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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 652 KB, 1280x720, Why Professionals choose Clip Studio Paint 1-31 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022247 No.5022247 [Reply] [Original]

Buckle in buckaroos, PS just got obsolete.

>> No.5022249


>> No.5022253

Does it also have liquify now? Otherwise, what's the point in brushes if I can't cheat

>> No.5022258

Liquify is way more useful than brushes...

>> No.5022260

Yooo is this out??

>> No.5022267

Liquify shitters fuck off. This implies a major overhaul of the brush engine which is far bigger
Not yet. Just says "winter"

>> No.5022270

Why you even need brushes besides hard round? Sounds like NGMI excuses

>> No.5022272

Krita has great brushes and is free.

>> No.5022274

Brushes start to matter again when you're out of /beg/

>> No.5022279


>> No.5022287

Lets go. How long till it comes out. I prefer CSP a lot more.

>> No.5022288 [DELETED] 

Not until they implement multi core processors.

>> No.5022290

>>5022247 (OP)
Not until they implement support for multi core processors.

>> No.5022298

It won't change anything, because the only difference Photoshop had over CSP over the brush engine is the dual brush feature.

>> No.5022329

psp has never been a great tool for drawing from scratch, it was already obsolete 10 years ago with sai or now with clip studio. The only advantage is that it was "free", had tons of tutorials online, and is a recognized industry tool so your porn drawings would still make you competent in the pro field.

>> No.5022354

csp can’t replace ps until it gets pipeline features, meaning liquify among others, but more importantly not before it stops being A SINGLE THREADED PIECE OF FUCKING GARBAGE that can’t handle large workloads

>> No.5022374

how large is your workload, anon?

>> No.5022375

If liquify is part of your standard workflow you honestly need to learn how to draw better.

>> No.5022376

>Til it gets liquify
just learn how to draw 5head

>> No.5022377

>t. unemployed

>> No.5022378

Learn how to draw, anon.

>> No.5022395

>can’t get a job with his art
>l-learn to d-draw
keep defending meme weeb software lol

>> No.5022396

This, wtf is so hard about implementing liquify? Do it you retards

>> No.5022402

csp would probably shit itself if they did, mesh transform is painful as it is
they’d probably need to rebuild it from the ground up so it can use more than one fucking thread like it was coded for a java based cellphone

>> No.5022407

you guys, just use liquify in ps and then switch back to csp for the rest

>> No.5022408

>only use 1 thread
Wtf, is this why some of the brushes are absolute dogshit laggy?

>> No.5022409

it’s why everything is dogshit laggy once you go up in scale

>> No.5022411
File: 48 KB, 500x599, 1519595641109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this time I blamed my computer
I'm sorry ol' girl, it was never your fault. Fucking nips need to get their shit together

>> No.5022412

Keep being a faggot that can't draw.

>> No.5022438

>no liquify
>no non destructive adjustment layers
>no meme blurs
>no support for topazshit
>no multicore
>no selections with paths
Did you know that you could already import PS brushes into CSP? They just fuckup when you draw because of no dualbrush or colour jitter support or anything else for that matter so you can't configure them to be like PS, plus CSP has different brush dynamics making them suck. Unless they fix that, which I'm 100% sure they haven't, it will just suck.

CSP is, and always will be, my lineart/flatting slave while PS handles anything serious.

Disappointing that after so many years not a single good old Celsys RETAS animation feature has made its way in and instead we get worse photoshop...

>> No.5022440

I'm more excited about being able to export a timelapse like procreate All the God anime artists use clip. /asg/ fags are creaming their pants

>> No.5022442

This board is for people over 18

>> No.5022443


>> No.5022444

>no non destructive adjustment layers

>> No.5022445

>export a timelapse

>> No.5022463

CSP is good for sketching, for painting? sucks in comparison. But now I'm intrigued on how an .abr would work.

>> No.5022464

This is one hell of a cope.

>> No.5022465

CSP hasn't had a single inspired update in more than a year.

>> No.5022468

Photoshop is too expensive. Fuck if with your subscription shit nigger.

