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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 74 KB, 593x685, 1321547587686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4880743 No.4880743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe?
follow or unfollow?

>> No.4880745

Will this thread make me better at drawing?

>> No.4880747
File: 39 KB, 480x480, A101A683-41EF-4C96-97C0-03C54E811692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t give a fuck but it’s good kek I guess, I’m fine with whatever niggers Sinix stands for so long as he hates women and Jews

>> No.4880748

>you get smarter as you age
can this meme die? brains only get slower and more prone to corrupted memory after reaching adulthood

>> No.4880749

Sinix is our guy.
He came from /ic/ and got gud.

>> No.4880751
File: 140 KB, 1240x1754, 1573841485325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4880756

>women and Jews
Why do you say this?
I thought he was a Kike

>> No.4880760 [DELETED] 


sinix is a know jew hater.

>> No.4880763
File: 646 KB, 756x556, E3F46DE1-E756-4ED9-BE89-C0D88C783479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he’s just a dorky mayo guy, easy to mix up the two since they both follow the same agenda a lot
Did he really? He was back here in the day?

>> No.4880769

people always get uppity when someone injects poltical stuff into art which doesn't have anything to do with current politics.

Then people come out that side with the politcal take and do the "your just idiots/children, let me teach you why i'm right and your wrong" with an extremely condescending tone take.

When they get some backlash they may pull out the whole "well actually this medium has always been politiocal!" usually ignoring the fact that when politics is interjected, it's usually subtext (at least thats when people are more tolerent to it) and it's not current year shit that ages worse then milk, while also being in your face. It also doesn't help that most of media is dominated with left wing ideology, even people on thyat side can get irritated when it's constantly shoved into their source of entetainment/escapism.

>> No.4880777

Mixing politics with your art is unprofessional and foolish, no matter which direction.
Creatives tend to be more liberal not because that's the 'smarter course', but because people inclined to be creative, and people inclined to be liberal have similar personality traits.

And this thread is not artwork, nor critique, so kindly fuck off and don't come back.

>> No.4880780

>it's not current year shit that ages worse then milk
good point, strong political commentary are timeless struggles and not flavor of the month outrage

>> No.4880802

I always took Sinix for one of those centrist "both sides" types so this is pretty based. Pretty based indeed.

>> No.4880820

I would lick sinix's nipples

>> No.4880822

are libertarians edgy now?

>> No.4880828

Edgy just means "not liberal enough", even though libertarianism is extremely liberal by nature.
Politics are a joke.

>> No.4880836

i was pretty disappointed to see mike use hellboy to endorse a political candidate but i suppose if he feels that strongly about it more power to him. it feels cheap but its his character so whatever

>> No.4880860


I’m quite liberal but the right wingers are idiots meme is pretty edgy on itself

>> No.4880870
File: 114 KB, 257x178, 159943631388023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every SUCCESSFUL person disagrees with your views
peak cultist right there
>barely any of his own work visible
>timeline is cluttered by RTs
>attentionwhoring this hard
I honestly don't even know who this guy is

>> No.4880885

Cringe. Artists have always been huge narcissists when it comes to thinking that their tepid, uninformed, platitudinous virtue signaling about the politics of their time actually has any impact on the world. "Hurr, war bad, corruption bad, [oppressed group] are people too, durr". Wow, so fucking brave, so revolutionary, so helpful.

>> No.4880889
File: 232 KB, 486x598, AEF83B41-06E9-455E-B2DD-5E8B62AECD11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do think my opinion is of more worth than everyone else’s, how tell?

>> No.4880894

He fails to acknowledge that there must be a considerable amount of closeted conservatives in the industry

>> No.4880897

"Maybe if all of your heroes think your views are backwards you should reexamine your own logic..."

Maybe if all of your intellectual "heroes" are comic book artists and celebrities you should reexamine your priorities in life. That's my only take on this.

