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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 70 KB, 1000x887, u_10212631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6383408 No.6383408 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

>I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?
Fuck off retard. Ask a better question.

Recommended tablets:

>Intuos 3
Best screenless tablet. Look for one on Craigslist or Ebay.
>Intuos 4, 5 & Pro
Also good options. Will burn through your nibs.
>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech, but a small 10.4" display area.
>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
Best option for a display tablet.
>Galaxy Tab S7+/S8+
Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro
>One by Wacom (not Wacom One)
Solid cheap option


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand
Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are. Also watch out, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Bad drawing performance because they're not designed with art in mind.

>iPads (brand new) - Bad value
>iMacs and Macbooks - Never buy this garbage under any circumstance. It's a locked ecosystem with rubbish hardware you can't upgrade.

Previous: >>6349216

>> No.6383411
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, it's important to ignore and discard any posts trying to sell you an XP-Pen or Huion. They are guaranteed shills.

>> No.6383413

Is Android actually good for drawing? How does the S-Pen compare to the Apple Pencil?

>> No.6383422


>> No.6383428

How do you get used to drawing on a screenless tablet? Do most of you guys use a stabilizer?

>> No.6383462

Use lazynezumi.

>> No.6383470

Is the new QHD Cintiq any good?

>> No.6383498

>How does the S-Pen compare to the Apple Pencil?
debatably better, but there are caveats.
The samsung Tabs come with a pen that is perfectly OK. It has a really weird pressure curve that you need to configure yourself in the program you're using, since it's designed for writing, not drawing. The apple pen is a clear winner here, even if you have to buy it separately.

But you can buy a Wacom one pen separately which blows both other pens out of the water, since samsung's tablets use wacom's digitizer tech. Can be annoying finding one, though.
Admittedly, it still doesn't have the nice-feeling weight of the apple pencil, but I still don't know if this is good or bad because it's weighted just like every other wacom pen; i just really like the sturdy and kind of heavy feeling of the apple pencil without really knowing if it's better for drawing or not.
The tapered grip on wacom pens make such a huge difference though. I spent several months only using the s-pen, apple pencil, and the surface pens and man I missed that tapered tip on my cintiq pen.

Aside from the pen situation it's mostly preference. In terms of programs, you're likely going to be gravitating towards CSP anyways which is the same on both (assuming you pay up). Procreate and infinitepainter are alright.

>> No.6383587

There's already a thread up, spamming retard

I really wish they'd ban this general entirely and move it to /g/

>> No.6383601

Piss off you chinese idiot.

>> No.6383694
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Suck my black cock

>> No.6383710
File: 978 KB, 1728x2856, 6f0da8b6-a2d5-48e6-9061-69bc4f49a212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me this for my surface pro.

>> No.6383761

Posting in the wrong thread

>> No.6383765

Nah, this is the right one.

>> No.6383772

No senior, this thread will get deleted if mods aren't useless.

>> No.6383777

Why is it so rare for Wacom to release new model lineups? Surely there's a lot to upgrade.

>> No.6383778

lol, don't care spacker, I'm using this thread.

>> No.6383786

Bros I have a question about nibs, I use the default Intuos 3 pen and I think I really need to replace the nib.
Are they interchangeable? Like can I use any nib? Or do I have to find a specific one?

>> No.6383817

Use the spring one.

>> No.6383871

There's a spring nib?

>> No.6383890

>other thread that was made first got deleted
wacumguzzler actually sucks off the mods here, no other explanation.

>> No.6383910

Nah, it's because you're a loser and a sperglord. Next time try not being such an obsessive idiot lol.

>> No.6383941
File: 17 KB, 960x217, wacom-pro-pen-2-stylus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the eraser a meme? switching to the eraser tool feels just as fast as flipping over the pen
and it's not replaceable so if it wears down the pen has to be replaced, but that would probably take decades right?

>> No.6383962

Idk I just hold E
Just as easy for me

>> No.6383970

i think it's a running gag or something.
never used it, and flipping the entire pen instead of just pressing a button your hand is on anyway is much less time-effective.

>> No.6383992

>implying I erase
I've got an intuos 3 but probably the same and the eraser is just glossy hard plastic I can't imagine you're gonna wear that down unless you're doing something fucking weird

>> No.6384002

the tip of my eraser is already scuffed up from barely using it, so maybe I am doing something weird
>I just hold E
>pressing a button
haha, I totally knew this, was just testing you guys and you passed so good job :^)

>> No.6384036

Is the Intuos pro worth the extra cost over the standard model? I’m a /beg/ looking to get a medium size one as my first tablet

>> No.6384145

I don't use a keyboard when I draw, so it's nice to have.
Only wacom's got it right though, the eraser on every other tablet I've used has been annoying and blocks the screen in a stupid way
The surface one is the worst thing ever, even though screen realestate was more valuable than ever on that smaller device, I never used that eraser because it was so badly shaped.

>> No.6384246
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Thoughts on Pen Tips?
They look like a convenient way to add more friction to the apple pencil without using a screen protector that ruins the contrast ratio of the display

>> No.6384252

its going to be my first drawing tablet and im really worried about the response time because not many reviews offer that kind of information

>> No.6384261

as an absolute /beg, not really. you're perfectly fine with an intuos. later on, you might want to get a screen tablet anyway

>> No.6384372

Which pens are bigger, huion or wacom? I have limited space and don't have room to keep a dildo in my place so the pen has to do double duty, need the thicker one

>> No.6384536

My issue with the Galaxy Tab as a creative device is that you have to rely on Assmung, Google, AND Wacom to not do something retarded and abandon your device/fuck you. I'm usually not an Apple fan, but a 2020/2021 refurbished iPad pro will outlast any new android tablet, the nature of android has never lent itself to long term device support. You'd be happy with either now, but the Galaxy tab becomes far more regrettable over time.

>> No.6384597

Huh, I actually had no idea bout that thing of the One pen being compatible, I just knew they used similar tech.
Thanks anon, will consider to get one for my S7

>> No.6384707

>you have to rely on Assmung, Google, AND Wacom
They don't want you to know this, but you really don't
If anything this is one of the selling points of Android over iOS. You have options even if the OEM drops the ball hard.
It's mostly up to you whether or not you're willing to jump through the hoops to make the options work for you. I'm a bit of a fa/g/got so it's not a big deal for me, but I won't hold everyone to my standards.

Also why do you have to rely on wacom? They don't handle any of the software, they're just behind some of the hardware.
Realistically your biggest threat is CSP deciding it won't run on android 16 and samsung deciding they won't update it past android 15. Worst case scenario, they actually disable CSP for older versions, in which case you now have a valid excuse to pirate it because you can simply install any .apk you want.

>> No.6385012

They add friction, but in the wrong way. Instead of adding a nice paper-like grit feel to it, it's adding a sticky "pull" like feel. As if you're drawing with molasses. Fine if you're doing big, broad lines. But for any detail work, it's incredibly inefficient. You're better off getting one of those magnetic screen protectors you can take off for when you're not drawing on the tablet.

