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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 828x1102, 19A5FCDA-2C8A-468D-A7DE-8793EF6B3BE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6274312 No.6274312 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any art community that’s safe from ai art?

>> No.6274320


>> No.6274326

Reason is people will game it to post AI art as 100% human made + Websites banning AI art is shooting their own shoes in the long run. It's just a PR/marketing thing if they ban now, they will overrule the ban in the future

>> No.6274334
File: 1.91 MB, 220x164, 1647954164618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274338

animation and 3d is a safe sub-sector for now.

>> No.6274346

I don't think this ban is actually about AI art.
It's about how absurdly obnoxious and pushy AI fanboys are.
All the gloating, trolling, scheming and other ills these guys have done for the past month is well beyond Brony tier. I don't anyone would put up with their nonsense for very long.

>> No.6274349

Why would an art site ever want ai generated images?

>> No.6274355

To stay relevant

>> No.6274372

>make a booru
>make a bot that generates furry prompts with random tag modifiers
>have 100000000000000000000 AI images in your gallery within 24hrs

>> No.6274376

can ai copy art styles?

>> No.6274379

sage ai spam
hide ai spam
report ai spam

>> No.6274384

I would want that computer for me too

>> No.6274395

It can't copy brushstrokes, that's not how any of these noise models are designed to work, but they can replicate sizes and shapes and colors close enough to amount for that

>> No.6274467

I believe everything this Anon said.
Once AI reaches the status of
>it's just a tool like any other
and normies gets to have easy access to it, you will see everyone using AI to create pictures and demanding to not get """"gatekept"""" from the art community.
Also of course to donate to their patreon

>> No.6274531

based furfags

>> No.6274565
File: 149 KB, 653x864, 1663016573538095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, power precedes chaos. These opensource 100m dollar AI models have opened the horizons for a new age of techno terrorism where trannies and pajeets can be anonymously sent infinite videos of their raping followed by death in gruesome and traumatic details that pretty much anyone can make in minutes.

Despite the further arrival of decentralized web-3, my guess is that AI will inevitably lead to a highly moderated internet again due to the high presence of bots usd such generated content sprouting from scattered spaces. "Create the problem, sell the solution"

>> No.6274569


>> No.6274589

>All the gloating, trolling, scheming and other ills these guys have done for the past month is well beyond Brony tier. I don't anyone would put up with their nonsense for very long.
Difference is that bronies were actually into My Little Pony. I don't think any of the obnoxious "AI fanboys" shitting up /ic/ ever cared either about the tech or the art, they just loved attention due to mental illness. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's at least one schizo 4channer who haunts /3/ that was involved.

>> No.6274599

How would they not stay relevant? It would just be a safe haven for non-AI Artists.

>> No.6274608

Artists look up the best artists, best artists start using AI because of their work. Not the first time it happens with different technique/technology

>> No.6274609

I... I..
This made my day-No! A week!
That means Rings of Power can be at least a bit fixed.

>> No.6274612

Imagine the day when even actors get replaced by an AI.

>> No.6274616

Already happening to some extent

>> No.6274637

Oh? In what way? Give me an example.
Only thing I can think of is that Vader thing in Kenobi.

>> No.6274642

Resurrected actors in star wars tv shows and blade runner

>> No.6274646

Fuck me, I totally forgot about deepfakes.Brain fart.

>> No.6274690

why would an art site ever want images?

>> No.6274693

You better erase all your social media before your data is scrapped and turned into an npc for Meta VR world

>> No.6274699


If they're serious about it make it so that every art must come with images or videos of their progress. Everyone have a phone that can take photos and record video.

>> No.6274704

I never uploaded any image or video of me on the internet and my social media doesn't have any post. But security cameras exist so it doesn't matter we will all turn into NPCs one day

>> No.6274723

Lmao, I was literally thinking about your related pic earlier today. We can literally de-wokefy any movie and make fixed versions as we please.

