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5054212 No.5054212 [Reply] [Original]

New update is out boys. Timelapse and PS brushes now avaliable on Clip Studio.

>> No.5054218


>> No.5054222
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>> No.5054227

Why would anyone use photoshop now?

>> No.5054234

I just got the update, and I'm curious, since I use photoshop and clip a lot, is there any downside for working in PSD's in clip, rather than CSP files? I can't yet find a problem, but is there any degradation or handling issues anyone has encountered?

Keep drawin' anons

>> No.5054237

I use csp because i have a shit computer, but i can't decline that liquify and having more performance in higher resolutions is a damn good thing

>> No.5054251

>I have a shit computer
>so I use shitty unoptimized software that's still single threaded


>> No.5054276


well i did some research for those interested, potentially certain elements get automatically rasterized (text, models, vectors, etc)

>> No.5054288

>imagine learning complex perspective when you can literally unmap, paint on and then remap objects into the correct perspective with addons in photoshop
>creating epic 3d landscapes straight from 2d images in photoshop and then turning that back into 2d
>brushes that don't lag to shit/dual brush/mixer brush
>a whole host of useful filters like tilt shift, easy chromatic aberration, increased colour control like colour replace, content aware fill/select, colour replace/select/balance/photo filter, adjustment layers, warp/puppetwarp etc
But the biggest thing is that CSP lags like shit with big brushes.

>> No.5054301

the newer versions of photoshop runs worst for me than csp, i have a i5 2300, i could use ps cs6 but i like more the csp brushes, and considering i dont work on high resolutions csp is running ok for me (also stabilizer)

>> No.5054303

That's because CSP works amazingly with small brushes and starts to suck like shit with big ones and is more efficient with RAM whereas Photoshop guzzles RAM like a beast and brushes basically always have the same performance. Newer versions of PS all have a memory leak that cause it to use your computer scratch disk insanely. That's why it's so slow.

>> No.5054314

anon that sounds awesome, is there a tutorial that demos the 3d 2d thing you are talking about? I only know of the one where you can draw inside a 3d cube and have it be in a 3d format that you can rotate around.

>> No.5054320

Attention hard round crew: the new height texture blend mode is what you have been looking for. Finally you can get a nice crisp Photoshop like hard round

>> No.5054324

I’m happy I’m just happy. Photoshop needs to be pushed out of the industry ASAP. Anyone that is using it should feel bad.

Adobe is a relic. The same way x86 is.

>> No.5054329

I don’t know what you mean but csp work flawlessly on my surface pro 4. It can barely run photoshop.

Photoshop in general is very UNoptimized.

>> No.5054372

Camera Raw, liquify, just being flat out easier for photo editing/post processing, better filters. I don't use liquify or even process my photos much but the photo editing workflow sucks in CSP.

I use both programs but hardly paint at all in PS any more because the hotkeys are a pain to setup unlike CSP. PS is more useful for doing photo manipulation/filtering/processing, also for making gifs or dealing with movie files to gif. I hate PS because of how much of a buggy unreliable piece of shit it is but it's still necessary for a lot of things that are either really laborious in CSP or you can't do.

I've been looking forward to this update for a while because I have a lot of the Kyle brushes I'd like to try. I find CSP is really lacking in good dry textured brushes compared to PS.

>> No.5054373

>I don't use liquify or even process my photos
I don't use liquify while drawing/painting or even process my paintings until the very last step*

To add, it's a lot easier to process scans of my sketchbook, watercolors, or inks in PS than CSP still although CSP does have some really convenient filters and dust cleanup tools for getting rid of tiny islands of pixels to clean up. My process still goes scanner > PS to mostly level out and clean up > CSP (> optional process again in PS if I'm unhappy with what I have but this is rare).

>> No.5054380

What addon for perspective photoshopbro?

>> No.5054386
File: 130 KB, 1073x315, hard round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settings are a little weird, it clogs up the settings pane, and you'll have to now enable it for all your brushes. Not sure it's worth binding a hotkey to.

But it works, and that Height mode does seem to be a bit more what I expect.

>> No.5054403

CSP now has the best looking bristle brushes, the granular control the new texture modes offers is fantastic

>> No.5054427

Where's the liquify? No liquify?