>> No.6385037

>that ruins the contrast ratio of the display
why do you guys keep making up stupid shit?

>> No.6385423
File: 146 KB, 720x405, ipadmini6_spr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone using the iPad Mini? I've had the iPad Pro before but sold it because it collected dust. The mini would be way easier to hold with one hand while drawing with the other when I'm not at my desk. In bed, in train, on the balcony, etc. So I believe I would use it way more often. Even at my desk it's easier to grab and start. The Pro I was busy cleaning the screen first and making space for it. But it's annoying that Apple made them so expensive. Over 600€ for a fucking mini

>> No.6385686

It's objectively true though
matte screen protectors reduce the contrast ratio because the screen can't go as black anymore (matte protector picks up and diffuses ambient light), and the texture of the screen protector adds a prismatic effect to the pixels

>> No.6385944

any 3rd party pencils for ipads worth their salt or is it apple pencil or bust?

>> No.6385951

It's extremely minor you froo froo little bitch.

>> No.6385980

>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
>Best option for a display tablet.
Fuck anyone updates this OP already? Who the fuck would recommend buying an A10X in the current year? This is frankly criminal.
The bare minimum right now would be 12X/Z aka 3rd/4th gens, 4th gen if possible for the 6GB RAM.

PS: I don't give care if you dislike Apple don't (You) me.

>> No.6385993

Wacom intuos 3 PTZ-930 Graphics Tablet
So I want to get this one?
I'm probably going to give up on drawing within 6 months

>> No.6385995

Btw the reason why I want to get a tablet is because it's easier to integrate colour into drawings and also it's easier to erase and also it'd be easier to make changes without permanently altering the image with layers

>> No.6386044
File: 129 KB, 1263x842, Wacom-Cintiq-Pro-27-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any reviews of the Pro 27 up
>none of them by anybody that actually fucking draws for a living
>mine arrives this week

tempted to actually do a review for people that need these stupid things in order to do their work

>> No.6386225

>Fuck anyone updates this OP already?
Someone's been trying, but op is an autistic retard that fellates the mods

>> No.6386284

I have an old ipad pro 9.7". Is it worth putting down the money for a ipad pro 2 and a apple pencil 2 over black friday?

>> No.6386404

yes, if you are upgrading to a 12.9. pencil 2 is comfier and effortless to keep charged unlike the stupid pencil 1 and its cap bullshit

>> No.6386415

>ipad pro 2 and a apple pencil 2
Not compatible. Apple pencil 2 is compatible with 3rd gen and later. 2nd gen still used the original pencil that had to be plugged in to charge.

>> No.6386521

Thoughts on buying a used cintiq 21UX? I can snag one for about $100

>> No.6386528

it's worth about $20

>> No.6386543

That’s so obvious, the ones that give you better overall quality and smoother lines are an iPad for mobiles and a Wacom for workstation use.

Believe in those paid advertising videos from your favorite YouTubers and you’ll regret.

>> No.6386551

Lmao what the fuck kind of shit bot shill post is this?

>> No.6386564

Tested it after installing Ntrig and wacom drivers on a Surface Pro myself, sometimes some stroke wont register.

>> No.6386565

What programs are good with The galaxy tab lite?

I wanted something else but got one as a birthday and honestly thought my family had fucked up and brought something shite.

>> No.6386655

Thinking about upgrading from a Kamvas 13 to a larger screen such as the 20 or 22, depending on the deals going around.

>> No.6386671

Concepts and Infinite Painter

>> No.6386722

It's worth

>> No.6386725

Yeah I know it is, just worried since I think they're older models? And I'm still not quite used to the parralax already

>> No.6386790

22 plus was put into production in I think 2021? or maybe mid 2020?

>> No.6386801

Solid thing, I think it was even the last one made in japan, IPS screen made by NEC.
Aspect ratio and stance allowing to rotate the screen is a good combination.
If you don't need more than sRGB gamut and don't care if it has more parallax it's a fun tablet.

$100 don't hurt if it was always used with screen-protector .. if not the mentioned $20 make more sense.

>> No.6386820

the 20 was 3 years ago, 21/22 still a few years on them too and the price has barely budged

I bought the 13 for 200 so I might just cheap out and not do it..

>> No.6386830

Honestly just get the newest ipad pro
Expensive as fuck sure but you can use it for ages and the older ones aren't even much cheaper

>> No.6386849
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S6 lite 2022 version
Is actually worth it this tablet?
Oh I'm still saving for a regular ipad?

>> No.6386852

I'd go for a regular iPad. You'll get better software and palm rejection

>> No.6386866

I was looking for used Ipads, but the price is similar to a new product.

>> No.6386899

Does Brad Colbow on youtube have credibility?

>> No.6387299
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I been looking to turn my surface pro 4 into a display tabelt for my desktop, as in, uaing it as a Wacom, but unfortunely the only 2 guides online aint no help, one was just a shit improvised method of connecting a display monitor which isnt the same, and the other was a guide to go into system settings and messing things.....

>> No.6387315
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What i mean is that the options in "projevting to this PC" are disabled, so i cannot try the other method, to top it all, i could not use CSP properly because the damn program does not allow me to share the same keygen between devices and i have to switch them which i aint doing, and i am broke atm and couldnt find a good crack to the latest version that worked

>> No.6387329

Can It be changed to the lasso tool or paint bucket or maybe toggle

>> No.6387676

did you try holding it? i saw it recently and its almost the same size as my phone, i cant imagine drawing on the mini being comfortable

>> No.6387691

Bros please help me out :(

>> No.6387747

Is it better to get one of those touchscreen laptops or just a tablet? If the former, is Samsung Galaxy Book Flex good?

>> No.6387750

By tablet, I mean an ipad or a samsung, not anything stationary

>> No.6387774

For anyone who has bought the iPad pro 2nd gen recommended in OP, how do you find it? Any complaints?

I draw 3 hours a day with pencil and paper and am considering buying an iPad soon. Does it feel good to draw on the iPad? Do your eyes hurt?

>> No.6387789

22 pro and the current 22 plus are not the same tablet.

>> No.6387793

Get a 3rd gen at least. 2nd gens fucking suck, but op is too retarded to ever change anything.

>> No.6387800

Why do they suck? Slow? Or what? I only want it for drawing and maybe watching anime.

>> No.6387801

It's great for me. Infinite Painter has excellent palm rejection.

>> No.6387823

>Kamvas 13
how did you get used to the shit multi-monitor support? I assume using a tiny tablet it's not your only monitor?

>> No.6387840

Lightning cable, 1st gen pen sticking out of the charging port, huge bezel, difficult to find screen protectors/accessories, worse hardware
3rd gens aren't much more, but have a lot of QoL improvements.

>> No.6387845

Oh ok thanks for the info. I don't care about those things too much I never use accessories anyway. I think I will buy one. I can get it for 400 euro, which is a good deal in my country. Apple things cost more in Europe

>> No.6387854

$1.99 have been deposited in your account.

t. Intuos Marketing Team, et al.

>> No.6387906

Thanks for the input! I find it hard to imagine a lot of people using these things with screen protectors. Especially one that old. Perhaps I'll look for a better deal in that case.

