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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 67 KB, 800x800, children-mini-water-dispenser-toy-electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6354420 No.6354420 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6354444

>AI is literaly everywhere
>Mocked and frowned upon in this cesspool for being permabeg
>Ignored in all social media, have barely 5 followers on IG, DA and twitter
>Max upvotes I get on Negritt are 20, my permabeg art threads then gets marooned
>Just a lolcow on discord and everything I post is either memefuel or cringefuel, either ways it gets ignored at the next few hours
>Don't have passion anymore for doing this stuff anymore or motivation, living like an ugly brown ethnicel has taxed my mental and physical strength
>Due to depression I have difficulties swallowing and I have problems remembering stuff as of lately, can't fucking get an appointment to a therapist because fuck the US onions gynocentric economy that hates males for being males and spits in the face of brown males for being ethnic and yet they claim to not be racist

These ain't got to be the years to be an artist, are they?

>> No.6354458
File: 48 KB, 414x1024, 414px-Watercooler_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, this is a water cooler.

>> No.6354489

It's actually the best time to be an artist.

>> No.6354491
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1666865162059928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could relax
Instead i just dont improve and get angry as fuck and i cant even think of anything fun to draw

>> No.6354496

I just draw my fetish and people pay me to draw it for them

>> No.6354510

Yon yon yon yon
Quads quads
>These ain't got to be the years to be an artist, are they?
Maybe. Feels a bit bad when I am wasting my time looking at the internet, and see ai shit flooding everything. But when I'm in my sketchbook, just drawing, listening to music or whatever, it's not so bad at all. Change your internet diet.

>> No.6354622

i keep having too many ideas on what to draw and cant prioritize anything so I dont end up drawing anything

>> No.6354642


>> No.6354643

im so fucking stupid why did nt i think of this before shjkdfh

>> No.6354711

>Barely any art ideas
>When I do have a couple I have to choose between the two
>Choose one and finish it
>Now totally disinterested in the idea I put aside before

>> No.6354739
File: 23 KB, 300x269, 1578447511202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching some autists complain about being a depressed sad fag with zero friends only for them to show up in discord and immediately spill their spaghetti to the point that it is clear that no one likes them is the funniest shit I have seen all week.

>> No.6354856

thats like a tuesday in some art communities but it never gets old

>> No.6354863

Anon you're gonna die

>> No.6354892

I've been falling in and out of love with drawing for the entirety of 2022.
I cannot break this cycle. Help.

>> No.6354933

draw something you still love. You pet? family? friends? food?

>> No.6354974

who the fuck draws their friends and family for fun? Aside from self portraits I've never drawn anything related to my real life.

>> No.6355062
File: 185 KB, 1047x561, Screenshot 2022-11-02 175421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had just watched this when I made that comment.

>> No.6355064
File: 191 KB, 1048x612, Screenshot 2022-11-02 175721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing his friend who has a big head and is a bit claustrophobic(in the train)

>> No.6355068

drawing straight lines digitally pisses me off, especially perfectly horizontal ones, its like my arm cant do it. trying to keep my arm straight slowly drawing buildings and shit makes me physically uncomfortable
i will not use a straight edge or the line tool cause that shit takes the fun out of drawing and is slow
is anyone else like this or was i cursed with mediocre motor skills

>> No.6355071

same, even though I started digital i could never get used to drawing straight lines - even though my practice is clearly evident when drawing traditionally. zooming in a lot and rotating the canvas to a comfortable angle helps though

>> No.6355076

im taking an art class and everybody else works is way better than me.
i know in order to learn, one has to failed alot of times, but still lol

>> No.6355079

I'm taking a shit before work

>> No.6355089

Fool, you're supposed to do that on the clock. I'm not much better. I get my drawing in after work, instead of during. I work from home. Why the fuck am I not taking advantage of that?

>> No.6355099
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>> No.6355133

based and funpilled

>> No.6355137

Annoyed i can't find that vid of him playing on the playground anymore.

>> No.6355162
File: 681 KB, 800x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw exactly what you see
>but also use construction and correct anatomy
>but also stylize and use lines economically

which is it? Don't fucking say "all 3".

>> No.6355166

Art isn't supposed to be easy.

>> No.6355184

anyone else notice how your feed on social media doesn’t show the artists you follow anymore and just shoves a bunch of goyslop you don’t care about in your face instead? it doesn’t matter how many times i click “don’t show me this” if they allow it… they just introduce the same shit or something else other than the artist i’m following.

it’s happening on instagram, youtube and twitter particularly.

i barely use these anymore cause i’ll just go on artstation or pixiv instead for consistent art feeds. but it seems artists use these platforms as an afterthought and are rarely as active.

extremely annoyed with twitter in particular. i actually found a tab that lets you check off shit you don’t want recommended and took half an hour to try and nuke the list, only to have them all introduced again within a day.


>> No.6355226
File: 340 KB, 602x483, Screenshot-2020-02-25-at-2.16.51-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 3 and stop having autism.

Really it just depends what you're trying to do. If you're doing a fucking realistic life painting then yeah you're not going stylize. If you're trying to draw anime girls you're only going to draw the parts you want, not exactly what you see. "Don't shade with black" is something I hear a lot, but if you're aiming for Mike Mignola esque ink drawings then yeah you're going to being shading almost entirely with black.

Art advice isn't like some universal rule that should be applied to every piece you do. It's more like just theories and ideas that you can use when it suits your desires. I like to think of it like tools in my cabinet I can pull out whenever I want. Some of those tools are more versatile than others like doing construction, but I don't have to use it for every job if I don't need it

>> No.6355641

I want to die as soon as possible.

>> No.6355658

Ive been drawing for a long time but I can't say I learned a single fact like any other kind of profession. I just put lines on paper until I'm happy, I'm still the same person I was 5 years ago.

>> No.6355675

That just means you're retarded.

>> No.6355693

Sometimes after a few months I go back and check in on some female artists I know through twitter. Every time I'm reminded how how neurotic and mentally unhinged so many females are. They love blood gore and death more than any man, half their media tab is the color red. Drawings of men or half-animal men with big psychotic grins while killing and fucking, sometimes at the same time. I guess there's a good reason why chicks dig serial killers and rape fiction.

>> No.6355708
File: 187 KB, 850x1238, 1636404622008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So women are based as fuck basically.

>> No.6355718

How do you work up the nerve to tell your parents to go duck themselves because I’m gay and I want to draw sexy men you fucking bigots I hope you die

>> No.6355721

Have you tried not drawing gay shit im front of your parents?

>> No.6355738


>> No.6356030
File: 472 KB, 2000x2247, __bakura_tsugumomo_drawn_by_hamada_yoshikazu__182c453a0c82b872bfa53b3a1639bb92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously can't draw women. It's like the moment I decide that I'm drawing one my brain siezes up.

I was drawing a pose meant for a female character and it wasn't working out, I decided that maybe I can put the guy in it instead and a few minutes later I had the sketch done...
I have no idea how or why it happens and it's really pissing me off

>> No.6356073
File: 628 KB, 1388x2026, the fall of the mayo race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's not based if women do it

>> No.6356120
File: 398 KB, 947x1728, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ping from discord disrupts me
>spend the next 90 minutes talking to peep about art, show them my stuff, they are impressed
I made nice social gains but as results i didnt finish tonight session and as such i will remain being BEG for longer. Mixed feelings. But talking about art is maybe even more fun than actual drawing. Next time i will have to mute the app.

you dont need theraphist anon. You need a friend and hope. Both are very hard to find. Good luck!
BEGs need to draw exactly what they see even if it feels wrong so they learn to trust their vision and get that eye hand coordination
INTs need to grind the construction so they can draw what doesnt exist entirely from imagination
PROs need to figure out how to convey the most by least amount of strokes to reach the highest peak of the art mountain

Its as simple as that anon. So? Are you beg or more?

