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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.78 MB, 1525x760, be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5096175 No.5096175 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: female coom artists

>> No.5096179
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 59AB7605-7B5E-468A-B8A8-9D54BCD1DCAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the power of roastie “artists”

>> No.5096185


god she's revolting. why does anyone find this ghoul attractive

>> No.5096195
File: 47 KB, 407x405, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5096197

Because she's constantly pushed in the media.

>> No.5096199
File: 392 KB, 251x251, D793BB65-D14A-41F6-B3A6-74C6379381D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us have fetishes for alt girls desu, I’d
love to choke her out and play with her while she’s unconscious, though I probably wouldn’t even need to do that since she’d herself get blackout drunk or other nonsense

>> No.5096212

Because I’m so lonely and horny aaaah aaah

>> No.5096216

those are based on her own tits

>> No.5096217

>male thread

>> No.5096220

big booba

>> No.5096232

Big Boobs Billie strikes again

>> No.5096257

i'm a female and drawing coom art is way more fun than it should be. it's not even about the fantasy anymore it's just drawing the movement and the contouring and exaggerated expressions that makes it so much more entertaining than drawing regular shit

>> No.5096259


>> No.5096317
File: 144 KB, 600x745, billie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might be true and it's kind of hot

>> No.5096338

I coom more with female porn artists cause they might be basing shit on their own body. Really hot!

>> No.5096808
File: 37 KB, 608x608, imagens-17-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female artist here, ask me something anons.

>> No.5096811

Do you know that you'll never be a real woman?

>> No.5096812

ay baybee want sum fuk

>> No.5096819

I am not a tranny like u anon

>> No.5096821

Post feet

>> No.5096827

Post cock first.

>> No.5096829

I asked first

>> No.5096834

Do you like drawing sexy girls?

>> No.5096835

Stop being gay and post cock first

>> No.5096840

Yes, drawing women is fun.

>> No.5096843

What's with the homophobia?

>> No.5096846

being gay means less cock for me, I don't like it.

>> No.5096882

Do you use your body as reference?

>> No.5096936


>> No.5096949

Why is billie so talented?

>> No.5096960

Do normies really get so upset over just boobs?!

>> No.5096962

Do you get more requests from men or women

>> No.5096970

I meant to ask if being an artist + being a woman doubles your attention whoring or the two cancel each other out, but your post already answered my question.

>> No.5096980
File: 135 KB, 685x1012, 0EFD38C6-59FC-40F0-8B38-254FBDF1632D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5096983

Show ass

>> No.5096985

You’re ugly

>> No.5096988

post your work

>> No.5097007

Stop being a fag.

>> No.5097010


>> No.5097056

do you like to draw /ss/ porn

>> No.5097083

I never tried.

>> No.5097109

You make a living or a hobby out of it?

>> No.5097113

Well, you're somewhat passing if you don't think about it too hard. Anyways, this isn't /soc/

>> No.5097168

how big are your nipples?

>> No.5097189

Just a hobbie for now.

>> No.5097191

Lol fat.

>> No.5097193

how do I get an artist gf

>> No.5097198

tits or gfto

>> No.5097203

most artist thots are liberal sjw retards, so look for another type of girl.

>> No.5097205


>> No.5097250

>snake & naked woman
muh symbolism

>> No.5097317
File: 243 KB, 639x634, economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unfollowed you today lmao

>> No.5097625

As another female artist I actually think you're really cute and have cute boobs. I also admire your art <3 stay safe love

>> No.5097627
File: 100 KB, 869x905, 1595856300712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these cunts ITT
Smells like a room full of bitches.

>> No.5097631

>when your art is not good enoug

>> No.5097637

but liberal sjw retards have political views that align with my own, so that's fine

>> No.5097713
File: 694 KB, 696x775, 20201230_121050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5097727

>that bulge
holy shit it’s a fucking tranny

>> No.5097735

I don't give a shit who's drawing the porn, just do it well

>> No.5097796

i agree but it's interesting to see coom from a female's perspective sometimes

>> No.5097805


>> No.5097808

This is why I draw coom

>> No.5097813
File: 53 KB, 500x562, 1_ABP5hRz1oXaXnIIAafs9cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? Bulge? What, her stomach? Have you never seen a naked woman before IRL?

>> No.5097832

Is that actually her?

>> No.5097841

Are you just copying pics from her twitter? Show ass with timestamp if not.

>> No.5097861

this pic makes me gag

>> No.5097876

This trip is in my Twitter bio. Nice try.

>> No.5097879

you native american?

>> No.5097891

m*les are fucking pathetic and are inherently simps

>> No.5097896

This self censoring meme is so unfunny, because it is universally done by the exact type of faggot that actually advocates real censorship in the first place. Kill yourself.

>> No.5097898

Fair enough, I bet you have a cute butt tho.

>> No.5097903

will you fuck off?

>> No.5097912

I remember talking to you on a discord once.
you sounded cool.
Don't whore yourself out like this though.
have some self-respect.

>> No.5097963

why are you drawing weird horse porn? what’s your endgame?

>> No.5097971

you are getting upset over some imaginary shit made up in your mind, anon.

>> No.5097975
File: 49 KB, 510x510, B04FE465-5D3A-4B5E-8981-AC591F9D6AAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5097979


>> No.5098268

i just became a homosexual

>> No.5098279
File: 583 KB, 1280x720, 1517776117711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for reminding how the real F*male body is actually grotesque and not idealized like on muh japanese amawus.

>> No.5098379
File: 10 KB, 96x98, Ssanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child bearing hips and squishy groin poggers

>> No.5098389
File: 43 KB, 800x1000, Billie Eilish reasons for success percentage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5098390

I am mocking you for your unfunny posting habits.

>> No.5098428

holy shit

>> No.5098430

Nayome why did you leave the discord

>> No.5098433


>> No.5098434


>> No.5098576
File: 255 KB, 845x1024, Morrigan 2020 - Sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who Nayome is or what schizo discord you're talking about.

Pic related. And here's a link to the finished thing:

>> No.5098584

Almost half this board is female
You're not special here
also go draw

>> No.5098590

You will never be a real Woman.

>> No.5098591
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1603074258119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this convinced me to stay a virgin.

>> No.5098600

I aspire to someday be as good as you are.
Great to see that good artists still browse here and might give out tips/critiques

>> No.5098601

Please please PLEASE suck on her throbbing clit harder.