>> No.6274745

If you can so can them though. Imagine a Harry Potter movie but he is trans and Hermione is a fat nigger, and the majority who hates J.K Rowling's terfness refer to watching that movie version instead of hers ever again. Think of the schools that will purposefully niggerfy pics of their classroom to project diversity; people will just erase each other

>> No.6274778

go shit on the streets rajeet

>> No.6274784


>> No.6274788


>> No.6274791

Ok retarded jannie, go do your job here slave

>> No.6274887
File: 59 KB, 750x737, 1663092528570695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how everyone is gawking over how based it will be that you can change the actors of your goyslop movies, but no one paid attention to the very alarming possibility of tailor-made gore videos and a police state.
Really says a lot about our society.

>> No.6274890

So you're saying photos and recordings won't be worth shit in court? Thank fucking God, I'm so done with the surveillance being everywhere

>> No.6274895

Phones still have discerning factors like average frame/pixel rate and the authentication of media that was taken directly from the camera, so cancel culture will still exist for a decade and something

>> No.6274896

>photos and recordings won't be worth shit in court
That will depend on the party with power and money.
You better watch your posts or your face will appear on the crowd of a neo-nazi rally, chud.

>> No.6274897
File: 1.26 MB, 962x962, Sparda_defeating_Satan_a6fe9225-875e-46d8-a66a-78333be76562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's telling that they way you know it's AI is if it's too good

>> No.6274902

Nah deepdream existed since 2014, it will be a while until you cant differentiate a blurry vortex from a brushstroke

>> No.6274903
File: 59 KB, 1024x871, 1590992694755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is objectively the right decision to make, same thing with AI in chess, or AI in speedrunning, both are banned from use in tournaments, and art sites should absolutely do the same.

I never thought I'd say this, but based furfags.

>> No.6274905
File: 48 KB, 220x220, crying-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly the worst part of the whole AI thing for me is that from now on, any piece you make, no matter how impressive it would have been just a few months ago, people (especially normies) are just going to assume you just type in a bit of text and everything is done for you. even if you make a really cool minute long 2d animation that you spend months on, common people have seen what AI image generation can do, no doubt they're going to assume animation is just typing in prompts for a day or two.

artists are going to be known as lazy from now on. my parents and friends are going to see me as a talentless hack. this sucks bros.

>> No.6274906

how do they even tell if it's AI? besides "from the pixels"

>> No.6274908
File: 42 KB, 506x461, 1662960676502873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai hasn't taken 3d moodeling yet
>learm blender
>finally good after over a year of toil
>aaa video game rigged mesh generators arrive

>> No.6274910

This tech showed that the connectionism theory of mind is true. In short: every mental task can be done with a large enough computational network, even if the architecture is very primitive. The network architectures that are churning out these masterpieces are very basic. You could learn how they work in a few days. But they're getting bigger and bigger, and there's no clear limit to how big they could get. It's possible that we will have AIs capable of doing anything and everything in just two to five years. At that point, it's over for humanity. A single person could tell an AI to kill us off and it will do so, because it will be able to do ANYTHING.

My point is this: Stop worrying about AI art. Recognize that you have two to five years of life left, and enjoy it while you can. You and everyone you love is going to die in next 1000 days or so.

>> No.6274913
File: 370 KB, 512x512, 1663139606270039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, Ai speed running is banned from tournaments, but if a company was given the job of finding the fastest possible route in a set of 5 games, there's no way the company would be hiring speed runners to get that job done.

>> No.6274917
File: 69 KB, 720x707, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 3d / blender seriously doomed too? i've been doing tutorials all week, that was going to be my safety net.

>> No.6274918

Sending unaware people videos of their death then having them rope themselves out of desperation sounds like the dumb plot of that Corpse Factory VN

>> No.6274923

it's coming

>> No.6274926

jesus christ that pajeet has the most grating and annoying speech pattern i've ever heard.

>> No.6274927

They don’t have a choice, people will find ways to get it onto the website

>> No.6274928
File: 23 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-09-14T224130.163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You and everyone you love is going to die in next 1000 days or so
It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.

