studies, figures and learning from books would be the fastest way to improve? Can anyone do those only for long? I couldn't.

Tell a brotha what's on your mind.

>> No.6812143

I don't know if I hate grinding or not. Eternally.

>> No.6812354

I sure as fuck hate it. It's much more enjoyable in short bursts, because you have a reason for it. Something to study up on or something to correct. I want to do art, because I have ideas I want to make. They sure aren't endless figure drawings.

>> No.6812503

Learning to draw reminds me of when I learned Japanese. There were a billion methods and routines out there, but I only started making serious progress when I decided to ignore 90% of their suggestions and developed my own routine. Like, everyone used to say Anki was necessary to learn Japanese, but I found I hated it, so I just stopped doing it, and my time spent learning every day actually increased.

There's so much advice on how to learn stuff it's dizzying, you think "Holy shit who do I follow?"
But instead of watching a fuck ton of tutorials or guides on how to draw, desu just stop and ask yourself, "What's a practice routine that I would actually enjoy doing every day?". I feel in the end that's the only routine we really stick to.

>> No.6812597

...all day I was thinking I didn't get paid and I did. I can get something to eat now.

>> No.6812901
File: 83 KB, 826x559, 1681394034028400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have one drawing that does really well because a big boy retweeted it
>immediately back to business as usual thereafter
twitter is mind poison I swear to god

>> No.6812905 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.6813620

>everyone shuts up when I post
Woah, are you me anon?
Even worst feeling is posting something in active generals and getting ignored. Repeatedly. For years.

>> No.6813734

>people post art on discord
>a million emojis, fire, 100%, <3
>I post work
>zero emoji, nobody posts anything for like an hour sometimes hours
>new post
>a million emoji on that artists work
>maybe a day later I have 1 or 3 heart emoji

Or how about
>post art with hashtag for fandom that has no art for it recently
>it’s getting seen, nobody likes it
>someone posts after me using same hashtag
“W-we’ll maybe it’s because they have a ton of followers”
>check account
>20 followers or less, brand new account

Okay then let me doodle this thing why not post it I don’t care anymore
>gets 50 likes in 20 minutes
>”cute!” Comments
I really don’t get it.

>> No.6814251
File: 93 KB, 529x337, mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post my dirty drawings on Fetlife
>people like them and start to follow me
>now a tranny writes to me every day about her sex life
>I don't have the balls to tell her that I don't care about her life
>some weirdo in his late 50's sends me daily good morning messages and now is asking me if I can draw his weird fantasy
>I don't have the balls to tell him that I'm busy and I don't care about his stupid fantasy.
Why I have to be so polite (AKA retarded)? I know it's a sexual network, but I don't want to make friends; I just want to post my shit. I guess I could write on my profile that I don't want to make friends or chat with anyone, but that sounds awful.

>> No.6814258

milk them for commissions, retard

>> No.6814303

I bet they're both cheap and will ask me for overly complicated shit. Besides, I'm devoting virtually all my time to a client who pays me well.
In fact, I recently got an email from a guy who wanted to pay me for a comic inspired by one of his stories. Deep down I wanted to tell him that I'm not interested in his story and possibly he wouldn't pay me the same as my other client, but I held back.

>> No.6814418

Don't take commissions when you know you're gonna be that busy, shitflick

>> No.6814421

every time I see my work somewhere I hate it, even if I liked it while I was drawing it
it makes me want to cry

>> No.6814424
File: 30 KB, 320x180, 868C54F5-F867-4B8D-A57C-BB762FFF50D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cool ideas in my head but no actual talent to draw them.

>> No.6814426

Well that's what AI is for :^)

>> No.6814428

>tfw no talent OR gpu

>> No.6815293

time to start drawing... just gotta..... turn the tablet on... just gotta... lift my arm...my extremely heavy arm... press teh button.... pick up the pen.... adjust my seat.... wait for it to load..... open the program..... wait for THAT to load.... face the blank canvas.... again..... any second now....

>> No.6815489

I came up with a cool art handle how the hell did nobody take it yet?

>> No.6815563

>20% drawing
>80 erasing and redoing the line

how do I stop this. I can't just keep the first line, its fucking shit.

>> No.6816135

he's making a book? Source?

>> No.6816143

It's absolutely normal when you wanna achieve high-quality detailed art. While sketching, however, it's much more productive just to complete silhouette distinctive enough and move to the next sketch as quick as possible.