>> No.5022469

>more LAG
CSP is so worthless for painting, it needs to focus on what it's good for. Even Krita should have overtaken CSP by now on the painting front, last I checked it seemed to be more customisable brushwise than CSP and PS COMBINED

>> No.5022476

>updates cracked by m0nkrus and uploaded before I even realise it's out
>updating a m0nkrus PS install is as easy as downloading it and pressing install and it upgrades your current version
>missing out on the CSP + PS masterrace
Shaking my head with disquited unease, fampai. PS is literally FREE.

>> No.5022485

what would you even need csp for if you’re already using ps? meme crutches like stabilizer?

>> No.5022505

What's listed here >>5022455
CSP lineart brushes are much more realistic than PS' in particular and the tapering is very customisable I especially like increased width and the start and the end and not having to spend ages searching for all the gaps in my lineart when flatting.

>> No.5022508

>much more realistic
post work, I can smell the /beg/ on you

>> No.5022514

(Cont) I also have an amazing perspective grid addon for PS by the way by which EVERY PS tutes and videos produce the perspective grid is NOT MEASURED OUR out correctly, so I use CSP instead. Though lately I have been doing significantly more 3D, there's something nice about a good grid and I need to build those skills more.

>> No.5022527

If they fix the brush lag along with the dual brush stuff from ps, CSP will be unstoppable

>> No.5022534

is it a feminine cock?

>> No.5022539

I've always assumed PS gets more bloated every iteration.

>> No.5022545

Is this legit?

>> No.5022550

Search m0nkrus and use his homepage. It's the first on google. Use the one torrent tracker that doesn't require reg.

>> No.5022551
File: 55 KB, 845x448, Clip Studio text and hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquify is one thing, but for a software that is supposed to be THE ONE to make comics - it's unacceptable they can't make whole words automatically go on the next row.

>> No.5022554

(Cont) use google to find m0nkrus' homepage and only use the torrent links he uploaded, don't use TPB.

>> No.5022559
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no liquify

>> No.5022741

Vector layer + pinch tool.

>> No.5022750

Just by virtue of being open source, Krita is superior to most painting suites with few exceptions, especially now that the MyPaint brushes are now included with Krita.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.5022753

What the fuck is liquify

>> No.5022771

you have no idea what liquify is used for, do you?

>> No.5022774

No, enlighten us.

>> No.5022776

It's the artist that matters, not the tools.

>> No.5022782

protip: it’s not lineart

>> No.5022787

But what if you don't even do the lineart and use the same sketch after cleaning it like a real Chad?

>> No.5022788

Krita devs always say that directly importing anything about photoshop brushes except for the brush tips is literally impossible because of the proprietary format so CSP must be lying and/or making massive concessions.

>> No.5022789

what do you think a sketch is, retard?

>> No.5022792

You never used CSP, right? CSP has vector layers for all of it's brushes. You can select multiple vector layers and then you can use the pinch tool, that basically works like the pinch tool in liquify.
Liquify is still better tho.

>> No.5022793

unless your sketch is a block-in, it’s lineart

bullshit, artstudio does both abr and tpl

>> No.5022795

>painting vectors
>in csp
dumb retard

>> No.5022803

do you even paint? how the fuck are you going to alter the vectors of 20 overlaid strokes point by point?

>> No.5022815
File: 214 KB, 948x801, Procreate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bullshit, artstudio does both abr and tpl
God knows how much time and money Lucky Clan had to invest into reverse engineering that bullshit. Take it from Savage Interactive, pic related.

>> No.5022838

>Proprietary program (CSP) doesn't have liquify
>Free program (Krita) does

>> No.5022849

nigga, one guy did it

>> No.5022860


>> No.5022924

he posts on the forums
when people ask for features, he says things like “yes, I’ll do it”, “I’ll think about it”, “no, I think it’s stupid” etc
like when people asked about ps bristle brushes his answer was something along the lines of “adobe’s phasing them out, so I won’t bother”
the julian guy that makes the brushes and seems to be art director or whatever the equivalent is and is presumably responsible for getting him to rip off the procreate ui says to ask lucky on the forums and he’ll probably do it whenever he’s asked about features getting implemented

>> No.5022948

Are you talking about
>No, we will not support this.
Even if it's an "I" in the forums it could very well be because whoever's using the forum account at the time happens to be one of the developers on the team.