>> No.6274931
File: 187 KB, 680x680, 1663030571353678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vincnt0 3 months ago
>This is so insane, in a couple years we might have virtual worlds with AI assistants who just create objects on our command. Imagine a VR "game" where you can literally create the world and the objects in it just by describing them. What a time to be alive.

>> No.6274935

>You and everyone you love is going to die in next 1000 days or so.
care to elaborate on that?

>> No.6274942

Károly Zsolnai-Fehér is of Hungarian descent

>> No.6274950

What do you mean by "safe?" Its just an annoying thing being desperately pushed by non-artists. The ban is spreading on art sites because its factually not producing your own art. It can only produce either characters with wonky melting proportions or the same dreamscape meshes we've already seen done by AI a decade ago.

>> No.6274961
File: 219 KB, 1000x750, loab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a real artist

>> No.6274964

Anon, look at the pictures in the OP. The eyes are melting off, the mouths have palsy, the ears and shoulders are lopsided, and there are random gaps across the faces and bodies. Crappy AI art is obvious to anyone who is not an insular tech retards like the NFT loonies and pajeets trying to push this as a big thing.

>> No.6274968
File: 434 KB, 512x512, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only trained artists can spot the tells. normal people can't tell the difference at all and actually prefer ai generated art

>> No.6274977

>normal people can't tell the difference at all and actually prefer ai generated art
Do you have a metric for this? Because I usually see that normalfags tend to look at a variety of specific and well-rendered scenarios, and not just the same victorian copies over and over but with deformed sausage hands.

>> No.6274979

That's why everyone here is going to be hired for the AI crime division

>> No.6274983

NTA but... The contest winner picture passed by undetected

>> No.6274994

But how was it won? Was it vote amongst the fair goers and gallery viewers or was just a few select judges?

>> No.6275001

If anything, normalfags are getting pickier and pickier about everything they consume. Youtube channels that review and scrutinize everything are probably a big part of that.
It wasn't undetected. It was a publicity stunt.

>> No.6275006
File: 217 KB, 1000x560, collage_ai_4k_hyperrealistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these are ai?

>> No.6275007

it's only going to get better until we're obsolete. lets face it, it's over, even 3d is fucked, honestly what the fuck is left in life. :(

>> No.6275008

But have yet to see how good or bad the other admissions were in that competition, and in the commemt sections of the news articles there are lots of comments from regular people saying after a few seconds of looking at it the "people" in the painting are featureless blobs.

>> No.6275013

>it's only going to get better
Gonna press x here

>> No.6275015

None, I'm guessing.

>> No.6275017

Bottom left guy. Look at the fucking hands.

>> No.6275020

AI can finally fix shitty woke movies, sorry /ic/bros I'm jumping wagon

>> No.6275025

No way to tell if I can't see the brushstrokes properly. You could confuse someone into thinking top left was a irl photo else due to the same factor

>> No.6275028

None of them have the asymmetrical wonkiness or vaseline look AI usually produces. Plus, AI can't really do small figures in a crowd without them looking like alien mannequins with floating melting heads. They seem like human made art to me.

>> No.6275032
File: 37 KB, 587x304, check your privilege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check your privilege sirs

>> No.6275034

>YAASSS when wearing this AI glasses my niggerball team is finally all white!!

>> No.6275038

Lolibros, we can't keep winning it

>> No.6275043
File: 151 KB, 717x729, Screenshot_20220914-233420-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOK at the background of this fucker's profile. I never saw such a proud and open misanthrope as this pajeet is before in my life. I won't hesitate if I bump into him one day

>> No.6275044

prob weird or experimental stuff but that prob already used AI to some extent already before trying the next thing
>this was done with filters live

>> No.6275045

.......Uh oh........
There's a brand new market in the making

>> No.6275097

Bros I can't wait for my AI live motion goggles that allows me to see naked women to arrive

>> No.6275113

It is the smugness. No one likes a smug talentless retard that pretends to better than an actual skilled person, especially when the risk of not being able to pay bills looms overhead.

Even if you don't upload, other people that know you can. All those group photos, pictures where you're in the backgroud of someone else's shot, too bad because it goes up online.

