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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.39 MB, 1358x1920, 20210120_221659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5149616 No.5149616 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does he do it? This guy gives Scott Robertson a run for his money...

>> No.5149626

if it's digital, always assume photobashing

>> No.5149629

That looks totally soulless and generic

>> No.5149631

Pyw retard
I bet you think vilppu is better

>> No.5149632

maybe some of you should try building LEGO
it's like a lot of you seem to have forgotten how to make small steps towards a goal

>> No.5149636
File: 1.13 MB, 1358x1920, 20210120_221850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree, it looks soulful, I'd kill to be able to draw my backgrounds like that. FYI this is one of the artists for Nier, @Lownine on twitter.

>> No.5149662
File: 170 KB, 768x1024, 1585256198692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the art is generic and soulless. go back to cucking yourself on /vg/ trannie.

>> No.5149664

like or dislike it, it's far from soulless

>> No.5149665

Cope harder begtranny

>> No.5149697

"Soulless" is the cope of the skillless.

>> No.5149698

With 3d, retard. Scott Robertson is 10x more skilled in draftsmanship than this guy.

>> No.5149721
File: 240 KB, 279x340, Capture14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the proud gate of a city have shanty town shacks built on it's walls? I hate when concept artists slap on some shit that looks cool but makes no sense practically or narrative wise to their work.

>> No.5149728

>houses on scaffolding above the arch
Technical skill (basic old 3D kitbashing, rendering and a bit of photoshop) aside, what kind of brain syphilis causes these people to have such a lack of actual imagination? Like, you could look at any of the architecture of any culture in the world and immediately get ideas for cities that are both awe-inspiring and actually meaningful.

But no, this guy can only think of houses on top of fucking t-bar steel on top of this two hundred meter arch. "woah fuck the scale of this thing is epic"

And I guess 95% of /ic/ will not even understand what I'm saying because they've only lived in a featureless modern city/suburb and played video games, and they have no imagination for how a real fantasy/medieval city might operate.

>> No.5149754


That's not a shanty town, those are rooms with windows attached on the gate supported by scaffoldings. Probably constructed outside of the original architecture of gate. As appendages.

>I hate when concept artists slap on some shit that looks cool but makes no sense practically or narrative wise to their work.

I see it as just imagination running wild regardless of sense. And since concept art is very early stages, not everything has to make sense. The important part is the feel, the emotion that can be felt looking at the concept.

It's like dreams, dreams are immersive and can trigger a lot of emotions but they don't make any sense when you think about it after waking up.

It's also overshooting. Like when you draw gesture you have to exaggerate a lot because it loses a lot of the energy the more you add structure, anatomy, lighting and color.

The concepts are exaggerated so when they start actualizing the concept ( like incorporating it into a movie or a game ). It will eventually lose a lot of it's visual impact the more "sense" they have to add to it. Like the physics, architectural logic, narrative logic.

Of course you can just, right from the start think about all this logic. Like how you would draw the anatomy and gesture together right away.

The important part is that it is a concept, it's part of a pipeline. It is a very early stage part of the pipeline. It's not a final product

>> No.5149760

Post examples or pyw

>> No.5149762

b-but ur supposed to learn painting by copying vidya screenshots!


>> No.5149769

generic knight assets, I can't stand them anymore

>> No.5149770

>n-no stop illustrating what you think feels cool, you have to be an autist about muh legitimacy

>> No.5149771

meanwhile people working in the game industry is looking at real life refs to do their work, huh, i wonder why is that

>> No.5149787


it's not that different from master studies. Videogames is also just art, created by artists. If these artists are good then you can learn from them.

>> No.5149801

The OP picture is not about legitimacy or not, it's about being unimaginative and stupid beyond any bounds

>> No.5149805

>it's not that different from master studies. Videogames is also just art, created by artists. If these artists are good then you can learn from them.
Video games made by people with real life inspiration can be great. Video games made by people whose experience and inspiration comes from other video games are abject bullshit.

