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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 236 KB, 621x623, 3bf4k7u700a31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4788324 No.4788324 [Reply] [Original]

Previously known as JUMP Tezuka Manga Contest General. At the request of a previous poster, this thread series is being generalized for all manga-making discussion in general, albeit with a soft-focus on the contest regardless.

Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).

Previous thread: >>4760396

Link to the contest: https://medibang.com/contest/jumptezuka100th/entry?lang=en

Contest FAQ:

> isn't everyone gonna get BTFO by the JP entries?
No, separate prize pools

> but--
No, we've been over this several times. The requirements for both prizes are entirely different.

> do covers have to be black and white too?
Uncertain. Color them at your own risk.

> what's the page size?
Unspecified. It's recommended you work at at least 600 DPI regardless.

> do entries have to be shonen stories?
All genres are allowed, but keep in mind that this is still a Shonen Jump contest.

> western reading direction or JP reading direction?

> what does "no scenario, name" mean?
Scenario refers to a script, and Name is the Japanese term for a storyboard or rough page layout. So, in other words, no sketches and no scripts. Finished works only.

> what do they mean by "monochrome?"
All pages must be solely black and white. No colors, no middle-tones (such as shades of grey). Shades besides black and white should be achieved through things such as screentones and dot matrices.

Some resources.

"Understanding Comics", "Making Comics", "Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga", "Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting," 2000AD Script Book ( https://mega.nz/file/gtNQgY6L#p7vPA_fLOUwxINMBzAX62w_xx282FVQoMhUHDGtiCpE )

Youtube channels:

>> No.4788328
File: 272 KB, 677x929, bost bage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice OP pic.

bost bages

>> No.4788410
File: 461 KB, 650x904, TezukaMangaSubmission_048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one gave me a lot of headache, but I'm glad it's now out of the way.
Keep up the fight, anons! ^_^

>> No.4788492
File: 2.74 MB, 1602x2031, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4787685 here

just finished what i thinks my best page so far, i used the golden ratio to determine the size of the panels. plus i'm a huge fan of the bottom right panel

my dad asked "ok wheres the story exactly?"

basically now she's hungry and is going to catch a snowbunny only to find out it can talk and yadda yadda you'll see

>> No.4788500


not finished, finished the sketch lol

>> No.4788652
File: 775 KB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 11.08.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also maybe i'm late in figuring this out but I'd thought I'd share a method for achieving cross hatching and hatching very easily with the mouse in CSP

1) create a pen
2) go into settings and go under "brush tip"
3) activate "direction of applying" to "horizontal"
4) set "angle properties" to "none"
5) change "thickness" to 1
6) set "hardness" to full value with the boxes
7) adjust length of the line with brush size
8) adjust angle with angle values

There you should now effectively a stamp you can just push the mouse button click with and stamp the lines you need.

you can also just hold shift and draw a line to make it longer

>> No.4789146
File: 1.66 MB, 1142x1656, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus spent all morning on this on panel

5 to go

>> No.4790163

How many hours a day are you guys spending on your submission?

>> No.4790249

I have a clock that I stop any time I tab out or go afk. I'm "working" on it from 9am to anywhere from 9pm to 12am every day (with ~1 hour long breaks for lunch and dinner), but I usually only clock 7-9 hours of actual drawing (and plenty of that is kinda putzing around or spending too much time on the sketch).

>> No.4790275

that's really smart anon!

>> No.4790284

Thanks for the response. I was wondering if I was the only one pulling long hours. It’s my first manga, so I’m kind of surprised how addicting it is to see the pages come together.

I worked for 7 hours today and still have about 3-5 left in me.

>> No.4790292

gj anon, just remember to take care of yourself too.
wrist pain and especially burnout are a real motherfucker if you ignore them for too long

>> No.4790298

Haha, I enjoy the result but man is it tedious.

>> No.4790309

Thanks, will do!

And while I’m here typing. Anyone else notice your art improve as you go along?

>> No.4790310

Yeah, it is. But

>> No.4790312

Bumped my phone.
Ye it’s tedious but the end result feels so satisfying.

>> No.4790315

>Anyone else notice your art improve as you go along?
Good god yes. I'm sad I won't have the time to redraw some of the earlier pages because you can really tell I was winging it with the character designs.
I'm glad the actual quality of the art isn't super important beyond a certain level.

>> No.4790318

>I'm glad the actual quality of the art isn't super important beyond a certain level.
That’s what I keep telling myself too. Glad I’m not alone, haha!

>> No.4790349

i'd say 8 to 10 hours of actual work
i usually wake up at 7:30 or 8 and work until 10PM with random 1~ breaks for meals and walks

>> No.4790495

Nice! That’s a lot of work.

>> No.4792321
File: 3.64 MB, 2140x3102, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nyehh ><

so tired... completely overworked these two panels...

need to focus on finishing page....at least im getting faster..

>> No.4792667

How do you guys study comics and apply it to your work? I have a story and designed characters, but putting it together is more difficult than I thought.

>> No.4792698

develop five setpieces with quality reference... aim for ten pages initially within each location.

btw you shouldn't listen to me necessarily

>> No.4792723

Where do I post my NSFW comics? I regularly post on pixiv but just looking for others to increase my exposure.

>> No.4792731


>> No.4793110
File: 991 KB, 1236x1752, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make the effect like pic related?

