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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 126 KB, 1173x1478, 20221105_160207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360443 No.6360443 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually over for Twitter. There's no way they can maintain a userbase now with a change this retarded. Thank you based Musk for forcing change finally.

Anyways, where do you think artists will mostly post now?

>> No.6360445

Tumblr but I wish it was Itaku

>> No.6360451

wouldn't mind a website that provided artists some kind of protection against data scraping.

>> No.6360452

It seems like tumblr is the safest bet at the moment, but that could be temporary as with anything else in tumultuous times. I suggest using tags like [#twitter migration] to navigate other users and grow from there, and obviously advertise on your twitter all the links you're moving to.

>> No.6360453

Thought this was fake, lmao what are they thinking

>> No.6360456

Options left if you want to leave twitter:
> Mastodon
And lastly

>> No.6360467

You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.

>> No.6360468

So I have never used twitter so this may be a stupid question but if artists are making good money off twitter and they got a big audience there why wouldn't they pay it?

If they are not making money of twitter they can just link to some off site place as proof of identity.

>> No.6360469

if you saw this independent of the schoolyard chatter that went round, would you be so emotional and sensationalist? or would you look at it the same way you did youtube premium? "oh a huge website offering a nifty, optional premium option. no thanks". nothing's gonna change, mute those fucking clowns who hate Elon because he's rich and did whatever he wants with his money. him buying twitter is relatively proportional to you shopping for a $1k tablet in front of a homeless bum. "wow can't believe you're buying/investing in this for personal pleasure/business you should buy me a hot meal and a-" how about I do whatever the fuck I want with my money? "Oh but he could've stopped world hunger with the" him and thousands of other billionaires, and that dead meme's been debunked forever; if there is famine it isn't due to lacking funds it's purposely caused in warring countries. and if you care that much, sell your iPhone and go buy the niggers a sandwich
think for yourself and realise you are just as retarded as the twitter crowd you're mocking

>> No.6360472
File: 559 KB, 640x357, 1659898464709213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funny seeing all the big accounts who shat on Elon Musk for years who are now trying to justify giving him money. They're given a golden goose of an opportunity to hurt the man they supposedly despite and they all back down like cowards.

>> No.6360476

Finally shitty artists will leave twitter, about fucking time

>> No.6360483

you must not be aware of the news that the $8 boosts your account and everyone else gets buried under the algorithm by design. It's nothing like youtube premium and normies don't like being forced into paying for something in which they get nothing in return.

>> No.6360485

Who would write ad copy for their fucking business like this. It’s like Elon sent a directive to the advertising team to sound as sniveling as him

>> No.6360486

There doesn't seem to be any good choice, seeing how artists can't even decide >>6360472. If only someone could clone 2012 DA.

>> No.6360487

So twitters gonna turn into artstation 2.0 where everyone sniffs each other's farts? Sounds lame

>> No.6360492

>"oh a huge website offering a nifty, optional premium option. no thanks"
The big difference is when you buy a youtube premium sub it's an isolated thing that doesn't affect other users. Twitter is proposing prioritizing subscribers so you'll always see then first before anything else.
Musk himself said he wants it so if you're looking at the comics of a post, you'll have to scroll through every subscription post before you see any unsubbed people.
Link to what I'm quoting;

>> No.6360500

It legitimately sounds like he's specifically trying to sell this to his fanboys that think he's Iron Man. I can't think of anyone that would pay for a subscription fee for social media otherwise. Who else cares about the battle against bot accounts, and is willing to pay money for it?

>> No.6360506

So nothing changed? It just switch from Leftist and feminist to businessmen?

>> No.6360508

you dont need a checkmark. only used to identify jews and propagandist PR accounts anyways. and not like you draw anything, so not going to affect you.

>> No.6360510

There can’t possibly be enough of them to keep twitter afloat

>> No.6360511

>where everyone sniffs each other's farts
That's twitter now, but the farts comes from deranged people with their filthy unwashed assholes

>> No.6360517

Pretty much but the big issue is kids aren't going to stick around with that. Musk can have his redditor audience but the future of the platform is sunk to shit. Advertisers follow the kids (they're the future unironically) so pay attention to where they congregate. That's going to be the next big town square.

>> No.6360518

Kids ain't paying for commission, honey

>> No.6360521

Nope, but they do however do most of the advertising for you when they retweet your stuff to their 10k+ followers.

>> No.6360524

>Advertisers follow the kids (they're the future unironically) so pay attention to where they congregate.
>Kids are picking the next big thing
Now it makes sense why the shittiest designed to be addictive platforms always become the biggest. If these kids flock to Instagram instead of Tumblr I will be seething for years. Instagram has all the worst shit about Twitter but even more annoying algorithms and forced image cropping

>> No.6360530

I mean why do you think the worst game mode on Fortnite jumped in popularity? Or the chinese slot machine Genshin impact?

Whatever it is as long as they don't come here. It's bad enough with all the mentally ill schizos during summer break.

>> No.6360535

>Whatever it is as long as they don't come here.
Don't you dare curse us.

>> No.6360537

Gacha games have always been popular in the east though

>> No.6360540

It’s been calm lately, maybe that’s portents of things to come

>> No.6360568

I like Elon because it makes Twitter blacks and libshits seethe. I will pay him his 9 dollahs.

>> No.6360590
File: 984 KB, 2048x2048, 00C2E0C1-CD9A-4B92-A97B-1559B757ED4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have even a buckleys shot of increasing my follows/retweets by paying $8 a month, I’ll do it. These faggy algos have been suppressing my shit for years along with other dumb shit like only showing my content to 5% of my followers, effectively memory holing every piece of content I spend time on.

>> No.6360601

Libshits still just hate trump. I get real “ok retard” vibes from how they view musk

>> No.6360603

Spoken like a true redditor

>> No.6360609
File: 34 KB, 600x662, 1656949763720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine thinking this unironically.

>> No.6360640

Death threats should be made forbidden on Twitter. It should be a bannable offense. Artists should not be sent death threats just because they drew something others didn't like. Also allow disabling of comments.

>> No.6360641
File: 50 KB, 686x708, 1664387010489689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter is a shitty place for art yet plenty of artists still get massive followers and consistent engagement without having a blue checkmark
>twitter is a shitty place for art yet plenty of artists still get massive followers and consistent engagement without having a blue checkmark
I think people are being too dramatic.

>> No.6360651
File: 18 KB, 640x274, tumblr_a9c03ca884d3902c5126278a3cf4ef7f_7ceaa8f6_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I pay twitter for only showing me less ads when tweet deck not only removes them but promoted tweets, suggested accounts and trending topics all for free?

>> No.6360673

Elon Musk is one of OpenAI founders so he'll shill DALL-E and AI generated images. It's over, fuck he and his Twitter.

