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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4980019 No.4980019 [Reply] [Original]

Why were the Romans and Greeks so good at sculpting but meh when it came to painting? Like when people talk about their favorite art, no one ever says Greco-Roman paintings.

>> No.4980094

good question

>> No.4980095

sculpting is easier, no faking perspective in a 2d space

>> No.4980100
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x2093, 2CC680E7-4F5F-411E-9295-7B45EF0FC36F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re stupid and comparing different mediums
here’s a frescoe by a literallywho found in the domus of two freed slaves that was buried by lava

>> No.4980103
File: 982 KB, 2880x1342, D0A3248D-5577-4711-BD71-3A32C6FFB55D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is literally the most celebrated frescoe known to mankind, painted by the most celebrated artist of all time in the house of the pope that was never buried by lava after centuries of development

>> No.4980105

This is a common misconception.
Almost no painting survived, that's why most you see are mosaics, frescoes, sculptures and vases. Most people have no perspective how fucking long ago the Ancient Greek times were and that most surviving things are either by luck or through Roman copies.

Some rare painted pictures that survive show a very modern, realistic style. Vases and sculptures show perfect understanding of anatomy and perspective.
Most painting was probably wax based, no wonder it vanished.

>> No.4980108
File: 192 KB, 610x620, 78D36689-36D2-4C42-BFB6-305224BA412E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so glad we invented chins eventually, we look much better with them

>> No.4980120
File: 546 KB, 1264x1024, 26D1F257-94C5-4980-950B-CD70F7164223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can’t expect oil paintings from people who were gone centuries who were practically one a milennium before its invention in europe, especially since even renaissance paintings are falling apart

>> No.4980125
File: 850 KB, 1405x2048, 742714BA-8C55-4C16-BDF4-A4B6CE90D64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romans were bad at pa-

>> No.4980134
File: 439 KB, 619x703, E06E42D5-2080-4E10-A67F-3DE4822C1527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg so right lol

>> No.4980145

lmao that finger, bet he’s popular with the ladies

>> No.4980147

by the art probably with the kids

>> No.4980148

Yikes! Someone needs to redline these artists!

>> No.4980214

this was painted 15 centuries after the Romans and Greeks

>> No.4980224

you want to read those two posts again?

>> No.4980278

I BEG your pardon???!

>> No.4980286

jesus killed all the gr*kes and r*mans
read a book

>> No.4980462

They didn’t have loomis

>> No.4981101

Just noticed that Adam and God have no cranium. The cherubs have more brains than either of them.

>> No.4981106

God is immaterial, he doesn’t actually have organs, and Adam got cucked out of heaven by a w*man that he asked for, so...

>> No.4981143

I like the lava-buried more.

>> No.4981200

I'm pretty sure it's at least partly because sculptures survive better. Also, consider the classical antiquity art on pottery etc (the black thin figures on clay red), that's 2D and still easily a "favorite" kind of art with its stylization

>> No.4981265

what is wrong with the other hand of god?

>> No.4981274

Does God being the only clothed figure symbolise something? I know the red cape is thought to be a brain or a uterus by some analysts, but what about the robe and the green scarf?
Why would God be wearing clothes? It doesn’t even make sense, since seeing adam and eve clothed is what tipped God off about them eating the fruit in the bible, they could have just went “shit, we should get some sweet duds too” if he was doing it

>> No.4981283

Why did you post both of these? Can you not see that Michaelangelo's work is far, far better than the other fresco you posted?

>> No.4981284 [DELETED] 

Then you are blind, retatded, or both.

>> No.4981290

Then you are blind, retarded, or both.

>> No.4981300

Better yes, but considering one is the work of a mediocre artist in the house of an inconsequential semi-citizen and the other the product of highest mastery in the house of the most important figure on the planet after centuries of technological advancement, you cannot say romans were meh at painting, can you?
It’s like seeing Botticelli’s birth of venus painted in a cave and going “ugh cavemen couldn’t paint, the school of athens is a much better painting”
the only reason we even have what remains of that shitty fresco is that it happened to be buried by a volcano, we wouldn’t even have michelangelo’s frescos if they weren’t being restored systematically, their works are just gone

>> No.4981303

No, you.

