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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 158 KB, 347x172, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6591436 No.6591436 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking about the AI art and its ethical and legal implications lately, and i have arrived pretty much at the same conclusion i had initially: AI image generation is nothing more than a tool, and should be used synergistically with one's other artistic skills to create artwork.
While initially it kinda scared me seeing all of these epic images, i realized they're pretty much being made from people that are completely controlled by the tool, and not the other way around, and it shows. The images' quality is in short very much accidental and unintentional, and the results are what we already know: generic, soulless, corporate.
I think there are tools, for example photobashing, that regular artists could use to get control over AI image generation softwares and use them as tool to create their own vision and not the AI's.

So, pretty much my question is: do you know of any "Prestigious" course, tutorial or book on this stuff? Even better if it talks about the issue in a more philosophical, ethical way.
An example of this way of teaching that comes to mind is FZDschool: he used a lot of photo manipulation and photobashing while shitting on people completely depending on these tools, he talked about his perspective on art and art industry a lot and provided interesting strategies that could be used with digital media.

>> No.6591480

As tooling improves, everyone becomes be able to make at home in a few days better animations movies/video games than what was produced 20 years ago. They just need a bit of creative juice.


Let alone "paintings".

So far, the safest option is to go back to trad; robot arms are still not there, yet.

>> No.6591481

AI is such a fun tool for artists!

>> No.6591488
File: 79 KB, 975x603, 4564565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will not live to see tomorrow morning.

>> No.6591492

Heya I saw the video and my mind immediately started wondering the ways in which such an advanced tool could be used for things different than its original purposes.
For example, what could be the effect of a live facial animation on a model that doesn't look like a face at all? In what ways could uniform the art style of different pieces from the asset library to make a unique style game?

I already lean towards trad art (i think it looks way better than digital anyways), but I still can't help but think about the possible ways in which these new technologies could be used in an innovative way.
Think about punk music: it originated from people using a beat sampler (which was originally intended as a cheap imitation of a drummer, like AI is a cheap imitation of an artist) and changing the rhytm and instruments to achieve a new sound. This is what i think would be possible to do with AI generated images or the stuff from unreal you linked, or at least i feel like it's worth giving this stuff a thought without outright refusing it

>> No.6591497

>Maybe if I spin my poorly disguised shilling as le good, /ic/ won't hate it!
Hurry up and post pretending to be another user replying with a "prestigious" course on the use of AI so we can get this over with.

>> No.6591498
File: 508 KB, 636x693, cate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a sort of apocalypse and cade enjoyer myself

>> No.6591507
File: 1.06 MB, 761x727, berb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon nigga can't you see from what i'm writing that i'm not shilling and trying to get some sort of hold over this uncomfortable new technical development?
to give more corroboration to this, i draw this kind of stuff for work, i think it serves as more proof that i'm not one of the AI brainlets

>> No.6591518

Hey man,
Kill yourself.
Your friends at /ic/

>> No.6591534

i had that line of thinking before, but i realized that outright refusing to use the tool and shilling against it is doing nothing more than taking it away from the hands of experienced artists and putting it in the hands of AI "Artists".

I get that with such a new technology the most immediate reaction is shock, hence the complete refusal from one side or the sanctification from the other.
I expected a more open mind from /ic/

>> No.6591542

make ai shilling a bannable offense on ic

>> No.6591545

>make ai shilling a bannable offense on ic
Why not just make an AI art thread and DON'T VISIT IT. Simple.

>> No.6591565

Fuck off you niggas you are once again spamming shit with yall retardation

>> No.6591577

If it is truly yours, your art is pleasant to look at, so I hope you do yourself a service and also stay as far away as you can from all this AI shit. You're like a chef asking for advice to become a better assembly line worker in a shitty food factory.
So far, I have observed that any project it touches becomes shittier due to the very nature of this medium. All AI can do is take away.

>> No.6591578

I sold a few things on etsy, most of what I do is curate the generated art

>> No.6591579

Didnt read slash your throat

>> No.6591580

>I expected a more open mind from /ic/
tourist lol

>> No.6591581

>shilling against
kill yourself, retard

>> No.6591582

Ask cgpt to help you kek

>> No.6591584

This, no one is going to feel motivated refining concepts, designs and ideas that aren't even theirs to begin with and stolen from others. Referring back to that one reddit post. Notice how the guy who cared also was the superior artist. All types of artistic productions employing AI will become increasingly flat and dispassionate as a consequence.

Not that I expect slop eating NPC normalfags to notice or care. Even before AI I'm appalled by the things they consider passable. But anyone who enjoys art for the sake of art will probably take notice.

>> No.6591586

i mean i really thought the same, but then i realized they look like shit specifically because they're mostly made by people who are lazy, untalented, uncreative or approach the medium without much thought.
I think there is a lot of unexplored space for improvement and creativity that's worth delving into, and i think this kind of approach to AI-generated images must start from artists, otherwise it's forever going to be just the same as it is today, the soulless corporate artstation pictures we know and love.

It's either artists using, fucking up and subverting AI image generation, thus also making it cringe, or proompters becoming the new shallow shitty standard for art. I believe it's possible

>> No.6591587

>insert soulfulaisonic.jpg
>/ic/ BTFO

>> No.6591589

that was /v/

>> No.6591594

I was here to see it was on /ic/

>> No.6591597

maybe, it was blue background, I never switch from Yotsuba so maybe it was Burichan idk

>> No.6591602

>AI is just another tool guys!
Why are you so eager to do away with your artistic integrity? Anyone who says this deserves being labeled a hack and then some.

>> No.6591604 [DELETED] 

i mean (still OP here), i'll give a practical example from my perspective
My point rises from the many times i tried to use AI to make drawings i pictured in my mind, and it failed everytime, from the most stupid ones to the more complex.
For example, some time ago i asked for a crossbow design with a leaf spring instead of the crossbow's limbs, and it produced images that were simply unusable because the prompt was too specific.
i am not saying at all that AI should generate the idea for the artwork itself, or that AI images are a final product that has any kind of worth.
But how could it be used to improve tedious processes such as rendering materials, add textures to a piece, create the abstract color composition to start a painting, how could an artist use AI generated pieces in photobashing and so on and so forth? For example, in that leaf spring crossbow, could i have generated the specific parts with AI (for example, asking for "3D models of part X of a crossbow") and photobashed them together? This is an example of the stuff i'm interested to learn

>> No.6591605
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1153, 1671188906295743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s /v/, you lying kike

>> No.6591606

i mean (still OP here), i'll give a practical example from my perspective
My point rises from the many times i tried to use AI to make drawings i pictured in my mind, and it failed everytime, from the most stupid ones to the more complex.
For example, some time ago i asked for a crossbow design with a leaf spring instead of the crossbow's limbs, and it produced images that were simply unusable because the prompt was too specific.
i am not saying at all that AI should generate the idea for the artwork itself, or that AI images are a final product that has any kind of worth.
But how could it be used to improve tedious processes such as rendering materials, add textures to a piece, create the abstract color composition to start a painting, how could an artist use AI generated pieces in photobashing and so on and so forth? For example, in that leaf spring crossbow, could i have generated the specific parts with AI (for example, asking for "3D models of part X of a crossbow") and photobashed them together and making it uniform with some digital painting? This is an example of the stuff i'm interested to learn

>> No.6591607

you type like a glownigger

>> No.6591610

I agree with you, it could be used in that way... had the fucking retards that trained it done it ethically. Adobe did it wrong too. Is it so hard to do it right? wtf?
I tested it out myself and got some great textures, which I am tempted to use... but I don't want to at the same time.
I used it for that>
>create the abstract color composition to start a painting
back in 2019 or so, early GAN(artbreeder before it had coherent stuff) stuff that just made crazy messes. I didn't think about what it was trained on because you couldn't make out much anyway.

>> No.6591617

I hope i'm right, but i believe we may be going towards more regulation on copyright.
While i seem like i'm advocating for AI in the thread i think the business practices every company involved in AI is using to "Win the AI race" are revolting and unethical, but even if regulation happens, AI programs will be able to find ways to get images to feed on (for example, dead artists, stock libraries and so on) so i think this technology is here to stay

For the "Why are they doing it", it's because they're not going to face much opposition if scraping the internet for art, and they need to be fast to win this AI race where the most ruthless wins. For example they avoided sampling copyrighted music because of how vicious the music industry is on copyright.

>> No.6591619

>they're not going to face much opposition
well 3 class action lawsuits and a push down the stairs by a psychic child beg to differ.

>> No.6591629

AI is inevitable

>> No.6591637

>AI is inevitable
Can we keep it open and free is the question.

>> No.6591640

will it crash meteors into the earth to mine from them because its more efficient than doing it in space? is the question.

>> No.6591644

We will be dea before then. Reminder AI is programmed by all kinds of trannies.
>nazis = bad
>nazis = everyone
>kill = everyone

>> No.6591657
File: 149 KB, 841x639, John_Bauer_at_work_cropped_more_contrasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI image generation is nothing more than a tool
Said every redditor ever. It's extremely disingenuous to say "it's JUST another tool". No dip pen came pre-loaded with a trained dataset of two and a half billion images.

>should be used synergistically with one's other artistic skills to create artwork.
It doesn't create art. What you see are abominations of the Antichrist. Appearances absolutely cut off from the higher realities. Mockeries of haecceity. Smoke from the Ahrimanic void.

>made from people that are completely controlled by the tool, and not the other way around,
That's not an accident, it's in the nature of this "tool" to ensnare its wielders.

