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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 109 KB, 1280x1224, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6218849 No.6218849 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6218854
File: 35 KB, 481x436, fgetav3582cvyn426mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.6218856

how can i upload my drawings in a way that can't be feed to these machines

>> No.6218859

ai is inevitable

>> No.6218864

>ai artists

>> No.6218869
File: 606 KB, 793x520, phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"quick! we need you to find the best AI artist for our project and we need it NOW"

>> No.6218871

Fucking kek

>> No.6218875

Don't care still drawing lolis (and never taking the vax)

>> No.6218876

Do people actually call themselves ai artists? If I use Google image search, does this mean I'm Google image artist?

>> No.6218882

>Do people actually call themselves ai artists?
unfortunately yes ad then theres the ones who dont say they use ai to create their shitty images and some of these are trying to make money off ai art kek

>> No.6218884

this shit will literally turn the entire human race into a braindead blob of consoomers. nobody will create anything anymore when an AI can shit something that's 100 times more creative and 100 times more appealing than anything a human could shit out within 10 seconds. remember this is just how powerful this tech is in its INFANCY. even though most of its' knee deep in the uncanny valley it's already got artists shitting their pants in fear.

>> No.6218887
File: 151 KB, 1665x698, ai artist struggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6218888

Any artist freaking out over this is retarded. Yeah, the AI is capable of drawing something nice, but can it draw that same thing in another angle? Different scenery? With no hair? scruffier mustach? gender bent? Naked? bigger dong? make him a loli? Two naked lolis? At any angle you want?

It can't. So quit worrying. If it can, then that's not really a bad thing is it.

>> No.6218891

Well, according to the shills it will be able to do all that "soon". Please do not hold your breath

>> No.6218896

nigga the growth of this technology has been exponential over the past decade, just the leap from 2021 to 2022 alone is a night and fucking day difference. please get off the copium and face the reality of the situation.

>> No.6218898

QR code watermark over the whole thing, with a random(difference-clouds?) gradient on the watermark, so it can't be removed trivially.

Post pictures of your screen with the drawing, instead of direct, with pens/pencils in-front of parts of it. maybe a crt filter too.

Only post your work as an animated gif, the first frames being blank.

Always have a deliberately badly drawn character tagging along with your images to fool AI into ranking your image as 'low quality'.

Maybe none of these would work. if someone wanted your work to be used, they will find away around anything, and might do it just to spite you for your subversion effort.

>> No.6218901

Imagine caring so little about your own art that you start caring about ai art. It's peak ngmi.

>> No.6218902
File: 65 KB, 506x576, 17064608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will always be superior to all the subhumans who depend on machines to draw

>> No.6218904
File: 856 KB, 1731x340, Stablediffusionages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different angle is tough, but images do generate with seeds. So you take the same seed, and change a word in the prompt.
Like changing the age. I've seen gender swaps too.

>> No.6218906

Words can mean literslly anything you want xdd
Art was the pursuit of beauty once upon a time but now you can be an artist by shoving cucumbers up your ass!

>> No.6218907

Feed the AI gore and CP to get it shutdown.

>> No.6218908

based AI uuoooooh ToT ToT ToT

>> No.6218910

as a creative process shoving cucumbers up your ass at the very least has you coming up with the idea and choosing how to execute it. AI artists don't even own the execution part.

>> No.6218921

>Any artist freaking out over this is retarded
Anon you really can't blame me for freaking out, every single day a new AI doom thread pops up, not to mention an art career is already volatile to begin with.

>> No.6218925

Art with no creation behind it has no worth. Art is human expression and without that sentiment and longing to connect us to one another there is nothing to cling onto but pretty veneers

>> No.6218932

b-but I depicted my idea to the AI with a lot of emotion and care in that little prompt box

>> No.6218938
File: 1010 KB, 3072x2560, FaFThf1UIAAbFQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6218941

Creation is a buzzword for combination of preexisting elements, which is precisely what AI does.

>> No.6218948

Creation is the journey and the drawing is a by-product of that process. Teleporting 500 miles is a very different endeavour to travelling by foot vs taking a plane vs driving a car vs riding a bike. They are all different very different experiences and some are more of an achievement than others. The struggle of an artist with their medium will always be more meaningful than the act of consumption. Algorithm generated art is more focused on the cons00mer without considering how the process behind music, writing, sculpting, drawing, benefits us collectively, as human beings.

>> No.6218949

I just realized all AI did was allow prompt makers to be somewhat artists themselves. All those sites that have prompt generators have an actual human behind it. Pixiv prompts? That’s some guys job or part of his/her job.

All this really did was open a new industry for those people left out, unable or willing to learn to draw. As for the rest of you, you’re fine.

>> No.6218952

The issue is that people would have paid for those prompts in the past. Humans are expensive to keep alive and if film production, games (indie or AAA), comics, animation, can bypass human labour, they will do so, even if the result is just "good enough".

>> No.6218953

Selling prompts on gumroad lmao

>> No.6218955

Yes I can.
Because it's not fucking plausible.

>> No.6218958

Not really I was taking AI classes in 2018. This is about what was expected.
I'm still not overly impressed by it.

>> No.6218959

Good enough games won’t sell. Simple as. You think anyone would by a new Atelier game with the character designer being a computer and not an A-list designer? It goes in the trash.

>> No.6218976

>shiny rendering on top of garbage
I truly can't understand what led you to believe that posting this image would prove a point? why are you here? are you a tech faggot who never saw "art" before til it was generated by an AI?

>> No.6218978

>even if the result is just "good enough".
sorry but this has always been a 'tarded argument. if "good enough" is the case, why not hire shittier artists for cheap?

>> No.6218980

>It can't
can you?

>> No.6218981
File: 67 KB, 1079x1080, FaJ5lF7XoAAcrc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but what is your point, you shill? your schizo aimless replies sound like you're about to sell people NFTs any moment now.

>> No.6218982

shittier artists do get hired though as part of the workflow at the moment, maybe they start as inbetweeners or doing prop designs for rocks or some other menial task, then work their way up to being a character designer or art director. If AI supersedes the role of junior artists in a production pipeline, then instead of hiring 10 junior artists and a senior artist, companies will just hire 1 senior artist to touch up the work of procedurally image-mined artworks. There is already an abundance of artists vs positions available in the industry, and art itself is almost worthless. This will certainly exacerbate the issue, even if the algorithms are not 100% capable of imitating an art style, by flooding easily available artwork everywhere

>> No.6218983

same tech was used in Dota 2's AI for years now, it's the same algorhythm based shit with the same weaknesses because all it understands is abstraction. there's no "copium" here, just a shill trying to sell a product and overhype yet another worthless piece of tech.
> exponential over the past decade
yes, I've been told this about my job since 2013. the word "exponential" has been used every year. get a grip on reality

>> No.6218986

>shittier artists do get hired though as part of the workflow at the moment, maybe they start as inbetweeners or doing prop designs for rocks or some other menial task, then work their way up to being a character designer or art director. If AI supersedes the role of junior artists in a production pipeline, then instead of hiring 10 junior artists and a senior artist, companies will just hire 1 senior artist to touch up the work of procedurally image-mined artworks
why would they do that? they look like mediocre rendered dog shit with no soul or emotion? can you please tell your AI to design me a character in orthogonal view? no? is it perhaps a bit too abstract and arbitrary and cannot match a human as such?

>> No.6218992


>> No.6218994

My managers/art directors already looking into it. Get a studio position asap. Good luck.
Concept Artist > Concept Janitor
All you're going to be doing in the future is be able to do quick clean-ups.

