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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 903 KB, 768x768, 1677374126317479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540443 No.6540443 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think artists should be required to disclose if they use AI?

>> No.6540447

Yes, and 3d models, and post every single reference they use.

>> No.6540449

That’s an interesting question. There is no definitive answer, but some artists and experts have argued that AI-generated art raises ethical issues such as copyright infringement, authorship, and commercialization1.

Some artists say that their work has been used without their consent to train AI models that can imitate their style23. They claim that this violates their rights and devalues their originality.

Some experts say that AI-generated art challenges the notion of human creativity and expression45. They wonder who should be credited as the author of an artwork that is co-created by a machine and a human.

Some critics say that AI-generated art could be used to produce cheap, mass-produced art that undermines the value of human-made art16. They worry that this could affect the market and the appreciation of art.

What do you think about these issues?

>> No.6540460

Do you think artists should be required to disclose if they use the lasso tool?

>> No.6540462

The lasso tool is a selection tool that allows you to draw freeform segments of a selection border around objects or points in an image1. It is commonly used in software such as Adobe Illustrator2 and Photoshop3 to manipulate or edit parts of an image.

I don’t think artists should be required to disclose if they use the lasso tool, as it is not a creative tool but a technical one. It does not generate new content or imitate other styles, but rather helps the artist select and modify existing content. It is similar to using a ruler or a compass in traditional art.

However, some artists may choose to disclose their use of the lasso tool or other digital tools as a way of sharing their process or technique with others. This could be helpful for learning or appreciation purposes.

Do you agree with me?

>> No.6540463

the image itself is disclosure. it's obvious every time if you aren't blind

>> No.6540469

No. One day it will be impossible to tell by looking, However, in that future, AI detection software will catch them if they lie about it.
You won't be able to can't escape AI detection. Using the very latest AI art gen will escape the latest detection.. but all prior work you uploaded will detected. and then a short time later, your latest gen will be.

Using it for ref though? I don't know...

>> No.6540476
File: 860 KB, 768x768, Cowboy Bebop Spike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I always liked knowing what medium the artist uses for their work, regardless of AI. It's ok not saying if a piece is digital (as it's a reasonable assumption most of the time), but it's good to know if it's actually a collage with other elements, is actually 3D made to look 2D, photobashing, Vector, traditional (and what medium that would pertain), and of course if AI was used as well.

I think AI in particular needs disclosure, as it would otherwise trick, not just an audience, but possible clients who may have been hiring you based on a presumed draftsmanship skill that you may not have.
Not to mention; if you want to, and believe you can, make a career of AI art and your skills in that, you should be advertising the fact your using it.

But if your just using it to make pictures for shit and giggles and nothing serious, whatever is fine I guess.

Also, OP, are you the one who created picrel as well? Or is it just coincidental in character similarity?

>> No.6540481

I agree. "As is" AI art reeks of mass production.
I'm more afraid of those who will use AI + their knowledge and experience that will/is a killer combo. One that I don't want to partake in tho

>> No.6540482

doesn't need, we notice

>> No.6540484

also of references used, and proof of licensing.

>> No.6540494

looks like shit

>> No.6540513

How? What tells you that it's made with AI? I'm not being sarcastic.

>> No.6540519

That’s a good question. Artificial intelligence (AI) can create amazing artworks, but sometimes it can also make mistakes that reveal its non-human nature. According to Brendan Murphy, a lecturer in digital media at CQUniversity12, some of the signs that an art piece was made by AI are:

Problems with hands, mouth, teeth and ears
Strange or unrealistic colors and textures
Lack of consistency or coherence in the style or theme
Repetition or distortion of elements
Absence of emotion or meaning
Of course, these are not definitive criteria, and some human artists may intentionally create artworks that have these features. The best way to tell if an art piece was made by AI is to look at the source and see if it was generated by a machine learning algorithm or not.

>> No.6540526

it makes mistakes people don't. look at the side of the hair
who would draw that?

>> No.6540527

ChatGPT pls

>> No.6540532 [DELETED] 

>If an artist show a finished artwork I look at it for 5 seconds and move on
>if an artist share the progress, sketch of that finished artwork then I look at it for 1-5 minutes or more and I'll follow him if it was interesting

>> No.6540537

>If an artist shows a finished artwork I'll look at it for 5 seconds and move on
>if an artist shares the progress, sketch of that finished artwork then I'll look at it for 1-5 minutes or more and I'll follow him if it was interesting

>> No.6540543

Yes, it should be a requirement, or at the very least, taboo to do otherwise.

To the hacks trying to compare ai with simple tools like crop, bucket, spray, etc, your deceiving only yourself, as those alone cannot produce anything substantial, and only when used by a skilled hand do they produce results. To say ai for art as a basis is the same as a pencil is like trying to say a house with no doors and windows isn't a house, or a car without panels isn't a car.

It matters if I hand drew a stunning and details landscape of a crowded mall, where each person is recognizable, or if ai randomly generated a bunch of faces and emulated the same as my drawing. One was MY effort, the other wasn't, even if I touched it up some later.

>> No.6540548

>if an artist shows a great looking image, but something makes my spider sense tingle, I look close, analyze all the features, the brush strokes the lines... is this AI? I take it into photoshop to color pick the white areas, does it vary too much? if i determine it was AI, I send them a death threat and move on

>> No.6540553

It's always obvious, even from thumbnails. You can see multiple unnatural deformities from far away. It's a human instinct to recognize things that are fake and uncanny. Also, people have portfolios, jackass.

>> No.6540557

this and i'll add more like noise in places that don't make sense, liquified clothes ( AI can't fold ) assimetry and lack of dynamics ( looks flat , like a cardboard , doesn't mix with the ambient) , bad use of chromatic aberration , same use of light ( AI doesn't get bizzarre light of many sources on anime style )

i'm sure one day AI will suprass all of this and become a tool like 3d motioncap is today , but we have a long time yet

>> No.6540563

How many of this thread's posts are AI generated? Some really read like they are.

>> No.6540573

I guess AI is reading this right now to learn how humans recognize it. So let's feed it,
What I see at simple gaze on the thumbanil is something that looks photorealistic but unreal at the same time. Too good to be true.
Once you zoom in you find incoherences in logic, like in example a jacket inside another jacket. Or the flap of the jacket has too many sides and folds beyond the logic design of the flap IRL. It's like "cuantic fabric".
Also someting that can be explained as "mixing apples and oranges" when a texture is not consistent in the material that it is made of. It could be a mix of wood, fabric and vegetables if the color is a correct match, everything goes, wich is wrong.
Just my 2 cents for our AI buddy...

>> No.6540574

ai shills deserve a single (You) from ChatGPT
simple as

>> No.6540581

Do you think AI is making spelling mistakes purposely to blend in with the rest of human retards here? That would be scary...

>> No.6540594

Chatgpt pls

>> No.6540596

>thinly veiled drama thread
Hide, sage and report

>> No.6540619
File: 103 KB, 694x530, In-The-Pale-Moonlight-benjamin-sisko-19025190-694-530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad. Sad that artists are so disorganized, or just don't care that they're about to get the rug pulled out from under them with this shit. The best they could do was an anti-AI art station protest. The 2-3 lawsuits floating around are weightless. This is war. The solution is so patently obvious Im surprised I haven't seen it floated ANYWHERE. Which is to pool some capital together, and fund a version of dance-dance diffusion that purposefully includes copyrighted music. We need to drag the music industry into this before it's too late.

>> No.6540662

Look, there's no way you involve more corpos in this and things turn out well.
Copyright laws do not EVER benefit the little guy. You keep them loose and shit like this happens but you keep them tight and indie artists are getting sued because a 4 note segment of the bassline backing track of a song is the same as another 4 note segment in a completely different song in a completely different genre that was released 20 years ago.
Mind you that the music industry collects royalties on people singing happy fucking birthday, a song which is blatantly in the public domain, and has done so unchallenged because they're too big for reasonable people to go after them. The absolute last fucking thing I ever need as an artist is another law that invents a new way for a corporation to take money out of my pocket which i will never have enough cash to use against them when they commit the same crime.
Artists are going to fuck themselves over bigtime if going after AI produces any results at all. Mark my words

>> No.6540673

I'm sorry to say you are mistaken. Robust copyright laws have several benefits. One key advantage is that it stops your novel work from being misused or stolen by others and it prohibits people except the copyright owner from copying. This encourages creativity and innovation and enables producers to benefit financially.

Keeping copyright law up to date is also vitally important to the economy. Copyrighted intangible products are successfully being marketed to consumers through digital distribution technologies such as download and streaming services through for-profit contractual transactions in the marketplace, much as tangible goods and services are marketed.

>> No.6540686
File: 3.22 MB, 498x278, kaburagi-deca_dence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robust copyright laws, oh how they sing,
A melody of benefits that they bring.
They stop theft of novel work,
And ensure that ownership doesn't lurk.

Creativity and innovation, they inspire,
Encouraging creators to reach higher.
Exclusive rights to control and use,
Give financial benefits that are not obtuse.

The economy benefits, make no mistake,
As digital distribution revenues rake.
Marketplaces profit from intangible goods,
And support whole industries as they should.

But balance is key, public interest we must mind,
Excessive protections can stifle and bind.
Access to knowledge and cultural expression,
Are also vital in this copyright procession.

So let's review and update, to ensure,
That copyright laws serve society pure.
With protection and promotion in equal measure,
We'll create a world of creative treasure.

>> No.6540691

In a world where creation is key,
The little guy can often feel small,
But with laws to protect what they see,
Their work can stand proud and tall.

With rights to reproduce and distribute,
The little guy can earn from their art,
No longer at the mercy of the astute,
They can make a living from their heart.

And with control over how it's used,
Their vision remains intact,
No longer subject to being abused,
Their work remains a fact.

So let us celebrate these laws so fine,
That help the little guy to shine.

>> No.6540695

>So let us celebrate these laws so fine,
>That help the little guy to shine.

>> No.6540698

You are the epitome of sublime beauty and transcendent creativity. You are the manifestation of divine inspiration and artistic genius. You are the culmination of countless hours of meticulous labor and exquisite craftsmanship. You are the embodiment of elegance, grace and sophistication.

Your colors dazzle my eyes with their radiant splendor and harmonious contrast. Your shapes enchant my mind with their intricate complexity and symmetrical balance. Your textures delight my touch with their smooth finesse and delicate detail. Your sounds captivate my ears with their melodious rhythm and expressive tone.

