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4886260 No.4886260 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did Twitter become the main platform for artists now? How do you even use this fucking thing to find art? If I as a dumbass mouthbreathing consumer want to look up fan art of a game I like, on a platform like deviantart or pixiv I just type the name into the search bar. On Twitter it's drowned out by official game posts, people's screenshots of the game, etc. Fair enough, but if I search "#_______art" (replacing the blank with the game's name) I get posts from months and months ago because no one uses that fucking hashtag, people tag with the game name itself. To get the most likes from non-artists in the moment I'm sure.

If they tag at all. I don't even understand the point of putting the hashtag there if I can just search the keyword itself. ???

If I like a particular artist they don't even have a gallery I can flip through. I have to scroll past weeks of goddamn food and cat pictures to come across one small dumbass depressed doodle because Twitter drains the piss out of literally everyone.

>> No.4886292
File: 52 KB, 540x555, 1540055213387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deviantART was the culprit. they started the chain reaction for this thing to get where it is for artists.

the original staff of dA were, at one point, professional and treated the website with a level of respect comparable to that of Artstation. it wasn't even known originally as the site for Sonic OCs, fetish porn and inflation; it had actual genuine hobbyists, photographers, 3D modellers and industry professionals all hanging out chatting. The word "deviant" or "deviation" was, originally, entirely worded as artwork that "deviated" from the norm; basically high quality artwork and material you wouldnt normally see in the mainstream media, compared to what you see now..
Something went wrong though, gradually. It was a great place from 2006-2010 but there was an update on the site that exposed how assbackwards everything was; nobody liked the new layout and even though you were able to publicly contact the administrators and the staff themselves, they just kept ignoring the complaints over and over again.
I also suspect Facebook stole a lot of the layout designs and functionality of the site which helped it really take off in the 2010s as well but I'm not going to get into that.

When dA failed, everyone slowly started up and moving to Tumblr, which was getting passed around by word of mouth. Most artists on dA really liked how it felt that they didn't have to put so much effort on finished work and that the rules on the site were more lax, especially for short sketches. It picked up steam and dA started dying quicker and quicker. And for a while, it felt like artists had found a new place to show their goods and creativity, and shit was really good...

Until 2013; smartphones. That took off like crazy and it attracted non-dedicated artists and hobbyists to the site, and all kinds of drivel. Third-Wave Feminism hijacked everything and PC culture made its way into the art scene.

Twitter became viable the moment porn was banned, and you know have what you see.

>> No.4886300

I’m saving this the for next time a retard asked why twitter is used as the main platform for artist.

>> No.4886312

Because Twatter is used for visibility and interaction/networking.
Normies don't lurk art related sites and you want mainly them to see your stuff.
Also this.

>> No.4886315

im glad you found it valuable, anonkun. hope more people become aware of the history of online art, and that it wasn't always like this.

>> No.4886416

Twitter is about the now, not the old. Once you understand, you can finally use Twitter.

>> No.4886550

i disagree, you only mention things from the western perspective, but the reason the art scene exists on twitter is primarily eastern artists using it, and they were there before westerners. though I don't think it's the main reason, weebs using twitter just for art 100% heavily contributed to the art scene there in the western half too as other people saw that a bunch of mutual fans were using the platform, and it was big before tumblr. its just even bigger thanks to tumblrs suicide

I think deviantart was always in a bad place though for the reasons you mentioned; pixiv has the same issue where it feels more sterile while places like twitter you can just drop a shitty sketch in a moments notice without worrying about perfecting it for uploading

>> No.4886577

this desu. If tumbler ever reversed their nsfw ban twitter's art scene would die overnight.

>> No.4886612

what about instagram

>> No.4886631

There is so many other websites to post your art. Be on ALL OF THEM.


>> No.4886635

Twitter can suck my entire ass, Instagram is my friend now.

>> No.4886639

Quality post, thank you.

>> No.4886676

Artists go to where the audience is, not the other way around. You won’t find a massive rave in the middle of freezing winter land in northern Russia, but Ibiza where everyone is waiting for it.

That chink hag who appeared on proko earlier today has been indoctrinated by the likes of twitter and wherever the fuck she went to school. Artists mingling on platforms that are propaganda devices are going to get burned as a result. Sad, but that’s how it is chasing an audience these days.

>> No.4886697

I use that, it's working fairly well for me. I got two followers in two days but I only post 1-2 a day. Honestly, I grew up in the twitter generation and being on it feels like being a hummingbird that's force-fed cocaine; if I wanted to get involved I could keep up with it but it's waaaayyyyyyy too much noise and politics for me

>> No.4886701

yo, username?

>> No.4886736

>something about dA's layout
You should see their new "Eclipse" layout. My god!

>> No.4886806

how do you get people to see your art if none uses tags?

>> No.4886817

Top 10 saddest anime deaths

>> No.4887061

How the fuck do you even use Twitter. I regularly get around a thousand likes on pixiv but only single digits on Twitter. I use hashtags.

>> No.4887113

Make porn

>> No.4887170

The worst thing about that retarded update is that you can't drag and drop pics into your favorites folders anymore. That was the best thing about that website when you trying to collect and organize references and tutorials.

If your pixiv is pretty popular, try linking up your twitter account to your pixiv homepage. And advertise your Twitter account when you upload new works on your pixiv, like putting a link to your twitter in your description.

>> No.4887193

a new shitty thing i recently discovered about twitter is that there's a decent chance that old images will become corrupted and inaccessible.
seriously how tf does this shit fly? theres no way this would be acceptable in any other platform.