>> No.4880917

>virtue signaling about the politics of their time actually has any impact on the world.
Actually they have more "weight" technically. They have audience, some people can be affected by their opinions. That's why all writers/celebs start RISING UP in social media. Its too bland and I prefer more subtle like SAVE ME NIGGERMAN. Promoting pol shit by using entertainment for children is cancer and always was.
>Tom and Jerry with MAGA or some other shit

>> No.4880944

people who tell stories, or play sports, or music, or talk in front of cameras are your moral and intellectual superiors, pleb. these jobs skills confer wisdom you couldn't even begin to comprehend in your pathetic, provincial life.

>> No.4880945

Based dubs, made me kek out loud

>> No.4880956

>Creatives tend to be more liberal not because that's the 'smarter course', but because people inclined to be creative, and people inclined to be liberal have similar personality traits.
But all the old classic masters would probably qualify as white supremacists these days, and many of them were religious even eve if they were eccentrics. And asians kind of speak for themselves, they live in ethnostates and don't even bat an eye at the west where they can have "diversity" and other leftist shit

>> No.4880964

god damnit i knew this fucker was going to turn out to be one of 'those people'. there's so much wrong in those three tweets i'm going to have a fucking connpition fit. why is every other artist these days like this???

>> No.4880966

*conniption fit

>> No.4880967

i dislike mixing politics with fictional universes but i dislike being told what to do with my art even more

>> No.4880968

he's a socialist

>> No.4880972

They're poor.

>> No.4880981
File: 6 KB, 356x480, 1493946626811[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You remember Hellboy goyim? Hellboy says you should vote for a senile boomer and some crazy cunt. And keep that mask on like a good goyim you are. You love Hellboy, do you not?

>> No.4880983

is it possible to be a completely apolitical artist? I don't want to suck off niggers, but I also don't want to spew /pol/ shit. I just want to draw beautiful, heroic white people and do my own thing without making any political comments or drawing POC

>> No.4880988

Based, followed, and upvoted. Good thread OP!

>> No.4880989


Conniption already means fit, anon. Settle down.
On a broader note: I dont see why you guys keep having these sorts problems. You can tell if people are opinionated from the jump. Just unsubscribe and try to select your feed better next time.

>> No.4880990

>didn't read
>don't care
>still will watch Sinix's videos, whenever he uploads anyway
>hid your thread
Fuck you OP and your shitty drama threads.

>> No.4880995

lolbertarian? really kyke?

>> No.4880997

>I just want to draw beautiful, heroic white people
> without making any political comments

>> No.4880998

yo does anyone have the jew depiction using a cube, a cone and two rectangular prisms rubbing their hands together?

>> No.4881010

sorry, illiterate family habits kicking in. 'conniption fit' is just what i grew up with, like 'towel paper' or 'windows vee-sta'.

anyways i don't care as much if the people i watch are opinionated--just as long as they aren't hypocritical cunts about it like sinix is apparently. i'll probably still watch him but god damn if this tweet won't be ringing in my head when i do

>> No.4881011

how is that a political comment anymore than frazetta's stuff is a political comment? I just don't want to draw ugly people. why do I have to be hassled for that? it's not like I'm going to go make social media posts like "BLACK PEOPLE LOOK LIKE APES AND CREEP ME OUT SO I DONT WANT TO DRAW THEM" I just want to draw the people who look good to me.

>> No.4881012

drawing beautiful, heroic white people is not a political statement lad.

>> No.4881014

Who the fuck cares what this literal who with his dime a dozen art style thinks?

>> No.4881019

I was looking for it myself.