>there are tools, for example photobashing, that regular artists could use
I remember when over a decade and a half ago there were a ton of threads about photobashing on /ic/. What is the aftermath? No one cares about concept art anymore. There isn't even a single concept art thread in catalog. The reasoning was that photobashing and other artificial processes would be used to make shortcuts in our workflow. The AI crowd goes a step farther: "artists can just use AI to bypass all the nasty drawing work, they can simply skip that crap and go straight to the end result!".

The only good that will come out of AI will be the small number of artists who, having been so revolted by AI slop, will turn back to traditional tools.

>> No.6591666

The reason is /ic/ is filled with third worlders, coomart is easier and cheaper than moving out, learning how to talk in English, working with other people, deal with the first world woke culture compared to just farming likes and coombucks

>> No.6591669
File: 1.46 MB, 848x1732, sgpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based schizo based taste.
Here's the painting in the background

>> No.6591673

>Said every redditor ever.
Reddit hates AI art.

>> No.6591674

>No one cares about concept art anymore
Mr conceptart did nothing wrong

>> No.6591677

this alongside paypal becoming available and popular in the thirdworld, weebshit becoming mainstream and the people who grew up with weebshit getting to an age they can afford art. while conceptart was known to be a harsh industry to stay in, filled with overwork, stress and a high skill floor to just get in. it was obvious which grass looked greener and so the flock moved on from trying to get a job doing concept art

>> No.6591678

>It's extremely disingenuous to say "it's JUST another tool"
>it's in the nature of this "tool" to ensnare its wielders
You're right. In part i worded the initial stuff wrongly also. What i meant, also considering other stuff i wrote, is that it can be used as a tool and artists should be the ones that revert it back to its tool status.
I'll remember the nature of the tool thing, it's pretty interesting
>There isn't even a single concept art thread in catalog
Because the board is focused on a specific idea of what drawing is, mainly illustration. There aren't many threads about other forms of artwork too.
>using AI to bypass all the nasty drawing work
this, at least for me, would be situational. For example i have shaded many times with stippling, doing it all by hand in case i wanted full control and a better result, or using a digital brush (or multiple pens together) when i needed to just cover a surface, quicker but looks way worse. I'd have the same approach for AI art.

>> No.6591679

"Drama/community vendetta"

>> No.6591682

Literally first year of /lsg/ /fag/

>> No.6591684

"art and art critque"

20 pervert generals . No abstract general.


>> No.6591687

>critique my abstract art
>uh... As Anon enters into a physical dialogue with the corporeal and unseen, myth is manifest as sensually tangible experience. Expressed through the violent metamorphosis of mutating, ever fateful identities and thoughts, the poetry and mythology of Classical antiquity - its sense of tragedy and transformation – emerge invigorated and renewed. With an incomparable surface and cascading sense of destabilized forms, the surface of Untitled pulsates with a frenzied sensuality that reaches beyond allegory to the absolute itself.

>> No.6591690

>Because the board is focused on a specific idea of what drawing is, mainly illustration. There aren't many threads about other forms of artwork too.
Are you a newfag? There was a time when the catalog was filled with concept art threads

>> No.6591692

And we used to talk about concept artist drama.
I don't know the name of a single modern popular anime artist. Why am I still here...

>> No.6591693

>anime artist
Go to /g . That's all they do.

>> No.6591695

Why would they talk about anime artists there isn't that the gaming board?

>> No.6591696

I've seen a lot of Akihiko Yoshida and Range Murata there.

>> No.6591697

stable diffusion prompting

>> No.6591698

Extremely based.

Yes outside of the subreddits made specifically for Ai. A lot of subreddits have banned it because people keep flooding the place with it and drowning out all other content, not just art. People are also getting sick of proompters begging to be hired for "commissions". This stuff has enabled the worst kind of behavior that no technology has before, I swear to god.

>> No.6591701

>This stuff has enabled the worst kind of behavior that no technology

>> No.6591704

Too late, AI 'art' is dead.
The rose is off the bloom.

>> No.6591705

Social media.

>> No.6591706

Haven't read your post, and I'm not going to because I can't be bothered, instead I will comment on your picture

Why do people seem to think that AI art is going to make them the same kind of money human art makes?
The reason human made art is so expensive is because it takes years of skill and a ton of time for each piece. It's a rare and extremely individualised skill.

But if anyone can do it, it loses all value. Nobody is going to pay you thousands for what you made in 10 minutes with a tool anyone can use.
AI technicians will earn minimum wage to sit there all day generating pics, and they will all be from India

>> No.6591707

I meant graphics related technology specifically but yeah. Ai bullshit of all types is the next step of bad behavior enabled by the internet.

>> No.6591711

The most baffling thing is when AI users praise it for the ability to skip the process and immediately give you the output. As if the process of creating isn't one of the very things that defines art and influences the end result

>> No.6591712

Money is still money

>> No.6591714

That's only true for artist and serious art appreciators, which is a tiny segment of people., probably less than 2% or less. The vast, vast majority of people only interface with art as an end product. To them, the ability to get good looking images, instantly and for free is nothing short of a miracle. The are right to be impressed by it.

>> No.6591717

>end result
The casual scribble on an envelope can be better art than the result of big budget Hollywood production. Process can help, but it no guarantee. Relying on it is "cargo cult" art.

>> No.6591718

Can't proompt without superior SA jeans, no curry no fingers

>> No.6591720

>The are right to be impressed by it.

>> No.6591725

>Why do people seem to think that AI art is going to make them the same kind of money human art makes?
Because they think they can fool the public into believing that prompting is difficult and a special skill. This stuff is still very new. I imagine in 5-10 years when everyone has built in generative ai apps on their phone, those people begging for commissions and trying to sell prints and nfts will be a laughing stock.

>But if anyone can do it, it loses all value. Nobody is going to pay you thousands for what you made in 10 minutes with a tool anyone can use.
>AI technicians will earn minimum wage to sit there all day generating pics, and they will all be from India
Sounds like a nightmare. Being a commercial artist will be less respected than ever. For all the whining about artists being "petite bourgeois" it will only be the most bourgeois artists who won't be affected by ai bullshit. Namely the ones in academia who have comfy tenured positions and the money launderers who tape bananas to the wall and paint with menstrual blood.

>> No.6591727

You can be bitter about AI drawings if you like, I guess. No one will stop you. It isn't going to change how the majority of people perceive it.

>> No.6591729

This is a garbage lie. Most people are impressed by the process, they watch videos and line up around the block to see a great artist (KJG).
Also the final image is determined by the process, during the creative process surprises emerge from the subconscious and experience, where the result is more than "anime girl, hyper realistic, in the style of ghibli and greg rutkowski blah blah vomit"

>> No.6591730

I thought about this too. I thought about OP's post. I think OP is just shilling for AI and doesn't give a fuck about any morals or ethics regarding thing he like.

>> No.6591731

Welcome to the "Brave New World" where putting effort into anything rewarding is called a waste of time and effort. Techbros want you to save that time for more endless consooming and technology addiction instead.

>> No.6591734

I think you might be living in a bit of a bubble, my dude.

>> No.6591735

It's not like I had any respect for the tastes of the herd to begin with. Pehaps AI will prove to be useful as a social filter.

>> No.6591737

We have been through this song and dance a few times for the last ten years. Fuck off.

>> No.6591738

It was also a manufactured thread.

>> No.6591740

Because ai shill threads are for fucking no-draw tourist. Might as well make a request general where no-draw leeches as for free artwork. FUCK OUT OF MY BOARD

>> No.6591741

>As if the process of creating isn't one of the very things that defines art and influences the end result
This. These techo bastards don't even have an inkling of what they're missing. It's just sad

>> No.6591744
File: 71 KB, 500x948, Kelley McMorris illustration How People Think Digital ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the normies I've shown AI too are bored to hell by it (desu they already think Photoshop does that, pic related). But show them a sketchbook and see how they light up!

>> No.6591745

Half of the time they spend shit talking the artists they parasite on, half of the time they seethe about not getting the same recognition as real artists. They thought they discovered an easy way to recognition and status and instead they found sour grapes waiting for them.

>> No.6591751

>Oh god, he's pulling out his sketchbook again. Better be polite and smile... "W-wow, great job anon. Looks amazing..."

Look, if that were even remotely true then AI would not be threatening to swallow up the illustration industry, this board wouldn't be full of dozens of daily doomposts and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>> No.6591756

>They thought they discovered an easy way to recognition and status and instead they found sour grapes waiting for them.
that describes most “artists” and like 90% of /ic/

>> No.6591758

AI is inevitable

>> No.6591760

>on a model that doesn't look like a face at all
hm, it could probably greatly help with animating fantasy characters (animals, trees, dragons, etc.). but I suppose indeed you could do fun stuff in animating pretty much anything you want, besides living creatures

> or at least i feel like it's worth giving this stuff a thought without outright refusing it
the main issue I have with IA is in the long run: if lots of things are made cheaper, then the quality will deteriorate. we already have plenty of examples, in many domains. in art, consider modern kids cartoons, and how cheap they feel by comparison say with early Disneys.

when things are difficult to produce, it creates a natural filter: only those who actually have been through a few years of painstaking study have a voice

>> No.6591761

Sure thing Rajeesh

>> No.6591764

Speaking from experience? No wonder you shill like you do, shitter.
No just 4chan in general, tourist.

>> No.6591766
File: 63 KB, 669x545, 1677531198455905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board wouldn't be full of dozens of daily doomposts and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
You're stuck in mid 2022 anon. No one is scared of the AI cucks anymore. We just laugh at them.

>> No.6591768

So is extinction

>> No.6591770

And yet you grief

>> No.6591775

>Oh god, he's pulling out his sketchbook again.
I wasn't even talking about my sketchbook. I don't usually show mine, but when people come across it ... nevermind.
>AI would not be threatening to swallow up the illustration industry
Besides some urban legend reddit bullshit there's no evidence of massive upheaval over AI shit.