Social media are just marketing platforms which allows its products to host their shit there as necessary evil. You arent allowed to look or think anything but what the owners desire you to see and think! You arent the user, you are their product they sell to goverment or advertisement corporations.

Sounds like some deep mumbo jumbo psychological issue. Probably sexuality is in the way. Try drawing old unappealing women. If you have no problem with that then its definitely tied to your sexuality.

>> No.6356177

Lmao tranny

>> No.6356193

I suck at making money

>> No.6356222

>See thread on /i/, with little but shitposting.
>Start drawing in it for fun.
>Practically take over the thread to the point where people think I'm OP.
>Stop drawing for a while to give more people room to contribute
>Thread quality immediately drops to the gutter.
I'm not even trying to brag, that's just what happened. I was shocked how it went down.

>> No.6356233

I finally understood how to render, and it's so fucking easy.
I can't believe I was intimidated by this for such a long time.

>> No.6356333

you just said art advice isnt some universal rule. There are in fact no rules, so there is nothing you can say is true or false when it comes to art. So you know nothing concrete. You didn't learn any more than you would have just scrolling a social media feed.

>> No.6356338

>draw something with a dynamic angle and great composition that doesn't really show all 4 limbs or their full face
>they either love it or think its too low effort
>even though it was extremely hard coming up with the composition

>they just want a full head to toe mugshot with a smug face

holy fuck

>> No.6356364

dafuk? That guy that wanted AI banned wins?

>> No.6356366

I'm not even the guy you replied to, just telling you that you're clearly retarded but are unable to realize this because you are retarded.

>> No.6356373
File: 51 KB, 704x659, 1651144130038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are /beg/ artists all over who can get officially published manga, get to work on music videos and even one that's getting a live action adaptation of their webtoon
>understand it's because something about their work is usually appealing enough or they're really good at one other thing
it's all fine and dandy but I wish I understood how they had the confidence to put subpar work out
perfectionist attitudes and captain obvious critiques have ruined generations of potential artists in the west

>> No.6356500

Have you tried being less gay?

>> No.6356523 [DELETED] 

Feelin' a little homicidal tonight, might kill a jogger or 2.

>> No.6356528
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, covergn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute, bruh.

>> No.6356590

Yeah before I start working on comm I ask do they wanna see fullbody meaning full fucking body from the hair to toes and no cropping or would they like to trust me to come up with it. Never had complaints over it.

>> No.6356658
File: 382 KB, 1600x1815, __sosogu_tsugumomo_drawn_by_hamada_yoshikazu__5a0eb2f763f5e31744a1f563ed48fbce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like some deep mumbo jumbo psychological issue
Maybe, idk man. I like both (anime) men and women.
My issue is trying to draw attractive women.

I'm attracted to women plenty and all kinds of types too, I just can't seem to draw them well at all for some reason...
Meanwhile I can draw men I find attractive really easily

>> No.6356762

I'm too much of a pussy to ask for feedback

>> No.6356782

How long will you be a pussy for?

>> No.6356842
File: 126 KB, 1280x960, KigaKYV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6356955

Fuck you homophobes I’m free to live my truth!

>> No.6357460

There's a big twitter migration right now, where yall going?

>> No.6357463

>There's a big twitter migration right now, where yall going?

>> No.6357476
File: 57 KB, 976x850, BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I was indeed called a trannoid yet again by somebody in this board.
I don't even know what I need to improve or what needs to be changed from my work with critique like this

>> No.6357478
File: 498 KB, 286x457, Bobdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6357926

Why though?

>> No.6358029 [DELETED] 

Lost souls I weep for you. You had no hand to guide you, so you grasp for purchase at whatever crosses your path. Art is a living thing, given breath by tending to the threads that connect us to each other and ultimately to the universal truth. Though you have no hand to lead you to it, there is always a light to follow. Do not lose sight of it. Meek lambs you huddle and bleat loudly to scare away the dark but what good is it if you don't know where you're going? Even your most beautiful work is made stillborn by the compounding sins of your forefathers, who did not heed the warnings and did not lead you by the hand. I direct you now toward the light, will you stray again? Or will you tend to the threads between us that you have so neglected, and breathe life into your art, for the sake of the light, the only true comfort, that lifts us out from the trial we all at first endure?
I weep for you, just a lamb, tasked with such a challenge and condemned by your forbearers to endure it alone.

>> No.6358059

shut the fuck up

>> No.6358068
File: 4 KB, 250x201, 1663933508934224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6358070
File: 189 KB, 418x498, 1645721764035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is overall a CUTE water fountain, but the cups being that big ruin it for me.

I know it's a toy and it has to bee easy to manipulate so the baby doesn't make a mess, but still...

>> No.6358117

Anywhere you arent so probably twitter

>> No.6358124

Um, what? Please explain.

>> No.6358127
File: 998 KB, 500x280, 1643927320769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

Mostly because I do everything BUT drawing. There's always something bothering me, I can't focus or feel at ease, but I really need that to sit down and draw.

>> No.6358144

this is what happens when you're not talented.

>> No.6358281

There's no talent, talent is the thing people call that comes after hard work.

>> No.6358285
File: 3.15 MB, 3308x2332, 1667355615571886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it isn't this bad, right?

>> No.6358287

wtf? backstory?

>> No.6358289

I'm already on Mastodon and Diaspora. I consider my Twitter account as a secondary in terms of posting art. I was thinking about getting a Tumblr though. I think it's good to have my eggs in multiple baskets.

>> No.6358290


>> No.6358293

A post from another anon that raged when they called out for this

>> No.6358347
File: 518 KB, 966x912, 1642126228942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup anons
gonna get into drawing and found a course i want to try, digital art stuff.
it uses photoshop as a default program but only as a suggestion, and i think i want to use CSP despite the new subscription model.

my question is, since i've never really used csp or ps, should i pick one or the other?

the only reason i'd pick csp is 'cause all the artists i follow use it and stand by it. whereas adobe is, well, adobe.

>> No.6358422

An alumni /x/schizo at my art school went full on schizo ranting about satanic pedos and traffickers and how he is a warrior for God and now my campus is online kek. I read his rants online and he is based in some of his posts but he really needs to check his schizophrenia and ego because it's making him go on manic episodes.

>> No.6358436
File: 69 KB, 791x753, 1657290528106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miniatures are cute, but the normal-sized cup ruins the miniature.

>> No.6358446

Your school sounds pretty gay.

>> No.6358464

Are any of you doing /nnn/?
It's getting difficult to draw women for me now...

>> No.6358466

I lost on the first day.