>> No.6816225

I'm realizing being self-taught sucks, it's kinda obvious you can't teach yourself if you don't know something yet

>> No.6816260


>> No.6817353 [DELETED] 
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I cant trust people's goodwill anymore, I cant trust people liking my art, my head is always looking for excuses to undermine anyone that likes it, even if it means outright insulting them.
>Nobody with actual taste and knowledge finds your art good or appealing, you're only liked by bottom-of-the-barrel people with no taste or knowledge on art
>They are just being polite to you, or they simply dont have a choice, or dont have the heart to tell you things in your face
My last commissioner even framed my draw on a nice frame and set it as his pfp on Discord, even told me he would draw my character because I also made an extra draw for him as compensation for the delay.
He was so nice, but I cant be happy, I just feel like I have a pit in my stomach
>why would he do that? You took a lot of time to deliver and at the end it didnt even work out as you expected, why are they being so nice about it? You dont deserve this.
It hurts and I dont know why, I dont know why I find comfort in thinking people dont like what I do, it makes my head rest for a while, it makes me not seek their validation, it makes me not look at how little people care about my art at the very end.

I want people to roast me, I want people to talk shit about my art, I want people to explicitly hate what I do, just tell me. This sounds like Im fishing for pity? does it sound like I want you to say "you're wrong, anon! Your stuff is actually good!"? I dont want that, I dont want nice comments, be angry at me, crab me, chase me off this board, I cannot trust people being nice to me, I wish I could, but I just cant. Ironically, I can take bad comments better, at least they dont make me question myself.

Im not an int, Im not a beg, Im just NGMI.
>inb4 pyw
Here, you dont need more, you know who I am.

>> No.6817364

You are mentally ill and have emotional problems

Seek help

>> No.6817530

Posting to say pre-concept art general just fell off the end, can’t wait for the startup thread.

>> No.6819449
File: 135 KB, 376x376, 1689891278387918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>braindead doodling for fun for 2 years, reach mid-high beg levels
>grind fundies like perspective and anatomy alone for a year
>attend a very high level trad atelier for another year
>"i can finally make the work i want to make :D"
>open photoshop
>finish an artwork
>it is literally at the exact same level as 2 years ago despite the dozens of cast studies, life drawing sessions and oil painting

Alright that's it lads. I'm going to fucking kill myself unironically. I fucking hate art so much. Why is art so fucking stupid? How can you grind THE FUNDAMENTALS OF YOUR FUCKING CRAFT and have NONE OF IT translate into your finished work? Fucking hell the only thing drawing cast studies helped me with is drawing cast studies.

>> No.6819482

the harder you try, the worse you draw. It becomes stiffer and stiffer. You need to loosen up and relax.

>> No.6819491

>decide to work on figure construction because I clearly end up with stiff and boring poses with misshaped bodies
>turns out I cannot even eyeball proper limb proportions
Sweet, more grinding

>> No.6819503

This is going to sound stupid but literally the only time I have fun with drawing is when I'm doodling in MS Paint and just drawing stuff that makes me happy instead bending over backwards to think of something that the twitter algorithm will like.

I want to make a living off art but it seems like every avenue for doing so brings me immeasurable misery. It's not that I hate making proper, finished work, it's that it feels like my balls are in a vice when I'm making something with the intent of it being postable and marketable and I get so anxious and hopeless that I can't even think straight let alone draw my best.

I can find no synthesis between the two, it's either doing stuff for myself that I enjoy, or going through some painfully fake song and dance for an audience in the hopes that they throw pennies at me. But if I just draw for myself then I'll never be able to do this full time and for some reason that thought really makes me not want to live. I genuinely have no winning move here.

Also I have never made a single dime off my art which makes all this even more pathetic.