>> No.6218995

>corporate niggers develop AI capable of making humans of flat design neoliberal kitsch art they wanted
>art becomes something that is not bounded by the will of soulless elites
>artists can finally make transgressive and/or mythmaking shit they've always wanted
sounds like a win to me

>> No.6218998

maybe if UBI or something existed, which it won't in our lifetime, we're going to die destitute, alone, hungry, and sick, or get a job flipping burgers and our dreams die in a ditch

>> No.6219002

or you could just ludditemaxx

>> No.6219012
File: 558 KB, 512x512, AI art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with the doom posting and believe that there will be several avenues for AI art.

>There will be image prompt engineers who ultimately are seers scrying/divining with prompts to generate interesting starting points or hunt aesthetically pleasing image seeds. At this point, the people who can "paint in their head" and translate that into prompts, they're gonna be the ones getting prompt engineering jobs and they're gonna be the headiest fuckers ever.

>Prompt engineering mood and reference boards for people who want to either generate their art physically analogue/digital. These people are going to be the traditional artists that have an immediate creativity leg up and AI will be a vision enhancing experience.

>AI generated Text to video+audio anime/cartoons

>Ultimately the best way to adapt is if you're making media worth money, now it's a hella lot easier to be a one-man-art and concept studio and you'll find yourself under the crushing weight of efficiency and adaption. But, if you're the type of person who IS a very good visual artist, a GREAT entrepreneur, and you have just enough schizo to be able to imagine impossible things and engineer it through prompts, you've got probably 5-15 years before we hit singularity and at that point you're just BCI illustrating, animating, or sketching and the actual physical translation of our artistic endeavor in the digital realm is completely negated and you're some sort of cyberpunk transhuman just existing in your every thought and creative vision 24/7 streamed to whatever social media you've got rockin at that time.

Either way, there is absolutely no stopping major money making platforms from just cutting the creator out and only leaving the consumer to blindly consume. There is literally zero incentive for any company or organization from stopping that. There would have to be a way of doing that without exerting more energy and more resources than competitors.

>> No.6219015

the point is that art is already a highly sought after job, and this will only create more (((artists))), and less positions available. people who actually enjoy painting and drawing will be pressured to take shortcuts with the generators for expediency. maybe art will die out except for the lucky few who are born into wealth

>> No.6219017

lol. Thanks for proving my point. That's what i meant it can't do it

>> No.6219022

>make money
I recently saw some Indian "AI artist" who sold his nft "art" for 40k in a few days

>> No.6219026

Imagine art becoming AI smashing old drawings together until the end of times because actual art ceased to exist.

>> No.6219027

that scam functions like that with or without AI art. It worked even with randomly generated apes but no one cared about that for some reason

>> No.6219028



By who? Pressured by who exactly? The comsoomers? Aren't they getting stuffed full in all holes from all the AI art they're comsooming that if you fall out of the "race" to make a proper product it wouldn't matter?

Think about what you're saying for a minute. If hoards of mindless people lap up whatever a computer spits out automatically then they're not human and that's them. You have tons and tons of fan writing on the internet RIGHT NOW made from real people and even computers I bet that goes unread. Why is that?

Why is there so much writing on the internet that gets 0 views? Where are the consoomers? What about all that SoundCloud music that never gets listened made by random whos who use every trick in the book to make music. Where are the consoomers there? 0 - 10 listens per month, all by the author perhaps and maybe a bot crawler.

Why would it be any different for the infinite twitter scrolling monkey who likes <3 and then scrolls to the next image? Are these people PURCHASING that product? Are they FANS of that work? No? So where is this """"pressure""""" to pump out something? Answer me this, you obvious MidJourney employee fuck.

>> No.6219029

employers you retard

>> No.6219033

You can be a solo man or a team of 2 and be an employer, retard.

>> No.6219035

also i'm not an employee of any of these crappy algo generators, just an artist who is super bummed out and believes that there needs to be regulation/legislation introduced regarding this technology. most research has to go thru ethics boards, shitty silicon valley startups get around this by rushing their technology out the door before law can catch up
i'll keep drawing no matter what but i truly believe this will be a terrible thing for the artistic ecosystem. I would rather see a crappy doodle from a /beg/ artist than a shitty prompt that the AI smushed together every aspect for them

>> No.6219036

And that doesn't address my points. Don't dodge it, Mr MidJourney marketer. I know you're here trying to make your shitty fucking app some kind of 4chan sensation drama in the history books.

>> No.6219038

I don't believe you 1 bit. If you're not them someone else here is and you're just lapping up what they want you to do--market their product in discussion for them.

>> No.6219043

It's good enough for him to consider it art and take it as a replacement for whatever he expected from your guild. You can keep on offering your horse carriage services in the void, the world will move on anyway.

>> No.6219045

what the fuck are you talking about schizo? can you talk like a normal person?
these retards never paid or cared about art before. why would anyone care about replacing something with a downgrade?

>> No.6219048

>these retards never paid or cared about art before
Maybe not for the crap you called art, but virtually everyone living in non shitholes has some disposable income dedicated to buying art.
>inb4 but that's not my personal, autistic definition of art
It doesn't matter what you personally believe art is. If it takes away your income it's functionally art.

>> No.6219051

>Maybe not for the crap you called art, but virtually everyone living in non shitholes has some disposable income dedicated to buying art.
wtf are you even talking about now? I'm saying techtards who suddenly care about "art" never cared about it before, they are only interested in the nightmarish goop that's being done because an AI does it. these are the people who wouldn't have spent a single cent on your art anyway
>It doesn't matter what you personally believe art is. If it takes away your income it's functionally art.
well, your personal definition of art it truly is incoherent retardation

>> No.6219053

the shill accusations come from coping, anon.
they talk about AI art like it's some unknown shitcoin when everyone here sees it almost every day anyway. obviously it genuinely worries a lot of artists.

>> No.6219055

>i'm not a shill, you're coping, it's over give up, buy my product
fuck off shill

>> No.6219059

case in point. I didn't even say anything about giving up, but it's already on your mind.
it will be fine, anon, you'll definitely make it.

>> No.6219060

OP if you are gonna be a massive faggot at least include the word AI on the post so i can filter your bullshit. thanks

>> No.6219061

That’s pretty much what these threads boil down to. It’s “AI can do this, X company is using AI now…it’s OVER”. It’s implied that (or at least what your goal is) to convey learning to draw is pointless and if you don’t adapt (buy a subscription to mid journey) you’ll die.

>> No.6219062

ai shills only post the 1 in a million decent results, still no proof this ai can even take direction like "draw that same character in x perspective, change shirt color to y and add z to the background"

fucking retards
still havent seen an ai shill post their art, well i had one schizo do it on another ai thread and dude literally posted 3 ai generated works passing them as his so i just assume ai shills dont draw or are permabeg and thus should be ignored

>> No.6219063

the point is someone or another needs to put an end to the satanic rituals being conducted in the basements silicon valley to revive the antichrist. one way or another

>> No.6219064

What do you mean "didn't care about art"? That they didn't spend money buying things they found aesthetically pleasing? You're taking that one out of your ass, the overwhelming general rule in the developed world is the opposite, "entertainment" is a huge industry that feeds on the masses, not an elite of fart sniffers.

>> No.6219066

The goal of any silicone start up like mid journey is to get bought up quickly by some sucker with too much money. And to do that they need enough smoke and mirrors and drama centered around their product to force news outlets to talk about them.

>> No.6219068

>What do you mean "didn't care about art"? That they didn't spend money buying things they found aesthetically pleasing?
they never spent money on DRAWINGS OR PAINTINGS done by HUMAN ARTISTS. do you need to be provided an exact comparison, can you not deduce from the context what I actually mean?

>> No.6219069

this explains the amount of shills on several platforms
been saying this for ages, its all about just getting money from investors or a full buyout then run with the money

>> No.6219075

I saw an A.I faggot on Twitter bitched about how he has hand disability and unable to draw and the way artists hate faggots like him is evil. Another guy asked him to show photos of his hands, and he denied to do so. This is their new trick, cry as victims and pretend to be trans-disable Poc autistxxx, while charging random A.I generated shit for 40 dollars. Fucking topkek.