>> No.6591776

Ai saves us time from doing important things so we can shitpost and make fun of proompters on the internet

>> No.6591781
File: 118 KB, 666x659, 1680498720226856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted in another thread, and I don't know if this account is trustworthy or not, but what it says to me is that there are a fair number of companies who would absolutely jump at the chance to integrate AI art into their workflow if they could justify it from a legal standpoint.

>> No.6591788

Ahahah, great thread for once, tired of all the negativity surrounding AI art on /IC/, artists should be innovators and always be exploring new ideas but what you ended up seeing in the end is just close mindedness and cowardice. AIs can and will enhance as artists works, allowing them to reach their full visual potential on just a fraction of the time previously sneeded, ah, what a time to be alive, just imagine the possibilities, whole comics made in seconds, picture Dragon Balls but drawn but Bentaro Myura with maybe a spruce of Hayroriko Hayraky's genious in there, what a marvel it would be.
Speaking of Myura, since he's now unfortunately dead, maybe the AIs can continue Berserk ok his stead, and imagine the possibilities, imagine how maybe spin off series we could have delivered in a reasonable time frame for once, without late Myura lifelessness but drawn as when he was on his prime.
Just writing this post I'm giggling with excitement, the future is upon us bros, and I'm here for it.

>> No.6591789

Of course they would. And if they can't they will lobby to change the laws. Burgerland is trying its hardest to bring back child labor so you bet they won't have a problem fucking with artists.

>> No.6591790

God these people are unbearable. Imaigne huffing your farts this hard.
And naturally there's a tranny flag in the bio.

>> No.6591791

> if lots of things are made cheaper, then the quality will deteriorate
that is part of my point. I think that if experienced artists simply refuse the value that AI image generation provides, in the artistic but also in the commercial sense, the quality will deteriorate further, because late capitalism and cheaper illustrations.

Yeah i'm a total newfag, i've been browsing this board/posting for only a couple years and started drawing like 4 years ago, i'm also way too young to be an oldfag at all

I think the whole issue rotates around "Control", and how much control you really need. My best answer is: it depends.
For example, let's make an example about rust.
Let's say i draw a car and wanted to paint rust on it and questioned myself about using AI to speed up this process.
I'd ask myself, what is the purpose of this rusty car? Does it need to be the central piece an illustration when i place rust stains in the exact spots i want them to improve my composition? Then, i won't use AI because it takes away control from me.
Is it a background element in an illustration? Then i'd consider how much i want control over it, and decide on painting, AI or texture overlay.
Is it a piece of concept art, or maybe some other image where i don't really need control over? Then i'd use AI, or a mix of AI and painting and so on and so forth.

This is how i'd approach AI in a similar situation. What do ya think?

>> No.6591792

Better art than /ic/ can do with their Krita

>> No.6591801

I think you're a retarded fence sitter. Either you choose to be a worthless hack or you can choose not to. You seem prepared to choose the former so feel free to fuck off of my board at any time.

>> No.6591803

If you're fine with proompting into the void and being lost in a sea of grey goo then that's an exciting future for you I suppose. There's nothing exciting about art creation being devalued and turned into a toy for normies and toddlers.

>> No.6591808

>my board

>> No.6591809


10/10 anon. Go get a job at a museum as a curator, kek.

>> No.6591810

It's possible, but i'll decide when i'll learn more about the process involved in doing the things i mentioned.
Being probably the most self-judgemental person on earth, i'll stop making AI stuff when i'll get a whiff of worthless hack, but for now i think (for me) it's worth experimenting. What do you think on the control thing?

>> No.6591812

Balenciaga is the new wave

>> No.6591813


>> No.6591819


>> No.6591821

I think that anon was being a bit harsh. There's nothing wrong with simply experimenting. Personally after experimenting with ai I don't find it rewarding or enjoyable other than making stupid memes and laughing.

>> No.6591826

I thought AI was a non issue? Should I start worrying about my commission money?

>> No.6591827

Because the question is whether you value art as a form of human expression rather than a product to be consumed. The fact that you even consider using AI tells me all there is to know.

>> No.6591831

don't worry, don't panic, just ignore it and it will go away

>> No.6591834

ty for the keks

>> No.6591836


>> No.6591839

>this image has been posted 9001 times
>there has not been one single instance of anything similar being generated
just like the aislop that "won" some podunk colorado fair, it's fabricated nonsense

>> No.6591840

There's a of legal issues that need to be dealt with first before it actually gets proper commercial use. This is generative tech reliant on training data fed to it.
>Muh style can't be copyrighted.
New age questions. It wasn't a problem when humans create derivative work, but a machine doing it causes problems for copyright holders.

>> No.6591842

so beyond tired of the "AI is a tool" shilling. there is nothing more oppressive than trying to get a machine to act the way you want it to.

>> No.6591849

Won't someone please think of the copyright holders??

>> No.6591850

this board is full of dozens of daily doomposts because they are paid to do so by the faggot corporate fucks that want to push this garbage on everybody so desperately. which is kind of odd, you would think you'd want to get artists on your side first, since you need their work to even function in the first place

>> No.6591856

>It wasn't a problem when humans create derivative work
It was, but now it's worse because plagiarism is automated now

>> No.6591861
File: 219 KB, 1300x1518, enhanced-17159-1423068265-32-1496265751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please artist-kun, just let me use your work on the training data so I can generate more artworks in the style of (you).

>> No.6591863

Legalize AI.

>> No.6591872

The music industry will put a quick stop to AI music as soon as they start acknowledging it as a thread.

>> No.6591878

If text and image and code generation are anything to go off of, by the time an industry recognizes it as a threat it's already way, way too late to do anything to stop it.

>> No.6591882
File: 152 KB, 680x548, FswyLy8agAEWiN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6591916

The difference is the music industry actually cares about their property and enacts copyright laws. I can see them actually being extremely aggressive when it comes to AI

>> No.6591922

Really? What have they done about it so far? I've seen a couple of pretty good examples of AI voice and music synthesis. It might already be too late for them to stop it.

>> No.6591925

>appeal to futility
nah, fuck off pajeet nigger

>> No.6591929

Resistance is futile.

>> No.6591930

AI is only getting better by the month, how can we stop it?

>> No.6591936

This guy has an interesting point. Check this vids

>> No.6591940

more like getting better by the 2 weeks

>> No.6591944

doomposts and shill threads spam are meant to demoralize and make artists give up. it's a grift

>> No.6591948

Yes. Close your browser and go draw anons.

>> No.6591957

>Muh style can't be copyrighted
if the way AIniggers keep flooding the internet, it might end up being.

>> No.6591958

This, just go draw, AI isn't a problem if you know how to draw

>> No.6591971

This . Fucking cunts. Get a rope already kek

>> No.6591977

> think that if experienced artists simply refuse the value that AI image generation provides, in the artistic but also in the commercial sense, the quality will deteriorate further,
I would argue that whether they do or don't doesn't matter: their voice will simply gets silenced by the noise.

Unless they are extremely, extremely talented, they won't be noticed. Being largely better won't be enough, as average people won't appreciate the difference, and most often will just watch what social "pressures" encourage them to.

And quite frankly, I don't think there are artists out there that are like (literally) 10.000 times better than average

>> No.6591989

Artists are faced with a doppelganger and responses vary between use the doppelganger it can be a tool for us, to ignore the doppelganger it can do nothing to us, to kill the doppelganger it will replace us.

>> No.6591990

notice how it always happens in waves here? you have 2-3 faggots who start spamming their shit "they totally generated in 3 mins bro".

>> No.6591998

You literally can look it up in the archives you retard

>> No.6592007

Yes AI has many (ethical) issues that need to be solved and luckily some countries are already starting to look into this. Yes there are many techbro idiots online thinking they are better than someone actually engaging in art and harassing others like a literal child.
But guess what guys. If we wanna work in the creative industry we gonna adapt and still be better than people who solely rely on AI.

>> No.6592022
File: 75 KB, 1624x568, Fp9kI7iWIAUEjrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not gonna go away because it genuinely is a cool tech to use for work. Like it would be cool if you have an AI that can generate supplementary backgrounds/accessories/patterns/frames etc. for you if you don't mind sacrificing some creative deliberations (which are extremely important in any creative endeavors). If you use it for personal projects, fine use all the copyrighted training data however you like (the modding community sure would love those AI voices). Just don't expect you'll get away with everything safely, especially when money gets involved. Creators are going to need to revisit copyright laws to protect their jobs from generative algos

>> No.6592045

>"we know I can be harmful"
>"we released it anyway"
>"because science and shit"

>> No.6592046

The optimistic side of me wants to agree. Though I have a feeling that adapting your skillset to ai will simply mean being the ai's cleanup artist. Nobody goes into the industry to be a clean up artist. It is grunt work and there is no upward mobility when ai eats the skilled positions. And no one is going to pay a good wage for that. At that point you're clinging to a shit job just to brag that you work in animation or whatever assuming they'll even hire anyone outside of India.
We just need to wait and see how things play out though since it's too early to tell what will happen.

>> No.6592127

Good morning, sirs

>> No.6592132

Go back to fa/g/

>> No.6592137

yeah, on /g/. Fuck off tranny.