>> No.6358485

Yeah my school is gay but there is actually a police investigation going on so it has become larger. Apparently the guy seems to be on the run and homeless and cops are chasing after him. He visited as part of his mission work and visited our professors to talk about traffickers and told them his parents are part of it and the cops are trying to get him so the professors all tried to tell him to go to the hospital and now he is saying they are all in on it. He has some based beliefs as a fellow /x/anon but he is an actual schizo. He hasn't made threats on social media just vague posts about trying to wake people up, talking about globalhomo great reset and annunaki-tier rants, roasting our school, talking about how he is a genius, and making posts about how he is being gangstalked and how everyone is trying to assassinate him. Kind of ironic that we have had serial killings near campus but it's this incident that makes classes go online, I guess everyone thinks he's going to shoot up the school.

>> No.6358554

i draw 8-10 hours a day and my eyes hurt. any recommendations what should i do on breaks that doesn’t include looking at another screen like my phone?

>> No.6358590
File: 846 KB, 4096x3543, 20220817_063012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do comics, but I've never done any sort of fiction writing in my life and I really have no idea how to start.
I think my art is high enough quality that I'd be satisfied with how it looked visually, but I can't think of a story, character personalities, or even fucking names. I don't know if I'm just inexperienced and if this will get better once I start taking real steps, or if I've commited the sin of living too easily or something so now I have nothing to say. Part of me thinks I've had an overall lack of confidence in myself and even my own thoughts for years now. I can't confidently say I really know anything for real, and that makes it difficult for me to think of a message I want to send without thinking "but what if I'm wrong." I unironically live under the whole "the only thing I know is I don't know anything" mindset and I feel like all my thoughts and feelings are something that could easily change.
I'm not even sure if I've really lived too easily, or if I just downplay everything I experience/everyone exaggerates their own. Like literally the last time I had to go to the Emergency Room I confused the fire fighters because I was trying to make what I was experiencing not seem like a big deal. They basically had to fish it out of me that I wanted to go to the hospital, and then I learned if I didn't go that night I would have probably died.

>> No.6358594

Go for a walk

>> No.6358686

I always wondered if the microplastics are what's increasing all the schizophrenia and Alzheimers lately. I know the rise in serial killers had to do with lead in paint and gasoline but some plastics are now known to break through our blood brain barriers. Anyway the guy sounds based for a schizo set my man free he ain't do nothin

>> No.6358815

Get a comfortable chair, stare out your window and quietly chant to yourself "I'm gonna make it."

>> No.6358928

You fags keep repeating on being where the exposure is, and if you've been paying any attention at all it's a sinking ship whether you agree with it or not. I just want to make sure I'm ahead of the game.

Mast is being shilled hard but I'll be surprised if it takes off. It's not normie friendly and the ui is shit. Tumblr seems to be the temporary fixation but it has to much bad history.

>> No.6358947

keekkk it's like all those celebs that cried about wanting to leave the United States of America after orange man is sworn in

>> No.6358951

Mastodon is filled with pedos and whatever trash that can't make it on twitter
There never was a chance, like with gab

>> No.6358963

>equating leaving a country to logging off a website
Full retard

>> No.6358969

I don't know it could be a conspiracy like the the water, chemtrails, or a consequence of a demoralized or declining society. I'm seriously concerned for him now because he's making vaguely suicidal statements about how his final trick will be to disappear and resurrect and that they will make a movie about him, implying to be a christ figure or martyr. He is eloquent in some of his manifesto writings but clearly schizo because he posted a story trying to prove people are after him by showing his tires claiming they put a bunch of nails in them but in the video it only shows rocks not nails. He says the teachers all want to kidnap and kill him, I honestly hope he will get help before he commits suicide or something but it seems classes aren't online anymore because they have more cops now and there were some private investigators when I went on campus today. Bizarre happenings

>> No.6358980

I'm an oldfag and I remember the hesitancy surrounding facebook because it was widely known as a hookup site, and the twitter creep when it was mostly made fun of as a massive invasion of privacy and a general waste of time. (right before smartphones were getting decent)

Gab never had a chance at mainstream because of how alienating it is, and bird app is torpedoing in the same direction all because a known grifter is in control. Every successful boss will tell you to never discuss politics, religion, or money in the workplace. The car salesman already failed on all 3 fronts so a lot of people are genuinely pissed. Big art accounts are already complaining about not wanting to have to leave. I don't even have an opinion on the guy but I do however give a shit about gaining exposure and it looks like this is not the environment right now.

>> No.6358999

I'm still seething about the gore thread being nuked but the literal pedos are allowed to have rolling generals

>> No.6359048

In my experience the schizos don't really go for suicide. They might accidentally kill themselves in a manic episode not paying attention while doing something dangerous. But it's not likely he'll do it on purpose. Used to live with a guy who had episodes of straight up hallucinations, the bad kind, but no one was worried about him offing himself. The guy just needs supervision and someone to force him to take his meds. Times like these I get pissed we shut down all the asylums and didn't make anything to replace them. Now the wackos just end up under bridges or in jail. Not like they'd get funding anyway but it's a damn shame. Imagine all the cool schizo art we'd get from modern asylum art programs.

>> No.6359083
File: 32 KB, 477x596, 1664961628238875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate soulfood eariler today now im laying in the fetal waiting for the sweet release of death asmy stomach crams and i let of some of the most hellish smelling farts on earth and drift in and out of consciousness because of the ITIS. Damn you smothered chicken and black eyed peas, damn you jerk oxtails cabbage and mac n cheese.

>> No.6359100

no one is migrating to a site that requires a fucking tutorial to sign up. artists especially are complete tech illiterates so they'll just stick to the most convenient normie friendly social network.

>> No.6359112

twitter is not going anywhere as long as the porn is allowed

>> No.6359132
File: 76 KB, 500x316, tumblr_o4rrd5IOaB1v0pigno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't hung out with a single friend since the start of 2020. haven't fucked anyone since then too. barely leave my room, don't really talk to my parents. never message anyone besides one guy i was friends with back at uni, but he lives in another country.

i got on tinder, but i'll never meet up with any of them, when they message i just un-match. not really much point in talking, i live with my parents so there's not much chance in anything happening, i'm just on there for the validation desu.

i don't feel too bad about it though, sure i feel numb, but the prospect of moving forward in my freelance career keeps me satisfied.

>> No.6359151

imo a good place to start is just by doing short stories. i also think fanfiction is unironically not a bad way to practice since you already have established characters and a structure to work around, try writing an episode for a tv show you like. the most important thing is not to get too precious with your ideas. get used to putting a shit idea on the page, running with it as far as you can and refining what's there. a lot of times i find that being able to diagnose what you don't like about something helps you visualize something good.

araki's book also has a lot of good ideas on story planning that might help you.

>> No.6359169

50% of staff who run the site just got fired.

>> No.6359170

this is the best time for some startup to do shit, there has to be some retarded tech zoomer that wants to make money

>> No.6359206

I've been following the entire purchase, they're firing a bunch of people becuase twitter had 7k employees and nobody worked for shit. Some employees were caught saying they worked like 4 hours a week.

>> No.6359214

And that's a good thing!

>> No.6359216

>Op image has a baby
>on 4chan
You’re playing a dangerous game boy

>> No.6359247

This sounds ridiculous but I didn't know how upset sharing my ideas and stories would make me. I'm okay with sharing art with little to no context of my worlds and stories since no one would know the story behind it, but after I shared some pages of my comic I started to become increasingly unbearable. It's as if I invaded strangers into the most personal depths of me, because these stories are the daydreams of a reclusive person. It's as if I stripped myself naked for people I don't know, or as if I lost a part of what made me feel human and it has destroyed the meaning my story had for me. Well, not much I can do except from now on keep my stories to myself. It's dumb to be upset over I am aware of, but I'm still upset by it perhaps because of how personal my ideas were to me since I've always daydreamed about them and kept them to myself. I don't know how to describe this feeling, I wonder if anyone else understands.