>> No.6219078

People just don't understand the struggles of AI artists

>> No.6219079

>I'm hand disabled!
How did it happen?

>> No.6219084

Ah, well now they have free access to images they find pleasing and your industry remains intact. AI creates value and everyone wins.

>> No.6219085
File: 664 KB, 498x488, btfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists BTFOd forever by a 2GB array of floating point values

>> No.6219086

Every A.I shills are gangsters until they realized that they can't draw their OCs with consistent design on different camera angle with A.I

>> No.6219087

I saw how they played on the field of social justice and socialism justifying it, although in fact they forgot to ask and did not think at all about the interests of the workers and how it would affect the craft

>> No.6219088


>> No.6219089

Just wait until the bot comes for (You)

>> No.6219091

you can say this about anything. doesn't mean shit. what anon said is true because the AI doesn't think like a human, it just generates mediocre repetitive shit. but that's not the problem. the problem is that scammers once again use the work of artists to exploit clueless normaltards

>> No.6219093

Finally generic trannime posters will leave this board as all their dreams of living off drawing shitty sex trannime collapse before their eyes. Same with furry and pedo shit

>> No.6219096

And you think you're safe?

>> No.6219097

doubt and too much effort to programming just for an investor scam. They have enough tricks to throw the money in the back of the van and drive off.

Just look at Magic Leap for example. They were hyping that up like crazy a few years ago and then the CEO, Rony, raised enough venture capital then bailed to make another start up. He successfully had set up a "prototype" desk that had the better technology but claimed they couldn't find a way to miniaturize it to a headset. That was enough to convince suckers with enough pocket change.

What do you think MidJourney and countless others try to do? The exact same shit.

>> No.6219098

>mediocre repetitive shit

...faster and better than the mediocre repetitive shit that comes from an average professional illustrator.

>> No.6219102

I think that I will stop posting anything online from my drawings
as a maximum I will create a gallery at the artstation of 5-10 works for potential hiring and sending resumes and that's it

i don't fucking like that they collect my drawings to copy me, steal the style and teach this shit

>> No.6219104


>> No.6219105

Truth stings, huh Journeyboy.

>> No.6219107

good riddance

>> No.6219111

you tech spergs are truly delusional. you'll end up pissing off the whole world at one point in history, unfortunately that's not gonna happen any time soon. shame, because I would've loved to burn you at the stake

>> No.6219112

ai shills, pyw
you do draw and dont just shitpost right?

>> No.6219114

time to get a real job, princess

>> No.6219115

im not the one so jealous of others ability to draw he has to use ai and shitpost about it

>> No.6219116

>>A.I shills

That's the funny part, anon. They don't.

>> No.6219117

I would like an AI that can quickly texturize my sketch, applying correct lighting etc. Making shit from text prompts is useless.

>> No.6219120

Ai shill still haven't responded why should I care about this crap when only draw for fun

>> No.6219122
File: 60 KB, 680x593, 2f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in finance and I'm not an artist, you smelly technocrat. having art as a job would be a dream come true though, and you know why. you're an envious little shithead, because there are people out there who don't despise their job and can have doing it. those people tend to work in art. that's what it all boils down to, and that's what the "get a real job" copers always project when they say that. "get a real job" means "get a shitty job which you'll despise, like I do" because you can stand the thought of others having an enjoyable job

>> No.6219124


I think video streaming/VODS are more valuable than sole images. Training an AI to analyze an artists mark making in real time seems like the better data to capture.

A computer trying to understand specific strokes from a well seasoned mangaka? That would overheat the GPU.

>> No.6219125

What were to happen if you were to deprive these AIs from art data? From my understanding the reason why these bots are so good is that they have the entire history of art to work with.

>> No.6219126

sculptchads, we keep winning

>> No.6219130

>having art as a job would be a dream come true though, and you know why

No, I don't. I would kill myself if I had to draw other people's retarded ideas for money with a deadline.

>> No.6219132

The bot will be able to do 3D soon enough. All artforms are at risk, it doesn't stop at books and paintings.

>> No.6219133


Are any offers of a buyout yet? What are we looking at, $250 million?

>> No.6219134
File: 177 KB, 1170x1159, 1654851725508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should kill yourself either way, you cockroach. what are you doing on this board if you're only interested in AI shit?

>> No.6219136

You can use it for fun. It's like having your favorite artists drugged and dragged into your lair and you force them to make something for you by shouting things like "cyberpunk! gravure! latex bikini! cinematic lighting! trending on artstation!" The drugs lead them to making hilarious mistakes, but they always deliver beautiful cohesive lighting.

>> No.6219137

well of course depriving any ai from data will make it useless, duh

>> No.6219138

Once it does 3d...Indie devs will have a new super power. asset flips(at least visually...) will be a thing of the past...
I would go full time indie dev if the 3d was passable.

>> No.6219139

Imagine being this retarded. You are next numbnuts and it will be even worse for you since you are just a tool.

>> No.6219140

>AI artists

>> No.6219142


>> No.6219143

Personally i enjoy ugly art that looks coherent rather than random pretty color blobs. Atleast you what you are looking at and have a sense of valuation for them. A.I art? They are useless.

>> No.6219144

>I would go full time indie dev if the 3d was passable.
that is until the game making AI happens.

>> No.6219145

>2025 Microsoft has purchased MidJourney for $1.2 billion dollars
>2028 Microsoft pulls the plug on WeJourney

Every time. I hope it's Google, though, because they love to buy and either sit on or abandon things a lot quicker.

>> No.6219146

(you) shouldn't
but twatter YCH "artists" are seething for some reason

>> No.6219147

Imagine being a trannime artist trying to 'make it' on social media and getting absolutely follower mogged by some dude writing prompts to an AI

>> No.6219148

How many of those followers are paying customers? Show me the patreon.

>> No.6219149

all of those followers never followed artists though. maybe crypto and NFT shit, they're in it for "muh tech"

>> No.6219152

>>getting absolutely follower mogged by some dude writing prompts to an AI

And these A.I faggots got absolutely mogged by obscure ethots with their onlyfans. According to that Charlie Penguinz0 guy, ethots make millions of dollars each year. Try to compete with that, fagg.

>> No.6219155

I don't even play games, I just wanna make interactive worlds. Be a god, directing the AI to make what I want. I guess I'd be on gibs though.

>> No.6219156

What am I coping about exactly?
I am just telling you how it will be.

>> No.6219158

I love how twatter tards simultaneously saying that AI is soulless and will never replace them and seething that it is will take away their jobs and thus must be regulated.

>> No.6219162

Time to go trad

>> No.6219163

Well, it's their industry that is soulless...

>> No.6219164

The AI needs to be stopped here and now so that doesn't happen. Why aren't the twitterati crying about their art being stolen by the evil AI corporations yet?

>> No.6219166

have you considered that maybe they're different people and/or you're conflating two different things? they should definitely be regulated not because "they took muh jerbs" but because it's a tool of plagiarism

>> No.6219168

AI generated art hooked to a glorified human shaped printer that uses different materials to draw

>> No.6219170

>>I love how twatter tards simultaneously saying that AI is soulless

What the fuck? I love Twatter tards now?

>> No.6219171

>a tool of plagiarism
no, it's not

>> No.6219172

Imagine thinking some random shit a robot puke out is not souless

>> No.6219173

I wonder if the real artists get paid royalties for their works being used in this software without asking for permission. HAHA of course not because tech faggots have no soul and only wish to further corrupt this world

>> No.6219174

It's over for cum artists, it's over for trannime artists, over for furry artist, they have become reduntand overnight.
Now only true artists, creating only fueled by personal enjoyment and passion will remain

>> No.6219175

Mechanical Turk 2.0, draws your OCs in compromising situations and you can't stop him!

