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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 154 KB, 1718x336, Screenshot_236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6252667 No.6252667 [Reply] [Original]

What side are you in?

>> No.6252672

Don't let this faggot invent another demoralization word.

>> No.6252675

bet you are on the pussynist side you faggot. choose or gtfo

>> No.6252676

haha poussi :---DDD

>> No.6252678
File: 58 KB, 553x700, Rubens+(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False dichotomy. Rubens loved drawing. He copied the entire Sistine Chapel.

>> No.6252680

It was not started by them

>> No.6252682

colour is undeniably more important in painting, even if we restrict the argument to figurative art
there are many good paintings that have shitty drawings, but there aren’t any good paintings with shitty colour

>> No.6252683
File: 198 KB, 659x1024, D1AlWkrVsAAikwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubens after Michelangelo

>> No.6252686
File: 87 KB, 671x1000, mid_01503769_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubens after Michelangelo

silly Frenchmen

>> No.6252690

What a retarded argument
It's like if a group of farmers argued what was more important, planting seeds, or harvesting crops?

>> No.6252696

mediocre just like my traditional drawings hahahaha :). And he was such a good artist. Fills me with hope

>> No.6252698

harvesting crops, otherwise there’s no point to planting seeds, no new seeds to plant and no one to plant them because they had nothing to eat

think about it logically, would you rather plant 10 tons of crops and harvest 5, or plant 5 and harvest 10 tons?

>> No.6252704

Jesus.. Artists are literally fucking manginas
Imagine wanting to be part of a society that obsesses over retarded shit like that

>> No.6252708
File: 286 KB, 907x693, 1594366140206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6252709


>> No.6252743

you will never be as good as an ai artist

>> No.6252747

Anyone can use google image search, anon.

>> No.6252748

By drawing a line on paper one is already better than someone who doesn't do anything at all.

>> No.6252752

>types some shit into a text field behind you
nothin personnel

>> No.6252756


>> No.6252757

ai can never be of practical use to the illustration, animation, games, movies, and the tv industries. It might kill the wallpaper industry.

>> No.6252764

>retards transform my fun thread in a useless discussion about the flavor of the month polemics

>> No.6252767

you bet your ass on it?

>> No.6252770


>> No.6252772

Yup. I've thought it through.

>> No.6252793

I’d like to see Adele on my toilet eating a Ruben

>> No.6252820

Neither. I'm a formist. I place form as the absolute most important thing out there. Everything else revolves around it, and everything else becomes easier when you understand it intuitively.
Light and color? Easy. Gesture? Easy. Perspective? Just some formalized form rules. Anatomy? Literally just applied form.
Learn form guys. It's the most important thing.

>> No.6252822

Ah yes the cumfarti method

>> No.6252829

light and pulse are the pillars of picture making.

>> No.6252834


>> No.6252988

both are important weighing one greater than the other is usually an exercise in self-importance. you're otherwise trying to decide whether water is more important than air.

>> No.6253299

we call it cumformism

>> No.6253323

If you look at Rubens sketches posted in the thread, he's a good artist, but alters, distorts, and likely doesn't have a good grasp on anatomy at even the basic level.
Watteau winning in the favor of Rubenists just goes to show that most artists and art critics were already a mediocre bunch by then.
That said Rubens isn't a bad artist, his paintings are always such fun to look at but when it comes down to it Poussin is just more skilled.

>> No.6253335
File: 2.14 MB, 1500x1099, D8F5D796-3D03-4BD2-99B0-A17DAAB29257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not really just a Rubens vs Poussin thing though, in my opinion paintings that do exciting things with colour or lighting are just more interesting to look at.

>> No.6253350

Thats exactly what the poussinists thought

>> No.6253355

oh wow, what an amazing painting. could you tell me the artist's name please?

>> No.6253379

Drawing, so I'm defo on the poussinists side... Yes I'm a poussy, what of it?
Anyway, you can have a decent painting with great draftsmanship, but poor colours, but a painting with great colours but poor draftsmanship won't hold up.

But wouldn't that also have required great drawing skills to pull off? I suppose the debate kinda stalls unless we look at examples of shitty colours/great drawing vs. great colours/shitty drawing.

>> No.6253453
File: 76 KB, 690x998, 1648141663109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the retarded Ass/Boob debate, I LIKE BELLIES, YOU NORMALFAG MOTHERFUCKERS, BELLIES!

In the same vein, when it comes to drawing, the most important thing is composition. So "shapes" would be the answer.

If I had to choose, maybe Rubens, since colors (with values included) convey the composition better than lines, although lines are how I usually plan composition when thumbnailing.

>> No.6253501

Joaquín Sorolla.

>> No.6253504

Are you one of those guys who looks up weird fetish pictures of men/things fucking bellybuttons?

>> No.6253516
File: 28 KB, 550x550, 1658474450104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and I hate the fact that everything is commodified into an exaggerated, over-the-top fetish for people who are too far gone.
I like armpits (including hairy armpits) and even feet, yet I do not want my porn to revolve around that, I'd rather it just be visible while normal sex is carried out, but no, that won't do, we gotta cum in the armpit pussy, we gotta sniff and chew her toes. We gotta have the hairiest gorilla we can find for our fetishists, it's either baby-smooth or Tarzancalypse with these people.

Draw this in your style.

>> No.6253659

>No, and I hate the fact that everything is commodified into an exaggerated, over-the-top fetish for people who are too far gone.
Ah I get you. I asked because I had very recently looked up an artist of a fairly nice picture and he too had a belly button fetish, and I'm sure you can guess what the rest of his work was like. It was just on my mind.
So yeah, pretty sick of fetishes always being taken to the nth degree, sometimes being a little vanilla is nice; I might like asses and anal, but I don't need a pool floaty looking asshole that's unbirthing a man to get off, in fact it's doing just the opposite.

>> No.6255496
File: 439 KB, 2388x1594, abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the that that abstract art lacks most elements of drawing and is still considered paintings by most of the art community seems to imply that color is more important for painting

personally, i think abstract art is dogshit though

>> No.6255641

That could be considered an appreciation of just one aspect of art though. Even then, paintings with random colours slapped willy nilly aren't as appealing (or popular) as those abstract paintings that were deliberately done - so at the very least, shape and composition are important, and I'd say those are more both towards the drawing side of things.

>> No.6257942
File: 158 KB, 1024x819, d8cz0zm-95c91010-a17b-433f-afab-e911491c56a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think drawing=value>color. Or maybe value is even more important. Good render can hide some drawing fuck ups.
I'm a bellyfag too, it's a some pain to discuss with normals about our tastes because I looks stupid among assfags and boobfags. Also cute bellies is very rare. Also artists like to turn bellies into a bag with a fat or a bag with a bones. Happily anime bellies almost never looks too bony or too saggy.
Poking girls' bellybuttons is fun (without perversions of course).