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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5188271 No.5188271 [Reply] [Original]

How does andrewkmar get such smooth gradients in ink? Every time I try it gets so chunky

>> No.5188280
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 11B09A25-A8CD-41C7-9689-DAFF68F879ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5188296

Not sure, but my guess is water, patience and a lot of practice.

>> No.5188310

He studied coomis

>> No.5188322
File: 276 KB, 800x1281, andrew-mar-thewatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice art https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DZxKO

>> No.5188330

It’s weird, his work always has a janky line wonkiness, lack of depth or planes and off proportions that makes me think he’s /beg/, but there’s always top tier appeal, comp and great design going on. I love this guy!

>> No.5188336

Ink wash. Just keep practicing, it's hard to do.

>> No.5188353

Whoa. It's almost like soul is real huh.

>> No.5188775

What kind of paper are you using? Depending on the paper, it can be almost impossible to get a flat wash or smooth gradation.

>> No.5189390

>wonkiness, off proportions, /beg/
what are you smoking

>> No.5189393

Mokeskine sketchbooks, which I'm sure he's using too

>> No.5189406
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>> No.5189481

patience, love, warmth, ganbatte

>> No.5189627

Maybe more wet on wet type stuff instead of layering

>> No.5189647

he probably spend most of his time practicing and not wasting his time in 4chan.

>> No.5189673

maybe you overdo it and/or use a nib point that's too big.

>> No.5189675


>> No.5189741

>mediocre drawing but coom

>> No.5189759

lets see your mediocre drawings

>> No.5189794

I have two moleskine sketchbooks and both have different paper, and one of them is very much not suited to washes. I'm pretty sure neither is, but I've only tried on one.

>> No.5191757

Yeah the sketchbook one is too smooth and not absorbant, the regular paper is too thin and warps

>> No.5191759

>janky line wonkiness, lack of depth or planes and off proportions
Are you legally blind?

>> No.5191770


>> No.5191779

Any suggestions in how to get an ink wash effect in CSP and Corel Painter?

>> No.5191781

are you retarded?

>> No.5191785

Watercolor paper? No way normal paper can take that much ink without having problems.

>> No.5191787

Yes. Now could you please answer the question?

>> No.5191788

I mean I can kinda see what he means by janky line wonkiness but I wouldn't categorize it as a detriment more than a cross hatch style. No idea what he's on about with lack of depth or off proportions though

>> No.5191817

he's a beg that doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.5192011


>> No.5192014

>janky line wonkiness
yeah that's solid criticism

>> No.5192077

it's his sTyLe

>> No.5192156

Weird feet and leg ruin it.

>> No.5192188

Would you mind red lining it? I always have problems with proportions and have a hard time seeing what's off

>> No.5192648

bump I really need help with my class assignment

>> No.5192784

My assignment is gonna suck so fuck andrewkmar for not answering my DMs and fuck you guys for being no goddamn help at all

>> No.5192792

wow you people are fucking idiots

>> No.5192794

>fuck andrewkmar for not answering my DMs
have you tried donating to his patreon, that's how it works today sweaty ;^P

>> No.5192798
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>> No.5193049

all you have to do it git gud

>> No.5194306

lmao how many dms you think he gets on a daily basis with faggots asking for advice

>> No.5194314

I coom...

>> No.5194331

>Shadow on the knee as if it's concave when in reality the knee would be catching light

>> No.5194366

spoiler: nobody gives a shit as long as it looks nice

>> No.5194381

nobody gives a shit as long as it's coom
if he made regular art you'd be shitting on him to death over some shadow on the knee
you know it well, you guys hate everyone who doesn't draw tits and asses all day

>> No.5194423

I would not because coom does nothing for me. It is just retarded how shitters like you nitpick every drawing as if having everything correct will make an artwork good. Stay mad and die mad.

>> No.5194427 [DELETED] 

name one non-porn painting or illustration that people liked until they’re realised a shadow was placed wrong
one example

>> No.5194428

name one non-porn painting or illustration that people liked until they realised a shadow was placed wrong
one example

>> No.5194452

Everything posted on this board that isn't porn get shit on for random reasons
there was that thread with the bust of a guy vs. anime thot and people were nitpicking dumb shit all over it because the subject wasn't porn.

>> No.5194532

Should make it a rule to bust a nut before critique here

>> No.5194578

Thanks for turning me onto this guys art. He's very creative.

Basically. How creative and appealing is the idea/style/aesthetic of image is far more important than having perfect skill. A random example of this is Timothy von Rueden (vonnart, picrelated).

If you analyzed his art you'd find that most of the drawings have no real value structure, no strong separation/grouping of light and dark values, no definite light source. Its like he uses values more for aesthetic effect than creating a sense of form catching light and casting shadow, and it doesn't matter because the style and the designs are really appealing to people. 300k+ followers.

