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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5155274 No.5155274 [Reply] [Original]

Post things some artists do that piss you off more than they should
>calling a finished polished work a doodle or sketch, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.5155280

au contraire

>> No.5155876

>"GUUUUYS emergency commissions open NOW please signal boost this!!!
>*long sob story about not being able to pay rent due to bad life choices, make sure to mention any pets and how they will DIE if artist is homeless*
>My prices are $5 a sketch, $15 cel shaded characters, and $20 fully rendered (+$5 per extra character) I have 20 slots"

>> No.5155879

>says "rkgk"
>isn't japanese

>> No.5155883

Round knees piss me off more than any other anatomy mistakes or omissions. Sometimes I see them on otherwise decent drawings and it just ruins the whole piece for me.

I also hate when they add knees to mermaids. I get that it's coming from a classic Disney's pose, but in the actual cartoon she didn't have a fucking knee inside her fish part.

>> No.5155885
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People drawing porn.
They make me so horny, I hate it.

>> No.5155905

Shut the fuck up phoneposter.

>> No.5155917

This desu
Also people who take themselves way too seriously like
>furry artist blocks someone because they thought the long ass tweet about >$100 commission prices was a joke

>> No.5155918

"Concept artists" calling fucking entire copy pasted photos "reference", especially if those photos make up literally all of the piece's detail and charm, and the actual "art" is adding a few stupid lasso tool squiggles and free transforming them to create "perspective". Bonus points if the picture is then masqueraded as "digital painting". Extra bonus points if it's a "quick" one.

>> No.5155919

Can't fucking type

>> No.5155931

Inversely, calling what amounts to a sketch a finished work. I see this with too many younger artists and I'm like "if you really like drawing, at least put some heart into it. This just looks like you whipped it up in two seconds without any forethought."

>> No.5155932

>I also hate when they add knees to mermaids.
For me, it's when they make the middle of the tail hollow as if she were wearing a dress/skirt. I never understood that

>> No.5155951
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For me it's people like 4months anon. The constant complaining of an artist about arbitrary shit is such a turn off. I don't care how good your art is, I will follow so fast. Learn to self-regulate, scrub.

>> No.5155954


>> No.5155958
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>artist re-uploads their old artwork instead of just retweeting it

>> No.5155971
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Coom poster

>> No.5156034

In my case some retweets were invisible to anyone except me. I've checked unlogged. And indeed they were getting absolutely no new traction.

>> No.5156069

>favorite artist vanishes forever without saying shit
>uses so much slang in his tweets he's either a delinquent or a country hick
>caught the fucker bookmarking touhou and hatsune miku 2 months ago
post some art you fucker, i was studying your work to get better and now you just fucking disappear!?

>> No.5156070
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This thread might as well be "things you have to do to be popular on social media"

>> No.5156220
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>Japanese artists using twitter exclusively
>Have to dig through countless of food pictures and gacha screenshots to see their art

>> No.5156226

>Responding with gifs/pictures all the time

Sometimes on twitter I have to scroll down in order to find an actual work

>> No.5156267

I remember an artist that started a rant against a follower because he asked for permission to make lewd comment on a lewd character the person had made.

>> No.5156269

Oh yeah, this is surprisingly a thing. Why??

>> No.5156271

>"my comic is almost done guys its gonna be on kickstarter"
>long sob story about how they hate their art and theyre gonna quit and not bother trying to sell their comic
>"ok guys you convinced me haha"
>changes username to "comic is on kickstarter"
>funded in 24 hours

>> No.5156272

This, but also
>Western artist uses twitter exclusively
>Have to dig through countless reaction gifs/webms of them responding to other random twitter users to see their art

>> No.5156516

>follow cool artist
>80% of their posts are just dumb text shit i dont care about, half the time in a language i dont even speak
>they retweet shit like scat and mutilation porn
the people who go "muh jap artists on twitter are the only ones worth following" either are using twitter in a weird ass fucking way or they somehow manage to follow the 20 weeb artists that just post art and not 400 unrelated things between each drawing

>> No.5156582

This shit pisses me off the MOST. Obviously they are lying or dumb as fuck. If they were telling the truth they would be fucking idiots for charging that little considering how long it fucking takes to work on a commission.

They are better off just finding a minimum wage job at that rate.

>> No.5156677

Using their accounts to post politics
i don't care whos ass you wanna wipe in whatever race, just post art its what I'm here for

>> No.5156692

This happened to me once but the guy was a Brazilian or something.

I don't fucking care about your 'canito', I want to see your stuff for fucks sake.

Why can't they just make an 'artist' twitter account?