>> No.4793118
File: 280 KB, 1057x797, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CSP, with the gauze cloud subtool.

>> No.4793124


>> No.4793229

Are there any resources for writing good scripts, or writing in general? I want to make my story interesting but I’ve never been the creative writer type.

Would writing fanfics be good practice? Idk I’m new to storytelling.

>> No.4793272

There’s a couple writing channels on YT that are pretty good.

Film Courage
Savage Books
Hello Future Me
and Brandon Sanderson’s lectures.

There’s also Save the Cat, and The Making of a Story, and Your Screenplay Sucks, as books worth checking out.

There’s also this other one mentioned on /ic/ by this anon. I forget the name of it, but hopefully he either pops up and names it, lr someone else remembers, as I wanna check them out.

Oh, also check out Dan Harmon’s Story Circle, and the KiShoTenKetsu.

Hopefully OP adds links to all these writing sources in future threads. I’ll post links to the channels if he will. I also have a PDF to Save the Cat I’m willing to share, though it’s fairly easy to find.

>> No.4793279

alan moore did a good book on writing comics.
desu you probably know more about storytelling than you think you do because you've been surrounded by good stories your entire life. otherwise here are just some basic things to think about maybe.
the dramatic arc e.g when do the exciting things happen in the story and how do you get to them? where are the high moments? where are the low moments?
an easy example maybe would be the xfiles. every episode follows roughly the same dramatic structure. dramitic opening to set up the mystery; someone usually dies or something weird happens: high tension. cut to opening credits followed by an expository scene w/ familiar characters, usually in an office or police station etc; low tension. after that we spend the next 30 minutes or so developing the mystery, characters etc and building tension again until we reach the finale where all the cool shit happens any everything gets its payoff.

try watching/reading through some stuff you enjoy and just take basic notes like that about the structure of the story. avoid specifics and details, just think of the story as an armature that all the words and characters get attached to.

>what does the reader know and when do they know it.
this is one area that people struggle with ime, seperating what you know and intend as the person with the idea in your head versus what the audience knows. in terms of interest/ character motivations etc, this is usually the first place things go wrong for people. it's also easy to take certain things for granted b/c they need to happen for the story to get from one place to another.
the hero of my onsehot didn't really have strongly developed motivations in my first draft, it took asking an obvious question like 'why doesn't he just leave?' and then figuring out a way to answer that within the story to make his place in it make sense.

>Would writing fanfics be good practice?

>> No.4793292

Really love Brandon Sanderson

I highly recommend Robert McKee, recommended in the OP. His system is super flexible, for both short and long stories, and very similar to the "Kishotenketsu" principle Japanese writers/mangaka use to write their stories.

>> No.4793304

I’m >>4793272
>Robert McKee
That’s who I was referring to. Thanks for this anon.

>> No.4794056 [DELETED] 
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Well, folks?

>> No.4794444
File: 2.70 MB, 2902x1697, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trivia time!

>> No.4794450

Hello, friends.
I would like to bring up another point into your consideration.
Japanese competitions are not obliged to have a winner.
You will not win by default, you will not win by being the least insufferable work. The winner will only be a work that would be accepted into jump with uncertainty.
Please play into your strength to make something that a reader would want that's yours alone.

>> No.4794470

imo the goal with this kind of challenge should always be to grow stronger as an artist an produce something that you could use in a portfolio so it's also a good idea to do your best so even if you don't win, you still win

>> No.4794484


interesting, good to know.


This honestly

>> No.4794486

>You will not win by default, you will not win by being the least insufferable work.
Yeah, this about sums it up.

>> No.4794493

But, who is that kind of portfolio for?

>> No.4794509

any kind of comic or storyboarding job, concept art or vidya if you produce some design sheets for your characters, backgrounds etc. also drawing what are essentially 50 illustrations will make you both faster and stronger for any type of illustration work

>> No.4794514

Ah, fair enough.

>> No.4794987


Are we allowed the "this is the end of a journey but the beginning of another" type of endings?

>> No.4795152
File: 1.51 MB, 1520x2027, DDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a weeaboo but today when i was labeling my white ink and deciding whether to use the chinese traditional, chinese simplified or the japanese language way of writing the characters the -

you know what let me just show you:

How to write
"White ink" in:

A)Traditional Chinese
Báisè mòshuǐ
>ok that looks hard, how about simplified?

B)Simplified Chinese
Báisè mòshuǐ
>Good lord IT'S THE SAME

Shiro inku

>> No.4795474

How’s it going bros? Feeling the burn?

>> No.4795484
File: 325 KB, 1062x905, 48 wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4795494

Looking good. Keep it up!

>> No.4795500

Hirohiko Araki's how to draw manga is mostly about that.

>> No.4795567

Thanks guys, I appreciate your help.

>> No.4795917
File: 400 KB, 1299x1813, 48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still needs effects/polish.

>> No.4796079

This channel:


This fucking channel. Hands down the best on writing I've seen on YT.

>> No.4796260

that's really nice, do you have a comic already?

>> No.4796539

I'm trying to upload my manga entry to through medibang but mein gott it's been 10 minutes. Is it a server overdose due all entries in all contests? If you entered, how long did it took you to upload?

>> No.4796541

How did you do such nice steam/fog effect?