>> No.4981317

>you cannot say romans were meh at painting, can you?
Well gee anon, I don't know, what is the best painting we have from the Romans? Showing a shitting painting and then saying 'look, this is shitty because it was made by a shitty artist' does nothing to convince me that Romans weren't shitty painters in general.

You posted a bad painting by a bad painter and a good painting by a good painter. What was the fucking point?

>> No.4981329 [DELETED] 

What is it you prefer about the shitty one? The poor sense of form, anatomy, value, and composition? The stiff poses and dead expressions? Or didn't you see see of those flaws?

No, no, let me guess, it's more 'soulful' because it's bad?

>> No.4981335

Same reason /beg/s struggle. Translating 3D perspective into 2D representations on a flat surface. It's pretty hard when you think about it

>> No.4981336

>>4981303 #
What is it you prefer about the shitty one? The poor sense of form, anatomy, value, and composition? The stiff poses and dead expressions? Or didn't you see those flaws?

No, no, let me guess, it's more 'soulful' because it's bad?

>> No.4981343

They started wearing clothes after eating he apple to symbolise them learning the knowledge of god and the angels and feeling shame without them. So I'd assume god would be wearing clothes because he understands that shame in some capacity. Be it his own or not wanting to make the others uncomfortable??
They were probably meant to be too oblivious to wanna wear clothes before hand, like animal oblivious.

>> No.4981351

That isn’t a bad painting, it only seems shitty in the context of the best works in history, you deluded faggot.
Post your fresco

>> No.4981359
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>> No.4981361

Yes it is, retard.

>> No.4981365


>> No.4981422

I'm just wondering who on earth thinks the ancient greeks and romans were around AT THE SAME TIME???

>> No.4981527

The Romans conquered the Greeks, before they conquered the Celts and, the old Agyptians (and many more)

>> No.4981560


painting is harder because you have to simulate light and perspective and paint back then was a lot more primitive.

>> No.4981959 [DELETED] 

clearly you've never seen the works for Lumisius the Elder

>> No.4981963

Clearly you've never seen the works of Loomisius the Elder

>> No.4981970

ancient greeks and romans WERE around at the same time
ancient greeks and ancient romans were NOT around at the same time
greeks and romans were around at the same time depending on your definition of roman

>> No.4981989
File: 303 KB, 785x518, Knossos_fresco_women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conquered the classical greeks, not the ancient greeks. The ancient greeks were a much older civilisation than classical greeks, they litterally come from the bronze age. To put it into perspective, we are closer to the medieval dark ages than classical greeks and romans were to ancient greeks.

Pic related was painted some 700 years before Rome ever existed.

>> No.4981998 [DELETED] 

Factually wrong. Ancient Rome dates from 800BC to the fall of the Roman Empire (500AD). Ancient Greece dates from 3200BC to 1500BC. You're thinking classical greeks and romans

>> No.4982002

Ancient Rome dates from 800BC to the fall of the Roman Empire (500AD). Ancient Greece dates from 1200BC to 600AD. Classical greeks infliuenced romans but their culture is almost twice as old.

>> No.4982515
File: 262 KB, 908x453, greek art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4982518
File: 215 KB, 1016x445, babylonian art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4982519
File: 244 KB, 878x461, egyptian art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4982522

Sounds very much like Mycenaean Greece actually... the Iliad.

>> No.4982523
File: 21 KB, 474x266, thebluesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could paint better than this lmao

>> No.4982525

fact, I've never gotten very good at drawing or painting even though I've casually done it my whole life. Then I got into sculpting and turns out I'm michelangelo.

>> No.4982778

What is up with that background around Adam? It seems unfinished.

>> No.4982842

this desu
paintings didn't really start to get good until the Renaissance -- and you really notice this when comparing medieval paintings with renaissance paintings; there's no competition.

and what this guy said. it's easier to make something look 3d when it's actually 3d.