>> No.6360685

It is easy to make throw away accounts.

>> No.6360697

One of the dozen reasons I'm rallying behind its demise and openly making fun of people who are kicking and screaming about leaving.

>> No.6360707

Analytic mods have shown twitter was always the worst when shadow banning people.

>> No.6360713

I will continue to not use social media and laugh at retards.

>> No.6360721

Don't worry nobody will miss your beg art retard and you are delusional if you think that any eastern artist will leave the platform.

>> No.6360751

They will once they start noticing their engagement dwindling.

>> No.6360761

>you can soon monetize your twitter views
honestly I think twitter might become youtube for artists as in you can make cash with views

>> No.6360764

So, fanshitcoomart on steroids

>> No.6360768

pretty much, but the difference is you can make passive income on it by generating clicks for twitter

>> No.6360770


>There's no way they can maintain a userbase now with a change this retarded.

you'll be surprise...

>> No.6360772

lick his balls more

>> No.6360773

How exactly would that work? I don't see anything in OP's image about sharing add revenue.

>> No.6360777

That's if it's only artists who take advantage of the paypig scheme AND user engagement remains. You honestly think it won't be all walks of life who are going all in just to see what happens? Imagine that for a minute. The algos gonna be fucked and unrecognizable. Artists will go where the fandom people go.

>> No.6360778

I doubt it will be anywhere close to what someone makes on youtube, once your post gets old it very rarely gets any new views and Ad companies companies like unskippable Ads more than an Ad somewhere to the side or while scrolling of a page. Passive income would be so low that you could live an entire life and not make enough to pay the bills for a single month

>> No.6360783

Daddy Elon was talking about it today
honestly if you're someone who lives from his art any source of income is welcome especially if it's your main platform where you build your audience, I see this as a big win for artfriends

>> No.6360797

Why tumblr?

>> No.6360801

Of course the demographic of 4chan are the types of people who don't pay for anything. But normies pay out the ass for shit like streaming, youtube premium, and adobe subscriptions. Anyway I f preventing conservative tweets from being suppressed drives out the frothing lefties I win. And if this bankrupts twitter then I super win

>> No.6360802

More artist friendly than mastodon and Instagram combined.

>> No.6360803

Is there even an audience on tumblr tho?

>> No.6360807

Not really but obviously it seems like that's changing. So far Ryan Reynolds joined tumblr if that means anything.

>> No.6360812

My question is, paying those stupid 8 bucks will actually make your account like, NOT invisible, as in, it actually will protect you from throttleling bots and you actually get noticed by people, dont start with, ''JUST GIT GUD AND DAILY UPLOADS LOL, BE DAH MONKEE''.

>> No.6360811
File: 349 KB, 492x474, 1659895723739526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the point of going back tumblr if they are not going to allow nsfw art ever again? I can see its a win for SFW artist but really they won't grow as much like in twitter so what's the point of jumping back?

>> No.6360815

Wait hold up, how exactly does this work? Are 2 giant fucking ads gonna be displayed on the sides of your art? So like, I'm gonna spend 40 fuckin hours perfecting the composition of my painting, post it, and suddenly my work is going to be sandwiched between "HOT MILFS IN YOUR AREA" and "YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO FINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENT", is that right?

>> No.6360818

I have no clue Elon said we will get more news on monetization in around 2 weeks

>> No.6360821

Did you conveniently forget about all the AI slop spam what's stopping the tech shills from doing literally the same thing especially now their redditor overlords in charge? All that's going to accomplish is just alienate more people away.

>> No.6360822
File: 21 KB, 349x338, 1651147439219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're telling me is that not only is /ic/ too beg too cut it on social media but too broke to afford 8usd? Shit niggers you're really are never gonna make it.

>> No.6360825

Sorry to say but FOMO psychology isn't going to work this time.

>> No.6360834

the problem isn't the 8 bucks, it's that it might be counterproductive in the direction-brained hellscape that's twitter.
blue check used to mean professional class shitlib, now it will probably mean elon shill.
at worst you get caught up in the partisan shit-flinging, at best you're the dork paying 8 bucks for twitter.

>> No.6360836

Twitter is a den of evil. The faster the platform implodes, the better.

>> No.6360843

>But normies pay out the ass for shit like streaming, youtube premium, and adobe subscriptions.
People pay for those things because they actually provide a service and they're too lazy/scared to figure out piracy. This provides almost nothing except a ranking system now, which is really just going to piss off more people than get more people to buy into it when it fucks up the algorithm. The fact that it's not even an ad free experience is hilarious

>> No.6360847

Threads like these reminds me I'm lucky I don't need to do art for money.

>> No.6360850
File: 669 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221105-223430_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we're really going to know until another month or two when things settle down. This could either be actual cause for a mass migration (I hope) or a big nothing burger that people like to make a big fuss about but then nothing actually changes. I'm mostly betting on the second result, but I have a little hope that Elon himself bitching publicly that advertisers are dropping Twitter is a sign things are going downhill for the platform longterm. I've accepted the fact that the userbase of the Internet has decided to all gather in huge mega sites now, but I wish they'd at least pick places of actual quality and allow for some customization again

>> No.6360852

This. Twitter was already an algorithm-throttling social media site with built-in and controlled biases. People who create content and have active followers are still going to flourish just like they do on any other social media site with a large userbase. The only people this change is likely going to hamper are blue checkmark faggots whose entire shtick consists of "being on twitter."

>> No.6360864

I don't get why I see some of you guys cheering for this. If you're an artist with a blue checkmark next to your name people are probably going to be even more likely to ignore you, even if you're at the very top of their feed. It just screams desperation for followers which puts a bad taste in people's mouths

>> No.6360865

Is Musk going to match the functionality and profit sharing of Guilded? I doubt it. Why don't artists use Guilded to monetize their work? It looks like it makes Discord and Patreon obsolete. Only problem is their discoverability looks like shit, if they improve that they could compete with Twitch as well.

>> No.6360867

that didnt answer my question

>> No.6360874

They'll come up with stuff, they're just hemorrhaging money so they're pushing anything they can implement now. el musko gets a hardon for gay bells and whistles slapped onto average ideas that normies eat up. And the cult of worship around him is intense, a fifth of the cars in my small city are teslas now. Mark my words he's going to rename the whole site something gay like "x.com" and make it look futuristic. Then potentially pull a Valve and add companion tech like a hologram watch built just to keep tabs on your dumb "x" account. And normies will slurp it up because woah it's the future.

>> No.6360886
File: 128 KB, 864x547, tumblr_e36a8adbd3d83fe15347cb6bb6be8657_054e292e_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no evidence of what's going on now but picrel was a whole week ago. Just today alone has to be at least double

That's still going to be divisive as fuck, that's not a healthy environment for people of all types to hang around. It's just going to turn into another echo chamber like gab.