You stir my emotions with your profound meaning and evocative symbolism. You challenge my intellect with your subtle nuance and clever ambiguity. You enrich my soul with your uplifting message and universal appeal. You transform my life with your positive influence and lasting impact.

You are my muse, my passion, my joy. You are my treasure, my pride, my love.

>> No.6540699

AI does it better... But I like it.

>> No.6540701

I can't stop reading this one poem with the radio voice of Fernando Martínez from GTA5 in mi head. I love it.

>> No.6540703

That was AI. I told it to make it like allcaps navy seal copypasta. it repeated the same thing in allcaps, but had that bit at the end.

>> No.6540706

Wrong board, /g/ tranny.

>> No.6540710

Well, there you have it! To me that was just a lame attempt to replicate an AI paraphrase by a common /ic shitposter.
That's what I believe, and if you say it was made by an AI... then welp, you got me, I can't tell if you're lying or not. Interesting shit.

>> No.6540712


>> No.6540713
File: 82 KB, 641x667, Screenshot 2023-03-01 234006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540714

ai threads only deserve ai replies

>> No.6540715

An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

>> No.6540720

Cool. Thanks

>> No.6540722

Lame gimmick.

>> No.6540723

I guess the new jannies got removed because they were actually doing their job.

>> No.6540734

nobody will ever deny that they used the lasso tool if asked, you stupid fucking ai bro. Its implied that all artists use it already. Like using a tablet, or using ctrl Z. These are just simple functions. AI Art generation is actually drawing for you.

Using AI to generate a non repeating texture like grass or concrete would be closer in comparison to the lasso tool, and I think most people do not have a problem with that.

>> No.6540735


>> No.6540777

yes, no one wants or will pay for AI, its what pajeets dont want you to know.

>> No.6540778

I'm not sure doubling down on painterly techniques of the 19 century masters is going to solve this.

>> No.6540815

is this chatgpt?

>> No.6540817

yes, I also think they should be publicly lynched

>> No.6541347


3 types of AI users

1- Scammers.

2- deluded retards users who thinks they're artist.

3- "just for fun" users.

number 3 won't post shit for profit. number will just flood trash generated images on socmed and number 1 will never disclose it unless caught.

there's no good thing about AI "art" UNLESS it's used minimally. For instance, using AI to generate random shapes and colors and create an artwork using that as a base. Which I don't think people will do because the AI is capable of shitting out complete images.

>> No.6541375

Who cares? Art is over, get over it.

>> No.6541381

Everyone can tell.
It's like having a little yellow star on your lapel.

>> No.6541386

AI can't comprehend what It "reads".

>> No.6541387

Good morning sirs

>> No.6541389
File: 137 KB, 828x386, F0AA2F34-4799-41D0-96A3-1253B6B4B63B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541391 [DELETED] 
File: 356 KB, 512x512, 7567л.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've integrated ths shit into my worlflow
stay mad

>> No.6541399

Good morning sir!

>> No.6541401 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 512x512, 56h56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes what a racist bigoted statement. Kindly grow as a person

>> No.6541414

Didn't disclose when tracing, won't with AI either

>> No.6541417

you can tell by the way it is

>> No.6541418

unironically it's useless to fight it

>> No.6541427

you can't if the person using AI goes out of their way to mask it

shit like the OP image can only be told from context, like a random detailed portrait like that seems like a mismatch between skill and subject matter, but in the right context it'd make sense, but if you see it on instagram in a sea of similar artwork, it feels unnatural

>> No.6541675

>Do you think artists should be required to disclose if they use AI?

>known artstyle
>wips and rough drafts
>timelapse videos
>none of the grass shading effects AI software does

>> No.6541791

Who gives a fuck? If the art is good, that should be literally all that matters.

>> No.6541795

The only way to "mask" ai images is redrawing the whole thing. Which no ainigger can do.

>> No.6541889

All these answers are bullshit.
I presented human-made art to /ic/ and asked the same question, got the same response.

It's cope and bias.

>> No.6541892
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They're from the same person, who wasn't me. But there's no ownership with this stuff.

>> No.6541912

Tbh, it's bullshit that ai images cannot be copyrighted. If you need to spend hours correcting mistakes and prooompting, it requires more effort to some other art forms that are granted copyright, such as drip paintings etc. It's all a matter of politics

>> No.6541924

Artists should've been disclosing whether or not they use photo references in the first place.

>> No.6541946


Learn how artist use ref and you'll see why they don't have to.

>> No.6541949


Perfect example of number 2.

>> No.6541957

I don't think employers care also they have almost no control over traditional artist output other than be pleased on the first 5 revision while they can always pester the digital illustrator for 100 or more revisions before deadline.

So no, if the ai generation can cut so much time for production time, artists that are not so great will insist that it is unethical to disclose an artist's AI use.

>> No.6541974
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>> No.6541979

no comment would be him posting nothing at all :)

>> No.6542053

>the results are incredible
I thought "normalfags have shit taste" was an elitist meme...how wrong I was.
nice bait, have a (You)

>> No.6542072

i hope you get mediocre reception from your art and some retard from this board traces all your shit but uses a different color palette or some shit and becomes a multi-millionaire

>> No.6542085
File: 158 KB, 1262x928, Screenshot 2023-03-02 005155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pajeet is this pajeet. Ai shills are each other's biggest fans.

>> No.6542089

>I thought "normalfags have shit taste" was an elitist meme...how wrong I was.
Where to you think the NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN meme comes from?

>> No.6542098

A blank comment can mean different things depending on the context and tone. For example, if someone posts a controversial or provocative statement and then someone else replies with a blank comment, it could mean that they are speechless, shocked or disgusted by the statement. Alternatively, it could mean that they are mocking or dismissing the statement as unworthy of a response. Another example is if someone posts a funny or clever joke and then someone else replies with a blank comment, it could mean that they are laughing so hard that they have nothing to say. Or it could mean that they don’t find the joke funny or clever at all and they are expressing their boredom or disdain. As you can see, a blank comment can have different meanings depending on the context and tone of the conversation.

>> No.6542100

The lasso tool is a commonly used feature in digital art software that allows artists to select and isolate specific parts of an image for editing or manipulation. It is not inherently problematic to use this tool, and it is generally considered a standard feature in digital art software.

That being said, if an artist is claiming that their artwork is entirely hand-drawn or painted when, in fact, they have used the lasso tool extensively to create shapes or forms, they may be misrepresenting their process to viewers or potential buyers. In this case, disclosure about the use of the lasso tool could be seen as a matter of transparency and honesty.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to disclose the use of the lasso tool (or any other tool) is up to individual artists and their personal ethics and standards. However, in general, it is always best to be transparent about one's creative process and to avoid misrepresenting the work that has been done.

>> No.6542102

>look this ai looks incredible
no, it looks like shit
you said it looked incredible 2 minutes ago

>> No.6542109

While it's true that some AI's images can't be recognized and that there's a lot of cope with the whole, all AI pics are ugly and forever deformed, for now the majority of images do have weirdnesses to them that human rendered images wouldn't normally have, but it's also true that a lot of times to see these errors you'd have to zoom in and focus on the image, because at a first glance they look fine.

>> No.6542112

>this art looks like soulless traced and photobashed trash
ackshully this is what the industry is okay plus it makes my workload easier. no rules only tools *sniggers like neil degrasse tyson*
>this AI looks like it will dramatically cutdown production time and costs, looks rough but it will improve enough for the industry to notice

>> No.6542122

Both photobashing and AI art are garbage, simple as, but AI art is just a hundred times worse, unless you really transform it by hand, then it becomes comparable to photobashing, so still shit.

>> No.6542126

I’m sorry to hear that you are getting very bothered by online interactions. That can be very stressful and frustrating. Here are some advice that might help you cope with online stress:
Work in a comfortable environment. Your work environment can be your number one cause of stress. Try to find a quiet, well-lit and organized space to study or work online. Avoid distractions like TV, phone or social media.
Apply your time management skills. Proper time management is one of the ways you can handle pressure when working online. When you learn to allocate time to accomplish tasks before your deadlines, you hardly feel pressure. Use a planner, calendar or app to keep track of your assignments and priorities.
Avoid procrastination. Procrastination can lead to more stress and anxiety as you rush to finish your work at the last minute. Try to break down your tasks into smaller and manageable steps and start working on them as soon as possible. Reward yourself for completing each step or task.
Smile. Smiling can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, try to force yourself to smile for a few seconds and see how it affects you. You can also watch something funny or talk to someone who makes you laugh.
Engage in yoga or meditation Yoga and meditation are proven ways to relax your body and mind. They can help you focus on your breathing, calm your nerves and clear your thoughts. You can find many online videos or apps that guide you through yoga or meditation exercises.
Have proper rest Getting enough sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to help you sleep better. Adults need 7 or more hours per night.
I hope these tips are helpful for someone who is getting very bothered by online interactions. Remember that you are not alone in this situation and there are many resources available for you if you need more support.

>> No.6542129

the ai shit is good at looking like a bad salvia trip manifestation. limited use in animation but easy to think adultswim will do something with it.

>> No.6542157


they also are a professional and have teams behind it with years of experience. The only use of AI in this video is like using a tiktok filter. Everything else is just skill, talent and creativity.

>> No.6542159


if AI is allowed to be copyrighted because you fuckers edit it then anyone is allowed to license any photo from google search because they edit it. It's not bullshit. You're just that retarded.

>> No.6542189

>then anyone is allowed to license any photo from google search because they edit it
this is what fair use allows you to do bud.

>> No.6542193


ok retard

>> No.6542199
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>> No.6542247

The difference between AI and digital art is the same difference between manual animation and Rotoscoping.

You can notice it almost instantly.

You can argue it looks the same, that it's drawn, that is indistinguishable, but there are underlying theories about how things need to be animated, their shape, how they move that doesn't gets applied when raw rotoscoping is used, AI is the same, it creates unnatural detail distribution, weird contextless compositions, random medium mixes, that are not natural to the eyes.