>> No.5149810

>It's also overshooting. Like when you draw gesture you have to exaggerate a lot because it loses a lot of the energy the more you add structure, anatomy, lighting and color.
>The concepts are exaggerated so when they start actualizing the concept ( like incorporating it into a movie or a game ). It will eventually lose a lot of it's visual impact the more "sense" they have to add to it. Like the physics, architectural logic, narrative logic.
Making the gate skyscraper sized is a good form of exaggerating a concept.
Sticking some random structures on it in completely impractical places is just masturbatory, it's the author saying "look guys I've studied some old spanish castle architecture that had these cool little houses stuck on their walls so I decided to incorporate a bastardized poorly understood version of it to my european citadel, that way I can look educated and creative to my employers".

All your points are correct when the artist in question actually has integrity and imagination, when they know to invent things or exaggerate existing things in a tasteful manner. Problem is that the concept art scene is full of glorified AI art generators that take random cultural or visual concepts from all over the place and slap it all together to form a hideous nonsensical mess that only serves the purpose of looking cool.

>> No.5149861

Exactly. The one thing missing in this piece.

>> No.5150046

I like him but there is a bit too much texture going on in the background where it shouldn't be, while the front is too bland

that being said I'd like to know what type of post processing/filters he uses during the starting stage from 3d to this

>> No.5150065

guys i found the guy who REALLY hates ruan jia, also your post just screams contrarian because of how toxic you sound about such trivial shit, you pathetic little worm.

>> No.5150070

keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.5150100


>> No.5150113

pretty much the new Demon's Soulless

>> No.5150116


>> No.5150117

>Western art
Always soulless.

>> No.5150125

Okay american.

I'm not him but he's right. Worm? No, he seems to actually have an eye for what looks good and what looks skillful. You, on the other hand sound, more like a teenager who gapes and slobbers at anything "photorealistic" even if it's a just a shitty photobash, or in this case, a cheap 3D kitbash.

>> No.5150126

>I bet you think vilppu is better
Not him, but vilppu is soulless.

>> No.5150131

yeah and why the fuck did they waste time and energy embossing letters in the gate when you can only see them from a super specific angle falling off a bridge?? fucking architects, man

>> No.5150133

pyw or shut up

>> No.5150142

>Scott Robertson a run for his money.
what does he have to do with this
he is a vehicle and space ship designer

>> No.5150164
File: 59 KB, 798x644, EA0EB8EA-FEC5-47C9-8833-C5E4BDE4C335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t build his references in minecraft and then fuck with the FOV

>> No.5150171

this looks like a lot of photobashing and rendering, he probably used 3d assets as well. at the very least he did have to do a paint job over parts of this piece with layer masking and what not. probably over a 100 layers of just rendering and masking.

>> No.5150202
File: 1.04 MB, 1036x628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like something out of a from software game, lots of verticality

>> No.5150204

>"keep telling yourself that", says man coping

>> No.5150210


>> No.5150215

>hasn’t been to any modern European city

>> No.5150216

uh there is only one point of verticality

>> No.5150226

no, reality

>> No.5150234

Looks like you put a comma in your post by mistake. It should be "no reality", as a reflection of your own cope.

>> No.5150244

it's not cope, sure the artist in question might not have used photobashing, but photobashing is great to speed up your work

>> No.5150279

>calling others childish
>defending a literal child throwing a tantrum about trivial shit
you retards hyper focus on such small details and wonder why you never get anything done. you wallow on retarded concepts for so long you never progress with your art, do you honestly believe you need to justify anything in a piece of art? you are thinking small picture instead of big picture.

>> No.5150313

>shooting holes in own argument

lol k

>> No.5150316

how is using a tool available to you coping?

>> No.5150352

>how toxic you sound
>you pathetic little worm
Touched a nerve I see. I don't know who Ruan Jia even is.

>> No.5150419

>why you never get anything done
Just did another easy 300$ commission, don't project.

>> No.5150426

It's really not that difficult if you know how to do an intermediate level of architectural 3D modelling, know how to overpaint it correctly and then just sample colours from a photograph or other artwork.

>> No.5150427

It is not there to look pretty, it is there to provide you with a sense of scale and perspective just like those birds give you the sense of depth and size.