>> No.5156695

>that neon haired roastie that always posts about muh mental health

>> No.5156700

It's like they just now discovered the whole post your lunch to instagram thing that the west did 10 years ago

>> No.5156886

Why can't people just do a personal and an art account honestly. I'm just here for the art, I don't give a fuck about your pets, food, politics, gacha shit, etc.

>> No.5156909

This is dumb

>> No.5156924

Depression used for pity points while people who actually are on the verge of killing themselves are left to die because they are actually in distress so they cannot engineer their posts or whatever for likes, that's the most evil and shitty thing that people do on socials. Nobody takes you seriously if you vent or ask for help any longer, it defaults to attention seeking. So men who are suicidal are taken even less seriously. Thanks women.

>> No.5156934

Dumb incel, men can be huge attention whores with a "muh suicide" complex too. Look at shitters like robaato or nickleflick.

>> No.5156984

doesnt nickleflick go by wamudraws now?

>> No.5156999

got an example?

>> No.5157009
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>Artist puts their pen/marker next to their art when they take a picture of it

>> No.5157029

I'm 100% sure this is a practice that came out of sponsorship. I doubt that if you have say 100k followers nobody will be interested in pitching a product.
I see sfw artists with like 250k followers, but how do they money? They can't possible make that much from merch.

>> No.5157035

>artist that does an artstyle you love is actually a pedo groomer sociopath with her cucksband and boyfriend.
I still like the artstyle though

>> No.5157036

>it’s a printout

>> No.5157037

who? I love ra_lilium's style but he's a massive pedo.

>> No.5157074

>gets to see art for free on his phone
>complains that there are other things on the profile of the guy uploading the art
you are a worthless human being you know that?

>> No.5157075

They look nice when you use the markers or pencils. Agop being bitter about everything

>> No.5157077

Glip. She’s a terrible person all around but i cant hate her style desu. It branded me forever

>> No.5157090

eat shit

>> No.5157110
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Like this?

>> No.5157117

Completely agree, when I check someone out for their art and it's overshadowed by everything else, I don't even bother with them.
There are way too many artists out there to waste time going through the daily blogs of some stranger that I couldn't care less about.

>> No.5157129

keep being entitled you bleeding vagina

>> No.5157147
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>artist has low self esteem/ocd/some other bullshit and nukes their profile regularly

>> No.5157152

>Nukes their profile regularly
I'm guilty of this.
Already nuked multiple profiles in a couple years because i started cringing at my work.
Soon i'll delete my current one.

>> No.5157156

Needs moar potted succulent

>> No.5157157

I hate it when it's someone I like

>> No.5157169

how bout ya message them and say I like your art? They likely still have it and would likely share it with you if you actually appreciate it

>> No.5157173

japanese artists don't see twitter as a business tool like we do in the west, so they use it as a personal blog to put a bit of everything. Only westaboos like gashi gashi care to make their twitter a portfolio

>> No.5157192

I do this too because I'm a mental wreck. As soon as I make a social media account I feel increasingly suicidal.

>> No.5157208

Artists are more prone to things like manic depression and other mental issues, or at the very least, putting yourself out there to the public for scrutiny with the good and bad is more likely to exacerbate people's issues.
Either way turbulent personalities are to be expected from art, which is why you should save or archive things because you don't know if or when it will be gone.

>> No.5157217

I remember that nobody ever commented or said anything on my gallery, but like a year after I nuked it I found a post on Reddit of all places asking where I had gone.
Maybe if people didn't just scrool past and left a comment...

>> No.5157221
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>might delete this account and make a new one teehee
>has already had +5 accounts

>> No.5157242
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>artists old work was technically less compitent but more dynamic and varied
>artists more recent work is more refined but far less varied, almost stifled
this is so common it hurts, especially among porn artists, western and eastern

>> No.5157278

I did it until now because i really couldn't stand my garbage work anymore or felt demoralized by the whole social media game.

>> No.5157300

currently suffering from this, how do I get out of the habit bro

>> No.5157306

Then keep to or start with artist centered sites if social media is too much for you, so at the very least you are surrounded by your peers that understand and can relate with what you are going through.

>> No.5157322

I'd rather take posts about food or posts in a language I don't understand so I can easily scroll past than "BLACK LIVES MATTER RETWEET THIS NOW SHITLORD"

>> No.5157323
File: 55 KB, 655x527, F5017B9A-3BED-41DE-8E72-CD518ADFEA1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You artists are such entitled pricks. You WILL work and regularly post updates for me to enjoy. I won’t click like, wouldn’t want anyone seeing that. But you better not dare have the audacity to stop posting, because if you do I’ll have you cancelled

>> No.5157328

you’re months late to complain about this

>> No.5157332

I used to do this when I was a teen, it's fucking stupid.