>> No.5023000
File: 121 KB, 502x338, 27C70445-655B-454D-8EBE-C3965977B591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s one guy

>> No.5023018

they're better than the procreate team lol

>> No.5023023

who cares about importing? make your own brushes
learn the settings, make your own textures/tips, shit

>> No.5023037

I dont know what any of you are talking about

>> No.5023082

are they saying it’s impossible because of the proprietary format, or are they saying it’s “impossible” because they are autistic and demand every single part of the code to be open source?
this is an important distinction

>> No.5023278

Is liquify really that important?

>dualbrush or colour jitter

If CSP still doesn't have this than it will have a hard time importing most PS brushes. That's the biggest thing stopping brushes from working the same way as they do in photoshop.

>Vector Brushes
>Comic tools
>3D models on canvas
>An enormous cloud database of free materials and brushes made by other artists
>Better blending brushes
>Better UI for artists

Because of the proprietary format. You can't read abr files unless you have someone reverse engineer it. Than it will be more work to write a program to match the .abr settings to Krita's brush engine.

Too bad someone can't reverse engineer the .abr format and then open source the code. But if this takes months of work and research to do they'll want to be paid for all this work.

>> No.5023312

That's the part that bothers me most about CSP. Paintstorm and artrage are better at painting, ffs.

>> No.5023316

I've been using photoshop for years and until recently I started using clip studio paint, I like the feel of the lines as it doesn't seem heavy lime photoshop. However, will I be able to paint there too or is it mostly for linework? I dont really use filters or layer masks, my process is more like the traditional approach alla prima

>> No.5023327
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1605265498347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single threaded
>transformations are like powerpoint slides
>software tanks as soon as you try to blend or paint with any textured brush above 150 pixels in size on even just a 2k x 2k canvas
>Blending brush ignores selection boundaries, bleeds colours through selection

I just dont see it. Sai 2 does lineart better simply by virtue of being lightweight and silky smooth. Krita/PS do painting better. Whats CSP actually good for?

>> No.5023379

And I 100% bet that procreate still can't simulate mixer and smudge brushes so it'd still be worthless.

>> No.5023410

>Blending brush ignores selection boundaries, bleeds colours through selection
Same for PS though.

>> No.5023411

huejitter or atleast something very similar is confirmed in the video.

>> No.5023422

link to preview video please

>> No.5023431

CSP's biggest problem right now is it's complete lack of optimisation for big brushes

>> No.5023471

They claimed in the last update that textured brush should work smoother but I didn't notice any difference. They have stated that a coming update will no longer support 32 bit, so that might be a good sign?

>> No.5023485

hard round master race

>> No.5023511

>Not yet. Just says "winter"
Nice. I can delete photoshop then. I hate using that program but keep it around cause of all the brushes. With this update I can finally just do everything in CSP.

>> No.5023545

There's a PS-style liquify brush on CS made by an user.

>> No.5023860

liquify faggots here you go:

>> No.5023930

My version can't import ABR brushes, it's a major issue to import brushes for CSP, same for textures.

>> No.5024005

right now on sale 50% off for the EX-Package phew, is it worth it to buy it?

>> No.5024096

Basically the only difference between EX and PRO is that pro only lets you do 24 frames of animation while EX lets you have unlimited animation frames.

>> No.5024108
File: 102 KB, 282x260, 1590031872209.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip that liquify CSP brush doesn't really work

>> No.5024113

How come so many of you are making such a big deal about liquify?
I've seen plenty of artists work onine and I've never seen them use it, isn't it more of a photo work tool?

>> No.5024115

In case it's not already obvious, we all like to keep our cheats to ourselves. Liquify isn't even the first or the last trick that PS has. There are many more.

>> No.5024131

if I'm using digital media I might as well take full advantage of it's cheats capabilities, without them it's just inferior trad. Without cheats I'd rather work in oil.