>> No.5054438

>the granular control the new texture modes offers is fantastic
Can you give a summary of the new texture modes? I don't really get what Height does differently or what the modes mean for a texture compared to a layer mode.

>Overlay, Color dodge, Color burn, Hard Mix, and Height

>> No.5054441

not yet

>> No.5054447

How does CSP compare to krita?

>> No.5054456

there's a chinese tutorial on artstation or weibo by gliulian that explains how PS's 3D works with regards to landscapes but I've lost the link.

>> No.5054461

Nice so when's the crack coming out

>> No.5054466

To paint on something more ambitious than a postage stamp with a hard round. It's pretty unbelievable how shit the performance is considering how good everything else is.

>> No.5054467

Photoshop has been gobbling up scratch disk space for 10 years

>> No.5054484

I mean, I suspect part of the reason why CSP's sketching is so fucking good is because a lot of computation is being done on the stroke which is being exponentially or quadratically magnified relative to he brush size.
Something something space time tradeoff.

>> No.5054493

>PS brushes now avaliable
doesnt work

>> No.5054497
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>still no liquify

>> No.5054503

As a mainly Krita user, this new update is starting to make me think about switching to Clip Studio Paint. I tested a lot of brushes and most of them seem to work very well. A lot better than I expected. CSP still does not have complete dual brush support but appears to still have photoshop dual brushes work.

The combination of photoshop brushes and CSP's already endless collection of user created brushes makes CSP very powerful now. I still like Krita but these features are extremely enticing. This might be the thing to finally have a lot of PS users switching to CSP.

Even if the performance of large brushes still isn't as good yet and it doesn't have le liquify or the advanced photo editing features PS has

>> No.5054506

I've used Photoshop for over 10 years, the brush feels exactly the same when sketching, csp has better default presets for people who are scared of brush editors is all, the program is woefully unoptimised.

>> No.5054510

It's not doing anything it couldn't already do, this update only satisfies a small minority who were clamouring for color jitter and other esoteric brush settings. CSP will struggle to retain any Photoshop artists until they fix their performance problem.

>> No.5054514

>performance problem
what? Photoshop runs like shit compared to this

>> No.5054515

Not them, most of us are running powerful CPUs with SSDs and a decent GPU and PS performs a lot better.

>> No.5054516

I'm mainly a PS user looking for a replacement, I tried out Krita first and uninstalled it within a day, then I tried CSP and have switched for everything but high Res painting.

>> No.5054517

I highly suggest using both CSP and PS

>> No.5054521

What you are saying is false and means either your pc is a shitty potato or you're only using default brushes on a small canvas.

>> No.5054528

It's frustrating having to switch back and forth since CSP has so many tools that don't make the jump.

>> No.5054529
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>mfw CSP and PS both have unique tools that don't make the jump

>> No.5054536
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REMINDER that the Android version is also out and holy SHIT it's good. Finally we have a worthwhile Android drawing app and not some child's toy like Medibang or Artflow.
But it's paid. And subscription based. But it's so good I'm honestly thinking about getting it. And the payment method uses the Play Store so maybe we can lucky patch it?

>> No.5054538

Wake me up when I can pirate it. I refuse to pay a subscription for any piece of software.

>> No.5054539

I always used decent computers and I felt that Photoshop ran laggy even with default brushes and canvas

>> No.5054544

What is your definition of "decent computer". Photoshop isn't even an intensive program, the people who complain about it lagging have to be using toasters.

>> No.5054550

Mid range

>> No.5054551

I don't think that's a memory leak, it's just storing a bunch of history data and layers.

>> No.5054553


>> No.5054554

Photoshop needs 16 GB of RAM, a quad core or more CPU that isn't a U CPU (ideally higher than 6th gen) and a dedicated GTX graphic card or the AMD equivalent (or higher) to work well

>> No.5054556

I don't remember anymore
I haven't tried with my current pc

>> No.5054557

*also you must have an SSD as scratchdisk, HDD won't cut it

>> No.5054558

Trust me, it was your pc.

>> No.5054561

I used a shitty 5200rpm HDD as a scratch disk and it ran fine, all the other specs are much more important.