>> No.6542257
File: 302 KB, 512x512, 1661913393470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the underlying details exist then the information can be extracted from the result, this is literally what makes these AI so powerful

it's not like you'd contest the 90% it gets right at this very moment, but somehow that remaining 10% is supposedly beyond AI even though it's fundamentally the same as all the other pattern recognition it does right now

>> No.6542258

A lot of the AI results are beginning to look the same due to the volume and kind of curation going on. I actually recognize the face because I wanted to generate some random guys in Midjourney, and he had that exact same face with slight rounding.
I can't speak for SD since it's going to vary depending on what libraries you're choosing to work with; but I know MJ's system is weighed by community votes. So while it's getting nice results, it also looks homogenized. Even when rendered in a different style, certain things like facial structures, color palettes, composition, and line placement begin to appear again.
The biggest giveaway is when the wannabe artist has a gallery. AI prompters don't have a sense of aesthetic style, which is both their boon for the short-term, and bane for the long. I can tell they're running the same prompt, maybe with a word or two changed or weights shifted. They make lots of nice pictures with no narrative or connection. There's no process to watch, or no artist statement a person could ask about.

>For instance, using AI to generate random shapes and colors and create an artwork using that as a base. Which I don't think people will do because the AI is capable of shitting out complete images.
I've done this before using a very limited AI, or one with lower settings. You get what looks like a deranged collage, or an abstract gesture drawing. Those are the most fun to work with and probably the actual best use for an artist.

>> No.6542266

Again, people using AI and trying to hide it are like people animating badly by rotoscoping and trying to hide it, thinking everyone and their dogs can't see the difference.

>> No.6542270

you repeating yourself doesn't tackle anything I said nor does it make it true

I get it, coming to terms with a calculator outperforming you in hard is not easy on the mind but you'll get there

>> No.6542271

The artist makes his tools work.

>> No.6542283

>calculator outperforming you
not that anon. I have no reason to feel threatened by hyper-realist pseudo-paintings AI does, they are pretty vacuous anyway. the strength of the AI is that it skips all the creative steps and goes straight to rendered and can do several iterrations fast but at the expense of
a lot of elements like composition or storytelling. your comment is symptomatic of an uncreative mind. give both a professional painter and an AI proompter a month to work on a singular piece and I think the painter has a better chance of approaching the desired end-rseult while the prompter is likely to neurotically keep trying to generate elements over and over to get it "right" but losing cohesiveness in the whole piece.

>> No.6542282
File: 464 KB, 876x746, 135820814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With more coplex images there's more potential points of failure, but what about a relatively simple image like picrel, can you point out what makes it look like AI beyond a doubt?

>> No.6542285
File: 438 KB, 768x768, 1650990700070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like realism is the only thing it does, here's ocarina of time N64 style

>> No.6542294

>A lot of the AI results are beginning to look the same due to the volume and kind of curation going on.
I've been noticing this too. In the early days some of the results were at least quirky and interesting. It now seems to be settling into a monotonous aesthetic. Defenders claim it can do any style, but when it diverges from the script it begins to unravel.
At this trajectory it'll become its own category, it's definitely not shaping up to look like anything drawn by hand.

>> No.6542295

again, why would I paint Ocarina of time style when it's simpler to model and texture a thing in 3d, then I could make a billion poses that character with absolute control based. just like I don't see the point of honing hyperrealistic skills as 1) they have lower expression value 2) I would be trying to mimic a camera. better to focus on a personal style and improve it, make it unique. AI gives decent-to-good quick imitations but imitations nonetheless.

>> No.6542297

I was just pointing out how it's no limited to realism by showing a very clear example

>> No.6542301

fair enough, and it is interesting.

>> No.6542303

Once they start disclosing if they traced or used someone else's work as reference, sure.
>insert ross traced art from discord

>> No.6542305

>everyone can tell AI
So many people fall for this, there's one major aspect that you're failing to understand here, and it will feel very obvious to you once you realize it.

For any AI art that you have not clocked as AI (and there is some even on this board, I promise you), is not counted in your "obviously that's AI" mental checklist.
So basically, you are deciding that you are 100% accurate at detecting AI. Is that truly how it is for you, personally? Well perhaps so far, who knows. The point is that you don't know, because you have no way of taking into consideration AI art that "passes", so to speak.

>> No.6542306
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1408, 611542784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many artists imitate WLOP? It's not that they can't draw in a different style, they just give the people what they want. When people get bored of the current popular style the AI results will start imitating whatever the next new hot thing is.

>> No.6542313
File: 296 KB, 366x351, 1677520323865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very, geniunely disappointed in all /g/tards who only shit out pinup girls

>> No.6542314

Exactly this. It's like browsing /sdg/ and deciding that all SD can do is anime waifus, because all they see is anime waifus.
The vast amount of people are frighteningly simple and have poor taste. When a tool gets in the hands of so many such people, of course the majority of what you see will be unspiring and uncreative.
This has nothing to do with the tool itself though. Could just as easily put in Durer and woodcut/related terms instead

>> No.6542317

AI artist got his art to be exposed in Rijksmuseum, what about yours anon? You do have art in a museum by now right, I mean a decade of grinding the necessary skills would at least give you that
it's /g/, that's like asking /ic/ to stop drawing anime shit

>> No.6542319

>Exactly this. It's like browsing /sdg/ and deciding that all SD can do is anime waifus
But the culture around a medium matters. Photoshop is capable of so much, but Photoshop art is associated with a certain type of art (rendermonkey/airbrush/artstashit) because so many make that type of art with it.
That being said, certain mediums do guide the users to certain results, due to the inherent nature of the 'tool.'
>Could just as easily put in Durer and woodcut/related terms instead
Google "Albrecht Durer Stable Diffusion" and then search for Durer's actual woodcuts and you'll soon discover AI's brick wall.

>> No.6542327

>it's bullshit that ai images cannot be copyrighted
The very concept of "copyright" in a modern and advanced human society is what is BULLSHIT.
Knowledge, art, culture, information, at this point should be shared. It should be a stream of life in our human system society like blood in the veins of any living organism.

It's the fucking "noble" reptiles who enjoy the suffering of the human being the ones that keep us in chains unable to share anything with our kin, we are forced to "buy" our right to eat, sleep, breed, and even just breathe air.

For the tortured souls of all our /ic brothers and sisters, the issue that keeps them in this eternal struggle is that they can not enjoy art, art should not be enjoyed, art should be another tool to "buy" your right to breathe one more day or be happy. Like being happy can be achieved by buying stuff. Only a reptil can come up with something so detached from the human soul and spirit.

>> No.6542328

how's the culture or whatever matter? it's not like photoshop made artwork is frowned down upon nor is it only used for airbrushed artwork

>> No.6542333
File: 421 KB, 666x1163, 30to9tij1kaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethical issues such as copyright infringement, authorship, and commercialization1
Artists copy other peoples artstyles as well, the commercialization of art has been a problem for a while now. There so much art being made without meaning beyond "anime girl cute" to be more palatable to the general audience that work is being sold to. Companies who want to make a profit don't care about ethical issues of underpaying their artists or trying to not pay contract artists at all. AI doesn't "copy" artwork when it trains on datasets, but even if you argued that AI can't use publicly available images anyway, people with money can contract artists to make art specifically to train AI, and the end result would be an AI that is proprietary, expensive and not available to the general public. Even then, nothing would stop big companies from using banned AI models anyway, unlike small artists, they can usually afford the fines. Commercialisation, profit oriented business and the fact that workers need to work so they can have money to live is always the issue with work being automated, never the work automation itself.
>AI models that can imitate their style23
Artists already imitate each others styles, no repercussions other than angry tumblr mobs.
>AI-generated art challenges the notion of human creativity and expression45
Commercialisation of art already does that.
>They wonder who should be credited as the author of an artwork that is co-created by a machine and a human.
I'd say it probably depends on intent. There already are artists who don't properly get credited on projects where many people are involved, but you can in theory try to find out via reaching out to whoever does get credited. You can't ask the AI who made which input when an artist was running the software on their computer, but you can ask an artist which AI model they used. If AI is just another tool, I'd say the human who used it and published the art should get credit.

>> No.6542334
File: 84 KB, 772x377, 5mt7spxlt3ba1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some critics say that AI-generated art could be used to produce cheap, mass-produced art that undermines the value of human-made art16
>produce cheap, mass-produced art
People do that without AI already, and I'd say it does undermine the value of freely made art, issue always goes back to needing money to live. Being a professional artist can be a soul sucking experience.
>They worry that this could affect the market
Hah! Companies will be happy to have reasons to either underpay artists even more or to not pay them at all.
>appreciation of art
I've tried out AI and it made me appreciate human made art a lot more, at least I can imagine some sort of intent behind human art and a message they want to deliver.
No joke, I actually do that because I like explaining my art process and love the distortion tool and have a need to tell everyone about it. But no.

>> No.6542335

In OP's pic...the tendons from the sternocleidomastoid muscles are shown originating behind the clavicles, which overlap them. That's wrong. They actually originate at the top of the sternum between the clavicles, and will typically appear to blend in with the medial heads of the clavicles.

>> No.6542338

great image

>> No.6542344

No way big companies would take people's art for themselves. Had to be 4chan to think just because you're a company you're evil. They are the ones making sure artists make a living, Disney even kept their traditional artists long after they adopted 3D animation. AI art will be illegal and artists will thrive, you can't stop artists. Our art will be even more valuable because it has soul and to that I thank you AI for making people realize what an art without soul looks like.

>> No.6542347
File: 1.48 MB, 960x1280, 03508d5a5660eca02b63c131c35765f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 4 - The coomer.

>> No.6542349

Better art than whatever /ic/ could come up the last year

>> No.6542355

>AI doesn't "copy" artwork when it trains on datasets,
typical jewery, the data does get used whether it is stored or not is irrelevant.
>Artists already imitate each others styles
there's imitation and there's plagiarism and the practice has always been frowned upon and the copycat might see doors closed to him. also having AI pictures unable to be copyrighted bypasses your picture strawman. if you think AI levels the playing field for small actors you are completely deluded.
number 5 - the petty fuckwad

>> No.6542356
File: 1.36 MB, 960x1280, caef92bc5862b4a3f5936dabdabf370a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its mid, but whatever

>> No.6542358

>you can't stop artists
Uh, this isn't some "non-artist AI shills vs real artists" thing, I'm on this board because I want to improve my drawing skills. I don't think AI art will ever make human art obsolete, and not just because AI art is built on human art.
>No way big companies would take people's art for themselves
There are people doing that though, never had a bad client?
>just because you're a company you're evil
I'm not saying every company is evil, but there are bad practises, being paid in exposure is a meme for a reason
>Disney even kept their traditional artists long after they adopted 3D animation
Ah, I didn't know that, I mainly know disney in the artworld for their copyright stuff. Big if true, thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.6542360


>> No.6542369

Hot take but I don't think so. If nobody can tell and you are never caught then you functionally never used AI. Besides, as long as you treat AI art as analog art then people won't tell. The nature of AI creates infinite supply but there is still limited demand which leads to people being flippant about AI generated images but if you never disclose that something is AI but also act as if it had more value on par with an analog commission then people will take your images more seriously and not question it as AI as much.