>> No.5024137

(and the "cheats" that people use are what people paywall behind things like patreons etc The really successful artists will never share with the newer generation of artists on what tools they're using. Keeping things like liquify secret is a very easy way to ensure that /beg/s never improve. And of course, things like Photoshop scare a lot of people and filter a lot of /beg/s as well. And when you get to see the streams of actually good artists sometimes you might see some very interesting things like anime artists using PS' 3D capabilities to achieve a specific aspect of their work)

>> No.5024140
File: 54 KB, 255x255, he0e9vQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photoshop brushes

>> No.5024154
File: 307 KB, 559x507, liquifycsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huejitter or atleast something very similar is confirmed in the video.

Then as long as there is "dual brush" support too I can see photoshop brushes working

LIQUIFY is really the last thing that artist needs to use right now

I see a lot of artists who do great paintings in CSP

>> No.5024162

This sucks let's be real

>> No.5024195

mixer and smudge brushes suck fucking dick compared to csp's blender brushes

>> No.5024224

>mixer brushes are g-
Have you ever considered the fact that you just suck dick at art and that CSP is also just completely lacking in anything that isn't lineart related and that using it for anything it isn't tuned to provide is just cope?

>> No.5024239

>Comic tools
this is why CSP is better for making comics, but for painting i'd use Photoshop

>> No.5025502
File: 50 KB, 1077x404, fdsgfhfjgfxvcbn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CSP, how can I make the antaliasing not shit when I use the magic wand?

>> No.5027193

are yall not able to draw without liquify?

>> No.5028209

I cant find a torrent for clipart so I just use photoshop

>> No.5028293

why havent you kill yourself yet?

>> No.5028295

You cant without adding extra steps (convert to a quick mask and apply a blur or levels adjustment), the selection tools generally suck and assume you have lineart covering the uggly jaggies.

>> No.5028610

liquify is a way to smudge a picture into different positions without actually smudging or altering the line or paint properties. You ever fuck up line art and need to erase, or select a piece of art and then transform/move it into place, and then clean up the mess you made ?
Ever need to do that in a painting across multiple layers when you decide you prefer the eyes closer together?

With liquify you don't need to do any of that shit, it's like a smudge tool that doesn't blur, smear, or smudge, just magically moves shit around like some looney tunes shit

>> No.5028619
File: 2.31 MB, 1866x1056, liquify.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5028626

I'm not digicuck and just enjoy stirring shit

>> No.5030618

Will they also allow you to actually paint with them without lagging into oblivion?

>> No.5030624

krita is only good if you've never used any other software, I can't believe they don't have hsb/hsv sliders anymore. It also crashes more often than any other art software I've used.

>> No.5030629

wtf? Since when did procreate allow photoshop brush imports? Does it replicate dual brush?

>> No.5032576

>Still using Photoshop in our Holy year 2020 (two thousand and twenty, soon to be twenty twenty one)

why would you make yourself suffer this much greatly?

>> No.5032598

What's a good program for someone who hasn't done a lot of digital stuff.? Krita? Procreate?

There's a Schoolism in digit painting that uses Photoshop so Im wondering if that.

>> No.5032654

Procreate, otherwise just learn Photoshop. All professional art software are variations of Photoshop, once you learn the source you can go anywhere. It's industry standard so if you get an in-house job you'll probably need to learn it anyway.

>> No.5032697

if on ipad, artstudio pro
it’s photoshop, but built specifically for art
otherwise krita or ps

>> No.5032723

I'll get PS. Theres more tutorials for it anyways. I forget how to pirate it though.

>> No.5033408

I think the reason or maybe why CELSYS made it that way is probably because of the arm chipset for mobile cpu devices, and those arm based cpu can revival against X86 multi-core processors. Keep in mind Celsys made CSP not only for windows but for mac/OS, iOS/iPadOS and android. The world's fastest supercomputer is in Japan - Fugaku, and it's A64FX cpu are arm-based. Anyways.... celsys probably make their own brush engine that utilizes that kind of hardware in the future, maybe even btfo adobe.

>> No.5033413

same anon, has anyone tried using CSP on mobile devices? was there any lag when working on large files?

>> No.5033505

>had a pirated CS version on the old PC
>decide to buy EX on the new one
>won't go online
>failed to verify license
Should I refund it and go back pirating? Why is it easier to crack this shit than actually use it legally? No idea what's even the problem. If I choose "verify from another device" my phone won't recognize the QR code either and it works with other QRs.