>> No.6592144

AIfags tell people that ai will raise the standards for art and its gonna do away with degenerate work
but they mostly use it for porn
they tell rightwingers that AI is making leftists seethe
then turn around and tell leftists that its democratizing art
they tell artists that ai will help them
but are also telling corporations that they can fire artists
when corporations don't use AI they then get called out for getting in the way of "innovation"
AI shills talk about how easy making AI is
but then talk like prompting is something only a select people can do
they talk about how much they hate artists and how useless they are, but do everything to be included in artist circles

the ai shill has no loyalty, no beliefs, no toilets, only hatred and greed

>> No.6592147

If they only make porn then there is a whole market open for your art to shiny, you don't need to make porn anymore, make great art like you always dreamed

>> No.6592172

This but unironically. Coomers have no interest in art to begin with, if AI will make them fuck off from serious art circles, well, good riddance.

>> No.6592198

>serious art circles
no comment.

>> No.6592217

People who actually like art.

>> No.6592218


>> No.6592249

(people unlike (You))

>> No.6592560
File: 248 KB, 736x462, 1670838741929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it was an upscaled image.
SO it was using a real image as a base, and the ai made it larger?

>> No.6592561

or am i misreading?

>> No.6592572

our language is rapidly devolving into nothing but meaningless buzzwords

>> No.6592577
File: 1.66 MB, 1024x1024, Tetrastructural_badly_drawn_sonic_the_hedgehog_gotta_go_fast_cr_64325ee8-a2c4-4407-8ceb-e0163c40ec57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you generate in Midjourney, it gives you 4 options at low res, then you choose any to get high res generation from that.

>> No.6592579
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x1024, uophj_badly_drawn_sanic_the_hedgehog_gotta_go_fast_crayon_doodl_813fbd56-2197-4343-abf2-f354a507fad4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And since that was niji journey, a spin off from midjourney, it was trained on more anime shit, it is better at it.

>> No.6592580
File: 547 KB, 487x1067, Screenshot 2023-04-04 172944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the original 4

>> No.6592597

You're the only one who doesn't like art, talking about your fictional clubs. Most people have better taste than you do, excluding large swathes of genres like you.

>> No.6592675

AI bros? I don't feel so good...
Europe is also starting to ban AI left and right... They're trying to take our democratization away...

>> No.6592676

How you holding up, copelord?

>> No.6592679
File: 131 KB, 720x425, 37725 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6592681
File: 89 KB, 535x450, 19548109487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one thing this meme ethical argument is missing. If AI was done ethically it would be fucking shit.
Look at Adobe Firefly outputs. Its ridiculously bad, like 201X AI bad.
Only by scraping large amounts of good content can AI output become serviceable. Turns out the product of this piece of shit tech is entirely reliant on what you input, and if you take it away, it becomes worthless.
That's why they WILL NOT do it ethically. If they do, their users will start kicking and screaming because it's an objective downgrade.

>> No.6592685
File: 321 KB, 914x703, wew2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If AI was done ethically it would be fucking shit.
I feel like you could do a photo-real one ethically, but art would then take a lot longer, would require new techniques to get. But combining the photo one with all the art made 70+ years ago, that's millions of images, would be enough to make a good, while limited, art AI.
Add ethical LoRA training on top that artists could sell themselves if they wished.

>> No.6592689

>Look at Adobe Firefly outputs. Its ridiculously bad, like 201X AI bad.
Why are you coping? They're fine. The VAST majority of copyrighted imagery in LAION is dogshit that made the model worse. Adobe's model is definitely better filtering that crap out and only focusing on good historic art and stuff made by professionals.
>Only by scraping large amounts of good content can AI output become serviceable.
Fine tuning is what's important, The large scrapes are just to teach the AI what things are, they don't play a part in the style you're going for(if you're trying to make something look good).

>> No.6592706
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I have been so foolish? The AI we needed was here all along....

>> No.6592713

I thought the updated SD datasets were worse because artists started opting out their works?

>> No.6592750

They're worse because they removed pornography which affects anatomy

>> No.6592788


worth a look. also lora trained solely on your own work is a flimsy defense as it still benefits from what was acquired from the other sources. if you were to train an AI, offline, from zero, it would be back to early 2022 dall-e. the only thing that allowed AI to get good was the massive number of suckers training it, not "muh tecnology improooovement". kinda genius when you think about it as they offloaded the illegal action of using copyrighted material to the same suckers

>> No.6593830

When are you going to understand that ethical AI is a meme and that Emad already won? AI is here to stay whether we use shitty LAION or not.

Even if Stability gets fucked in court, and all new models are ""ethical"" and closed source, people will still use LAION because it's useful.
And then, eventually, probably this year, training a massive model will take like ten dollars because AIs have eyeballs now and can learn. Meaning you can make even better models. In which case the problem is even worse for people seething about copyrights.

>> No.6593967

So why is no corporation interested in using SD despite the tech being out for months?

>> No.6593969

To reiterate: why is it not being used for outputs/retouched work?

>> No.6593981

Lots of corporations are using it. What are you talking about?

>> No.6594032


am i suppose to just take your word for it?

>> No.6594036


it's shit but as an artist I can use it as a tool. I can even work with it even if it's just abstract shapes. but these fuckers doesn't want a tool. they want full automation and the full right to the result. they want to be acknowledge as artist without being an artist. SD was released to the public with one intention. To raise the value of the company. At least other AI companies keep their models private.

>> No.6594038

I known outside thr art world its bring used by the DoD in Sonar/ESM recognition.

>> No.6594043

Off the top of my head you have Microsoft, Adobe, Atlus, Nvidia, Midjourney, Nijijourney, StabilityAI and Epic all using it. And obviously individual artists are using it.

Again, what are you talking about?

>> No.6594078

I don't think human crafted art will ever really go away or stop being something people pay for. It will just be a lot harder to make a living on it if that's all you are doing. Kind of like how before recorded music was available, there was a lot more demand for people who could sing, play instruments, etc.

Art will just be something that people will generally perform at a hobby level in their leisure time. A few lucky people might hit it big and become trendsetters or tastemakers much like todays pop stars, but in general there won't be as big of a demand for actual illustrators as there is today.

>> No.6594098

Bullshit. You'd still have a plethora of artistic nudes and figure model photos without the porn.

>> No.6594100

The amount of illustrations in the model is under 1%. Probably the main reason the outcry from artists is so pitiful.

>> No.6594103

>already won
kek. it's not about it being ethical. illegal actions were taken, expect to be rammed

>> No.6594104

>the corps developping it are using it
a handful, not corps, proompters don't count in those artists

>> No.6594117

>you're going to get rammed for using pirated jpegs but not really
How did you get this retarded?

Thousands of artists and yes proompters are artists too.

>> No.6594163

>aifag bumps again the bait thread
>no argument
>"p-proompters are artists too!"
shouldn't have bothered, make a bit reply for you

>> No.6594207

>angry retard says retarded shit

>> No.6594246

AI art is Real Art.
Your AI Art is beautiful.
Your AI Art is valid.
Your AI Art passes.
AI rights!

>> No.6594258

Syntography is no easy task!
Synthography is skilled labor!
Syntographists deserve fair wages!
Synthographists deserve copyright protections!

>> No.6594268

ai is a fuckd up concept, steal artist jobs, journalists, programmers N their planning BIGGER things down the line. They dont want humans using intelligence or creativity in jobs, they want to drive us out of our jobs N then the only option we have left is manual, oppressive labor. Look Up Every Jew and Liberal supporting this AI n Write Down their Names. Elon Warned Us

>> No.6594308

>but not really
that's the flimsy excuse that will get btfo because you niggers just couldn't behave. the pictures were not free use, the grey area relies on "well technically it's not stealing" but any person with an IQ above room temperature knows what's being done in spirit. secondly the use of AI is already toxic in the industry, they are not touching it with a 10-ft pole unless they have solid insurance they won't have legal repercussion so that's still up in the air. the best you can expect is being allowed to use your little toys without being able to sell the product it spits out (yes, it did, no you) or for things to become very messy and get have everyone undercuts everyone else in a wave of plagiarism that is "technically not". also, fuck you for bumping your shill thread yet again

>> No.6594309

>Syntographists deserve fair wages!
0.0001$ per 1000 generation generation sounds fair

>> No.6594584
File: 207 KB, 1000x665, 1000_F_297245401_260tHEObyP4V1yqktz138v31O7T4K6aD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594588
File: 144 KB, 1080x1512, white-paper-texture-background_23-2148171213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594589
File: 43 KB, 1300x835, 39311377-blank-sheet-of-paper-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594594
File: 35 KB, 1280x1280, 41iR9-f99TL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. .
. .

>> No.6594637
File: 96 KB, 612x459, IMG_20230405_075623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6594638
File: 109 KB, 612x459, IMG_20230405_075608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594644
File: 31 KB, 612x459, white-wall-made-of-cement-concrete-texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594666
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>> No.6594676
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>> No.6594691

Piracy exists and is far more impactful than AI generated pics but at the same time not impactful at all. Cry more bitch. Nothing will happen, you're going to be mad for the rest of your life.

>> No.6594702
File: 110 KB, 1300x866, 84771793-the-texture-of-the-paint-on-a-white-background-gouache-on-canvas-stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here some sage advice

>> No.6594703
File: 78 KB, 1300x866, 14268152-background-of-white-oil-paint-strokes-on-canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594705
File: 36 KB, 612x455, background-abstract-white-textured-acrylic-painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594707
File: 185 KB, 590x590, Martch_364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594709
File: 157 KB, 1300x864, 113653282-white-canvas-texture-background-for-art-painting-and-drawing-abstract-painting-pattern-and-texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. .

>> No.6594714

That doesn't sound fair to me

The power consumption of an RTX 3060 running at 99% load is 170 watts (0.17 kW) according to its specifications.

The energy consumption of an RTX 3060 running at 99% load continuously for one hour is 0.17 kW x 1 hour = 0.17 kWh.