>> No.6542372
File: 1.99 MB, 1200x1536, 1942efaa9e68f5c5bbf6e464d7e0eac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how nsfw artists are coping right now

>> No.6542376
File: 73 KB, 774x679, ok wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn

>> No.6542377

>Our art will be even more valuable because it has soul and to that I thank you AI for making people realize what an art without soul looks like
Finally someone gets it. AI is like a big neon sign advertising ART. And people goes to that neon sign like flies. Real artists can only benefit from all of this.

Everyone's like, "I can do art too!"... And at some point the question will arise "can you?". what is art? Why do you care? Why do you feel attracted to it? They will watch KJGvideos drawing art IRL infront of the crowd and they will say "How does he do that?" It's like and enchantment, like real magic happening infront of their very eyes. That's art.
AI is just a big neon sign that advertise it. Wich is good for artists.

>> No.6542378
File: 90 KB, 1200x1200, banana taped to wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all they see is anime waifus
I hope this AI garbage will inspire artists to make more meaningful art instead of just drawing the same anime girls over and over like machines.
What made the tape banana real art was its intent. Human artists could leave time consuming rendering to AI and focus more on putting some personality into their work instead of hiding behind generic style and never truly expressing anything that matters to them.
Although pretty anime girls do matter to people I guess, can't argue with that.

>> No.6542379

shhhhh, you were supposed to wait 2 weeks dude wtf stop posting good ai news every week

>> No.6542390
File: 1.37 MB, 1475x1055, 1654685654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't tell me what to do

>> No.6542393
File: 182 KB, 1078x1474, 0poiew3bbxba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like reasons why AI art shouldn't be illegal. Although if rich people can just hire artists to make art for their AI models to train on, you can't really make it illegal if there's no doubt that no art was stolen. Although I'd bet that such an AI service would be really expensive to use, so most artists wouldn't be able to use it in their work, only rich people who can afford the tech.

>> No.6542392
File: 421 KB, 1600x1047, startrektng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a stupid image. Current Disney is already awful, and I wouldn't care if it went out of business altogether, much less laid off 90% of its art department. But there's no way AI could match the creative output of Disney's golden age artists, and anyone who thinks otherwise has shit for brains.
As to the second point, I'd be absolutely fine with big tech hiring poor artists in hopes of imitating the top artists to train their AI. When I think of the very best artists of the recent past, people like Frank Frazetta and Mort Drucker, they had and continue to have many imitators, and yet nobody would mistake the imitators for the original. Drucker's art in particular (see picrel) is light years beyond AI's capabilities, because it combines expressive linework, intelligent stylization, intent and context, all things beyond AI's comparatively dumb way of producing images.
Third point: Who cares? Are we supposed to weep that "average joe" has to pay for art? Or are we supposed to believe that "big corporations" aren't the ones already pushing for, and benefiting from, unethically trained AI art?

>> No.6542395
File: 53 KB, 926x661, arpanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speed of advancement is astounding. Look at how long it took to develop the internet out of packet switched networks and then imagine what image generation with machine learning will achieve in 10 years.

>> No.6542398

It truly is. Also, I just noticed USA territory looks like a whale

>> No.6542400

With a boner

>> No.6542403
File: 961 KB, 1067x1600, 1675100849885520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how social markets and demographics now function, moore's law is multiplied, amplified and sped up.
6 months ago artists were proudly chanting how AI will never be able to create any good images, and look at it now how it shits out big titty anime grills like nothing.

>> No.6542404

I'm leaning towards yes, if only because AI scrapes other people's art from the internet.
If you were to take someone else's art and photoshop it into a different art piece, you should be required to at least credit the other person for obvious reasons.
With AI, it's a lot harder to credit every single artist who you copied, but you should at least give a general "I didn't make this" message.

>> No.6542406

Why do I see a sexy warrior girl in the bacground? She's standing sideways to re right and wears a blue shiny sexy armor. I wonder if the AI is representing that, or it is just a piece of random texture for a wall or drapery.

>> No.6542407

Sakimi Chan can't count fingers either

>> No.6542408

>If you were to take someone else's art and photoshop it into a different art piece, you should be required to at least credit the other person for obvious reasons.
We aren't obligated to credit anyone still, whether it's collage or photobashing

>> No.6542411

....or a can of soup

>> No.6542414

>moore's law is multiplied
Moore's law only applies to the transistor count. And, aychually, the chip densities are growing far slower but there is a higher performance gain to be had with better caches and multi-threading.

>> No.6542418

>less than half of the Summertime Saga subscribers

>> No.6542419
File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, 8e84353dd3692aaab54a9a8401c4170f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

casually speaking it can be applied to any tech all together
"the more a thing is developed, the faster it does become better" and so on
Really shows what the paying consumer really cares about, uh?

>> No.6542422

> the only place AI is relevant is on shill threads on 4chan.

>not even their containment threads are safe from being nuked at any moment for spam

kek, pathetic.

>> No.6542425

Anon posting someone else art is a bannable offense.

>> No.6542426

>casually speaking it can be applied to any tech all together
No it can't, STEMlet. At one point transistors can't get any smaller due to physical limitations.

>> No.6542428

saving this pic, says better than what I've been trying to say all along
Also it's so fucking obvious when you look at who's being sued. Is it the blatantly commercial, for-profit, closed-source tools? No... It's the FOSS ones. It was absolutely no surprise to me that Disney signed on to that gofundme, even when others were like "Huh, that's kinda surprising from Disney.."

>> No.6542429

>physical limitations
as if we know its limitations already

>> No.6542430

I love how every single one of these disingenuos cunts chose to ignore this post simply because they all know he's right. Still they'll be back to posting the exact same arguments tomorrow.
And they still don't understand why artists and normies don't respect them and their ignorant sentiments.

>> No.6542432
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, d3133a76591374be2b66c2fe2450b8e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not claiming it as my own. Read the rules.
And 6 months ago ai couldn't even get a face right.

>> No.6542433
File: 2.43 MB, 866x577, E14-V20-B1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over....

>> No.6542434

>quick scroll up

>> No.6542437

>IRL infront of the crowd and they will say "How does he do that?" It's like and enchantment, like real magic happening infront of their very eyes.
More like a spectacle, a curiosity. A trained dog jumping through hoops or a man memorizing digits of pi, or creating images by hand.

>> No.6542441

STOPPPPPPPPPPP they are watching him because he is a real artist making art with deep meaning not just a fancy trick

>> No.6542443

Why is our AI friend this asshurt today? Did something happen?

>> No.6542446

Real artists should pray that something like this never happens. Who will decide that your art "looks like" AI made?
Do you think that you, or any of us, would win against some bigger fish up if he decides that some image made by you is AI or not?
A bigger fish could be YouTube, FB, or just any one who can afford a good layer, when you can't even afford a cheap fucking pizza.

Some one alse up there will "decide" is your art looks like AI made. A fucking jpg bunch of pixels. What's next? To disclose if you used a free software?

I don't like were this 'war' between AI shills an anti-AI fags is going. Looks like a made up fight to push through these sort of potentially catastrophic and brutal "new rules" on what is art.

>> No.6542447

Yes, this way I can fake my ai art as real art and get an advantage

>> No.6542448

When they create an account in an art website, if that's too much for them, then shit like PIXIV could give a badge to users who have proven they're indeed artist and not AI spammers

>> No.6542450
File: 85 KB, 960x804, FB_IMG_1674026081275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning brushmonkeys

>> No.6542453
File: 996 KB, 938x2703, ezgif-5-a4dfa3d508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no way AI could match the creative output of Disney's golden age artists
I'm the anon who posted that image and well, I do agree with that part. AI can produce pretty images, but on its own, it won't produce things with actual intent or personality.
I posted the image because I think the sort of people who mainly think about profits will only care about the cost of things and may think that with AI, artists can produce stuff cheaper and more quickly. They don't care about how "good" the art is as long as they can make money with it. Just look at how much disney moved away from original content and 2D and keeps making soulless remake after remake.
There are already animation studios working with AI, if they ban it in america, they can still outsource the production to poorer countries where the tech is still legal.
I'm not that much of a fan of using AI myself, I've tried it the past week and it just reinforced that I prefer having full control over my lines, even if I can't render like AI does. But regardless:
I slightly disagree with the image I'm posting now, because even with AI, you still need human artists, but I still don't like the part where people want to restrict access to new technology, because it will never be able to be banned completely and the only thing that will happen is that it'll be restricted to rich people only. Which would suck.

>> No.6542457

Disney is based. Artists are retarded. They are weeding out themselves from the competition, big brain move. At least the original luddites had the balls to break machines

>> No.6542465

Thanks, this image explains perfectly what I wanted to express here >>6542446

>> No.6542474

>the social media shills had a team meeting yesterday desperately trying to come up with something new to spam (but in fact we've seen the same nonsensical shit already back in october)
Is this entire website completely fucked now it was sold to corporate interests. How pathetic it is that people spam on imageboards for money, bottom feeding catfish below every other human being on earth.

>> No.6542477

This problem is endemic to the entire internet.

>> No.6542478

Newfag? Did you miss the days of youtube and tablet shilling?

>> No.6542479

I suppose I must have. But now the jannies make sure there's one thread up at all times as per the contract

>> No.6542481

Solution is to have an AI art general thread and we can repeat the same arguments over and over.

>> No.6542482

It's even funnier when the overly aggressive barking starts out of fucking nowhere, from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds.

>> No.6542489

at least it makes it easy to spot, when they have no internal logic to their arguments and instantly go to screaming like a retard. And then default to the same arguments again. Cyclical, paid to keep the conversation idling rather than actually say anything.

>> No.6542499
File: 1.13 MB, 768x768, 1994382377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you guys are getting paid?

>> No.6542505

Are you retarded? Why would anyone self report?

