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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5145134 No.5145134 [Reply] [Original]

What was the magic trick that made you good at drawing? No Loomis please

>> No.5145140

this uncanny shit is gross

>> No.5145141

Drawing a lot.

>> No.5145145
File: 356 KB, 450x359, 6EFD7056-B332-47BC-8E56-6BA0F5C27CFF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5145147

what uncanny shit, its just a terrible photobash

>> No.5145149

why is the girl in right so depressed

>> No.5145150

She knows she won't ever be my queen Hermione

>> No.5145152 [DELETED] 


>> No.5145167

There is no magic trick you stupid faggot. It just takes hard work.

>> No.5145194

Hard round brush.

>> No.5145196

unironically learning fundies; books, copying, applying it to imagination drawing, it's like knowing cheat codes that guide you towards the line/shape you wanna make next.
and sketching with shapes instead of lines.
and warming up every day, especially exercises that help you feel the form like contouring a cylinder or a torus.
and making it a daily habit. thanks DAD

>> No.5145260

yeah, is so stupid that you can clearly see the difference of their head and the bodies.

>> No.5145282

>sketching with shapes instead of lines
could you elaborate? in what way helped?

>> No.5145304

>Still life
>simplified studies where i simplify everything into 3d forms
>doing thumbnails and writting things down

>> No.5145305

my waifu doesn't have much porn so its up to me to make coom material

>> No.5145309

big milkers don't suit Emma
Also, Huston for figure drawing.

>> No.5145310

Think in 3d

>> No.5145335

not telling
but references are important
also, i would quadruple the amount of time you think you need or that you ordinarily spend on something
if your drawings usually last an hour, do more in the beginning states (like getting proportions absolutely dead-on) and push the number to four hours

>> No.5145847

Allowing women on the internet was a mistake.

>> No.5145864

Drawing instead of jacking off.

>> No.5145876

I pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

>> No.5146073

good observation, taking your time, and drawing alot

>> No.5146186

Being actually talented in middle school without even drawing any more than your average kid and regaining interest in my twenties. I'm not too persistent with my drawings but I can see the progress.

Color has been always a weakness and hard round brush was ironically the actual solution for it. I've always hated watching tutorials, and that blurry shit I occasionally produced made me quit trying to adapt to digital format.

>> No.5146260


>> No.5146446


>> No.5146450


>> No.5146480
File: 283 KB, 1000x908, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to hear it because you already know

>> No.5146486

Going through a variety of material, slowly building up your compounded understanding and skill.
Don't get stuck repeating one guide, book, trick.

>> No.5146495


>> No.5146562

Because they couldn't find a good expression with that angle to bash in.

>> No.5146766


>> No.5146925

Harsh self criticism, realizing that it if it doesn't look right you gotta fix it or roll with it, you can't power thru
Imo atleast

>> No.5146932
File: 88 KB, 592x475, AE96AEBC-F22D-43A4-823D-46C840C83E57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5149752


>> No.5149782

drawing every single day even when I didn't want too and then drawing shit that I was uncomfortable or bad at. To get better I made a herculean effort at drawing stuff that I did not find fun or hard. If you're like me the only thing you want to draw is weeb shit so everything else is a chore but the only way to get any better is to grind out the other shit

>> No.5149839

Grinding proportion, perspective, and construction. These fundies are most important, the others are optional and are not as important as the core three.

>> No.5149852

This should be illegal, unless the artist obtained the actresses’ consent before painting.

>> No.5149856


>> No.5150703

drawing shapes of shadow areas and paying attention to the proportion of those shapes instead of trying to draw outlines

>> No.5150829

ironically, realizing that nothing is magic about drawing and it's just a set of skills that are relatively easy to learn as long as you put the work in it. you want to learn perspective? no need to be talented, just learn the fucking rules and practice, it's incredibly freeing.

>> No.5150832

I've been stuck for almost 2 years trying to learn perspective

>> No.5151784

how did you try to learn ? if you like working with book, try your hand a the classic "perspective made easy" by Ernest Norling. work every page until you understand, and you will have a solid foundation. if you want more after that, I found "How to draw" by Scott Robertson to be very exhaustive on the subject, but it's definitely an harder book and should be worked very carefully, page by page.

I also found that working a lot with one point perspective (drawing street and room interior) and using a software ruler to explore digitally the more complex kind of perspective really helped to make it click.

>> No.5151789


>> No.5152591

I took my perspective and box autism and used it to help with imagining wierd ass organic forms in 3D by making them hyper simplistic then shaving off pieces to make them rounder
Also iterative drawing

>> No.5152604

Learning to ask critique correctly.