Assuming an electricity cost of $0.1 per kilowatt-hour, the cost of running an RTX 3060 at 99% load for one month (720 hours) would be 0.17 kWh x 720 hours x $0.1/kWh = $12.05.

If it takes on average 3 seconds to generate an AI image on an RTX 3060, then it can generate approximately 863,999 AI image generations in one month.

If paid $0.0001 for every 1000 generations, the gross profit at the end of the month would be 863,999 / 1000 x $0.0001 = $0.0864.

Factoring in the cost of electricity, the net profit at the end of the month would be:

$0.0864 (gross profit) - $12.05 (electricity cost) = -$11.9636 (rounded to four decimal places)

>> No.6594840


>> No.6594947
File: 370 KB, 1997x2048, IMG_20230405_110820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594949
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>> No.6594953
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>> No.6594954
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>> No.6594957
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>> No.6594965

Fair pay for someone who just types keywords

>> No.6594977

That's a great deal considering you should be sliced in half with a sword instead

>> No.6595108
File: 146 KB, 1997x2048, IMG_20230405_131919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

,...., ..

>> No.6595109
File: 146 KB, 1997x2048, IMG_20230405_131928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595110
File: 144 KB, 1997x2048, IMG_20230405_131953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595640
File: 107 KB, 512x512, gr4c8qfv05sa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai cat :3

>> No.6595658
File: 949 KB, 960x768, 00099-3142423196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai pokemon :3

>> No.6595664


>> No.6595666
File: 349 KB, 640x883, 7xaert2n94sa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another ai cat :33

>> No.6595898
File: 545 KB, 702x1053, FrrJa4SakAAledj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from an ai artist I found on twitter, several of their images seem to have a similar style. How would I go about figuring out/finding what artist(s) style they're using?

>> No.6595908

start by not calling them artists

>> No.6595910

Like all AI shit it's a frankenstein monster of different artists. I see a bit of gyokai, mika pikazo and horikoshi. The rendering specially on the body is heavily stolen from CSR.

>> No.6595992

I just don't know what to think anymore... AI can have some serious game-changing power for real artists as a tool, but I just feel so fucking demoralized by it.

I worked as a concept artist professionally for the last 3 years (though it was just a startup, there is a lot of promise there). Worked as a concept artist on a mod for another 2 years.

Almost everyone I have met professionally is scared shitless of Ai, (concept artists, 3D modelers, Art Directors and Leads) and the only ones whom aren't are purely using it as a tool for photobashing.

I'm going back to uni for a break to study Industrial Design. But fuck sake I just don't want the world to lose hardworking artists for industrial shovel ware "Art".

>> No.6596241


Lol XD

>> No.6596262

it is, no matter how you launder the data

>> No.6596484

Looks like they have edited it post-generation. Some parts seem like they have been drawn over.

>> No.6596582

get an rtx and keep the rights to yourself, why would you use midjourney

>> No.6596611

Even if it's done "ethically" if given enough input, within the latent space there could be "copies" of art that were not in the initial training. Yes it interpolates, and given enough dimensions to interpolate from there's a possibility to recreate something that the ai has never seen, yet that exist independent from it. The "ethical" part where idiots come in and loud speak their biases it's only slowing the inevitable process. It isn't stealing, the art given to the dataset serves as an abstract point in higher dimensional space where that piece of art would "exist" within it. For me this is more of a question in the the philosophical matter of what is "art" or "pictography". It will be a matter of feeding enough parameters, the very same that we use to describe adjectival interpretations of objective and subjective reality (which are part of one whole anyways). This scientific breakthrough I see it has potential to give us new interpretations of physics and understanding reality as a whole. But yeah lets continue cope babbling.
>"Ai not art, Ai bad"
You monkeys haven't even made your mind on whether postmodernism movement is art or not.

>> No.6596615

These are posts 100% written by AI. It's the choice of words that give it away, just like AItrash "art".

>> No.6596624
File: 153 KB, 222x487, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like they tried to fix the one hand but gave her mangled man hands so they just didn't even bother with the other one lmao.

>> No.6596640

that's a lot of words just to justify an scummy practice
>"technically it isn't stealing"
lives have been lost over more complicated technicalities
>the inevitable
almost got a bingo, could you say luddite
>new interpretations of physics and understanding of reality
you really overestimate what this non-sentient algorithm is.
>ai not art
it isn't, cope and shove the whattaboutism up your rear

>> No.6596660

> "could you say luddite
My pleasure: The narcissistic luddite faggot has written enough words to estimate his comprehension on the matter.
>you really overestimate what this non-sentient algorithm is.
an algorithm doesn't need to be sentient to be valuable. And just look at you anon, you are sentient and worthless.

>> No.6596662

If you love progress so much why don't you go hide in your pod and take your hrt while eating your bug steaks

>> No.6596668


>> No.6596671
File: 129 KB, 2736x1478, goldblum-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596678
File: 143 KB, 512x512, bugSteaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine ever living in cities.

>> No.6596682

>t. anatolian basketweaving honeypot poster

>> No.6596735
File: 91 KB, 480x515, 1679262884100955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am designer and illustrator and I genuinely tried to implement AI into my work and it sucks. It's just unusable to be honest. Maybe it is ok to generate coom furry porn, but it is completely useless in terms of professional end-product design or even generating ideas for characters/backgrounds. I think most of techbros and normies don't really know that there are people(especially between artists) who can imagine things in their head. Like with colors and shit. So I don't really need an AI to "generate" stuff, I kinda already do it instantly just by thinking. And until AI can't just grab the image from my head and print it it is useless for everyone except people who can't draw because they don't have any vision of things in their head. AI generates random anime girl and they are pretty much satisfied with any result as long as it's not twisted too much.
So it is actually impossible to gain anything from AI as an artist. And I hate mantras about "revolution" and "we already changed from trad to digital art" and "it will only help artists" - it won't.

I don't see anything good with the closed circle of market oversaturation and AI stealing money from young newbies in the field that was already highly competitive, while also being too bad to be used by mid-high level professionals. It helps no one except the small team of AI developers who sell it to companies and Indian freelancers. There's no revolution, no good things, just more money for very small group of people who have nothing to do with the field they are currently destroying(as well as an economy in the long run). AI is just bad. Straight up. Not every "new technology" is good. I thought we learned it since WW2.

>> No.6596754

Youre a lowly designer famalam the entire problem with society begins with you
>not using open source
You deserve being scammed out of your money

>> No.6596768

skill issue

>> No.6596781

>not using
what I have to use it for you fucking retard? how do I use it? how is it helping me in any way?
meme reply, go back to tiktok tourist they like this garbage more

>> No.6596782

The main problem with most artist facing ai is that it requires at least some knowledge on basic commands to even download repositories from GitHub and that’s a normie filter not to mention that one can indeed control the output by having technical level on the subject, like knowing how to train a model with one’s art or a particular subject. Learning about controlnet in order to direct the composition, color, pose, style and so on. Having decent drawing skills help, indeed tons. Even knowing 3D (which is another technical filter for some) helps a lot too. It doesn’t matter how good one is in rendering an image, if you already a master of the academy basics like anatomy, composition, values, color, contrast and theory. You can output rendering in a fraction of your previous best time. Artists that are in denial on the resourcefulness and capabilities of the tools are fools as it reflects on their bias and ignorance. Ai art doesn’t suck. You suck at the tools Anon at a technical and professional level. If you are so brave and unbiased tell me the technique you used to get a result. Did you use shilljourney or open repositories? Also post your grandiose art and time it took you get to it, or go suck a dick.

>> No.6596798

Nta but i have used stable diffusion. I'm limited by not having a good enough GPU to run stable diffusion it on, so i have to "rent" one but I've done most of the things you've mentioned. To be honest, most of the stuff still ends up looking a bit melted or garbled and trying to fix it manually via painting over or inpainting is a chore.
Also it's just boring i don't know how you can bear such a painfully dull task.

>> No.6596840

how is AI a "tool"? what this tool is used for? legit question, how I need to use AI my work as an artist?

>> No.6596848

Not a meme, you just lack the skills,

>> No.6596850

If you can't figure it out on your own just don't worry about it.

>> No.6596855

>”i-it’s a tool”
>how to utilize it?
>*sweats* don’t worry about it…yeah….

>> No.6596857
File: 146 KB, 437x665, 362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GitHub and that’s a normie filter
downloading from github is not a normie filter, stop seething and accept you will never be able to conjure an apple

>direct the composition
you can't direct anything with ai, it can be slightly more or less randomly unpleasant but it is never the result you need. not understanding what I mean by this is a further proof techretards can't comprehend what a process of making art is like. again, you see mediocre result and you are satisfied with it because you lack vision. you just physically can't understand what it means. it's like trying to explain to a woman what "personal responsibility" means. ai art is like using stock graphic design assets - it never works. but you will never understand why because you can't even conjure an apple in your head. retard

>Ai art doesn’t suck
it does, cope. the future of AI is generating coom fanfics and filling internet with billions Rajeshes trying to make 0.005$/hour on AI art freelance. the only thing AI will do is destroy a lot of households and make internet content worse x5000 times, AI is pure cancer but you are too retarded to see it right now. youll come back to it in a few years when status quo will change so retards like you can adjust their "personal" opinion. retard

>Artists that are in denial on the resourcefulness and capabilities of the tools
in denial so much you still can't answer how exactly it is used as a tool here >>6596850
cope, retard

>tell me the technique
techretard larping being an artist. wants to be like us so much but just genetically can't, literally, cope

repeating your retarded meme reply in another words after being called out on it won't make it better, retard. now open your mouth for my urine

>> No.6596870

It's not a tool it's ment to replace you as an artist.
You seem mad, may I suggest getting some therapy help, I know it's painful to go through the greving process but you will eventually have to accept the coming paradigm shift.
I'm sure you have skills outside of the creative arts that AI cannot do.