>> No.5098607
File: 877 KB, 1366x768, yqhp7oy6qs251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feelin those forms

>> No.5098618

If teal were here I'd suck his cock too

>> No.5098624

It's especially great that one of good artists that still browse here is a thicc woman, I just wish she would post some more new pics of her ass and tits. Not asking for a lot, just 2-3 new pics every two weeks.

>> No.5098629

>Against censorship and communism.

>> No.5098649

She is a fuking orc

>> No.5098656

Can someone post that candid pic of Billie walking outside and looking like she has a gut?

>> No.5098740

>tfw billie is better then 95% of ic

>> No.5098752

omg woman have regular body trait?? call the media! the hounds must know!

>> No.5099306


>> No.5099329

>Woman do something sexual
>Men immediately give attention and don't just fucking ignore it already
I take it back I don't hate women I hate the entire human race, fuck you all. Hitler was right we need eugenics in this world to filter out dead ends like these people.

>> No.5099367

hitler can't stop coom brains
nothing can stop coom brains

>> No.5099500

Seek help about that because you're getting triggered over a completely different person who only made a half-assed shit post

>> No.5099646


>> No.5099649
File: 413 KB, 464x439, closer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically pretty good

>> No.5099683


>> No.5099711

she draws like a 12 year old boy lmfao
i hate how the elites chose this rando roastie to become a celebrity

>> No.5100151

the waist and hips are very erotic in a primal way i shall be stealing this for a coom piece thank you very much

>> No.5100227

Shut the fuck up roastie.

>> No.5100290


She streams on Pixiv Sketch once in a while.

>> No.5100296
File: 107 KB, 551x600, 1527870045973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never been to the Venus Body Type Thread on /d/

>> No.5100333


>> No.5100346
File: 63 KB, 542x852, 1605317260096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest to it I got

>> No.5100361

that i in microeconomics in the small book made me kek

>> No.5100365

stating ones political views in their twitter bio is kinda cringe but being against cencorship and communism is generally a good thing.

>> No.5100373

use less references next time

>> No.5100383

No one new that she had big boobs til later, what's your excuse now?

>> No.5100393

Why where she hid them

>> No.5100405

is that the cat that has been pushed?

>> No.5100464

Thanks anon. Still hilarious

>> No.5100466

the what?

>> No.5100481

bateman get help

>> No.5100505

Doesn't sound like a tough goal.

>> No.5102073

Why do you draw so much gay stuff? Pretty based that you draw so much extreme niche degenerate fetish shit instead of generic anime girls, but I still don't understand the gay stuff. Is it just a fetish of yours, does it pay the bills well, etc.?

>> No.5102157

that nerd in your comic better end up with a better cowchick cause my dick is hard but fuck cuck shit

>> No.5102206

did the bots unfollowed her?

>> No.5102239

I think she's cute

drawing a set of boobs doesn't make you a coomfag

>> No.5102242

more like actual people

bot's don't sort content

>> No.5102864

I draw extreme niche fetishes because there's more success to doing that than just being another generic pinup artist. There's so much vanilla content out there that there's no reason to pay someone to see it, you can't say the same about the stuff I draw.

Have you seen the first few pages of the new part? It's neat stuff.

>> No.5102941

>Have you seen the first few pages of the new part? It's neat stuff.
no it's fucking stupid

>> No.5103051

post your body

>> No.5103238

you are a whore sadly.

>> No.5103240

you look like you'd clean my floors with that face, like those jungle pinoy maids. too bad you cropped out your cellulite flab legs.

>> No.5103244

She still relevant?

>> No.5103274

why are you such a proud coomer

>> No.5103307

>Have you seen the first few pages of the new part? It's neat stuff
yes. i like it

remember no cuck shit

>> No.5103313

what’s the girl version of a coomer?

>> No.5103375

Shit of shits

>> No.5103443

I just masturbated to this picture. I can't believe Maramlude Mum made me coom. I'm pathetic.

>> No.5103458

she's hot what's your problem

>> No.5103484


>> No.5103502

>can't appreciate the chub

>> No.5103503

Acquire standards.

>> No.5103506


>> No.5103540

The more female a thread is the worse it becomes

>> No.5103667
File: 28 KB, 334x299, gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fine and all, but you guys talk like your some catch yourselves

>> No.5103671

i love pudgy girls bruh

>> No.5104253

thanks for reminding me how pathetic you all are

>> No.5104341

Because I just fapped over 7/10 woman just because she's a coom artist born from /ic/. And because you expect the typical 4chan poster outside of /soc/ to be a disgusting neckbeard.

Also marmalude mum if you're reading this, you're a good artist and you make good tutorials that I've learned from. I personally fucking hate all the beastality, horse rape, furry, and scat shit, but you do you.

>> No.5105170

I could have used this pic as reference yesterday. Thank for nothing faggot

>> No.5105178
File: 16 KB, 505x336, 9EAFECBB-3ADC-496E-AA2E-11D48BC530E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 out of 10
>SEVEN out of TEN
Anon, please read the letters in front of you starting from the top row...

>> No.5105272

Ah, gonna coom

>> No.5105904


The chubby pelvis stomach area just above the bajinga is one of the most erotic areas on a woman you twelve year old

>> No.5105977

You can't be this dumb. Unironically LOOMIS and not for drawing purposes.

>> No.5105980


>> No.5106142
File: 244 KB, 484x358, 68f943123936ab143af4d89ec16e2043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a 5/10 at best. i'd say 3/10 because shes fat but if she was at average weight she would probably be around average/below average.

>> No.5106146

Chub has nothing to do with it, bitch is straight up lumpy.

>> No.5106801

How do you ask a question?
If she dates niggers, why does she have a necklace of someone being hung?

>> No.5106805
File: 369 KB, 250x222, mano3lz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5106808

lmao peak 15 yo incel

>> No.5106811

That's called hormone gut. Women get it if they're on birth control.

>> No.5106815


>> No.5106826
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, 1609460570392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a coom thread
Just this once, I was disappointed

>> No.5106851

Post pic of yourself. You won’t.

>> No.5107427

You didn't have to debase yourself like this. It's pretty cringe ngl.

>> No.5107430

Welcome to /ic/, should’ve lowered your standards next time.

>> No.5107437

This but unironically, nobody fucking cares if you're not going to post the chicken scratch you call art
This is an anonymous board, so either post your work, your tits, or get the fuck out

>> No.5107460

>someone posts tits as well as art
>tells then to get out
Riiiight. Everyone doesn’t know what they want.

>> No.5107462

Is my post replying to marmalade mum's post you braindead retard?

