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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 462 KB, 2730x4096, FX9AxBGUEAALwkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6188988 No.6188988 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys rationalize distributing coom art? I'm not religious or anything, but I do see the distribution and production of hentai/rule34 to be a negative and drain on society. As porn has certainly harmed my life, I cant rationalize making and releasing it without feeling I'd be hurting, and potentially profiting from someone's addiction.

Isn't rule34/hentai essentially onlyfans, but for artists? How do you rationalize this? And do those of you who produce coom art, feel any shame/remorse?

>> No.6189003

You literally can't rationalize it. You should stop doing it immediately. All the money in the world is not worth your soul. Learn how to do clean artwork. Make a graphic novel or something. I believe in you, bro. Go make something of yourself!

>> No.6189005

I can think of so many things way worse than porn. Porn distributors are merely pebbles in the sea of problems.

>> No.6189009

By not being a little whiny bitch moralfag

>> No.6189011

I am not responsible for every living human on earth.
If you can't handle porn without getting addicted then stay away from it or commit suicide, makes no difference to me.
Japan has a booming porn industry and their society seems to be doing fine.
Seems like a westoid problem to me.

>> No.6189017

I'm taking away from the weak and depraved of the resources they don't deserve

>> No.6189021

Why do I need to rationalize it?
I love coom, other people love coom, what’s the problem?
Coom arguably has more emancipatory potential than any other art, because it’s the type of art that the existing power structure is most afraid of.
Australian authorities seize hentai manga at the border. They’re never gonna seize a boring trad landscape painting. So who’s making the real art and who’s making boring kitsch?

>> No.6189022

The fact that u got addicted to it its not anyone's problem. Like any product, consume responsibly

>> No.6189025
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thats what i currently do, but ive been playing with the idea of making some on the side to make a little extra money. but i cant get rationalize it being okay, and feel i would be very ashamed and it would hurt my future relationships

>> No.6189029

>but society!
who gives a fuck.

society is a monkey show that exists to fulfill the desires of those in power.
yes do i sound like an edgelord hipster? yeah, but it doesn't change the fact its true.
As people all we need to do is keep our heads low and do what makes us happy. asking for more is retarded and makes you nothing more than a cheap tool for those above you.

>> No.6189038

misato is so fucking hot in any dimension jesus christ i love her

>> No.6189040
File: 268 KB, 1226x848, 1648851774890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if your work led to someone who is terribly addicted to porn, eventually killing themself? or a thousand other negatives that could occur in someones life due to their fixation and obsession with porn, your work potentially being a part of that pyramid that built their terrible life.

>> No.6189045

Tell a live camgirl that she's exploiting the loneliness and mental illness of men, fun reactions!

>> No.6189050

Share some.

>> No.6189063

People get addicted to MMOs too, are people not allowed to make or play MMOs anymore?
It’s not my problem what some idiot does or doesn’t do with my work.

>> No.6189064

Addiction to porn is a myth created by massive faggots so they can justify dislike it, is bullshit. Is like addiction to video-games or saying video-games will transform you in a schoolshoter and rapist because trevor on gta is a crazy bastard.

If that's really your own argument you are the one who should kill yourself, I'm serious, you are the sort of loser people hate, the sort of retarded that thinks D&D or pokemon is satanic because someone told you so, that violence on movies matter, that fuel the worst type of censorship because you lack the basic notions of human critical thinking, wen you open a history book and read about how people in the past were treated like dirt while the small minority fought tooth and nail to change that is because people like you existed and defended that because you don't have a soul, you are just a meat robot waiting to be told how to think and why, really, I'm serious as I can, if you killed yourself there is a good chance the world would be just a bit of a better place and I'm not saying this to be mean, I honestly believe that I can't find any other argument against it.

>> No.6189093

We get it, you're a third-worlder who cannot afford the luxury of having morals

>> No.6189108

Imagine being so weak that you not only cant stick to morals, you have to delude yourself into thinking that the well-being is society has no effect on you.

We all know it’s just a cope so that you don’t have to feel bad about yourself.

>> No.6189128

I can tell you should kill yourself. Just think about it anon, do you have knowledge of basic history for the past 40 years. Is the same thing over and over again, a bunch of functional idiots seething at random shit because they were told to do it, always complaining, making shit up, lying, just because they don't like and being a nuisance to normal people because they don't have a soul and can't stop to think for one second.

Movies, cartoons, video-games and now rule34. Is always something for you fucking retards, always something dumb and stupid to complain but never with real reasons, so you need to make shit up on the spot and when again the wall you spout out this nonsense about morals. Guess what, faggot? You don't have morals either, you don't even know what morals really are, what you have is a bunch of arbitrary dogmas you can't even completely grasp being transvestite as morals because you are a demented loser with no free will that really should kill yourself.