>> No.6359250
File: 9 KB, 620x519, 1667347062737138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i've heard Twitter is rabid against anyone that draws anything even remotely suggestive when talking about cartoon children, especially when you tag western shows for a young audience.

As an aspiring social media artist™ that hasn't touched socials for a decade, just how true is this? i definitely want to draw and post random sfw content along western lolis with lewd proportions and suggestive clothing, but nothing more than that! nothing explicit and nothing that implies sex because I'm sort of a pussy honestly.
I have a sinking feeling that the bar is set way higher than that, though.

>> No.6359252

Did it even get a single fucking drawing in it? people want draw threads about things that appeal to them not nodraw generals where people argue about the surrounding meta all day. Should've made a horror general instead.

>> No.6359258

I'm absolutely addicted to Jumbo Jelly beans. They're as sweet as heroin.

>> No.6359262

Welcome to most American companies. You're expected to clock in 9-5 5x a week minimum for work that could be done in like a day. And people still somehow have a problem with fighting for a standard 4-day work week.

>> No.6359264


bro kill yourself un-ironically.

>> No.6359273

I should have gone into coding. It's got to be piss fucking easy outside the funding. All you need is a blog-esque type of site like tumblr with a heavy focus on fandom and content creators with all the tools they need to advertise their shit and bam you have a trendy social media. Literally all you have to do is attract kids and teens and the brand accounts follow the trail. it's what tiktok did

>> No.6359281


>> No.6359293

You might be apprehensive about having the deepest parts of yourself rejected or criticized by outsiders

>> No.6359306

Honestly the only reason I've been learning how to draw nsfw stuff so I can make a living out of it if everything else fails.

>> No.6359313

No, I finally found out why while typing a paragraph on my feelings and can now put it into words but of course I won't post it here. I actually love being criticized and hate compliments because I find them brainless and rejection is something I am accustomed to due to growing up in a harsh culture when it comes to work ethic and ability so I can separate the skill aspect I just don't enjoy strangers reading every single one of my thoughts and mind and being goyslop consumers, thanks though since your reply helped me reach a conclusion

>> No.6359320

Sure whatever, pretty sure I feel the same way as you then if you're describing a
>don't cast your pearls before swine

>> No.6359331

you're a pretentious faggot

>> No.6359336

that's not what I mean. My stories are not deep they are boring and stereotypical, they are literal goyslop as the meaning and value I find in them is because they are mine and mine alone because they are very personal to me and the person I dedicate my comics to. So if anyone reads it outside of the circle, they are just reading goyslop as my comics become that without the personal value and process and enjoying goyslop. I write my comics for that person, so if anyone enjoys my comics then it makes me angry because they like it for no reason, I also do not like that someone is "in" on the world I built for the two of us. The only person who likes it should be me and the person I write it for. I would love to have critics who can tell me how to improve solely from a critical standpoint

>> No.6359352

I've been disinterested in making art and I've realized it's due to my general dislike of my artistic peers. Drawing what I want to draw has brought back my motivation, but I wish I had somewhere to post my non-furfag stuff.

>> No.6359418
File: 592 KB, 1500x2000, 20221102_220325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be open to my family about being an artist.

I love them a lot, and they're always curious about what I do after work. Plus I'd really like to use trad media again like I did when I lived alone...
But most of what I draw is fujo/fudanshi stuff and they'd never accept it.

>> No.6359421
File: 462 KB, 2047x1253, 20221101_143105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top it off with the fact that both my parents have been REALLY pushing me towards marriage which I seriously don't want to do or think about, especially since it's arranged marriages theyre talking about.

I love my family but I wish I lived alone, but that's not really financially viable... Especially when I'm trying real hard to "retire" ASAP

>> No.6359438

shut up normalfag

>> No.6359445

is your potential wife hot?

>> No.6359447

bruh, arranged? incel heaven.

>> No.6359450

I wish I had someone in real life to talk about art stuff with.

>> No.6359461

How do I stop being so fragile about other people's opinions on my art?

>> No.6359465

low test
20 minutes in the sun, 3 sets of bench and 10 eggs cooked with natural butter everyday

>> No.6359467

>Bruhh just touch grass and work out and eat that protayn my mayn
Typical NPC

>> No.6359475


>> No.6359480

This but unironically
Even just eating a little healthier and doing some light running twice a week will make you feel much better in your own skin and more confident

>> No.6359540

Can someone please start a drawing challenge thread, I'm bored as hell.

>> No.6359556
File: 96 KB, 574x561, 1665616052478162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6359563

it works though

>> No.6359612
File: 611 KB, 1425x2000, 7a3b4d0e-4240-4e30-8c30-57a58eb31fbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, a major issue with our culture is that by the time the two meet the marriage is basically already set in stone

Bitches are entitled and crazy, they also cost more money than you can imagine.
I mean multiple generations of extended family putting together money just for the bride's dowry and wedding. And that's besides the general cost of maintaining a family with kids, on top of women being legally entitled to being SAHM if they want to...

I've literally NEVER met anyone in my generation that's married and happy.

>> No.6359662

probably a relationshit meme, but the person I've been with for years is not interested in my art or anything I create. They have it in them to be creative, but decided to pour their energy into the one thing they know they're good at, video games.

I try to act like I don't care, but it disgusts me to see someone just reject artistry in every way and I stopped drawing years ago because I couldn't get the validation I crave nor could inspire their own creativity. Someone just call me a fag and tell me how can I get over myself unironically

>> No.6359667

>the person
nigga u gay

>> No.6359670

ugh fine, i'm a woman and i'm talking about my boyfriend, i was trying to keep it neutral so i could get some real perspective

>> No.6359672

I love this manga so much. Wish I could get me a steppewife, bros...

>> No.6359712

Why do you want them to be interested in your art in the first place? Do you have any interest in his video games?

>decided to pour their energy into the one thing they know they're good at, video games.
They're probably just another addicted victim of FOMO wheels or worse, gacha. Those games will lead you nowhere, only make you into a consumer zombie raging at your teammates because you can't be like that one epic Twitch streamer making tens of thousands every month from subs.

You should create art because you want it to, because you have the drive in you to create something, tell something. Y'know.

>> No.6359742

Yeah, I play with him, not often but more than the zero times he's asked to join me in art or taking me somewhere art related. He's a Smash player. It gets boring being dunked on, but I at least ask him about matchups and asked him if he could teach me how to edgeguard so I stand a chance at winning sometimes.

I have stories and ideas that I've kept in my head for years and I feel like I have so many ideas on the fly. Without an audience, it's meaningless. I don't even want to try if there's no one who can tell me where I stand. Even if he pursued music, I'd want to create in the same space as him while he does his own thing. It goes beyond compliments, I want an artist circle, and it just kills me that he wants to be a Smash consoomer when he has potential talents I want to synergize with. I'm being totally selfish I know, but I want my audience and I want to be inspired by someone.

>> No.6359749

drawing now feels like coding. I write some bullshit garbage code that barely works, then spend the next 4 hours fixing bugs. Translated to drawing its drawing something then spending hours polishing and fixing errors. I want to just draw something once and leave it as that, but it feels like its low effort and people will notice unless I pour hours into it.