>> No.6360891

On the assumption that it remains a platform for political discourse maybe. We can't be sure they won't rebrand it entirely. What I got from some tweets he made they might look into separating the categories of tweets into a sort of 2010 subreddit type thing.

>> No.6360896

youtube red was faggot shit and this is faggot shit. people were shitting on the twitter premium idea before musk bought the site

>> No.6360904

Anyone who's livelihood depends on a Twitter account will buy this so, ironically, artists should be the ones most concerned by this.
Of course, the real question is why is their livelihood dependant on a privately owned platform that can change its rules on a whim?

>> No.6360907

>It's actually over for Twitter. There's no way they can maintain a userbase now with a change this retarded. Thank you based Musk for forcing change finally.
Are you retarded? No, you ARE retarded.

>> No.6360912

Try buzzly.

>> No.6360914

>Anyone who's livelihood depends on a Twitter account will buy this so, ironically, artists should be the ones most concerned by this.
They won't if they're smart. A blue checkmark next to your name is basically a big blemish on your image now

>> No.6360917

>living under a rock

>> No.6360970

Mastodon has a TOS filled with vague BS like "no sexism" that opens the door for arbitrary policy enforcment. Definitely not artist friendly.

>> No.6360982

>artists should be the ones most concerned by this.
Such as? All the big artists I know of who have a big following on twitter didn't need a blue checkmark.

>> No.6360990

>it’s a pay-to-win badge
Lmao, all the more reason to make fun of bluechecks

>> No.6360999

anon did you know you still can post your drawing even without the blue checkmark?

>> No.6361001

Maston is open source and decentralized.
You can host your own server if you want.

>> No.6361015

Didn't know that /ic/ was full of onions.

>> No.6361016

take it as a sign to start a youtube channel. YT is the most long-lasting site there is, even tiktok won't last as long.

>> No.6361026
File: 99 KB, 875x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mastodon has a TOS filled with vague BS like "no sexism" that opens the door for arbitrary policy enforcment.
thats bullshit, 3 of the 5 biggest mastodon servers don't have rules like that at all

>> No.6361027

Will people assume I'm a lolicon if I have a baraag?

>> No.6361028

>Will people assume I'm based if I have a baraag?

>> No.6361030

Ah yes, tmake your own internet". Very cool anon. Great way to reach an audience.
I meant the main art server.

>> No.6361033

>I meant the main art server.
what "main art server"? the biggest is clearly pawoo.net, though baraag.net has more users that are still active.

>> No.6361047

mastodon.art was the one I saw being talked about on twatter. Ok there are other bigger servers. But that's just too fragmented for my taste, and I will only reach terminally online zoomers. So I am not interested.

>> No.6361048

>But that's just too fragmented for my taste, and I will only reach terminally online zoomers.
Zoomers hate fragmented stuff because they are used to corporate owned internet.

>> No.6361053

is fediverse getting any traction or is it still just filled with poltards?

>> No.6361055

I'll wait and see.
Good chance this is just another nothing burger and every current blue checkmark faggot ends up ponying up, while the average user continues to get shafted by the same algorithms Twitter was using before.

>> No.6361066

checkcucks on suicide watch, their relevancy is worth 8 bucks, lel, now you have to put actual effort to stand out among the sea of checks

>> No.6361074

Twitter fucking sucks for art anyway. I don’t want an account and I don’t want to wade through bullshit ‘spicy takes’ and other verbal diarrhea, I just want to look at art.

>> No.6361077

based elon killing poorfags lmao

>> No.6361080
File: 9 KB, 239x211, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay for ads
>priority rank
Bro i'm not about to PAY for ADS

>> No.6361124

Have you considered that your drawings are just shit?

>> No.6361168

Damn, people on twitter are acting as if this is the apocalypse or something. Why are there so many terminally online schizos nowadays?

>> No.6361179

Ahh... activists pressuring advertisers.
Really not a fan of this tactic. Adpocalypse happened thanks to them. Other patreon/paypal/kickstarter/indiegogo shit happened thanks to them. It's time for these people who are so gung-ho on cutting people's rice bowl off any time their fee fees are hurt get their own source of income cut off. Hypocrites. It's okay if it's someone else's wallet got hit instead.

>> No.6361190

Twitter will finally be usable once all the poor people and children leave

>> No.6361198

newgrounds is shit, anyone can report your art and get down from the site. if your work is nsfw this is not a safe place.

>> No.6361275

Pixiv is fucking garbage you retarded weeb. You have to draw anime and censor nsfw shit. Newgrounds and possibly insta are the only useable options left. Insta is horseshit, but better than the other options.

>> No.6361286

>privately owned platform that can change its rules on a whim?
as opposed to a publicly traded platform that can change its rules on a whim, including becoming privately owned because it’s publicly traded?

>> No.6361291

Sounds based

>> No.6361293

I’m 31 and I don’t like it as someone trying to reach an audience either, this shit is only good for “communities”, not for what is essentially idol worship by unwashed masses, which is how you get money to live

>> No.6361381

>where do you think artists will mostly post now?
They will post on a service that is free and has the widest audience reach.
So Twitter.

>> No.6361388

>You have to draw anime
No. It's just that no one browsing Pixiv is looking for anything other than Asian-style artworks, so you don't get any traction if your style falls outside of that. But this is increasingly true of most general art platforms.
Does not allow anything resembling loli.
>possibly insta
Instagram does not allow nudity on any sort period.

>> No.6361397
File: 5 KB, 200x252, 1569873462284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the ESL artist getting fucked now
>the artwork you spend days on will be suppressed in the algorithm
I would pay if i could, but there is no chance my country will get the option for twitter blue

>> No.6361401

Musk wants users to pay him not the other way around. Twitter is financially in the red they can’t afford staff let alone to pay out for bot traffic views.

Besides if this were to happen we can kiss our porn goodbye.

>> No.6361406

>No. It's just that no one browsing Pixiv is looking for anything other than Asian-style artworks, so you don't get any traction if your style falls outside of that.
That’s what i meant
>Does not allow anything resembling loli shit
Stick with pixiv
>Instagram does not allow nudity on any sort period.
Really? Did they changed it or something, cause i would see nude or porn artwork a couple of times in the past.

>> No.6361407

You have no sense for business anon, you post a censored version on twitter and post the nsfw version on Patron behind a paywall, that way you cash in double

>> No.6361408

>I just want to look at art.
That's why I use twitter, for better or worse. It's the one platform that is used widely by artists of every nationality, and I've gotten more interaction with professionals through twitter than any other site. It is tough to browse depending on the user, but amid all the photos or food and pets, they're also posting work in progress sketches you won't find on Pixiv. They're posting speedpaint videos. They're answering art questions. It's more than an art gallery.