>> No.6387919

11 or 12,9 inches for the ipad pro?

>> No.6387941

bigger is better here for sure
while it's true that for most people you'll see diminishing returns after about 16 inches, when going smaller the further away you get from 16 inches is exponentially more frustrating

>> No.6388097

Screenless or screened?

Budget doesn’t matter but I’m gonna drop some cash on either the Cintiq 16 or Intuos Pro large.

>> No.6388137
File: 4 KB, 240x240, red-apple-microsoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go for an used iPad 6th gen 32GB with an Apple Pencil or I better get a new Tab S6 Lite 2022? Both cost the same.

>> No.6388172

If you have to ask this question the answer is probably ipad
they're basically the same thing except one is iOS and the other is Android. If you don't have a preference between the two or don't care, then apple is your go-to. It just works. Perfect for indecisive normies.
we have this question like 4 times per thread, if you want a real answer then you need to specify what you want.

>> No.6388185

>ipad and android are absolutely proprietary
>Lenovo and Surface pro are on the shit list
>This leaves $1000+ art-focused 2-in-1 computers

The freetard life is suffering.

>> No.6388186

Not that anon, but what benefit would there be, if any, going with an s6 or even an s8 over picking an ipad/pro aside from cost?

>> No.6388241

At the end of the day they're the same thing for drawing. The only difference you'll notice if you're JUST using it for drawing is that the Tabs have a wide screen, and the ipads are more boxy.
Also the apple pen is better than the samsung pen, but the tab supports a wacom one pen which is arguably better than both.

If you ask me the real benefits are if you're using it for anything else. The only benefit for a 100% pure artist's use would be access to a file management system, which android has. iOS's extremely limited/nonexistant file management can suck to use if you're coming from windows or macOS and are used to having control over these things.
Android puts the user in far, far more control. But you lose the safety net that apple's walled garden offers. You get things like the freedom to install any app you want with or without an app store, removable storage, miracast support, and tons of other stuff you may or may not actually care about. For better, or for worse.
But that's why i usually recommend apple when people ask this question. Anyone who cares about all that stuff already knows that iOS is not for them.

>> No.6388301

I don't know if I should buy an Intuos or a Huion HS611. When I was looking for reviews multiple people said the Wacom pen was better but didn't explain why.
Huion's pen has tilt which sounds nice but I don't know how useful it is in practice.
Does anyone know what makes Wacom pens better?

Also, right now I have an old small Wacom tablet. It feels too small but I don't know if it's a skill issue.
Can you feel a meaningful difference when going from small to medium (or HS611 size)? and from 1024 pressure levels to 4096?

>> No.6388322

>used iPad 6th gen
how fucking poor are you?

>> No.6388335

That's the most I can afford if I want to buy an (used) Apple Pencil too.

>Used iPad 6th gen 128 GB + used Apple Pencil 1st gen
$280 more or less

>New Tab S6 Lite 64 GB (already with S Pen) + some minor accessories

I'm about to buy the Samsung one but I'm still holding it because everyone says: "If you want to do art buy an iPad" and the like, so here I am asking how better are iPads compared to Samsung tablets.

>> No.6388336

Any recommended phone for drawing? Looking for a new phone and wanting to get something that'd be fun to doodle on a bit

>> No.6388342

Shiiit, I had no idea the tabs support wacom pens. that's huge. I'm considering a tab now lol. So in that case, given all those things you've said, at the end of the day I'd say it depends on what software is available. Right now as far as I'm aware, procreate is essentially the cream of the crop for painting apps. I don't want to pay a monthly fee in order to use clip studio if I got a tab, what would you recommend as an alternative painting app?

>> No.6388356

For sure the Wacom One stylus was a gamechanger for me too. Sensitivity aside, the tapered grip that all wacom pens have is just the best thing ever. I can't help but wonder if they have some kind of patent on it because nobody else wants to do it even though literally everybody knows it's the best grip for a stylus.

Procreate only edges out CSP for some people because it's not a sub model and also literally the only drawing app on iPads, CSP is absolutely the best software on both devices overall. Probably a side effect of them having the budget to throw at developing it.
Android has artflow and infinitepainter. Artflow is more stable but less feature rich, Infinitepainter is trying too hard to be an iOS app and breaks every month but is actually surprisingly good when it's not broken. I think it'd even outperform procreate. Infinitepainter is also on iOS and it's only slightly less buggy there.
There's cracked versions of CSP for android out there, but don't ask me where.

>> No.6388367

You've given me a lot to think about anon, I appreciate the info. I've been waiting on apple to update the ipad pro because I wasn't impressed with the m2 revision. I'm not much of a mobile artist, but I find the ipad pro is just an insanely versatile tablet that is a fraction of the price for a decent cintiq, but if the tab is anything similar, this makes things more difficult. The last thing I would have to consider is which one is more futureproof. I tend to hold onto my tech for 5+ years, so I want to make sure whatever I'm getting will last me a good long while. I can't say I'm too knowledgeable about how well androids hold up over time.

>> No.6388377

you can use a drawing tablet on your computer too

>> No.6388505

6th gen iPad is quite old now, with the A10 processor and only 2GB of RAM.
I don't know about the processor on the S6 Lite but I doubt it's worse and it has double the ram (4GB). Moreover the S6 has a laminated display.
I'm an iPad user personally but I would still recommend you to spend your money on the S6 Lite if you can't find a deal on a more recent iPad and absolutely want to buy a tablet now.

Software is huge though, a lot of resources out there cater to iPad. So if you want to get used to apps like Procreate and whatnot then perhaps it'd be smart to save some more money and aim for a better iPad. Just my 2cents.

>> No.6388600

How in the fuck are you spending $280 on a 6th gen ipad? You can get a 1st gen pro + pencil used for around $150-200. I sold my 1st gen with a cracked screen that only effected the bezel on ebay for $100 over a year ago

>> No.6388629

But it's inconvenient when you're on the go :(

>> No.6388645

Depends on what you mean with "on the go" you could carry a small screenless tablet.

>> No.6388681

If possible, please opt for a better iPad and save up more, the 6th Gen is old, I currently use one. And I can tell it’s starting to give up a bit on me. That’s why I’m switching over to a screened drawing tablet and computer. The storage is absolutely shit on the 6th gen iPad.

>> No.6388784

What is wrong with Wacom One? It's at a pretty big discount right now (260€) compared to the one I was aiming at (Cintiq 16), but it's giving me some pause. I don't mind spending the extra but the Cintiq is quite literally 2x the price.

>> No.6388971

Not really wrong just a step down.
Different pen compatibility, to get a better comparison for the size use sth. like www.displaywars.com
(enter your screen size and the other ones and view the picture full-screen)

>> No.6389004

What is the best "Paper feel" screen protector for the iPad Pro?

>> No.6389024

just get any regular matte screen protector, they're cheaper and better

>> No.6389110

do this
if you're fucking retarded and want a terrible experience.

Buy elecom, bellemond, or paperlike if you want a good drawing experience. Pick up like 5 chinkshit replacement tips too for $5 while you're at it.