>> No.5054563

if it fits in the RAM it won't use the scratchdisk. I think the biggest thing is RAM because CSP is amazingly RAM efficient whereas you need a LOT of RAM for PS to operate smoothly

>> No.5054568

It was using the scratch disk with my shit HDD since it was taking up 50-100gig at time and it still ran fine. Ram is cheap as hell and everyone using Photoshop has 16gig. Nobody switching from PS cares about low level ram efficiency which is why CSP will struggle as a viable alternative.

>> No.5054604
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I know that feel anon, I'm fucking fuming in my seat right now that there is no apparent way to crack the payment method, maybe eventually an .apk will come out on some Indian website.
So close to having competent art software on the go... and yet so far.

>> No.5054623

I already got used to Krita

>> No.5054639

Yup, that's why PS is still better a lot of the time, efficiencywise

>> No.5054681

Post your timelapse boys

>> No.5054759


>> No.5054769

you lose stuff like perspective guides and color coded layers too

>> No.5054787

That one's super annoying, but although CSP has better grids as well as them being amazingly lockable, Perspective Tools 2 (PS addon) is just much more useful in terms of workflow. You can also save the guides in a clip file and shove em back in from that file after a trip from PS, if I remember correctly. And CSP is clearly superior for lineart.

Adjustment layers are also destroyed from PS so I back my adjustments up to another psd and duplicate them over too. Or run the apply adjustment layers script which takes adjustment layers and applies them to all layers.

CSP also doesn't respect PS colour profiles. CSP has special edge effects lost on psds.

What's also really annoying is that CSP 3D objects are rasterised on saving as a PSD and can't be exported. That's why I've basically stopped using CSP's 3D functionality and use designdoll and daz instead. However for simple work csp is better because it has the best posing tools.

>> No.5054806

>run the apply adjustment layers script which takes adjustment layers and applies them to all layers.

whoa, where do i find this?

>> No.5054826

Sorry Sis

>> No.5054827

It's either on artstation somewhere or built in. I can't remember where I found mine. I got it so long ago.

>> No.5054829

>But the biggest thing is that CSP lags like shit with big brushes.
Get a better Pc?

>> No.5054834

I already own a gaming pc with great single core performance. CSP just lags with big painting brushes. I like to draw on 10,000 x 10,000 px large canvases on CSP and big brushes just suck compared to photoshop. It never lags any other time. Just when I actually need to use CSP for painting.

>> No.5054931

crack when?

>> No.5054957

or.... just get better software

>> No.5054960

Best for comics and illustrations.
Powerful tools for animators (including tweening and cameras)
Big community including a lot of professionals.
Built-in assets store.

Better for painting and making video game textures.
Easy to learn animation tools.

Both are good but test it for yourself for at least 2 weeks and then make your choice. If you don't have money use a crack. Also, Krita is making good progress with every update so things can change in the future. Especially for animation. Krita 5.0 will include interesting stuff on that matter.

>> No.5054975

Where is this located? Is it a brush setting? Thanks.

>> No.5055015

just wait for the next sale senpai

>> No.5055701

>Imagine drawing and learning to paint when AI and stylized procedural textures in 3d programs are gonna make your job obsolete.

>> No.5055715

When you think about it, Celsys charging tablet/smartphone users a subscription fee every month is what keeps them from charging desktop users a fee every month. It's like the mobile users subsidizes the desktop users.

>> No.5055721

No, it's because desktop users can pirate or use anybof the myriad drawing software. On ipads/androids CSP has zero competitors and they know it. Plus, I bet they know that most ipad/android users have plenty of money to spend so they can easily bully them.

>> No.5055731

Also the apk of csp has been out since august on mobilism and there are no modded versions in sight so I guess you guys will never get a cracked version

>> No.5055894

On the desktop side they still make a decent amount with companies doing subs.

>> No.5055896

it's a texture mode

>> No.5055914
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When they gonna fix their fucking problem of CSP lagginess and make GPU and RAM actually make a difference?

Also more and better perspective options would be nice.

>> No.5055951

So what kind of NASA computer do you need to not have to worry about lag at big resolutions and brushes? Is it practically possible to build such a machine?