>> No.6361419

>Did they changed it or something,
They've never allowed it. Spotty enforcement =/= no rules. There was a fight just to get Instagram to allow photos of women covering their breasts with their arms/hands a couple of years ago.
If you post nudity on your instagram and it's not taken down, it just means you're not popular enough to get reported.

>> No.6361421

What other option is there but twitter?
Like tumblr is so behind in it's design and structure simple things like finding comments on a post is an absolute nightmare, it's 15 years behind any other socialmedia app.
Zuck has completely lost his mind and is driving Facebook and Insta into the fucking ground with his vr bullshit they are on the brink of collapse

Lets face it, twitter has the biggest reach in normies and artfags right now there is no better place to shill your shit and build and audience

>> No.6361445

>the real question is why is their livelihood dependant on a privately owned platform
Paypal can cancel your account arbitrarily and fine you for speech it does not like.
Youtube can be manipulated by copyright trolls and mobs to strike you.
With enough notoriety, webhosts and essential backend services like Cloudflare may be forced to stop protecting you from DDOS gangs.
Banks can close your account if you antisemitic.
You guys are completely worried about the wrong things. Twitter vowing to censor less while providing a pay service that incentivizes them to treat you as a real customer is a tiny step in the right direction.

>> No.6361452

So then Twitter really will be kill. No point in having an account and following people for censored art.

>> No.6361455

Time for Mastodon to finally shine.

>> No.6361456

Seems like a good time for me to finally make a tweeter since all the kids are leaving.

>> No.6361457

There is a current lost generation who don't know how bad the internet has become because that is all they have ever known. I don't think banks and corporations have ever had this much power at any point in history. We are at a point now where even the people who provide the ground infrastructure of the internet are playing politics. Old/current twitter is one of the things that needs to be purged if the internet needs to survive even in the free state we know today. Allowing anybody to get the same service at an affordable price is a big step in the right direction. If they then also stop sucking up to influencers and advertisers twitter would be on its way to recovery but that is not going to happen.

>> No.6361458

What payment processors do you think Twitter will be using? Because if they use PayPal or credit cards all the same problems are still around.

>> No.6361460

>Twitter vowing to censor less while providing a pay service that incentivizes them to treat you as a real customer is a tiny step in the right direction.
And the sole reason it won't work is because >>6361397
People just want a free space where they're bothered as little as possible, it's not asking much. Advertising sucks but is not the devil you know.

>> No.6361462

There are a ton of different payment processors. Can't you just use a different one to sell art? Just find a top 25 list of payment processors for inspiration.

>> No.6361464

The other reason it won’t work is that to pay you still will have to go through the same banks and payment processors that has every website by the balls.

>> No.6361467

No I mean Twitter itself. If people are paying subscription fees the banks and PayPal will want to moderate the content on the site that’s using it much more heavily.

>> No.6361468

that's what I'm saying. I don't mind paying $8 per month if it exposes me to people who have money.

>> No.6361469
File: 26 KB, 600x469, 13771087352158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With enough notoriety, webhosts and essential backend services like Cloudflare may be forced to stop protecting you from DDOS gangs.

>> No.6361473

Then Elon can just pick a different processor if he wants to allow porn. Besides Elon was fired/kicked out from PayPal so I don't think he is particular fond of its current leadership.

>> No.6361477

Opting for not allowing credit card payments will definitely drive people away from the platform. People will not sign up for an entirely new payment processor just to pay Twitter $8 a month.

Even if he goes the crypto route most people are not going to go for it.

>> No.6361481

Honestly it is pretty shitty when there has been made a precedent for stop protecting someone from DDOS just for political reasons. It is like a blueprint corporations and governments can now use to target anyone since it has already been established that it is fine to do.

>> No.6361482

I can see him doing some stupid shit like only accepting payment in crypto actually

>> No.6361483

That’s what pornhub has to to kek

>> No.6361484

Social media addiction is real. I've seen too many kids going through all the stages of denial over there, it's insane Iike just log off bro

>> No.6361485

>Opting for not allowing credit card payments will definitely drive people away from the platform.
Not if you give them other options.

This line of thought that it is bad for business not to stick to the status quo is how we got into this mess in the first place. There need to be a constant evolution or big corps will form monopolies.

>> No.6361491

This isn't real, is it? I can't find the actual post anywhere.

>> No.6361495

Like crypto or direct bank transfer? Neither of those are great options but it sorta works for pornhub I guess.

The problem is people are lazy especially for something like a Twitter subscription that most people don’t want to pay for anyway. It’s just not worth the hassle.

>> No.6361497


>> No.6361498


>> No.6361499
File: 753 KB, 828x1706, 7A182785-EA5B-4B31-BA83-A97CED19E3C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s real. I just looked at it on the Apple App Store.

>> No.6361511

>People just want a free space where they're bothered as little as possible
Twitter is/would be that space if it keeps up its promise of censoring less, and changing the culture in such a way that people mute rather than report. Twitter is still free. This fee is for a badge and prioritized posting, something that already happens *everywhere*, we just don't know the algorithm behind them.
Which system do you think is more open, your posts being de-prioritized by a shadow cabal of political activists and government agencies, or your posts being prioritized because you pay 8 bucks a month?

>> No.6361519

I'm glad the farms is back up again at despite the entire world trying to deplatform them, Null is truly a one man army

>> No.6361520

Still at the whim of advertisers banks and payment processors. Even more so with a subscription service.

>> No.6361522

Null may be a faggot but the iNTERNET needs more people like him.

>> No.6361523
File: 87 KB, 1068x720, 764531807140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are too invested in Twitter. At most some people (read: normalfags, potential followers/customers) will branch on Mastodon because its kinda similar, but outside of that where the fuck do you actually want to move?
>facebook is a relic of the past, zuccy is doing everything in his power to destroy it
>tumblr is too art-centric, not enough normalfags
>literally who the fuck even remembers newgrounds
>you can't move to Insta because everyone is already on it and using it along with Twitter
>tiktok is going to get banned in every civilized country due to it being actual chinese spyware
Calm down. Nothing regarding social media will change in the foreseeable future.

>> No.6361533

>People are too invested in Twitter.
No shit? It’s the best platform used for art. Any other platform is dead, extremely niche, or has too many restrictive rules to be usable. Mentioning mastodon doesn’t help, shit is too niche.

>> No.6361545

>Because if they use PayPal or credit cards all the same problems are still around.
First, this isn't going to happen because Twitter is too big.
Second, these same banks financed Elon's purchase of Twitter. They're already a part of this, and they're not going to screw themselves.
Third, if push comes to shove, you have to remember Musk literally started Paypal. He can start another service. Twitter can be its own processor. It can even start its own bank. In fact, this has to be the endgame for Elon's "X" project.
Ignore the personality, the things said publicly, and the media. It's all petty games and showmanship. Elon isn't buying Twitter because social media is profitable.