You have any idea of how hated you must be by anyone normal, I know you can tell, deep down you must realize how people threat you, how they just want to avoid you to a certain level and you can't even come up with a decent excuse why you should just off yourself because deep down you know it's true, you know it's aaaall some bullshit and you don't like but you can't have the decency of even admiring that, so you hide behind all this garbage bullshit like a child to justify the huge piece of shit you are but despite all that you can't escape the truth, and the truth here is that you should just kill yourself, just do it, do you even have a real reason not do it that is not another fallacy bullshit or just cowardice.

I will give you a good reason, because you know porn will only get more and more popular, and before you realize will find yourself in a world you hate and can't understand like the old people you saw as a kid, that's your future, a bitter bastard hated by all.

>> No.6189139

i hear self-flagellation works. as long as you don't start enjoying it.

>> No.6189150

Ah yes. Tell me more about thus morally upstanding society that bans porn, drugs, alcohol, anyone who insults others, bans anything inconvenient, and the moment you stop existing solely for the benefit of society you're seen as a leech who is removed.

Or are you saying that we should be okay with any of that?

>> No.6189193

i don't care about societal implications of it. but i also don't care about making it, though it would be safer than anything else i could be doing.

i respect a lot of porn doujin artists but i have no passion for it. i don't have as much respect for non-comic porn artist though. it just all seems so cheap to me.

>> No.6189265
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im open to actual arguments regarding the pro porn position. i'm not inherently anti porn, my current position is just that i find it immoral, and potentially damaging to other peoples lives, which causes me hesitation in distributing it. (i've made some soley for myself, but never shared it).

my position stems from being very pro porn in the past, until i realized i had a problem and it was causing problems, and damaging my life in a tangible way.

however if you just want to sperg out like a 4chan poisoned autist, and tell me to kms without providing an actual argument for the pro porn position, go ahead.

>> No.6189278

porn has very little to do with it.
when i was 12 i was a horny little fuck masturbating as soon as i got home because in history class the cutest girl in class sat on the other side of the room and i could peak up her skirt in the middle of class.
even as an adult, if i don't fap on a regular basis i'm going to turn into a horny freak and the moment i look at a women i'll want to fuck the shit out of her.

the fact i can fap on a regular basis and express my degenerate desires in art is probably the only reason im a functional human.

>> No.6189353

When you get into niche fetishes it gets hard to find things without commissioning them or supporting artists who draw them, or without drawing it yourself.
is this a good thing? questionable. but i find it makes life more bearable than not.

>> No.6189505

>my position stems from being very pro porn in the past, until i realized i had a problem and it was causing problems, and damaging my life in a tangible way.
So you had a problem, flipped from one corrupt position to another, and decided to make it everyone else's problem.

>> No.6189641

society is fucked, there is no fixing it so why pretend it can be?
go as degenerate as you want, as long as you can function till old age, who fucking cares?

>> No.6189660

Sounds like you have problems and the problem is yourself, not porn or anything else. This could be said about literally anything. People have problems with alcohol but you know what prohibition led to, people had problems with certain types of music and you should know how it ends.

It's not even like porn artists prey as much as they could on people with issues, they do their own stuff, is popular and a small percentage of people pay for it, how exactly that is damaging? The fact you used to shove your first so up your ass you need to have a cirugy is now everyone else problem that porn needs to be prohibited and controlled because is some sort of epidemic? You sound like a incredible self centered deluded faggot with no grasp on reality that is not memes and /pol/ shillinh trash in your mind. How the fuck we live in the same world, with the same issues, with shit going down on what it seems every few months and the mainstream media making things worse and worse because they are a dying industry trying the hardest they can to suck the morrow of the bones of stupid people so they don't starve, with the global economy at risk of collapsing and people being so divided on social issues that certain countries feel like are on the precipice of civil war and the faggot like you think porn is a issue because it's popular, in what world do you live in were porn in any problematic and a real world issue? I want to move to wherever it is.

>> No.6189663

>How do you guys rationalize distributing coom art?

>> No.6189701
File: 540 KB, 1413x1432, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like doing it, I know how porn addiction has affected me and I hate to perpetuate the cycle by creating more coom.
However, why would I think about "the greater good" when nobody else is doing it? If I stop drawing coom because of my morals, there's still gonna be a million porn artists on twitter anyway. I'm not cucking myself out of money when it's not gonna change anything.
The day I see a big effort by wider society to actually become less degenerate, I might reconsider, right now being moral in a world of apathy is really dumb.