>> No.6389121

I'm going to assume anon lives in a third world shithole like me, definitely not worth it when a brand new baseline ipad is only 15% more than used sellers ask for.

>> No.6389126
File: 99 KB, 600x336, 1668684221528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean with a step down? I'm currently on a small Draw and I'd really like a screen. Is the extra 300€ really worth it for the better pen?

>> No.6389135

>newest ipad pro
This thing better suck my dick as well

>> No.6389243

Yes. The Wacom one doesn't use the regular stylus. It uses s-pen technology so its the same pen samsung uses for their galaxy note phones and galaxy tabs.

>> No.6389323

I'd like to see it desu

>> No.6389393

Is Lazy Nezumi worth it for Photoshop or is the default smoothing just fine?

>> No.6389395

You tell me anon, is the default smoothing working fine for you?

>> No.6389587

I've used up to 3 (+ the tablet) but I downsized to just 2 + the tablet for now. If I take it to its own dedicated desk then I only use one

>> No.6389607

Kamvas 16 Pro (279$) (Old ver)
Kamvas 22 (Unlaminated? More parralax than the 22? Also scratch magnet because of it?) (339$)
Kamvas 22 Plus (Laminated) (439$)
What do

>> No.6389646

16 or 22 plus
if you have the space and money for the 22 plus, get that.

>> No.6389767
File: 39 KB, 541x1200, FB_IMG_1668138623944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do some fairly basic cartooning
>S6 lite 64gb
$230 on Amazon, I have a $50 gift voucher but I could use for other stuff too
Samsung store, including discount + trading in a clapped out s6 lite from eBay (buy @ $150 get $350 trade in for it)
No fucking idea what to do, why is the apple pencil so fucking expensive? I don't like Apple/iOS

Advice? $360USD is alot to me but the device seems alot more capable, I genuinely doubt I'll be doing anything advanced with it, might listen to some music while drawing or watch YouTube occasionally but that's it

>> No.6389769

Urgh the second option ($360ish) was the Samsung S8 (256gb) and the smaller screen option (11" from memory)

>> No.6389805

i have this one, osu players bitched a lot about it (for playing osu) i wonder if its bad for drawing too

>> No.6389848

S8 for sure. The reduced 9ms input delay is definitely worth it.

>> No.6389866

I keep swinging back and forth hoping the S7/S7+/S7 FE will go on a decent sale for cyber Monday :( by then it'll be too late though... It's alot of fuck around + some risk to buy a random S4 to trade in too :|, gonna go to a store and get hands on some of them if I can

>> No.6389886
File: 36 KB, 550x397, 1650828185754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top left is the grip I use normally when drawing traditionally but on a tablet it's actually a bit different since it's at an angle and the "pencil" is much much thicker, it's very uncomfortable after a few minutes. Is it something I just have to get used to?

>> No.6389906

I bought the 22 plus. The extra screen space will be godlike I hope.

>> No.6390005

Thought about a HUION Kamvas 16 (2019) 15,6" at 120 bucks?

Never got a tablet with display and didn't even intend to buy one at first but with the black friday discount I'm taking one if it's interesting.

>> No.6390497

the mini has the same specs as the air but in a smaller form so the price is comparable to that
if you want something you can just sketch on digitally just get a phone with a stylus or even just a digital stylus . at least with a phone its something you're gonna carry around all the time.

>> No.6390515


>> No.6390547
File: 219 KB, 506x608, image_2022-11-25_184647869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing it wrong
Try doing this grip instead. Its much comfortable and lets you have more consistent lines.

>> No.6390571

anyone ever use a cintiq 27 QHD

>> No.6390636

I'm currently using an Intuos Pro medium and looking to purchase a Cintiq.

I have three questions all related to understanding the different Cintiq models Wacom offers:

1) If price were not a limiting factor, what would be the ideal Cintiq model to purchase?
2) What models do industry professionals typically use?
3) What's an entry level Cintiq that won't break the bank but will still deliver a professional level of quality?

>> No.6390649

in my experience with the same grip you use, it's an adjustment you'll naturally make with time. Initially I was gripping too hard as well. Practice consciously softening your grip as soon as you notice you're applying too much pressure. In time it'll become second nature.

You might also consider a slimmer pen model if whichever brand of tablet you use offers a slimmer version. (e.g. Wacom Pro Pen slim)

>> No.6390655

It's not the fingers that are gripping the pin really, it's the pinky/ring fingers that are being smushed. I have a bigger screen coming in tomorrow and I'm hoping that will alleviate some of it, definitely not used to drawing at an angle like this either.

>> No.6391030

how long does it take to get used to screenless drawing tablets to the point it's as intuitive as drawing on paper?

>> No.6391037

you dont
you just use a different set of skills, instead of guiding yourself through whats in the paper you guide through the sense of touch and the size of the tablet + u get to see the cursor as a refining tool
for how it is for people without experience using tablets I recommend u to buy and try a screenless for a few days, return it and then make a decision

>> No.6391049

apple pencil or bust

>> No.6391058

Do you guys know if there is any cintiq screen protectors with a rougher texture?

>> No.6391062

yeah I spent the past days looking at comparison vids and reviews
there really isn't anything else that comes close for artists on ipads, kinda crazy

>> No.6391108
File: 64 KB, 640x624, 1663115516619955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using an s8 Ultra for the past few months, I really love it, but I often think if I made a mistake not getting an ipad, simply because I want to use Procreate, is it worth it just for that?
to compare I've been using Ibispaint X mainly and CSP now and then.

>> No.6391153

Not really. Procreate is good, but csp is much better.

>> No.6391223

Yeah no, procreate isn't anything gamechanging, it's just a very solid all around good choice.
CSP is debatably better at everything it does, except without a finger-friendly UI like Procreate has. And a sub fee.

Personally the only thing I find I missed when I swapped to the iPad was the third party accessory support. I would kill for a magic keyboard on a tab s8 ultra, the official samsung keyboard is an unholy dumpsterfire.

>> No.6391224

when i swapped from* the iPad

>> No.6391390

Does anyone use the 11" iPad? I can get a decent deal on one but the small size has me a bit concerned. Most of the people I've talked to said it's fine but I've always drawn on a 16" display.

>> No.6391708

it's perfectly fine for me in terms of size, and it feels more portable since it fits even itno a lot of smaller bags.

>> No.6391758

I thought 13" was too small and now I've upgraded to a 22" tablet (PC)

>> No.6391773

Is there a crash course anyone would recommend for getting into digital art? The tools are somewhat overwhelming me, clip studio in particular.

>> No.6391781

ctrl paint

>> No.6391845

Reuben lara's video on clip studio is really good. Watch it and do stuff along with him, pause it or rewatch parts when you need to. That helped me learn CSP to be comfortable using the program.

As far as universal digital painting techniques go, >>6391781

>> No.6391848

Thanks guys

>> No.6392075


im actually selling the newest ipad pro 12.9 with the pen and everything needed for art but no ones biting.

wonder if ai has anything to do with it. Ive never had problems selling my ipads this long

>> No.6392092

I have an M1 12.9 and my mom has the biggest galaxy with S-pen, basically the competitor.