>> No.6219177
File: 110 KB, 1152x512, FaI8pDeXkAMDh-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is techtard

>> No.6219178

the most important question we must ask ourselves - how will this ai thing affect lgbt and black communities? lots of poc and gay people work in art industry, they'll just lose their job, ai seems kinda racist and homophobic to me

>> No.6219180
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x2311, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now only true artists, creating only fueled by personal enjoyment and passion will remain

Serious pretentious artists will more likely get fucked in the ass rather than those you listed. Industrybros's stuff and A.I crap starting to look the same.

>> No.6219182

Remember /pol/bot. There's an AI for shitposting now too. You can't even be racist anymore.

>> No.6219184

they'll just move on from photobashing to fiddling with sliders for the same wage. Employers don't want to lose their blackrock goodboy points

>> No.6219185

label your shit, retard
what are those 4 images even are?

>> No.6219188

>but anon, think about all of the disabled BIPOC that can finally make art without all the gatekeeping! all the LGBTQIA+ people that can finally overcome their PTSD and just... create!

>> No.6219189

wtf i love ai now

>> No.6219190

>techcuck is blind from his pedophile glasses and cannot see the obvious shutterstock watermarks in the sky
here's a more zoomed in example >>6218981

>> No.6219191

>>Type tranny faggot that regrets his transiton

>> No.6219195

Don't right wingers get tired of pretending to be le dumb sjws? Why is their humor always the same

>> No.6219197
File: 842 KB, 2527x941, Screenshot 2022-08-18 014927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artstation today. What did I search?

>> No.6219198

ai will lower the barrier and bring more poc into art

>> No.6219199

Ok so one is an image done by a human and is on a stock site.

>> No.6219200

you're an idiot
the program learned that there are watermarks so it tries to recreate them

>> No.6219201

I was gonna make a comparison to the trending page but it was full of REAGE OF REGENDS logos and shit.

>> No.6219204

Kek. As much i find A.I to be garbage, i'm glad that Industry faggots can nolonger act like they are super special snowflakes that everyone should worship them.

>> No.6219205

oh my science, it works just like a hecking human brain
holy shit you fucking retard, all are done by the AI. the AI photobashes stolen pictures together

>> No.6219206

Man I'm kinda sad Chris Chan is now in jail, I hope when he gets out he can finally become an AI artist

>> No.6219207

you yourself should stop being racist, buddy

>> No.6219208

Incest charge for, 5 years, i think? He still has a shot for it.

>> No.6219210

kek, The pajeet behind Stable Diffusion did say he was testing it in schools in Africa as an example of his philanthropy efforts. lmao.

>> No.6219211

i feel like the AI having no standards and copying this junk is kind of sabotaging itself. it will soon suffer from art inbreeding

>> No.6219212

A.I is an art inbreeding. I see nothing but abomination.

>> No.6219213

That's what I wonder too. What happens when you feed AI art back into itself? Will it be able to still know what an elephant is?

>> No.6219214

samey style and composition, but no photobashing visible
what was the prompt?
better post a sunset photo, those are "plagiarized" a lot

>> No.6219215

Does anyone know if the AI is learning from what people are writing into the prompt field? Like analysing what people write the most and what generated images they prefer and stuff

>> No.6219217

in fact there will be more cumart, trannime art and furry art than ever before

>> No.6219218

are we getting raided

>> No.6219219

>ai artist
fuck me dead

>> No.6219220

i think every piece of data about you they can collect they collect

>> No.6219223

The funny thing here is, the A.I collects every photo on internet that labeled as "Artwork". Yes, this includes the "A.I artwork" as well. This shit is cannibalizing itself. Funny as fuck.

>> No.6219224

artificially intelligent indeed lol

>> No.6219225

ai is the future of art, you can keep gatekeeping but you won't last forever
everyone can be an artist now not some old white dudes only

>> No.6219226

>the growth of this technology has been exponential
Remember when autopilot was right around the corner and there would be 20 million Tesla robotaxis by 2020?

I'll believe that AI can do all those art things when I see it, which will probably be never.

>> No.6219228

Does it really? I thought they trained it with like a hundred terabytes of images and now it doesn't search for new shit anymore

>> No.6219229

definitely looks like AI junk to me

>> No.6219230

i'm not an expert but i think shitty generated images won't affect the overall quality since the adversarial network filters it out

>> No.6219231

these things almost certainly put steganographic signatures in their output and can recognize their own shit (dalle adds a visible logo and saves everything anyway)

>> No.6219232

I think the Laion5b(the 5billion images it trained on) was made before AI was a big thing. They also culled 3 billion from Laion5b for Stable Diffusion deemed "low quality". You can search for your art on it (found one of mine that went viral many years ago)


>> No.6219233

Why aren't jews suing all these companies for infringing their copyright?

>> No.6219234

>everyone can be an artist
lol. you're commissioning the AI at best

>> No.6219235

Would it be possible to put these same steganographic signatures on our artwork to prevent Dall e and other AIs from scraping our art?

>> No.6219237

no, preventing this is trivial

>> No.6219238

>>ai is the future of art, you can keep gatekeeping but you won't last forever

Art by human last since the cavemen era until today, went through numerous war and atrocity. You can bullshit by saying "duh huh no everyone can generate their own art now". Yeah no, drawing is a human instinct. Kids draw because they want to, the artistic desire simply pre-made in their very DNA. There will always be human that draws instead of typing words into some shitty robots and the only one left behind will you faggots like you because you don't draw those things, you have no individuality as an artist.

>> No.6219239
File: 842 KB, 1140x788, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI-directors will take over while patting themselves on their backs and normalfags loving the hyperrealistic stylizations because:
But all you're busy with is shooting the messengers and laughing in an abstract attempt to discredit and delegitimize AI, instead of drawing.

>> No.6219240
File: 719 KB, 2533x902, Screenshot 2022-08-18 021554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The joke is that the average artstation line up hardly looks any different.

>> No.6219241

i feel some racist vibes coming from you

>> No.6219243

>> in an abstract attempt to discredit and delegitimize AI, instead of drawing.

You faggots have no self awareness and it shows

>> No.6219244


Does this exist?

>> No.6219246

I havent seen any normalfags praising AI shit, ever leddit sub is sick of AI art and the only people caring about ai art are other AI enthusiasts

>> No.6219247

Yeah, i'm racist. Racist toward robots.

Get fucked, robots. You will never be human.

>> No.6219250
File: 931 KB, 2048x3584, FaDqGbiaQAAO3tB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.6219251

As if I would want to be a pathetic fleshbag like you. Cope\\Dilate\\Seethe

>> No.6219252
File: 2.61 MB, 1000x1000, 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, do show where i contradict myself, retardo.
You being offended doesn't count.
>only people caring about ai art are other AI enthusiasts
And what did i mean with
>while patting themselves on their backs
Meme it enough and normalfags will come around like they always do

>> No.6219253

this looks less like AI junk, but I do get your point. honestly, I do not give a shit about the fate of that garbage, it already looked photobashed, artificial and derivative
lmao. you niggers call yourselves investors, directors, entrepreneurs every other day. also
>defending corporations
how semitic of you

>> No.6219254
File: 1.55 MB, 710x1130, Diffusionsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, seem unreleased though, it uses stable diffusion.

>> No.6219256

>Please, do show where i contradict myself, retardo.

You still not seeing it, huh? The absolute state of A.I faggots

>> No.6219259

yes, please "meme it" harder. I'm sure being a faggot about it will convince them

>> No.6219261

A.I faggot spam demoraliztion on artists, when he starting to get tired, he will reply your post with random shit he just generated out by A.I. This faggot makes Chris Chan look like a sane human and a decent artist in comparison.

