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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 15 KB, 640x221, 640px-Clip_studio_file_logo_SVG.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5161029 No.5161029 [Reply] [Original]

I got a free copy of clip studio paint pro with my new drawing tablet.
what do you guys think of the software? is it any good?

>> No.5161031

yes its good. now start drawing.

>> No.5161041

Get motivated. Even many professional mangaka use it these days.

>> No.5161048


>> No.5161198

It's very, very good. Have fun.

>> No.5161245

It's a bit slow if you plan to use fancy brushes, but for illustration is the best out there.

>> No.5161466

>is it any good?
Remember to download Clip Studio and update to the latest version

Also you should probably read the Manuel or tuts on the official tut site,
don't be one of those braindead morons who go into a CSP thread and ask basic fucking questions.

>> No.5161657

Switched from Photoshop to CSP three years ago for illustration, never went back.

>> No.5161662

hell yeah it is

>> No.5161673

Might just be your pc, anon? I use a decent laptop and all of the fancy brushes I use (I use a lot) draw smoothly for me.

>> No.5161681

the ones that come with the program are fine because the texture is tiny, but it's slower with larger imported brushes.
The brush system needs to be revamped if they want to enter the concept art market.

>> No.5161769

No they steal

>> No.5161804

I have a shit laptop and CSP runs fine for me with huge canvases and brushes. It only lags if you're using wacom and/or a processor with shitty single core processing power.

>> No.5163480

what's the interoperability between the desktop and mobile version?
can I seamlessly use the same brushes and textures between both?
are there any limitations to drawing itself? surely the mobile version isn't 100% similar with desktop?

>> No.5163484

Steal what, your crash reports? Lmao. Please, explain for once.

>> No.5164230

You do know that when you make artwork they sent a copy to their servers and they get a license.

>> No.5164529

lol wut?

>> No.5164953
File: 26 KB, 699x435, 1593730772387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5166343

Read terms of use retards

>> No.5166356

It can only use one core lmao

>> No.5166357

Even if they did that, it would absolutely not hold up in any court at all.

>> No.5166359

Have you checked if it's not a time limited version of it?

>> No.5166367

does the wine version has access to the internet?

>> No.5166371

use photoshop cs2 like a true chad

>> No.5167615

Almost bite, but just have read the whole thing here: https://www.clipstudio.net/en/terms/

You are so full of shit anon, it is embarassing how much of an attention whore you are and that's sayin something here on /ic/

>> No.5167653
File: 26 KB, 348x348, 1591250840472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I switched from Photoshop to this. My art has improved a lot more. Both the pen and pencil strokes feel so genuine and close to real life. You can also animate in there. It's beautiful.

>> No.5167706

for animation, I'm more of an OpenToonz guy.

>> No.5168534

Can you paint on the paper layer in clip studio paint Pro? Because, I clicked the eye icon to make all the other layers invisible and I'm trying to paint on the background. However, a white circle with a red outline and a line through it keeps on popping up stopping me from doing anything.

>> No.5168594

I enjoy it

>> No.5168684

What do you guys think about CSP compared to Krita and Photoshop?

It has a three month trial, and then it's only $50 after that. PS has the subscription model, and it's nowhere near as affordable as CSP. I guess it won't hurt to give it a try.

I've been using Krita for the last few months. I like it OK, I guess. The features I really like are canvas rotate and horizontal flip, different layer types with non-destructive masks and filters, dark themed UI, selection transformations, and that's all I can think of at the moment.

>> No.5168690

i think I want to pirate it
but autodesk sketchbook + GIMP are my go to tools because I don't need to pirate them

>> No.5168691

It's really good just make sure you're constantly saving it crashes all the time

>> No.5168724

>Can you paint on the paper layer in clip studio paint Pro?
No. Just make a new raster layer. If you don't need the paper layer, you can delete it.

>> No.5168804

I like it much better than photoshop for illustrations and drawing comics. The comics panel tool is actually pretty great.

Also, somewhat related, but whenever I try to rotate or zoom using the navigator, there's a slight lag before it starts working. Does anybody know why and if it's possible to fix it?

>> No.5168852

Are you using a wacom tablet?

>> No.5168916

Sadly no, I fell for the Huion meme (I promise I'll change that soon)

>> No.5168918

I was just asking because wacom tablets make csp lag horribly.

Try turning off windows ink and check that your cpu/ram isnt getting eaten up by other shit, or give CSP more to use.

>> No.5168919

My man, that was it! Thank you so much for that.
What's windows ink exactly?

>> No.5169190

Yes. It's very good. Way better than photoshop.

>> No.5169199

>I was just asking because wacom tablets make csp lag horribly.
werks for me :^)
Is this a windows 10 issue, perhaps?

>> No.5169204

way shittier than photoshop

>> No.5170182

My lag is ridiculous and yes I'm using a wacom tablet. What do you mean by Windows ink?

>> No.5170249

the only thing csp does better than ps are lines

>> No.5170662

Paint tool sai

>> No.5170664

Lawyer here it would because your still using the software

>> No.5170685

Sai only has one brush, fuck off

>> No.5170741
File: 676 KB, 554x368, ref lines.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to get CSP really cheap, wait for the next sale, it's always 50% off.