>> No.5150429

pyw or it didnt happen faggot

>> No.5150750

>Music made by people whose experience and inspiration comes from other music is abject bullshit.
>Movies made by people whose experience and inspiration comes from other movies are abject bullshit.
>Books written by people whose experience and inspiration comes from other books are abject bullshit.
>Art made by people whose experience and inspiration comes from other art is abject bullshit.

>> No.5150767

This comes without saying

>> No.5150770

Can I get a name?

>> No.5150772

I like it technique wise but have to agree with other anons about the houses there. It looks too silly and distracting. Artists should take some entry level interest in architecture in my opinion, it's quite fun and inspiring.

>> No.5150775

>it’s photobashed
>o-okay well maybe it’s not photobashed but photobashing sure saves time!

>> No.5150781

my guy, the artist in question is pretty open about using 3d models.

>> No.5150785

yes. imitation without understanding the underlying experience is the definition of soul less. you think a 90s kid westerner could make barefoot genji 2 because he done seen the original? nah

>> No.5150787

Fpbp. Industry doesn't care if you can do this by hand, from imagination, etc. They probably prefer you not waste their time with that shit.

>> No.5150798

>Why would the proud gate of a city have shanty town shacks built on it's walls?

>> No.5150800

art is about combining small units into larger wholes
good choices were made, but anybody could ultimately learn to do this

>> No.5150824

you are a stupid monkey-brained nigger

>> No.5150830

do you have something against photobashing, if you're going to do bg art for the entertainment industry you better know photobashing and know it well

>> No.5150877



>> No.5150899

look up "south gate" art

>> No.5150903

pretty much always been a thing. seriously, read a book faggot.

>> No.5151002

Or just post his name you supreme faggot.

>> No.5151003

now i wont

>> No.5151010

>cant google search images
you deserve this for being a complete brainlet

>> No.5151112

>can’t have a regular conversation like a normal human being
This isn’t /v/ or /a/ you cucklord. This isn’t a board to vaguely talk about obscure shit with autistic strangers who “get” your insider talk cause they got nothing better to do than post on 4chan all day. The majority of us are busy drawing and working. It’s common courtesy to the rest of the posters to name drop artists so people know who you’re talking about without needing to waste time looking that shit up. It’s also courtesy to the artist whose work you’re sharing you stupid fag.

>> No.5151113

Yo this is good stuff.

>> No.5151117


>> No.5151217

go grab this kitbash set and you can do the same thing

>> No.5151240

I have that KB set. Sucks massive dick.

>> No.5151254

>This fucking retard.
Ray Tracing generally only has 1 bounce even at max settings in most games and often does not have Ray Traced Global Illumination, devs also often use a patchwork of Cube Maps and SSR at varying degrees of quality so you are not seeing light behave in a physically accurate way.

Any vidya game artist who knows what they are talking about stress the need for real life reference because just like with photobashing you get retards who kitbash stuff that makes no sense once you really break it down.

>> No.5151268

I tried the free Kitbash mini collection and that shit sucked.

>> No.5151373

Ahhh, he’s the Nier concept artist. That explains the “muh sekrit club” pretention and massive dicksucking from the faggot OP.

Thanks for the link. Now I got a new artist to follow for inspiration.

My question now is, why did OP compare him to Scott Robertson? The two have nothing in common.

>> No.5151390

this. leave the man at piece building his weird cars and spaceships

>> No.5151705

>It is not there to look pretty, it is there to provide you with a sense of scale and perspective just like those birds give you the sense of depth and size.
There are infinitely many good ways to indicate depth and size, and this person couldn't come up with even one.

It is also a 100% reliable sign of a bad concept artist that he relies on huge proportions for impact. This guy would never be able to create a meaningful picture of normal everyday life, that's why his art has to be "whoa fuck everything is vertical and huge".

>> No.5151708

>pyw or it didnt happen faggot
No one making money would associate with 4chan or invite trolls from here back to his social media.

>> No.5151710

Precisely. You write, draw, compose and tell stories about actual life that you have experienced yourself.