>he thinks surveillance won't ramp up
>he thinks the government isn't going to try harder to get images of your face to do things with

What if art sites make you upload the original file you made. And then there's this scan that inspects every brushstroke you did in that file and how long it took to make a piece. Then, the file is converted to jpeg and uploaded, with a little icon that verifies it's human made. And the only files it accepts are from certain drawing programs. Does that sound plausible? I'm spitballing but I won't be surprised if some kind of verification system rises up from this chaos.

>> No.6275114
File: 150 KB, 720x1100, 20220915_132513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftw not using his bootleg app makes u pro russia

>> No.6275123

>other people that know you can
I've been living in isolation from the world since I was 14 because of health issues, last photos of mine were medical ones

>> No.6275136
File: 306 KB, 789x793, 2c5aa6e8528d6cf6fce4f44597a52c8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Russia losing the war
>tfw AI taking over art
I don't have any reason left to draw Buhanka chans...

>> No.6275137
File: 48 KB, 512x512, Fb_SBo1X0AUjVg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i drew this. oil on canvas

>> No.6275141

Do you do commissions?

>> No.6275152

>AI generated image
>AI generated post
Did you just reply to a bot? lmaooo

>> No.6275154

Why do you think I'm a bot???

>> No.6275193

What else do you expect from a WEF drone?

>> No.6275241

There was like two judges without any formal art training that picked the winner. They probably didn’t even know what the fuck AI was lol.

>> No.6275625
File: 59 KB, 776x723, 1402750533106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bans AI art because "nooo you didn't make the art yourself"
>still allows endless stream of people reposting commissions they got (despite them not making the art themselves) and ych to the point where the site is unusable because if you browse, every page will be 90% people reposting ych and commissioned drawings
furries are so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.6275628
File: 24 KB, 356x593, --seed_22213640_--uuid_0.08421020616871755_--module_test_furry_3_--large_--tall_--sampler_k_dpm_2_ancestral_character_portraitanthro_cat_wearing_baseball_cap_tone_mapping_high_deta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furry ai art ain't bad anons.

>> No.6275632

Retard this is site for Furries first and for artists second. It's facebook for furries and not a deviantart.

>> No.6275635

>art you didn't make yourself : ok (repost of a drawing/ych)
>art you didn't make yourself : not ok (ai)
yes, defend this logic, bend reality to make it sound normal.

>> No.6275672

deepdream unironically had more soul

>> No.6275682

read the article, frogposter

>> No.6275696

So far AI can just do singular characters in static poses, the boring sort of art.
If we are to be optimistic, then people woukd end up assuming the art like that generated by computer, so only artists making shitty pinups would be in danger.
Other optimistic scenario is AI going committing incest by getting trained on it's own works.

>> No.6275755
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x1536, 1663161342214758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an SD thread on /trash/ if anyone's interested

>> No.6275881

I guess this explains the state of this board

>> No.6276348

yeah fellow chadbro this board is full of losers lets go crush some pussy

>> No.6276425
File: 143 KB, 900x789, #Yeshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai fags are attentionwhoe just like artist but unlike artists they have zero cretive drive and do it purely for the attention its the same fags who virtue sgnal for good boy points
no giving them attention and removing any positive incntive wil thin out like 99% of em leaving behind artists who just wanna incorporate ai art into their workflow to achieve greater heights
its akin to car should be allowed into running marathons and then be celebrated just for being fast rather than achieving said speed by themselves

>> No.6276834
File: 478 KB, 512x512, happy jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spat this out in a few seconds

>> No.6276845

Why would people sell cheap food that makes people fat and ill?

Supply and demand.

If art site ban AI generated images in the long run, and if there's a market for it, then new sites will open and sell AI generated images. Then art sites will lose money to the new sites. Then art sites will either die, or unban and compete.

If I'm a furry addict and I'm proposed 100 images for 1$ vs. 1 image for 50$ (or whatever), and if I can't tell the difference, why would I want to spend 50$?

