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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 276x183, 3DB3AA19-B6EF-4261-8099-7E4FCCF81415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618794 No.6618794 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you go from being a writer to drawing semi successfully?

Any tips? Andrew Hussie once wrote that "A writer's job should be to get an illustrator coffee", is that true? Like is writing worthless?

>> No.6618805

you will never be an artist
you will never be a writer

>> No.6618809

I've written almost as much as that guy who wrote the smash bros fanfiction

>> No.6618817

>Like is writing worthless
It's rare to find outstanding use of language. Because it's highly correlated to one's thinking abilities. And most intelligent people don't necessarily write.

But think about it this way: is it easier to describe, with words, a magnificent scenery extensively, or to paint it, with real paint?

This more or less generalizes beyond landscapes.

>Any tips?
Same as for everyone else: pick a book on drawing/painting, read it carefully, do all the exercises, practice every day for few hours. Rinse and repeat. Better for most people to you can find a dedicated, knowledgeable teacher;self-instruction is hard for most people (discipline, motivation, etc.)

>> No.6618820

They are not related, simple as. You go down the same path as the barkeeper, butcher or astronaut. So you start from zero like everyone else and gonna need to put in the huge work to get remotely decent. If you were a successful writer we could talk about some different qualities you possess that give you an edge, but you just throw some word around like it means or describes anything when it does not.

Really, you just created a generic off-topic thread where one describes a random quality and attached "drawing" to it just to pretend it has anything to do with this board.

>> No.6618897

>is writing worthless?
yes, and so is drawing
any value you get out of it you get despite the medium, not because of it, and you’d have done better in literally any other

>> No.6618964
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Cheers, man
I am a writter too.

Believe me, it's actually easier to learn art than writting and competition is not as bad

At writer sites, there is no skill requirement.
You will be competing with a 13-year-old for the same amount of readers online that day
And kid is going to win because boy do they not care about quality and loves spamming

Writer sites are loaded with dirty tricks like updating less than 100 words and dup accounts to rate it higher

With art, you can easily tell the skill level based on just thumbnails. Competition is still high but it's easy to filter with just 5 seconds look and spamming is not allowed.
Oh, and you can post on social media

Start drawing bro
I will turn my story into a full fledge comic once I got good enough (probabl;y next year) I will start by making stardew valley shitposts as starting ground.

>> No.6618986
File: 75 KB, 1387x404, Fag got BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to ignore the people who say it's too late to start
Remember the eagle raised by chickens

>> No.6618997

You know how you read a bunch of books, watched tutorials and wrote a fuck ton in practice? You do that again.

>> No.6619008
File: 110 KB, 713x1103, 821534cc13e90d0598b2add76e71a185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Art inspires the Writing, and the Writing inspires the Art.

An artist "writes" through the visual clues that are incorporated into the composition. You can tell a lot about the characters by what they are wearing and doing,from time period and financial status to personality and attitude.

>> No.6619014
File: 491 KB, 1280x720, 1498793187739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still posting this shit? There is nothing extraordinary except for the number of replies he got from one shit image.

>> No.6619026

>posts his work on /ic/
>nothing extraordinary

>> No.6619032

>Posting your work on a Nepali frog breeding forum is now considered to be a feat.
That bad huh.

>> No.6619035

Yeah, try doing it the next time you're dismissive of someone else's art because chances are pretty good you're complete garbage yourself.

>> No.6619048

Show me his latest drawings, and I mean his actual drawings and not some copies.

>> No.6619054
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Your turn

>> No.6619059
File: 249 KB, 1444x540, michelangelo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is writing worthless
good writing is the wellspring of all good art. the same can't be said for the opposite

>> No.6619061

Biggest shittalkers are the biggest pussies

>> No.6619063

I've seen that other fag post those same old drawings on other threads months ago, you are not him.

>> No.6619065
File: 128 KB, 736x719, Test 22 beta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally making test 22

>> No.6619073
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>> No.6619077

Let me get this straight, you've been self posting the initial image of your triumph over someone that caused butthurt years ago and you've held onto that grudge and keep posting that screenshot like a vindictive bitch? No, I won't give you any fodder today. Get a life.

>> No.6619085

Puss puss

>> No.6619556

>Any tips? Andrew Hussie once wrote that "A writer's job should be to get an illustrator coffee", is that true? Like is writing worthless?
Worthless? No, it's just simply not as labor intensive as drawing.
Keep in mind Hussie is/was a comic writer/illustrator. He knew for a fact that he spent most of the time on a project drawing it, because what is there to actually DO when it comes to writing? You spend a month planning the story and writing the script... and then what? Make coffee for the artist who'll spend the next year of his life drawing the script you wrote in a month, that's what.

>> No.6619568

>and then what?

I have studied an entire course on Nuclear simply because I don't want my MC to be pretentious.

A smart character requires a smart author.
It isn't just a story.
Writting is literally a part of the author.

LoTR is just part of Tolkien's autism towards folklore and language studies
1984 is the author's experience with communism
Death of a salesman is the author's experience with midlife crisis and lack of meaning in his life.
Pride and Prejudice is about guilt and how it can corrupt your mental and physical health
Narnia was the result of the author's love of theology
Superman and Spiderman were the result of their author being wholesome people

Well, that's just how it goes with good writers at least.
Bad writers just pick up a scene they enjoyed without delving deeper as to why they enjoy it in the first place

>> No.6619580

> Get a life.
The irony

>> No.6619590

>Any tips
Pick up
Copy everything you see in the book, starting from cover, do the projects as you come up with them. Post everything you draw in /BEG thread generals (remember if you dont get any (You)s it means your stuff isnt bad nor good aka you are on right path).