>> No.4796649
File: 2 KB, 183x137, nani the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to add title and summary to my entry but it keeps saying giving me this error. I have no fucking idea what it wants, I can't remove or edit my username anyway in the sheet, so what gives? I added my role and it still won't let me.

>> No.4796650

Does it say anything about resizing it?

>> No.4796658

No, it just took it's sweet-ass time

>> No.4797112
File: 60 KB, 222x693, CaptureGauze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! ^_^
I'm almost there. I have one more page, and a few more images for the covers that need to be drawn.. But it's really nice being able to see the finish line. Trying not to burn out.. But I think I caught a minor flu.. Just pushing through, and I'll be able to rest.
I honestly don't know how these manga artists do this for years and years...
Maybe I need to learn to draw more smart? Anyways, I definitely learned a lot, and cheated a lot.. I just hope it all meshes well in the end. ^_^;;;

Hi there! I use the CSP special effects brush.
It's under, Sub Tools (Decoration) -> Hatching and sand pattern -> Gauze cloud
I use white and transparent back and forth to create some foggy feels.
Hope that helped! :)

>> No.4797126

Not that anon. But, good luck senpai. Hope you feel better soon!

Been grinding daily for days now as well. It’s also my first manga and hope I can finish in time. The burnout is real, but it’s nice to flip through the pages as they come along.
Do you have EX or regular CSP?

>> No.4797213

i definitely feel you on the burnout but you can do it man, you've shown you've got the work ethic you've just gotta bring it home now.

oh and keep in mind, a lot of manga artists have assistants to handle the mundane yet tedious shit like toning, typesetting, detailing backgrounds and gathering reference material which would make it way easier to do it year round lol

>> No.4797245


>> No.4797313


>> No.4797325

Your face is cringe.

>> No.4797358
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>> No.4797380
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Thank you very much! ^_^
Good luck to you too! I'm rooting for you!
I use the EX version of CSP. I actually bought it specifically for this submission (also, interested in the animation capabilities)
I'm glad I did. It automates a lot of the management aspect that could potentially be a huge headache, and there was a nifty 3D bind preview function that I used to check if my margins weren't too out of line. I wish I knew about this feature earlier... But thankfully now that I know.. I went through my pages to fix anything that was getting cut off egregiously.

Thank you thank you! T_Tb
While I typically fall into the 'oh god it suuuuuuucks!' feeling once I'm done with them, I am proud of the fact that I was able to pull this off at all. I guess nothing will ever take away that fact (regardless how well it turns out :P)
I just hope my work is able to at least be seen by the judges. I think even if you don't win a prize, finalists would get feedback from them, and that alone would be worth it for me! >__<
Hope you don't get too much burnout, haha T_T
Thanks again, and good luck to you as well if you're participating. :)

>> No.4797401
File: 15 KB, 600x400, 1596255497515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't stop overworking every panel
>try to decrease the amount of finish slowly so it's not that noticeable
>panel gets overworked anyways
>6-8 hours gone

>> No.4797407
File: 745 KB, 1706x913, exports so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go through all your storyboard inking just the outlines/simple linework then come back and detail/shade/whatever with the time you have left after doing so for the entire one-shot.

>> No.4797433


>> No.4797442

Glad you found out about the preview. It’s why I bought it as well. I’m also a huge fan of the in-program paneling, it’s really streamlined the way I make pages.

My story is more lighthearted, but I really want to do something dark and edgy next time. Your pages really give me that itch, haha.

Do you two plan on working on any projects after the contest?

>> No.4797447

>Do you two plan on working on any projects after the contest?
(>>4797407 this guy here) Yeah. I want to take some time (probably a few weeks/months) to work out simpler stylization for character designs and such cos I feel like I'm kinda stiff in that area right now, but yeah my one-shot is like a heavily watered down entry in a series I was planning on making before I heard about the contest. I still plan on starting it in the next few months.

>> No.4797465 [DELETED] 

this is great advice

>> No.4797470
File: 81 KB, 512x604, NMP13P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great advice, thanks
i did consider doing something like that earlier, seems like the best approach

>> No.4797473

Nice! I’m having some trouble with faces. I’m not super familiar with these characters I had to design for the contest. But it makes me consider how stylized vs realistic I want to go for my other works. Kept it as simple as I can since I’m masochistic and wanted to see if I can manage a one shot within a month’s time. I hope I’ll have some extra time left to tweak some faces towards the end.

Do you plan on self publishing your main project?

>> No.4797481
File: 399 KB, 711x841, 49 WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you plan on self publishing your main project?
Yeah. Release schedule similar to a weekly manga except fortnightly instead, so ~20-30 page chapters every 2 weeks is my plan.

'course if (big if) I get contacted by a publisher or decide to contact a publisher myself, for whatever reason, I plan on pitching several different ideas I have, the one this one-shot is based on being one of them.