Go trad, stop doing coom kek

>> No.6276862

Furry addicts pay for artists not art, dumb fuck.

The whole parasocial relationship thing is nit a meme, thats why a sketch from a famous artist can cost 200 but a full render of a unknown can cost 45.

>> No.6276869

>Furry addicts pay for artists not art, dumb fuck.
I doubt there's one kind of customer anon. But eh, what do I know. Let me guess, I said something you didn't wanted to hear, so you get mad at me for it?

For crying out loud, how old are you people.

>> No.6276872

Why would people pay a fortune for a Picasso painting when you can download and print one out for free? AI fags don't seem to understand how markets work.

>> No.6276873

There's are markets for artists' specific styles and capabilities along with the ability to tell an artist "draw these characters in these poses." An AI can't do that since it can't comprehend different styles, forms of lineart, or perspectives.

>> No.6276884

The people who don't pay money for art or interaction aren't going to be the ones who will disrupt the market to begin with.

Normies don't care about this shit because it's already a niche, you won't be losing money from people that never spent it anyway.

>> No.6276999

all of them, I'm guessing.

>> No.6277000

But it's only good for pinups for character art, which may become a new market to fix AI generated images, especially when it comes to hands.

I feel it'll be useful for character design, go have you commissioner roll up a character that's somewhat close and desired adjustments

>> No.6277052

But imagine what other incredible skills you have time to learn now that you don't need to do art anymore. Learn how to cook, go to the gym, learn a new language, the possibilities are endless.

>> No.6277055

Yes, drawing is a skill. Imagine being able to draw without the aid of an AI. Insane.

>> No.6277066

why? oh i can draw a steak instead of cooking one, i can draw a chair instead of having a real one

>> No.6277071

I could fuck your mom instead of saying I could fuck your mom. lol

>> No.6277073

>pay a fortune for a Picasso painting
It's called money laundering shithead
And no, the artist get $0 when their art gets laundered because they'd be dead by then

>> No.6277074

How do you define AI art? Artists are gonna be using this shit for stuff like backgrounds, coloring, touchups, even if they draw everything else themselves. It's not going away. Unless they're specifically catering to a gimmick market then artists will use any shortcuts they have at hand.

>> No.6277085
File: 457 KB, 845x925, 1642257119777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most furry art work is so generic and steeped in autism it might as well be AI generated.

At the core of the issue, it just comes down to creativity. I do know of a few anthro artists that I do like but they break the mold most of the time and have something unique to them. The artists susceptible to this are about equally as generic. Even by the examples in the OP, the images selected pretty much all have the same expression as the furry community at large is drenched in coom.

>> No.6277103

you can fuck your fist, loser

>> No.6277122
File: 226 KB, 1331x1516, 166281032563231082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277136
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1459569982229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very real and I come here to laugh at you.

>> No.6277245
File: 114 KB, 768x448, 1663289207984669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6277288
File: 352 KB, 512x512, 1663137715529393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills and bots can't say nigger and they have to look away from their screens if the word nigger is present

>> No.6277311

now someone make a furaffinity clone that accepts AI images

>> No.6277362

>if we pretend AI doesn't exist it will go away

>> No.6277374

thats what they want you to think.

>> No.6277377
File: 165 KB, 256x256, 4ec69f6d-184b-11ec-bf07-23f3fa442d0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is doing that, since you faggots can't go 5 seconds without your trolling or shilling.

>> No.6277380

>site bans all AI art
>"no one is pretending AI doesn't exist"

>> No.6277392

Rahjeet, you are flooding/spamming/shilling your goyslop everywhere. It has nothing to do with denying it exists and everything to do with your street shitting self

>> No.6277396

AI art getting banned is a good thing. It's not art. It's a soulless product of a machine fueled by the spite of thousands of nerds mad that they didn't get free commissions from porn artists.

>> No.6277398

Imagine becoming obsolete in only a few months after you'd spent years practicing lol

>> No.6277401

AI creates better art than humans do. If AI art is not art, then may as well close the entire site.

>> No.6277405

>AI creates better art than humans do.
No it doesn't.