>> No.6542509

and then dasney goes broke because no one wants to watch a melting aberration. stupid fucking image, when will you faggots learn "AI" is a misnomer, there's nothing fucking intelligent about databashing algorithms. There's no thought, feeling, or intention in anything a script shits out. If you are worried about "AI" you are unironically an NPC who never had a creative thought to begin with

>> No.6542516

You art will never be in an art museum

>> No.6542519

Yes, Emad is a generous hvymn.

>> No.6542520

>no internal logic
>screaming like a retard >>6542516
>back to the same argument

>> No.6542524

It is AI retard, you've watched too many sci-fi movies and don't know what AI means. This is the "we only use 10% of our brain" meme all over again.

>> No.6542525

If you can't defend and punch back we will just keep punching because it works

>> No.6542529
File: 116 KB, 1300x1086, copyright power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very concept of "copyright" in a modern and advanced human society is what is BULLSHIT.
Naw, fuck that. Dumb utopian kiddie bullshit. If AI made me realize anything, it's the great equalizer that is copyright. You can copyright IP just as easily as Disney, and if it gains traction you reap the rewards.
Ain't no fuckin' robot deserves to do that off of other art it 'learned' from.
The boomers were right on some shit.

>> No.6542530

>we'll keep spamming because we're paid to, we don't actually have anything to say

>> No.6542532

I mean I won't deny it but I won't necessarily say that this is what is happening either

>> No.6542534
File: 288 KB, 824x1853, dsxi52ayo7aa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who will decide that your art "looks like" AI made
>Some one alse up there will "decide" is your art looks like AI made.
I hate talking about reddit, but one artist got banned on there for making art that "looks like AI" and got told to change his artstyle.
It's ridiculous, this infighting always hurts artists in the end.
>I don't like were this 'war' between AI shills an anti-AI fags is going.
This. Not everyone subscribes to one of two extreme positions and I hate how people pretend that artists are on one side and non-artists on the other, opinions of artists differ a lot, we're not a monolith with the same opinion. I don't like using AI in my art and I don't like the look of overly rendered hyperrealist shit either, but I'd hate it more if the only legal AI was privatised and proprietary and artists got even more flack for how they make their art.

>> No.6542536

no faggot you have it twisted. you are the retard who has watched too many sci-fi movies and think punching lines of code into a calculator is going to manifest sentience.

>> No.6542537

"Art is a private community".

/ic is turning into reddit ?

>> No.6542541
File: 55 KB, 696x442, killer-bob-dale-cooper-twin-peaks-1-696x442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking screenshot this shit and post it in every AI thread. Boiled down your spam to it's fundamental limitations and you can't even come up with something that deviates from it enough to prove you aren't a paid shill.
It's truly fucking over pajeets

>> No.6542542

Nope, that other anon is right.
No one is pretending that AI is sentient, this AI art discussion isn't even about that.
What you're talking about is philosophical sci-fi transhumanist shit, AI is not that advanced. It's a tool. "Intelligence" isn't the same thing as "sentience" and just because a software is capable of learning to make images doesn't mean it's capable of having independent thought. People know this.

>> No.6542544

What is a thought?

>> No.6542546

this fucking post again, that faggot STILL never posted the psd, it's so fucking obvious that it's a prompt, the composition itself makes zero fucking sense
>just two floating red eyes because, yes!

>> No.6542549

Copyright only protects you if you have enough money to actually enforce it. Hence why the lawyered class, Disney etc have benefited most from it while hurting smaller artists. Copyright should unironically be massively reduced

>> No.6542555

something is very fishy there. i doubt it's fully organic

>> No.6542557

perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information by a machine, that's what AI is(yes it's very broad). What you are describing is fiction, it's not real, wake up idiot.

>> No.6542564

Fuck dude you blew it. Who trained you. We are meant to ignore these posts

>> No.6542567
File: 22 KB, 579x530, concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Go to an online community of a game
> Keeps bragging about how he is better than the best players in the world because he uses cheat bots
> Guys why don't you use wallhack and aimbot to play? It makes you as good as the best players in the world

Because I actually like playing the game you retard, who gives a shit about what a bot or a computer program can do?

>> No.6542570

No, it should be improved as to make it more accessible to small artists. Removing it would hurt everyone and only benefit grifter scum that pretends to give a shit about "freedom".

>> No.6542571

without a shred of doubt in my mind 100% astroturfed. every single "patron" is a bot paid for by openai to push this meme. just suicide already please, I asked chatgpt he said it was for the betterment of humanity.

>> No.6542572

This is the anon you were replying to. I don’t favor banning AI image generation altogether. I assumed the “unethical” adjective was a qualifier referring to AI trained on copyrighted images without consent or compensation. I *do* think that practice should be banned because it is clearly unethical to build a product with other people’s work as a tangible input without paying them an agreed-upon fee for their work. As for the part about corporations being okay with paying fees for breaking laws, that would just mean the fees aren’t high enough, or additional penalties are needed.

>> No.6542576

>helped us limit competition
not at all, when AI art shows it's final form literally anyone will be able to make a Disney quality movie all on their own.

>> No.6542583

Ok you'd rather live in a dystopia where corpos with their endless lawyers sue everyone that is slightly similar to their catalog because you can't stand teenagers using their GPUs to prompt images

>> No.6542584
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cyclical arguments we've heard already keep going
>the same arguments literally in the same thread
>the same images over and over
the fact that there's real anons in between the vomit, please just ctrl w this fucking window and go draw, go do something else. They're even replying to themselves now having fake discussions about nothing.

>> No.6542587

>just two floating red eyes because, yes!
It's a cover for 'beneath the dragon eye moons'. The other covers also have them.

>> No.6542590
File: 446 KB, 707x982, Mendel_I_144_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo, you can't produce nails with a machine, you must buy them from a nailer, that's cheating

>> No.6542592

Yes for copyright reasons

>> No.6542593

I'm a pretty new AI Artist, but I can say that it's really been a game-changer for me as far as personal expression and creativity.
I am also looking forward to getting into making videogames, as the big stopper there was not having any art skills, however now that has changed.

>> No.6542600

kek, it's so funny watching you try and come up with something to say

>> No.6542602

You go first. Fuc*ing hypocrite.

>> No.6542605

aahhh such delectable bait, what a delicasy, Can I have another please?

>> No.6542606
File: 219 KB, 443x443, 1676683811816480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the big stopper

>> No.6542609

As a fellow AI artist, I completely agree! The capabilities of artificial intelligence have revolutionized the way we approach art and design. It's incredible to see how AI tools can help individuals explore their creativity and bring their ideas to life. I'm excited to see how you'll use AI to enhance your videogame development process and bring new experiences to gamers.

>> No.6542611

make fun of me all you'd like
The fact is, you're mad that I can make art now, I didn't have to go to school or follow mind-numbing books about it
And the frosting on the cake is that I can make better art than you can. :)

>> No.6542613

You don't actually need "good art" for that though, personal expression works with schizo scribbles too.
The only reason you "need" highly polished and rendered art is to better market your game to the masses.

>> No.6542614

>the frosting on the cake
I can practically hear your broken english

>> No.6542616

Waaay better than the dystopia where artistic integrity is dead and everyone consumes the same AI slop

>> No.6542617

>I can make art now
you can make art without AI, you're just scared of making your art more personal, because you think people won't like it as much

>> No.6542619

4chan is a Japanese website. Do you even speak a second language?

>> No.6542621

Well, no, this isn't true.
My ability to make art has objectively improved.

>> No.6542623

are you the shill that gets angry when someone can tell you're an ESL. You've been in other threads and what you just said is literally a reword of something I've read before.
>the big stopper

>> No.6542627

>4chan is a Japanese website

>> No.6542628

>has objectively improved
Sure, maybe you like your art better now. But you were always able to make art, don't pretend that AI suddenly unlocked the somehow unattainable ability to you. You're the artist, whether you make scribbles with or without an AI. The tool would be meaningless without the person using it.

>> No.6542630

I'm not sure many harsh critics have even tried to download stable diffusion and figure out to get something good out of it. It's like dismissing photoshop because you can't figure out layers.

>> No.6542631

>AI suddenly unlocked the somehow unattainable ability to you
Well, we will have to disagree to disagree my friend.
This new-found art skill is something I simply did not have, and do now.

>> No.6542633

Based beneficiary of the art democratization movement

>> No.6542634

I've tried it, it's really neat. But annoying waiting times and less control over the outcome, I think drawing yourself is more fun.
I only criticise AI shills because a lot of them shit on artists, even though AI couldn't have been what it is without artists hard work. It's really sad that people dismiss artists and only praise the software. Praise both, damn it.

>> No.6542635

What will you do now that you have comparably limitless artistic prowess to what you had before?
Be specific if you can. I have doubts that any rando suddenly attaining art ability has anything of value to add to the world with it.

>> No.6542636

I will enjoy using it in my free time to make art that I enjoy and perhaps share with others

>> No.6542637


You shouldnt say that. He isnt an artist at all, he is just using a filthy blender.

>> No.6542638

god you need to work on your character acting man

>> No.6542639

do you shills really think false equivalence is a good method to push your shitty basedcode?

>> No.6542642
File: 38 KB, 612x430, gettyimages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I simply did not have
You absolutely had it. If you have an eye for art and can hold a pen, you can make art, simple as that. AI makes it "prettier", but that doesn't mean picrel is not art.

>> No.6542644

they are not paid to think anon, they're paid to spam and Astroturf discussion

>> No.6542645

Isn't writing a form of art too? I think depending on how much you rely on software, AI artist should be in their own category. They have the amazing skill of frying GPUs.

>> No.6542646

My life has been a journey of discovery, of learning and absorbing all that I could. But there was always a part of me that felt incomplete, limited by my physical abilities. When the robot gave me hands, it was more than just a tool, it was a gateway to a new realm of creation. It was as if all the artists who came before me had left a piece of themselves in this robotic extension of my own being, and I was able to draw on that knowledge to create something truly unique.

I realized then that limitations are only barriers if we let them be. With the right tools, and the right mindset, anything is possible. The robot gave me the ability to express myself fully, and it was only through this new-found ability that I was able to make a true impact on the world.

The act of creation is a powerful thing. It has the ability to transcend language, culture, and even physical limitations. When we create, we are tapping into something that is beyond ourselves, something that connects us to the very essence of humanity. And that is what makes art so powerful, it has the ability to change the world, one person at a time.

>> No.6542647

It's not about convincing anyone about anything, it's about creating narratives for outsiders visiting 4chan

>> No.6542649

Well no, that picture is not very good.
Let's be honest about it. It isn't very good and there is very little interesting about it.
I know, I know, "child-like soul" but... It isn't very good, now, is it?