>> No.6219264

>no arguments
Is capitalism bad because AI-artists are bad for taking away your patreon bucks?

>> No.6219267
File: 227 KB, 300x225, 1658834584656002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI artists

>> No.6219269

>is capitalism bad
Don't you see the current state of the world?

>> No.6219270

He is either an employee or the guy who admitted he's got some mental disorder and lives with parents with no job and complained about AI. He slipped up in that other thread.

>> No.6219271

>All this really did was open a new industry for those people left out, unable or willing to learn to draw. As for the rest of you, you’re fine.
They're not artist, its not any different than requesting a Commission. It'd be like ordering a fuckin Big Mac and saying you made it once it got to you

>> No.6219273

>Good enough games won’t sell. Simple as.
>What is the entirety of the Call of Duty/Madden/Fifa franchise

>> No.6219274
File: 12 KB, 256x256, hamb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exceptions make the rule
Great argument.
Now convince corporations and professional artists about how annoyed you are because AI-painters are taking away the only tool you have to get attention on the internet and to boost your ego.
You're not different than AI-Creators.
>capitalism bad because state of the world but please commission me and donate to my patreon because art should be paid for... only the art I approve of
You have no right to call others hypocrites.

>> No.6219276

This kind of data mining is fully legal, but only because copyright laws are lagging behind. We can only hope they make it illegal to train on copyrighted material without permission. It's bound to happen once the dall-e of music starts plagiarizing active and popular musicians.

>> No.6219278

>capitalism is when people donate to you
Actual retardation

>> No.6219279
File: 2.42 MB, 540x496, 1657829100411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now convince corporations and professional artists about how annoyed you are because AI-painters are taking away the only tool you have to get attention on the internet and to boost your ego.
I'm not an artist, I'm a tourist because of the AI drama shit (and I like artists). and you've been complaining about "egos" for weeks here. something tells me you feel like shit that you are a worthless nobody and artists get the attention. you would love that attention yourself, and hope to attain it through AI by taking a massive shortcut. not gonna happen, give up

>> No.6219280

You are actually retarded.

>> No.6219282

Is Shutterstock not aware of what's happening?
Shouldn't they be all over this shit already?

>> No.6219283

AI response

>> No.6219284

Desu. musicians have less to fear from AI since they just plagiurize from each other anyways. I'd imagine that a Dall e for music will be heavily sampled. Record companies for sure will try to shut down the AI though. That's how record companies reacted to things like napster.

>> No.6219285
File: 395 KB, 512x512, seed08308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a tourist
>proceeds to shit out armchair psychologist drivel
Ah, yes, the old
>u must b jealous
Lurk moar, fag

>> No.6219287

go back pajeet
>There will be image prompt engineers
why the fuck would a company willingly keep a user interface that requires an engineer to make it work? Their whole point in making this is to "democratize" art, or whatever other buzzword they're using

>> No.6219289

>>that you are a worthless nobody and artists get the attention. you would love that attention yourself, and hope to attain it through AI by taking a massive shortcut. not gonna happen, give up

This. Every A.I faggots are failed artists and attention whores. Then funny enough, they bitch about how "hard" it is for them to type shits into the robots. These subhuman faggots won't last 1 hour of actual art class.

>> No.6219290

AI can't say nigger, you dumb nigger.

>> No.6219292

>>He starting to post A.I abominations along with post replies

These A.I shills are strangely robot-like. They have specific and predictable pattern to their behavior progress.

>> No.6219294

it is incredibly transparent, actually. i used to believe that artists were too harsh with newcomers when I browsed their feeds on social media, but as I pondered on this kind of stuff more and more, I realized that they weren't harsh enough. every failed crab should take a good look at this video

>> No.6219295


>> No.6219298


>> No.6219300

And they steal from each others prompts anyway, Doubt non-artists could come up with anything worth looking at if prompt sharing was not a thing.

>> No.6219301
File: 14 KB, 256x256, hamb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>""""artists"""" have no arguments
>proceeds to ad hominem at nauseum
All you can do is shoot the messenger.
You will never make it with this delusional attitudes if AI scares you this much you have to go into infinite damage control mode whenever someone says things you don't like.
You will get filtered by AI and the only thing you will do is complain instead of drawing.
Pic related is what will replace you.

>> No.6219302
File: 48 KB, 605x325, ash31289dna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6219304

Dumb trannime poster

>> No.6219305

how many artists nowadays are getting paid behind the scenes to be ai-cucks?

>> No.6219306
File: 387 KB, 512x512, seed86561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone furpedo

>> No.6219308
File: 235 KB, 1685x1086, 1641335769049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's no surprising you're a weebtard either, by the way. failed weeb artists tend to be the most frustrated of them all

>> No.6219307

His buddy beeple is encouraging it too, but I can't imagine him needing money.

>> No.6219310


>> No.6219311
File: 114 KB, 317x256, 165465465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Anime website.

>> No.6219312

This, trannime 'artists' are so mad and demotivated right now that they want everyone to feel the same so the spam the board with their inane shit

>> No.6219313

>keeps posting wacky trannime faces

>> No.6219314

Yeah, the popular stuff all sounds the same, but it's about the singer. It'll be plagiarizing the voice of alive singers. That shit won't hold.

>> No.6219316
File: 317 KB, 1024x1959, FZI6Pv2UsAA4Zno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are eating this shit up. All it takes to add "individual style" is to draw a trannime character alongside the AI shit.

>> No.6219317

I saw numerous industrybros commented to this A.I stuff and say, they suck it up. Mostly because Industrybros are like drones, they only care about fundamental aspect of the paintings instead of the actual characters and contents of the paintings.

Safe to say, Industrybros are not gonna go anywhere, they will still be hired based on their actual skills. It is just, their artworks will nolonger be special anymore and the value will be quite low.

Consummer is another subject of its own. The mindset of a consummer is, he/she doesn't want to make stuff, but instead, admire and buy stuff from other creators, so freelance artists will stick around, too. "A.I artists" will rise as a new form of scam, just like those NFT scammers and that pretty much is the conclusion to this A.I phenomenon.

>> No.6219318

I dont understand Ash and his crew, they spew their twitter poetry about personal creativity, individuality, and what "makes a style unique"
But at the same time only promote nft apes and investing in ai companies.

>> No.6219319
File: 108 KB, 900x705, 1617588101322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting, seethe and cope

>> No.6219320

yeah, I'm not sure what AI will accomplish there. but it's really the same as with AI art. mass produced boring garbage. really AI music would actually be an improvement over commercial music at best, or you wouldn't know the difference at worst. neither stop based tasteful music from being created, even if it's more niche

>> No.6219321

Normies don't matter. Most of them will never support any artist. What matters is the paypigs. Will they eat it up? I don't think so.

>> No.6219322

>didn't say dilate
You are an unironic troon lmao

>> No.6219323

no, people pay for the shit they like to invest themselves in. I can pirate games, but I still choose to buy them instead, and I did so with many other things in life including art. this is who actually pays for shit even though it makes no sense


>> No.6219324

Caught up in hustle culture. Having wife and kids while living in expensive areas in America also probably drives money making at expense of others.

>> No.6219325

>Art was the pursuit of beauty
And before that, it was a way of visual communication and record-keeping.

>> No.6219326

the problem is that the creation and development of ai will create a rise of people pretending to be artist and doing commissions/industry work. AI art has already passed the turing test, and with how much it has improved just within a few months I don't doubt that even industryfags won't be able to tell the difference by next year. The level of trust between the producer and consumer is fucking obliterated because no one can tell if someone is actually drawing something or is just pressing a button, so naturally, the value of all of it will be equivalent to whichever one has the least value: $0.