>> No.6189728
File: 298 KB, 2048x1222, E0C6pLRUcAIWEYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flipped from one corrupt position to another, and decided to make it everyone else's problem.
or i recognized i had a problem and tried to limit my access to it? i'm not advocating for banning porn, im just adverse to producing and distributing it. i started the thread to have a discussion about the topic, and potentially be persuaded to the other side if i heard a good enough argument.

like i said to anon above, im not advocating for the banning of porn, i just have moral qualms with distributing it, and potentially profiting off of someone elses mental illness. which you appear to have, take your meds.

>> No.6189731
File: 354 KB, 324x756, 18.11.2021_00.43.23_REC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if everyone has this view of "well society is fucked anyways, might as well not give a shit" then nothing would ever improve. shouldnt you have convictions based upon your views of the world and act in accordance with what you believe will improve it? however small that improvement might be.

>> No.6189734

You got plenty of good arguments though. Let me summarize them here. Distributing porn can increase the number of cases of porn addiction, but that doesn't mean that porn is devoid of any benefits. Just because you got addicted doesn't mean that the majority of people will, and for lots of people porn is great. Whether you want to distribute porn or not is up to you, but using your case and projecting moral standards because of it is a bit weird, no?

>> No.6189737

Who's to say that lack of sexual expression and the taboo on it in the current societal landscape isn't the cause of the 'loneliness epidemic' and reason why sex is seen as a 'bad' thing? Physical intimacy is just another form of communication amd intimacy the body craves, and porn just happens to be an outlet for it. Repressing it only causes the desires to warp into hurtful obsessions.

Just be you and do your thing, anon. You're doing the world a favor.

>> No.6189779
File: 15 KB, 112x112, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, however in my case, coom art is really the only way I can hope to make good money, I'm not gonna sacrifice myself for a society that doesn't really care, plus you see there's plenty of other anons in this thread that will happily continue making coom in my stead, so.
Like I said I will reconsider if society wants to change, right now itseems like the zeitgeist is just gonna continue towards degeneracy and hedonism, so I will at least adapt and benefit from it.

>> No.6189795

humanity have been producing smut for pretty much all of it's existence. your negative bias towards pornographic imagery is largely unfounded and stems from a repressive culture.

and no, porn hasn't harmed your life. jacking off with zero restraint and being a hedonist in every respect ruined your life. if it wasn't porn, it'd be something else.

>> No.6189893

ITT Pornfag seethe

>> No.6190001

Or you focus on the things that actually matter and not nonsensical shit like
>Uh well maybe porn is bad...
Go focus on shit like people being fired because they said a naughty word 20 years ago when nobody cared.

>> No.6190097

No one gives a fuck to convince you otherwise faggot. If you want to be some moral busybody then fucking stay out, you aren't going to make it anyway

>> No.6190107

Stop being a faggot

>> No.6190189

Why do people care about society so much tho?
I couldn't give a fuck if my art ends up secondhandedly getting someone hurt.

>> No.6190248

like i said to anon above, you should kill yourself. You have a extremely biased opinion and you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, all your opinions and morals are fake bullshit made to justify your shitty opinions because you can't handle people enjoying what you don't like.

>> No.6190275
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thats true, i should research a bit more on the benefits of porn, i've been on the opposing side for so long that i admittedly have a bias.

as far as projecting my moral standards, id disagree, as i currently just hold the standards for myself, and not others.

thats fair, i wish you luck with your ventures! happE

>> No.6190282
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>> No.6190495

Why do you people overthink people drawing NSFW art so much? They draw it because they like it, that's literally all there is to it.

>Porn has harmed my life so I can't rationalize making it without feeling i'd be hurting someone.

Then don't. Nobody says you have to make NSFW art in the first place. Plenty of people can look at this stuff and be just fine. It's not an artists job to monitor someone's porn intake or any addictions they gain from it. It's up to the person consuming it to recognize and deal with the problem if they have one in the first place.

>> No.6190539
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>> No.6190542

>Why do you overthink people drawing NSFW art so much?
Probably because they fear its going to look bad beacuse they dont understand anatomy very well

>> No.6190662

I just drawn porn when I'm feeling horny.
It definitely looks like shit but idc. I needed to express my horny and show it to vtubers so they know how I want to fuck them.

>> No.6190826

How do I get a flat face like that

>> No.6190876

Based and gmi

>> No.6190918

>my art leads to someone suiciding

honestly that would make me feel extremely powerful, I would have finally done something meaningful. my art would have meaning. also fuck people, everyone dies eventually

>> No.6190922

we are all hypocrites because there is no way that we possibily do only the good for the world, we waste food, fuels, energy, clothes, we hurt and we kill the life on the planet , we destroy our world every day so in the great scheme of things our coom art makes no harm to society because we are already doomed

>> No.6190925

>Addiction to porn is a myth
>doesn't know that dopamine is rotting his brain
woah bros don't cut yourselves on the edge

>> No.6190928
File: 144 KB, 593x721, R3cwZik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm of the opinion that if artists want to draw weird shit, they should keep it to themselves, but there's money to make. Yeah, people should be stronger and if they're going to consume porn they should consume very little. But people are weak, and idiots have destroyed their lives over it.
On the other hand, banning porn would have massive consequences for the internet.