>> No.5107485


>> No.5107491

Leak your Discord on /ic/

>> No.5107502

It’s not, but you’re acting like pyw and post tits is a know all solution, when the fact is that 99% of the people freak out when it does happen.

>> No.5107629

it's just a picture, who cares

>> No.5107658

Bruh, I thought you looked hotter desu
Ass shots are deceiving

>> No.5107729


>> No.5108580

Hey Marmalade Mum, if that is really you, keep on truckin'.

>> No.5108643

Ignore all the other replies. You look good.

>> No.5108716

Not really.

>> No.5108775
File: 3.34 MB, 3053x3506, EqWds4PXYAQud83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pandemic gave me time to have more fun with drawing

>> No.5108777

You realize that shit comes out of there, right?

>> No.5108782
File: 3.76 MB, 4000x3798, En816pgXcAAUHEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how else do you get to the prostate??

>> No.5108794


ass cancer checkup

>> No.5108798

But they go in through the ass too, anyway pegging is fun, you just need to accept that sometimes shit happens. It's worth it to hear the noises guys make when you hit it right.

>> No.5108800

You don't get to the prostate by inserting objects up a shit funnel, it is very tricky to find the right spot and you'll quickly find yourself in a shitty situation when you don't find it.

>> No.5108803

Desperately needs more color variation

>> No.5108806

I want to put a baby in you

>> No.5108809

But that's literally how you do prostate stimulation unless you have an alternative way I haven't read about.

>> No.5109818

>not wanting that renaissance-era nude body type
at least we know who the real faggots are ITT

>> No.5109853

Go seek some help anon

>> No.5109906

This is something I've noticed is common among men who like to talk shit about women bodies, tends to look like absolute shit themselves, at least the ones I've come across in real life, don't know if this holds true online.
I was once at a beach where the man behind me commented to my friend, that she should save money for plastic surgery while this fat balding motherfucker looked like a litteral walking parody of the Fat Ugly Bastard tag himself. If you gonna talk shit about someone appearance, at least look decent yourself, have some self awareness, ffs.

>> No.5109921

It's projection. They are putting their own subconscious self hatred onto other people.

>> No.5109933

Does anyone know the name of the doujin used to disguise the macroeconomic textbook?

>> No.5109944

Must suck being this sensitive.

>> No.5109947

Seikatsu Shuukan by Michiking

>> No.5110057

>men who like to talk shit about women bodies, tends to look like absolute shit themselves
how are people this far from self-awareness?

>> No.5110065

Why are your clothes so tight that its leaving marks on your skin? like, why not buy things that don't mark you

>> No.5110067

Are you guys women lmao

>> No.5110072

>girl posts a picture of her naked body
>gets negative comments regarding the body that was shown
Living/loving every laugh.

>> No.5110084
File: 88 KB, 720x822, 677AD85A-0F58-4893-82D1-E993FEC61232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, even if you disregard half the thread entirely, there’s like two guys here that have shown there faces/bodies and I would rate them more highly than the bitch, and I imagine neither would consider her more than maybe as a drunken one time mistake. Some of us are just honest.
Cheers brother

>> No.5110085

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5110214

I know asking for compassion on fucking 4chan of all places is fucking pointless, but still. The reason why this event left such big impression, is that my friends had been in a severe car accident which left a huge scar on her body reaching part of her face, it was only her outer appearance that got altered and she can live life like normal. But this incident made her never return to the ocean with her friends, she already suffered from low self-esteem and having the men behind us making fun of her, was the tipping point.
She is doing better now, got married to this incredibly sweet guy and is happy.
But Remembering this incident still makes me so angry and just reminds me how awful humans can be.
>Some of us are just honest.
Yes, but you can be honest without being a dick or passive aggressive about it.
And sometimes you just gotta read the situation you are in, which is kinda lost when you're online since you hide behind a wall of anonymity.
But I know this will all fall on deaf ears, considering the place we are in, I just wanted to write to get some steam off.

>> No.5110242

Considering how Marmalade Mum has gotten death threats and has almost been cancelled before, I doubt a few petty comments about how she’s not a 10/10 goddess bothers her at all. I’m just thankful she’s not a literal goblin.

>> No.5110300

Kill yourself.

>> No.5110333

pretty sure sounding works too

>> No.5110356

you didn't really read the thread at all, huh?

>> No.5110360
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1550798425143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the NEET board is full of handsome men

>> No.5110369

based. remember that most people posting here are 14 years old at most and suddenly most of the edgy responses makes sense.

>> No.5110376


what race is this?

>> No.5110377

Your art is trash and so is your personality

Yours truly

>> No.5110378
File: 135 KB, 1063x521, 1607387677132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet lacking any of it to actually try to understand the other side but judging them based on their physical appearance
People hate women. Women hate women. Women hate themselves without even knowing.
Men only want to fuck women because nature and that's it once you figure out that women are the biggest pieces of shit to ever walk the planet.

Now imagine, a guy who's been treated unfairly, has been denied basic humane interactions, has been denied affection, ridiculed, and was treated like garbage simply because of his below average appearance, mostly by women; do you really think such a man hasn't become bitter and frustrated and stopped giving a shit what women think of him?

Of course, good looking men who get laid at the snap of their fingers will never dare to go against women or they will get their pussycard revoked. A 10/10 gigachad can shit on women, but it won't work in the long term.

Women are fucking disgusting and i can't blame men for hating them
>inb4 buzzwords
>cope cringe tldr schizo pol jew arab albino christian puritan incel bigot arachnophobe
>inb4 usual effeminate bullshit like attacking social standing, sexual activity or judgement based purely on imagination
You ain't even gonna understand half of this shit because effeminate "people" lack the capacity to self-reflect and the ability to go beyond shallow empathy.
You are self-centered and only want people to feel bad for (you) and give you attention for being "female".
You are not worth respecting at all and deserve all the bad shit people do to you.

Go back to fucking >>/soc/ you stupid tranny

>> No.5110389

i dont think anything i could wish on you is worse than what your life is already

>> No.5110396
File: 61 KB, 300x300, 4654646546156154-64876468786predictabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 social standing
>uses social standing

>> No.5110401

This is a red pill that doesn’t even belong on 4chan. Masterpiece.

>> No.5110402

wasn't talking about your social standing retard, was referring to you as a person

>> No.5110403

Now say it without crying.

>> No.5110406
File: 77 KB, 227x257, 1598912846320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo your werent supposed to turn it against me I MEANT SOMETHING ELSE
>inb4 judgement based purely on imagination
>uses judgement based purely on imagination
effeminate people are truly miserable

(you)s have no value to me

>> No.5110417

post redline

>> No.5110421

>implying your post isn't based entirely on imagination
You've already dun goofed

>> No.5110428

Go to therapy before you shoot up a school, please.