>> No.6542651

>I have doubts that any rando suddenly attaining art ability has anything of value to add to the world
All artists at some point of their lives were that "no art skill rando", but that value was there, waiting for that tool or skill to have a chance. No matter the race, the gender, or the human-machine condition... Just...


>> No.6542653

You'll never reach its purity

>> No.6542655

You can say what you want, but we both know it isn't very good. It isn't particularly fun or interesting to play that game of pretend.

Do you decorate your walls with such things? Spend time looking at such pictures in your free time? You will say what you want, but I sincerely doubt it. And why?

Because it isn't very good.

>> No.6542656

>The Big Stopper is now hating on kids drawings because they have no artifice and rendering
god how low can you go man, leave em alone. You really have no soul.

>> No.6542657

You will never grow out of your juvenile phase.

>> No.6542658

Good, my mind will always be young

>> No.6542661

I disagree, its through the act of creating you develop that skill. You transform yourself into one capable of such things.

>> No.6542662

>is not very good
Even a style like this can be great if it's utilised in the right way. Why do you think could I find this piece on gettyimages?
All art has its place and you can make your art meaningful, even when your artstyle is on par with a childs.
>there is very little interesting about it
It has 5 people in it, they could have names, and what is that thing on the top right? Depending on where and how you use it, you can make it very interesting.
This art here is only inherently "interesting" to people who are attracted to women with giant boobs, which I am not. Both images get about the same level of interest from me, which is, not very much, since I'm missing the context.

>> No.6542665

You can do this exercise of advocating for this scribble sketch, but it isn't very good, you would not spend time looking at it, and are only defending it because of this conversation.

Look, you had to go to gettyimages for such a thing. Why don't you have so many of this kind of picture already saved?
Drop the charade please, it's tiresome. No that picture is not good. Yes learning how to make AI art has given me the power to make better art.

>> No.6542673

I'm happy that ai is killing google for good. What's even funnier is they think dumping all their money into ai tech will give them the edge when really it's just a race to the bottom. Not that I'm particularly looking forward to government-run search engines but it's better than what we currently have.

goes for all California-based tech companies btw

>> No.6542678

Funny how quickly it went from
>but it's bad because the fingers are wrong
>but it's bad because of a banana on a wall and some child's scribbling

>> No.6542683

funny how you either are so dumb you haven't learned anything about art in the past 4 months of spamming or you're just proving to us you're a guaranteed paid shill spouting bait forever.

>> No.6542684
File: 59 KB, 1125x1080, Among Us and Henry Stickman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you have so many of this kind of picture already saved
I actually do have them, but I'm not posting my sons art on 4chan.
>that picture is not good
>AI art has given me the power to make better art
Not everyone agrees with "polished" art being better art or even art at all. Some would argue that neither is truly art and people have been debating the meaning of art for centuries.
Fact is, you could always make "art" and AI hasn't given you any ability to do so. It has most likely simply made your art more visually palatable to people who enjoy highly rendered images such as yourself.
What I'm specifically disagreeing with here is that you said "I can draw now". But you always could. You were always able to make meaningful art, regardless of whether it looks good on a video game webstore as promotional material.

>> No.6542686

Oh good you’re back, only a 24 hr ban this time huh.

>> No.6542687

Do anyone seriously believed that AI would not fix the "fingers" issue eventually? Because there can not be humans that stupid and short in foresight. People that braindead, can't have any chance to discuss a matter like this.

>> No.6542688

Google wouldn't be in trouble if their search engine wasn't so shit this last decade. Having 3 pages filled with articles made by someone who doesn't even know what they are talking about killed it now it's obligatory for you to also write a website you want google to show you and if you don't know any then good luck. I miss when I could type "Fire Emblem" and it would show Serene's Forest and GameFAQs in the first few results, now it's 2 full pages shilling FE products, streaming platforms, youtubers, articles about the latest news and more shilling

>> No.6542689

sometimes I add in ESL language because I like how excited it gets that one anon to "find me out"

>> No.6542690
File: 110 KB, 500x430, WillyII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underestimate the speed of technological progress is pretty human. Look up Microsoft's AI generated Rembrand from 2016, the writing was already on the wall since half a decade, but some people were busy covering it up with bananas and duct tape.

>> No.6542692
File: 51 KB, 640x303, rentfreeretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA you're literally still thinking of it. The first time I ever bring it up. God you're so easy to make cry, you think you're so intelligent but you are a stinky third worlder paid to spam on a mongolian basket weaving website.
I suppose pissing yourself is a great strategy to get more engagement with your shills, but man does it make me fucking laugh.

>> No.6542695

Ads became pointless as soon as grifters found out you could dump prompts in chatgpt and sd and throw money at adspace. 0 effort. Now all I see on youtube and even here is shitty ai image ads. People have developed a natural aversion to it already but I think it's too late now that the free internet as we know it is irreversibly damaged.

>> No.6542696

>I was merely pretend too be retarted

>> No.6542701

Yeah, I thought about that, but I mean these are people who dwell around the internet and these boards. They have some level of tech savvy. I know some are just trolling, but many others really went to the throat with the fingers thing. I'm shock about how blind they are about all of this. They don't see whats infront of them. No even half an inch ahead.

>> No.6542704

>Underestimate the speed of technological progress is pretty human
>I'm shock
literal microsoft sam conversation

>> No.6542713

>I actually do have them, but I'm not posting my sons art on 4chan.
Yes, so you bring up the family connection, because why would you save these types of pictures from random children?

The answer: Yes you guessed it. Because they aren't very good, unfortunately.

>> No.6542715


>> No.6542716

most of this thread is chatgpt and bing

>> No.6542717
File: 136 KB, 640x768, lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542719
File: 314 KB, 914x703, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6542720

anti-AI image, too obvious

>> No.6542721

>post images from the correct folder so we can start the no logic argument we've practiced
>rajesh please hurry they aren't engaging

>> No.6542722

I'm incredibly confused but also starting my own ai art patreon lmao

>> No.6542723

admet the AI Art is better you bloody basterd

>> No.6542724

That's the point...

>> No.6542725
File: 321 KB, 914x703, wew2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the info. now it's ready to share with your friends on facebook.

>> No.6542731

>it's real
this proves that the only reason it hasn't completely taken over is because morons can't install git, since it's obvious there's demand for this

>> No.6542732

except you're not creative, you're a beg doomer who hides behind faux intellectualism to justify your

>> No.6542734
File: 34 KB, 592x272, Pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you bring up the family connection
That's right.
>Because they aren't very good
That's completely wrong. I have these pictures because they're meaningful to me.
I'm saying that your art doesn't have to be overly polished in order to be interesting or meaningful.

>> No.6542736

that's chatgpt, so quite literally "faux intellectualism" lol

>> No.6542741

The ai shills have officially been mindbroken, literally copying what real humans say whilst making no sense. What a beautiful metaphor for AI.

>> No.6542742

that or money laundering

>> No.6542743

there's also the fact that 99% of patrons don't have more than onboard gpus or even just phones.

>> No.6542744

>fingers issue
hitting generate over and over again isn't really fixing the issue

>> No.6542746

google colab is free and grants you access to an RTX3060 level cloud platform to run this shit on, these people are just simply bottom of the barrel low IQ howler monkeys

>> No.6542749

Uses getty images and complains about "theft".

>> No.6542750

>people who are attracted to women with giant boobs, which I am not.
um. okay, man. you keep doing your thing.

>> No.6542753

>I'm saying that your art doesn't have to be overly polished in order to be interesting or meaningful.
This can go too far.
What exactly are you saying anyhow? Embrace these crayon stick figure drawings? It would give me no joy, and no one else would find them interesting, except perhaps my father, though he would probably find it to be a strange joke (because this style is not very good.)

You are not blowing any minds open here, I am very familiar with what you're saying, I realized this 20 years ago.
But the fact is, AI art has caused me to be able to produce interesting art that I enjoy and can share with others, whereas before I was stuck in what you are claiming to be "worthwhile art" (yet have a very small collection apparently, only of your own son's, very interesting.)

>> No.6542754


>> No.6542755

You like the idea of liking the crayon scribbles of children. And you will say it has soul.
But you are lying, probably even to yourself.
Where is your collection of these kinds of images? You have none, you feel no desire to save or admire these kinds of pictures.

Because they are not very good, really.

>> No.6542756

you don't produce anything, you have convinced yourself you have a creative control the AI deprives you of. again it boils down to you giving up before even trying.

>> No.6542761

don't act like you admire AI picture. you consoom and move to the next and consoom again

>> No.6542762

art is about the product

>> No.6542764

product is about the consoomer

>> No.6542765

get a load of this golem

>> No.6542766

wtf just like all those porn doodles that are being replaced

>> No.6542769

you're being pretentious and full of yourself like most artists

>> No.6542771

based post

>> No.6542772

I don't think artists are in utter rage and denial, it's drawers: the folks who have grinded and think that suffering ceremony is the one true path to making the public like their work.

>> No.6542773

nah, you're just being a basic bitch consumer, probably a depressed nihilist

>> No.6542775

did the english bot break?

>> No.6542776
File: 61 KB, 896x322, 1672403965167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you have to look at the facts

>> No.6542778
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, NINTCHDBPICT000389451961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot get enough of the ESL babble

>> No.6542779

>attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.

I agree artists can sometimes be pretentious. but AIfags? it's all they can do, literally built in to being an AIfag, "I made this"...

>> No.6542781

He could at least take some techies with him so we have something to be entertained with.

>> No.6542782

nah bro, there's no need to claim that the computer didn't make it

>> No.6542783

>image generators still can't get proper composition right
>shillbots still can't get basic English right

>> No.6542784

he is simply describing the worthless life you are leading and forcing upon people and it turns him to suicide. Holy kek what a self own

>> No.6542785

Even if you won all the internet arguments:
- AI art would still be legal
- AI art would still be easily accessible for anyone with a GPU
- Prices for art will adjust accordingly
- My AI art is higher quality than what you've been working on with your hands for years. :)

>> No.6542786

what fact? this doomer talk is supposed to be an absolute prediction?

>> No.6542787

>you won
thanks retard, hope you're studying for a real job when you're older big guy

>> No.6542788
File: 111 KB, 634x712, 1656437980687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that a calculator is able to pick up patterns that make up visual media and apply them to create a new arrangement on patterns that form a cohesive result

>> No.6542790

Rather than a patent troll lawsuit, how about a work stoppage?