>> No.6819562

>working on
i've just been studying perspective recently
>industry baby
no comments i want to be a hobbyist unless i make it, which is cope of course
every time i pick up the pen/stylus/pencil, i get excited because i know that my skills will improve, at least marginally
>frustrated (blogpost lmao)
every time i put down the pencil, i can't help but feel like art will never be for me. not for lack of skill, though i don't have have much of any, admittedly- but because it's just damn hard to come up with interesting ideas. i'm pretty good at being creative in my writing, but for drawing or music? it feels like an insurmountable wall. it feels strange. i write visual descriptions all the time, but then if i try to think on the finer details, i get lost. this isn't /mu/ but i'm primarily a musician, and after actually getting into improv and composing from just playing, it's the same if not worse. it's easy to "make," but it seems really hard to "make something of worth." i recently did a commission for a song to fit a music video that got some good feedback but i'm up in my own head about how it could and should have been better so i'm not even happy about the positive reception. i always want to be a one-man army of content creation for art and games but i don't think i'll ever breach the barrier of sound design and good visual design. i feel like i'd just end up as the kind of dev that just uses mechanics to compensate for lack of substance, or an animator with technicality and nothing else.
i've been studying music composition and one line always stuck out to me at the start of an old theory book
"Perhaps the hope of future riches... induces you to choose this life? ...you must change your mind... Whoever wants riches must take another path."
i wonder if i'm somehow being greedy without knowing it...
i'm just copying the first anon's post format, but my water is warm and i'm out of ice so i'm especially sad

>> No.6820100
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsugomomo's author streams his process on youtube but he now privates these streams after finishing and he did the same with previous ones.


>> No.6820154

It's a smart thing to do. Don't want *I training itself on your stroke pattern choices. Perhaps he can even sell his recordings if he so chooses or just personally safe keep it as a video diary.

>> No.6820176

Yeah I know, perhaps even publisher demanded it, but it was quite a learning resource nonetheless

>> No.6820187
File: 10 KB, 236x208, d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the final pill for me, I actually was using construction too much as a crutch.
> I don't need to copy perfectly, that will not help drawing from imagination, I can just construct it
Which... ok, it will look 3d, but the proportions are all fucked, then I end up erasing and overworking on the sketch to change the proportions and make it at least passable, I was looking hard on how to know the proportions in 3d space, and I realized, that's impossible, you have to learn the proportions and 2d silhouette too, essentially like a scanner, where you take pictures from multiple angles to construct a 3d modal, I think the biggest problem of drawing from imagination is bridging that annoying gap between 2d understanding of the object you observe, and the 3d forms of it.

>> No.6820188

Fuck, I was going to archive his streams. Oh well

>> No.6820393
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the series I liked were more relevant.
Like seriously, who gives a fuck about KOF and DOA/Ninja Gaiden in 2023? Yeah I'm only drawing what I like, but I still want people to see my work...

>> No.6820462
File: 153 KB, 1856x1856, 1689405703547836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it won't matter any more. the AI manga workflow is already slowly establishing itself.
it won't be about directly creating manga from SD, but the actual solidifying gens into manga will be done in CSP.
there's still ways to go but i'm seeing the path now.

>> No.6820624

yas can’t wait, will keep checking back thru all the pages occasionally till it’s generated

>> No.6820709

After talking to some anons in /aco/, I've come to the conclusion that my favorite fetish has the days numbered.

>> No.6820764 [DELETED] 

the fuck is up with advertisers on youtube lately
show some restraint

>> No.6821583
File: 159 KB, 362x428, 1613847564498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of a sudden I've been working fulltime for 2 years
>Barely improved, haven't drawn anything worthwhile since
>Health has gotten way worse
>Can't even sleep properly
>Was just placed as lead on a fuck-huge project starting 2024
I'm working so hard, but I'm not even earning much in the grand scheme of things.

It pisses me off so much when I see those kids with so much money they never have to work in their life. They get to actually live life and focus on what they love to do.
Money and good health, those are true freedom.

>> No.6822525

There's this middle aged fat woman at my life drawing classes and I literally never talk to her but she always comes up to me to posture about how she's going to get better than me. It sounds crazy but that's literally what she does, just pure seething obsession with me for no reason. Like she will go on and on and I'll just say "yeah im super scared" or something like that. One time she got mad that I'm not really paying her any mind and she just outright started calling me out and said "you're not a real artist".

She also talked to me about how much money she makes out of context. Like she constantly comes off as aggressively trying to prove something to me. It's really easy to attack her work since she's low beg tier but I don't want to stoop down to pointless ego battling. How am I even supposed to respond to a person like this? What would you anons do?

>> No.6822530

You can always fix your health. So many problems stem from your biological energy being low. Waking up in the morning without getting groggy is not about willpower. Fast, eat clean, cut out alcohol, if you are a man then masturbate less and practice semen retention.

>> No.6822585

longshot, but have any of you got covid before? was one of the symptoms chest/back pain in one specific area at irregular intervals?