>> No.6190959
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>their society seems to be doing fine

>> No.6190974

uh bro japan is collapsing because men are cooming instead of breeding get your facts straight sweety

>> No.6190988

>Japan has a booming porn industry and their society seems to be doing fine.
>their society seems to be doing fine.
>Seems like a westoid problem to me.
Ah, so your a taco. YWNBJ.

>> No.6190991

Just don't draw coom anon...

>> No.6190995

>Mad gamer projects polshit
it checks out

>> No.6190996
File: 36 KB, 600x885, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys rationalize breathing? I'm not crazy or anything, but I do see the expulsion of Co2 to be a negative and drain on society. As climate change has certainly harmed my life, I cant rationalize breathing without feeling I'd be hurting, and potentially profiting from someone's suffering.

>> No.6191003

>porn has very little to do with it.
>Instantly describes his degeneracy normal people don't do
Porn is, at best, a tool. It's only a drug for unhinged fucks like yourself.

>> No.6191006

The point is simple, porn should be gatekeeped, not banned. Just like 4chin, it was far better before retards came in and ruined it with their "ironicism". Normalizing porn has ruined humanity. Just like allowing low IQ mutts to have free money/food is killing humanity as we speak.

>> No.6191015

Only a fag would write shit like that
Sex is my life and porn is a substitute when my wife's holes are healing.
Just fucking stop having a small dick

>> No.6191031

You have to study art history to understand that coom art is good.

>> No.6191110

There's a market with a large demand, you offer goods and services that fulfill that demand.
Whether people choose to consume your services is entirely up to them. They could just as easily go somewhere else (video porn, other coom artists, etc.)
> Potentially profiting from someone's addiction
Not your problem, jacking off isn't illegal (yet). There is such thing as personal responsibility. If someone's porn addiction is that bad that they can't function, then that's their burden to bear.
Entrepreneurs don't make it big by worrying about "morality", only redditfags let this beta shit hold them back.
People who commission porn artists still pay. Assuming they make enough past a certain threshold, they then have to pay taxes, which fulfills one's minimal obligation to society.

>> No.6191175

Please tell down picture :(

>> No.6191468

I love too cook, should I stop because of the obesity problem in the US?

If drawing coom makes you money, then go for it.

>> No.6191652

So what? This is such a bad argument because the choices are not only between one bad thing and worse things.
One could just as easily say crack is not so bad when compared to fentanyl or heroine.

>> No.6191663

>Capitalism is my religion
You can't make this shit up

>> No.6191665

These retards cannot be saved anyway.

>> No.6191667

There is like 200 million of them, they will be fine as long they don't import third-worlders.

>> No.6191691 [DELETED] 

i think it looks nice and is fun to do and thats all that matters. idgaf if some sex-negative moralfag finds it icky, im gonna draw what i want to draw
people get addicted to tv, to movies, to vidya gaymes, to food, to alcohol, to all kinds of drugs, to shopping, to acquiring material possessions. if anyone who produces something that people can get addicted is guilty of feeding a persons addiction, then practically everyone who produces or distributes something is guilty. its not my problem if someone who is addicted to porn likes my stuff; also i highly doubt my art will ever be the catalyst for a persons porn addiction so its even less of my problem

>> No.6191735
File: 417 KB, 600x600, 1627795091663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop creating images or else i won't let you leave earth

>> No.6191829

then dont do it lol
you think 4channers are sitting around philosophizing on the rationalization and justification of porn? they're not, the y don't care.

>> No.6191846

Where did I say that? That's just how it works.
The question was how to rationalize making coom art, and it's a pretty reasonable answer.
If there's a market you can engage with, why not?
Not my fault you're too retarded to understand.

>> No.6191849
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if you saw everything men did, you'd be disgusted and ask them to stop too. aaaaa's is God's scream

>> No.6192114
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>How do you guys rationalize distributing coom art?
People are always gonna consume and create porn, and there's money to be made in that racket, which is very lucrative to me- an artist who has no money.
So how do I justify it? I make porn that lines up with my values and isn't what I perceive as "harmful". Don't do loli stuff, don't do underage characters, don't do rape or sexual assault fantasies, don't do incest bullshit, don't do "hardcore" violent kinks, keep away from whatever fetish i personally find gross. People want to buy those fetishes from me? Too bad for them and me- rewire your brain and learn to jerk off to shit I'm willing to draw or go get that crap from someone else.
I'm sure just setting boundaries for what you're willing to produce on canvas will solve that dilemma you have in your head over porn being harmful to society or whatever. If you want to make coom art, just make coom art that encourages your idea of healthier relationships and sexual fantasies. If your work's good, people will find it and eventually be willing to pay.