>> No.5157340

Draw gestures, and make quick sketches off motion(video, animation while they play). It's a pretty normal thing most people go through, but fewer do get out of.
Look at the book Force: Dynamic drawing if you haven't, too.

>> No.5157344

BLM was just another flavor of the month, you're too late faggot.

>> No.5157355
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>Pronouns in bio and says their tits are big
>Hardly draws, mostly uploads random memes

>> No.5157361

I literally can’t be fucked to get a single account off the ground. I know I should but I feel like it’s a bit of a trade off. You optionally become a social media monkey so the algorithm accepts you as a valuable user. I don’t want to sit following and liking bullshit and posting pandering shut I don’t usually draw to be able to play the game

>> No.5157362

You absolutely still have people talking about it, don't be delusional. And all it takes is one more shooting for it to flare up again.

>> No.5157402

nah, biden won
racism dont exist anymore

>> No.5157441

>girl who markets herself as an artist but 80% of their userbase came from the horny selfies they took for attention instead
>their art usually sucks but they have professional levels of followers

i dont blame them, but it annoys me.

>> No.5157902

>He tweets about his movie and game opinions
Nobody gives a flying shit

>> No.5157979
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>artist gets popular
>output spikes while quality takes a nosedive
>style becomes noticeably streamlined and sterile
>less detailed, thought out, personal works
>more focus on being funny/relatable

>> No.5158016

Why don't you just make a fucking account and upload drawings to it when you finish them? That's all you fucking need out of social media, just something you can link people to who want to see more of your work. Interacting at all with the platform is optional.

>> No.5158017

But that's how they became popular, many algorithms prefer regular content being uploaded and selling yourself gets you more followers.

>> No.5158024

Now that Biden is president, the movement has served it's purpose and it's no longer needed by the masses, you're probably not going to see much of that anymore.
But still you shouldn't follow such people to begin with.

>> No.5158089

>install twitter media downloader extension
>download media from twitter
>delete irrelevant shit
>do this weekly

it's not that hard. but it is shitty to just nuke everything. I mean, don't you want to leave it behind for posterity?

>> No.5158264


4 slots open 20$ each

>> No.5158265

I understand it when it's an actual emergency and they have shit like insane medical bills to deal with but those people will also change their prices to something much more worthwhile and open up a shit ton of commission slots, work their ass off cranking out comms for like 3 months, and make their money for whatever they need to deal with. I still don't like the personal info sharing / begging for commissions and signal boosts, but if they only do it once or whatever fine maybe you actually had an emergency.

I see shitty artists doing that 20 slots and $5/character commission begging shit so often. If it's not an emergency with them, it's "oh no my friend's cat had to go to the vet and needs surgery I need commissions so I can pay for iiiiit" or "my grandma has cancer and we cant afford her chemo help by commissioning meeee"

Half the time these chucklefucks just take peoples money and don't even finish the shit they were paid for.

>> No.5158270

The printouts with art supplies are hilarious

>> No.5158678

You's about a 'yas massah' ass nigga.

>> No.5158748
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>"oh you draw too? Oh you're a beginner, cool we can do draw challenges together and get better and do drawtrades and have fun"
>draws maybe 1/4 as much as me over the course of years
>finished 1 piece for every 10 I finish
>get left behind in terms of skill
>gets pissed off any time art comes up now
>visibly annoyed whenever I share a finished piece and ignores it
>this has happened with 3 of my irl friends

It wasn't a fucking surprise that I started getting good. You had YEARS to realize it and compete if you really wanted it to be a competition.

>> No.5159560
File: 90 KB, 598x723, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I follow Japanese people on Twitter.

>> No.5159646

Not bad, at least that's a real traditional drawing instead of doing the same thing except it's a digital drawing.

>> No.5159664

I hate this even more when they're really talented but they're still soft-spoken and shit. GET SOME GODDAMN SELF-CONFIDENCE

>> No.5159690

kek I do this. I recently locked my account and currently booting everyone following me out because I have such low self esteem and believe they're all bots.
I told them before if they want to see my art only, just follow on Instagram. My Twitter is for manic ramblings, but also WIPs and finished art

>> No.5159703

Figured it was PurpleKecleon/Glitch. Such a shame, her art had a massive influence on me when I was younger, I wanted to draw just like her. I was really sad when I found out what she was like.

>> No.5159713

Just now getting into art but been in music for decades and it's the same shit there.
>Fully mixed/mastered song sample
>'Just posting a rough draft, might finish idk'
Compliment fishing is pathetic.

>> No.5159945

When someone builds his carrier by shamelessly stealing the style of a single better artist and just ends up looking like a clone. Just sad.

>> No.5160322

>getting mad at kids for sucking at drawing