>> No.6359791
File: 211 KB, 256x349, 1619574384070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stopped drawing years ago because I couldn't get the validation I crave nor could inspire their own creativity
>Without an audience, it's meaningless. I don't even want to try if there's no one who can tell me where I stand.
You're not even fucking serious about art in the first if you quit because you got no attention from your boyfriend and other people and seeing how you're years deep into a relationship with someone who doesn't even attempt to reciprocate involvement in your hobbies as you do with his you never fucking will. You're not an artist, you're nothing but a codependent little crybaby bullshitter who picks a pencil once every 4-6 months. And there is nothing more pathetic than a woman who gives up her entire identity just to mold her life around some fucking man. Have fun being a nodraw doormat for some gaymer dick bitch, couldn't be me.

>> No.6359797

I do not care one bit about social media or trying to "make it" with followers and HECKIN upvotes. I don't care if I don't make money either. I just like drawing. Why are there seemingly so few people like me around? Why is everyone so intensely part of the rat race instead of just doing things for their own enjoyment?

>> No.6359819

>He's a Smash player.
Ew. I'm so, so sorry.

>> No.6359821

sorry I probably can't help for shit but just want to point out not all women are like that. we're all basically the same just different people. Whether you go for it or not she may be a cool person and appreciates your art, and also might not want kids like you. Most people our generation are willingly opting out of kids.

>> No.6359840

They fact they're into video games and you're seemingly not gave it away anyways

>> No.6359844

>BF is a smashfag
Break up with him

>> No.6359851

Where the fuck would you see them? Just because they aren't posting or promoting their work doesn't mean they're not around. Someone who isn't a ladder climber wouldn't be in places designed for ladder climbers. Or if they are they have 100 followers on some obscure shadowbanned account you'll never find because modern internet users are retards and don't know how to dig.

>> No.6359866

>They have it in them to be creative, but decided to pour their energy into the one thing they know they're good at, video games.
Absolutely tragedy

>> No.6359867

>Addicted to vidya games
Vidya games are fun but competitive vidya is the gayest fucking thing in the world. Explain to me rn why you even like this dude still

>> No.6359869

>smash player boyfriend
>stays in a relationship despite being full of resentment
Why are smash players and people that associate with them so predictably retarded?

>> No.6359870

Last night I dreamed someone loved me, and now I'm alone again

>> No.6359873

start doing sports or something else that gets you outside. Nobody is going to break down your door to meet you

>> No.6360338

>I stopped drawing years ago
>my bf doesn't care about my interest in art
how does this make any sense, bitch what interest

>> No.6360348

>smash player
there's your problem, he's put all his spectrum energy into the ultimate autist game
kill him NOW

>> No.6360356

Not to be harsh but I agree with >>6359791 but to paint things in a more optimistic light, your relationship is going nowhere and you'd be wise to stop wasting each other's time and end it now as it WILL end at some other point anyway. Take it from a femanon who was young and stupid once in a relationship with a man child gaymer, as a woman child gaymer. He deserved better and so did I, yet we still stayed together despite gaining nothing out of the relationship or lifting each other up. When you're on your own you seriously need to work on yourself and beat your addictions and bad habits, they're rotting your brain and keeping you from creating art. You do not need validation to create, you create because it's good for your soul. But getting there is work, like making a habit of going to the gym. Make your good habits and reap the benefits.

>> No.6360373
File: 60 KB, 960x540, tidusbecomesthebuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray to the AI god to come. 3D modelers/sculptors need to be put out of their misery. We're not even artists. We never so much as bring up the word art fundamentals. Asking us to explain what the purpose of character design is like trying to impart wisdom, gained from life experience combined with abstract reflection, on to a toddler. We're just glorified 3d printers and kitbashers that can't draw a circle to save our lives. We can't even touch echorche without falling for med school drop out trolls telling us to stop practicing and study for med school exams instead.


>> No.6360435

I could've been int right now if I had just practiced basics a lot sooner. I've been drawing since 10.

>> No.6360448

My brain turned to mush over the past two years and getting back up is so hard.

>> No.6360461

so much wasted time. In my defense, I have a reason why I want to draw now.

>> No.6360464

I just got an old client telling me to lower my price back to what it was when he first commissioned me because otherwise he would just try to find an "AI artist" to make his shitty fanart, should I lower it? I don't want to but at the same time I'm not really in a position to refuse work

>> No.6360466

Fuck I could've managed some decent animation skills too. But I'm a schizo and retarded.

>> No.6360471

If you aren't lying, no you shouldn't

>> No.6360477

I have never been demoralized from crabs but having to throw out a new page each time I make a bad mistake and redo it all over again is extremely demoralizing. I don't think this is a normal amount for most people to redo this many inked pages

>> No.6360482
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 1619120965436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post original art
50-80 likes
>post fanart
Posting art on instagram is a fucking joke. Will moving to tumblr help me from getting assraped by algorithms that only want influencers?

>> No.6360489

No, every social media besides 4chan is running on that shit

>> No.6360495
File: 215 KB, 80x80, 1649197627791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be stuck here

>> No.6360513
File: 2.50 MB, 1200x1937, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the mistakes so bad you can't use white paint or whiteout?
I don't know if you've watched Manben or seen many original pages before but usually mistakes get fixed like that. You'd have to really fuck up a page before needing to start anew.
Sometimes it's used for doing details against a black background like cobwebs, or removing details for making a picture less busy, too.

>> No.6360514


>> No.6360556

>bideo gaymes
It's better to be single than to be with a manchild, anon.

>> No.6360564

career suicide if you actually agree to that.

>> No.6360575

Have you tried telling him he's a retard for paying for something he can also do for free with no learning curve whatsoever?

>> No.6360591
File: 29 KB, 605x226, image_2022-11-05_223226660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 70 followers
I should have grinded twitter more

>> No.6360657

I would have told him to eat shit and that's coming from someone who desperately needs money.

>> No.6360679

Tell him to find an AI artist and thank him politely for his past support. Don't act like an asshole towards him.

>> No.6360700

Why? It's literally about to be pay-to-play. Once that happens traffic is going to take a nosedive.

>> No.6360702

>It's literally about to be pay-to-play.
>Once that happens
It’s been that way for years. Did you genuinely not know?

>> No.6360704

Now it's a cool low price of 7.99/mo

>> No.6360705

You'll only get payed if you already pay the monthly subscription. And only if you've been subscribed for 6 months or more.
Also this now means more than ever people will be trying to make hot takes to go viral to get money...

>> No.6360799

>It’s been that way for years. Did you genuinely not know?
It wasn't. Good artists got followers, and bad artists didn't. Now, good artists will get buried if they don't suck Elon's cock.

>> No.6360846

>every big artist shit on Elon like it was the season's hottest handbag
>now they have to justify giving him their money on a monthly subscription
It's such a cosmically cruel joke.

>> No.6360851

Elon is a capitalist. You are only a good artist in his eyes if your art can earn you more than 8 US dollars a month.

But seriously. Twitter and other social media like it does provide a service and an audience, both which would take massive effort for the average artist to build on their own. To compare, there is nothing that stops artists from making their own wordpress homepage and start advertising through word of mouth.

At least if you pay them money you can expect to get some service when you need it.