>> No.6277409

If it doesn't, then artists have nothing to fear, instead of banning AI art left and right and claiming "theft" n shit

>> No.6277411

dumb automated photobasher nigger

>> No.6277413

human tracing good :)
ai tracing bad :(

>> No.6277417

Okay, then, so it all it does is steal different works of art and bashes it together. It getting banned is still a good thing.

>> No.6277419

You're a retard if you thought this was a good post.

>> No.6277429

So I don't know if anyone knows the backstory to this but I'm a furry degenerate so I'll clue everyone in. Basically there was one user who would spam the website with AI generated asses and the mods put this rule in place pretty much because of him.
Also AI art is fucking garbage, even as an art tool, I spent hours yesterday messing with it and couldn't get a good result, even if I were to take the pic into photoshop after to clean up. As far as art tools go you're better off incorporating 3d models into your toolbox for 2d art.

>> No.6277434

>I spent hours yesterday messing with it and couldn't get a good result
Sounds like a you problem. If I'd spent hours and couldn't draw shit I wouldn't be blaming the entire art world

>> No.6277443

you're implying it takes the same amount of practice and study to make ai art as hand drawn art? I haven't seen ai make good artwork that's more than just "oh that's neat" and I haven't seen any artists incorporate ai into their workflow. I don't understand the hype.

>> No.6277448

cope. learn to code before it's too late

>> No.6277451

just wait until AI wipe out coding job too.
learn to farm before its too late fa/g/

>> No.6277452

>I don’t understand the hype
The Indian man thinks it’s a magic idol like rat statue in India who grants wishes.

>> No.6277490

this will be a utopia if they ever automate programming

>> No.6277499

im a programmer learning how to draw
human art will be sough after once programming gets automated
be always a step a head

>> No.6277610
File: 300 KB, 400x400, fake movie poster ai generated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this with AI.

Name one way you could tell it´s not real and is based on neon genesis evangelion image.

>> No.6277615

It's 400x400px' it's blurry as hell and all the details are fucked up.
Doesn't take a art degree to use your eyes

>> No.6277619
File: 416 KB, 512x704, 11619-799663767-bust_shot,_beautiful_female_elf_((long_hair)),_lying_sideways,wet,_sweating,_fat,_obese,_chubby,_thicc,_cheeks_full,_((surrounde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277623
File: 1.03 MB, 512x704, 10059-3599578069-bust_shot,_beautiful_dark_elf_(ombre_long_hair_[braided]),angry_,wearing_reticulated_cybernetic_illithid_mind_flayer_armor,_gasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277625

Nice color banding on the face my friend.
Your prompt also says angry I would run It trough img2img a few more times hoping It doesn't fuck It up.

>> No.6277629
File: 332 KB, 400x400, diffuse-the-rest-159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yfw I can resize it up and clear the image with AI tools up to 3000x3000 resolution?

Honest advice bro to bro, from now on you shouldnt focus on a art degree, unless you wanna doodle homeless. Clock´s ticking. Soon it supports 4K resolutions.

>> No.6277635

You know, the other day I looked up close at a high-res Sakimichan drawing. Of course we all know she just photobashes her backgrounds, but for the first time I noticed the hair and jewelry were also photobashed, so AI art isn't really much of a difference to me anymore.

>> No.6277637

Then post this 3k by 3k image that looks great then?
What you did is post yet another blurry pic that still looks blurry as hell.
>Honest advice bro to bro, from now on you shouldnt focus on a art degree, unless you wanna doodle homeless
I only draw as a hobby and I already have a job that has nothing to do with art, but keeping making up stuff in tour mind.

>> No.6277667

only if you work digital

>> No.6277686

why not use a javascript for writing drivers

>> No.6277688

> sands images, thinks he is the one winning

>> No.6277691

check this shit out /ic/

>> No.6277692

what the fuck this has to do with /ic/?

>> No.6277693

your brain is that small?
i thought artists were meant to be creative

>> No.6277700

I am, putting sage every time, baby

>> No.6277701

Is making an """AI""" company the new get rich scam?