>> No.4797498
File: 2.52 MB, 2140x3102, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4797503
File: 201 KB, 542x1216, subaru-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, CSP EX turned out being a real good investment for me. ^_^
And yes, I know what you mean! For me, it's just been the opposite.
Usually, I did more lighthearted works... (pic related)
But I always had a morbid fascination for Eldritch aesthetics, and The Thing's creature design has always left a huge impression on me. :P

>plan on working on any projects after the contest?
I was actually working on a game project with my team, and I asked them if I could take a 3 month break to work on this. They were super understanding enough, and I've been focused since.. But once it's over, I'll be going back to working on the game project.
Hopefully, everything I learned during this project can be applied for the project.
If anything, buying CSP EX allows me to play around with their animation tool more in-depth.. So that'll be good. :)

While I don't upload as often.. I do have an Instagram account.
Thanks for the interest! ^_^

>> No.4797512
File: 141 KB, 409x409, 1596228382246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a girl

>> No.4797514

That’s a good plan. Doing something similar too. Hoping of getting far enough so I get the commentary of the judges. I want to hear in what I’m deficient at.
The way I see it, placing high would help me with any publishing deals down the line too.

How do you think you’d manage your weekly release schedule? I did about 18 pages in a week so far, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do another this week. I can’t tell if I’m slowing down or if I lost my sense of time.

>> No.4797521
File: 31 KB, 127x834, jojolion4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you think you’d manage your weekly release schedule?
This won't be my first attempt at doing a manga-style release schedule. Years ago I tried releasing a comic in a similar vein with a weekly schedule. No editor, no assistants, no job to lose, little experience drawing, no experience writing and no solid work ethic meant I would frequently slide a week or two between chapter releases. For a number of reasons I stopped after chapter 23, a little over a year after starting it. That experience taught me that I simply can't do weekly on my own.
That's why this time I'm definitely just going to set the bar to a reachable height. Two weeks allows for a bit of leisure time if the chapter is short, and allows for longer chapters if I'm feeling up to it. It's almost like weekly except not suicidal.
I'd go monthly but personally I think a month is far to long on the internet. It might work in print but people forget far too quickly online, especially self-published.

And yeah I definitely agree that the real prize of this would be feedback from pros. Though I feel like I know most of the flaws in my work already, since they are many and they are glaring.

>> No.4797527
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1595075047375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a scene where the character's memories and present time overlap, they're interacting in the present while wearing their clothes from the past
>Horikoshi drops the exact scene in the latest chapter


>> No.4797530
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>> No.4797534
File: 108 KB, 373x259, sad Rando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While I don't upload as often.. I do have an Instagram account.
Requester here. I remember you from that Mai Shiranui post from last year (I asked for a blog link back then as well). You made some impressive gains since then. At least one of us did.

>> No.4797536

Kohei Horikoshi?

>> No.4797539

Oh, I wasn't expecting the game part. What type of game is it? And what do you work on in it?

I think the first thing I did with CSP EX was fiddle with animation(it was terrible, I suck). But, it's really worth it.

>I'd go monthly but personally I think a month is far to long on the internet. It might work in print but people forget far too quickly online, especially self-published.
Yeah, that's true. Staying relevant on top of finishing the project is the hard part.

>And yeah I definitely agree that the real prize of this would be feedback from pros. Though I feel like I know most of the flaws in my work already, since they are many and they are glaring.
I can't tell just yet. Hopefully once I'm done, I'll be able to tell what I'm lacking. My wip is all over the place.

>> No.4797544
File: 128 KB, 442x640, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kohei Horikoshi?

>> No.4797547

is there any 3d perspective software that can help me draw trees buildings and other geoforms

>> No.4797552

csp has a lot of tools for that idk how to use them though lol

>> No.4797564
File: 25 KB, 739x415, EdqC4JpUYAU4M4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to learn 3d just for that if i ever become a mangaka who dishes out chapters every week I'm definitely going to need to know how to 3d model

>> No.4797571

Hmmm, maybe it was a different person?
I do remember sharing a blog link last month, but I wasn't really active on 4chan last year.
(Unless we corresponded elsewhere? :P)

As corny as this may sound.. I can't really disclose at the moment given that it's a project that is under a company name, and all that jazz.
That being said, everything is still pretty bare-bones anyways, so there's really not much to say ^_^;
But hopefully I can share more when the time comes.
I suppose having that Instagram account is good for something. ;D

>> No.4797579

there's a lot of different ways to go about it, as far as abusing csp for everything it's worth, hamada's streams are a really good way to learn from example
asano's techniques are also worth observing
it is worth learning to do things analog though and you can get really far just by using the perspective tool.
knowledge of traditional illustration principles will always win out in the end imo

>> No.4797586

diff anon here is there like a 3d software that shows shadows in cel shaded form

>> No.4797589

i think you can just set blender to render like that? most dedicated 3d packages can i imagine

>> No.4797590


>> No.4797592
File: 139 KB, 700x486, i made this to laugh at me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was over before it began, the pros are just too good

>> No.4797611

Don’t worry bro, just keep at it.

Ah, I guess my question was more along the lines of what type of game. Rpg ect. Don’t have to go into huge details.

>> No.4797615

>I do remember sharing a blog link last month, but I wasn't really active on 4chan last year.
Never mind. That was me. It seems like I just lost any sense of time.


>> No.4797628

Oh yeah, that's me. :P

We're working on a fighting game. All of us just need to get it out of our system. ^_^;

>> No.4797633

>We're working on a fighting game. All of us just need to get it out of our system. ^_^;
Oh nice! I guess that’s why the animation in CSP EX is an extra boon.

>> No.4797635

>fighting game
Netcode. Which type?