>> No.6192133

I am not forcing anyone to read, buy, or look at what I am creating. That's THEIR choice. I can not be responsible for someone else's choices nor should I be.

>> No.6192164

You miss the point, coom art is bad because it's addictive, whether it's vanilla shit or midget scat vore doesn't matter. It affects the consumer the same way.

>> No.6192172

>How do you guys rationalize distributing coom art?
I don't need to rationalize things that I don't think are wrong.
>I'm not religious or anything, but I do see the distribution and production of hentai/rule34 to be a negative and drain on society.
Sounds like a you problem. What does it have to do with everyone else though?
>As porn has certainly harmed my life, I cant rationalize making and releasing it without feeling I'd be hurting, and potentially profiting from someone's addiction.
Cool, then don't. It's a retarded logic you could use to forbid distribution of almost anything, but regardless of that, just don't if you don't like it.
>Isn't rule34/hentai essentially onlyfans, but for artists?
>How do you rationalize this?
If you're old enough to be allowed to post here, you should be old enough to know insisting on something being true won't make it so.
>And do those of you who produce coom art, feel any shame/remorse?
No, it's fun.

>> No.6192200

Fair enough, but like others in thread have said, creators and consumers alike have some autonomy over this addiction. Unfollowing coom artist and OF models, blocking porn sites, deleting your fap folder are all options open to those who are willing to get rid of their porn addiction. Actually talking to other human beings so porn doesn't completely warp your idea of relationships and sex goes a long way. Consuming coom responsibly is, imo, very feasible. Or you could always turn inwards and meditate on why you need porn to keep your head screwed on right.
It's addictive but on a scale of caffine to meth, I'm willing to say it's on the less harmful side, at least in terms of manageability.

>> No.6192849

Masturbation is essentially just easy unproductive pleasure on a cooldown that happens to be a regular activity for a few billion people
I imagine it was literally one of the earliest forms of recreation humans ever figured out how to engage in (possibly even the oldest), and it will probably continue to be until the death of our species (or some bizarre form of transhumanism)

Some people coke themselves into a coma. Some people eat themselves into a heart attack. Some adrenaline junkies drive themselves off cliffs for a buzz. Some people play videogames for 48 hours straight and then drop dead from a stroke. Gamblers end up killing themselves over their destroyed lives. All pleasure is a potential vice. You can not escape the risk of vice without eliminating all pleasure from your life. Even if you dedicate your entire life to making other people happy, some people do that to the point that they sacrifice their own health and safety to do so.

If porn has certainly harmed your life, chances are it was just a medium through which you avoided dealing with specific problems. If it troubles you to make and distribute coomer art, so be it. Avoid it, denounce it if you want. Nobody's forcing you to draw exposed tits, and nobody's forcing you to look at them. A lot of people do, and still live productive lives. Most people grow out of their rampant coomerism as their sex drive falls off somewhat in their 30s. There are probably coomers who could be doing better things. There are always people who could be doing better things.

I choose to draw coom because I enjoy it. I choose to distribute coom because others enjoy it. I spread happiness. Some people may destroy themselves on this happiness. That is unfortunate, but it is not my duty to deprive the masses of joy on the grounds that some small number may be incapable of moderation, and even if it were, it would be a futile act - nobody with friction burns on their dick was about to save the world.

>> No.6193451

Anyone that gets addicted to porn would have got addicted to something else anyway. You're likely saving their lives keeping them jerking off eight times a day instead of going out to gamble and get drunk.

There is no inherent morality to any product. Everyone is responsible for their consumption. And a healthy mind aware of the limits between fiction and reality can't be degraded by any media.

>> No.6193459

It's proven pessimism is better for promoting positive behaviors.
The hierarchy uses morality as a source of societal violence to impose on others, it's not productive, it breeds resentment and feelings of hopelessness. Accepting our individual actions are mostly meaningless opens our eyes to what few things we can do that actually have an impact in our own lives and others. It gets less people praying or going to political rallies, and more people gardening or exercising.

>> No.6193466

Yes but the moment you're saying "how would you justify doing this" you're implying that your moral dilemma affects other people, which isn't necessarily true as can be seen pretty easily from the replies you got here. At the end of the day, anything can become an addiction if taken to the extreme, I don't think that should matter when considering whether or not you should sell a service. People can die from overeating but I'm sure that food industry workers aren't constantly contemplating whether they're doing something immoral by distributing something that can become an addiction. And obesity is probably a bigger problem than porn addiction in the world right now.

>> No.6193474

I don't care.
Try and stop me.