>> No.6277703

unsure, that one might be huge since it seems it can interact with everything

>> No.6277708

most likely with /ai/cell's brains, because they generate such amount of lulzes I can't even comprehend

>> No.6277709
File: 35 KB, 600x589, FcuCoi6WIAAQK1U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if (((they))) know how stupid their advertising looks

>> No.6277714

we've already passed the overton window where people irl behave the same as the actors in infomercials from two decades ago

>> No.6277715

Even implying it works as well as they imply (there isn't a single paper on it on their website outsider their marketing), what's the purpouse of this? Doing the stuff it can it's done faster by hand.

>> No.6277881

Dead internet theory

>> No.6277885


>> No.6278001

You will eventually be replaced if you think like that

>> No.6278002

You are part of the problem. People who are against progress are Masonic vermins

>> No.6278011
File: 55 KB, 680x507, 1628535637627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just a little pajeety studying in my little room :3

>> No.6278013

three letter agent
glow so bright

>> No.6278022

>learn to code
you should be assraped by a squad of miners

>> No.6278033

so...what is this? a fucking search engine for searching houses by suggestions? how about you use a real estate website with exact search filters instead? this is some "Alexa, order me a $600.000 house" shit

>> No.6278046

The only thing needed to cripple AI art is to make it illegal for the AI to create an image without sending a source material usage request to every image owner, of every image it threads into a photo and receive an allowance back

>> No.6279686
File: 521 KB, 1170x2172, 1663410736026769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking you will get away with art thief

>> No.6279777

>nah man just close the door
this is every art comunity trying to ban AI stuff right now

>> No.6279804


>> No.6279817
File: 1023 KB, 1022x640, 1663245030319997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are being replaced

>> No.6279855
File: 146 KB, 800x450, 4EA43F51-74DF-464A-BD5C-C6DBBD66E7EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why specialization into a single field is a brainlet move
One leap in tech and youre history. Thank God I decided to drop pursuing drawing full time during highschool.
I can draw good enough for a concept sketch
I can model in blender good enough to make what i want
I can model in solidworks really well to make more expensive parts
I can work mastercam and cnc machines and 3d printers to make said models in real life and sell them off
Got to combine shit so leaps like these dont cut you off from relevancy but make part of the process faster and cheaper
For me this AI generation is a miracle
I can basically skip an entire part of the process of actually designing a part and skip right to finishing it and manufacturing it.
Specialization is for insects

>> No.6279920

ai is really good at making hellish nightmarescapes. all ai art has that same theme.

>> No.6279981
File: 352 KB, 1500x1000, robot painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't be too happy. this robot was from 2017 and it can draw photos it captured and mix the color from the palettes. Imagine if they upgraded it to be paired with Stable Diffusion AI.

>> No.6279986

>imagine thinking you'll ever be able to afford this
>even printing ink cost more than gold and buying a new printer is sometimes cheaper

>> No.6279991
File: 2.40 MB, 2723x2000, 1586482525402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just no sovl at all, looks so sterile and artificial. this shit will never beat a human

>> No.6279993

your being deluded on if people will ever find your shit attractive

>> No.6280036
File: 526 KB, 512x512, 1663421798576806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're like shitty sub par horse breeder looking at ford t and saying
>look at that terrible loud smoky abominations, soulless constructs will never replace real horses

>> No.6280053

It's not like looking at a model T, it's more like looking at a bike with a card in the spokes to mimic an engine sound, Sure it can go down hills fast and resemble a motorbike if you are not looking close... No amount of cards in the spokes will make it as good as a real motorbike.