>> No.5055961

not even god's brain and the universe can run any large brush on csp

>> No.5055964

anyone got a link to the kyle webster brushes?

>> No.5056046

pretty much dependent on memory bandwidth. high DPI in csp requires a lot of fast ram (>2933mhz) so the canvas is kept buffered in its entirety. most of the operations directly manipulate the memory buffer so if it has a cache miss you will pay a heavy penalty

anything with quad channel memory and above will be sufficient for high DPI canvasses (threadripper, Xeon-w)

>> No.5056091

Okay, I see. Have you ever used CSP on such a build? I just find it hard to get a mental image of what kind of performance is possible, especially since some are claiming to still encounter brush lag despite powerful workstations.

>> No.5056613

irrelevant unless csp literally duplicated PS's brush engine and added it as a secondary brush engine alongside their own.

also csp brushes lag in general. Gonna watch the thread though if someone tested it out since I'd like to use csp

>> No.5056620

I dont care about ps brush. Im loving the timelapse feature so far

>> No.5056689

how does it work

>> No.5056758

How's the performance? Someone on twatter was saying it's slower now, and my PC is potato-tier.

>> No.5056790

as shitty as ever

>> No.5056800

It seems improved for me. Less brush lag

>> No.5056810

It's the same for me. It lags when it autosaves

>> No.5056812

Post your timelapse I'd love to see it

>> No.5057027

so annoying. i turned it off.

>> No.5057039

they dont work since their tool presets
at least thats the case for me

>> No.5057056

You can convert them to brushes. Choose your favorite and export it.

The problem I'm having is CSP doesn't seem to interpret them correctly so they look funky--especially at larger sizes.

>> No.5057057

How do I activate the timelapse?

>> No.5057061

They're in the PS brush mega in the iPad thread, I've loaded them into CSP and they seem to work fine
(though I can't speak of their performance in CSP vs in PS, never used them in PS to be able to compare)

>> No.5057161

Oh frig. Maybe fiddle with the settings some more? I'll try some of my old faves once i figure them out

oooh!!! Thank you. I never even thought to check that since I don't have an ipad

>> No.5057185

>using liquify

>> No.5057418
File: 1.57 MB, 784x1080, quickpurin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a quick one I did. The .clip file gets bloated 2x to 3x it's size depending on the amount of strokes you do. It captures the number of times you do ctrl+z too.

When you open a new canvas, there's a checkbox that says record timelapse at the bottom left of the window. You can toggle the recording anytime with File menu > Timelapse > [Record Timelapse]

>> No.5057497

ty ty

>> No.5057498

does timelapse make the files way bigger? Can you also just delete the timelapse whenever?

>> No.5057501

87MB on this file, quite big for just a sketch

>> No.5057506

and you can delete the timelapse whenever by simply stopping the recording

>> No.5057513
File: 10 KB, 322x319, Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 2.30.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way for the cursor in CSP to display the brush stamp instead of a circle?

>> No.5057516

file > pref (ctrl+k) > cursor

>> No.5057519

nvm, but do use the one with a dot on center, it helps

>> No.5057520

thanks, that's pretty big its like 30x the usual size
so it just wipes out anything you've recorded when you tell it to stop?

>> No.5057523
File: 26 KB, 233x288, Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 2.36.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what?

None of the setting seem to do it

>> No.5057528

>so it just wipes out anything you've recorded when you tell it to stop?
yes, it asks you to confirm if you want to stop and that the recorded timelapse will get deleted

>> No.5057529

you can't, gotta use the circle

>> No.5057530

nothing, i thought it could but it cant

>> No.5057533

ok thanks, ill probably just leave it enabled and delete it selectively

>> No.5057538

the file size i was talking about was the .csp one, the exported mp4 will be small-ish, im using giftuna to convert the files and edit to make their file size smaller

>> No.5057541

speaking of cursors I just realized this new update fixed the weird issue I was having of the circle partially disappearing every time I moved it. I used to have to use the dot to track my pointer.

>> No.5057549

its the CSP im worried about since I'm going to have hundreds or thousands of them. I feel like procreate does a better job of compressing the timelapse size, It's nice to just have it on constantly and never worry about it.