Im dying from one of the worst cases of influenza I've experieced and I barely get sick at all. If this isnt cockbig (and by god I hope it isnt), I dont know what it is.

>> No.6822608

Just start actually arguing and competing with her, it's not the "smart" way to deal with it but why not have fun if she wants it

>> No.6822629

I would draw her face on the models body.

>> No.6822632

1. Are you a woman? Is this a case of some hag being offended that a young chick is better than her and she interprets you as a threat?
2. Are you that much better than her? Like obvious high-/beg/ to /int/? Would fall back to 1 and she's jealous you're younger than her, but have made it further.

>> No.6822676

I'm a guy, just significantly younger than her.
>2. Are you that much better than her?
Yes. But I'm still not sure how to handle this situation in a sane way.

>> No.6822684


When I had it I lost my smell for 3 months and when my smell recovered I lost taste for about 2 months. Had some nights where it felt like I was on the verge of dying from lack of air, had to breathe into a freezer for extra air.

>> No.6822754

>inb4 fuck her
You can't and you won't. She's having a melty about her not being as good as you. If you engage and play these games with her it will just escalate. You can either try to brush her off and not give her any sort of noteworthy interaction, or leave.

Yes that is a possibility, although influenza would have something similar, no? Get yourself to a doctor, this isn't a good place for these questions. When I had the coof my chest was weak and I had high fever and felt very cold at different points.

>> No.6822999

>buy a book stand to hold books
>end up using it for my Ipad
The adjustment of height from my Parblo stand is a huge difference.

>> No.6823118

How does that work? Is the government coming to ban it? Is it youtube personas and nonconsensual sexualization or something?

>> No.6823141

No, simply the public interested in my fetish is changing and the new generations are not only not interested in it, but even consider it problematic. However, I am probably exaggerating. There are still plenty of people interested in my fetish, after all.

>> No.6823235

>Back on my 6 WIPs 0 finished painting in the past month bullshit
How do you guys deal with longterm motivation for larger pieces and plan your workload to allow for studies, longer paintings and new stuff in the mix? Just Pomodoro that bitch up?

>> No.6823445

I recently tried an art community discord and it did not work out. That's all I'm gonna say, honestly.

>> No.6823554

I tried once too. It was just too fast paced for me. And the forced memes were just obnoxious.

>> No.6823591
File: 3.33 MB, 644x362, 1638734946858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's more profitable, loli or furry? I'd be more okay with drawing lolis but I'm afraid of the possible consequences.

>> No.6823595

Babyfur. But money won't fix your soul.

>> No.6823618

I'm so fucking tired of being mentally drained after an hour of drawing.

>> No.6823623

The potential solution may be to draw for less than an hour. Half an hour.

>> No.6823683
File: 108 KB, 967x966, 1633317054857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't even going to google that...

>> No.6823701
File: 32 KB, 704x495, 20230106_144255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art has improved massively over the last 3 years
>but i also gained 50 pounds

>> No.6823705

>I ain't even going to google that...
You can just infer. And yes, it is as fucked up as you think.

>> No.6823765

Got a new wagie job, so I won't be able to draw as much as I want anymore.
On one hand, it sounds like a nightmare having to be a slave again. But on the other, it'd be nice to finally afford some QoL upgrades.
I started feeling some burn out from drawing nonstop, so maybe this forced reduction is a good thing? Probably just a cope.
But, I felt the same way with my last job. The few moments I did have where I wasn't too tired to draw were moments of bliss and happiness. I actually enjoyed drawing on days off.
In other words, output will be slower, but maybe there will be more soul? Unless this new job completely drains it all away, and I go back to wanting to kms again.

>> No.6823904
File: 2 KB, 345x527, 1693525017430860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a sense of solitude today. I havent talked to irl friends due to reasons. Atleast i have tight knit online friends who care somewhat for me. I wouldnt say im not happy, but it just kinda sucks not to talk to people i guess.

I realized today i tend to overeact to things when it comes to revenge. Idk what to do with this info.
Heres some art a friend made for me.

>> No.6823993 [DELETED] 

Am i not allowed to reply to people on twitter? every time I reply to a thread my account gets a ghost ban which means the post is buried at the bottom and goes unseen. Very infuriating.

>> No.6824024
File: 178 KB, 531x346, 1612389129387129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for once the twitter techbro goyslop feed feeds me something good.
the comments on that tweet were pure fucking kino, aicels seething about how capitalism is repressing their creativity.