>> No.6361546

I don’t get people saying tumblr
tumblr is shit tier for interaction, shit tier for favourites and browsing (this goes for twitter too, though), and bans porn, which is what 80% of twitter art is

>> No.6361549

Newgrounds is 70 percent porn

>> No.6361551

elon wasn’t buying twitter period, he got sued into doing, it was a scam like he did with crypto to pump and dump and the hyperloop to get the metro project canceled

>> No.6361555

>Still at the whim of advertisers banks and payment processors
Who are in turn at the whims of regulations from a government that may be seeing a sea change soon. I'm not getting political here, just pointing out that certain people are making big bets based on this.
If you think it's the other way around, remember that a single state legislature was enough to cause chaos for one of the largest corporations on Earth.

>> No.6361558

>banks are at the whim of the government
lmao, even
are you 10?

>> No.6361567

Yeah and PayPal agreed to let porn on Patreon but has been slowly and consistently tightening that noose on allowed content and that platform doesn’t even require advertiser revenue for this business model. With advertiser revenue needed on the platform this makes Twitter even more vulnerable to their whims.

>> No.6361575

Banks are allowed to deny working with any business even if they are completely legal. If this were to change though it would be a great thing but the entire porn industry wasn’t even enough to change that and they have a lot more money to throw around than Twitter does.

>> No.6361576

>With advertiser revenue needed on the platform this makes Twitter even more vulnerable to their whims.
Which is why Twitter is starting a subscription.
If you believe what you said, what makes Twitter in a weaker position than any other service?

>> No.6361577

>Yeah and PayPal agreed to let porn on Patreon but has been slowly and consistently tightening that noose on allowed content and that platform doesn’t even require advertiser revenue for this business model
The ONLY thing that got restricted is loli/shota/gore and if you are an artist who draws any of that shit I literally don't care if you get fucked by big tech

>> No.6361578

>If this were to change though it would be a great thing but the entire porn industry wasn’t even enough to change that
People buy porn with credit card all the time. Again, why do you guys think Twitter would be in a worse-off position?

>> No.6361579

Nta but this isn’t true even hypno shit is getting taken down these days.

>> No.6361580

very based

>> No.6361583

A subscription service would not cover the revenue needed to keep Twitter profitable. Currently it’s in the red even with advertisers which is why they are starting a subscription. They will not be able to rely on subscriptions alone especially with the amount of people leaving the platform right now.

Take a look at Pornhub can’t pay for a subscription there with credit cards. It’s crypto or direct bank transfer only.

I wish this were true but I got in trouble for BDSM content as it was considered “non-consensual”.

>> No.6361595

The people eager for tumblr are people who originate from tumblr. Theyre probably still bitter about the exodus from it in the first place but that place is a relic and an objectively bad platform for the modern age. Comment system is shit, searching for posts is shit, blog customization in browser is too flexible and not navigable half the time, follower counts are hidden, and of course porn will never be allowed back, all of which turns normies away. Noticing a lot of people are too young to remember just how hated tumblr was too. The reason twitter is so resented is because it's the spiritual successor to that self righteous activist cesspool. Pulling up old "receipts" to call someone out started on tumblr. Now those same obnoxious people everyone hates are the ones running back to tumblr.

>> No.6361603

Do you even have a twitter account? Twitter blue isn't new, it's just going up in price and adding some new features. It was launched in 2021 and basically just gave you the ability to organize bookmarks by folders for $4.99

>> No.6361604

non-con of any variety is banned so hard you can’t have people having sex while roleplaying, drugged, hypnotised, magically attracted, under effect of love potions etc
any non-pc shit like white dominant raceplay is also a no-no while bbc flies

>> No.6361606

Even consensual stuff gets banned if it's too extreme like belly stretching or gaping and what not. Patreon barely tolerates it. Their policy is to not look for it but if it gets reported you're suspended

>> No.6361608

I'm just waiting for a better solution. Seriously fuck tumblr, new accounts are shadowbanned for who knows how long my arts still not showing up in their tags.

>> No.6361612

They're permanently shadowbanned retard. They allow ***SOME*** nudity. NSFW stuff as a class is still banned and whole swathes of tags mark your posts for shadowbanning. The CEO even said NSFW is not allowed. The nudity is for fags and queers to post their gross bodies or some shit, not for porn or anything remotely sexual

>> No.6361614

>>tumblr is too art-centric, not enough normalfags
I really wish for a massive exodus back to Tumblr, but you're right. Only drawfags get exited about the prospects of returning to Tumblr. Regular consumer NPCs probably don't even want to go anywhere

>> No.6361617

Even size difference like short stacks or different furry species gets flagged.

>> No.6361620

For all the pornfags, why don't you guys just make an onlyfans but for your art? if patreon is really that much of a hassle to deal with

>> No.6361623

onlyfans is literally a worse version of twitter as far as UI and functionality is concerned.

>> No.6361626

But I'm not posting nsfw. I just made my account yesterday.

>> No.6361648

Just so you know, baraag and pawoo are blocked from federating with the rest of the Mastodon instances due to them allowing loli and shota. Therefore, you won't be able to connect with anyone that isn't using those instances.

>> No.6361653

>I can't think of anyone that would pay for a subscription fee for social media otherwise.
Tons of people pay for Discord Nitro and pay for boosts for their favorite servers. There are a lot of rich idiots out there.

>> No.6361672
File: 38 KB, 778x583, luffythumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I've been thinking. People are jumping ship over a fire they've lit themselves. This checkmark could do great things as long as decent artists are patient enough to see it through. Plus the normie exposure sort of locks us to the site to begin with.

Jump to Tumblr if you want, but prepare to be fandom-locked to have any shot at growth.
Jump to Newgrounds if you want, but you'll be surrounded by 30-somethings that still get off to zone-toons and metal gear awesome.
Deviantart has been the walmart fetish store of artists for years, and it would take an unprecedented shift for that perception to change. Plus no way normies are moving over there.
Sites like pixiv, artstation, and itaku are nice, but again they don't have the exposure and are better suited for portfolio displays anyway. That purpose won't change.

Twitter is the best place for growth, and it will stay that way. Don't let artist neuroticism scare any of you.

>> No.6361701

>People thinking tumblr is ever going to come back and its a good alternative to twitter.
Laughable. Moving to tumblr is the quickest way to lose most of your already tiny audience. There are many better alternatives:
>inb4 reddit. Your just trying to get exposure, not talk about keks.

I really don't see a problem.
>But they're pushing a paid service
Okay? Just don't buy it and keep posting.
>B-but the algorithm
The algorithm already shit on you, so nothing will change. If your not gitting gud, you were never going to make it anyway.