CSP brushes work better for illustration than matte painting, there's no dual brush support.
Transformation is slow but faster than Krita, no liquidify though. You don't need to make a group just to transform multiple layers like in Krita.

It's nice that you can customize any tool, save it as a preset and move it to the panel as a button
CSP still has a reference panel that stores multiple images, Krita got rid of that in favor of a sticky notes tool.
CSP has a bunch of options that helps coloring the flats, reference layers, close gaps, select and fill...
You can use 3d objects, there's an assets store packed with backgrounds, brushes, models...

Some annoying behaviours that I've found: Autosave while you're drawing cancels your input while Krita only saves when you're not painting.
Scroll wheel zoom being too slow, I solved it by removing zoom steps. Same with rotate.
I couldn't get the right shade of gray for the interface, But if you like dark themes, CSP's looks nice.

>> No.5170956

very good for drawing, mediocre for painting solely because of poor brush performance. I actually prefer painting in CSP because I can alter pressure sensitivity within each brush but the lag is impossible to work with. You will get people telling you its not laggy or it runs better than PS but this is because they either don't paint or use only simple default brushes which are some variation of hard round.

>> No.5172766

when is the next sale last one was black Friday surprised there was not one on Christmas

>> No.5172796
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no liquify

>> No.5172797

its not just good, its the best one

>> No.5172943

I hope you get stump by Kanabun.

>> No.5172964
File: 196 KB, 641x1026, liquify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek do liquyfags really?

>> No.5172965

fuck you eat ps cuck

>> No.5173009
File: 397 KB, 602x671, 1607701996758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the cracked CSP .apks out there legit bros? Any of you tried them?

>> No.5173026

yes, it's good for making comics, but horrible for painting

>> No.5173107

Just one liquid autist, who probably doesn't even actually use any drawing application and doodles furries on paintchats.

>> No.5173506

free and perfectly fine. it's clunky if you're familiar with other software, copies some of the good features of CSP. powerful brush engine but the menus and user experience are rough, some of the stuff is counter-intuitive like how the layer stacks work. should be the first thing you learn if you don't want to spend money.
you shouldn't buy it for more than $25 on sale which happens at least once a quarter. it's my main painting and drawing app. has a bunch of great tools and settings that photoshop doesn't have, lets you bind a ton of shit to hotkeys so you barely have to use the ui. clip assets are great, tons of free shit to get started with and modify to make your own. can be a bit slower at higher resolutions. learn the brush engine, watch the video tutorials. move sliders around and read the tooltips. you can import photoshop brushes to csp, most of the ones i've tried work but some don't. that's part of why you should learn the brush engine and what the settings do.
$130 a year for the photography package which gets you lightroom and ps. worth it if you do anything that requires photoshop a few times a year. i can paint in it but it's not my favorite. the main draw are all the tools in it for processing scanned images i do of my sketches or watercolor/gouache, photo correction, filters, liquify, making gifs/anything with video and smart object shit, finalizing emotes.

all the tools have good things they're worth using. krita has g'mic which has awesome plugins you can't get with a gui anywhere else. look up david revoy if you decide to learn krita. all 3 are worth knowing and being familiar with. krita and csp is a good and economical combination. krita has good file format support for a lot of formats like tga and shit.

>> No.5173515

Truck driver here go neck yourself

>> No.5173536

It's pretty deece. Has basically all the art oriented shit of Photoshop without all the photography stuff I never used. I do miss some stuff but it has basically all I need for what I do and at $650 less than Photoshop CS6.

>> No.5173539

>add it to the firewall

>> No.5173542

Why horrible for painting?

>> No.5173548

What could this man POSSIBLY do to make himself look better? I can only imagine non-incel glasses and a haircut. That nose and no chin combo is brutal though.

>> No.5173597

Lol do you know how many truck drivers careers and life's I have ruined.
Also go suck a dick in a glory hole fag

>> No.5173609

Why are you retarded anon?

>> No.5174773


>> No.5174797

terrible brush engine speed,
fucking pencils lag...
ps works

>> No.5174839

I read somewhere that on Android Clip Studio you can't import brushes at all. Is this true? I've created my own nice brush set over the years on PC, and if I can't move them over to Android, that would put a block to my plans for a S7+.

>> No.5174846

You can. Dont worry

>> No.5175052

Thank you!

>> No.5175147
File: 2 KB, 103x55, 1589637000621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i do with the free child porn tokens from the login bonus
are there any recommended paid assets for drawing anime tiddies?

>> No.5175151

double jaw surgery then rhinoplasty
at this point it's not even an aesthetical problem cause it doesn't look like dude can even chew food and might have problems breathing so if he has an insurance it should be possible to get the first one for free or heavily discounted

>> No.5175199

Cash it out get your own child shipped from a third world country and make her into a woman

>> No.5178364

I have to think the liquify thing is a meme because if the liquify meme crowd was avoiding this software because of the lack of it, they've just missed out the fact that you can correct raster lines drawn in vector layers.