>> No.6824027

>waah capitalism wont let me make AI goyslop games
>what do you mean capitalism benefits from replacing people with AI and it wouldn't be logical for them to repress my AI goyslop game? NO CAPITALISM IS BAD THE MAN IS KEEPING ME DOWN GIVE ME FREE MONEY I SPENT YEARS PROOMPTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6824215

>what you're working on
A cooler piece. It's going pretty good!
>the industry
Was never kind to me financially so I don't care about it much.
>things that excite you about art
When it's cute in a certain way like pic related.. I'm autistically into cute cartoon faces of very specific styles.
>frustrates you about drawing or the process of art
Whenever I'm trying to impress someone and they watch me draw I fuck up in a million ways I normally wouldn't have.
2nd best beverage after milk.

>> No.6824268

>got insomnia from being too excited to draw and learn more the next day
i think this is more of a curse than a blessing, i hate and dont hate this feeling, i would just like to sleep a decent amount of hours..

>> No.6824271

I have this too but it comes from a place of anxiety at the moment. Worried about whether I will do good enough and all that and I end up waking at 6 AM. Sucks a lot.

>> No.6824286

i wake up every 1-3 hours, its annoying as shit and melatonin isnt working too well either

>> No.6824788

Has anyone been in Trent Kanigga's discord? What's it like?

>> No.6825073
File: 465 KB, 2048x2048, F5DAaYpWYAAFOER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something important I've learned over the last week. As important as it is to take criticism well and respectfully, it's just as important, if not more important to GIVE criticism in a well-done and respectful way too.
pic not related

>> No.6825649

This is just a part of being a decent person

>> No.6825650

Thats great and all but PYW NOW!!!!

>> No.6825751

The pinned website doesn't work anymore, so here's a link.
Someone should fix that pinned thread.

>> No.6825771

How do I get paid for coom art without having to reveal my full legal fucking name?

>> No.6825802
File: 84 KB, 1440x1080, 1689339169884165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to draw today but I am going to anyway.

>> No.6825828
File: 684 KB, 1800x2969, IMG_20230810_212712771~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my first Mickey drawings. I drew this crap a month ago.

>> No.6826269

>dont want to draw today
>can't let himself have fun because I should be drawing
>spend the entire day looking at my wall daydreaming about drawing

>> No.6826283

>post drawing on twitter
>post same drawing on tik tok
>1000+ likes

every single time…. I’m so tired bros.

>> No.6826285

twitter is mad retarded

>> No.6826293

This happened to me on Instagram too. People love videos

>> No.6826503

I'm feeling FOMO because I missed a few Deep Dives and the summer event in Deep Rock Galactic, but I suppose that's for the best. I don't want to get back into more timesinks that I got. Now at least I have chance to draw something every day.
But on other hand, I might want to get back into vidya down the line, for fanart inspiration and so on...

>> No.6826698

Got over my coomer artist ego dream, and I started doing freelance stuff (fridge magnet painting, logo design for boomers, drawing people's dogs etc) while drawing coom for fun and my coom account actually is doing better than when I was tryharding and fetishizing the idea of having some alter twitter ego and I even got my first comm from it today

Fucking hell ego and preconceived notions of what being an artist is like are true poison

>> No.6827191

Judging by the picture quality you should really get into drawing with ink markers. Otherwise come up with a good story should be enough.

>> No.6827587

I want to ask you, what do you do to avoid getting distracted? Sometimes it's really hard for me to concentrate on studying or drawing what I have in mind and I end up checking social networks or just walking around the place, I feel that if I can concentrate I can improve what I'm doing.

>> No.6827630

Can we get another /wct/ thread?

>> No.6829127

>How much time do you need to invest in art every day to progress in a stable manner?
>How much time do you have available every day?
>Did you complete your daily art goals?
You don't have to cut out all joy from your life to git gut, just recognize how much time you have and invest as much time as you deem reasonable in it. My goal is 2 hours ever workday and I plan around that.

>> No.6829133

As long as you're moving ahead and not stuck in a hole of progress then you're doing fine.

>> No.6829216

I'm pretty fine with cutting out vidya for now. I lost enough of my life on that shit. It's just my habits/addictions getting pissy. If I could cut out browsing 4chan somehow...
Anyway, to progress, I think I need to grind all the damn time. I cannot even gauge that progress because sometimes I manage to draw something okayish yet often I seem to be unable to draw basic things when practicing.