I 100% prefer to draw on the ipad because:
- the width:height ratio is nicer
- the apple pencil feels much more ergonomic to me (heavier, longer)

That said, the ipad is retardedly priced and I bought it because I made a shitload in crypto and money was no object for about a month.

>> No.6392121

*frou frou

provincial dipshit

>> No.6392238

Suck my sick, froo froo faggot. You'd probably enjoy it.

>> No.6392242

Guess my phone doesn't want you to suck my dick.

>> No.6392359

Anyone have a Galaxy Tab S7 FE? Any good?

>> No.6392589

What’s the 3rd or 4th best drawing app for iPad Pro? I want to be different and not use procreate or adobe.
I’m also transitioning.

>> No.6392596

Has anyone ever bought something through apple or samsung while getting trade-in discount, and then just not sent whatever they were supposed to trade in? I don't need internet connectivity, I just want a tablet to draw on, and if it's not connected to the internet they can't remotely disable it.

>> No.6392710

lmao poorfag

>> No.6392727

$180 vs $680. Yeah, I'll consider shenanigans for that price difference.

>> No.6392749

They will get their money back, one way or another. You will not win.

>> No.6392776
File: 136 KB, 937x1028, 2022-11-27 11_10_53-terms-and-conditions - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will get their money back
Lol, no. The only question is whether it would be a waste of $180. Worst they can do is try to charge the card again, which is what prepaid cards are for. The big unknown is whether they have sneaky firmware backdoors to connect to the first unprotected network they can phone home from even if wifi is turned off in software. It's a question of whether I win and they lose or we both lose. Reading the terms and conditions as well as some horror stories posted online is definitely pushing me towards jewing the jews.

>> No.6392840

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the FE only has a 60hz screen
While that isn't particularly bad, one of the best aspects of the newer ipads and galaxy tabs is that the high refresh rate displays are a joy to use

>> No.6392934

Kamvas 16 or Kamvas 16 Pro?

>> No.6392997

How much are you asking for it?

>> No.6393003

Where are you selling it? I see a lot of them sell just fine on swappa and ebay.

>> No.6393050
File: 94 KB, 495x450, 1665174647691364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered a Cintiq 16 on Black Friday. Been making decent money, so not too afraid if it's a shit decision. Did you guys notice an increase in workflow or intuitiveness when moving from a screenless tablet to one of these? I'm still very much /beg/, but wanted a way to work with colour theory and such in a cramped environment.

>> No.6393074

>If anything this is one of the selling points of Android over iOS. You have options even if the OEM drops the ball hard.

What are you talking about. You have to rely on wacom for the digitizer and pen hardware, and drivers. You have to rely on google for Android support and overall OS performance and reliability, plus app ecosystem. And then you have to rely on samsung to integrate it all well onto a capable device.

No other OEM except samsung makes a tablet worth talking about so saying you have other OEMs to choose from is bullshit

>> No.6393319

I assume the base model uses a screen protector vs etched glass and has shittier colors than the pro?

>> No.6393338

To date I've been using my Surface Pro 4 for art, which is from 2015 and is in need of an upgrade.

I'm open to options like the newest Surface Pro, iPad (Pro/Air), Cintiq (stationary/portable), or some kind of combination. What does /ic/ recommend?

My Surface has been an all-in-one workhorse, and I feel I'll need some windows functionality.

>> No.6393515

What’s good specs for a 3d art workstation

>> No.6393704
File: 45 KB, 219x289, 1459736315346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Wacom Intuos M, but I'm thinking of picking up an iPad before cyber monday is over. Would you guys say it's worth the pricetag? I can afford it (even though it hurts) and I'm a serious artist. What are the benefits of switching to an iPad vs my Intuos?

>> No.6393797
File: 20 KB, 558x418, 1613163757651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi d/ic/ks, is a laptop + intuos pro combo workeable long-term or nah? I currently have an Ipad but I just hate the ios environment and I want to switch back to windows. My current laptop is pretty ancient though, so I'll need to buy a new one. What kind of specs should I be looking for? I don't use computers for anything other than drawing and gathering refs so I don't care about gaming perf.

Also, is switching from display to screenless even a good idea?

>> No.6393862
File: 81 KB, 474x596, chino pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Cintiq 22' worth it despite only being 1080p?
I currently have the the 13HD and feel that jumping to the 16' is not that worth it

>> No.6394114

I'm absolutely sure this question gets asked on an hourly basis, but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm a third world poorfag looking to get a tablet, I've used a Lenovo screen tablet before and fucking hated everything about it, and I have a pretty good idea of all the things that can be bad on a tablet, because the shit I've used before had it all, but I'm still clueless when it comes to digitizers in general.
Now I'm looking to buy either a One or go ham and put myself into debt to get an Intuos Pro M, and I'd specifically want to ask anons that have upgraded if it's really, really worth it to do so. The buttons and the bluetooth on the Pro seem either frivolous or useless to me at first glance, I only care about the thing fucking working as a drawing tool. My main concern is that if the Pro breaks, I might eat shit if I try to RMA it because third world shit hole, and I won't be able to get another one for at least a year.
tl;dr is it actually worth it to spend 10 times the money on a Pro vs a One?

>> No.6394139

if this is your first tablet, the upgrade to a pro isn't really worth it. the pen is a bit better on the pro, but if you are just starting out and want to get a hang of drawing digitally, go for the One.
you will probably end up using shortcuts on your keyboard with the other hand anyway, so the wheel and buttons aren't worth it either.

>> No.6394340

No because the kamvas 22 plus is cheaper and better

>> No.6394341

just started using a tablet. It feels clunky and not comfortable to draw and my drawrings look like crap compared to using a real pencil. What gives? Will I get used to it?

>> No.6394345

Yeah you'll get used to it. It took me a few weeks to do so, try and do some line exercises. What tablet are you using?

>> No.6394435

Should i replace my xp-pen 13.3 with a wacom one? Wacom one is on sale rn.

>> No.6394436

Isnt the new surface pro pen as good as the apple pen now

>> No.6394437

How do i get a pen compatable with my beloved cintiq 13 hd without paying for another cintiq 13 hd

>> No.6394441

22 plus

>> No.6394587

My question is for people who have used Cintiqs and their adjustment to the slippery surface. I purchased a Cintiq and am coming from an Intuos tablet which I always used with paper on top because the feel was superior.

-Does anyone use paper covers on a cintiq to improve feel? If so, what paper do you use and how do you apply it?

-Was anyone here able to successfully adjust to the slippery surface of a Cintiq even though paper feels so much better?

>> No.6394603

>buying anything than Wacom
fucking lol

>> No.6394613
File: 28 KB, 495x388, 41-rsDnBS-L._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how should I change my desk setup now that I own a display tablet? Should I still keep in front of my regular computer monitor, even with it resting on an inclined stand?