>> No.4881026

fuuuuuck dude
that's the best fucking one out of all of them
i laugh to the point of tears when i see that shit

>> No.4881028

Definitely cringe. Using an established character as a sockpuppet to espouse views that you KNOW that the character wouldn't have is top-tier cringe. Hellboy shouldn't be involved in politics because he isn't a political character, simple as.
Also, really love how Sinix's only argument is MUH APPEAL TO POPULARITY. Just because a lot of people think something doesn't mean it's true.
I'm sure if he were to actually look into the events happening right now at their source instead of happily swallowing all the dishonest garbage and propaganda that the media is spewing he would change his tune. More than ever before we're being lied to. Blatantly so. It's not even a secret anymore. Everything that's transpired with the riots and the media's absolute refusal to name them as such, and their continued insistence of holding onto a narrative of them being 'peaceful protesters' protesting for a just cause should be enough to tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.4881031
File: 210 KB, 1280x800, Frank-Frazetta-Savage-World-1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frazetta only drew white people

>> No.4881033

I dunno man, those look pretty darn caucasian to me.

>> No.4881035

your already a fluoride brain

>> No.4881037

typical russian males

>> No.4881042

>Based or cringe?
>follow or unfollow?
Not sure, the only thing that is certain is that this thread will be hidden and saged

>> No.4881043
File: 236 KB, 1200x800, hannah-duston[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to draw beautiful, heroic white people
Same, I just want to draw my ancestors conquering, settling and building my homeland.

>> No.4881044

Based and followed

>> No.4881050
File: 17 KB, 364x374, 1598196109269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4881053

I'm getting a sort of Amerimutt vibe myself. I can swear I've seen these people living in trailer parks before.

>> No.4881055

strong, female characters defeating a patriarchal society. nice.

>> No.4881064
File: 599 KB, 1193x1286, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed my ass off when i saw this chick's face

>> No.4881066

>it was like she was looking at walking garbage

>> No.4881069
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x3672, 6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found one. there were another one tho

>> No.4881072

wow that's a shame.
cringe and unfollow pilled.
fyi, i unfollowed everyone who was strongly militantly left wing on ig. it was around 100 people but i still follow almost 700, so sinix's numbers are a little off. Left wing people think twitter is real life. That's what happens when you live in an echo chamber. Twitter fucking censors all the right wing opinions and then you start thinking that there are way more left wing people than there really are. Democrats repeatedly make this mistake. That's why it took them THREE FUCKING MONTHS to denounce the rioting and looting. Once they realized how horrible it was polling they tried to pull a full 180. Now you have Biden out there trying to act like he condemns the riots that he said didn't exist last month. You have him standing out there in front of Chevys talking about bringing jobs back to America after being in office for 47 years shipping those jobs to China and Mexico. Almost no one buys it. Sinix is a good artist but he's politically retarded. You can hear in his voice that he's an uber faggot though. It's not too surprising.

>> No.4881077

this is the one
thank you anon i love you
what's the other one?

>> No.4881079

It is by doing fan art only

>> No.4881082

>offers email to coach the youth
jej if I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d pretend to be that just to see how much dumb shit I could get him to say

>> No.4881084

>i unfollowed everyone who was strongly militantly left wing on ig
same. happen when these reterds started posting black square on instagram. That was actually a good thing, it showed who's a faggot.

Similar but without large cube. I think. I actually wonder if my memory is right.

>> No.4881085

Jesus Christ, super cringe.

>> No.4881087
File: 305 KB, 1668x1441, 1463463457486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might be talking about this one but I'm not sure I have a lot of these

>> No.4881090

Here’s a good benchmark to whether or not his words ring of smug hypocrisy:

Would he be singing the same tune if Mike’s views were openly right wing?

>> No.4881095

we'll find it soon bois
i got dubs last post
luck is on our side

>> No.4881101
File: 97 KB, 1114x836, Ebh9K-hXkAQR2gy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sinix... you okay man? wake up, we need you...

>> No.4881103

>is it possible to be a completely apolitical artist?
>I just want to draw beautiful, heroic white people
Yes. I draw gay coomer art and get a lot of moneys from patreon. And all i draw is white men.

>> No.4881105

Here’s a thing. I’m hard right politically, but I don’t write my characters to be echo chambers of my personal political views. I let my characters be who they are, and remain open to other ideas and exploring them through ny characters. That’s the whole point of creating fiction.