>> No.4797637

>We're working on a fighting game

>> No.4797647
File: 113 KB, 596x557, thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when cleaning up line art, the CSP pens will really shine!
Doing line art in Photoshop kinda sucks imo... And I definitely done a lot of those with PS.. Once I started using CSP (even during the non-EX days), I never looked back when it comes to line art. :P

GGPO of course! Now that it's actually free to license, it's definitely a no-brainer.
But I'm not the programmer, so I'll leave that to the expert. ^_^;

Thanks! I hope we can deliver a worthy experience! Definitely want to channel my inner Capcom and SNK! :)

>> No.4798175
File: 812 KB, 2048x1382, 89786630_670836713747386_8749003679379488768_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it looks like a got a project offer from MD Anderson hospital to do some comics for medical learning all because of my manga pages i sent them >>4787685 and because of this "coronaviruses on a plane" i did for a design class.

exciting so it goes to show you this all good portfolio regardless i guess!

>> No.4798304
File: 865 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20200816-182800_ibisPaint X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know how to generate dog matrix from grayscale images on photoshop or medibang?
I managed to do it in Ibis paint, but I would rather not have to pass every drawing to my phone and back any time I want confirmation of visuals or a final pass.

>> No.4798316
File: 74 KB, 649x445, I messed up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dot matrix*

>> No.4798336
File: 180 KB, 386x395, Screen Shot 2020-08-16 at 11.55.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a live stream on pixiv


>> No.4798403

>layer-convert to 8 bit
>double click on picture in the rightside panel - halftone

>> No.4798438
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1040, e664c502fcac518a7d808864633b06f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifesaver friend
I'm going to have to play around with some setting . It's coming out a bit too muddy for my liking, this is after levels.
Are there curves or other brightness and contrast controls in medibang?
Thanks a bunch!

>> No.4798644
File: 103 KB, 422x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tutorial or tip for making curly hair look good in manga?

>> No.4799190
File: 1.22 MB, 292x278, protip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a drawing of curly hair you like and copy the shit out of it. It's not like there's some magic hair curling tool.
REAL PROTIPPING HOURS: A lot of the time dark hair is rendered with a brush pen, so a thick heavily tapered hard round brush does the job. As I said, find a drawing of hair you want to draw like and copy it.

>> No.4799298

>buying CSP EX allows me to play around with their animation tool more in-depth
Remember to use OpenToonz for the coloring.
I've seen far too many people try to do the coloring in CSP and it just makes them waste way more time.

>> No.4799303
File: 47 KB, 320x320, shimizu_thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh! This is news to me. Thanks so much for sharing this. ^_^

>> No.4799399

I've always wanted to do character designs for a fighting game, so this sounds really neat.

I'm actually working with a group that's putting together an action-combat multiplayer game, but it's in a western style so I can't scratch the weeb itch unfortunately. The other part of why I kinda fell out of the contest is because we're expecting to hit alpha soon. Best of luck with your game anon, hope it turns out well.

>> No.4799401

Also, do you have a Twitter as well?

>> No.4799424

Thanks! ^_^
It'll be a long ways to go.. But I'm excited for the prospects. Hopefully it can turn out to be something special (well, don't we all hope something like that? :P)

Sorry, no. ^_^;
I deleted Twitter 2 years ago. Felt good.
I knew I actually had a problem when I found myself typing, 't-w-i' when I open a new tab. Took me maybe a month before I stopped doing that. ^_^;;;
I made a Parler and Minds account, but I rarely log in. I guess I just wanted to nab the username if they turn out to be huge later.
All the latest works are posted on Instagram. But I mainly use it to stalk other artists and pretty people. ;P

>> No.4799472

Is there a way to set hand tool to Middle click on Medibang Paint Pro?

>> No.4799473


fucking faggot

>> No.4799481
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, gQyWNgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah cool guy alert

>> No.4799490

Ah, oh well. I only have a Twitter, so I was curious. There's some nice stuff on your instagram page though.

>> No.4799491

retarded nigger back to r*ddit

>> No.4799524
File: 182 KB, 728x1038, prison-school-anime-t-shirt-manga-anime-prison-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i render like this and is this style too much for manga

>> No.4799530

>how do i render like this
Airbrush for the shadows converted into screentone.
>is this style too much for manga
It's literally a manga.

>> No.4799539
File: 715 KB, 1280x720, Manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the CSP asset store and grab some of the free simple shapes that people uploaded.

You can be lazy and rip 100s of free 3d assets then drop them into Blender or UE4
Combine it with the right shader or do a paint over.

For Blender look up BlenderNPR meaning "non-Photo Realism", tho it is mostly for 3d animation that tries to mimics 2D. (lot of twitter users doing this)
There are plugins for converting 3d to 2d most are cost a lil money unless you wanna recreate them using tuts

For poses you can use the ones CSP has or grab a free character/animation from Mixamo then import them into Blender, then pause the animation on the frame/pose you want and draw over it. (tho it is still better to exaggerate poses so they are less stiff)

Blender's Grease Pencil is pretty good too as you can just throw down some lines in 3d space and experiment with blocking out shots. (tho scale will be an issue if you are too negligent)

While UE4 doesn't have many guides for stylized shaders/renders you get the Quixel asset library for free.
and it gives you Mixer 2020 so you can manually stylize all the assets if you want.