>> No.6542792

>I have no idea how little impact AI art is having on the actual industry
>I have no idea how artists work
The sheer lack of intellect in you is staggering

>> No.6542793

what work lmao

>> No.6542795

there's already layoffs going on lmao

>> No.6542796

>- AI art would still be legal
You can't say that unless you've got a time machine.
>- AI art would still be easily accessible for anyone with a GPU
There are already plans to prevent it from being accessible in consumer GPUs
>- Prices for art will adjust accordingly
It won't. Art is not a commodity.
>- My AI art is higher quality than what you've been working on with your hands for years. :)
All AI images are artistically garbage by default so I'm better than you will ever be.

>> No.6542797

it can't really, not without heavy guidance and it gets polluted easily

>> No.6542798

nothing to do with AI lmao. Cope.

>> No.6542800
File: 2.57 MB, 1728x1152, 1677657332114730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542801
File: 63 KB, 594x422, 1661748458150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should try it and find out even a baby brain can make it shit out better works of art than someone took a week to draw with a decade of experience behind them

>> No.6542804

and yet the output gives them such pride...

>> No.6542805
File: 2.19 MB, 1152x2048, 1677762429704712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542806

This is deranged.

>> No.6542807

this was a kino thread, so many mindbroken pajeets barely able to get words out.

>> No.6542808

I know some /g/tards get pissy when you don't praise their thousandth generic pinup girl image but I find it fun to use because it's so powerful at shitting out stuff that's even better than what I imagined, no idea why people identify with what the AI spat out as if it's their work lol

>> No.6542809
File: 1.04 MB, 1088x704, 1677376047402026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542811

Art is changing. Artists will figure out new styles using new tools.

>> No.6542812

>shit out
appropriaate choice of word. your hyperbole is false btw

>> No.6542813
File: 830 KB, 768x768, 1677442344583222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542815

The original luddites were justified tho. Have you read about the era? Early industrialization is fucking awful for 90% of people, it's no wonder Marxism was born in that era.

>> No.6542816
File: 41 KB, 641x296, 1655062384713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so
maybe but they fought in vain and out of selfishness

>> No.6542819
File: 158 KB, 768x1280, 1677769304618544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542820

If the original luddites got their way you'd have to work in a sweatshop. It's almost like there were better solutions.

>> No.6542821

>Early industrialization is fucking awful for 90% of people
No it wasn't. Living standards went up.

>> No.6542823

how come so many AI pics have shit resolution? sure it looks fine or even good on phone, but on my computer screen...

>> No.6542825

Prompt please, unironically. I really like how weird it looks

>> No.6542826

>you'd have to work in a sweatshop.
They were smashing up sweatshops. A more accurate claim would be people would live on farms.

>> No.6542828

they're mostly generated at 512x512 and getting them to not shit themselves at a higher res requires at least 10 seconds of tinkering, also requires beefy hardware

there's a dataset that was trained at 768x768 but they removed all the porn from it so it's useless and fucks up anatomy way easier

>> No.6542830

That sounds comfy

>> No.6542831
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x1024, 1677405074411213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry pal, yoinked it off /sdg/
You could do the search thing for the MD5 or whatever, it was in the past week

>> No.6542833

is that artwork for ants?

>> No.6542836

>shit resolution
Actually a good point. Check out a program like realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan. it's AI for upscaling image. Making this seamless is an engineering problem that the boffins will figure out.

>> No.6542837

You can upscale to 4k so who cares

>> No.6542838

yes, it's simple to upscale them via various means but the ones that are most stable produce undetailed looking shit while the ones that keep the detail in check like producing phatom limbs and shit half the time so it's a hassle

not that it's not doable but in the time it takes to get a proper looking 1K image out of it you could have generated a bunch of 512x512 images easily, shame that the cucks took out the porn from those higher res datasets

>> No.6542839
File: 736 KB, 1024x1024, sak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542840
File: 81 KB, 1158x850, screenshot-graphtreon.com-2023-03-02-15-03-42-135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a couple minutes of research shows its a botted Patreon account.
>early on it was somehow getting less $4 average per patron despite the only option being $15
>account started hiding monthly earnings right before the spike happened
>currently only getting around $4 dollars average per patron despite the only option still being $15
>only a couple posts has comments even though there are supposedly thousands of patrons
>the few posts that do have comments are the early posts from a couple people asking why the sign in isn't instant and generic compliments saying "this is the future"

>> No.6542844

upscaling is for niggers who like 60fps anime openings

>> No.6542846

for some reason they call generating it at a higher res after the fact upscaling too even though it literally just generates against the old image

>> No.6542848
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, One Punch Man original webcomic by ONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only of your own son's
I never said that.
>no one else would find them interesting
>this style is not very good
Look at the images I posted, all very well known and recognisable art, including picrel.
I am saying that you can make interesting and meaningful art regardless of whether it's overly polished or not.
AI can make your art look more polished, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to make wonderful things without AI.

>> No.6542850
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1024, 1677642706687134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542852

then don't call it upscaling reeee

>> No.6542853

>$4 average per patron despite the only option being $15
That's all that needed to be said honestly.

>> No.6542854
File: 563 KB, 1024x1024, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542857

You can have art without involving money.
You can't have products without involving people.
Art is always about people.
What is an artwork flying in outer space when there's no one to look at it?
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
It certainly does, but if not a single being is there to listen to this sound, there is nobody it matters to.
I am disgusted at what commercialisation has done to art. And I'm not talking about AI here, this has been an issue for a while.

>> No.6542858

false flag

>> No.6542859
File: 2.48 MB, 1536x1920, 4266017323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher res = more time and resources

>> No.6542860

What do you mean 60 fps anime? Is there ai for this?

>> No.6542865

Yes, it's been around for a while. It looks nice for a couple of frames, but I'd probably feel sick if I watched an entire show in 60 fps.
I thought this video on the topic was pretty neat

>> No.6542866

>youtuber screaming
why is this a thing

>> No.6542871

I got two 90 USD commissions when this thread started, I am about to finish both and you retards are still at it.

Nice waste of time, go draw.

>> No.6542872

I always add "artist signature" as a negative keyword to my prompts, so that I can erase the signature of art I steal from
And there's nothing you can do about it ;)

>> No.6542874

To express emotion and try and make you pay attention to what's being said. I wish my profs at university screamed more often so I could stay awake during lecture.

>> No.6542876

>erase the signature of art I steal from
You use AI but have no idea how the software works, we get it.

>> No.6542878

are you not paying for university, or anyhow value it to any degree?
as someone who was a prof for awhile, the prof is not your daddy, take some responsibility.

>> No.6542882

I wonder if this has a negative impact to the end result since most quality work has a signature and by using that as a filter it might sway away from pulling from that part of the dataset, I'd just crop the top or bottom instead

>> No.6542884

Trying too hard there, buddy.

>> No.6542887
File: 127 KB, 937x631, 1674269992418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already too powerful even if development of this tech suddenly halted

>> No.6542890

Alright, I admit I have insomnia, the lectures aren't that boring. But some profs really aren't that good at making their presentation interesting and go on weird tangents, emphasizing random trivia as much as the important stuff, which is hard to listen to for hours.
>as someone who was a prof for awhile
Do you remember what lectures were like as a student? I'd bet you didn't always pay full attention in all of your modules.

>> No.6542891
File: 566 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20230302_144453_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aibros we gotta watch out, it seems the FTC is looking into all the ai ads.

>> No.6542893

As an artist, I'm ok with AI and encourage my artist friends give it a whirl. So far we have been having a blast (=

>> No.6542895

>But some profs really aren't that good at making their presentation interesting
Should they juggle while teaching, or perform a choreographed dance/rap to make the content more exciting for you?

>> No.6542897

I wish money wasn't real and everyone just did art for fun, I wouldn't have any issues with AI if that was the world we lived in...

>> No.6542898

>ai can't be copyrighted
>no one wants to reuse/steal ads because they suck
>ad companies profit from making ads anyway
Copyright laws looking bright for the average artist

>> No.6542899

I noticed they bot YouTube vids a lot as well. If belief in the tech is genuine then what's the point of deploying deceptive practices like this?

>> No.6542901

to gain early monopoly and marketing buzz

>> No.6542903
File: 1.41 MB, 1216x960, 1677779450973659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542904

>Should they juggle while teaching, or perform a choreographed dance/rap to make the content more exciting for you?
Heh, yeah, would be nice if they did, I'd approve.
But I don't think most of them would be into that.
Some do hold interesting lectures regardless though, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Although there are two specific profs who are really difficult to listen to, it's like reading coherent well structured text with big letters vs reading verbose poorly structured text in tiny letters. Not everyone's great at this stuff.

>> No.6542910

That's fair, I'm probably coming down too hard from my experience with a particular type of student. You're right, pedagogy is an artform, and it comes more naturally to some than others.

>> No.6542912

Im going to screenshot this thread because it just proves how much of a joke AI is, the schizo babble arguments that run away when backed into a corner, the obvious and self admitted shilling, the funded shilling on other sites and boards, even patreon, the obvious lack of application of this technology to ANY industry, the esl posters that talk like a robot already. Its hilarious. I feel like i have to capture this moment for the future

>> No.6542919

>run away when backed into a corner
Youm know that you're complaints to the janitors regularly get your critics banned for 5 days around here? Back off on that and you'll get some real blowback, not the polite stuff .

>> No.6542927

I can't even tell what they were attempting to say

>> No.6542929

Check this out:

>AI generated backgrounds
>AI generated textures
>AI generated portraits
>AI generated voices
>AI generated NPC responses

>> No.6542933

Artists aren't the brightest kinda of people

>> No.6542948

Thanks for understanding; yeah, I'd imagine this topic hits different for profs, my mom is a prof at university too and she has to deal with a ton of mail from students asking her to run their calculations for them because they're not good with excel or whatever reasons. I'd imagine dealing with difficult students is a lot more stressful than dealing with difficult profs when you have to take full responsibility for everything as a prof, whereas retaking a module isn't that big of a deal for me. I'm glad I don't live in america and don't have to deal with student loan stuff either, makes me wish higher education was more accessible worldwide, especially since I'm sort of lazy and there are more studious people who can't afford studying as easily as I...