>> No.5057569

graphic design and photography editing

>> No.5058075

it's 00:34 (sao paulo timezone)
day 12/12
I'm still alive waiting for the crack........

>> No.5058093

bro.. it's not gonna happen anytime soon

>> No.5058223

We waited 1 year for a crack for 1.10.2. The last crack before that was 1.9.4. Don't hold your breath

>> No.5058334

I'm also from the state of são paulo too anão, but i don't think we will see the new crack for at least 3 months or something, considering how mach we had to wait for 1.10.2, i would say 6 months

>> No.5058846

im from brazil too, bought csp 2 years ago from commission money, you can do it anons, the only shitty thing is paypal not allowing dollars anymore in our country making it harder to buy shit from outside, fuck our government

>> No.5059080

How can you afford tablets but not CSP?

>> No.5059255

alot of people complained about the brush lag in CSP, your probably painting/rendering in a vector layer.

>> No.5059267

because tablet + csp is more than just tablet

>> No.5060870

Anyone have any idea on how to back up settings and brushes on a cracked version? Gonna buy this legitimately and don't want to lose my shit

>> No.5060901

They automatically transfer. All of the settings are in your documents in the celsys folder

>> No.5060971

I manually exported my favorite brushes before installing a legit one. Turns out they automatically transfer to the new one but it wouldn't hurt to backup at least your most used brush settings

>> No.5061548

I left timelapse on while painting and it made saving slow as hell, it then eventually crashed when saving, fuck that.

>> No.5061685

there's a celsys/csp folder on your documents folder, there is where all your materials is saved, but i dont think it will save your settings.

>> No.5061727

Anyone having issues with the new update? I can't change my button layout without it freezes to where I have to force close the program.

>> No.5061871

Nevermind a good hard uninstall worked

>> No.5062533

>it's on Android too
what the fuck

>> No.5062760
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It seems like the timelapse skip your "undo" and only record the registered strokes.
because I know it should be longer than this.

>> No.5062783

nvm it does

>> No.5062789

its 30 dollarydoos. just don't eat dinner for a couple days

>> No.5064035

gee I dunno maybe because it was always primarily for photomanipulation and editing?

>> No.5064110
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>> No.5064392


>> No.5064716

can someone upload ps hard round brush please

>> No.5065228
File: 25 KB, 739x415, EdqC4JpUYAU4M4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any video recorder that is best for recording real time drawing program so I can get better critiques

>> No.5065247


>> No.5065518

i don't understand, is this the cracked version that they're talking about?

>> No.5065593


>> No.5065606

are they talking about the cracked version?

>> No.5065654

This convo confirms what I suspected. "Sakura" did the last CSP crack and has not had the time to crack the latest version.

>> No.5065692

I'm still on 1.9.3. Is there anything specific to do before updating? don't want to lose my settings and whatnot

>> No.5065698

find the csp folder, copy it to another place. install the new csp. find the older version and copy the files back to the csp folder

>> No.5065704

>It lags when it autosaves
oh shit, not updating then

>> No.5065710
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thanks, all of those?

>> No.5065716

autosave always lags

>> No.5065717


>> No.5065736

no, you're probably retarded and should learn to read.

>> No.5065739

lol nice one beggert

>> No.5066164

It always lags on autosave stupid

>> No.5066176

Idc if Sakura doesn't have time to work on the cracked version.

>> No.5066188

it's always done that, that's why i set mine to 60 mins

>> No.5066501

crack when

>> No.5066772

Does this easily export to a short video under 8mb?
I’m asking since on iPad Procreate/Artstudio Pro do that easily and it’s convenient to share process with friend. Said friend draws on CSP so I wonder if they’ll now be able to do the same as easily.

>> No.5066782


>> No.5066797

window has a built in recorder

>> No.5068649

why is there no mac crack for Clit Studio anymore?

>> No.5068755

>own a thousand dollar laptop
>can't afford $25 for csp

>> No.5069010

recommended brushes for some black and white only porn drawin?

>> No.5069044

People who crack the software don't own macshit but I suppose you're welcome to buy a mac and mail it to them

>> No.5069612
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Anyone got a download link?