>> No.6360854

You deserve it if you hate a man who hates trannies, named the jew, fired twitter employees, etc. He's reddit tier in some ways but you can't deny him being based.

>> No.6360855

>>now they have to justify giving him their money on a monthly subscription
Most of the ones I follow are already posting alternative accounts on other sites.

>> No.6360860

Absolutely nobody will pay for something they previously had for free… and can still get for free elsewhere. Elon’s just tanking twitter

>> No.6360875

You are paying for exclusivity. For the help to stand above the crowd. To be a bigger fish. If it is free elsewhere then it is not exclusive and you are just the same sized fish as anybody else so you need to yell so much louder.

Those other sites can't give you that exclusivity you need because they are free.

>> No.6360876

twitter is still free though

>> No.6360880

reread with brain checked in.

>> No.6360885

But it is? the $8 gives you a checkmark and some extra tools as far as I know. I can still use youtube even if I don't pay for premium so what's different with twitter?

>> No.6360888

Don't just read posts that reply to other posts alone. Read the post they replied to too if something doesn't make sense.

>> No.6360889

>He's reddit tier in some ways
He's reddit tier in every conceivable way, his idea of the future is an "infinite economy" all run by robots and AI like from shitty 80's pop culture sci-fi.

>> No.6360918

>make time to draw
>don't want to draw
>just stare out the window for 5 hours imagining myself being productive

>> No.6360927
File: 3.48 MB, 1606x1000, 1615160016553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up on making art for a living. How hard would it be to land an online job that pays $100/mo? I'm a good wagie with many skills.

>> No.6360929
File: 11 KB, 329x340, grr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or worse, back to scrolling social media

>> No.6360938
File: 351 KB, 1366x768, 1644117924543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you Anonymous. You are going to make it.

>> No.6360944

spend 3 months learning to code and you can earn more than that. You got to pick the right thing to learn though so do some research first. If that's too hard to do on your own then you don't have what it takes. My guess would be something like Java and mySQL but who knows.

>> No.6360954

shut up if you don't know then bitch bloody

>> No.6360957
File: 2.10 MB, 498x311, 1576510104949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Tumblr still exists, is free and better in almost every way for artists and creative people

>> No.6360962

Thank you!~

>> No.6360969

>still no porn allowed
Tired of this meme, no one is going back to tumblr until porn comes back

>> No.6360971

Inb4 they come out with an off-site spoiler system allowing porn

>> No.6360987

>no porn allowed
Nice, time to make a tumbler is the word?

>> No.6360988

if you're just starting you might as well go with csp
also if you're just starting you should not forget to try some trad pencil and paper, and not to neglect your vilppus

>> No.6360993

If you're a beginner CSP will have pretty much everything you would use in Photoshop. They'll probably even use the same shortcuts. CSP is basically designed to be a rip off of Photoshop and has everything until you go super deep into editing features that you probably wouldn't even be able to figure out a use for.

CSP does lag sometimes though when using huge brushes, and that's kind of ass

>> No.6361003

I'm jealous of artists that draw in one way and stick with it never changing anything. they have a process and its like making a sandwich. Every time I draw its like I'm going on an odyssey rediscovering every single tool and technique. Drawing the same way over and over while trying to improve is an oxymoron. so I guess those good artists are done leveling up and dont need to practice anymore.

>> No.6361010

I want to lick a girl's self harm scars so bad bros

>> No.6361203

go to /soc/ or /r9k/ buddy

>> No.6361222

It's all about execution. Not idea. Remember that!

>> No.6361230

What is a crab?

>> No.6361232

It's not like they were using it for anything meaningful anyway. Mines is a better take.

>> No.6361234

Characters are what anyone should care about at the end of the day.

>> No.6361240

My style has so much nuance! You'll all see!

>> No.6361256

You are so hilariously pathetic anon.
It gets even worse because your bf is a smash player. I assume you probably have autism.

Also, I’ll kill myself before I date a smash player.

>> No.6361267

Thunder only happens when it’s raining

>> No.6361327

>rages incoherently at good advice
There is just no helping some people

>> No.6361330

creatures that lurk moar in the ocean

>> No.6361332

anons my monitor and drawing tablet have completely different colors
should i continue "trusting" my tablet's color?
like colors look absolutely fine on my tablet but on my monitor they are so fucking saturated and im worried everybody else perceives them like that

>> No.6361334

you couldn't be more wrong

>> No.6361337

How? You think you have an original idea?

>> No.6361339

What I mean is that brainless fundie grinding is fucking retarded

>> No.6361341

Well that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about

>> No.6361342
File: 58 KB, 500x421, 14328139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pretty good at drawing, but I haven't been drawing consistently anymore. Cool paintings of epic dragons and space warriors just don't "wow" me as much anymore as when I was a kid, which was how I got into drawing. I found I would rather now create my worlds through stories than disconnected pictures. At the same time I'm scared that I will end up never drawing again even though I don't enjoy the process as much anymore.

>> No.6361352


>> No.6361359

I've come back to /ic/ for 3 days and feel like fucking quitting already but twitter is just going to drag me back into ex tumblr artists crowd because they're the only ones who seem to like my work.
I want a community of artists I can actually not have to worry about misspeaking around but fuck dude, it's hard getting passed the retards and ai trolls

>> No.6361365


>> No.6361366

I didn't I wouldn't be getting into art

>> No.6361367

>obnoxious people are the only ones who like my work
Time to work on your skills.

>> No.6361371


>> No.6361380

I want to, but everytime I ask for critique I get fuck all

>> No.6361390

Anon... It's not other people's fault. That is such a typical narcissistisk art-fag take to blame others for why you don't succeed. - Do self critique. Look at artists you admire and compare your stuff with them and practice reference drawing.

>> No.6361410

I'm not trying to blame other people, but you are right
I need to swallow my pride and confront some shit

>> No.6361461
File: 72 KB, 1200x622, 1200px-Peltorhamphus_novaezeelandiae_(New_Zealand_sole).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's not a very good take anon, tb-h

You don't have to be afraid of having a sole in front of me ya know anon. :>
Picrel a drawing of a sole.

>> No.6361479
File: 93 KB, 750x500, 900x600-dover-sole-noaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sole fish dwells close to the ocean floor and is a bottom feeder, meaning it feeds on crustaceans and shellfish found at the bottom of the sea.
>this kills the crab.jpg

>> No.6361694

I've already tried learning java but I can't retain any of it. Thanks though.

>> No.6361707

>finally decide to make a blog
>twitter is getting fucked

>> No.6361799


>> No.6361842

It's been getting really hard to pick up the pen lately. I've had chronic hives for years now, but they've only gotten worse over time, to the point that nothing really keeps it in check other than immunosuppressants. It's hard to stick any kind of schedule or regimen. It feels almost impossible to focus or relax. Even when I do get relief from symptoms, it's at the cost of immunodeficiency so I'm basically gambling with cancers and such just to feel remotely functional. It stifles everything out so harshly.

All I wanted to do was draw.

>> No.6361873


>> No.6361914

on a blue vein

>> No.6361972

Anon, as someone that has been dealing with chronic skin issues since puberty I know exactly how you feel. I actually had to bite the bullet and go on immunosuppressants last month due to how severe my skin has gotten. Since it seems like you're worried about the long list of side effects (like I was) think of it like this: people with high levels of chronic inflammation already have an increased risk of heart disease and cancer so no matter what you do you'll have to worry about those things. Wouldn't it be better to improve your QOL now and MAYBE get cancer later on instead of constantly being in pain unable to draw and MOST LIKELY developing cancer? I already regret all the months I wasted being worried about the risks while my skin and productivity got progressively worse, so don't make the same mistake like I did.