>> No.5110440
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1585295580050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proving all the points i made
ishiggydiggy desu fampai
>uses social standing again

>> No.5110450

Did you have a plan for how you would justify this post or are you just trying to be snarky?

>> No.5110472

It's clear from your post alone that you will never respect or consider my opinion valid due to our biological differences so augmenting with you is pointless.

However, your post come across extremely petty and if there is one thing I absolutely abhor are people who put the blame of their misfortune on their surrounding around them, it's always somebodies else fault, you are never to blame for the bad things that befall you.
>Now imagine, a guy who's been treated unfairly, has been denied basic humane interactions, has been denied affection, ridiculed, and was treated like garbage simply because of his below average appearance, mostly by women; do you really think such a man hasn't become bitter and frustrated and stopped giving a shit what women think of him?
It's unfortunate, but the world isn't a fair place. But I will say this, I know people who due to very unfortunate circumstances have lived life through war, seeing their loved ones murdered, poverty and abuse. Yet they didn't succumb, instead they fought for a better life, they didn't give up and they never sought blame, but to instead move forward.
They only have my outmost respect.
You however? A woman didn't like your appearance and now you break down like this in text? You put blame on half of the population for your failed endeavors? Have you ever considered it may be your personality that people may found repulsive and not your appearance? Your post come across as extremely shallow since all you do is focusing on appearances, how ironic. You simply attracted the people who are similar to you, misfortune loves company.


>> No.5110482
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, but you can be honest without being a dick or passive aggressive about it.
>sugarcoting comments
>on 4chin

>> No.5110484

depends, do you actually plan to read the thread of shitposts?

>> No.5110485

>She is doing better now, got married to this incredibly sweet guy and is happy.

>> No.5110488

So no, you didn't have anything in mind and were just hoping your snark would go unquestioned.

>> No.5110493

What a lolcow holy shit.
Keep going, this is hilarious.

>> No.5110495

>4channers tearing each other apart because woman posted tiddy

>> No.5110497

not a single post in this thread has the misogynist argument. only a handful of shitposts mention that men are ugly too and that's just an off-hand comment about hypocrisy
or are you saying people cannot criticize criticism?

>> No.5110506

>thinking that tiddy is the reason
you new to this board?

>> No.5110514

Oh, you forgot about the post talking about men being big meanies to women and hurting their precious little feelings?
Or are you going to say it doesn't count because the crybaby didn't explicitly say the M word?

>> No.5110516

Based as fuck but it could not be falling on deafer ears

>> No.5110522

>crying is based

>> No.5110526

>thread about women
>instant shitshow

>> No.5110547

every thread on this board is a shit show dude

>> No.5110557
File: 265 KB, 560x560, 1605553165968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking it personal
>b-b-but the world isn't fair
>lmao shut up ur suffering isnt that bad because other people suffer
>absolutely going beyond the point while contradicting themselves
Just proving my points even more.
Are you actually able to entertain a thought without being completely brainwashed by it?
Of course not.

This is the difference.
Anything an effeminate person says and does is to somehow gain any sort of benefit for themselves and only for themselves even if it means warping reality, but that doesn't matter as long as they get what they want.
Men discuss things objectively for the sake of it and to get to a possible truth even if that truth hurts them in the end.
That's why men grow and females always remain shallow cunts that can't fathom worlds beyond their own reflection.

And i said it before; you lack the actual capacity to self reflect and you will never even able to understand anything that doesn't confirm your bias or doesn't give you an advantage over others.

If women weren't the sociopathic pieces of shit they are, men wouldn't turn out like that.
But what does a "woman" know about the consequences of their actions?
Here's a truth for you; The men you choose to believe that they moved on? They're outright disgusted by women.
>b-b-b-but they blaming them for their own mistakes
Women are fucking disgusting.
You don't blame shit for smelling like shit, do you?

>> No.5110558

>a side conversation mentions a memory about an ugly guy being a hypocrite
>wahh wahh see? they hate all men
sure, derail our points even more than this thread

>> No.5110563

Called it.

>our points
Kill yourself.

>> No.5110565

I mean you and I. our side conversation's points dumbass
>Kill yourself
you first

>> No.5110567
File: 97 KB, 626x626, angry-hog-vintage-logo-style-with-mask_48762-197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool comment but this isn't the place to do it. Pearls before swine.

>> No.5110575

>our side conversation
What side conversation, retard?

>you first
Why would I kill myself? I'm not a sensitive little bitch coming to 4chan to cry.

>> No.5110578

There's nothing cool about crying.

>> No.5110582

>imagine samefagging this hard to legitimize your bullshit
>on a taiwanese ladyboy image sharing forum
Don't you have children to groom on your discord servers?

>> No.5110604
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>> No.5110609
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the one we're having now. or rather, the one we were having since this is my last (You). this went nowhere fast
>I'm not a sensitive little bitch coming to 4chan to cry.
who's crying, schitzo? this entire thread has been either men babyraging, women babyraging or faggots like me shitposting

>> No.5110625
File: 13 KB, 232x217, 1599590357331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how these equally sensitive and retarded fuckwads are trying to tear each other apart with dumbass, shallow arguments they pull out of their asses, which are also, both, very bias. I hope they argue more, it's fun seeing retards yell at each other

>> No.5110626

And how, in your mind, have I derailed THIS conversation you and I are having?

>since this is my last (You)
Not fucking likely.

>> No.5110668

They aren't mentally healthy even by 4chan standards. I'm curious whether or not they even draw

>> No.5110673
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1578161562522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social standing
what the fuck you on about? I was just providing you advice before another national tragedy happens. I'm assuming you're American and therefore have access to a gun.

>> No.5110679

You sure like assuming.

>> No.5110684

>even by 4chan standards
you ever been to /b/? this isn't anywhere near as bad as it can get

>> No.5110694

how dare you assume that i'm assuming

>> No.5110764
File: 789 KB, 1887x2545, 1605664764571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5111063

based womanhate thread

>> No.5111069

rent free

>> No.5111077

not even a bit
i dont hate women, but i love to see them get blown up on since 90% of them haven't had to experience real hardship even once in their lives

>> No.5111079

whenever i read shit like this i can already tell that you had a bad relationship with your mother and have never had a stable relationship with a woman, and possibly never will

>> No.5111080

is this supposed to prove me wrong?