>> No.6193484 [DELETED] 

>muh morals
The kind of people who say that in real life are also the same people who are openly clamouring for my ethnic group's destruction and the deracination of my homeland in the name of altruism that never extends to us natives.
I could not give less of a shit about the views of two-faced "moralists" who are anything but nor do I give a shit about some faggot who can't think of a better way to spend his day than with his hand down his pants and then pretends the pictures are the actual problem and not himself.

>> No.6193757

>isn't necessarily true as can be seen pretty easily from the replies you got here
As can be seen by coping pornograpbers.
Op opened up about his addiction and disingenuous people on here took that as an opportunity to say it's just a him problem, despite knowing it's an actual societal problem.
Their logic does not makese sense. Imagine defending selling drugs saying it is not their fault that people got addicted, orthey would have gotten addicted to something worse.

>> No.6193806
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>The hierarchy uses morality as a source of societal violence to impose on others
Do you understand the point of morality?
>Thou shall not kill
>Thou shall not steal
This is morality, the point is to instill in people behaviours that are conductive to a functioning society. You don't seem to understand how porn enslaves men, it effectively cripples their lives, another day cooming is another day not spent pursuing love or something productive, boys nowadays are growing up with porn, and then people wonder why we have a loneliness epidemic and falling birthrates. What other society excels in those two? Japan, coomer capital of the world.
>It gets less people praying or going to political rallies, and more people gardening or exercising.
>something that people do to cope with existential problems
>something that people do to protest the status quo and demand social change
>somehow these could be replaced with gardening and exercising
Good luck emancipating slaves with gardening, friend.

You can do porn for money or for fun, I do, nobody is a saint, but so many people ITT trying to argue that porn is somehow good or beneficial, it's truly stupid. Nobody ever argues that being a drug dealer is good.
>But porn is not as bad as drugs!
It's still bad and the effect it has on men's lives is regrettable.

>> No.6193834
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>Japan has a booming porn industry and their society seems to be doing fine

>> No.6194060

I was a porn addict who was getting high at the time and drawing for request threads
now I'm sober, I have a full-time job, and I'm saving up to move to a state with better economic opportunities

>> No.6194264

>boys nowadays are growing up with porn, and then people wonder why we have a loneliness epidemic and falling birthrates.

Do you understand how societies fucking develop and sustain themselves? Japan and US are atomized societies with barely any social mobility, and everyday the working class has more and more of its life squeezed out. Of course boys are fucking lonely and not fucking, they don't have the fucking money to maintain a social life! People can't meet others and socialize when they need to work 10-12 hours daily all week to make rent! The US has cities designed to keep people as separated as possible! How the hell is porn responsible for that, and not just a exacerbating factor(at worst) on top?

>> No.6195077

do you still draw? also do you still coom/get high?

>> No.6195126

Huh? I never said it was the only factor, only one of them. Not here to discuss all the reasons why society is fucked, only one of them, porn. The degree to which porn is the cause of these problems is debatable, but definitely one cause of many. Porn and videogames give men a reason to completely retreat from society, instead of fighting to change it, however It's just a short term comfort with long term loneliness and despair.

>> No.6195148

Ok sure, which is why you're fighting to change society by shitposting on a chinese cartoon imageboard 24/7, right? based faggot hypocrite

>> No.6195496

I love Misatu T-T aaaa

>> No.6195506


Better question, how do you rationalize demanding others to restrict what they want to create

>> No.6195530
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>completely retreat from society, instead of fighting to change it
Why do you presuppose there is some revolutionary force waiting in the wings to help you achieve your adolescent fantasy? Life goes on much as it has for generations. Was it porn that kept feudal people in stasis for centuries?

>> No.6196168

By having standards of decency.

>> No.6196171

i dont want to restrict anyones expression, and would never advocate for a ban. but i can have reservations for myself, and choose not to spread what i see as harmful to myself, and others, throughout society.

>> No.6196179

every anon who is unhappy on this board could solve all their problems if they just had sex with hot women, got rich, and didn't have a job or a boss. but most anons would rather choose commiseration with losers rather than celebration with winners.

>> No.6196199

what does that have to do with anything? are you implying there is freedom through making bank through porn?

>> No.6196246

I give people eye candy, it increases their mood in the 1-2 seconds they look at my art, I'm also adding beauty to the world, modern art is so bad my coom art is 100x better, if anything we're doing society a favor.

>> No.6196313

I'm a drain in a communist and Socialist society, but in a mixed economy society, I get more than enough dollars to feed my family and friends with some savings to spare. Keep seething OP.

>> No.6196502

I'm not fighting for anything faggot, I draw porn myself, retard
what fantasy? All I'm saying is that porn is objectively bad for people, that's all. And yes people would probably be revolting if they weren't so comfortable consooming and cooming, left and right, though it wouldn't benefit me because I'm making money off of coomers.