>> No.5151714

>yes. imitation without understanding the underlying experience is the definition of soul less. you think a 90s kid westerner could make barefoot genji 2 because he done seen the original? nah
True. But the westerner social rejects here, whose only life experience is games and stale modern dystopia, cannot accept nor understand that.

>> No.5151718

>do you have something against photobashing, if you're going to do bg art for the entertainment industry you better know photobashing and know it well
Of course, if you want to just be one of the dime-a-dozen replaceable photobasher/kitbasher drones.

>> No.5151725

>go grab this kitbash set and you can do the same thing
Exactly. The kids here are like "fuck how can anyone do that" when it's just importing the readymade objects into a 3d software, pressing render and adding a handful of canned postprocessing adjustments and a bit of easy photoshop. He didn't design, imagine or draw a single thing.

>> No.5151747

this. made me say "wow that gate is big"

>> No.5151827
File: 1.11 MB, 1864x2500, maja wronska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a higher preference for a simpler technique, but being done freehand. an asset is often reused to death and you can see it in 100 more people's artworks.

>> No.5151828
File: 190 KB, 640x850, a6b0df3c20dda975594cd1aebe8dbf62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watercolor is actually a perfect medium if you want to draw 'impressive' detailed architecture without buring your brain rendering.

>> No.5151831
File: 120 KB, 640x853, 8d4538326f2cc0af9624caf0e4486f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151833

You may note that 3D models aren't photos.

>> No.5151847

>I hate when concept artists slap on some shit that looks cool but makes no sense practically or narrative wise to their work.
Concept artists don't think and don't have any autonomous decision making going into the images they produce, they literally follow a checklist. They're more like graphic designers than artists at this point, see >>5150427
>bash shit in made by artists who weren't braindead without really knowing why you like it
>put dark thingy there for value
>add photo texture to large empty area
>put man with stick for scale

>> No.5151854

Oozing jealousy.

>> No.5151863

Think what you want. It's true. They're basically graphic designers. 99% of what they do is about creating a pleasing combination of value and shape and the "narrative" is the same shit always
>big building whoa
>birds/man with stick for scale
which are also part of the same checklist that is straight up graphic design, like using repeating shapes to show perspective, etc.
the issue is not that they do this, it's that it comes before any particular thought about what they want to say

>> No.5151865

this is some good stuff. i need another feudal japan game with fantasy element

>> No.5151877

i respect schizo robertson, but you cant just compare this guy with him

>> No.5151897

>You may note that 3D models aren't photos.
Kitbashing is even easier than photobashing because you can just slap anything you want together and get perfect consistent lighting. At least photobashers need to use their two braincells spending eight hours on Google looking for the right "reference" to plagiarise.

>> No.5151906

>Oozing jealousy.
More like he's one of the three people here who actually make art, can tell how it's made and could easily do photo/kitbashing but don't have any desire to because they aspire to something bigger.

>> No.5151909

What is there to be jealous you retard? Most concept artists can't even draw on paper because they are so used to bashing shit in PS. Literally kys.

>> No.5151912


>> No.5151920

>and could easily do photo/kitbashing but don't have any desire to because they aspire to something bigger.
I know how it's done but I don't know how hard it is to be as efficient as these people, I am not saying that what they do is not skilled and it probably is or they wouldn't get hired. Also they're really fast, like they shit these out in a few hours. But I definitely see that the vast majority of this art is done through a literal checklist and it's done entirely by rote and it all looks the fucking same. On one hand a lot of this is passed as studies and things like that, but when they start saying they thought about the "narrative" because they put a guy with a stick in the painting it's kind of stupid. No, you didn't think of the narrative, you literally went over your checklist and it said "put one of the 3-4 narrative tropes in the painting so there's a narrative". ZZZZZZ
Being Captain Obvious here but there is way too much thought about technical shit in concept art, I literally end up looking at the technicalities first instead of whatever the painting is saying because the content is really trite and codified to the point of being an afterthought.