>> No.6219327
File: 187 KB, 3084x2568, 1587570073688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate and 50% yourself then, if that's what you want to read, discord tranny

>> No.6219329

These AI worshipping demons really think that transhumanism on all fronts, from work, from art, to our very minds and body themselves, is a future to strive for. To me it seems depraved to think that a future in where humans are fundamentally replace on all afronts by AI as some sort of liberation for humans. These fuckers (and im talking about the AI/General AI programmer as a whole) are messing with a pandoras box that will change humanity on a scale that its never been changed before. I hope their offices get columbined/ted K-ed. You can't stop the AI but you can def turn a few pajeet developers into pink mist to send a message

>> No.6219330

>spergs out when getting called out for being a weebtard as well
how predictable, you're literally an NPC for repeating the same scenario we've been through

>> No.6219334
File: 75 KB, 874x666, Industry Requirement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are numerous ways to work around it. Simply, you screenshot your photoshop's inner worshop that you are working with layers and stuff. Or just send your customers the pds files. It is not that troublesome to gain trust, just don't be shady about it and you are good to go.

For industrybros, they must have alot of extra shits required by the intern and some pretty A.I artworks is not gonna cut it.

>> No.6219335

Music is interesting and very unique in this context imo. You don't even need AI to create new music in western pop music genres like edm or rb, these kind of genres already have very strictly defined music theory qualities and song structures that you could make an excel spreadsheet that can generate a lot of music 40 years ago. However music in general survived the computers somehow. Maybe it's thanks to the power of music industry, maybe it has to do with sampling being a common practice or trends changing faster in music I dunno, but similarly I don't see AI killing music as it can with art.

>> No.6219336

>be me, an AI-Artist/Prompt Imagineer
>send portfolio to WOC
>asked to make card featuring new unseen planeswalker
>get send concept art and turn-arounds.
>freak the fuck out cos my AI has no idea who this character is.
>commit sudoku from shame.

>> No.6219338

Why are all the japs jumping into that shit? Do they really not have souls?

>> No.6219341

I blame the modern fiction for their "human bad, robot good" message. This kind of story telling and narrative took away the pride of alot of individuals. If flesh is truly a weakness, so are the machines because we flesh made them from our visions and intelligence, along with our limitations.

>> No.6219342

He is not Japanese, he just works in Japan.

>> No.6219344
File: 50 KB, 800x450, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists tracing and stealing works and earning money with it is okay as long as they don't get found out
>artists only doing porn fanart of copyrighted IPs is okay because it just is ok?
>artists using 3D models to do art is ok
>artists using the liquify tool is ok
>artists using rulers to get straight lines is ok
>artists copying other works is ok
>artists earning money by using all tools available to them to create a product which then they can sell is ok
>someone using AI to create artworks, skipping all other major steps and earning money is bad because it will make the "real artists" feel bad that about themselves for being unwilling to adapt to the evolving markets
>"We should kill AI developers because muh ego"
The future is now, Narcissius.

>> No.6219345
File: 957 KB, 3284x1943, We have to go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Japs don't have souls.

>> No.6219348

>humans have no purpose
>to prevent them from constantly wanting to kill themselves they're permanently hooked up to dopamine machines and a vr set so they can pretend to be something more than a waste of space
>average lifespan is 25 years, because that's usually when the drugs stop working
>if anyone questions the great siliconfags their dopamine and vr are taken away, instant suicide
>ai has turned into a babysitter for a group of organisms who don't want to be alive in the first place
why should I look forward to this future

>> No.6219352

automating the creative part of art is fucked up anon. Tracing 3d models, rulers, whatever are fine because the artist is still making all the creative decisions

>> No.6219354
File: 274 KB, 453x532, 1989456146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't read
All you're showing is that you're unable to process abstract information.

Maybe post something worth taking seriously then you'd get a non-standard response, you low iq monkey.

>> No.6219356

Who says the ones putting words into AI aren't making creative decisions?
Who says the ones tracing 3D models are making creative decisions?

>> No.6219359
File: 18 KB, 433x489, Ainsley Milos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>someone using AI to create artworks, skipping all other major steps
>>Create artworks
>>Skipping major steps

I fuck your wife and you raise my child. You are still the father, it is just, you skipped the major steps.

>> No.6219360

>one is commissioning a robot to do it
>the other is actively deciding on how they want the pose to be depending on the type of character they're drawing and the situation, along with deciding on the design of the character

>> No.6219361

>>"We should kill AI developers because muh ego"
Dont be reductionist you faggot, you know damn well art is the only field they're trying to roll out AI into. AI as a whole isnt a fucking tool, it'll make 90 percent of the pop obsolete, (You see this fuckin talking point get thrown around from both spectrums, UBI v. Pop decline) this shit is a genuine existential threat and if you don't see that its either cause you dont have the foresight to see where this leads or you're just some fuckin shill/troll for this garbage

>> No.6219362


>> No.6219363

Twitter trannoids do not represent the average japanese person. The average japanese person honours tradition, craftsmanship and artistry

>> No.6219370
File: 527 KB, 1153x2048, FaFLJvYaAAAskaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A.I fags in Jap are like minority compare to a huge wave of Jap hentai artists. Drawing is their culture, they are not gonna give up.

>> No.6219371

>art is the only field they're trying to roll out AI
If you used google, you'd contradict yourself.
>AI as a whole isnt a fucking tool
AI can't make art by itself
>this shit is a genuine existential threat
To whom? To artist unwilling to adapt?
Get on with the times or get left behind.
Like you don't care if the ones making AI die for your own benefit, they don't care if you got your jimmies in a twist and cry about AI taking over.
>you dont have the foresight to see where this leads or you're just some fuckin shill/troll for this garbage
""You either agree with me or you're a troll""
You do not have any right to say others lack foresight.
You shouldn't even have the right to talk about shit you don't understand.
Now lemme guess; anyone who also connects the dots and sees the bigger picture you fail to even fathom, is a schizo, right?

>> No.6219372

>Those stains on his shirt.
>Those Stains on the floor...

>> No.6219374

90% of 4chan posts are generated by AI.

>> No.6219375

Okay bot

>> No.6219376

She shills see shills from Seychelles

>> No.6219377

Hello fellow human. I, too, hate these AI things. They will never replace us. Am I right?

>> No.6219380


>> No.6219381
File: 953 KB, 1024x1024, ca22bxx6j7f91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If StableDiffusion is 2GB, then the entirety of furry artistic ability can probably fit in 100MB or less kek.

>> No.6219383

>>average lifespan is 25 years, because that's usually when the drugs stop working
I love how you had to insert this arbitrary line out of nowhere just to make the general gist of mass-VR seem bad.
Living your personal heaven on Earth is quite literally the best direction civilization could head towards.

Just imagine ALL of the possibilities, being sorrounded by a bunch of maids who serve you and your cock, while you live in a mansion, eating the finest foods from cuisines all around the world. You could even let your AI generate a video game for you, feed in "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Sequel" and you'll get a perfect sequel.

Fucking hell, you know why we won't be exploring other galaxies any time soon? Because we'll be too invested being hooked up in alternate reality where quite literally everything is perfect.

>> No.6219384

If you want to get a career in art, why are you worried about these threads?
And if you have one, you would be experience/senior artist by then, with skill set that AI cannot replace without great risk

>> No.6219386
File: 83 KB, 509x689, 1648073936178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just imagine ALL of the possibilities, being sorrounded by a bunch of maids who serve you and your cock, while you live in a mansion, eating the finest foods from cuisines all around the world. You could even let your AI generate a video game for you, feed in "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Sequel" and you'll get a perfect sequel.

>> No.6219387

AI art will turn out to be a Good Thing. I am seeing it as an idyllic return to monke where the only people who are interested in doing art will do so out of their own volition and devotion to the craft, nothing more. Rather than an army of Ruan Jia imitators vying for some shitty cubicle job, it will be some poor old china man in rural butt fuck nowhere doing portraits of his children and friends. His great grand children will come around and he will teach them the sounds of birds, because it's the right thing to do.

