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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 170 KB, 850x1011, 1584752747323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5185712 No.5185712 [Reply] [Original]

Why popular art is always some girl being sexual, don't people ever get tired of seeing the same shit over and over again?

>> No.5185720


>> No.5185738

Is that a long string of DOOKIE coming out her butthole?

>> No.5185741

>don’t people get tired of girls being sexual
are you retarded?

>> No.5185748

Don't you get tired of being a bitch bitching

>> No.5185749

I'm not a coomer

>> No.5185752
File: 20 KB, 600x315, thatlookhegivesyouwhenyouaccidentallygavehimaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is only popular among coomers
just because they're a lot of these idiots doesn't make it popular

>> No.5185755

everything is about sex
except sex
which is about power

>> No.5185756


>> No.5185758

That's the definition of popular. Retard.

>> No.5185769
File: 2.19 MB, 1198x771, 1601787690265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day artstation let not curated art through the popular filter, coom everywhere

>> No.5185773

If the site has a lot of males, it's to be expected. Men are controlled almost entirely by their dicks

>> No.5185774

Shame this board has more sensitive roasties though. They get mad over everything that isnt a compliment

>> No.5185779

have you even finished high school?
a large group of people doesn't denote popularity
there are a lot of niggers on this planet
niggers like watermelon
is watermelon now popular?
you dumb fucks that like to argue semantics are the reason why I dont even reply sometimes

>> No.5185780

This board has nothing to do with anything, see >>5185769.

Pixiv is also a prime example. Don't know how to do it on their new (and shitty) UI, but you could compare the male and female popular favourites and like 8/10 favourites by males are just coomshit.

>> No.5185786
File: 747 KB, 1400x1153, 1884thereadinglight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you see online as "popular" is a reflection of your own taste or affinity to particular groups.

If you like anime porn that's what you're going to see. Nowadays it even applies to what advertisers will target you with. It's possible to spend 90% or more of your time online in little algorithmic/advertising bubbles that shove the same kind of content in your face all day.

If you're tired of perceiving these things as so popular - unplug from the bubble your in. I happen to follow ink illustrators/classic fine art derivative stuff and that mostly what I see day today.

>> No.5185787

So? Pixiv is both a japanese site and openly allows hentai. Stop browsing NSFW art sites if your balls scrunch seeing some boobs

>> No.5185789
File: 66 KB, 702x705, 1612092899364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting defensive over nothing, anon. It's just proving the point

>> No.5185791

VPN + clean web browser and same shit happens but worse depending on the website

>> No.5185792
File: 125 KB, 905x1280, CAACD2FB-1568-463A-85F1-6E63A6A89E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to coom bros

>> No.5185794
File: 232 KB, 480x394, 1612300932755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex has been selling for thousands of years. Deal with it.

>> No.5185795
File: 826 KB, 2800x1570, yW7WDTa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sex will always sell, Im saying the internet responds to your interests. You can control what you see actively and passively. Curate your groups/follows etc and you will both choose what kind of content you see and what the internet suggests to you

>> No.5185797

>a large group of people doesn't denote popularity
That is literally what denotes popularity

>> No.5185799

The point isn't that you can control what you see, it's that coom is very popular by default

>> No.5185800

You get the kind of art that belongs to the section of the internet you choose.
If you want a different type if popular things on your feed interact and follow different things.

>> No.5185804

OP asked a question and I gave an answer, I don't understand why (or even what) you're arguing with me for or why you're personally attacked.

>> No.5185807

>arge group of people doesn't denote popularity
Holy fucking retard lmao. Stick to not replying. Nobody needs your dumbass comments.

>> No.5185808

>first time on pixiv
>create new account
>gets recommended a lot of great art
>follow the artists and like their art
>check top ranking art
Is pixiv's recommended art for new accounts curated? Is getting a premium account makes your art have a better chance on showing to others? Pixiv is a fucking lie

>> No.5185812
File: 212 KB, 1024x764, luster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean so is food. It's universal and will always be popular. I dont see why it's significant. If it bothers anyone they can create a bubble where they see what's popular in the world of X.

I dont fuck with coomer art or hentai or any of that shit and I never really see it outside of the occasional times I browse 4chan for non-establishment narratives/alternative information.

I don't really the evidence of coomer shit being popular until I look at /ic/ in incognito. Otherwise I mostly see decent non-booba art in my feeds

>> No.5185820

This, premium probably plays a big part. I wonder how it works for Twitter, Reddit and Instagram

>> No.5185837

It's because men can't coooooooooom to a picture of eggs and salad

>> No.5185867

>sees starving person
"There's more to life than food, can't you think of anything else?"

>> No.5185868

It probably does, but also the fact that it'll broadcast artists with high follower counts. Even the "new" page is curated to a certain extent, they don't want to show the actual new artworks for the reason why rarely anyone browses deviantArt's new artworks.
Once you follow or post your own artwork, it begins to get curated when it finds out what you're actually into.
Calling out on sensitive roasties while trying to start an argument is lacking self-awareness

>> No.5185880
File: 222 KB, 1440x1440, 118606115_10224774231728886_1375623154083042058_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre hanging around pixiv/4chan or some other hentai farm wondering why coomer shit is all over the place... Have you tried going somewhere more... normal?

Instagram is mostly limited to who you follow. Same for facebook and reddit and twitter or whatever.

>> No.5186031

Is this pic from an actual manga?

>> No.5186332

imagine being so ignorant as to not have the ability to think critically

>> No.5186357

maybe your definition of popular is skewed

>> No.5186408

Watermelon is a popular summer fruit dumbass

>> No.5186426

No because its like getting tired of breathing or eating.

>> No.5186443

>there are a lot of niggers on this planet
>niggers like watermelon
>is watermelon now popular?
yes? who the fuck doesnt like watermelon nigga

>> No.5186599

I'ma coming hot doga whoops

>> No.5186625

Why don't you faggot retards get tired of making the same shit thread on this slow board over and over again?

>> No.5186626


>> No.5186655

>Why popular art is always some girl being sexual
that's you being a delusional coomer

>> No.5186667

That's what the populus is like. Come to terms with it.

>> No.5186732

>don't people ever get tired of seeing the same shit over and over again?
congratulations you just discovered why drugs sell