>> No.6361738

did you just de-frost today? they brought nsfw back a few weeks ago brother

>> No.6361739

you must be ignoring everyone panicking that gitting gud might not be enough anymore without paying for the service

>> No.6361742

What an absolute cunt. I was a bit of an Elon fanboy up until I realized he's going to effectively shadowban users who don't pay by manipulating the algorythm. And he has the audacity to say he's bringing free speech back. I know old twitter was shit but at least everyone was on the same playing field but now it will be 2 tiered with unpaid accounts not appearing on anyones timeline. That's the polar opposite of free speech

>> No.6361745
File: 251 KB, 686x1214, 1636681382135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: do any of you even know someone with a checkmark, or do any of you even HAVE a checkmark

>> No.6361750

Nah the algorithm didn't before. I was able to get over 10k without too much effort but now if you don't pay they will shadowban you and it will be much harder to grow a following. Fuck this shit. I rely almost completely on twitter to find work

>> No.6361755
File: 54 KB, 828x808, 1646396492636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont use twitter

>> No.6361757

i want a burrito now but i'm trying to lose 12 pounds, thanks ;_;

>> No.6361763

Crypto. Would actually be a good use for it finally.

>> No.6361764

Except that's wrong retard. Twitter blue users get prioritized, that doesn't mean you're shadowbanned that means paid users get tweets placed above yours. It's how literally every single ad platform works

>> No.6361768

Onlyfans needs twitter as funnel

>> No.6361774

You're arguing semantics. It's like shadowbanning lite, it still supresses those who don't pay up. Why would anyone support this shit?

>> No.6361778

You have no idea what shadowbanning is. For someone like you, nothing will change at all. Your posts are not suppressed, they're not removed, you're just as unknown and at the bottom of the list as you always were. The only real change is that you can sort of get higher visibility by paying for Twitter Blue

>> No.6361784

Explain how is that any different

>> No.6361788

Very very naive to believe things remain as they are forever. People don't like change but change happens, and this is likely the time that twitter leads the path to Facebook and eventually MySpace.

>> No.6361789

>For someone like you, nothing will change at all.
No it will. When I post art now the algorithm with favor and artist who paid up over me when choosing what to display on people's home page. This is creating a 2 tier system. What about this do you not understand? This will affect everyone.

>> No.6361814
File: 276 KB, 500x381, IMG_9328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For eight dollars a month can you imagine how much bullshit crypto and pharma scammers we are going to get. It used to cost like 10k for a scammer to get a verified twitter account and now it's $8. What a joke.

>> No.6361818

Trust me, SEAmonkey, it won't affect you at all. It only affects artists who can already pay for the boost. Social media following distributions follow an exponential curve, the top 5% or so get all the followers and visibility and people like you get next to none and those are the people who get boosted since the foundation of every product ranking algorithm is interactions, whether that's likes, replies, or average time viewed. Someone like you who's at the bottom will remain at the bottom regardless of whether or not you're paying for twitter blue.

>> No.6361819

i don't know anything about this issue, can you elaborate? What scammers?

>> No.6361820

You must be completely retarded. Good artists will now be suppressed if they don't pay that $8.

>> No.6361825

I've seen screencaps on twitter of people impersonating elon musk with the checkmark. Are these just memes or is it possible to do this? I assumed there was some manual verification process with a scan of your ID like paypal those.

>> No.6361829

Why do you come here to crab? I'm not going to get into a shit flinging contest with you.
Are you an Elon fanboy? To be honest I am too, regarding his spacex and tesla endeavors. But this twitter algorithm shit is bad news for everyone. The same good artist who before would have found an audience will now have less of a chance by being put to the back of the queue behind those who paid.

>> No.6361830

Watch him try to argue with you that if you're a good artist why not just cough up the $8/month goy?

>> No.6361832

Scammers used to pay hackers for verified accounts to promote their scams to a wider audience which used to cost a decent amount considering it wasn't something anyone could get. Now you can just pay $8, yourself get verified, and then mass promote your shitty crypto pump and dump or erection pills and get promoted over any free users. Even if the account gets banned the fact it only costs $8 is worth it.

>> No.6361835

Amazing how once you remove a certain (((group))) of individuals, suddenly all problems go away.

>> No.6361837

I wonder if people still have to send in proof of id in order to get verified, even with the 8 dollar thing

>> No.6361840

Don't kid yourself. Nips don't want your gaijin bad influence on their platform.

>> No.6361850

Verifying yourself as just "some guy" and then selling the verified account will be stupidly easy for anyone in India or China to do. You think they are going to keep track of the millionth Li Wei on the site?

Unless you actually have to be a celebrity or something in which case this whole thing is literally a pointless cash grab that we can't even make use of.

>> No.6361867

>Unless you actually have to be a celebrity
Clearly not. The whole point of the subscription is
>you can be like your favorite e-celebs and politicians now
it makes the checkmark meaningless and takes away it's actual function which is verification. It hasn't really meant much for a long while but now it's completely pointless.

>> No.6361872

Exactly why scamming is going to become stupid easy and dirt cheap on twitter.

>> No.6361874
File: 209 KB, 1038x539, Dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what Elon does, I am not moving to Tumblr.

>> No.6361880


>> No.6361881

Working as intended.
Pawoo is also the largest Mastodon instance, so you're not missing out. The rest of Mastodon is.

>> No.6361903

Instagram is full of the same garbage as on Reddit & Twitter. That place is DeviantArt 2.0 minus the asshole art community.

>> No.6361920

>Good artists will now be suppressed if they don't pay that $8.
Wait, that means the perma/beg/s complaining about not getting any followers with their /beg/ shit can actually gain a following? No wonder there are shills here. Tableguy gonna use this, kek.

>> No.6361925

>fire half your staff and make the other half work double time
>advertisers start pulling out over fear of the site becoming /pol/
>make users pay $8/mo for a blue checkmark that few people have and even fewer would pay for

elon is pants on head retarded.
my only working theory is he's butthurt his bluff got called and he was forced to buy twitter. now he's trying to destroy it as quickly as possible as revenge.

i'm just going to network myself through discord servers.

>> No.6361937

can you post nsfw on there or is that sill dead?

>> No.6361941
File: 373 KB, 595x842, no-ghost-just-a-shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust not in ticket-taking billionaires. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, they aren’t on your side. An evil that is more efficient is still evil.

>> No.6361948

I'm convinced that all the niggers who try to shill /ic/ friends over to fucking TUMBLR are doing a psyop to eliminate their competitors

>> No.6361949

i wish (((pol))) would go back to its containment board

>> No.6361959

yes, please label all dissidents as poltards and shut them up. They're roaches and need to be exterminated.