>> No.6394622

I have a desk that fits my 27 and 32" monitors just fine, I think it's about 62" wide in total. I leave my 22" tablet on the right side of the tablet, in front of my second monitor. My only gripe is that it's got a much shittier stock stand than my main monitor so it's stuck at a certain height and I have to lower the drawing displays stand when I'm not using it basically.

>> No.6394821

Unfortunately you already have the better tablet. Now, a cintiq 16? That one is better than the xppen and the wacom one.

>> No.6394824

Just use the felt tip nibs bro. Paperlike screen protectors ruin nibs too fast.

>> No.6395229

iPad Pro is objectively better now.

>> No.6395289

>max size 12.9"
no it's not.

>> No.6395313

Anyone able to direct me to some art instruction videos? I want to learn portraiture + improve my cartooning.

Not against paying if it's only a few bucks but free is better

>> No.6395699

This question might be absolutely retarded, but does a cracked screen on a tablet effect drawing? There's some great deals on ebay for tablets with busted screens, but if I were to put a screen protector over the cracks then the pen tip wouldn't catch on them. I don't care about the cosmetics of the cracks but if it effects how the pen registers stuff, then it's out of the question.

>> No.6395712


>> No.6395716

>art instruction videos

>> No.6395762

Thank you kindly anon :)

>> No.6395795

Will my tablet get banned if I pirate clip studio paint?

>> No.6395834

Happy to help!

>> No.6395950

Is a drawing tablet a bad idea if I'm still barely learning? I have difficulty with screenless tablets because my mind can't transpose my hand moving the cursor when it's so far from the monitor. At worse I can sell/gift it to a friend after I'm done with it

>> No.6396039

Get one with a screen then?

>> No.6396068

you need practice to get used to screenless tablets but they are more ergonomic

>> No.6396150
File: 310 KB, 1600x900, 7ip-000685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, the portable Cintiq's (mobile studio pro) are not recommended.

With that in mind, if I want a windows product, is the Surface now good? Is the laptop version better than the tablet version?

>> No.6396324
File: 55 KB, 600x600, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a screenless medium sized tablet "One by Wacom" which I place over the mouse pad. I drew this on SAI at 100% zoom level without stabilizer. Honest question. Is it supposed to look like this?
I mean I can't draw a triangle right. They were supposed to be equilateral. Eyes are misaligned. One side of the face is larger. Every time I mirror something is extremely slanted. I can't draw the lines as straight as I want and I can't draw small things where I want as precisely as I want.
Most drawing videos I see don't say what tablet they use or start by drawing rough or use stabilizers. I know the process I'm just wondering if other people would have trouble drawing a triangle as well or is it just me who is ngmi. Like do you NEED a tablet with screen to draw it?

>> No.6396356
File: 6 KB, 1080x1080, triangle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw 3 lines
>erase overlap
is good enough for me when drawing from the shoulder... maybe you're just not that used to drawing with a screenless tablet? took me quite a while to properly get used to it.

>> No.6396382
File: 50 KB, 600x600, Other New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe you're just not that used to drawing with a screenless tablet?
I have had this tablet for years, I just can't seem to draw right with it. I even know 3 tricks to draw better. The first is to set the stabilizer to a very high number. The second is to change the tablet settings so it's mapped to a small part of the screen so it's like you have a huge tablet. And the third is to draw holding SHIFT so you can only draw straight lines and you know exactly where the strokes will go. Picrel.
The problem is that doing these things suck all the fun of drawing but not doing them suck all the quality. Other artists seem to manage fine without these tricks.
>drawing from the shoulder
I don't think I can draw from the shoulder because the tablet is flat on the desk and it's a bit higher than my elbow level so if I try to move my hand forward my arm hits against the tablet. Maybe that's my problem?

>> No.6396420
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, tri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to draw something like this at least i think.
it's not like i don't move my wrist at all, but i do move my whole arm a bit when drawing, in short, decisive strokes.
maybe you're doing more slow, unsure lines? those can defivitely become wobbly, especially when you don't really know what exactly to draw... i'd recommend drawing quickly and deliberately if you aren't doing that.

>> No.6396425

adding onto >>6396420
now that i look closer, your pressure sensitivity seems to be on, but kicks in only at the very end, with distorted ends. either you're applying a ton of pressure on the pen, or it might be a driver issue? try reinstalling those. you also seem to try and draw everything with one line, it's fine if you use more.

>> No.6396512
File: 131 KB, 767x741, rule-of-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do move my whole arm a bit when drawing
>you also seem to try and draw everything with one line
I drew >>6396324 at 100% zoom. From the chin to the ear of the character the "stroke" would be just 1 cm long. Maybe if it was on paper or a screen tablet and I could SEE it I would manage but without seeing it feels like I need surgeon hands to draw anything right. The tip of the stylus is literally thicker than the brush.
On the other hand if I don't zoom I lose my sense of scale. In the streams I see artists don't seem to zoom that much either.
Makes me wonder how other people manage even more.

>> No.6396532
File: 169 KB, 1500x743, zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, what do your lines look like with pencil? imo you should be able to draw small things with no problem, you dont need a surgeon's hands for this. i did the left on picrel when i drew the pic itself, but for actual works, i do zoom so i can make large, sweeping movements as well. what 100% or "too zoomed in" is depends on the size of the canvas.
i'd say just go with larger canvases and zoom in to the point where it works for you and the lines aren't basically pixelated. my canvases are 2k x 2k minimum in general, if that helps.

>> No.6396601

I think regardless of what kind of zoom you use, but especially if you're zoomed in, it helps tremendously to have a live preview thumbnail of what you're working on in another window when you work. In photoshop it's fairly trivial to do this - not sure about other programs.

In Photoshop, go to Window -> Navigator and you can resize the window to whatever thumbnail size you find appropriate.

>> No.6396752

>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
why is this the recommended iPad over the current model?

>> No.6396836
File: 73 KB, 600x600, Another New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought zooming in that much would be an overkill but I guess it works. My arm hurts though. Thanks anon I'll see if I can get used to drawing that way.

>> No.6397153

too bad I only just saw it, but target had the new ipad pro for $550 for the smallest version

>> No.6397174

I think the tablet would be better because it has a kickstand
If you were drawing on a laptop screen you'd have nothing to support it, you'll be holding onto it with your other hand so it keeps its angle

>> No.6397708

I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?

>> No.6398016

What I wanna know is this:
is it worth the extra money for an Intuous with 4096 pressure levels vs. a Wacom One with 2048?
I tend to doubt I would really notice the difference desu, so I'm leaning toward getting a Wacom One medium (i already have a small intuous and it's nice but very small)

>> No.6398918

I honestly wish I could afford this.

>> No.6398932

A wacom one is really a beginner tablet. Decide where you are in your drawing and/or career before moving up. You probably won't notice a difference in normal use.