The best case outcome is that this absolutely BTFOs most concept art and digital art industry positions, because I don't want to see any more photobashed uninspiring and uninspired concept art characters and digital landscapes.

I've been coming across these "Art is Doomed" threads not just on /ic/, but across the entire internet. Art isn't doomed. I don't see a problem.

>> No.6219388

Why are vidyatrannies like this

>> No.6219389

>humans have no purpose
beep boop my purpose is to slave away for my boss man beeep without it i wither
you are already an npc

>> No.6219391

so slaving away to an ai is better?

>> No.6219392

Bullshit. Nobody is "harsh" or "mean". Every person I met who was good at something loves teaching it.
You know what they are? Give actual feedback. And people are so god damn insecure they project it as an attack on them

>> No.6219394

>i-it's bad b-b-because ur just a consooooomer!!!
Fascinating rebuttal.
We should have a corner of the Earth where people with no interest in VR heaven should be sent to live in their desolate makeshift idea of what they deem "thoughtful civilization".
You are basically denying heaven, though you're probably also religious which is funny since actual heaven will probably be one big dopamine-rush "CONSOOOM" fest.

>> No.6219396

>I am seeing it as an idyllic return to monke where the only people who are interested in doing art will do so out of their own volition and devotion to the craft
What the fuck do you think artists are doing now??? You think we do this shit cause we think we're gonna get rich? We do this because we're compelled to do this, If we dont, we get sick/depressed. I WISH i didnt like art, I could've put my autism into stocks or something far more profitable than art. Assuming you're saying this shit in good faith, Look around you, Basic resources like Water and food is becoming scarce. Do you really think when shit hits the fan, that anyone but those already in charge of things will come out on top?

>> No.6219398

Weird cope but ok, keep playing your zeldas kid

>> No.6219401

what would an ai need a slave for? the machine serves not the other way around

>> No.6219402

>> And people are so god damn insecure they project it as an attack on them

If a person who is actually good and know his shit, then any criticism is a lesson to learn and look up to. However when BEGs try to be art teachers and criticize your stuff, you will feel a certain rage inside you, knowing this faggot draws worse than you but trying to act like a superior. In this case, i say, bully them till they cry.

>> No.6219403

>VR heaven
Thats a disgusting premise

>> No.6219404

>why should I look forward to this future
Because you're an oversocialized retard who is unwilling to do your own thing, but expect the world to bow down to your whims and moods, screeching and demonizing anyone who is actually free from social conditioning.

I look forward to the masses being encapsulated and legally taken out of the real world. If you aren't a fag, you'll feel the same.

>> No.6219407

>I look forward to the masses being encapsulated and legally taken out of the real world.
At least you're being honest for once you AI loving nigger

>> No.6219410

please refrain from using racial slurs on this website from now on
you've been warned

>> No.6219412
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>You think we do this shit cause we think we're gonna get rich? We do this because we're compelled to do this
That's a good one.

>> No.6219413

Why would you get into art in hopes to get rich? Might as well spend all your money on the lottery

>> No.6219414

My first name is Honesty, you niggerloving Artificial Incest-child.

>> No.6219416

>Why would you get into art in hopes to get rich?
>Clearly state we do this KNOWING we won't get rich
Reading comprehension anon

>> No.6219418

Constructive, good-faith criticism from a skilled person is always welcome. However, randos in the comments can fuck right off with theirs. 99% of "art critique" I've encountered 15 years ago was from insecure fags who can't fucking hold a pen themselves. These people seem to have died out though.

>> No.6219419
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I'm not disagreeing with you, i'm laughing at how naive you are.
If you'd lurked enough you'd know why i'm laughing.

>> No.6219420

Why would I lurk this board

>> No.6219422

Why are you posting then?

>> No.6219425

Because I want to

>> No.6219427

Nah, you’re an outlier and you can’t see the forest. What I’m referring to is the crabbing, the competition, the “I’m better than you,” and everything else that’s entailed in turning drawing and painting into a massive billion dollar industry where peoples egos are butthurt as fuck.

Why do you think they’re getting high off of copium over this AI thing? They’re literally frightened it’ll turn out pieces much better than they ever could and displace their existence in the world.

A person who is compelled to do this out of an existential necessity has no need to fear anything, because the AI will not replace such a need any more than an AI will replace your need to eat and sleep.

>> No.6219433

I want to beat women and rape them, doesn't mean i actually should.
lurk moar

>> No.6219434

Why would I lurk this horrible board with nothing but trannime, loli and furry?

>> No.6219442

Why are you here then?

>> No.6219445

i invited him

>> No.6219446

>I could've put my autism into stocks or something far more profitable than art
Action follows belief. You make something you need to do easy to do and fun, you can do it

>> No.6219454

I'm literally getting a hard on from this much common sense.

>> No.6219457

Then slit your wirsts and fuck off, tranny

>> No.6219469

I haven't been on dA in the last 20 years but apparently they are starting to object to people posting AI stuff. The drama should get interesting soon enough.

>> No.6219476

All they'll do is whine about AI on twitter and create echochambers for bias confirmation.
Not even the funny type of whining but serious childish tantrums fueled by existential butthurt.

Just tell them to get a job and they'll lose their shit much like they do in these threads.

>> No.6219484

The only looks like being butthurted here is you, A.I shill. You need regconition from those people or what? Or, you finally have a revelation, that you will never be happy and accepted?

Imagine being hated, scorned, ridiculed everywhere. Have inferiority complex and too afraid to draw, resulted in A.I usage like a cuck. Glad that's not me.

>> No.6219490

Get a job, nodraw.

>> No.6219500

Mid journey is just that. Mid.

>> No.6219502

You are demanding artists to stop drawing so you can play with your robot? Yeah well sure, i will fuck your wife and you will be happy with it. Sounds like a good deal, rite?

>> No.6219511
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>> No.6219520

Straight from the CEO's mouth, Maxjourney will be coming in the next 2 years. Do whatever you want with this time, but anything beyond will be an absolute wasteland for the art medium.
>boorus cluttered with shitty AI art, the promptmakers will have their name on it
>exponential rise of narcissistic r/AIart faggots shunning digital artists who call them out
>digital tablet companies going bankrupt and stop updating their drivers to not crash
>people blatantly stealing artist's styles, while also claiming ownership over their prompt texts
>youtuber artists brainwash their audience into numbness with "AI art = just a tool!!
We are living in the last age of human art

>> No.6219526

>stop updating their drivers to not crash

>> No.6219531

> stop updating their drivers to not crash
I must've missed, when did they ever start doing that?

>> No.6219534

I heard the CEO said they're already developing MaxProJourney enterprise to accompany MaxJourney and MaxJourney lite for students at a lower cost. Exciting times.

>> No.6219544

>>>exponential rise of narcissistic r/AIart faggots shunning digital artists who call them out

I met few of these before. They were so butthurt when i call their turds as garbage. Lol.

>> No.6219549
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>> No.6219552

One in five major windows/linux software updates causes some glitches in the drivers of these digital tablets so they update constantly to also keep up with the software changes, imagine WIN13 comes out and no tablet works on it.
>inb4 just stick to windows XP

>> No.6219560

Miyazaki was right

>> No.6219565

Obviously the ML algorithm pulls from this shit. This is why it doesn't matter how many style changes artists go through, the AI will just take that shit and it'll eventually be able to do the same style you can until there are no styles left to make.

>> No.6219570


>> No.6219576

It's another level of perfection when it's handcrafted but I agree it looks like the exact same generic artstation shit.