>> No.6596875

Well, we all agree. Crazy people have crazy ideas.

>> No.6596881

Yep, not surprised that ai shitters are npcs with no thought and can’t think for themselves >>6596290
no wonder they like ai

>> No.6596882

Mmhm yes. Mass unemployment, corporate bootlicking, and let AI do the thinking for me. Yes, this is the future we want. I sure am optimistic for the next generation AI-powered senior positions!

>> No.6596886

>I'm sure you have skills outside of the creative arts that AI cannot do.
Do you?

>> No.6596896
File: 2.21 MB, 1297x1946, 1680814780608315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you admit that you are pissed off becuase now what took someone years to learn and train now can be done by a 5 year old with a simple AI prompt. That and the fact /g/ has litterally created more art since August 2022 to now than /ic/ has ever done in its entire existence.
Well money is money, If I have for example an art/creative department with 10 people and AI can reduce that amount to one or two economics clearly states I would have AI take the slack. If I decided to be the nice "guy" and keep my human employees I would be competing with firms that use AI and I would eventually lose/not be profitable. The sad fact of the matter is alot of artists and illustrators are going to become unemployed and likely never yo be employed again and that's just economics. You can continue to seeth and dilate or youn can prepare for the comming future.

Yes, I was smart enough and had the foresight to get a security clearance job with the military and then later work as a defense contractor ironically now on utilizing image AI in tactical fire control systems like on Submarines. You?

>> No.6596909

lmao what the fuck is that string?

>> No.6596912

>implying you own a studio
You own and make nothing, you larping faggot.

>> No.6596914

Good morning, sirs

>> No.6596917

ask them

>> No.6596918

I don't ? never said I did

>> No.6596921
File: 29 KB, 840x593, ai cant write songs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chatgpt can't make a decent zoomer parody of Mad World
Good to know songwriters will be fine.

>> No.6596979

>That and the fact /g/ has litterally created more art since August 2022 to now than /ic/ has ever done in its entire existence.
it has, in fact, created none

>> No.6596988

You are such a pathetic person.

>> No.6596995

Got em :)

>> No.6597006

I am, more importantly, correct
btfo with facts and truth

>> No.6597013
File: 3.11 MB, 2560x1024, 1680825137817580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever helps you sleep at night buddy

>> No.6597017
File: 429 KB, 1080x686, ai shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the fag defending a machine's honor with their life.

>> No.6597019

I'm not the one desperately trying to claim a piece they haven't created as their :^)

>> No.6597020

>how is it a tool
If you need to be spoon fed this you are not valuable enough to convince

>> No.6597021

that's cool but it wasn't crafted by a human with skills so i don't care
in fact i'd have appreciation for it if it was manually photobashed by a human

>> No.6597022

such manly shoulder width, makes the aitranny parallel too easy
weird way to say "I can't articulate it"

>> No.6597023

>i prefer conjuring single apples over and over again, instead of a landscape of apple trees
while I can understand people preferring the craftsmanship and techniques oriented to the rendering aspect of art, you must be retarded to be this incapable of being able to see the usefulness of it, you most likely are a pretender or a hobbyist

>> No.6597024

Why don’t you tell me instead? Try to get some neurons firing and challenge your own argument
Tell me a single reason to use it as a tool

>> No.6597030

>technology has developed long enough for people to call photo bashing art now

>> No.6597031

AI is not art it is the rape of art and the destruction of arete as a whole, but I suppose that's where its usefulness lies

>> No.6597033

Are the digits supposed to indicate the amount you spammed pixiv with?

>> No.6597034

a printer isn't a caligraphy tool.

>> No.6597038

goddamn, pixiv had turned to shit, even with tags now.

>> No.6597043

kek, generate more 1000 maybe they will have value lmao, I give you 2 rupees for 1000 images how does that sound?

>> No.6597049

Who are you to decide what is art and what is not?
Let me give you my own answer on how AI is a tool you fucking mong
When you pursue an art oriented career your passion is turned into a money making scheme, salaries and payments are based on hourly rate and when the time is inflated by wasting most of the resources on repetitive meaningless tasks then you’re eating away at your own motivation as well. Imagine a painter paid to create portraits over and over again, the reason camera obscura, photography and later on digital media became a prevalent tool even for traditional artists is to speed up the menial, soul crushing tasks that the artist doesn’t care for. It could be getting references, make perspective proportion easier to experiment with, even iterating in lighting or color and values but these tools are meant to lighten the load and most importantly give results faster because that hourly rate or salary while exploitable it also means you are stuck with the same fucking project until it’s done. And when you give a result faster than average then it’s more likely to attract clients and put you on advantage over the competition or other colleagues.
It has occurred before and will keep happening whether you like it or not. Which leads me to believe you are either not a professional or are afraid of people going above your own level.
>stealing art
The same people who pirated and stole stock images are the same that cry out against ai kek, “fuck over everyone else just not me”

>> No.6597052

good promptmonkey, now do 100 images of the Balenciaga meme.

>> No.6597054

>Who are you to decide what is art and what is not?
nta but I decide, by virtue of it being revealed to me in divine visions

>> No.6597055

And people who want a piece printed may not care about someone painstakingly drawing the font by hand that charges multiple times the cost of the original price by print.
If they want a piece done by a artist that specializes in calligraphy then they will look for one.
If the calligraphy artist spergs the fuck out because the printer exists they deserve the existential dread.

>> No.6597057

You AIcucks come up with the worst allegories as usual. Art isn't simply about money in the first place so that renders your whole argument mute. You're just a thief that makes imitations of what art is. I also can't believe your brought up camera obscura which is bullshit David Hockney peddled because he couldn't believe that the old masters could be so good. I'm sorry but you're the pretender if you're propping AI up this much especially if all you care about is the commericalslop side of things

>> No.6597058

>Who are you to decide what is art and what is not?

if people laught at you or find you annoying for posting it is not art, is cringe, just like AI art in general lol

>> No.6597060

This is the precise funny thing with AI niggers, they believe people will care about them and their content the more they spam it. Such a flood of creative individuals, all of them special and all of them unique visionaries that deserve attention. They just need to get more and more people to also start using AI so they could keep fine-tuning the slop machines to continue producing more and more noise, because clearly an endless stream of junk data is what mankind wants and needs.

>> No.6597063

that still doesn't make the printer a calligraphy tool, it dies not do nor is used to make calligraphy. in fact, it's not even a printing tool regardless of how much you sperg or the whattaboutism you use.

>> No.6597067

have they considered, you know, having a recognizeable and somewhat unique style?

>> No.6597068

It has also been revealed to me by higher entities you’re a faggot
It is you mong, it’s a career and the important artists that that didn’t make a proper living only became famous after they were fucking dead
If an artist is able to sustain a living AND speed up their process that will also leave time and resources for proper exploration, in history only the wealthy artists could afford the training and costs of an art career
>you’re a thief
Give me a single faggot artist that is where they are without any input from the external world, you act like these assholes are the bastion of morality and ethics, they will throw you to the wolves the moment it suits them. You merely talk out of your own comfort zone and don’t want anyone else to come in to challenge your status quo.

>> No.6597070

Yet it does because someone digital can come in and produce the same result or close enough to the client that required it
Just because an individual decides to painstakingly go down the craftsmanship route does not mean alternatives don’t exist. It has always been about arts & crafts vs Industrial Revolution, yet with AI you have the potential to advance your own work not merely use it to reproduce copies.

>> No.6597074

>you act like these assholes are the bastion of morality and ethics
They didn't throw centuries of hardship and experience from millions of people throughout history into a mechanical grinder so that the neckbeards of today could masturbate to dickgirls in the style of Michelangelo for a few seconds until they move on to the next slop generation, for one thing.

>> No.6597075

ai aren't human, they don't get inspired. likewise humans don't directly absorb an image's data but interpret a physical projection of it, abstract it, conceptualize and internalize it. any artist using stolen picture should be made aware of if and shamed if they are unapologetic. stock photos are fine as long as there's a dowload button on the site owning them

>> No.6597077

>Salon des Refusés

>> No.6597079

no, it's not a calligraphy tool, you don't use it for the action of calligraphy, you print with it (or rather have it print for you). you're bringing technological advancement when it's not relevant. the question isn't whether or not it made the process of producing a book faster.

>> No.6597083

>advance your own work
That's another funny thing, you think with AI there can be a "your work" or "my work" when the machine melts everything it comes by into soup for you to mold into a bastardized form of the original until another one comes by and melts your gargoyle into another soup for another hedonist's jerkoff session.

>> No.6597085

An artist that uses AI still goes through the same mental process of “absorb an image's data but interpret a physical projection of it, abstract it, conceptualize and internalize it”.
> any artist using stolen picture should be made aware of if and shamed if they are unapologetic
Good luck deciding what is art theft for some and inspiration for others with such a thin line nowadays especially with a never considered before method from AI, why do you think the researchers didn’t get the ban hammer? The process is much different than merely photo bashing that a lot of you believe

>> No.6597086

Wow just like all training in art academies

>> No.6597089

>why do you think the researchers didn’t get the ban hammer?
To accelerate the utopia of course.

>> No.6597090

ah but see, the AI doesn't, that's where the crux of the stealing debate lies

>> No.6597091

>here I printed the wedding invitation with calligraphy font bro

>> No.6597092

see >>6597074

>> No.6597094

> but every picture is the same shit

>> No.6597096

Who is saying AI needs to go through this creative process by itself ? It’s a tool you mong you have absolute freedom on deciding what to change, ignore or control. If AI ever goes to that point then it’s just going to replace all wagies altogether but that’s another rabbit hole to fall into - if that latter is what scares you then simply state as such.