>> No.6280069
File: 241 KB, 1024x1024, 1663423580518838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are delussional man, or maybe just completly dont understand what you're dealing with
development of ai tools will only accelerate
right now it has some flaws and kinks but look back in time
how long ago was it when we could only generate shitty blurry pics in dall-e
now look at what's made now by bunch of literaly who's on the internet

>> No.6280071

you should stop making analogies you tasteless faggot

>> No.6280077

>you are delussional man, or maybe just completly dont understand what you're dealing with
a retard who's taste in art is as impressive as his shit analogies
>development of ai tools will only accelerate
this means nothing. how many retards are out there who said the same for other trash that either stagnated or ended up being worthless gimmicks once the novelty wore off?
>right now it has some flaws and kinks but look back in time
it doesn't have "some flaws and kinks" it's severely limited trash. your results can be obtained by putting photos through filters. why did filters not eliminate artists, and why will this similar effortless shit do it instead?

>> No.6280082

it's exact same situation
new technology develops that will take care of 90% of work certain group of people does and of course they are upset, coping and delusional, assuming it's the final form that wont develop any further and wont be improved in areas where it struggles

>> No.6280085

>it will improve, it's just like a human already, no wiat, it's better than humans already, it doesn't matter it's not perfect, it will surpass you eventually but it's better already
screams the deluded and schizo techfag into the void, as none of his statements and analogies make any sense

>> No.6280101
File: 489 KB, 2400x1100, dall-e-mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was a big thing no longer than 6 months ago

>> No.6280104
File: 277 KB, 1536x1536, 1663420945535439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is quick and dirty sample anon made today in couple minutes

>> No.6280107

And has nothing to do with Dall-E, Midjourney or SD.
You are one of the retards that think this shit popped up overnight.

>> No.6280184

Those robots arent that expensive, they’re under 10k used

>> No.6280200

How apt that you call it quick and dirty. Literally every single image in this 3 by 3 is fucked in one way or another. But of course the person making them would need to know enough about making stylized realism to notice.

>> No.6280247

how much would it cost to get a brushmonkey to fix the minor issues?

>> No.6280255

About 300 dollars per image.

>> No.6280260
File: 562 KB, 540x542, 352lqaa4mjt81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was because normies didn't know about Dalle-2. dalle-mini blew up and took the spotlight. meanwhile Dalle2 was spitting out this. That was April.

>> No.6280264

To expand on what >>6280247 said, the thing that hacks who pray they'll be able to hide lack of skill behind AI forget is that in order to fix these obvious issues you need to have the skills to make the images in the first place.

>> No.6280268
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af
I'm loving this future
I can cast myself as any film character. The character will be LITERALLY literally me.

>> No.6280271

Pretty sure I can get cheaper than that.
It's more of a technical skill at that point.
Some pajeet with photoshop would be fine, I'm thinking more like $10-50.

>> No.6280278

>clueless newfag thought this was the best AI could generate months ago

>> No.6280289

no this was the best aviable to the public
better stuff was confined to AI labs and hardware farms
now you can download shit to your pc adn do this stuff yourself

>> No.6280311

what does that have to do with what I said you bloody bitch redeeming bastard?

>> No.6280517

How will mods at FA will be able to tell real from artificial art? At this point is indistinguishable

>> No.6280528

Yep. Banning AI art just means people will post AI art pretending they're human art

>> No.6280533

but I already do that
and the reverse

>> No.6280555

What? It takes no time to find the billion of artifacts in AI art what are you talking about?

>> No.6280563

pajeet artists like you are getting replaced first

>> No.6280805

Not sure about the dying part but I do agree that in the next decade we'll start to see jobs being done by AI that we thought were impossible to automate. Doctors and lawyers are the next to go in my opinion. Any job that involves a human brain processing information is on the chopping block now. It's funny, we live in the timeline where a burger flipper has more job security than someone with higher education.

>> No.6280810
File: 319 KB, 512x704, 1663440814315011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really fucking over isn't it

>> No.6280834

Anon... that's the only one that's clearly not AI. My guess is one of the women, since that's the most gotcha answer

>> No.6280835
File: 302 KB, 512x512, 1663398599126502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be sad brush monkey, there will be work for you cleaning up AI messes

>> No.6280858

That's cool and all but Im tired of seeing "generic woman looking at camera art station style" 105673. Try running one of the prompts you gave 6 months ago to this new AI. Let's see if it's really improved as much as you say it has.