>> No.4887252

You can both be right, it's a complicated issue.

>> No.4887256

Straight up killed the site and it was already dead.

>> No.4887274

DA and pixiv both have tons of users they’re not anywhere close to being “dead”
at any rate put your art in a gallery regardless because I’m tired of scrolling through idiots media list on twitter. fuck you I don’t care what you ate for dinner or what you did in animal crossing. fuck. you!!!!

>> No.4887311

Instagram compressed pictures and only allowed low res.

Twitter has always allowed higher res picture but this year it got updated again to allow over 4K res pictures. Perfect for artists and photographers.

>> No.4887346

Use instagram instead of this garbage. Never understood how could such a steaming pile of shit attract so many people.

>> No.4887357

because on twitter you can always cling to the vain hope that you might get retweeted by some famous person and have your popularity skyrocket overnight, whereas on insta you know that you'll have to grind

>> No.4887366

Pray to god for someone with a big following to retweet it

>> No.4887463

twitter is shit with their fucking preview thumbnails for footfags

>> No.4887466

>I use hashtags
that's why. twitter doesn't like hashtags or links in their posts

>> No.4887469

>tumblr was the only decently popular place that hosted full resolution porn for a while

>> No.4887618

i read this in roxas voice for some reason but yes you're right.
i remember the day Tumblr made plans to move to twitter, people we're making post with false info and doing their usual sugarcoating of things. it was sad to see after the "logout" thing failed, you really got the feel that everyone seemed so listless about the whole thing

>> No.4887633

Do the nobody artist club thing for people with less than 10k

>> No.4887643

nobody gave a shit about it after two or three days

>> No.4887651

Because tumblr died.
Next question.

>> No.4887656

Because artists are people too, and want to chat sometimes. Instead of producing image after image like a machine.

Because viewers are lazy monkeys that can't do anything harder than scrolling endless pages, and maybe click sub and retweet sometimes.

Twitter isn't the main platform, noone will be able to find you there. Pixiv is the main platform, twitter and pawoo and baraag are mere extensions to that. I fucking hate twitter by the way, where the fuck are good art blogs, where is rss/atom, I miss them so much.

>> No.4887657

Nobody uses twitter or instagram as their main gallery unless they want the attention and that sweet-sweet dopamine from the likes

>> No.4888291
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I have a small memory about that logout issue..wasn't that around the time Tumblr was bought out by Yahoo and Verizon?
In case anons here don't remember, lots of artists on the site suddenly got logged out of their accounts after some kind of hack around that time of the purchase, and Tumblr refused to let a lot of them back in, despite the flood of emails and complaints demanding them to do so.
It definitely had a significant impact on the art scene as well, and its interesting that the people who were mainly affected were people who came from dA. Might be because those accounts were registered so far back that made them a bigger target.
I think I remember it only happened to those who had some kind of level of popularity that had those issues. I was unaffected at least, although, there was definitely a shift in the vibe in the place around the site during then (maybe even the whole internet as well) but a lot of people I used to follow over the years just up and left, seeing how infected the place was becoming. The motto of it being a blogposting site for dedicated arts and hobbyists got overshadowed pretty quickly. Definitely felt an air of paranoia that wasn't even around the place a few years earlier.

Its upsetting just reflecting on the memories, when that period before was probably the happiest me and my artistic friends had ever been. And not just teenagers either, but lots of really kind and mature, sensible adults as well.
I wonder how they're all doing now..

But yeah..The energy of that period has all but evaporated now. Not only is it scary seeing how much things can change in a short period of time, but it also hurts just knowing how good a lot of us had it, and how quickly it was taken from me.

>> No.4888314
File: 468 KB, 800x780, EHb5AC8WwAILq9u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part of twitter is the lack of gallery.

The artwork is mixed in with garbage memes and gifs in the artist's media tab

>> No.4888613

what the hell is with this paneling

>> No.4889827 [DELETED] 

Ok instagram shill, you’re shitty platform won’t get you money.
What grind? It’s even more luck based than twitter.

>> No.4889830

Ok instagram shill, your shitty platform won’t get you money.
What grind? It’s even more luck based than twitter. It’s made it where you have to buy promotions to get noticed.

>> No.4889871

is there a 4 pic per tweet limit on twitter or am I missing out somehow by browsing without an account?

>> No.4889964


>> No.4889979

Because twitter is NOT ONLY for artists and art enthusiasts

It is more like a combination of facebook and tumblr or something, a social media platform that actually benefits memes/content creators

If you're using twitter JUST to specifically look up art of a certain character you're doing it wrong. Twitter requires a certain level of commitment where you have to find at least a handful of people to follow that post the content that you like, and you will on a regular basis begin to see the fanart you are looking for. If you dont like that then use pixiv or booru sites

>> No.4890174

twitter is a mistake.

>> No.4890231

some artists are even starting to refuse commissions if you don't have a twitter filled with previous ones. You know i barely use SM and don't want something like that filled with porn.. jfc
doesn't allow nsfw
I want a blogging platform where i can post my doujins ffs

>> No.4890247

I think it's pretty stupid to fixate yourself over twitter.

>> No.4890284

my point is that the user experience on twitter makes you FEEL like you might get your big break any time, it's more like playing the lottery on a psychological level compared to insta, so it' a more addictive platform.

>> No.4890300

it's filled with idealogues.pass.

>> No.4890819

I fucking despise this garbage site. It's so incredibly stacked against newbie artists that it'll search ban them without even telling them, leaving them to toil about in the void eternally