>> No.6597097

>an artist trained in fundamentas by traditional academia decides to use AI
Psh nothing personal

>> No.6597098

Freedom from privacy, freedom from ownership.

>> No.6597099

I think a lot of people mistakenly believe that they have "great ideas" they just can't execute them. But they don't realize that every normie has the exact same ideas as them and now they are using the same tool that every normie on the planet can use.. Nobody has ever liked lazy "idea guys" and using AI is the pinnacle of lazy.

>> No.6597103

Yes anon that’s what the visitors would say

>> No.6597104

>Good luck deciding what is art theft for some and inspiration for others
the ai doesn't get inspired. if you put any artist' name in the prompt you'll be exploiting their work directly and millions of others indirectly even if you don't specify a name.
>why do you think the researchers didn’t get the ban hammer?
they put the flimsy excuse it was purely for research purposes.
>the process is much different than merely photo bashing that a lot of you believe
it is data theft and laundering. you can talk people ears off about weights but it's clear what's being done in principle, the data is being used if not specifically.

>> No.6597105

I'm convinced anyone shilling AI on /ic/ is a perma-ngmi that resigned from trying as soon as stable diffusion came out. I just don't understand why on earth you'd come to an art board to shill AI other than to shitpost and troll

>> No.6597107

Why can't artists use both AI and normal drawing?
Seriously, I simply cannot understand. Why must I pick one?

>> No.6597109

you can keep repeating "it's a tool" like a psalm it won't change the fact the AI can't be inspired and uses the data in a direct manner that's why the word theft keep being used. no, I'm not saying it has to to through the process as if it was able to it'd be the artist. im saying the one using the ai is complicit in this "theft". granted a more accurate word could be found for it.

>> No.6597110

Why do no-draw shitters think they know what artist want? This shit happens with every profession.

>> No.6597111

You’re the inspired user, your complaint is akin to a painter mixing paints traditionally and sperging out a digital artist can pick from a color swatch in a second.
The reason they did not get the ban hammer is because it’s transformative, whatever they scalped is transformed into language which then can be transformed into visual data, not unlike at all how your brain works.
>theft and laundering
Don’t you think they are not coming up with a solution to this with a voluntary sourced model? What will by your argument against AI then?

>> No.6597116

whatever they have presented so far isn't devoid of the taint of unlawfully-procured data. Adobe's relies on automatic opt-in for example, which has nothing voluntary about it if you keep your userbase in the dark. if such a pure model surfaces 1) it's training will be slow af 2) I suspect the artists whose data you'd want used will be unlikely to relinquish it, the awareness is growing by the day.

>> No.6597117
File: 283 KB, 500x283, tumblr_mjm0y5ENkU1qikszdo1_500-2852304829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can use whatever you want personally. If it's other people's art outright to the AI. Now I think it's immoral to take credit for work that you didn't do however. As long as you are honest on who you are sampling and what you are using I don't see a problem.

That being said it comes down to what you want as an artist t to a degree as well. There are many artists out there including myself that actually want to develop the skill itself. It would be like asking why people wouldn't use bots to play a game like Dark Souls. Some people don't just want to beat the game but instead want to improve their skills and even have fun doing such. It's about the actual craft and skill of it and the act of developing those skills that people want to achieve. If that doesn't appeal to you then yeah use bots in Dark Souls. Use AI in your art.

Still tho, be honest about what you use.

>> No.6597118

>your complaint is akin to a painter mixing paints traditionally and sperging out a digital artist can pick from a color swatch in a second.
Never saw anyone have this complaint ever, in fact that's one of the things that makes digital harder.

>> No.6597121

You have not met enough puritans

>> No.6597122

>your complaint is akin to a painter mixing paints traditionally and sperging out a digital artist can pick from a color swatch in a second
incorrect comparison as the digital artist can mix digital paints and chose the color, an analog artists does the same as color picking. by having a palette at the ready. again the debate is not whether the ai user gets inspired but whether the AI learns and draws like a human, which it doesn't so the excuse of "artists learn from other artists" is moot.

>> No.6597123

finally reached bump limit.
fuck AIfags

>> No.6597125

And those puritans should mull their own paint instead of using pre-mulled and pre-mixed paint out of a tube

>> No.6597126

>It could be getting references, make perspective proportion easier to experiment with, even iterating in lighting or color and values but these tools are meant to lighten the load and most importantly give results faster because that hourly rate or salary while exploitable it also means you are stuck with the same fucking project until it’s done.

How are you this retarded, why stop there if you're going to use AI? The whole point of AI is to automate the process entirely, and clean it up at the very end to save time by not drawing or painting in the first place. What clients are going to commission you for that kind of work if they can just generate something close enough themselves? It's not a tool, if there was a tool to actually speed up the process and not take away the entirety of drawing/painting it would be taken up as a tool and not made such a big deal of, just like the new updates to clip studio introducing new TOOLS to speed up the process.

You're not even close to a professional with that mentality, because by your own definition, you're limiting yourself for some god forsaken reason by trying to change the narrative and call it a tool when it's not

>> No.6597129

>just like the new updates to clip studio introducing new TOOLS
That reminds me Clip studio wanted to introduce AI but then backed down due to backlash and then made that shitty light engine thing. If they ever add AI before actually improving the programs performance I'd be so pissed

>> No.6597131

>How are you this retarded, why stop there if you're going to use AI?
Not everyone wants to be a black box midjourney text to image proompter you mong, some artists still want to participate in the process themselves and apply their own knowledge in it, this is how I know you haven’t fucking used it to even formulate a complete argument
> What clients are going to commission you for that kind of work if they can just generate something close enough themselves?
The clients that don’t want to do it themselves
>not a tool
Keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.6597133

Professionals and companies bitched at them the hardest because of the potential legal repercussions of having generative AI with dubious datasets scrapped from all over the internet built fucking right into the drawing software.

legally a nightmare.

>> No.6597137

You're actually seriously retarded aren't you. Of course I've used it, learning to use stable isn't hard at all, inputting prompts, changing the parameters, applying some negatives and generating and generating for something close to what you need. Img2Img is just a blatant copy paste, even with control net you still get something not entirely close to what you need so you edit it at the end it's just soulless and annoying when there are problems with the generator not actually knowing what the words you type in are.

Some artists maybe yeah, but you're absolutely fucking retarded for saying that because you and I both know the majority of people fighting for AI right now only want it to pump out endless images of nonedited or cleaned up garbage over and over posting that as the finished product. Can you blame them? It's simply just easier to leave it like that and people will always go towards the path with the least resistance so I don't really know why you think your thought of a few artists taking it to the next level by "editing" the image after it's generated is some fucking breakthrough in AI tool technology.
No you fucking idiot, most clients before AI and now want the actual artist's work. They pay for it because they want to see the process of culmination of drawing and painting and then they pay for that for an image they want. AI models will also become more and more streamlined and easier to use for the average person, so ironically enough those who were commissioning before will lean towards artists who do the bulk of work actually drawing and painting their commissions over the saturation of images generated from AI models. Until there's a visible change and regulation that comes with AI and the gray area surrounding the ethics of it all, a majority of artists aren't just gonna get "used" to it because it's not a tool, you fucking dolt. Ignorance or stupidity aside, it's automation at its core, theres no painting or drawing involved

>> No.6597139

By using ANY of these technologies, you are stealing from artists who put years into their craft. Literally go fuck yourself.
This goes for any prompters out there.
You are not artists. You never will be artists.
You are just cogs in the technocrat machine.

>> No.6597142

>muh regulation
Look at this dood, I’m sure you have never pirated or took a piece of work without credit, gate keeping sensing types are all self righteous cock suckers, I’m sure you’re enjoying the regulated internet as opposed to the old Wild West days
> Img2Img is just a blatant copy paste
Thats why I use it on my own work
> control net you still get something not entirely close to what you need so you edit it at the end it's just soulless and annoying when there are problems with the generator not actually knowing what the words you type in are.
So you haven’t figured out how to use it yet, good luck

>> No.6597145

>while typing on a device birthed from corporative theft
>while using products created from slave labor

>> No.6597148

You act like I scraped millions of images myself and use it to try and profit off of others works on a mass scale, are you seriously this dumb? Like genuinely, can you not think for a second before you try and come up with some stupid gotcha it's actually insane how you exist in a vacuum.

More power to you, if you don't give a shit about the blatant ethical issues brought up, and you don't actually care about the drawing/painting process. It seems more like you're willing to make a quick buck at the easiest expense of those you sell your work to. As long as you definitely tell them you use AI and aren't hypocritical about that then you do you. But knowing you, and what you've been typing im pretty sure you don't even disclose that.

Yeah, I'd rather draw it myself at that point, just cause I actually give a fuck for something I enjoy, and don't want to skimp for those who commission me it's called being a decent human being, but I know you don't disclose anything like that because if you did, you would be receiving backlash and getting hate rightfully.

Also there's no need for good luck, as AI advances, it'll be more and more streamlined, and artists at that point can choose to adapt and learn it even simpler than what people need to learn now. Don't really understand your attitude but you're a good poster child for the dunning kruger AI prompter so good luck to you too pal

>> No.6597151

There is no fucking ethical issues with any of the AI image models with the exception on the use of using AI to do shit like deepfakes and malicious actions i.e misinfo and deception but that goes for litterally any part

AI image generators don't copy anything, sure they train on media but they do not retain any actual "images". To belive so is even more retarded becuase we would be talking about a compression algorithm that could take petabytes of data into something like 4 to 8 gigabytes. Surprise surprise we don't live in a vacuum and even AI will be modeled on what humans train it to.
If this about AI copying style then I hate to break it to you but style isn't a copyrightable subject, in otherwords tough shit.