>> No.6361996
File: 1.95 MB, 2894x4093, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a clothed version but i figure anatomy is more important

>> No.6362023

Thanks anon, you're right. Just been getting whittled down this whole year. Gonna book another appointment with my doc and get stuff sorted.

>> No.6362087
File: 272 KB, 2032x2895, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid shapes/porportions, theres not much to critique without just saying develop your style further
i just pushed the pose a bit more, you could probably do it even further
her right titty would be stretched up the left one would be sagging pretty low but depending on her clothing it wouldnt rlly matter much
id also lengthen the forearm little up so she grabs the pole at the palm and not the knuckle area but im too lazy to fix that now
i personally prefer the head a bit smaller but i kept it cause thats subjective to your style

>> No.6362094

also adjust the neck, apparently i was too lazy to do that too. also id recommend tilting her head a little down so its not just a straight on mugshot at the camera cause i personally find that a bit unnatural

>> No.6362194

I noticed that AI related threads with compelling arguments against AI often get deleted, I know it's not about having multiple AI threads, because there are 3-4 more still up.

>> No.6362200

Stop noticing things

>> No.6362202

That's what the government tells you.

>> No.6362556

Was just forced to squish a little silverfish and it bummed me the fuck out. I like tiny bugs.

>> No.6362566

I also noticed this. For a while I was engaged in those threads, posting high quality, well thought out counters to the AI-fags, But I got tired of seeing the threads getting deleted so shortly after the AI-fags had been thoroughly BTFO. I wanted to savor the salt of thier tears a little longer.

>> No.6362599

I never let them live. They crawl out of the sewer system and want to crawl and drag sewer bacteria all over the place

>> No.6362600
File: 183 KB, 1707x1554, sunday-morning-in-the-4hl-v0-dz9jonp1u4u91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also noticed this. For a while I was engaged in those threads, posting high quality, well thought out counters to the AI-fags, But I got tired of seeing the threads getting deleted so shortly after the AI-fags had been thoroughly BTFO. I wanted to savor the salt of thier tears a little longer.

>> No.6362688

>no arguments
looks like that anon was right :)

>> No.6362693

>spend 20 hours on a drawing I did all in one go
>end up being very happy with it and feel accomplished
>post it in some dumbfuck general to get advice or critique
>0 replies, gets ignored
>try to be hopeful..... not everyone replies all the time
>post it to twitter
I'm not sure how to deal with this. I try to draw what I like what everyone here says but I just get ignored. I don't think I will be ever be able to make a comic or even get one commission like this

>> No.6362699

Calm down, and hurry up. You don't have all the time in the world to dawdle, anon. Get out your Loomis and start studying properly.

>> No.6362706

Post your work nigger

>> No.6362713
File: 1.70 MB, 2508x3541, 1667623473173923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Art Discords good?

I've never taken part in one of these chatroom communities, but I'm curious since I want to meet other artists and get critique from them

>> No.6362720

Entirely dependant of the quality of the server.
Public servers are usually trash.
Private ones can be comfy and good.
All the servers I care about are private ones found through shitty public servers or 4channel

>> No.6362733

I HATE drawing but I will NEVER stop

>> No.6362808

i should have discovered naoki saito sooner. just actual straightforward explanations while also being very good at calling out super specific grievances i have sometimes

>> No.6362813

Link the post and I'll tell you exactly why no one bothered to reply.

>> No.6362960

Those likes don't mean a thing. Zoomers you have to stop, can't you see it's not healthy to obsess over likes?

How can you believe in me if not even *I* believe in me?

>> No.6362978
File: 154 KB, 678x1101, 29e2025d291f339694978393ad6fc2e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past half decade that I spent drawing, my cousin had two kids, moved to another country, and got promoted at her job. With other hobbies and skills you can get a shitload done in five years; you could become fluent in a language, or you could get gud at coding, and so on, but with art it takes literal decades to reach an equivalent level of mastery, and even then the odds of making a living out of it are still dismal.

>> No.6362986

Time wasted having fun drawing, isn't time wasted, but... I know how you feel. My bro got a PHD... I got... good at drawing faces.

>> No.6363071

>Those likes don't mean a thing. Zoomers you have to stop, can't you see it's not healthy to obsess over likes?
Have fun selling that here.
>How can you believe in me if not even *I* believe in me?
They can't, full stop. But what you can do in the meantime is try to return the favor, so that maybe you can pay it forward. What else is there to do? Sit on your hands or use them.

I don't think i could ever recommend art as more than just an avocation, but I'm not sure how much of that is just personal. If you only ever come to the drawing table when you want to, you won't be an art factory, but you likely won't ever put out dispassionate filler either. (And therefore your time's never wasted) And I'd argue your audience's time too, but that's another tangent. All I can say is good luck to those trying to make a job out of it though.

>> No.6363077

Mostly bad, but sometimes okay
>Art servers found on Disboard and in Discord's public search will always be full of normies and turbo /beg/s because they have no filter system
>Sometimes servers get posted here but the majority of them will have like two or three people actually drawing and then be populated by no draws otherwise
>Servers eith friends are always best but you have to have friends first
If you're good enough at drawing occasionally people with DM you server invites on Twitter

>> No.6363141

Nta, I don't use discord but I once got a server invite in my DMs. They required you to fill out a fucking Google docs form with your info first, was that normal? I declined because that shits insane, but if it's common practice then I'll just never bother with discord.

>> No.6363145

And when the time comes and the reaper calls your name it'll all be the same. You're doing what you love, right?

>> No.6363151

Thank you for the taking the time to redline and go over it. I think my bigger heads are a hold over from when I was drawing anime, but I'll give smaller heads a shot.
And thank you again to the anon with the other advice, it's still overall true and I need to stop avoiding my weak points.

>> No.6363160

You're an NPC.

>> No.6363181

>These ain't got to be the years to be an artist, are they?
These are definitely the years to be an artist.

>AI is literaly everywhere
>Ignored in all social media
>lolcow on discord
>brown ethnicel
>get an appointment to a therapist
>they claim to not be racist
Lol at these, fucking retard. You're a ngmi lowskill trashbag, it's got nothing to do with the rest of the world. Kill yourself.

>> No.6363245

angry right now
just annoyed

>> No.6363250


>> No.6363291


>> No.6363297

being fluent in a language and being a code monkey are the equivalent of being low /int/ in art, all of which can be achieved relatively fast.

>> No.6363331

This, I speak 4 languages, have a bachelors, pulled myself out of the gutter twice now and still stack shelves. Life was never easy for me, ever, still suffering from the consequences of being born in the place I was, with the parents I had to this day. Yet I see people who have so much more, live in better places, have health, family and people close to them, easy jobs that pay well, they have it all and yet they have the nerve to come on here with their woe is me sob stories. It pisses me off.

I wanna do art and I'm gonna fucking do art, to hell with your nonce opinions "boohoo you can't live off art" bullshit. Fucking consumer brains.

>> No.6363426

>decide to trace some pictures as a way to ease back into drawing after break
>realize how fucking complicated are the body parts if you want to draw them somewhat realistic
And I'm supposed to learn all that shit? Sooner my mind will break and I go calarts.