>> No.5151935

i thought that 99% of these super complicated paintings were started in zbrush

>> No.5152034

get with the times you cucks

>> No.5152080
File: 10 KB, 474x237, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get with the times you cucks

>> No.5152097


This is just copied 1:1 with a photo. Not that it's a bad thing to do, it's pretty relaxing. But the value of this kind of art has long diminished decades ago. When cameras were invented.

Yes the watercolor usage is pretty but underneath it all is just a copy of a photo. Nothing really created or designed.

>> No.5152117

oh no, too hard to do a 5min sketch or show a page of your sketchbook, fuck off beg

>> No.5152120

reminder that furry porn is not art

>> No.5152123

I would take that over drawing anime coom any day, better pay on average and after awhile you get known enough to find jobs whenever your currently one ends

>> No.5152135

Epic cope

>> No.5152141

you're the one who is coping *boops your snoot*

>> No.5152143

going the easy degenerate route, you have NO HONOR

>> No.5152148

this but unironically

>> No.5152150

Lmao that's such a stupid way to view inspiration

>> No.5152196

True everything you wrote.

>> No.5152206

>i thought that 99% of these super complicated paintings were started in zbrush
Nope, 99.9% of them or more are kitbashes. The "artist" typically wouldn't be able to model even one of those arches, they all come from other people/companies who specialise in modelling. Of course there is a limited amount of good looking "awesome" models in the style that these "concept artists" like, and even less quality stuff that is free, so the same pieces get reused by thousands of people.


That's one place where all the "impressive" parts come from. Putting them into a 3D scene is hardly more difficult than using powerpoint. After that, creating the atmosphere, composition and colour scheme of course takes some skill, but much less than you'd think. It's a very routine process since almost all the pieces have the same look. Some z-depth fog, some bloom, some canned clouds/dust/texture, a few simple touches in Photoshop.

The knights must be a free model or something, since they show up in like every third 3D render.

The people who made the models, on the other hand, are technically skilled, and I can imagine that it's a skill that can get you a job.

>> No.5152208

>Lmao that's such a stupid way to view inspiration
You didn't get it. "Inspiration" was in implied quotes, that is, not even close to actual real life inspiration.

>> No.5152213

you can do this with oils

>> No.5152328

>The "artist" typically wouldn't be able to model even one of those arches, they all come from other people/companies who specialise in modelling.
what the fuck, I'm not even remotely in this field and I can model this shit because I learned for fun
are you fucking kidding me, am I looking at literal hack jobs?

>> No.5152477

>are you fucking kidding me, am I looking at literal hack jobs?

If you can model nice looking original stuff, make it into a great looking scene, and do some intermediate compositing and photoshopping to add a bit of organic touch, you could make something much more interesting and impactful than the OP picture.

>> No.5152519

how is it stupid nigga, if its visually interesting, its good, thats the goal the creator of the pic had

>> No.5152528

Why do you keep saying kitbashing? Kitbashing is when you mix and match model kits to make something new, it gas nothing to do with illustration or concept art.

>> No.5152535

I think he's using it to mean mashing together premade 3d assets
either way I would never compete with this, I can model and draw on top but it takes time, which is key in this field anyway

>> No.5152537


>> No.5152541

>seething this hard

>> No.5152560

photobash these nuts

>> No.5152565

I've never photobashed anything in my life, but it is painfully obvious how jealous you are.

>> No.5152569

>I've never photobashed anything in my life
then why do you talk? I have

>> No.5152578

And? I'm not discussing photobashing, I'm mocking you for being a jealous little bitch.

>> No.5152614

this video made absolutely no sense

>> No.5152618

maybe you should take that dick out of your mouth and go back to drawing since you're a /beg/?

>> No.5152621
File: 283 KB, 1000x908, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152629


>> No.5152634

The guy seething about someone's art accusing someone else of wasting time and being a /beg/.

>> No.5152646

no you are actually seething because I criticized your precious concept art that you literally have to scroll up to in order to remember what the fuck it was

>> No.5152654
File: 673 KB, 942x726, 1598526384593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.5152661

yeah now dilate and shut the fuck up you stupid beggot

>> No.5152673

The more baseless insults you throw out, the more obvious it is that you are seething.