>> No.6196511

i create coom that i enjoy, if someone consoomes it, it is not my business, i am not anyones father, mother, handler, psychologist etc
does porn harm some people? yes, but its rare in the general population and porn in itself isnt the cause but a symptom of deeper and worse psychological problems and other things going on in the persons life
saying people should stop making coom in this scenario is similar to those american crazies with their "affirmative action" racist bulshit, ye they say they want to "help" certain groups of people, but the actions dont really help those specific groups but only those who could already help themselves

there is no reason for me to stop unless i have a moral change of heart or my government becomes an anti degen authoritarian state monitoring the internet

>> No.6196574


Why not just do furry commissions? You know they don't have to be lewd/pornographic, right?

>> No.6196598

Porn is currently very far down the list of things affecting collective mental well being. Rampant porn addiction is a symptom.

>> No.6196604

>How do you guys rationalize distributing coom art?
Every penny a coom artist makes, is a penny an e-thot doesn't make. If you are male, your moral obligation is to create porn to uproot the injustice of modern day internet "prostitution".

>> No.6196621

I don't talk to coomers. They are peak retarded. No one is against jacking off but consuming porn legit leaves you as inceltard who cries on discord about how your life sucks because you can't get gf. Studies have been posted out about how it is just as addictive as drugs. you wanna cope at least dont pretend that isnt harmful to your brain by frying your dopamine and hurting your mental health.

>> No.6196965
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Actual cope from projecting self-hating coomers who are unable to claim responsibility for themselves. They want peak victimhood so they can blame their apathy and sloth on something other than themselves without having to suffer the consequences of an actually destructive addiction like alcoholism or hard drug abuse.
Nobody has ever overdosed and died from masturbating too much, or drove down the wrong way on the highway and plowed into a SUV with a family of 4 because they had porn on the mind. Even actual sex addicts are more at risk than porn "addicts" because if you're a retard the danger of getting a life-altering STD exists.
The ultimate hypocrisy of this crowd is that they are usually the same people who scorn drug addicts and alcoholics for being weak and feeble, despite there being an actual physical compulsion to continue consuming those substances. If you want pity from people you're going to have to find a harder addiction, faggot.

>> No.6197718

I'm creating a porn comic with an anti-porn message.

>> No.6199181
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i spent the past week investigating this potential path, i made hentai, and came to the conclusion that its not as glamorous as i first thought. its a lot more work than i anticipated, and i spent many hours scouring porn for the right reference, in order to perfect the scene that i was depicting. i realized throughout all of this, that if i take this path, this would be my future, buried in a digital coomscape constantly thinking about, and looking at visions of sex. i realized that if i were to go against my convictions, and do something against my own personal morals just for personal gain, that it would be akin to selling my soul. it would be corrupt and defile my potential, for images that are spiritually void of any substance.

im certain i could make good money following the coomer path, but im also certain that the vision of my life would be perverted, and for all of those years i spent training, and working hard to improve my art, only to spend the rest of my time drawings pussy, dicks, and ass, would be a very sad thing.

its fine if you other anons want to sell porn, but even after reading all of the affirmative arguments for the pro porn position, i still reject the idea of it being healthy, or constructive and helpful to society. (yes i care about the future of society and mankind, and no i dont want to contribute or produce what i consider poison unto my fellow man, what a fag i know) even if porn addiction is as unserious and uncommon as some anons suggest, i would rather produce work which spiritually uplifts others, instead of getting them off, or feeding an addiction, even if it means more struggle, and less money in my future.

>> No.6199192

i dont rationalize it. the content is garbage. the practice of PMO is garbage and ruinous. the people you work with (if you do commissions) are garbage people. its a constant social media circus. i quit and i wouldn't do it again, i would literally sooner work at mcdonalds. and i quit porn entirely

>> No.6199195

yes, both porn and videogames (esp modern skinner box games) are bad. shock horror

>> No.6199199

>However, why would I think about "the greater good" when nobody else is doing it?
i know you'll never consider it, but this exact thinking is why if you don't believe in a higher power you'll just be fucked forever.

>> No.6199205

>>Going this low just because he afraid of adult contents

I swear, people nowadays are so thin skinned.

>> No.6199212

flipping burgers won't darken your mind. being involved with pornography in any way, will.

>> No.6199214
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based ez pz chad

>> No.6199226

I don't draw porn, nigga. I draw cannibalism artworks as a hobby. And i'm perfectly sane, not a serial killer or anything. If you think porn makes you a degenerate loner, then that is your own flaw. Don't blame the media.
Also, McDonald contain alot of schizos. They created Ronald McDonald afterall.

>> No.6199233

you know, when the people defending porn are this completely fried, it just makes it that much easier for me to convince people that i'm telling the truth

>> No.6199237

And Le Porn Bad because? It is not like you are gonna have sex automatically just because you never watch porn or something drawings of tits and asses.
EvaLee, Mikoyan are rich gigachads with wife and kid, and they draw porn.