>> No.5152609

Ic in a nutshell, dear based anon.

>> No.5152659

>want to learn math and physics? no need to be talented, just learn the fucking rules and practice, it's incredibly freeing
>no, you’re not allowed to bring intelligence into this, that’s ableist

>> No.5152695

Do you test your primary attributes before learning anything in life just to see if you might or might not be talented in anything?

Fuck off. Just fucking sit down, shut the fuck up and learn. You'll figure out if you're talented in something when you actually start doing something, not before.

So no, nobody is telling you to not talk about talent. Everybody is telling you to stop being a lazy excuse filled waste of fucking space.

>> No.5152715

How long for someone to gauge if they have talent or not

>> No.5152779

When professionals comment on them and note that they seem to be talented.

>> No.5152808

Biggest skill bump was getting critique after I had been avoiding it for way too long.

>> No.5152958
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x917, Better than 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took the "just grind bro" pill
>never made any significant progress
>Broke the cycle a while ago when I got through depression and stopped doing things mindlessly.
>Actually started thinking about where I wanted my lines to go and in what way.
>Started doing studies and analyzing things instead of just recreating them.
>Started trying to apply what I was learning instead of just copying loomis-heads out of books.
mfw I spent all that time just learning how to learn.
Don't turn off your brain bros, you have it for a reason.

>> No.5154086

drawing everyday and more things than simply what you like. one piece of important advice when trying to become a creative professional is killing your darlings, anon

>> No.5154089

Anyone grind boxes? Is it a waste of time?

>> No.5154092

>no one posted their work
How am i supposed to take their advice seriously

>> No.5154127

i have ground boxes. its not a waste of time if you know how to use the boxes later.

>> No.5154131
File: 162 KB, 796x600, 4868848F-A65B-4D9D-BAE9-322A6A28F759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5154191

Drawing the same thing over and over again

>> No.5154203

honestly, I think anyone can learn math and physics to university level as long as put in the work. being talented/smart just mean that it will click faster, and that you won't hate every minute you spend doing this. but if you force yourself, you can do it. then of course there the question of why you would want to learn something that you hate doing, and there is some good answer to that, and a lot of bad ones, but that another subject completely.

>> No.5154242

What's a photobash, did the artist not draw that?
How can you tell?

>> No.5154244

I tried drawing my waifu today and it felt weird knowing that others would see her naked.

>> No.5154784

boxes are so damn hard. Like, if you are trying to do them perfectly. It's like trying to draw a perfect circle freehand.

>> No.5154931

the 'actually doing shit' book

>> No.5154943

The only answer.

>> No.5154950

bc it looks as it's a frankenstein of different pics with a filter on top

>> No.5154959

I thought I was the only one...

>> No.5156252

this will hurt


>> No.5156258 [DELETED] 

That's literally how you learn math you utter mongoloid
I teach math to non-nerds on the side and it's fucking easy once they understand that they just have to do grinding if they have no grasp for it and that they will just change their understanding by that. Of course low iq kevins take longer to understand shit and a 80 iq caveman probably won't get his PhD in theoretical physics. But the basics and even some advanced shit, which is enough to dab on basically everyone you meet? Just grind and your brain will follow. It is that easy. You are just too lazy and retarded to even try it. Of course talented people learn faster, big fucking news. How can one human be so dense. pyw and kys

>> No.5156260

That's literally how you learn math you utter mongoloid
I teach math to non-nerds on the side and it's fucking easy once they understand that they just have to do grinding if they have no grasp for it and that they will just change their understanding by that. Of course low iq kevins take longer to understand shit and a 80 iq caveman probably won't get his PhD in theoretical physics. But the basics and even some advanced shit, which is enough to dab on basically everyone you meet? Just grind and your brain will follow. It is that easy. You are just too lazy and retarded to even try it. Of course talented people learn faster, big fucking news. How can one human be so dense. pyw and fuck off crab

>> No.5156310
File: 125 KB, 905x1280, 1611475851310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op you deserve to be ass fucked by a goblin just for the sheer fact that you posted this image.

>> No.5156321


>> No.5156330

based common sense poster

>> No.5156639

Oh god, they animated it perfectly.

>> No.5156987


>> No.5156991


>> No.5157002

Holy shit anon how you could you reveal the biggest secret of them all!?!?!

>> No.5157080
File: 299 KB, 1000x830, perfect_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5157310

>What was the magic trick that made you good at drawing? No Loomis please
learning something often