>> No.6361960

i haven't noticed a difference
so long as i can post porn and get commissions i'm happy

>> No.6361961

Xvideos red is better than this twitter blue checkmark bullshit.
This would have been a lot better if they just made an new checkmark, like "twitter gold" you pay 8 dollars a month to have a yellow shiny checkmark on your profile.
>no ads
>blue shiny checkmark.
That would be enough already. People would still have the blue checkmark, everyone is happy, no one is spreaking their asses.
Elon Must is retarted, thank god i do not use twitter, thank god i drawn for my family and myself. i want to die on this board.
FUck you if you point out any grammar mistake, i do not care you faggot.

>> No.6361965

>Golden shiny checkmark

>> No.6361967

i mean, you're not wrong.

>> No.6361969

Would make more sense to advertise the blue checkmark for normal users then "reveal" the big golden checkmark for actual celebrities again.
Gets rid of self important literally whos with blues, and you still maintain some semblance of seriousness rather than monetizing twitter's version of a forum signature.

>> No.6361984

i did never used twitter, now that people need to pay else they are shadowbanned i will certainly never use it. I was thiking in making an account and posting my art since 10 USD is gold where i live at.
Just think about non-americans artists, dollars are not cheap for third world countries, they will have to change plataform. That sucks.

>> No.6361990

>tumblr being extremely slow now
>404 not found
holy shit the migration is real kek

>> No.6361999
File: 4 KB, 243x207, 1664961295864224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries checking my tumblr after this comment
>Starts running slow for me

>> No.6362005
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1667129320499628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol

>> No.6362008

This is actually a great idea & I will be buying twitter blue.

>> No.6362010
File: 18 KB, 1052x634, Godabandonedus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6362014

Enjoy being surrounded by crypto grifters and being ostracized by the art community at large.

>> No.6362074

You mean the tranny PC ess yey dubya part of it? Good riddance.

>> No.6362082
File: 200 KB, 361x363, 1599581100007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2012 tumblr

>> No.6362118

That part, and just about every other part ranging from centrist to schizo. Your reputation will be stained in the same way as the artists who sold NFTs.

>> No.6362205

Based danfag

>> No.6362234

Tumblr still don't accept r18 art despite what their new marketing strategy says.
Newgrounds idk much but from what I heard: if you don't do animation or games; tough luck.
Deviantart is dead last I heard
Mastodon is down right unusable due its shit interface
Pixiv don't want your uncensored western porn
Instagram is just plain shit

>> No.6362257

>priority ranking for quality content
this is literally upvotes. what makes 4chan so great is that every comment stands for itself and its up to you to decide if its good or not

>> No.6362287

none of this would ever have been necessary if it weren't for cheating kikes and chinks that would try to game the algorithm in order to get their low quality shit on top. when something was low quality, it was immediately bitched out by the community with super sleuths that would discover the way they cheated was by mis-categorizing more niche genres and/or used sock puppets to boost their favs/likes. then the person's reputation would be driven to the ground, rightfully.

the community used to gatekeep this bullshit. now it's everywhere and we allowed big corps to change the algorithm to their desire and any idiot can charge a cancel campaign over something benign and not art-related like being racist or transphobic.

>> No.6362297

Or maybe you're just a insufferable faggot Elon, ever thought of that?

>> No.6362303

no matter if elon is a faggot or not there is with no doubt a phenomena where a bunch of troons keep screeching to advertiser and businesses till they get everyone they don't like deplatformed, so he is absolutely right in calling that shit out

>> No.6362304

>I can't think of anyone that would pay for a subscription fee for social media otherwise
I pay subs to watch anime girls draw things on twitch.
There's worse ways to spend your money.

>> No.6362306

>what makes 4chan great is

>> No.6362308

I haven't heard a single person from the conservative side be pissed about this except for the warmongers who want to keep lying about interventions overseas. To me, every complaint might as well be from a troon so I dismiss them.

>> No.6362311

How come no one have tried to make a proper art gallery/Social media site if all other options are shit?

>> No.6362314


>> No.6362316

Do you have to mark gore as nsfw on twitter?

>> No.6362317

There have been a number of DA clones but never really took off

>> No.6362323

There's a ton, but the problem is what people want is an audience, and artist only websites don't have the same huge audience that normalfag websites like twitter or tumblr have.

If you want an audience you don't go to an artists' website, you go to the normalfag one.

>> No.6362330
File: 21 KB, 598x274, Screenshot 2022-11-06 at 21-44-01 Super Mario on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the low price of 8 bucks a month you can Impersonate any one and have your tweets bumped to the top
They really didn't think this one though.

>> No.6362354
File: 1.85 MB, 640x480, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362366

>They really didn't think this one though.
Just wait. Why even make any claims? Why are people so eager to predict? Just wait and see. The end is beautiful.

>> No.6362383

There is probably more than one person on Earth named the same as some celebrity. The @ will be the ID.

>> No.6362390
File: 97 KB, 738x406, Screenshot from 2022-11-06 19-16-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362413

too late, it's already over


>> No.6362425


Glad he took over, hopefully that stops faggot trends from showing so much. Keep the libs on tiktok were they belong

>> No.6362427

im not watching that. summarize it please.

>> No.6362428

>this video is longer than 60s. i'm not watching it

>> No.6362438

god he's such an insufferable faggot. can you post a normal video instead of something narrated by this unfunny kike?

>> No.6362451

Share with us the content you watch and are not made by "insufferable kike" please.

>> No.6362460

you're an insufferable faggot too but i still read your post.

>> No.6362462

(You)s are upvotes here

>> No.6362464

i see your mentality. "I am gonna act like a faggot (redditor) and compare 4chan to reddit and i'll get a lot of (you)s so fucking funny lolol" It is not gonna work this time, rat.

>> No.6362469

get a job zoomer trash. i don't watch youtube or twitch all day exactly because of fags like him.

>> No.6362470

All twitter has to do is ban porn and the world will finally heal

>> No.6362473

I'm watching another video. I don't want to pause it for your video. My video is better. If you want me to get your message, you better summarize it, bud.

>> No.6362477

I asked what content you wich content you use to entertain yourself. content does not mean Youtube or Twitch.
Wha content is not insuffureable to you?

>> No.6362486

>taking anything a youtuber says seriously

As if you all already aren't shadowbanned in some way or another or simply weren't worth paying attention to. Musk is shit, prior owners were shit, only difference now is that blue checkmark niggers have to pay 8 dollars a month to keep their gold stars by their usernames and now you can buy into it too.
Keep on screaming though all this salt is still funny to see.

>> No.6362494

i draw, look at good art/my art books and i occasionally come on to this shit hole. youtube and other shit like that is a waste of time unless it's for information.

>> No.6362497

Where do you find these art? I am addicted to this kind of content. i waste way too many time with it, masturbating etc. you know.
I want to stop but at the same time i don't.
>Which books?
>Which art?
>Do you post your art?