>> No.4881114

Not that anon but just to highlight: there's several distinct classes of creatives. The chinks aren't really creative in a novel way, they're more like wage slavers who do what they're told and don't really contribute much by themselves. Some exceptions exist here, but they are the exceptions not the rule. This is one class.

The more out there you get in terms of actual creativity and lateral thinking ability, the more leftist people seem to be, but even that is a wobbly situation, because most of those people have mental health issues that prevent them from being "all there" to begin with.

>> No.4881115

agreed many were flying by under the radar. i couldn't unfollow my sister. that is the only one i have left to worry about. its like catching a zombie who used to be your friend and not being able to kill it. i still have hope of converting her back to being human. everyone else-- proko and all those faggots, i was glad to just cut them loose for good. they fucked up and i think theyre gonna feel it and i hope some of them will have the common sense to come around and say they were wrong.

>> No.4881119

woah woah, proko? wym

>> No.4881122
File: 44 KB, 720x398, 1583380413190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in times of extreme mental and spiritual torture the worst thing you can do is be an foot soldier for the political machine that swivels and changes its principals on a whim

>> No.4881124

The chinks like Ruan Jia and japs in general are more creative than any western artist I've seen in the past 200 years

>> No.4881127
File: 93 KB, 985x639, Screenshot 2020-09-21 053235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4881132

sit down and relax hawkwood

>> No.4881134

Dude has a jungle chink mutt child, what do you expect?

>> No.4881146

So he's a white nationalist? I'm not following

>> No.4881149
File: 55 KB, 464x404, 87422a602043263448685a211298e8e381767bfae11654a8bbf7dcb449a0b1bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst this of it is that these fags dominate the industry. and if you happen to be slightly right from stalin you better prepare yourself. so people afraid to speak up. i myself no exception. it's pathetic, i know, but tha't how it is right now. if it wasn't for imageboards i would go crazy unable to say what i think about all the madness that left is. i can only hope that artists i follow that haven't disclosed themselves yet as one or another aren't lefty retards happy so kiss nigger's feet and sing hippy shit-songs.
fuck left. fuck kikes. fuck niggers. fuck jennyes. fuck mods.

>> No.4881163
File: 467 KB, 606x423, 1463467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you support x fuck you and unfollow me immediately
>not supporting x

>> No.4881164
File: 106 KB, 931x1024, 1600622219180m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, Mignola is crap anyways, also most artist are left winged how fucking surprising, they are literal retards who come from wealthy families, havent worked a real job on their lives and their day job is to be on a echo chamber smelling the boss farts or other art nigger farts for likes, such low form of life, i'm disgusted.

>> No.4881174
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, 2b81f625cc2f19574ba8fb59d15d1b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with having an Asian wife and half Asian kid. BLM is an openly anti-white communist terrorist group. I know plenty of Asian people who are against them. I don't hate black people. I hate rioters looters and communists. If you support BLM you are going along with this narrative of systenic racism and all white people being racist. You are accuse me of shit and throwing me under the bus because you think your dumb POC friends will like you better if you go along with their bullshit. Proko knows that's what he did and we know. He's fucking dead to me.

>> No.4881183


>> No.4881186

>There's nothing wrong with having an Asian wife and half Asian kid
Noodle whores are scum and your son would be literal Elliot Rodger or if she’s a girl, a massive, massive whore

>> No.4881189
File: 678 KB, 990x514, God_Emperor_TRUMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still voting for trump and pirating mignola's one trick pony comics

>> No.4881191

Something that has surprised me looking up the biographies of famous modern artists is how many of them went to art academies or had bigshot art tutors as children. My parents weren't dirt poor and they signed me up for a couple of five-week art lessons over the summer once but they definitely weren't send me to private art academies. My parents asked me if I wanted to be an artist when I grew up, and I said no, there's no money in it. They said that's the right answer. It's only now that I'm over 30 and established in my career that I'm picking up art as a hobby again.