>> No.6398945

if you want a display tablet, get the wacom one. if you're fine with a screenless, intuos is probably better. (unless you mean one by wacom)

>> No.6398989

Yes, good little consoomer

>> No.6398998

I was very unhappy with the Kamvas 22 and sent it back. I had to pay 8% + shipping costs, but I was happier cutting some losses, then using the tablet.
Now people can call me shill all day long, I don't care. I am using an XP Pen innovator 16 and its performance is quiet satisfying. I neither have driver issues, nor does the surface feel like crap. The only downside to it is its small screen size.
My advice would be to try out innovator 16 if you can, otherwise save money for a large Cintiq. That is, if you want to use a display tablet. Otherwise buy a used Intuos 3

>> No.6399047

Wacom One is shit. Don't get waste your money.

>> No.6399742

Anyone here upgraded from a CHT 680 to a Intuos Pro? Idk if its worth it.

>> No.6399752

unironically yes, from an intuos small (7 years) to an intuos pro medium i've had for around a year now.
the larger surface, the pro pen 2 itself physically + tilt support definitely feels like a big step up, and the surface feels much better to me (old one was basically a mirror the pen was sliding around on)

>> No.6399808
File: 228 KB, 2800x1721, Screenshot_20221202_194711_Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the tab s8+. I am using sketch app because that's what I am familiar with but the support for it has long ended and it doesn't smoothen out the brush strokes. What app do you pepo use? Recommend something free/ needing only one time payment ples
I am also a complete casual btw

>> No.6399811

CSP is pirateable. Medibang is probably the closest the CSP lite with fill gap tools and Krita is free.

>> No.6399825

>CSP is pirateable
Thanks anon. Will spend the next hour trying

>> No.6399827

its cheaper, and its unnecessary to really upgrade to the "latest model" since the pen technology hasn't changed at all
although i'd say most people would be bothered with how old it is as this point

>> No.6399867

>since the pen technology hasn't changed at all
2nd gen pen (compatible with 3rd gen and later ipads) is charged wirelessly.
OP is a blithering retard and/or poorfag that's never used anything newer. 3rd gen and later ipads are substantial improvements.

>> No.6400140

Nah you're just an angry little idiot :)

>> No.6400476

what are some good windows laptops that are also good for drawing and not just note-taking? Is Microsoft Surface series and Samsung Galaxy stuffs the only option?

>> No.6400556
File: 3.77 MB, 4624x3468, 20221203_234722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any regrettable purchases this black friday? I learnt Lenovo laptops are more for note-taking than actually drawing. I can't believe that copy pasta on OP actually mentions this, I've been lurking on these threads for a year now and can't believe I never saw it. You can get drawing done if you really force yourself, but you really need to press ctrl + z alot

>> No.6401762

hows the galaxy tab fe

>> No.6402169
File: 286 KB, 491x480, 1661331211148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best cheapest portable computer that doesnt have the same issues that thinkpads have?
i need something preferably that can run gnu/linux

>> No.6402177

I switch from screen to screenless due to potential posture and vision problems. I always ended up hunched over the screen 6 inches from my eyes.

>> No.6403105

Go the fuck to /g/? I swear this is the worst general here.

>> No.6403106

>I always ended up hunched over the screen 6 inches from my eyes.
Get an ergo arm and you can have the same ergonomics painters have had for hundreds of years

>> No.6403176

I just bought a cheap XPPen drawing tablet for my practice without knowing how shit they are. Oh well. I think for the most part, I'll be fine.

>> No.6403293

You can get a stand (I have one called Nulaxy Laptop Stand from Amazon and you can get an almost 90 degree angle, it's very sturdy for anything below 20 inches) or a monitor arm. I recently switched from a stand to the monitor arm for my Cintiq 16 Pro and it's a game changer. No longer have to set up my tablet and put it away after and the angles you can get are so much better for your posture.

>> No.6403329

They're fine. Op is a Wacom shill.

>> No.6403443

clearly, since none of you faggots can stay on topic here apparently

>> No.6403474

Good to see you're still mad, Chang. Unfortunately XP Pen and Huion are still garbage.

>> No.6403571

I have a 600$ budget. What should I get? I've been out of the loop for a while and now I see a lot of cool options, seeing a cintiq at 600$ seems pretty crazy when a few years ago everything was above 1k.
What are the main pros and cons of a cintiq 16 vs a Galaxy tab?

>> No.6403576

Kamvas 22 plus

>> No.6403600

Galaxy is portable and has better colours. Cintiq is bigger.

Ignore the chinaman here: >>6403576

>> No.6403699

>All Chinese brands have the same problems.
XP-Pen is not Chinese dumb nigger.

>> No.6403752

Is this the thread to discuss printers?

>> No.6403798

Yes it is idiot. We've been over this before but you just don't know when to quit.

>> No.6403905

I bought an Ugee M708 v3 tablet. Just wondering how I'm going to charge the pen when the time comes. According to the online manual, it is supposed to just twist off at the bottom of the pen and replace a AAA battery. I'm unable to twist the thing. A different source says that you just plug it in like any other pen charger but there isn't anything to connect it to my power block. Anyone ever use this brand to know which one is correct?

>> No.6403923

You are such an idiot it's funny.

>> No.6404325
File: 24 KB, 500x400, wacom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wacom Intuos S no bluetooth
Is it a meme or a good budget option?
Is the surface area enough or too small?

>> No.6404334

had an older version of this for about 7 years. it's good if you are ok with mostly drawing from the wrist. otherwise, M or L is better.
it can also be easily transported wherever youre taking your laptop because it's so small.

>> No.6404352

is it really difficult to draw with your shoulder with one of these?

>> No.6404360

i basically only drew with my wrist on it, but i might just not have tried enough to properly draw with the shoulder, to be honest... there are definitely competent illustrators out there using this thing, so it's probably fine. especially if its your first tablet.

>> No.6404363

XP Pen is a Japanese company that outsourced it's production to China so anon is right. It is functionally Chinese and as someone that was a dumbass and got an XP-Pen tablet a few year back. It ain't worth bro. Get a used ipad and an apple pencil my dude.

>> No.6404371

>outsourced it's production to China
Isn't that literally every company that has made a tablet (screen or screenless) though?

>> No.6404374

i see, ill look the medium size just in case too

>> No.6404474

Been using 13" cintiq for 10 years to the point drawing with wrist and zooming in feels like second nature
Should i upgrade to 16" or 22" (non pro)?

>> No.6404525

It's straight up not a japanese company at all. It was, once, but the name is just a trademark taken over by the chinese. It's operated by Hanvon Ugee, formerly just Ugee, both chinese company


>XP-Pen's parent company, Ugee Technology Co., Ltd. completed a merger into Hanvon Ugee Technology Co., Ltd.

>> No.6404538

beg here, Intuos Medium is like 45% off right now on all storefronts.
Good buy or do i go with a china product and get tilt and rotation for the same price/cheaper. not sure how important this is

Also does this sale mean new Intuos might be coming?

>> No.6404628

Well fuck me sideways. The Chinese have fooled me again.

>> No.6404751

tilt is extremely overrated imo, barely use it. intuos is definitely worth it over other screenless tablets with different digitizers in the same price range. unless the other china tablets you think about buying are really considerably cheaper.

>> No.6404825

>a few year back
As has been said repeatedly, chink shit was garbage 3 or 4 years ago. Their newest tablets are basically indistinguishable from wacoms though.