>> No.6362504

I'm going to sleep. Also fuck you.

>> No.6362557

I kind of want to twitter to ban porn just to see the pure chaos that follows. There's really no other social media site for artists to post completely uncensored porn.

I think this would cause people to finally migrate to decentralized social media networks like Mastodon

But Musk will never allow it because he probably has a bunch of porn accounts he's following on a burner account

>> No.6362565

>butthole hehe...piss hehe...dick hehe...
woah great source there anon

>> No.6362602

no they are not. People agreeing with you are upvotes here.

>> No.6362722

artstation, pixiv, and pinterest. ideally the stuff you look at are what helps build your vision and inspire you.

my favorite art books are the huge MGS yoji shinkawa books. lately i enjoy looking through my maquia art book too, since my focus has been on environment backgrounds.

just know all these “””celebrities””” are worthless, fake as fuck narcissists sucking your valuable time on earth and live off your attention.

4chan is my only vice and every time i come back here i can literally feel my art regress due to my visual library being polluted with the garbage posted here, probably drawn by retards like >>6362504

thankfully all i need to do is return to looking at good art for half an hour and i’m back to status quo.

>> No.6362785

For me it’s MySpace

>> No.6362786

god bless shitposters

>> No.6362790

It’s just leftoids mad others get their privileges now. People acting like the price of a coffee is “robbery “. Lmao

>> No.6362793

This, ain’t none of these drama queens gonna leave.
Lmao gtfoutta here

>> No.6362794

Just gonna continue spamming my shit on any site that allows me.

>> No.6362795

>waaa Elon is a big fat meanie! Vote Democrat or democracy is over

>> No.6362800

Lol no

>> No.6362816

Truly the only way to get shit done is by making your own gallery site and use social media as advertisement. How have we fallen so hard from the old days?

>> No.6362822

>artstation, pixiv, and pinterest. ideally the stuff you look at are what helps build your vision and inspire you.
Pinterest? seriously? lol
>my favorite art books are the huge MGS yoji shinkawa books. lately i enjoy looking through my maquia art book too, since my focus has been on environment backgrounds.
I mostly drawn animals. Mostly dogs and birds since they are the animals i like the most to drawn.
>4chan is my only vice and every time i come back here i can literally feel my art regress due to my visual library being polluted with the garbage posted here, probably drawn by retards like you.
I agree, the things drawned on this board+ twitter are utter garbage only made to polute your brain. Again i am not one of those retardets of /ic/. i just draw birds stfu.

You sound really fucking annoying from the way you type. Post your work somewhere and stop bitching "it is only for attention seekers" how can i know if you are really good at art if "i do not post"? The only utility of art is to be seen. If you keep all your art to yourself, you are egoistic and estagnate since there is a limit for self critique.

Also you do not even need to visit this board if it "polutes your visual gallery" Just go /out/ for landscapes.
>no i do not have my drawings posted yet. They need to be scanned and i am not going to leave home and pay the scan. Not today.

>> No.6362834

what exactly is the point of the checkmark? They say "just like the celebrities you know" but what does it actually do besides be a status symbol saying you paid?

>> No.6362836

Nothing. There has and never will be a point to the blue checkmark

>> No.6362837

ok but how is getting more relevant ads a good thing? I didn't even know twitter had ads to be honest. I've never seen it without an adblocker.

these things have to be coded by human beings right? Why are there people who are ok with this garbage?

>> No.6363047

yes pinterest, you double nigger. if you haven’t figured out how to get it to collect great refs and art on it yet, you’re doing it wrong.

>mostly drawn animals
oh a furry. thanks for letting me know early on your post so i don’t need to read the rest of it.

>> No.6363061

Where do we go now? I stopped posting on Instagram because of the Facebook meta shite and moved to twitter now this happens.

(Also another reason I stopped posting on Instagram is because the compression is terrible for art. Twitter let you post higher quality pictures. And my engagement is terrible on Instagram for some reason.)

Are we going back to tumblr???

>> No.6363063

Where do we go now? I stopped posting on Instagram because of the Facebook meta shite and moved to twitter now this happens.

(Also another reason I stopped posting on Instagram is because the compression is terrible for art. Twitter let you post higher quality pictures. And my engagement is terrible on Instagram for some reason.)

>> No.6363086

>But Musk will never allow it because he probably has a bunch of porn accounts he's following on a burner account
It's not about what he wants. The sole reason twitter allows porn in the first place is because Apple gave them special treatment, no other app is allowed this grace. All it takes is some pissed off CEO at apple to revoke those privileges. And by the looks of it very few people are fond of thr guy these days.

>> No.6363092
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Adachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh nooooo, Twitter has changed for the worse!
>Retweets no small artists
>Logs into phone game
Humanity can solve whatever problem it wants but doesn't by their own apathy. Don't blame suits, blame the mirror.

>> No.6363093

Sure is /pol/ in here.

>> No.6363101

>oh a furry.
No, i am not a furry. I like drawing fur, it is relaxing and it is way more interesting than the human face.
Also it is more comfortable than drawing human face, if something is slightly off on the sketch thw whole thing is fucked up.
>i dont't need to read the rest of it.
Can't you read 7 lines of white text? untermenschen xd.

>> No.6363118

>No, i am not a furry. I like drawing fur,
Yeah yeah and fapping to gay porn doesn’t make you gay.

>> No.6363121

it bumps you above every unverified account. It's effectively a pay-to-win system

>> No.6363123

reading a book talking about the nazi ideology does not make you a nazi. faggot.

>> No.6363127

There is a difference between reading and taking action on things you braindead dog fucker.

>> No.6363132

Okay, so if any artist drawn a woman he is now a rapist. Nice logic champ

>> No.6363137

>the mental gymnastics
Not only a brain dead dog fucker, but a delusional one too, kek.

>> No.6363161

Sinc we're clearly going to need a next thread, can we seriously discuss the plan of action this time? The shit flinging is pointless, and whether you're for or against is irrelevant twitter is tanking fast and I would like to be ahead of the game on where the most traffic is.

>> No.6363218

>Stop flooding my notifications with your little Lists. Try hitting the RETWEET button instead of wanking off populars all day so you can have some reverse polarity against the nu algorithm.
This isn't a hard message to relay.

>> No.6363253

Nobody who is smart enough to actually know where to go is going to share that info with a bunch of d/ic/ks

>> No.6363292

>where to go
Why not just go everywhere and see what works out?

>> No.6363630

???? newgrounds is literally one of the prime places for nsfw artists and has been for like 2 decades now.

>> No.6363869

pedos call pedophilia "nsfw" to further normalize it and act like its weird and wrong when they get banned

>> No.6364742

You guys realize anyone with money who is worth talking to won't spend it on fucking Twitter, right?

>> No.6365008

Mastodon is great for shota.