Here is a Mangaka who uses it, most likely with kitbashing kits

This guy uses Vroid Studio + Mixamo + UE4

>a mangaka who dishes out chapters every week I'm definitely going to need to know how to 3d model
Your gonna need to know how to simplify your work for pure speed. Often brushes can be faster than 3D models of trees
Doesn't matter how many 3d assets you use if every panel has so much detail you take for ever to paint over or set up shots.


>> No.4799554

hows your manuscript goin bud

>> No.4799612

Thank you thank you! :)
Hopefully once this contest ends, I can try and do some more simple pieces on the side and upload now and then. ^_^;

>> No.4799625

doesnt even make sense you drooling reddit nigger. poat your shit piss garbage trash art so i can laugh, loser.

>> No.4799637

These are great references.
Thanks for sharing anon! :)

>> No.4799646
File: 232 KB, 768x1100, p57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two weeks left

>> No.4799647

Hang in there! Give it your best! ^_^

>> No.4799659

Bit of a protip. As someone who bought Kitbash’s assets. Don’t buy kitbash’s assets. They’re actually quite shit and you can find better stuff for much cheaper on the unreal engine store. I’m still dabbling in 3D and on how to incorporate that into my workflow. I can definitely see the potential as it’s basically like setting up a set in cinema. But it does take a lot of preproduction time as well as technical knowhow on how to use UE4/Blender, which I’m still learning, but am focusing on just doing things by hand while I learn.

>> No.4799669

I-I’m not stressed! You’re stressed!

>> No.4799699

I mean... I’ve got like 5 pages left. Doing 2 day isn’t hard, and in the last 2 weeks I blasted out like 30. I’m just gonna wrap up 3-4 more between today and tomorrow. Take a trip to Osaka on Wed. And finish off the last spread, as well as some panels I wanna redraw on the week I’m back at work. Should be done the weekend before the deadline, and have it uploaded by then.

In all truth, I’m actually kinda sick of it, as its narrative flaws are staring at me in the face, and I kinda just wanna move onto the next one.

I’m glad that from here on, barring the short oneshot for March’s contest, I’m gonna be dealing mostly with manuscripts. That’ll help me more quickly develop my weaker aspects (the writing).

>> No.4799702

>They’re actually quite shit and you can find better stuff for much cheaper on the unreal engine store.
Yea Id say another drawback is the lack of knowledge with why some buildings are designed the way they are.
So you got guys like Shadversity ripping into fantasy castles as having nonsensical designs.

>> No.4799705

>In all truth, I’m actually kinda sick of it, as its narrative flaws are staring at me in the face, and I kinda just wanna move onto the next one.
I feel kind of the same. And have moments where I like the writing and moment where I hate it.

>I’m glad that from here on, barring the short oneshot for March’s contest
There's a March contest too?

>> No.4799716

I’d say check out some reviews on the kit specifically. There’s a lot of issues with them. For one, they’re not primed for UE4, even though they’re advertised as such. It actually takes a bit of work to prepare them for UE, rather than being ready for that right out of the box. They say the assets are modular, but they’re actually not. You don’t really have the pieces necessary to build your own props. You get just the premade buildings and that’s it. And worst yet, they’re not fully modelled nor textured, meaning there are several parts that are just invisible as they have no texture. Like perhaps only the front, or the outside. They’re also not built for gameplay (irrelevant to us, but still), meaning walking in or up certain structures is impossible, and their polycount isn’t optimized for performance. All of this would be good and fine... IF they didn’t charge a ridiculous premium for their assets. They charge like 10x more than what you can find on the UE Assets store, despite being way worse in overall quality and use. In short. Don’t waste your money.

>> No.4799719

>There's a March contest too?
Japanese only. Tezuka is every March and September in Japan. You can enter from abroad if you translate into Japanese. Just go to Jump’s contest page and you’ll see the link to submit online.

>> No.4799723

>Japanese only.
Ah, I see!
My Japanese is super basic, so I'll probably not participate.

Are you the guy who I spoke about your writer a while ago?

>> No.4799724

Unreal Engine said a new update from kitbash had them optimized for UE4 tho.

ahh well I usually stick to Quixel assets.

>> No.4799749
File: 261 KB, 1170x801, CLIPStudioPaint_oycArQXkPk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's me.

We've agreed to split some projects so they're made by one person. I'll be handling the Alice and Tiger Square pilots, though primarily focusing on Alice. And he'll work on the Dark Western pilot, and the "Don't Fear the Reaper" one shot for March Tezuka.

Once this one is wrapped up, I'm gonna shift my full focus on developing Alice. Characters, designs, the manuscript, outline for the first arc, moster designs, themes, and illustrations that help sell the idea. The biggest thing though, since my weakest point is writing. Will be on the manuscript, and if I find I'm satisfied with the one for Ch.1 (or zero since it's a pilot), then I'll probably write some stuff for subsequent chapters. Not only to have stuff ready should it be approved, but also to get more practice in. I've also got a couple other ideas for potential story pitches that could work. So I might write rough outlines of those as well, try to develop them.

As far as my friends goes. He says he's working on the DW atm. I'm basically just gonna leave him to his own devices. Once he delivers what he's made, go over it with him as an editor, see what could be improved, and once that's ready, if it can make for a good story, make art for it as well, and pitch it. In all honesty, as a short project, I wouldn't mind doing like a 3-volume sorta thing with a project like the DW before jumping into Alice. Just a confidence thing. But ultimately I'm gonna leave those decisions in the hands of an editor. The goal is to just come forth with various different pitches, and let them choose/give feedback on what needs to be improved.