Draw daily and PYW daily. Simple.

To copy it means to open the book, look at it and then draw on blank paper what you saw. Yes it wont be accurate nor perfect, its the pain of doing it which teaches you the most. You still want to read the words, they are very useful.

And remember: no matter what never ever do draw a box. And any other famous books you can do after you finish ktd, not before.

>> No.6619654
File: 45 KB, 285x322, 1680442088032596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like is writing worthless?
If this is how you express yourself in written form, yes.

But nothing is stopping you from being equally amateurish with drawing and have fun.

>> No.6621369

All of that is prep work -- something you do BEFORE writing the script, not after. Once the script is done and you hand it over to the artist, what's your job then? More often than not, you get to work on your next script, whatever that is. You have nothing left to do.
If this is a serial work that has scriptwriting left to do, you work on that, or since you have the time, you help the artist out however you can. Like getting them coffee. Because none of what you said changes the fact that drawing is more labor intensive (=time consuming) than writing. Note: I'm not saying one is EASIER than the other, this is purely a factor of time.

>> No.6621483

I don't know about others but I did it by writting a draft first then research for confirmation and details.
Suffer the Dunning Kruger as I realize how little I know
And then rebuild it

We have a webcomic series about Nuclear Energy. I spent almost an entire year studying before we made final drafts and script for the webcomic.
Made me feel like ass over how he does all the hardwork so I picked up drawing so I can help him next time

You can search Quantum Festival if you are curious

>> No.6621495

>I don't know about others but I did it by writting a draft first then research for confirmation and details.
>Suffer the Dunning Kruger as I realize how little I know
>And then rebuild it
Right and that's all well and good... but that means you didn't have it in a state where you could/should send it to the artist yet. You're not gonna send it to the artist (to start drawing, not just for feedback) and THEN start revising it, not if you want to keep that artist around. Once those final drafts are ready, what else is there for you to do? Not a whole lot, as you say you've even picked up drawing so you can help him. This is what Hussie is getting at in that quote.

>> No.6621503

Eh, I guess so.
Funny thing is, there are actually plenty of modifications to that step depending on who holds the greatest sway

For example: Miyazaki and Monty of Rooster Teeth are artists first and foremost
They start by drafting a scene they like and then asks the writers how they could lead the characters there.

The difference here is Miyazaki collaborates with his 5 writers. He is present there when they brainstorm their work
Whereas Monthy just makes the fight scene first and just tells his writers to make sense of it.
Which is why RWBY is such a clusterfuck of a plot.
The entire prom episode happened because Monty likes dance animation and the sword and shield guy was made because he watched Avatar and loved Sokka.

Then we get writers who would gladly modify their story by asking the artist based on the style they like and their personality.
Kemono Friends was the first one that came to mind. Because they are such a small 10-man team, the writer/director based the character's personalities on their team members and just ignored the canon lore.
The result was a major hit.
(Sucks that it went tragic due to corporate greed)

Remember that you are a team. Be sure that there is both a connection and freedom for individual decisions

>> No.6621619
File: 791 KB, 850x1421, page 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a lot.
I finished a four book fantasy saga, a doorstopper mystery novel, two nouvelles, around a hundred short stories...

I never managed to build an audience. I admit my quality varies but that's also not much of a point when I see what's popular on amazon. I just never knew how to market either. My fantasy saga got a total of 50 books sold. My mystery novel didn't get a single sell. I would link it but they are in spanish anyways so I couldn't promote them here either.

The writer market is even MORE saturated than the artist one and the quality bar is near non-existant. Some of the things published are really atrocious and they can still become popular because the author pays or pushes enough. Writing twitter is a void of unpopular authors retweeting and promoting each other. Utterly pointless. There are no readers there.

I don't want to come out as snobbish. If I am honest I think my fantasy saga has a rather mediocre if not bad start, and the horror novel I spent a year writing has huge issues anyways... But I can still defend them against the cheap erotica-tier novels published on amazon.

After finishing the last novel suddenly I stopped caring altogether about writing. Inspiration completely abandoned me. I spent around two years like that. I had defined myself as a writer so it was strange to lose that aspect of myself, in fact, it didn't even bother me. It might have been dissapointment at how little reach my novels got, perhaps. Or simply felt the medium was too limiting - either way, after reading a few manga I decided I wanted to draw like Go Nagabe and started my comic.

I have not built an audience with comics either (lol) but definitely had more success than with writing, being part of more engaged art communities and the like. My art is still somewhere around beg tier but I do improve at my own pace. Maybe I just got mindbroken and stopped caring about reach, maybe nowadays I'm starting to.

>> No.6621621

Having written before it did help me a alot with my comic storylines, however there were also aspects that differed a lot. I completed my first comic and I have to admit the pace is a rushed mess and many aspects can be confusing for the reader even if the art didn't start toddler tier. This is not self victimization but facts. On my current comic I am trying to do better and give more space for characters to develop but I already commited a few writings mistakes. Still I am quite happy and satisfied to be working on this and there is a long story and road ahead.

End of my rant. Not sure it's useful for anyone but that's it. Art is a medium with a far easier entry for the audience over the artist, so for now my goal is to reach 100 subscribers and try to build a small but dedicated audience of my comic.

>> No.6621969

What does drawabox teach or instill in you that's not worth it?

>> No.6622018

nothing killed more begs than draw a box. even people with autism get filtered by it. it gives you illusion that drawing is tedious anti fun and you quit drawing forever.

telling begs to not do drawbox is like telling to children to dont do drugs or dont talk with strangers.

>> No.6623117

If writing was a worthless, easy skill then the entire world would be abundandtly filled with good movies, novels, articles, comedies, tragedies, but evidently thats not the case.