>> No.5111083

The racist NeoNazi chick. The stronger her anti-semitism, the weirder her fetishes got.

>> No.5111093

just means you're biased. failed relationships with women doesn't mean they're at fault. could be the way you approach them. could be this attitude you have. could be because you use 4chan

>> No.5111103

i dont treat or talk of every woman like this, and have healthy friendships with many. doesnt change the fact a majority of them in my life have been awful. their role as gatekeeper in the dichotomy disgusts me and lets them get away with the minimal effort. men are just as disgusting for contributing to the problem

>> No.5111107

so clearly the solution is to just not exist or become intersex

>> No.5111109
File: 1.96 MB, 825x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the species would be better that way, dont you agree? at least we'll eventually get AI waifu bullshit. i dont like the idea of being in full control of their person, but it might be cool as an alternative while focusing on more important things

>> No.5111111

fuck off, tranny

>> No.5111116

though to actually answer your question, its as simple as not engaging with their half of the social expectations.

We know neither half wants to drop the benefits, though.

>> No.5111138

>since 90% of them haven't had to experience real hardship even once in their lives
I take it you live in the suburbs and only know soccer moms?

>> No.5111145


>> No.5111188

post your work

>> No.5111191

Do you look at yourself in the mirror as a reference? I do.

>> No.5111200


>> No.5111205

Mom bod

>> No.5111208

I can't help but wonder if she deliberately got fat in the hopes that her tits would grow.

>> No.5111220

it's already in the thread

not them but yes. who doesn't? it's free refs

>> No.5111224

you don't really unironically think 50% of the entire human population has had it too good do you? especially the weaker, stigmatized sex?

>> No.5111233

just first worlders actually

>> No.5111246
File: 495 KB, 1736x1944, EdfvIkOXsAAVc29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the visceral details some female coom artists can make also like nezumi
sunibee took elements from it as well but it got a little rounder

>> No.5111265

you don't unironically think that first worlds are so sqeaky clean that 50% of the population has never been through hardships, do you?

>> No.5111280
File: 129 KB, 1024x981, 1604523712301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be average female
>barely has to do any real work
>expects, feels entitled to and demands the 1% of men
>personality is defined by the things you consume
>monkey branching from one partner to another their whole life
>will leave partner if she finds something "better"
>all the marketing and production is targeted at women because they consume the most of their husbands/betaproviders/sugardaddies money
>think it's completely normal to treat others like stepping stones
>can literally crawl out of poverty by marrying up no questions asked
>enabled to do everything because vagina
>never criticized because vagina
>always welcomed anywhere because vagina
>"untouchable" because retarded
>untouchable because there are always simps ready to defend their faggotry
>the absolute personification of crab mentality
get the fuck outta here

>> No.5111286
File: 953 KB, 356x356, 1540671902253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. knows about 2 1/2 egirl thots
nice statistics

>> No.5111288
File: 3.02 MB, 1248x3304, 1604145444115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 1/2
Excuse you, it's 3.

>> No.5111293
File: 36 KB, 584x328, 1517451860288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago saw a young homeless lady pan handling in the middle of traffic and thought to myself - how does someone fuck up this bad in life under tutorial mode? Once upon a time there was also another W*man on the streets with some shirtless nigger being manhandled and treated like a dog, tossed around on the floor from a chimpout it got so bad my boss had me call the police. The cunt actually defended the BBC and about a week later the same nog was with the W*man that was beat up and she was following him around like a lost puppy. And before anyone asks, she was white but the point is why are W*men such retards and treat others like dirt when they're shown respect but get their panties when when they're abused and always go back to the same guy that abuses them?

>> No.5111296

The femoid cries in pain as she strikes you

>> No.5111297

Mental illness+propaganda.
If a roast fails at life, she most probably has severe mental illness.

>> No.5111298

a tantrum in text form lmao

>> No.5111299
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>> No.5111302

rights of an adult, responsibilities of a toddler
privileges of a tyrant

>> No.5111304

Giving W*Men any rights was the single most damning mistake ever made.

>> No.5111305
File: 629 KB, 640x631, 1604146443137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all women should be put in cages and have the same rights as pets.

>> No.5111316

>deepthroating that much
dear god humans are capable of anything

>> No.5111320

especially women if they can gain money and attention from it

>> No.5111341

nah, i embellished a lot. still an incel in training until i find someone to bring me back

>> No.5111344

Really? How would you feel about your sister, mother, and daughter being kept in cages?

>> No.5111346
File: 289 KB, 600x458, hell if i know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread become /r9k/
you got the wrong board. this is where we pretend to talk about art

>> No.5111349

>giving b8 and incels easy (You)s

>> No.5111353
File: 72 KB, 900x900, 1605606049619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So predictable
>how would you feel
As long as their husbands don't mistreat them and feed them right and take them on walks, i don't care.

>> No.5111367

tell that to the ogre who started attentionwhoring

>> No.5111370

>As long as their husbands don't mistreat them
You sure do give people a lot of credit. There would be no consequences to doing those things. Nobody cares if you hit your dog or shove it’s face in it’s excrement, or leave it outside during a stormy night while it cries. Keeping it in a cage all day wouldn’t even be called living. It’d just be existing.
If people can get away with that, there sure as hell would be tons of violent shit going on behind doors.

>> No.5111373

>letting some girl who you’ve never met take this much control over your life on 4chan of all places

>> No.5111380

>Implying this shit isn't happening right now all over the world
>implying beating women isn't approved in non-western countries
If that stops women from ruining things for everyone for their own selfish pleasure, i don't care.
They deserve the beatings.
>allowing attentionwhores to ruin the last somewhat good art board
That fucking roast does this periodically.
It's just a matter of time until other cunts follow suit.
Then trannies.
Then non-artists.
Then this board turns into /soc/.

Fuck you

>> No.5111396
File: 478 KB, 500x348, blazed af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're just attentionwhores!
>so I will counteract them by giving them attention!

>> No.5111407
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 54654415415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
ignoring females never works

>> No.5111427

>barely has to do any real work
Have you ever actually lived with a woman besides your mother? In every dating experience I've had I've always been the one to have to do literally all the chores. Men will rot in their own filth before deciding to clean things up. It always descends into an argument of "well if it bothers you, you clean it up." which is fair but like holy fuck they would be fine with black mold in their shower/toilet and never wash their bedsheets if you go off of that. Much easier living alone than living with a man.
>expects, feels entitled to and demands the 1% of men
Have you even met a girl? I've seen girls stay with the ugliest, most useless men despite being treated like shit. Get some more female friends(genuine friendships, not just girls you want to fuck) and you'll see the same thing.
>personality is defined by the things you consume
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm not even going to entertain it because just reading it again out loud to yourself should be enough of a rebuttal
>monkey branching from one partner to another their whole life
>will leave partner if she finds something "better"
Do you know any real human beings that do this? Or is this just the story of the evil golddigger boogieman 4chan told you about?