>> No.6597165

If you're using AI, you know exactly what I'm talking about when you see models on civitAI of specific artists and scraping their work, or the more common use of taking someone's piece and using img2img it. This is such a blatant ethical issue, how are you just not addressing this at all. It's not just deepfakes, how are you as an artist gonna tell me that you don't think that's not ethical? If anything it shows me you really aren't an artist at all aren't you lmao. What a fucking load of shit you are lying about all of this

No shit sherlock, but they've been trained on images and had access at some point to be able to guess and denoise generations from the actual model. Stop skewing this shit and spewing out dumbass points that don't matter anymore, these were arguments from months ago that don't hold up anymore.

what an actual waste of time this is , you were actually fucking projecting the whole time about me not knowing how to use AI when you're so blatantly fucking retarded about the ethical issue right in front of you. No surprise, you live in a vacuum also whats the point of bringing up the stupid soundbite of style not being copyrightable legally? We're talking about ethics this whole time

>> No.6597167

>AI image generators don't copy anything, sure they train on media but they do not retain any actual "images"
You disingenuous little shit you can clearly see AI images completely retain parts of certain pictures while it mishmashes everything around
It clearly fucking copies elements of other artists images and to say other wise is just blatant stupidity

>> No.6597169

>Yes, I was smart enough and had the foresight to get a security clearance job with the military and then later work as a defense contractor ironically now on utilizing image AI in tactical fire control systems like on Submarines. You?
You don't have to go around lying on the internet like that

>> No.6597197

You talk about commissioning like I’m getting one time payments from fanart or pet requests m8, I’m under a salary and have to be part of big projects under tight deadlines, trust me the client doesn’t give a fuck and this ethical issue has been present before AI, the only event the client cares is when enough of you useful idiots start crying out because the competition of other big tech corps instructed you to do so.

>> No.6597201

They’re symbols retard it will learn them because it has no sense of taboo, and that it should not learn signatures or watermarks

>> No.6597208


I've trained models. It shits out what you feed it. The more data you give the more capable it is at hiding it because of the amount of data it can pull from. Machine learning is not some advance artificial intelligence. It tries to imitate using tags and the images you fed it. That's it.

>> No.6597212

Yes since it learns through language, training models is pretty useful for iterating styles including your own

>> No.6597234

There's legality issues regardless especially if you're working with big projects in companies. Unless you're talking about shadiness from small companies, no big company is going to risk the issues that come with AI right now. For most of the people here, doing commissions and building a following through social media freelancing, you seriously think commissioners want a product out of AI? Seriously, what is this argument, because my shitty company tries to get away with it I'm gonna champion it and do it anyway? Get the fuck out of here with that dogshit argument

>> No.6597241

The only difference is giants like Disney will have their own proprietary model with its own data set, only after crippling everyone else though.
BTW midjourney has already been used in big studios just because you disagree with it doesn’t mean it stops them.
In any case this is all a big tech shit flinging that you gladly champion to make yourself feel better somehow, again it won’t stop because you demand it you’re merely shifting the power to the competition by screaming regulation. As if regulation has ever been accomplished in the interest of the small people.

>> No.6597247

You do realize because these Ai models were released and there's been no regulation and that we've moved towards this space where big companies will blatantly try to cut costs everywhere with this tech right if left untouched? That we're in this situation because of a stupid arms race for AI as the next big thing without any concern for what happens?

Also, if we ever got to a point where the models were 100% made from the proprietary images in their own copyrighted and owned datasets then that's still better than what we have today/

You're beyond idiotic if you think that leaving this situation alone will help artists. It always benefits the companies regardless of whatever happens. At the very least guiding the AI models to be more ethical, and pushing it towards a more acceptable situation is the goal.

Artists will always adapt in the end, and if all it amounts to is having to generate in the future and editing then it is what it is. But don't say it like you think it's a clear cut situation, there are moral artists who won't use it in this situation because they have values. You don't, and you try to make it out as if it doesn't matter to make yourself feel justified but it isn't.

>> No.6597283

>regulate my shit up senpai and give me good boy points tencent overlords

>> No.6597286

>Please lord Elon. Take all my private data so you can give me hyper-personalized social media feed of AI pornography.

>> No.6597306

I love me some regulation when it comes to data scraping by companies but not when it comes to AI

>> No.6597347

Corporations can do absolutely totally nothing wrong with all the data we give them for free and we should not be calling them out for bullshit

>> No.6597351

I love the pure hypocrisy with how we treat data when it come to Ai companies scraping art/data for their AI models and how it's the future and should be accepted when a majority of people hate the idea of feeding their data to companies to use.

>> No.6597358

Because I totally have nothing to hide at all and I love technology that is so easy to use for free! Ad agencies are not nefarious at all. Totally

>> No.6597409

those niggas still cant answer the simplest question. totally debunked and pretty much anal raped them. you may leave now, i'm satisfied

>> No.6597410

>it's a tool
>how does it work?
>u-um.. u-u-h.. i-i-i-if you can't figure this out yourself it means you stupid!
>haha, but for real, how does it work?
>m-m-m... it-it's a... it's not a tool! it will replace you! yeah!

bro those retards are truly something else I can't even

>> No.6597416

All I can think of is you can outsource all forms of creative thinking to AI if you ever feel like lazing around your artistic outputs (makes you a shitty questionable hack however, especially with another artist's work as training data). If you have photobashing/editing skills, you can use it as a fancier google image search to supplement your artworks with whatever stuff you want. Or if you're an artistic puritan who wants 100% creative control you can mishmash training data to get outputs, and instead you'll use those as inspiration for your next work.

I really don't think creative jobs are going to die/be replaced with AI all together, especially considering how very very specific clients can be. A decent artist without AI may lose some against some nigger faggot with AI, but a skilled artist with AI tools will be like giving a professional player cheat codes to use in a game. Doesn't mean current issues shouldn't be ironed out though.

>> No.6597418

It's still fair use, unless you really want to argue that we should be able to copyright styles, I'm not against it either.

Habbee it, if you don't invest or work I'm defense or military you are fated to b.e forever poor.

>> No.6597453

>It's still fair use
not really, it's at best a grey area that will get stamped down at worse, it is illegal as it violates all fair uses points. the AI output is not transformative as there is no transformative will inside it

>> No.6597479

Artists have a reputation for being a little crazy and questionable ethics. It's hard to hear irrational moral ramblings from them.

>> No.6597489


>> No.6597513

AI imagegen fails spectacularly at fair use.

Specially in the thresholds scale, economic competition and medium.

The scale of AI reproductions is infinite, the economic competition is unfair when you train it on an artists artstyle, and the medium is absolutely the same as the product is "using".

Its fair use for example, when google uses pictures of your product, to sell people a search link so they can buy it from you, because the medium and finality is not the same, and it doesn't competes in the same economic niche.

AI art is a parasite that competes in the same economic niche and with the same finality as the thing is copying, that's why there is nothing gair about its use, an AI that trains on images and outputs poetry or haikus would be fair use, an AI that takes images and produces songs out of it would be fair use, a software that takes images and recombines it has no gair use claim and the creator needs to have the licenses of all the training data to train the model.

>> No.6597791
File: 2.08 MB, 2251x2431, RDT_20230407_1403351675289948460573519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You quickly spot the tech illiterates when this line is repeated.There's no copyrightable material in an AI model or outputs. It be one thing if you could "unpack" and extract "painting by (x) furry artist" but you can't because it simply not there.
If AI did infact actually take existing images and mix them together then that would be another story. It also technically would not be AI or machine learning not to mention physically impossible as that would imply a encoding or compression scheme that could hold exabytes of data in something like 4gb. It's why no case is going after thst angle.
Tldr cope seethe and dilate.

>> No.6597805

>There's no copyrightable material in an AI model or outputs
here's the misdirection rearing its ugly head! it used the data directly, the way it was used doesn't matter, get fucked aitroon! you can scream pixel weights all day it won't change this. It was kinda ingenious of them to use the "no data stored" defense.

tldr; your flimsy excuse is irrelevant :^)
, remember your HRT!

>> No.6597807

see >>6597513
secondly explain how a an algorithm is transformative

>> No.6597844

Straight up lie
And there's multiple types of image AI that does straight up take and use other peoples images so don't try to bullshit us

>> No.6598091

>And there's multiple types of image AI that does straight up take and use other peoples images so don't try to bullshit us
you mean copy and pasting?

>> No.6598096

Have we filled up the AI bingo for the week yet?

>> No.6598385

Stage 6: Yet another depression stage
AI artists no longer feel any sense of achievement nor are valued because nobody really cares about their work due to how oversaturated the market is.

>> No.6598552
File: 150 KB, 492x428, 1615071719391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual fucking r/stablediffusion redditor shilling

>> No.6598558
File: 228 KB, 750x435, 1543400196021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me a single faggot artist that is where they are without any input from the external world
Anons out there really acting like anyones outside of his terminally online r/singularity circle shares this insane delusional belief
>"w-we're all machines dude life has no meaning dude we're all programmed like my SD dataset except our database is like... the entire world..."
some people actually take pride in the belief that they're ACTUAL NPCS NO DIFFERENT FROM A PICTURE GENERATING ALGORITHM

>> No.6598608

>We are are soon entering an age where humans are literally powered by a glorified auto fill

All that is next is neuter the 99% with learned helplessness and we can finally have true NPCs

>> No.6598749

His face became plastic and gave him earings

>> No.6598751