>> No.5033536

check your firewall isn't blocking the connection. It only has to verify once

>> No.5033548

Yes I forgot this the first time I started it so I had hope, but the problem persists.

Dumb question, when I start it and the connection was working, would it be online regardless whether I am logged in yet or not? Otherwise I would suspect there is some issue with my e-mail/account recognition.

>> No.5033572


>> No.5033589

there is the Clip Studio (Hub) application and then the Clip Studio Paint (Painting) Application.
Try opening Hub and logging in there it should still be online even if you cant log in, so you can verify if its an email issue there

>> No.5033698

Man forget my retardation. For some reason Defender added an additional rule I overlooked. Usually it let's everything communicate per default unless I am telling it not to.
Guess I can keep drawing now, thank you anon. And I agree with the thread about CS > PS.

Even with my new gamer PC PS kept crashing sometimes. For whatever reason.

>> No.5033704

>my new gamer PC PS kept crashing sometimes
Can be an issue with vram, I let it use 80% and it's never crashed PS in months and months and months and months!

>> No.5035322
File: 115 KB, 760x899, 02091f6b0dcea14b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, did they add color indexing support?

>> No.5035323

Do you have cancer?

>> No.5035646

What's color indexing

>> No.5035739

I'll never not laugh at this

>> No.5036088

Either blur the border of your selection or use the selection pen and turn on anti alias, if its not visible for you look in the advanced settings of that "brush"

>> No.5037482

Im excited for the timelapse feature

>> No.5037753

Why is the brush lagging 2 inches behind the stylus when the size is only 100px? Is this the power of CSP?

>> No.5037769

What are some of the other tricks PS has? Not shitposting, I never used Photoshop so I have no idea.

>> No.5037775

they need their default installed shortcuts to go directly into the program and not into their splash screen thing that leads to the resource sharing whatever.
its just not professional, and slow as fuck otherwise.

>> No.5037815


>> No.5037823

stabilizer set to high, probably

>> No.5037826

mine always did that, you're just doing something wrong

>> No.5037847

Just use pngquant

>> No.5039008

Learn how to computer, old Man. Just pin csp to the taskbar when it's open, problem solved.

>> No.5039015

That's just how it be, it lags behind the stylus even at 2pixels while also disappearing so I have to enable the dot in the centre of the brush to track my actual position. Everything I have seen in videos is the same, my pc is also good so its just the software. It's easy to get used to so most people don't notice or care but if you come from Photoshop it feels kinda cheap.

>> No.5039042

I just wish clip studios line tool was as easy and useful as photoshop's pen tool.
And that it had photoshops level of perspective/grid transformation options.

>> No.5039064


>> No.5039110

Official release notes from Celcys incoming. Update scheduled for December 10th.


"Imported brushes can be freely adjusted in the Tool Properties palette and the Sub Tool Detail palette. EX/PRO
Note: Results may differ from Photoshop when using imported Photoshop brushes. We are continuously working on improving brush functionality, including support for dual brushes.

The following settings have been added to the Sub Tool Detail palette to further expand the expressive range of your brushes.

Color Jitter
Added Change brush tip color, which allows you to vary the hue, saturation, and brightness as you draw, and Randomize per stroke, which randomizes the color of each stroke as you draw. These function according to how Color Dynamics are set, such as to Pen pressure or Random. The existing Blend with sub color has been added as an item to Change brush tip color.
Flip brush tips horizontally & vertically
Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical allow the brush tip's angle to be set to flip horizontally or vertically.
Texture settings Brightness & Contrast
You can now adjust the Brightness and Contrast of a texture before applying it.
Texture modes
Overlay, Color dodge, Color burn, Hard Mix, and Height have been added to Texture Mode. These apply to a brush’s texture to offer a variety of texture options."

>> No.5039116

and it's shit if it's the same one I'm thinking of

>> No.5039123

No mention of brush tool optimisation or multicore? Why....

>> No.5039142

In true Celcys fashion such a important improvement would be, if featured, stacked away among the dozens of small bug fixes. They seem to regard their customers as drooling idiot children who don't know or care about the technical aspects of their software.