>> No.6199246

cool story. won't happen to you tho. enjoy your cannibalism fetish

>> No.6199250

but isnt that the same as saying "x porn actress is loaded" or "x onlyfans girl is loaded"

what are they going to tell their kids they do? what if they kids start jerking off to their drawings/porn? what if their kids develop a porn addiction?

>> No.6199265

>>Think about the kids!

>> No.6199267

you sound like a deranged retard. you're going to be homeless or you already are and you probably deserve it

>> No.6199295

This thread feels like the 2008-2011 period, where Karens and Soccermoms found out their sons have been playing Dead Space. They exxaggerated and wrote their own horror movies on how their kids might turn into deranged psychopaths.
Eventuallythose kids became the stupid, neutered millenials we know and hate today. The media you consummed won't do jack shit to your life or personality.

>> No.6199306

are you retarded? those millennials you hate so much were the generation consumed by media, thats why you have so many basedfacing starwars, harry potter, and marvel retards plaguing society. you think they grew up sheltered by their parents? nigga, their brains were being rotted out by an oversaturated media market from age 1. the furry generation, and rule34 and hentai wave, came through the millennial generation, and the rise of the internet. people taking a step back, and analyzing the morals and consequences of their actions, is not a bad thing.

>> No.6199344

That is not entirely the media's fault. Soiboi are not easily to be analyzed as "Capeshit fanboy" or any of the specific popularshit's fan. They were not taught and raise to be more proper grown ups, their parents overprotected them from "indecent product" like violent, porn, aggressive behavior. They grown up as "nice guys", bunch of moralfags and hate any degeneracy, eventually became that open mouth-soijak today. And ofcourse, they seek safe, PG stuff like capeshit, Funko pops and virtue signaling on social media on how "sexualization is bad! More rights for wahmen!"

It is not about the media you consume, it is the education from the family defines who you are and what behavior you have.

>> No.6199348

And if you are thinking porn and popular entertainment were not something back then, man, how wrong you are. They are the most ancient stuff and boomers, generation X dig that shit. It is just the usual old people syndrome that they paint themselves as healthy gigachads.

>> No.6199357

Only soijaks fight againts porn art because they are fighting for feminism and sexual artworks trigger them.

>> No.6199391

>The media you consummed won't do jack shit to your life or personality.
how convenient for you, porn addict

>> No.6199395

feminists support porn, onlyfans etc now because it "empowers" women. they haven't criticised porn since the 90s.

>> No.6199728

>>Feminist support porn

They support women to whore themselves out and bitch about abit sexy artworks being disrespect to the women.
Sadly 4chanfags nowadays became the very thing they usually make fun of.

>> No.6199742

I unironically believe these anti-porn anons are femcel who are too desperate and trying to lure men into bed with them instead of jerking off to Japanese cartoons.

>> No.6199770

Depends on the feminist
There are a lot of kikes and corpos who disguised supporting sex work as empowering because $$$

>> No.6199779

Modern age feminism is the most random thing i have ever seen. They usually bitch about trivial shits and thing they claim it is sexist. However, when it comes to actual dehumanization on women like prositution, defeminzation, mutilation, they are all somehow ok in Feminist's scope.

>> No.6199809

dude, market for onlyfans is 1000x bigger than coomer artworks. porn is on the same side as jews and feminists - they support it completely. there is total agreement, it "levels the sexual market"
the only people that care about coom art are the degenerates that consume it

>> No.6199814

Onlyfans might be popular for the porn memes, however, sadly, many witness claim most of successful shits there are nonporn shits from famous influencer.

>> No.6201150

People have been drawing naked ladies forever. Why is it a problem now?

>> No.6201156

did you read any of the thread? or even the OP of the thread?

>> No.6201209
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its fun, and other people enjoy what i make. if im lucky, i can make a dime and get a coffee or something

>> No.6201235

Illustrated porn > irl porn

>> No.6201239

Like I said, I think a lot of it is psyops and corpo shit. It's weird. There's like 2 sides, I think is made up of men larping as women (and I don't mean troons)

>> No.6201355

I do on occasion
I made a pencil portrait for a cousin who just had a baby. it was pretty good

I still coom regularly, but I've curbed my porn habits by just not going to those websites anymore
I also stopped getting high. now I'm just a miserable office worker who drinks too much caffeine to get through the day

>> No.6201407

>>I cant rationalize making and releasing it without feeling I'd be hurting, and potentially profiting from someone's addiction.

Art commission is profiting from someone's addiction. Do you think people pay money so artists can draw random shits ? No, there is always a specific intention behind commissioned artworks, even non-porn.