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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 127 KB, 877x805, adobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4954287 No.4954287 [Reply] [Original]

Look at their social media. It's all niggers, trannies and celebrities and the odd cripple to spice things up. Their software reveals are all gimmicky AI bullshit that no one asked for. Adobe will be bankrupt within 10 years.


>> No.4954323
File: 44 KB, 960x720, Quotyouve+made+your+last+delivery+kid+sorry+you+got+twisted+_b9df5f11495fb9c4f1c2c4e11fea2c1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, they're struggling to survive.

They have many free open source competitors and other low cost competitors that most sensible people electing to use. Because of this they are having to cut into a more niche demographic of gullible idiots for money, primarily those part of the current art world establishment (university and art schools) or recently indoctrinated (new art grads). What ideals does the new modern art grad hold? Pro LGBT, anti male, anti Caucasian, anti child, anti capitalism, pro hedonism, anti modesty. To sell to these people they are trying to line up their brand recognition to align with these ideals.

It's simply money kid, the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.4954324

Because regular white people are ugly and boring to advertise. Why don’t you retards understand this?

>> No.4954327
File: 42 KB, 262x262, bri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are ugly

>> No.4954339
File: 235 KB, 808x524, 119A6367-62C6-417C-9B66-3FD4BDE6D862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4954341

Either race is something important or it fucking isnt

You cant let race A congregate and revel in unity in their racial identity but then get triggered when race B does the same thing.

The insanity of the ideas all makes sense once you realize the whole thing is to destabilize society to bring about the marxist revolution

>> No.4954344

>Posts a landwhale

>> No.4954345
File: 1.31 MB, 1864x1792, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are ugly

>> No.4954346

Found the monkey

>> No.4954349

niggers are sacred cows of USA, why are you surprised they worship them?

>> No.4954350

Photoshop isn’t going to go away.

>> No.4954352

What these people don’t understand is that in a Marxist revolution they’d be the first ones eaten alive. It’s fucking hilarious

>> No.4954353

theyre representing the under represented. says it there.
why a worldwide company would still choose to focus on the under represented in one single country alone, i dont know.

>> No.4954361

it's 2020, black people went from under represented to over represented now

>> No.4954364

No one said they were. By 2005 they had captured the majority of the market share, 99% of art people were using adobe, there were limited choices back then, mspaint vs photoshop, etc.

But now, 2020, the game has changed. The abundance of alternatives has definitely changed the dynamics.

>> No.4954366

yes, theyre in some bs marketing campaign for a software company struggling to be relevant to average consumers. how proud they must be. nothing will top this, just stop now.

>> No.4954369

Isn’t white universally seen as the most attractive race on Earth?

>> No.4954370


>> No.4954371

you're thinking of Chads

>> No.4954372

Yes, whites are albino monkeys.

>> No.4954373

>Implying other races aren't
Inverted racism at its finest.

>> No.4954376

Why do Latinos, Asians, or Arabs never get pandered to as much blacks?

>> No.4954379

Let alone create white creativity celebration

>> No.4954393
File: 104 KB, 957x958, b25c9b0983594226c5432f982ae82f58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose to focus on the under represented in one single country alone, i dont know
Because it's fashionable by way of artificial virtue signalling.

People in the West doesn't care about the actual disenfranchised people around the world. People being actively genocide, harvested for organs, forced (real modern) slavery, people persecuted for religious beliefs, international pedophilla rings, traumatized families that were partially destroyed when the West bombed hospitals and schools. That's too woke, they'd prefer to argue that not having enough gender options on paper forms is oppression and that not getting enough ebt is systematic oppression.

>> No.4954394

And why do you think they deserve representation?
Because they are black?
So why do not represent any other race?
Creativity is something universal, not necessarily attached to one race or another.
Think for a brief moment, why is it a thing?
Is it important and if it, why?
People nowadays are overconcerned with meaningless shit.

>> No.4954415

i didnt say anything about blacks being the only ones deserving, i was just observing the flavour text of the ad.
but again, its a dull marketing campaign. its not really something to be proud of being in.
"that moment that the large multimillion dollar corporation brought me in to stamp my face across its site to market its products surely was the highlight of my career" said nobody.
this is minimal effort and to complain about it is absurd because you wouldnt be any happier to be in this campaign either.

>> No.4954418

>Posts a beautiful Japanese man

>> No.4954419

Monkey confirmed.

>> No.4954428

T. >>4954339

>> No.4954454


>> No.4954462

Hey, El. How ya doing?

>> No.4954475

i dont know who el is but i like the cut of their jib.