>> No.5111430

>all the marketing and production is targeted at women because they consume the most of their husbands/betaproviders/sugardaddies money
Leaving out the fact that up until recently women literally were not allowed to work and thus had no choice but to be homemakers, most of these scenarios are pretty ethical. Old ugly fart wants to fuck a 22 year old dime piece? He's willing to pay for it and she gets to live comfortably? Same situation but its a greasy, neckbeard with no personality? Well if he wants to fuck/marry hot girls, yeah he's going to have to have something to offer. Sorry if you weren't born attractive, neither was I so I get it. But we have to be able to put something of value on the table if we want people to be with us.
>think it's completely normal to treat others like stepping stones
More scary golddigger boogieman rhetoric
>can literally crawl out of poverty by marrying up no questions asked
So can hot men?
>enabled to do everything because vagina
There is literally so much that women have historically NOT been allowed to do because of their sex. This is just a flat out lie
>never criticized because vagina
What the fuck are you, and this whole thread doing right now? Criticizing women
>always welcomed anywhere because vagina
Untrue. There are plenty of organizations that will bar you from being a member because you are a woman. For example, there are over 200,000 military positions than women aren't allowed to join.
>untouchable because there are always simps ready to defend their faggotry
You know most women don't have online personas/simps right?
>the absolute personification of crab mentality
And you're just a sweetheart by comparison, huh?

>> No.5111453

I honestly don't know at this point

>> No.5111457

>I love how
You are as autistic as them
Get help

>> No.5111460

Ok the rest of the green text was cringe but this is based

>> No.5111478


>> No.5111483

but giving attentionwhores more attention works?

>> No.5111487

does anyone have that vilppu tummy grab pic

>> No.5111497

It's true that people with no drive are shit but people who bitch about being superior to them are so much worse. Ride the tiger and get over yourself.

>> No.5111550
File: 78 KB, 720x349, 1590680018484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this utterly retarded and reinforcing my points even more by trying to disprove them
Who actually pays you to post here?
They won't ever get sick of the attention but negative attention breaks them in the long run.
One guy does it, then another one does it until everyone else joins and the only attention she gets is negative.
She is unable to stop and in the end it will fuck her up real bad.
>I'm insecure thus what you said is mean and you must stop cuz muh feefees
Never said about any side being better and i'm not responsible for your inferiority complex, you disgusting abomination.
>context is cringe but buzzword is based
the absolute state of zoomers holy shit

>> No.5111559

>the absolute state of zoomers holy shit
>Not understanding sarcasm
Never going to make it

>> No.5111562

>Leaving out the fact that up until recently women literally were not allowed to work and thus had no choice
Literally shut the fuck up
It's the same arugument got damn nigs make when it comes to race and job prospects.
You haven't lived through it, stop pretending you have and are somehow effected by stuff that happened over 60 year ago.

>> No.5111563
File: 68 KB, 960x720, 1607606090821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sarcasm works in pure, dry text form
Oh, sorry, type louder next time.

>> No.5111565

>got damn nigs
Dod damn
I say this as a black guy
>could be this attitude you have. could be because you use 4chan
You do too you incel.
Everyone here is some level of mentally fucked

>> No.5111567

Damn it

>> No.5111583

>Who actually pays you to post here?
Aww, looks like you don't have any actual arguments left.
>>51at 11562
You realize how little time 60 years is right? My parents were alive for it and my grandparents lived through it. And you think that doesn't effect the way they raised their kids/grandkids? People who lived through that era are literally in positions of power in our government and executive positions in companies, and you think that doesn't effect the way they act around women/people of color?

>> No.5111584


>> No.5111622
File: 673 KB, 942x726, 1581388491395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, let's dissect this garbage
>Have you ever actually lived with a woman besides your mother?
Implying failed adulthood. Typical feminine shaming strategy.
>In every dating experience I've had I've always been the one to have to do literally all the chores.
Me. Me. Me. Unable to stay objective on the topic. Their own perceived reality is seen as absolute truth, thus; "women are unable to fathom worlds beyond their own reflection." because they're self-absorbed cunts.
>Men will rot in their own filth
Quickly shifting the blame from themselves to make an argument.
Since they're the ones standing above those they talk down to, they believe they're right by simply "being better than others".
>Get some more female friends
Social shaming because it has no real arguments.
>This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Unwillingness to actually tackle this because it is a very valid and relevant point. Probably guilty of it, thus avoiding any real discussion.
>Do you know any real human beings that do this?
Again social shaming. Totally ignores the variable that is 7-8billion people on the planet.
>Leaving out the fact that up until recently women literally were not allowed to work
Using past suffrage of others to validate her own points.
> Sorry if you weren't born attractive, neither was I so I get it. But we have to be able to put something of value on the table if we want people to be with us.
Again shaming but while victimizing itself to make a passive aggressive statement about the other while making itself look better in comparison.

>> No.5111624

>More scary golddigger boogieman rhetoric
Ignores reality because that would overload brain capacity by thinking that there exist people outside it's own field of view.
>So can hot men?
About 10% of the male population.
Truly showing that the female does not care for your everyday men.
>There is literally so much that women have historically NOT been allowed to do
Lacking physical strength. Unwilling to do dirty jobs.
>What the fuck are you, and this whole thread doing right now? Criticizing women
Any man can establish a world record on how fast they would get cancelled to oblivion if i dared actually criticize any female on any thing she does.
>Untrue. There are plenty of organizations that will bar you from being a member because you are a woman. For example, there are over 200,000 military positions than women aren't allowed to join.
"Exceptions make the rule" argument.
>You know most women don't have online personas/simps right?
Are you most women? No.
>And you're just a sweetheart by comparison, huh?
Still thinking this is a dominance fight about who's better than who instead of actually having a discussion.
It feels threatened from every possible angle
>"How dare someone else that i perceive better than me while making me feel insecure, even exist?"
Thus why all the attempts of invaliding anything by shaming the opposition.

Thus, as i said, only proving my point that effeminate people are miserable and disgusting abomination who should be kept in cages for everyone's sake.