>> No.4982869

frescos were more of a decoration for a home. there were panel paintings at that time with which medium i don,t remember, if it is not encaustic, and they were supposedly highly valued. there are some encaustic paintings that survive, but they are of roman egypt.
some of these vases show a very sophisticated use of line work too that show a lot of taste and knowledge

>> No.4982874

Which of these ancient artists are you most like! Find out with this quiz!

>> No.4983043

>be called loomis
>cant even teach art in the time period your name originates from
no fucking wonder he's such a meme

>> No.4983128

There are some stunning encaustics on panels from late antiquity.

I suspect part of the answer to OP is that paintings just don't survive like marble or bronze sculpture and ceramics. Random chance would dictate we'd be left with mostly mediocre samples.

Are there any ancient sources discussing great paintings?

>> No.4983139
File: 86 KB, 296x1024, image016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were better than the medieval ones

>> No.4983177
File: 181 KB, 1029x630, Ancient-Greek-Theater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983180
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>> No.4983182
File: 36 KB, 720x432, remarkablear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983197

Can't find the source, but I read a quote from ancient Athenian iirc, praising the painter of a statue.

When they try to do modern recreations of painted statuary, they usually just find the trace pigment and then slop on acrylic paint at full brilliance and opacity. In reality the paintjob might have been very subtle and lifelike.

I wonder if the best painters in the ancient world were painting statuary instead of 2D panels.

>> No.4983270
File: 2.45 MB, 2805x3568, Pygmalion_and_Galatea_(Gérôme)_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this.

>> No.4983278

on the other hand, they could have really just been gaudy as fuck
like their paintings, we will never know
maybe in a couple of thousands of years, people will look at corrupted sakimichan jpgs and argue what our art must have looked like

>> No.4983291

No way to know for certain. Probably tastes changed over centuries, just like in the sculptures themselves. But it would be strange if a people who treasured carefully observed, individually recognizable sculpture then painted those sculptures with no regard for individual skin tones, textiles, etc.

They also probably did not have abundant, highly saturated pigments. Certainly not like we've created with synthetic pigments and dyes. They may have been very gaudy, while still being very naturalized. Imagine a 15 foot statue of Athena, painted with lifelike flesh, and sumptuously decorated robes and the like. Especially in a darkened temple, the effect would be awe inspiring.

>> No.4983296

Thank you. Someone gets the timeline.
Ancient Greece is a world away, their level of arts and writing is incredible.

>> No.4983459

It's mostly just because I love Greek & Roman antiquities. I like the colours and values too, and the fact that Ixion is almost completely out of the painting.

>> No.4983461

Roman/greek sculptures used to be painted, full in color, over the white marbles. To create realistic skin tones and colors.

>> No.4983471

>To create realistic skin tones and colors.
[citation needed]

>> No.4983525
File: 145 KB, 1080x1350, rec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983526

It's as likely as the opposite assumption that they were painted like four color cartoon characters

>> No.4983588


imagine the difference in skill/taste between an ancient artisan in a competitive field and a modern scientist. the material of the sculpture isnt even the same. modern "recreations" use cast plaster it seems.

>> No.4983628

I think it would be natural for scientists to assume that a trace of paint = the whole statue painted with that color in full, opaque saturation.

However, if they used encaustic, it would have been possible to do several translucent layers and get lifelike effects. The more I think about it, the more I think it probable that statue painting was its own discipline. Whereas scientists reconstructing this stuff just lay on paint like it's a paint by number, it seems reasonable that the Greek artisans would put as much effort into the paint as they did into the sculpture underneath

>> No.4983696

very realistic

>> No.4983715

this ought to interest you https://www.theoi.com/Text/Callistratus.html
descriptions of sculptures (possibly witnessed)though the sculptures were probably some hundreds years old in some cases at the time of the writing. there are some mentions of suble blushing, but most seem to be of the material's own color

>> No.4984432

>missing eyes
>missing depth
I fucking hate restorations so much