I also find it interesting that looking at Andrew Mar's instagram, his ink drawings like OP posted get way more of a response from his followers than his fully rendered paintings that he does professionally for Wizards. Partly because people often prefer drawings vs paintings, partly because its sexy coom fantasy characters.

>> No.5194582
File: 217 KB, 750x926, website_wy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic lmao

>> No.5194591

so you literally can’t name a single example for your retarded claim? not one singular image?

>> No.5194593

he doesn't draw porn though
its artistic nudity, a pretty half-nude female character doesn't make it porn

>> No.5194600

>Partly because people often prefer drawings vs paintings

Is that really a thing or is it 100% sexy coom fantasy characters

>> No.5194604

Tiddy is Tiddy

>> No.5194607

With hatching it isn't always shading, it also shows spots of texture. If he had left that blank and white it would have looked like she had giant fat sausages for legs even worse than the thick legs she has going on.

>> No.5194612

Believe it or not, it takes a lot of skill to make something breathraking with minimal lines on paper to work with. No rendering to hide mistakes behind. Just ink. The human eye likes imperfections because it makes it more impressive how it almost tricks the eye but doesn't completely so we can tell it isn't real.

>> No.5194613

Why must an artist give advice for free?

>> No.5194618

shouldn't knowledge be free?

>> No.5194628

if time were free maybe you could argue knowledge should be too, but everyone's life is on a clock

>> No.5194632

It’s a thing. People like Peter Han are popular just by doing ink drawings, and he doesn’t really draw sexy characters either. People like both full blown paintings as well as cool drawings, with little to no color even, so I don’t think you have to become a master painter to become popular. I used to think that but its not really true

I think we’re lucky that Instagram doesn’t automatically label any tiddy in art as porn

>> No.5194653

Fuck no

>he said Peter Han does cool drawings
inb4 seething retards

>> No.5194696

hurrdurrr robots that rollerskate

rollerskating is already faggoty, didn't need to pile on

>> No.5194701

How does Andrew Mar get away with drawing all that tiddy when other artists get shit taken down for the same thing? JAW Cooper had a big problem with this

>> No.5194810

More like jaw coomer amirite!

>> No.5194816

No joke I hope your mom and dad slowly burn in a car fire

>> No.5194832

Black and white booba doesn’t get flagged as much as color booba, even in photos on insta.

>> No.5194867
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Yeah I think that's part of it. Plus it may be more likely to get taken down if you emphasize the nips and fully render them vs just subtly suggesting them like you would in a sketch

She also draws shit that borders on bestiality too so that may be part of it.

I like JAW Cooper a lot but I dont get how she's so good at drawing animals but her human characters are so gross and unappealing. They're all lanky and nearly anorexic.

>> No.5194875

This is very rude.

>> No.5194886

you might be a furfag

>> No.5194895

ngl her animal drawings are sexier than her alien broads

>> No.5194907

find jesus

>> No.5195242

>implying beastiality isn't hot as fuck

>> No.5195253

>borders on beastilality

im not seeing anything fitting that.

>> No.5195314
File: 365 KB, 1836x1314, Screenshot_2021-02-09 Cooper_LG_Sanctuary jpg (WEBP Image, 1000 × 695 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5195316

you know.... there was a moment just like this in dragonball gt....

>> No.5195320
File: 105 KB, 875x650, JAWCooper-Drown-Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

croc gang

>> No.5195322
File: 554 KB, 1280x1038, hotchicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lewd

>> No.5195335

me biting the nipple

>> No.5195559

lmao imagine thinking being hyper critical makes you sound smart

>> No.5196084

ngl this is kinda hot

>> No.5196091


>> No.5196112

Some of his drawings are basically softcore porn

>> No.5196564

because its not true, shocker

>> No.5196571

I imagine your work to be /beg/ and at the same time lacking the charm amateur artists have

>> No.5196631

i work in AAA games you retard

>> No.5196639


My dad works for Nintendo too anon

>> No.5196644

Yeah, me too. I’m your art director. You’re fired for being /beg/ and soulless.

>> No.5196679

Fucking destroyed

>> No.5196820


>> No.5197071
File: 300 KB, 1440x1440, Eb2dltLVcAAlgtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he uses Copic markers in conjunction with ink pens. Some hatching, some marker.

>> No.5197098

>black angels

>> No.5197302

he draws heads too big but otherwise nice stuff

>> No.5197325

wdym, shadow seems to be coming from above and to the viewer's right slightly, the shadow there makes sense, its just not as pronounced as much in the leg cuz it'd ruin the smoothness

>> No.5197335

just another beg trying to sound smart

>> No.5198305

so happy this is catching on lol

>> No.5198326
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 55A8BB77-135F-47D8-91C5-F862CA6E6EA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