>> No.4881199

"vote for x" is such a dumb thing tho. at least tell why.

also it is "freedom of speech" not "freedom of not hear of what people think of your speech"

>> No.4881204

>Elliot Rodger
>kills simps and roasties
Why do you /pol/tards hate him again? He's right up your alley

>> No.4881209

I’m not a /pol/tard and I don’t hate him, I’m just saying you’d be condemning the boy to suffer if it’s male, and if it’s a girl she’ll be a colossal whore. Either way it’s a massive bundle of mental illness coming out of the chink’s womb. And I’m not even white or gook

>> No.4881215

For the 9000th time, Elliot Rodger was Jewish, not white. And you have changed the subject. We are talking about Proko, not Proko's kid. I was saying having a half Asian kid is not a reason to support BLM.

>> No.4881218
File: 13 KB, 233x259, 1587940567761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shows that those people don't really care about the state of the world but only virtue signal to up their social media numbers.
I'd respect someone who would use their platform to actually speak out against injustice or shed light on social issues, even if our core values/opinions would be different, but you get a bunch of normies who draw stuff and use their influence to spread propaganda in favor of criminals and aiding divide and conquer tactics, not questioning what they're actually supporting because they would never question the mainstream narrative.
Those kind of people have no principles and no opinions. They will always side with the "majority" and will gladly throw people under the bus to gain social standing.
>if it wasn't for imageboards i would go crazy
This. You can't even be reasonable anymore.
You can't even be unbiased and look at the facts because there is always someone pushing some agenda.
Fuck, i didn't even want to get involved in politics in any matter.
Now people are all on edge, waiting for you to say or draw one wrong thing so they can rage at you and get good goy points.

I just wanted to draw.

>> No.4881224

Not to be gay but elliot was average looking lad, what made him who he was is his superiority complex

>> No.4881234
File: 446 KB, 1336x1764, DxJ0VmR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was 5'9", not going to make it. Absolute minimum is 5'10" and that's already bottom of the barrel. Twilight star Taylor Lautner is ripped and was every thot's favorite werewolf and still got laughed at by roasties who actually met him

>> No.4881236


>> No.4881243

Who cares what delusional roasties think, I'm 167 cm compact guy and I have no problems with girls

>> No.4881249

You'll be saying that until you get your first kid paternity tested

>> No.4881255
File: 9 KB, 303x166, 470BB240-7197-499C-B72A-2BDEA1457DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, but if they do give you shit, just take by force what should be yours anyway, I hate that those creatures have rights desu
The few hapas I’ve known were always fucked in the head at least a little, but we could argue semantics all day, so let’s agree to disagree. Also, elliots younger half brother is pretty good looking (brutal for him in the afterlife to see that)

>> No.4881256

Politics aside I still dont know how people find his art "masterful", is just not appealing to me.

>> No.4881260

that quote can't possibly be real

>> No.4881262

Your mind will be blown when you look up the Lone Gunman episode.

>> No.4881273

It’s totally real.

>> No.4881282

>Taylor Lautner
he's really 5'7 flat

>> No.4881283

anything is possible when you have access to tesla's secret research.

>> No.4881286

cool opinions mohammed

>> No.4881290

I'm not Muslim I just hate women and Jews

>> No.4881292

pls no

>> No.4881295


>> No.4881298

good job, you still act like a muslim without any excuse
back to /pol/

>> No.4881321


>> No.4881329

So we are a /pol/ consulate now? fuggggg

>> No.4881339


>> No.4881345

You can go on literally any other art website if you want the leftist take. /ic/ is the only one that leans right and yet you choose to post here.