>> No.6404847

Im pretty sure almost any non-chink brands would have some of their shit outsourced to chinks nowadays

>> No.6405623

Both wacom and ipads are made in china. I don't think there's a single tablet on the market currently not produced in China.

>> No.6405627

There's a difference between manufacturing and design, brainlet.

iPads are far better designed than all Chinese-brand garbage like XP Pen and Huion.

>> No.6405633

>There's a difference between manufacturing and design, brainlet.
Did I say there wasn't?

>> No.6405804

>Lenovo laptops are more for note-taking than actually drawing
What is so shitty about it?

>> No.6405846

Did you already get it, I have cintiq 16 and I am looking to buy an Intuos M lol

>> No.6405851
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1554015023559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of this board should be gassed.

>> No.6405872

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
i have this, is krita the best app for it?

>> No.6406138


>> No.6407104

got my kamvas 22 plus, time to start drawing

>> No.6407162

What's the difference between a Galaxy S7/S8 and S7+/S8+?
The best I can afford rn is a S8, should I go for it or go for a cintiq 16?

>> No.6407243

you are also an idiot :)

>> No.6407245

Despite the OP, I decided to switch to a display tablet and went with a Huion Kamvas Pro 16 despite seeing some 1 star review horror stories of boxes and shit being open and the screen looking like ass. The advice I had heard was to just buy it off amazon and NOT from the official site so you it would be less of a pain in the ass to return if something went wrong. So my impulsive dumbass went for it.

I've used it for a few days now and it's honestly making me draw more consistently than I did before with my old Intuos 5. Granted, it could suddenly shit itself in a month or two so who knows but so far OP's post is an actual fucking meme.

>> No.6407256

Nobody cares, idiot.

>> No.6407281

Anyone tried/owns a Gaomon PD1610? Te0h reviewed it and it looks really good but I’m wondering about driver support of non-wacom products.

>> No.6407291

>chinese garbage
lol read the OP next time.

>> No.6407307

Qrd on the Wacom One? Why the angry OP against it?

>> No.6407647


I've had mine for 4 years and had zero issues, thing about these brands is that its kinda of a gamble really, i got really lucky I guess, but yeah, being poor you gotta make do with what you can, i'd love to get a wacom and stuff instead, but its impossible in my reality.

My advice to anyone is that if you can, get a good brand, even if it worked out for me, its never a guarantee.

>> No.6407941

he will.

>> No.6407942

>i got really lucky I guess
Very few people will leave a review for something, and even less so if they have no problems with it. Things will always have disproportionately high negative reviews compared to what an average user experiences.
You didn't get lucky, they just got really unlucky, and were pissed off enough about it to complain.

>> No.6407959

t. chang
You always cite negative Wacom reviews as a reason not to buy Wacom tablets. This is why you're both a hypocrite and a moron.

>> No.6407965

there are 133 posters in this thread. I never did whatever dumb shit you're pretending I did. How is it not hypocritical though to say to avoid chink shit because of negative reviews, but to ignore negative reviews wacom tablets get?

There's virtually no difference in quality anymore between huion and wacom. Buy which you want. Both have a possibility to be lemons.

>> No.6407983

No need to make excuses, Chang. You're a shill and we all know it.

>> No.6408315

New thing


>> No.6408500

Wacumguzzler rage incoming
Most based and unbiased dtg in years

>> No.6409113


>> No.6409119

Nice useless bump. Extremely useful post that added a lot to the thread.

>> No.6409798


>> No.6409814

I used the old S6lite (with the old processor) and currently am on an 2021 Ipad Pro 11".

I also exclusively use Clip Studio Paint, which is available on both devices.

Though the Ipad Pro is better (more ram, better screen ratio, higher PPI) I still have a soft spot for the S6lite. It really is a neat little device and the drawing experience on it was very good.
It also is really cheap.

The best budget option maybe? I would have said yes in 2020, not sure now.

I remember I liked the colours on it quite a bit better than on the s8+ with its crappy "OMG ITS SUPER AMOLED GUYS" disgustingly oversaturated meme clown-colours.

>> No.6410282

op, you're extremely fucking pathetic.
>noooo, someone else made a thread! :(
>my life's accomplishment of making the new tablet thread has been RUINED

>> No.6410348
File: 128 KB, 750x750, 6afe23c571e561133c3b95ff8d7b8bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing on my Intuos Pro and my PC but it's always pain in the ass to plug it in, open photoshop, etc. Kills my motivation, even if it's not a big deal. I believe drawing experience is just better if can just grab it and start. Or sit comfortable on the sofa and draw.

But I had the iPad Pro before and sold it because it was too overkill for me and I needed some money. After all beside drawing there is no real use for me with the iPad. So now after some time I kinda want one back. But not the pro, as I don't need the power. Those options I figured out:

iPad 9th gen for 350€ + 100€ pencil
>bevels are ugly but who cares
>no laminated screen (does one even notice the gap?)
>cheap which is good
>awkward pencil charging

iPad air 4 for 700€ + 100€ pencil 2
>laminated screen
>smaller bavels
>better pencil
>but twice the price

Which one would you get?

>> No.6410422

>too overkill
The fuck does this even mean?

>> No.6410517

Neither, get a used 3rd gen or later pro 12.9" + 2nd gen pencil.

>> No.6410703

Between those two I would go for the ipaid air 4, because of the 8 gigs of ram.
However, since the 9th gen would be enough for you, have you considered getting a S7 FE (but the 6gig version)? Should still be cheaper, requires no pen charging (+ pen included). Neat design, but limited software (but has CSP). That said I never tested the S7 FE, only the S6lite and that one was neat.

>> No.6410704

Oh I just checked, the ipad air 4 does not have 8gigs of ram, that would be the ipaid air 5, sorry, my mistake.

>> No.6410824

Ehy does anyone ever get an iPad other than the pro? I don't get it

>> No.6410867

Ipad Air 5 is not bad. It's basically like the 11" Pro of 2021 but with a 60Hz and not 120Hz Screen. Minor differences otherwise except the camera which is irrelevant for drawing purposes.

>> No.6410945

whats the best 3d software on ipad
is it even worth using 3d on them

>> No.6411435

It means that I never need the power the device delivers. I don't do video cutting, lightroom, gaming or other heavy tools. I don't need the better speakers, lidar sensor, cameras, etc. So a smaller CPU/Ram is enough for me. I usually work with not so many layers in procreate too.

I find the used prices fucked lately. In my homecountry the 3rd gen pro is priced like a new air 5.

Thanks, gonna look into the S7 FE. Haven't thought about it because I'm in the apple ecosystem with my phone and airpods. But it may be a cheap solution.

I also go to the store tomorrow and see if they have the iPad 9th gen exhibited. If I'm not annoyed by the gap I may straight for it. Buyer remorse not gonna hit hard at that price point desu (if it happens)

>> No.6412591
File: 87 KB, 1280x596, m2-ipad-pro-apple-pencil-hover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ipad pro/ procreate users who upgraded to M2? How much of a positive difference does the hover cursor make?