>> No.5039183

their customers are mainly anime artists, so that is probably correct?

>> No.5039231

I would have thought after rebranding as clip studio PAINT they would focus on the actual painting experience.

>> No.5039234

they didn’t rebrand, the program was always called csp
you’re thinking of the western version published by smith micro as manga studio
there was no rebranding, they just started publishing an official international version themselves
so yeah, no reason that would affect anything whatsoever

>> No.5039246

I think most of their western user base are literal children with potato PCs, when I read comments on the software they think it runs better than Photoshop because their shitty laptops can't handle PS.

>> No.5039264

They are now self publishing and they chose that name intentionally, recent updates are reorienting the software as a Photoshop alternative for painters. I don't know who is responsible for their marketing but they are paying digital painters to advertise it while conveniently glossing over how shit brush performance is.

>> No.5039273
File: 67 KB, 1930x187, 49h3otujix261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dual brush support, yet.

>> No.5039311

>they didn’t rebrand, the program was always called csp
they did rebrand it though, the program was not always called 'clip studio paint'. it was previously branded as 'comic studio'. some mangaka like hamada yoshikazu is still using that old version to this day.

kind of ironic that japan called in 'comic studio', while america called in 'manga studio'. its like both of the marketing teams in each respective country was desperately trying to give it a foreign appeal.

>> No.5039353

Shit I just move stuff with the lasso toll and paint on top, sometimes I use the grid transform in Clip Studio that is my poor mans liquify.

its ok but I learned to work without it.

>> No.5039356

there is a blur > smooth filter that you apply to layers that is basically antialiasing to binary clean lines.

its awesome for painting very defined areas.

>> No.5039522

What does this change actually?
How are PS brushes better?

>> No.5039553

1 more week until I can get rid of PS

>> No.5039558
File: 161 KB, 473x509, 1605389749749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean CSP now support dual brush? Because main things in PS is dual brush texture. Others I can port by myself

>> No.5039674

this doesn't change anything, you can already manually recreate the photoshop brushes you are going to import, without dual brush this just saves you a couple hours of tweaking settings.

>> No.5039923

website says update is December 10th

>> No.5039965
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1534139942996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major feature that's separated PS users from CS users as their said superior
>barely 8k downloads
It's fake, isn't it?

>> No.5040009

its just an edited smudge tool....

>> No.5040901

I've used it, it's barely ok. You have to fuck with it a bit for it to even work, and when it does, it makes the thing you liquify incredibly blurry. It's only really helpful in the sketch stage

>> No.5040952

Liquify would be awesome but warp is good enough for me

>> No.5040976

>using large brush with tiny spacing
>hurr durr why is the software tanking

>> No.5041021


>> No.5041028

read this >>5039110
They are adding a couple of PS features to the brush engine in the coming update like hue jitter and texture height. Double brush is coming eventually. Not everything I hoped for but it's still the first major painting update in a couple of years

>> No.5041064

Have you never used another piece of art software? Even procreate, some cheap app on a tablet has better performance than csp. It lags at modest resolutions on PCs that cost over 1k. If they pretend this isn't an issue it will never be adopted by serious painters.

>> No.5041137

CSP brushes tend to have lower spacing by default than the ones most digital painters use in Photoshop. I have found that if you increase the spacing (gap setting in CSP) and set the blend mode to opacity the performance is not all that different to PS.

>> No.5041204

not sure about large files but here's a video of someone working on a drawing on their ipad. seems to be fine lag-wise

>> No.5041431

this isn't true at all. I manually adjust the spacing in both programs, CSP with visible brush tip gaps performs worse than even 1% spacing on PS. I just figured out why there's this discrepancy, its because you're using default hard round brushes when everyone who uses PS makes their own, CSP can't handle custom brushes. Even at its best, when you're using the basic circle brush it performs worse than a fully custom PS brush with no spacing.

They aren't even remotely close.

>> No.5041983

enjoy not having color indexing

>> No.5042007


>> No.5042013

Why would I need this?

>> No.5042471

Colour indexing isn't important at all except for pixel art which CSP is really not the best for.