>> No.5152718

thanks for the (you)

>> No.5152762

>Why do you keep saying kitbashing? Kitbashing is when you mix and match model kits to make something new, it gas nothing to do with illustration or concept art.
Okay, fair enough. He used canned assets others made, and fools most people to think that he actually modelled or painted something impressive when it's just a render, kind of like taking a screenshot of a game and claiming that you "painted it", just with a tiny tiny bit more work.

>> No.5152764

>this video made absolutely no sense
vintage borodante then?

>> No.5152770

>no you are actually seething because I criticized your precious concept art that you literally have to scroll up to in order to remember what the fuck it was
Brilliant. Couldn't have put it better myself.

>> No.5152776

>>seething this hard
Nope, I like to model my own fantasy cities myself because it's way more fun.

>> No.5153414

>The "artist" typically wouldn't be able to model even one of those arches
dunno about japan but 70% of concept artists I worked with were quite proficient with 3d, they could model the base form of those arches in a few minutes and paint the details later. Even if you have game assets to kit bash with, what he is doing is hard as fuck, this isn't a 3d render with a filter on top.

>> No.5153434

>I could do it if I tried, I just cant be bothered
this is the most pathetic low tier form of cope. Knowing how something is done and actually doing it are completely different things and I would question that you even understand the most important problems he's solving. In my experience only insecure, talentless individuals seek to minimise solid work in order to boost their own ego.

>> No.5154021

I do better art than he, so yes, I do understand the "problems" he is "solving".

If he was truly skilful and creative, he would be making something very different from that trash.

>> No.5154094

>I do better art than he
Sure you do, buddy.

>> No.5154288

do all polygon pushers seethe the way you do?

>> No.5154952

yikes when begs think painting with ref is impossible

>> No.5154954

The artist openly said he uses 3d for his paintings

>> No.5154972

you're a beginner if you really believe this. Everyone knows pro artists lie about using shortcuts because it would discourage new artists if they knew the truth, that they hand paint all of their images down to the individual pixels.

>> No.5154978

ni hao, I am top concept artist in land and paint with 1px hard round brush no anti alias

>> No.5154980

haha look at this scrub not using vector for concept art

>> No.5154981

case in point, thanks for chiming in, you don't have to post your work I already know you're a god

>> No.5154997

is it possible to do this stuff traditionally?

>> No.5155001

sure, do you have a spare couple of months that you can dedicate to replicating something like this?

>> No.5155002

with covid and losing my job. yes

>> No.5155041

it's possible you just wouldn't want to. First you'd need a canvas the size of a house, second you'd need about 6 years to complete it comfortably, third nobody would buy it and you'd kill yourself swiftly after completing it

>> No.5155064
File: 959 KB, 1920x2571, saria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it possible to do this stuff traditionally?

>> No.5155067
File: 104 KB, 697x960, saria_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5155078

prove that it was made traditionally and not constructed to look like it was

>> No.5155082

Artist is full traditional, he has videos where he paints the comic and is also a teacher in comic schools through Europe.

>> No.5155087

I thought saria was dead, did link come back in time?

>> No.5155088


>> No.5155090

lol, his eyes must be great to work so small

>> No.5155094

of course. you either construct it with insanely tedious perspective or you kitbash a model/maquette, take a picture of it, then project/trace that onto paper or a canvas.


>> No.5155219

Stop fucking calling it 'kitbash'. Kitbashing is for things like Gunpla and W40K.

>> No.5155237

Not him but it makes sense though, it's not inappropriate usage. It's the same thing except 3D.

>> No.5155252
File: 781 KB, 3008x1560, Smithsonian_NASM_-_Close_Encounters_of_the_Third_Kind_Mother_Ship_spacecraft_model_%285144012861%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice autism. they didn't use kitbashing in tv or movies before gundam or warhammer existed

>> No.5155284

It applies to model kits, not 3D CG. Gunpla and W40K are examples of model kits.

>> No.5155302

It applies to anything where you take premade models of shit and use it for purposes other than its intent. You're the retard here.