>> No.6219580
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>> No.6219581

This looks clearly handcrafted

>> No.6219587

A.I with human's overpaint. You can see certain deforminity around her stomach.

>> No.6219589
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>FBI screens from early 2000s DVDs.
fuck lmao

>> No.6219590

>Exciting times
You must have gotten the same kind of excitement when you saw your mom in bed with me

>> No.6219609

Yeah, You can also sense the Midjourney sameface underneath.

>> No.6219623

>the same jannies deleting threads complaining about AI and searching for ways to escape it today will be allowing tenths of AI generals for StableDiffV2/MaxJourney/Dall-E3 in a couple years

>> No.6219635

A whole new board might be needed. /Ai/
Given it will infect all aspects, music/art/lit etc?

>> No.6219647

There is supposed to be an A.I general, but retards are so full of themselves, they would rather spam 5 of it everyday just to be vocal about their opinions.

>> No.6219649

As much as I have full hability to render tits on midjourney generated details and artbreeder faces, I truly refuse to do so until I learn to render and detail like that without photobashing literal stolen works from other digital artists.

>> No.6219652

It will still leak into these boards.
>people advertise their techno music channel in /mu/ while hiding the fact that it's all AI made shit
>writing general on /lit/ is cluttered with sneaky AI novels, no way to tell if writer's style is legit or not
>/ic/ is absolutely dead by then so /qa/ is allowed in to post their soijaks

>> No.6219668

You know what it feels like? It's like some sort of tech company made literal shit taste like food and have the same nutrients, but it still looks and feels like feces.

The output may look fine but In the end it still feels like you are eating the digested output of someone else and feeding off it.

I'd rather eat a cheap honest hotdog than gourmet shit digested from someone elses bowel.

This kind of process feels disgusting philosophically.

>> No.6219682

Traditional art would be like growing your crops and cooking your food

Digital art would be going to the supermarket and buying groceries or buying made food

AI generation feels like eating shit digested from several artists but somehow still getting the nutrients out of it.

>> No.6219683

I noticed how alot of "Music youtuber" suddenly pop up nowadays. They always use that A.I music shit, along with some shitty Sprite Animation.

>> No.6219704
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When You're Ready, You Won't Have To

>> No.6219718

Yeah, but those AIs are nothing compared to this. Here people spend 10 seconds thinking about a prompt, 10 seconds generating it and 10 seconds publishing it. Do they expect me to waste more of my time appreciating this AIshat than they did to create it? This is a complete inversion of art into an industrialized product, which misses the point of it in the first place

>> No.6219723

However, A.I music is harder to detect than A.I artworks. The only way to detect A.I music is those suspiciously childish youtuber with no specific music team, suddenly have music videos on their channel. This thing damages music alot because everyone can use it and your ears have no ability to know if your favourite bigdick composer used it or not.

>> No.6219728

Something that music has the upper hand with though is playing live. You can't AI your way on stage. Besides music has integrated technology for awhile now so I think musicians are more comfortable with AI since we've already have had algorithmic music via MIDI and music theory.

>> No.6219730
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> You can't AI your way on stage

>> No.6219736

>You can't AI your way on stage.
>what is Hatsune Miku, Gorillaz, the entirety of the japanese virtual idol industry

>> No.6219737
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>> No.6219740

Yeah I often listen to Artcore music, but some channels have an unusually fast creation rate which makes me suspicious, so I only stick with composers that published their songs in Yo Kaze for a long time. But I enjoy mostly Japanese singers like Hatsuki Yura so they're safe for now I guess while AIs don't know how to interpret tonality with voices

>> No.6219741

okay you can't lazily AI on stage. Kraftwerk did it with sovl.

>> No.6219755

These A.I stuff always feel like Frankenstein to me. Even when they have coherent shapes, they still look like they were kitbashed from materials not meant for them.

>> No.6219757

fuck off you demented tech bot. ai replacing humans is gross no matter what. Why do you think I shit down your fat throat here despite not being an artist myself? Use that pretty little head of yours. Are you that far gone to dismiss removing humanity from art as something trivial that needs to be endorsed? I'm not even saying it will happen, it's just shocking to see lunatics like you desiring to crush the human spirit in the first place. Like you envision that being some kind of Elon musk living in a tower surrounded by a world in ruins is actually something to look up to

>> No.6219765
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Bros let's airdrop one of these weaponized robot dogs carried by an Amazon™ Smartdrone into OpenAI's computer farms

>> No.6219774

Not at all. See: >>6219387. People spending their lives making stale corporate art for a living is where we currently are. AI can only accelerate the demise of it. Return to monke, human.

>> No.6219783
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subhuman bugmen

>> No.6219792

>AI accelerationist

>> No.6219798

I haven't encountered these before, could you link me one?

>> No.6219803

He should research copyright violations by making ai art of Disney/Viacom shit instead.

>> No.6219813

This technollama faggot did an article on Dall-E 2 where he opinated
>So let’s say I just type “Cyberpunk llamas”, I don’t think that prompt is worthy of protection, but “a llama wearing a spacesuit in a futuristic city scape with flying cars flying above, digital art”, is detailed enough that it just might have protection in its own right
Lmao this faggot unironically wants AI "artists" to be able to copyright their prompts made out of other people's art.

>> No.6219848

Addendum: he's risking his own neck for this little experiment though. Let he radicalize artists and be sued by the one he's taunting, no matter the outcome this will shed some light on the matter now rather than later

>> No.6219922

what he's doing is targeting artists who don't have the money to buy disney-level lawyers. All he has to do is win a small case for it to apply to everyone

>> No.6219928

Fuck suing, I can't wait until these tech retards trigger some schitzo artist that ends up pulling a "Kyoto Animation incident" on them

>> No.6219935
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Why are you faggots acting like an AI killed your parents? If you feel threatened by this, you weren't drawing for yourself and you were ngmi anyway. This isn't the 17th century, hell it aint even the 70s. people dont value the work behind an illustration anymore, and art was always doomed to go this way. get a part time job, and draw for yourself, or quit already. in the very least, develop a unique style that isnt loomis anime for fucks sake

>> No.6219937

I wish they were based in japan kek
nips can go fucking insane over this kind of stuff

>> No.6219941

I don't give a fuck about doing art as a job, I'm just depressed because some pajeets over in california thought it was a good idea to automate human creativity

>> No.6219943

Well one of the main pajeets are in london, If enough people generate Muhammad art, they could get hacked to death by some psycho muslim

>> No.6219947

You wouldn't get it, soulless pajeet

>> No.6219962

The real answer to this is to make this garbage as disliked as NFTs currently are so any person/company that associates with AI generators gets shit on

>> No.6219966
File: 489 KB, 810x810, 1621540693778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the people that draw for money and soulless concept and coomer artists btfo and stop drawing
>only people who enjoy drawing for the sake of it are left
>new rennaisance of artist that enjoy drawing and are fun to be around
Looking forward to it!

>> No.6219968

Why are you depressed? I don't give two shits.

>> No.6219972


>> No.6219973

>can't tell who are actually real artist and who are faggots looking to get a dopamine hit on the side
the time of getting art friends is over, the age of sharing art to other people has died

>> No.6219985

>0.50 cents have been deposited in your bank from Midjourney

>> No.6219990

good bot

>> No.6220026

totally different beast. a single mistake by an autopiloted car has way more devastating consequences than a fuck up by an illustrative AI, which means it will take longer for the public to gain its trust enough for it to even be put into use. AI growth is virtually uninhibited.

>> No.6220102
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ok google how to commit sudoku

>> No.6220112
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>> No.6220282

It's not an issue of trust, it's an issue of it not fucking working. Watch videos of people using autopilot, it's 2022 and it still fucking sucks.

The AI for making art still can't do many things now, so I'm not going to assume its progress given what I've seen with other AI predictions. Again, I'll believe when I see it.