>> No.5069617

Nevermind I found a mega someone generously made.
Anyone looking for the same thing, just check the archives.

>> No.5070244

Anyone here has and wants to upload Frenden's Brushes?

>> No.5070400

Check the archives, they're in a mega alongside daub brushes, search "daub"

>> No.5071073


>> No.5071728

i think the mega link is down, if you downloaded them, can you please upload them for me?

>> No.5071794

Try this

>> No.5071923

it worked anon, thank you very much

>> No.5071991

import to ps as brush presets and export as brush presets

>> No.5072003

Great! Now all they have to do is let us hold shift to make straight, pressure sensitive lines. It cant be that hard right?

>> No.5072011

Anyone got the Kyle Webster brushes?

>> No.5072028

it already does that but the feature you want is with rulers locked to horizontal or vertical. it can't be that hard to figure out right?

>> No.5072032

1.10.2 is still the latest cracked version then?

>> No.5072045

Where is the ruler? Theres bothing on the top and sides like there is in photoshop so i cant click and drag any kind of rulers anywhere

>> No.5072074 [DELETED] 


>> No.5072078


Yes and don't expect 1.10.5 to be cracked soon

>> No.5072118

Why? :(

>> No.5072203


>> No.5072358

anyone else has lag issueswith moving lineart while editing stuff? last night i couldn't even move a selection area of vector lines more then 3 pixels without taking 8 seconds per pixel.

>> No.5073598

shitty programmers, where is my cracked version?

>> No.5073688


>> No.5075009

no way stfu
I need my cracked version til january

>> No.5076234

Get a job lmao

>> No.5077100

Photomanipulation, silly.

>> No.5077920

I'm from a poor country, anon I can't pay 220 usd in a software (that's literally the whole minimum wage here)

>> No.5077952

its 30 bucks

>> No.5078680
File: 227 KB, 985x914, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chalk brush bros let's go

Bringing ABRs into CSP is hit or miss. The chalk brush works exactly how I want. I don't use many legacy brushes but of the other ones I brought in, the stipple, charcoal, and round bristle from the Natural Brushes section work well. Other than that, some of the Rutkowski and Deharme oil brushes work well. The Kyle's Paintbox Gouache brushes are good too. Some of the particles and smudge brushes get brought in correctly as color mixing. Some of the stamps are gigantic even at 0.7 pixel size. Spacing was a little troublesome on some brushes, had to adjust the gaps to be a few more pixels larger. Some brushes just don't work at all I think due to opacity and density differences in the engines, or CSP isn't picking settings up correctly. The textures and such imported just fine and registered as materials so I ended up with a lot of canvas textures.

It's mostly trial and error but I'm really happy I got to clean up a bunch of PS brushes and have more than enough dry and bristle brushes in CSP now.

>> No.5078701

forgot to mention, the Kyle's Real Oils work really well too. Bristly Wet Oil, Sargent 2017, Sargent, Bristly Bob, Smooth Drag, Bristle Cut, and Wet Oil. Some of those you might have to dial in the settings a bit or enable pressure on density/opacity. There are tons of duplicated brushes in PS brush packs because of no easy shortcut bindings like in Clip for enabling brush size and density pressure settings.

>> No.5079064

Just got my huion, is this worth checking out?

>> No.5080195

Its 30 bucks for the pro. You dont need ex unless you're animating

>> No.5082071
File: 27 KB, 680x589, ELcrcyeXsAMeu1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those what speed painters and art streamers use for recording

>> No.5082143

How does it compare to FireAlpaca?

>> No.5082180

I'm creating webtoon. Do I need the EX version then?

>> No.5082191

just saw it here the new webtoon functions are only available in the pro version, so....... yeah, I can't buy that
200 bucks is literally the minimum wage here, lol

>> No.5082737

pro version is the base version

>> No.5082782

work harder lol

>> No.5083117

If you're using krita then CSP is a good choice. The fucking instant they get a liquefy brush I'm ditching photoshop forever.

>> No.5083147

200 bucks is for a month, or what?
just save up

>> No.5083797

just pirate the 1.10.2 version of EX