>> No.6363439

you can always get a different hobby.

>> No.6363441

I want to make vidya someday and I need art for that.

>> No.6363488

I'm having a mindfuck over how ugly real people are.

>> No.6363489

some are beautiful imo

holy shit I spend so much time on this site to the point I go to bed late because I keep shitposting and have to check if I get (you)s
I'll try to stay away from 4chan tomorrow, at least until I have been productive

>> No.6363495

>some are beautiful imo
Until you try to draw them in any style that isn't photorealistic.
Nose? Sure, a L or dot, but got luck adding nostrils and making it not look weird or try drawing the bridge of the nose.
Necks seem weird as well - sometimes too long and also both too thick and too thin at same time.
Heads are kinda small compared to the rest of the body.
Lips are all red and definitely gay looking on men.
maybe too much anime drawings or something, but shit's uncanny

>> No.6363497

Try drawing them with as little lines as possible anon. You gotta imply the forms with your lines, not contour them, that's how you make people look better through drawing.

>> No.6363501

Isn't that just going anime in most cases?

>> No.6363505

Mass media really spoils people as far as that goes. It not only give the impression that there are more beautiful people than there actually are, but also beats in to people's heads that beauty is the most important thing about a person. I really think people value physical looks way more than is healthy.

>> No.6363516

its so fucking annoying when people say shit like this. no, there's so many other styles that are simplified and if you can't tell the difference between cartooning and giving something form then you need to actually fucking study different styles

>> No.6363543
File: 420 KB, 512x512, WarmHeartedWoodsmanPortrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently had to move for work and it makes me feel like I'm in fucking high-school again. I try to talk to people and they immediately dismiss or ignore me, and I have no comprehension of what I did to warrant these sorts of attitudes. I graduated like 4 years ago and I thought I'd never experience these feelings again. I dread going to work everyday

>> No.6363558

People hate their work, they just want to do the minimal amount of effort, including socializing and small talking. You want people to talk to you find a hobby, not a job.

>> No.6363586
File: 393 KB, 1920x1278, 1666314221316173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself.
Already at it anon, by the way you are not going to get away with it, I will revenge for all the misery and hate you have given to me.

Brace yourselves!

>> No.6363605

You can run into bad work environments anywhere. The solution is to find a better workplace or adapt at the cost of betraying yourself.

>> No.6363726

Nobody cares. Less talk more action, faggot. Disgusting

>> No.6363858

One of the western styles that I can think of that don't make people look like caricatures is the stuff of classic Disney like Alice in Wonderland and older superhero cartoons. The rest just I cannot call attractive.

At one hand we have media telling us that being pretty is most important, at other we have shit like HAES. No moderation, I swear...

>> No.6363864

Get on the tumblr wave fast if you make fanart. They have a better tag system and no algorithm.

>> No.6363865

Alphonse Mucha, JC Leyendecker, and western comics sure.

>> No.6363867

Now I'm at /co/ and I found some stuff at the Middle Eastern European thread.
Hungarians know their shit.

>> No.6363964
File: 465 KB, 1142x1317, 1667394077077938_(1)_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I drew faster. I got so many ideas but all I can manage to produce is half-baked sketches after work...

You guys find working in traditional to be faster? Like I'm considering sketching in digital then inking traditionally. Maybe I'll get more done working like that?

>> No.6364049

Vilppu caught covid. Everyone please pray for his recovery.

>> No.6364059

Stop worrying about critique from this board. The purpose of art for most people is to make people happy in some way, so you want normal people looking at your art and liking it. If the first impression is positive, then the rt did its job. People here will nitpick the stupidest shit while saying with a straight face that you made some kind of grave error, like "the fingers aren't perfectly in ratio to each other" or something no normal human being will notice but a broken autistic freak on 4chan will.
Remember that anatomy can be "good enough", very few human beings draw 100% perfect anatomy, and nobody actually wants to see perfect anatomy. What you want is to learn what the first impression of your art is according to NORMAL PEOPLE, that'll let you know if your anatomy is actually that bad.

>> No.6364086
File: 109 KB, 999x1024, 1664416141763969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for black hair art
>get african american hairstyles of varying colors
>search for dark hair art instead
>get brown hair

>> No.6364088

>You guys find working in traditional to be faster?

>> No.6364090
File: 151 KB, 762x1000, ingres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nono not necessarily! Here a Ingres sketch for example, in which hes doing what im trying to describe. The bottom of the nose is basically an uninterrupted line with nostrils jutting out, the outer form of the nose is barely defined by shadows. Hes using very few lines and faint shadows to invoke form.

>> No.6364092

and what does being fluent in a language give you? The ability to absorb more goyslop? What does having kids do besides maintain the tax payer base for the elites? If you're doing what you like then you are spending your time better than someone who isn't.

>> No.6364438

Ever noticed some Japanese artists which aren't particularly good have like 20k~40k followers Twitter? I feel like the Japanese just follow them because they're also Japanese. But the same wouldn't happen in English. Dunno if that makes sense...

>> No.6364464

post one and i can tell you why you're stupid

>> No.6364558

Let's hope he didn't get the vaccine or otherwise his immune system is already overburdened combating spike protins from what is likely another variant.

>> No.6364676

No, I see most japs who aren't very good only have the couple hundred followers they deserve. Instead, I notice a lot of twitterfags in general have dogshit taste influenced by engagement.

>> No.6364835

>show dad personal work
>ugh why dont you draw realistic
>show dad cast study of david's eye
>literally texts me "uh... is that yin and yang? <laughing face with tears of joy emoji>"

I just want a crumb of parental approval.

>> No.6364934

literally don't bother. unless your dad is an artist himself, then you're not going to get anything satisfactory. you must be happy with your own work.

>showed mom my work at 15, /beg/ emo shit
>tell her I want to be an artist for a living
>"but... you're not very good"
>still drawing 13 years later, not living off of it but now she shows off my work to her coworkers all the time
>coworker stole my art for a phone background
I wish I was joking.

>> No.6365231

I am once again disappointed and disillusioned with humanity's shit taste. People like my shit for no reason when they ignore other people's work which have genuinely better and more interesting or unique concepts because my shit is more generic and has mainstream appeal. My disappointment in immeasurable.

>> No.6365482

I got invited to an art discord after posting something in a public server and it was fucking awful. Second day there and I saw the whole place dogpile some guy who made a barely edgy rape joke because some girl in there started freaking out and saying she was raped and it was triggering her etc.

I left immediately.

>> No.6365721

That's not just a discord thing, it keeps happening any place I go to where there's a chat option. I'm convinced zoomers are just self destructively retarded and carry that attitude with them everywhere, so I stopped using chats. That social hierarchy meme you see sometimes with trannies and women at the top of the pyramid is not just a meme. The only people who willingly stay in that environment are mentally ill by default, it's the only way to tolerate the constant melodrama.

>> No.6366053

Draw your father in his car, jumping across the grand canyon while being chased by your mother on a motorcycle.

>> No.6366075

Yeah this is why I made a new Twitter and started using /ic/ for art instead of there. I'll still post on Twitter but it's not worth having to constantly micro manage my speech.
It's worse cause it feels like they've taken over art social medias sometimes. Anyways, I literally made a discord server today if you want to be around not SJW artists.