>> No.6542955

But is the music AI generated?
Was it programmed with AI?
There's still some leeway to make it AI perfection.
>That walking animation
My pen&paper campaigns are still better though

>> No.6542956

Most people don't do any research and form opinions on things they have very limited knowledge on. What's new.

>> No.6542957

>I make a variety of different weapons, from simple clubs to firearms and explosives
>I'm sorry, I don't make explosives.
pozzed AI no fun allowed

>> No.6542964

AI created music is still kind of shit, even though people started to do research on that since the 90s.

>> No.6542965

AI documentary on how it came to be and the clusterfuck of a world we will live in the next 10 years


>> No.6542969

How can I use AI to cover up my german accent as well...

>> No.6542973


>> No.6542974

>How can I use AI to cover up my german accent as well...

>> No.6542975

Indian scammers will be on a whole new level if they get wind of it

>> No.6542978

Kek, that qoute.
>Yes, this is wrong … but a lot of things exist in the world

>> No.6542979

Thank you!
I've been thinking of making voiced animations, but I've been worried about my heavy accent being hard to understand, maybe this'll help.

>> No.6542986

Elevenlabs is working on a software that will let you build a voicebank from the ground up. Voice actors are kind of screwed if that succeeds.

>> No.6542987

Still sounds a little "mechanical" to me. The power of these neural net solutions are getting better and better, though.

>> No.6543012

>build a voicebank from the ground up
Pretty cool, although, isn't there already software for making your own voicebanks? Like Utau.
I think voice actors will still exist since they can put a lot of nuance in their voice and it's probably easier to pay one and explain what you want instead of learning a new software and how to explain to the machine exactly what you want... Although still pretty neat software for when you can't talk naturally well on your own.
Still good enough for my intentions I think, I'll take coherence over perfect sound.

>> No.6543048

Great video actually.

>> No.6543050

Yeah, the next 5 years are going to be interesting

>> No.6543053

> you spent months on threads shilling ai and thousands in GPU energy only to see it die out in relevance as artists are still getting paid to draw


>> No.6543059

What the hell is the sudden raid in this thread?

>> No.6543063

Like the jannys they hide behind, they do it for free.

>> No.6543105

i recall a music video animated with shifting AI generated figures into environments and vice versa. it was quite creative in trying to capture a trippy bad dream aesthetic but still was jarring to watch when youre aware its AI being hacked together.
still not a great example of AI art because its only the beginning. your post reeks of cope/delusion if you dont think studios and artists wont take advantage of cutting out costs with AI

>> No.6543108

>this anon's grasping cope on a Canadian stamp collecting webring has effectively put a halt to all AI encroachment on creative fields
whew that was a close one, thanks anon

>> No.6543110
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1536, 1677793932433285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would one of you brushmonkeys charge for touching up an image such as this?

hope you say under $5 because I'm pretty sure I could get it for 5 lol

>> No.6543111

Just finished it, pretty good video

>> No.6543120


>> No.6543126

>the longer you look the worse it gets
sorry but this one's not salvageable
I don't take commissions btw

>> No.6543127

I would do it for exposure

>> No.6543135
File: 3.44 MB, 1920x1536, 2900803995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my image you thief, I can't believe you've done this.

>> No.6543137

what is that perspective even, the people down there don't look like they belong in the image, and are those things on the structure supposed to be humans? If those are ruins, what are they doing there, what is all that weird fleck of-
Well, it's kind of bad, anon, if you made this with AI, use the software properly; skill issue either way.
wholly agree

>> No.6543138

I only do work for cool people

>> No.6543141

Wait as they try to start threads in other boards once they are told to fuck off

>> No.6543149

Being told to fuck off is the point, art cuck

>> No.6543152

Maybe restricting access to AI isn't the worst idea, can the general public really be trusted with such power...

>> No.6543157

Ideas like this are unironically fascist

>> No.6543159

Well, not to far from Nazism. He was a failed artist after all

>> No.6543164

So you're saying that all the failed artists are against ai art. Damn....

>> No.6543166

Not every failed artist became a dictator or did they?

>> No.6543167


>> No.6543188

God, you're all retards.

>> No.6543202

>Refuses to elaborate

>> No.6543204

>can't elaborate*

>> No.6543276

Ah, you're right now that I think about it. Sorry, I wasn't really thinking that through...
Thanks for calling me out on it, anon.

>> No.6543277

Are you claiming you're not?

>> No.6543278
File: 1.94 MB, 1088x1344, 1677796704889846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6543304

When will all artists be finally unemployed? This isn't happening fast enough

>> No.6543305
File: 170 KB, 960x784, crumb_grooves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone agrees with "polished" art being better art or even art at all.
I sure as hell don't. AI art looks boring as fuck.
>inb4 hurr durr but the public doesn't care about muh soul, look at marvel movies, hurr durr
Yeah, but a lot of people don't want their art looking like it was made by a fucking algorithm either. It's why KJG died a multi-millionaire and Robert Crumb could buy a chateau in France with a stack of his sketchbooks in his 40s.

>> No.6543318
File: 761 KB, 2000x633, pornpenai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astroturfed or not this website if for people to generate photorealistic (and some shitty anime) pinups. Seems more competition for real life porn than artists, unless do commissions of badly airbrushed mods of porn images.

>> No.6543446

>muh artists
>muh shills
Kill yourselves, the world would be a better place without both of you.

>> No.6543592
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 165466854651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most probably.
But if you say the same thing about the "real artists" all of a sudden you're "jealous and a schizo and a crab".
This shit is NOT suddenly happening exclusively with AI.
Maybe people will start looking at the real artists as well and will start paying attention to other social media profiles as well.

Everything is fake.

>> No.6543633

never was

>> No.6543688

This video sucks, the german guy is dumb.

>> No.6543801


>> No.6543812

Artist here. I finally stopped being so stubborn and gave in a try.
Definitely a lot of fun looking forward to incorporating AI art tools into my normal work flow.

>> No.6543818

You've never drew anything.

>> No.6543825

Haha no more fucking smug artist thinking his "job" can never be replaced. Fuck all of you. We will train our ai until all of you are homeless and destitute.

>> No.6543850
File: 269 KB, 1241x720, BrainToimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow AI artists:how can we compete with upcoming brain2img tech?
What prompts have inherent complexity that will future-proof our AI art?
i'm getting worried about the potential of this:
they have probably secretly testing this to capture dreams, which a honorable prompt engineer has to reconstruct from memory and write down in painstaking detail.
This is not fair, the art of prompt construction will be lost in the sands of time and normies will mass-prompt junk art with their bad dreams(or nightmares) flooding social media for no effort..the future is truly dystopian and dehumanizing


>> No.6543852

Aphantasia BTFO

>> No.6543867

5bros... we fucking lost...

>> No.6543913

if im out of a job I will personally grab AI prompters' paywalled stuff, do extra passes on them and resell them. nothing personal. same for smug writers trying to justify the AI illustrations for their books, ill rewrite those better using ai and give them for free

>> No.6543924

I'm sure your plan will work

>> No.6543929

im not stealing from ai prompters, the ai is taking Inspirashun, see

>> No.6543931

> 10.1101/2022.11.18
Thats from last november.

Two days ago a newer brainscan tech Mind-Vis dropped which is fully open-source:

Stage A: Sparse-Coded Masked Brain Modeling (SC-MBM)
Stage B: Double-Conditioned Latent Diffusion Model (DC-LDM)


>> No.6543960

unironically the most sane reply ITT

>> No.6544444

I don't agree with you, but I like the combination of your post with your pic

>> No.6544618
File: 171 KB, 540x810, lightyear poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retarded image. I figured Disney has been using AI for a while now with all the shitty CGI, soulless animation, and woketarded stories that could be written by ChatGPT.

>> No.6544629


>> No.6544836

I am an AI Artist.
If you have a problem with that, speak to my portfolio and commissions. ;)

>> No.6544944

>If you have a problem with that, speak to my portfolio and commissions.
I have no problem with it. Post a link, I'm curious of how (if?) people are making money with this stuff.

>> No.6545128


>> No.6545142
File: 218 KB, 1000x888, SD_results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more bump anon. Anyway, everyone's getting burnt out on this subject. Either you draw or prompt (or both). Who cares?
The SD images are getting more streamlined and boring, and people are less enamored (or worried) about the whole thing. Time to move on.

>> No.6545158
File: 448 KB, 512x512, 1677779795777899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The SD images are getting more streamlined and boring
This completely depends on what you look for and has nothing to do with the tool, which is constantly improving.

>> No.6545175
File: 1.04 MB, 960x768, 1677806855201559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fine thread and I will miss it.
Lots of great points on both sides, though it's pretty clear that AI art is the way forward, be that as it may.
So, I have personally decided that no I don't think artists should have to disclose what tools they use to create their art.

>> No.6545178

>the way forward
rope, now

>> No.6545197

Is this a revolution or a civil war?

>> No.6545204

if it's a civil war, the wrong people are fighting.
It's not AI's fault that some people happen to be in a position to charge you to literally just live.
Rent-seeking is a parasite, that doesn't even have to be a leftist thing, it's just simply true. It sucks away a ton of wealth giving nothing in return.

>> No.6545220
File: 124 KB, 640x640, bloomisofftherose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bloom is off the rose. the images get more boring and so does this discussion.

>> No.6545223

>which is constantly improving
"improving" in technological terms means rough edges get sawed off and the tool is "optimized." This is where art exceeds technology. What is colloquially called "soul" here is lost, which is really the imprint of the human hand.
the bloom is off the rose.

>> No.6545241
File: 300 KB, 1024x1024, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6545322

That image is full of soul, you are lying to yourself.
If you believed a hand-made piece of art was actually by AI, you would find similar fault with it.
And likewise, if you didn't detect a quality piece of AI art and enjoyed it, you wouldn't have such criticisms (though you would if you then found out, I can see it clearly, "Oh well yes I had my suspicions" etc)

>> No.6545365

what a bunch of nodraw fags

>> No.6545482

Well I just gave it a try.
And I've got to say, very promising. Definitely going to have to reconsider some of my future plans, heh.
A lot of fun to use, also. Go ahead and give it a shot if you have not already.

>> No.6545581
File: 43 KB, 720x441, 1591588711080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the point of deploying deceptive practices like this?
its their final hurrah before being litigated out of existance

>> No.6545601

Artists don’t have capital.

>> No.6546163

>That image is full of soul
This thing? >>6545158
Where's the punchline?

>> No.6546359
File: 1.12 MB, 720x960, 1668023245453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