>> No.5111632
File: 167 KB, 720x1136, 20210103_205642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize how little time 60 years is right? My parents were alive for it and my grandparents lived through it.
Yes but it doesn't effect you in a tangible meaningful way.
I say this as a black 18 year old.
Most of the people from that era are dead or in a nursing home.
To go over and blame some old fucks for why you have no job prospects, are a looser and are on 4chug is stupid.
Compared to 60 years ago or even 100 people of all races and sexes here in the west have it full on easy mode.
Crying about minor, tiny issues that are nothing in the grand scheme of things is just stupid in my opinion.
Everyone at least here in the west, has the ability to make something out of themselves in this era of the internet. To go over thing you are somehow uber crippled just because you are a woman or not the same race as someone in a western country is stupid in my opinion. You aren't.

>> No.5111637
File: 430 KB, 2484x957, 1599435504211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you calling me names while trying to appeal to the allowed narrative surely is an argument?
You have no stake in the suffrage of others yet you like to believe that by pretending to be an ally you will get accepted into social groups.
You have no original thought and you will never have one of fear of being alienized from your social circle.
You are a hypocrite, a phony and a borderline sociopath.
You are disgusting.

>> No.5111666

>Never said about any side being better
Mostly responding to your retarded image. People who think like this are always seething pseuds. And here you are, a seething pseud.

>> No.5111678
File: 360 KB, 1200x805, Inferiority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am unable to contextualize and mold things to reflect our current reality. Everything is absolute. I choose to project my insecurities unto you thus i believe you must be guilty of what i think of you. Buzzwords"
Sure, not that i can stop you from being retarded.
Have some more seething pseud whatever

>> No.5111680

Misogynists are purple pilled. You only attached yourself to this philosophy because you are a discarded male, judging by your previous posts.
Women are broken but so are men. Thinking that men are better off than women in terms of contributing to a greater society is incorrect. Men have their own vices and weaknesses which are exploited just as much but in different ways. It was men who gave their civilization away in the first place and are now too feckless and inept to take it back.

Your frustration is valid but you're falling into another trap on your way to true enlightenment TM

>> No.5111692
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1593101708407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still insisting of putting me in a box instead of tackling and arguing anything i posted in an objective non-retarded manner
>still believing i said men are better
>still unable to accept that women are disgusting pigs
I don't identify with jackshit, anon.
I am simply disgusted by effeminate people.

>> No.5111693

I'm not a leftist or neoliberal or whatever the fuck you think I am. You're probably underaged and I'm saying this in the nicest way possible. If you manage to get over yourself you'll be fine in a year or so. You're just going through redpill tourettes now that you think you have the world figured out.
Instead of reading text excerpts you save from 4chan try reading some philosophy that actually inspires you and promotes masculine virtues.

>> No.5111697

>deflecting any possible guilt from itself
Go be gay somewhere else, will ya?

>> No.5111707

You put femininity in a box and determine it to be bad. There are virtues in feminine values as much as there are vices.
In what way am I guilty?
Go read Mishima and Evola at least and instead of greentext copypastas, for fucks sake.

>> No.5111717

>Implying failed adulthood. Typical feminine shaming strategy.
I'm not shaming you, I'm genuinely asking. Do you have experience living with the population you are making objective statements about?
>Me. Me. Me. Unable to stay objective on the topic. Their own perceived reality is seen as absolute truth
Its a related anecdote which is objectively related to your statement about how women don't do any work. I am a woman, and I consistently did all the work in my relationships, which disproves your point. You made a sweeping generalization that you applied to all women, so my singular existence and experience is enough to disprove it.
>Quickly shifting the blame from themselves to make an argument.
>Since they're the ones standing above those they talk down to, they believe they're right by simply "being better than others".
I'm not shifting blame onto anyone except for the men who let their living spaces get disgusting and then expect their mother or significant other to clean it up for them. And by your own standard, how is "women don't do any real work" not shifting blame as well?
>Social shaming because it has no real arguments.
I'm genuinely not trying to shame you. I just think that the majority of the opinions you hold about women would dissolve if you actually try to make female friends. You'll find out that they're people just like you, and that there are super shitty ones, mostly normal ones, and some really great ones.
>Unwillingness to actually tackle this because it is a very valid and relevant point
Ok, since you're really making me break this down for you:

>> No.5111720
File: 56 KB, 720x624, 1600780050029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not putting "femininity" in a box.
I am simply listing reasons why i think females are disgusting atrocities.
>in what way AM I guilty?
>Go read Mishima and Evola at least and instead of greentext copypastas, for fucks sake.
The need for you to defend yourself over nothing and try to prove this desperately that you are "educated" shows you're inferiority complex.
There is nothing wrong with easy and digestable bites of knowledge.
Or do you expect me to write book analysis so you can tell yourself that you're surrounded by smart people thus satiating your miserable need to validate your own intelligence?
Just fucking use your head, faggot

>> No.5111721


>personality is defined by the things you consume
DUH. A huge part of who we are is shaped by the content we choose to consume. The culture that surrounds that content affects us too. Obviously a personality is more than just that, and there are a ton of other factors that go into it (environment, family, education) Maybe because you only see women online, where they are literally consuming that content, that you think their personalities are defined by it.
>Again social shaming.
I'm NOT trying to shame you. I'm telling you that if you actually befriend women and talk to them regularly, you'll realize that the men who spend their free time ranting about them online and convincing you to hate them have no clue what they're talking about.
>Using past suffrage of others to validate her own points.
You said that women did all the purchasing, so I brought up how women literally weren't allowed to work so it became part of our culture for them to do the homemaking/shopping as a result.
>Again shaming but while victimizing itself to make a passive aggressive statement about the other while making itself look better in comparison.
If that's how you interpret it, I can't stop you. But you realize that men are also capable of this behavior right? That's not a female exclusive trait?
>Ignores reality because that would overload brain capacity
Hmm, I wonder who's ignoring reality. The person that knows and speaks to many real women and men, or the guy that rants about people angrily on chinese basket weaving forums and dodges the question when asked if they have any real life experience with women?
>About 10% of the male population.Truly showing that the female does not care for your everyday men.
Most women don't have the financial means to care for a young hot dude. Maybe more women in executive positions would lead to more male sugar babies? I think that would be pretty cool.