No idea. Last time I tried to mess around with it was like... 2 months ago? I spent several days trying to get everything to work, rather than just being able to jump in and use it how I expected. Learning how to use this will be part of what I do once I'm done with Rosenrot.

>> No.4799767

>Last time I tried to mess around with it was like... 2 months ago
New update just came out 5 days ago so they work better with UE4

>> No.4799786

>The biggest thing though, since my weakest point is writing.
The reason why I decided to participate last minute is to have my writing tested. I'm a particularly harsh critic of story, but I can't tell if I'm actually improving or giving myself slack.

The key notes I want to hit with the submission is.
>Finish in time
>Likable/memorable characters
>Entertaining story
>Satisfactory ending

>> No.4799842
File: 87 KB, 802x565, CLIPStudioPaint_lWr1uJSyve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally figuring out how to replicate dry brush strokes in CSP.

>> No.4800050
File: 1.57 MB, 1954x2218, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what I'm looking forward to the most is the opportunity to write a bunch, post those manuscripts and outlines in a bunch of places, like here, certain discord groups, and from some Youtubbers that focus on teaching screenwriting like Hello Future Me and Tyler Mowery, and just getting feedback on what I can do to improve.

Like, I wanna tell Alice (as well as a bunch of other stories), but I wanna do it GOOD. Full of confidence in what I'm committing to ink is truly capturing the essence of these stories and putting them out there for people to enjoy. Up until now, my experience with writing has been like a shot in the dark. Not really being fully confident of what I'm doing, like I'm guessing, and feeling out what MIGHT be good. I really wanna nail down my ability to execute, to make readers FEEL things when they read what I put down. Otherwise, I feel like I'm going to squander what I think are actually pretty interesting premises for story due to my inexperience.

Here's some roughs for the designs for the two main characters for that.

Cheers. I mean, I already paid for like 300$ worth of assets from them, so might as well put them to use. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.4800061

Why did you split it up when it's essentially a single image?

>> No.4800065

>but I wanna do it GOOD. Full of confidence
this is honestly what short stories and fanfiction are good for, taking the fear away so you can just run wild with the structure without feeling like you're destroying your dream project. good writing can't be stiff.

>> No.4800068

Not him but it's obviously meant to convey the passage of time. It's used all the time to convey transitions between scenes and such, it's just a method of conveying a panning shot without requiring much page space.

At least, that's how it's typically used and how I'm assuming it's intended to be in this case.

>> No.4800092

Yep. I've definitely seen a gradual improvement over the projects I've made with my friend. From the Trump manga(s), to the eSports one shot, to the Tiger Square one shot, to the eSports ch.1, to Rosenrot. Short stories are good, because they allow you to quickly iterate, or create and scrap. I have a bunch of half-baked ideas that I plan on using as practice to write more short stories, and it's also why I'm starting off Alice as a monster of the week sorta deal, because that style to serialilzation, kinda captures the same style of writing as you use in short stories, while still fleshing out the world and setting and characters in a longer narrative. Especially since, in my experience, I've found that writing longer arcs, and writing short stories take two totally different approachers, with the former in my opinion, being a lot easier to do. At least for me.

I've also dabbled in fanfiction a bit. Though not much. Outside of doing the "how to fix the Star Wars Sequels" bit back when I actually gave a shit about that, I did do a "how would I rewrite the Cell and Buu sagas in DBZ" which I did post here on /ic/ back when we had the thread for it. They've both been well recieved, especially by friends here who've told me to make that into a doujin manga. But again, that's like, longer style writing, which to me, is a lot easier than trying to spark and create emotion and grab a reader's interest with a short 31 or 55 page one shot or the like.

So the plan, going forward, will be to simply write a lot in within all these universes and the like that I've built, and kinda compile what I've got. Throw out a bunch of stuff, pick the best, and then flesh that out, and show that to an editor. Out of all the ideas and the like that I've got, the two that grab me the most due to the concept and characters though are Alice and Tiger Square. They're the two that I'm gonna treat with more care, as I'm not exactly willing to sacrifice those.

>> No.4800096

I also wanna add, that I find that fanfiction is a lot less useful for developing your skills, at least in my opinion, because you're working with someone else's established characters and universe, plus, in the case of rewriting other people's stories, you've also got hindsight, when for me, the hardest past of writing is carving out that initial narrative path in the darkness. When you've gotta bring your own characters to life, create your own power systems, settings, and so on... that's way harder, I think at least.

>> No.4800100

This. It's a lot easier to critique and fix something long after it was made, even when you made it. Creating something out of nothing is so many levels harder than they're pretty incomparable.

>> No.4800187

>Like, I wanna tell Alice (as well as a bunch of other stories), but I wanna do it GOOD. Full of confidence in what I'm committing to ink is truly capturing the essence of these stories and putting them out there for people to enjoy.
Man, I fully get you. I'm on the same path. I think I've found "my voice" as it were, now I'm just putting it to the test. If I don't place absolutely anywhere with my submission, I'll know I'm full of shit and have to get back to the drawing board.

I said before that I like your gothic style. And I mean it. I prefer this Alice design to your Red Witch one too. And I have a soft spot for small iris dudes. I think I have one in every thing I've written recently.