>> No.5155480

No, it applies to parts from model KITS. Not all models are model kits.

>> No.5155522
File: 92 KB, 638x1000, 1540343938675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the guy you're arguing with, but you are literally ducking to force the point over your head.

>> No.5155548

its become a colloquial term, like band-aid or xerox. if you say "kitbash" when referring to the act of repurposing and combining materials into a cohesive model, either 3d or physical, people will definitely understand what you mean. I don't understand why you want to die on this semantic hill. Congrats, you know the origin of the word, that doesn't mean its meaning hasn't expanded to mean so many other things.
this guy was trying to say that but you are retarded

>> No.5155552

>if I say I hate it then it means I'm better than it right? right??

>> No.5155554

when someone pulls semantic bullshit on you just ignore them, they're arguing for the sake of arguing. no one gains anything from the conversation except the retard giving themselves a pat on the back. its akin to commenting to tell someone they missed an apostrophe

>> No.5155708


>> No.5155730

I'm sorry anon but you're being a retard this time
>>5149636 literally the 5th post of this thread

>> No.5155828

You are trying to use the term "kitbash" to refer to using any kind of 3D in illustration. Even the example you posted of the term kitbash being used to refer to 3D models uses it to refer to PARTS of models that can be combined to form new models.
Any way you look at it, you are using the term wrong.
If you use terms wrong to try to pretend you know what you're talking about, you can bet someone is going to make fun of you for it.

>> No.5155877
File: 62 KB, 840x518, ngram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are trying to use the term "kitbash" to refer to using any kind of 3D in illustration.
no, i originally wasn't. the original post is about doing this in traditional. you'd make models of shit with what you have lying around in a similar fashion to bashing together a bunch of architecture like the op image. the term is older than gundams. people were doing it with modern trains and other things.

>> No.5155894

>the term is older than gundams
I never implied it wasn't, retard. Once again, Gunpla and W40K were examples of model kits.

>> No.5155968

The Three Houses artbook shows that Lownine uses 3d

>> No.5156629

>"FYI this is one of the artists for Nier"
>Can't find anything showing they're an artist for Nier
>They did fan art for "Nier Automata" the shitty nier game

>> No.5156630

The chad riccardo federrici

>> No.5156642

You guys are so lame.

>> No.5156681

>It applies to model kits, not 3D CG. Gunpla and W40K are examples of model kits.
"Woot moan"


>> No.5156685

>If you use terms wrong to try to pretend you know what you're talking about, you can bet someone is going to make fun of you for it.
Everyone is already making fun of you because of your stupidity. And incidentally you're the one using the term "wrong".

>> No.5156782

Maybe the city was once rich and noble and now its overpopulated and in squalor.

Also go back to /sci/. This is a board for art not smart.

>> No.5158444


>> No.5158725

I'd be curios to see what they look like with less extreme sharpening.

>> No.5158744

Very true

>> No.5161161

given how many japanese devs are semi neets whose whole understanding of reality is drawn from worlds in manga and other games.. your normie take is utter bullshit. It's needs a clever mind to ground any subject of fantasy into a believable sphere of reality, being clever or not is a unique skill which can't just be applied to any random individual

>> No.5161166

>another beg getting triggered by "soulless"

>> No.5161300

> japanese devs are semi neets whose whole understanding of reality is drawn from worlds in manga and other games
You talk like japanese artists are the gold standard or something. Have you seen the uninspired, formulaic pieces of shit they produce? Maybe your weeb brain is too fried to see past the kawaii sameface girl no.3150's pretty ribbons and big shiny eyes.

>> No.5161511

The fuck you mean cope, that's exactly what photobashing looks like retard

>> No.5163530

That explains a lot about the anime industry

>> No.5163923

why isn't it moving?

>> No.5163929

there are very few famous for their game jap devs, most are under nintendo umbrella and others aren't neets at all just by looking at their interviews, maybe the devs working on mobile industry are neets but i wouldnt know that

>> No.5164388

What do you believe the name of a website proves?
What the fuck is "woot moan" supposed to mean?