>> No.5111723


>Lacking physical strength. Unwilling to do dirty jobs.
I had a feeling this would come up eventually. Women raised to worry about how attractive they are from birth. So much emphasis is placed on your appearance and whether they'll be attractive to men. Ask yourself this, would you date a girl that works as a plumber and comes home smelling like literal shit every single day? If the answer to that question for the majority of men was yes, women would be more likely to take those jobs. However, culturally, it isn't acceptable for women to do those kinds of things. Which sucks, because even if they otherwise wouldn't have minded those jobs, they get pigeonholed into low paying careers like teaching and nursing.
>Any man can establish a world record on how fast they would get cancelled to oblivion if i dared actually criticize any female on any thing she does.
An entire world exists outside of the internet. Women are criticized every single day, even celebrities. Literally look at any media that isn't on 4chan or reddit.
>"Exceptions make the rule" argument.
An exception only proves the rule if it highlights the unusualness of the exception. Even ignoring the fact that ultimately, men and women should be granted equal access everywhere, there are plenty of cases where women are barred. The military was my previous example, men's clubs are another, most religious organizations and positions, and these exist while its illegal to discriminate based on sex. I'm also going to include groups women are socially excluded from as well, such as high level corporate positions, certain industries such as finance, hell even websites with a mostly male userbase respond with vitriol toward women (take 4chan for example)
ar gone.

>> No.5111726

>Are you most women? No.
Say it. Tell me that you legitimately think that most women in the world all have online personas and that they have a bunch of simps at their disposal.
>Still thinking this is a dominance fight about who's better than who instead of actually having a discussion.
This isn't a dominance fight, I'm just asking for a little self awareness. You call women crabs but you're literally crabbing about women as we speak
>Thus, as i said, only proving my point that effeminate people are miserable and disgusting abomination who should be kept in cages for everyone's sake.
Holy moly. Okay dude, I promise that if you decide to actually talk to some that you'll realize that the scary woman boogieman in your head doesn't exist, or at most only exists in extreme cases. You don't have to live the rest of your life like this.
>You have no stake in the suffrage of others yet you like to believe that by pretending to be an ally you will get accepted into social groups.
I do not know how to explain to you that you care about other people. If you really think everyone else is just faking to get social acceptance, you might be too far gone.

>> No.5111732

>The need for you to defend yourself over nothing and try to prove this desperately that you are "educated" shows you're inferiority complex.
Do you actually think reading books is some sort of monumental intellectual feat?
This is your brain on pol image macros.

>> No.5111792
File: 511 KB, 1242x1908, 1598896790831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have experience living with the population you are making objective statements about?
Nice non question. I wouldn't say things if i didn't know now, would i?
>related anecdote is argument and disproves your point
>my singular existence disproves all
not an argument and proves my point that you base fact on your own perceived reality.
Nice job disproving yourself.
>how is "women don't do any real work" not shifting blame as well?
I didn't use them as a scapegoat to make me stand out as better than them.
>just make female friends
You sure do like assuming a lot
>that you think their personalities are defined by it.
Again classic; "trying to invalidate anything you say because i believe you to be XYZ"
Why would i say what i say if it didn't see it for myself?
>I'm telling you that if you actually befriend women and talk to them regularly
So, why would i say something if i didn't know about it?
>women literally weren't allowed to work so it became part of our culture for them to do the homemaking/shopping as a result.
Doesn't change or disprove the statement i made.
>But you realize that men are also capable of this behavior right? That's not a female exclusive trait?
Why have i been saying effeminate?
Such behavior is feminine.
>I wonder who's ignoring reality. ME or YOU who i've been building up as the boogeyman i want to disagree with because bad word bad?
>real life experience?
Uh, you're not trying to shame me.
Why would you still try to put my social status and sexual activity in question?
>I had a feeling this would come up eventually.
And proving my point once again that women are not even real people.
Women would rather die than do something of their own volition that goes against the will of the masses.
If you want to become a plumber, you should become one, but you don't wanna.
>Women are criticized every single day, even celebrities.
Do their actions actually have tangible and lasting consequences?
>Inb4 strawman
No, they don't

>> No.5111795
File: 208 KB, 923x633, 1594513331679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exceptions now prove the rule
Boy, you are just fucking retarded.
Military i can agree on, but men's club and religious positions? Why? It's their own groups and they can chose whatever rules they agree upon. If they don't want females ruining everything, they have their own right to do so.
>corporate positions
Blatant lie. If you're not good enough to get the job, it's not because you're a woman, it's because you're incompetent.
>b-b-but people on the web r mean
Can you blame them? Women are fucking retarded.
>Say it. Tell me that you legitimately think that most women in the world all have online personas and that they have a bunch of simps at their disposal
Small scale or big scale hardly matters and you should know it better than me.
>no ur the crab u lack self awareness
wow lad, you wanna pull that card?
>holy moly but i you agree with me then is good pls agree with mee pls
I have been surrounded by women my whole life.
I know what i'm talking about.
Never said that but keep trying to validate your intellect, maybe you'll be a real boy someday, pinocchio.

>> No.5111990

Obviously the post being replied to, retard.

>> No.5112558

>Men will rot in their own filth before deciding to clean things up. It always descends into an argument of "well if it bothers you, you clean it up." which is fair but like holy fuck they would be fine with black mold in their shower/toilet and never wash their bedsheets if you go off of that. Much easier living alone than living with a man.
This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Not an incel, the dirtiest people I've encounter where always women. Last girlfriend I had lived in with two other girls in a town house and there was consistent fruit flies all around along with dirty laundry and trash.

>> No.5112570

Seconding this. My wife is far, far messier than I am, and it was the same when I had female roommates.

>> No.5112627

Whoa hey there mysoginists, telling related anecdotes that confirm themselves as fact through shared experience is racist and bigoted and anti-women. Believe women and only women, you racist albino arachnophobes.

>> No.5112632

>women are spiders
I knew it.

>> No.5112645

>cast web of lies to get ahead
>can multitask easily
>injects venom into its prey to soften them up and eat them
>look hideous from close up
>cannibalizes the male after doing the deed
Yep, women are spiders.

>> No.5112708

I believe they pushed his face down

>> No.5112808

Would bang the 4th one

>> No.5112812

she would probably let me choke her but i probably wouldnt let up if she let me

>> No.5112854

I want to come on her face

>> No.5113607

>There is nothing wrong with easy and digestable bites of knowledge.
You need to stop thinking in memes, it's lazy as fuck, you're outsourcing your opinions to all the wrong places. Not all ideas can be boiled down to a sentence, the desire for doing so in public forums and on social media is propaganda and social manipulation, the removal of context and the natural selection for ever increasing negative emotional stimulus needs to be resisted if you want to avoid becoming a public toilet for all the worst human impulses.