>> No.4954479

she is jewish

>> No.4954483
File: 420 KB, 1280x851, Denver+Chalk+Art+Festival+2018+Photo+23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no... I'm not El.
I'm Consuela 0_0

>> No.4954484

That's anti semitic

>> No.4954568
File: 62 KB, 356x500, 51wFzsaJpWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they wanted to claim they are diverse they should have cited this jap comic. It's entirely made in CS6.

>> No.4954645

It’s always the rich upperclass whites representing blacks with celebs honking the horn behind them. And ad for an artschool shows whites for concept art and blacks for music. They just don’t know how racist they’re being by not being racist.

>> No.4954934

Still using CS2 myself. I couldn't care less what happens to this fucking company.

>> No.4954960

who the fuck cares?

>> No.4954965

/pol/fags do

>> No.4955039

lmao what's with the retarded artworks tho

>> No.4955127

Go to pol with this shit poltard- fuck off

>> No.4955245


>> No.4955255

>i'm not racist, i celebrate black creativity

>> No.4955330
File: 155 KB, 316x301, 1601829141674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chillax Adobe paid rep. It's alright, someone is still stupid enough to buy your overpriced monthly subscription software, just not us. You just got to keep looking, may I suggest SCAD or RISD or Pratt.

>> No.4955344
File: 271 KB, 658x589, 1599841089775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years and years of absolute monopoly in graphic design and motion design. "Struggling to survive"? Do you believe urself anon?

>> No.4956582
File: 474 KB, 1000x1000, 1564417449056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted my drawings a long time ago. They never answered >:[
>pic related

>> No.4957218
File: 103 KB, 1049x1382, likeomgyouguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the racism?
Calm down mate.

>> No.4957220
File: 26 KB, 419x296, 1444184335035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4957263
File: 258 KB, 1080x812, post_20190612_125226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was no need

>> No.4957461
File: 43 KB, 480x368, 154635543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4957466


>> No.4957495

this makes me deeply sad

>> No.4957509

no the other anon, but over 90% of people that use photoshop or any other adobe product, pirates it. Even companies just pirate it since the drm is a nigger and a half to deal with.

>> No.4957516

That is amazingly garbage, and I say that as a /b/tard

>> No.4957530

Yeah I run a pirated copy of Solidworks, Photoshop, MS Office and so on, but funnily enough at work I use legit copies. Really activates the almonds doesn't it?

>> No.4957534

Average American company

>> No.4957628

you share it with us, so i guess it work. There isnt really much to improve in photoshop.

>> No.4957641

I didn't realise /ic/ was a /pol/ colony colonised by retards. Crazy.

>> No.4957642

It's why it's full of begs, the right can't art.

>> No.4957644


That's a dubious claim

>> No.4957645


>> No.4957647

Low IQ retards. PYW.

>> No.4957650

Truth hurts.

>> No.4957654

Mexican here, nobody likes niggers, fuck off Adobe

>> No.4957665

Mexican here, I appreciate the existance of black people, fuck off uncle Juan.

>> No.4957667

I am a chinese, and I think you are just a pathetic dog with no skill yo back your words. Again, PYW.

>> No.4957668

Gonna let the chink piss on you by not posting your work?

>> No.4957674
File: 1.71 MB, 1000x1286, delete 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was able to make 1 year ago before ever taking a single art course, it has a lot of anatomy mistakes, and inconsistent lighting that I'm able to see and correct now after a year of studying anatomy. Still I'm proud of it since it was my first finished drawing. PYW

>> No.4957681

>I appreciate the existance of black people
lmao literally why, what have they done worth existing for?

>> No.4957682

>dislikes nigs
>is disliked by whites

>> No.4957684

That looks pretty good. Joke on you I don't draw.

>> No.4957693

Same fag here
We are hated by americans, black and white
We don't hate whites even if they hate us, at least they aren't violent rape apes like niggers, their stupid rap culture turned them into unironic edgelords, they worship gangsta drug criminals.

>> No.4957697

...you've been sharing this same drawing for months. Have you done anything new worth a squirt of piss?

>> No.4957699

Whites worship Ironman and Superman, but blacks don't, they hate being civilized, they wanna destroy and rape shit like their rap idols

>> No.4957703

>...you've been sharing this same drawing for months. Have you done anything new worth a squirt of piss?
Yes, but like I said to the other group of poltards the other day I don't post my current work.

>> No.4957705

It's my greatest polished turd
It took over 100 hours

>> No.4957707

Not me, and it took 2 days.

>> No.4957759

being nigger is hip in 2020 apparently

>> No.4957872

Did you take some notse from Ruan Jia?
I still a beg but a bet is a bet.
Warning: I am a degenerate COOMER
Not me.

>> No.4957886

Hey man, that guy actually posted his work, you dont have any right to talk unless you pyw. do it pussy you won't

>> No.4960764

Photoshop 7 was perfect. Everything else is bloat.