>> No.4881349

Speak for yourself please

>> No.4881357

Yep this is one of the few website that isn't a hivemind so you're bound to find many people that disagree with your usual sjw consensus
If you want a hugebox I recommend reddit, I'm on there since a while, join us do the right thing :)

>> No.4881363

he definitely speaks for me, so shut the fuck up, commie

>> No.4881367

I don't see anything wrong with politics in art. Art is meant to invoke, or make you question something.
4chan when it comes to politics in art:
>He drew Trump being epic!! Based!!
>WTF he drew Hellboy wearing Biden stuff?? Cringe!!
basically, if its on the side you like you don't mind

>> No.4881366

>I'm on there

>> No.4881368

>I don't see anything wrong with politics in art
and this is why you're a fag

>> No.4881369


Don't have to be /pol/ to get sick of selfrighteous artists bitching about "muh natzees" every day. Like Jesus Christ they post more about politics than politicians do. I'm trying to look at drawings of anime girls and cool mechs, man.

>> No.4881370

People can put politics into their art if they want too. It's not really an issue. Are you the same type of person that complains about politics in music, too?

>> No.4881372
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you the same type of person that complains about politics in music, too?

>> No.4881376

hope u dont listen to classic rock lol

>> No.4881386
File: 80 KB, 400x400, 1581771902294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban/cancel everyone who is right wing

Can't make this shit up.
Also Sinix is an eunuch, I binge watched his tutorials once and he uptalked like a girl so much that I began to menstruate.

>> No.4881392

I already unfollowed him when he was talking about loving to educate people about race quotas.
The smugness eminating from these tweets makes me sick and I'm not right wing.

>> No.4881400

The fact that you use the acronym POC as if it were a valid word already puts you enough on the left spectrum for me that you'd get an unfollow, so maybe it's not possible.

>> No.4881407


>"I'm mentally ill, I have massive depression and anxiety issues, I have suicidal thoughts, my health is in shambles, I used to be a literally insane radical anarchist psycho that even I will admit was too extreme."

>"Yeah, I'd love to help educate you poor misguided young people on how to be a psychologically well adjusted adult :)"

Get a load'a this guy.

>> No.4881417

>The high rising terminal (HRT), also known as upspeak, uptalk, rising inflection, upward inflection
Learned a new phrase today.

I had to stop watching his 'how to paint blacks' video because he was fumbling all over himself trying to think of how to say "black people have dark skin, wide noses, and big lips" without offending anyone. It was painful to listen to.

>> No.4881418

>twitter thread
take your shit drama away.
people gonna be political, big whoop, politics are a massive fucking part of society.

>> No.4881420

Yeah, I thought it was just ironic but judging from this thread, these people are 100% serious. I guess it explains why so many of them can't draw though.

>> No.4881421

Maximum cringe

>> No.4881425

what word do you use for those people? leftists always say minorities and poc / rightists say niggers and whatnot insults. If you want to k about those people without being canceled or being a leftists what do you use

>> No.4881426
File: 28 KB, 436x600, adolf hitler self portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4881428

Hitler was a masterful artist who was unfairly rejected by post modern neo marxist art academies. Stop pushing this propaganda. I bet Churchill drew that.

>> No.4881431

You do know that Stalin would have gathered them all and sent to Siberia? The idea that a man whose main target in ruling a country was to make it an industrial powerhouse would tolerate retards that propagandise leeching off the state is ridiculous.

>> No.4881432


>> No.4881434

I’m hard right and I’m fairly certain I draw much better than you.

>> No.4881440

sent :^)

>> No.4881442


>> No.4881444
File: 62 KB, 875x700, 1597689813884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown people. Blacks. Non-whites.
Or, since you are on 4chan, just go with niggers, gooks, spics, mutts, kebabs, poos, who gives le fuck.

He said right LEANING, not "right only", retard.

Very based. I do the same. They are probably getting more followers than losing by doing this kind of shit, but they are going for quantity > quality. These are the people that will later point their pitchforks at you when there's no one bigger to hunt.

>> No.4881445

don't have a conniption fit fit over anon's conniption fit

>> No.4881454

Based and checked