I'll just sign off by agreeing with these posts.

>> No.4800235

In addition to the sources anons linked
Look at works you like and try to break down what makes their writing good. The purpose of different characters in the narrative, how the pacing is arranged,...
Besides writing a lot yourself, that's how you learn the most desü

>> No.4800253
File: 522 KB, 1911x1073, 52 WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there bros.

>> No.4800286

Stop chicken scratching

>> No.4800507

man it really sucks to see sad people ruining wholesome threads ):

we are all rooting for u anon <3 ! hope ur art improves :)

>> No.4800696
File: 50 KB, 768x1024, 1594311123535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two pages to go and then some dialogue fixes

>> No.4801506
File: 350 KB, 380x337, deep concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I losing my google-fu skills, or is there literally no such thing as a functional indexing site for webcomics and manhwa, with user ratings and reviews, tags, listing the number of chapters and whether a story has been completed?

>> No.4801551

To my knowledge, no. It's very fragmented. Anyone who made something like that would be a fucking hero, but good luck cataloging every single 2 chapter webcomic that johnny-18 year old made over a month and promptly abandoned or being able to tell the difference between that and actual legit stuff worth cataloging. You would need to allow everyone to make entries, which obviously has its own problems.
Not to mention good luck getting people to find it and use it since you probably won't be hosting all these webcomics and shit because the creators will probably want readers to visit their blog or website or wherever where they get advertising revenue and have links to their patreon or fantia and shit.

>> No.4801563

Mangakakalot tries to but it is not always accurate.

>> No.4801619

This contest taught me just how green and jank I am. I know some /ic/ threads are "NGMI" and crab bucket mentality but I'm not entirely sad about knowing my weaknesses, but rather, I'm adamant about fixing them. Manga is something I adore but, I think before I can do actual good manga, I have to go full retard into painting and realism... Then, knowing everything well, I can bend and simplify rules to my whims.
Does anyone know any good books to get started with more realistic-like rendering? Even if it's stuff like what Robutts does.

>> No.4801621

>good luck getting people to find it and use it
It sucks to admit this, but you're right. People who never saw a pre-social media internet just don't get why they would do anything other than search for "top ten best good webcomics 2020 to read" on youtube and have some influencer sort through the mountains of content for them.

>> No.4801630
File: 56 KB, 394x474, blueperiod1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manga is something I adore but, I think before I can do actual good manga, I have to go full retard into painting and realism... Then, knowing everything well, I can bend and simplify rules to my whims.
Bad idea anon. Best way to get good at making manga is to make manga. Learning how to render will only teach you things you should be learning while making manga anyway, and you don't get the benefit of also learning all the other shit involved in storytelling. Just draw what you want to draw, observe from life and observe the art you want to draw like and challenge yourself in the process and you'll naturally improve.
Also read the fucking sticky.

>> No.4801648
File: 74 KB, 850x500, d1056eb8b0cdb7a7734d03f4a1149e3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where by "sort through mountains of content" I mean: do a quick google search, find around 20 recommendations from reddit, yahoo answers and cbr, skim through the first couple chapters, drop 8, read up to chapter 30-ish on the rest and sort them (if 11 and 12 are decent, turn them into honorary mentions), do another quick google search on your 1-3 spots to make sure they don't drop the ball later on, and start blabbering at your expensive studio mic that doesn't sound all that great because you haven't set it up properly and you don't really get mic technique anyway.

>> No.4801651

>I have to go full retard into painting and realism...

What this guy >>4801630 said.

Learn construction, practice inking, study composition and flow. Manga is a bit more demanding than just drawing simple illustrations. Every panel needs to properly convey what's happening in the scene or the reader will be lost.

If you look at some of the contest submissions, some have really good art. But, fail to make reading their work easy on the reader. It's either too cluttered, the artist refuses to draw more backgrounds so you never know where in the scene things are happening ect.
Your best bet is to study the pros.

>> No.4801668

I understand what you say although I was ssaying realism more because... Well, I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I've been reading One Piece for the first time ever and from the first chapter alone I noticed Oda must be painting his art with copics, then photocopied to turn them into screentones. What I'm getting at, is that you can see actual mass on Luffy's arms through shading, unlike the anime version. That kind of rendering is pleasant. Maybe I should do 4 komas to get a better hang of it?

It's just I see stuff like what Frazetta did, really kickass paintings for comicbooks while also drawing comics as well, it might be selfish or self-indulgent, but I wish to at least get close to that level.

Maybe also read even more manga? When I was a teenager I was mainly an anime watcher, but maybe I should read more manga and understand the composition.

>> No.4801691

I think I should also explain myself because
>inb4" If you "adore" manga why did you mainly watch anime?"
I adore the Japanese style of fiction. Anime was just what I had available to me easier than manga during those years. I could buy a manga volume (Shaman King) once every few months because the only store in my home city with them was far from my home, but I could watch anime (Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, Medarot, what have you) on Tv any time. And then Ocarina of Time's artwork awoke something on me and got me thinking "yeah I wanna create stuff and tell stories!".

>> No.4801708
File: 150 KB, 721x610, angledensetsu18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I've been reading One Piece for the first time ever and from the first chapter alone I noticed Oda must be painting his art with copics, then photocopied to turn them into screentones.
No you godamn fool, he's not converting copics into screentones. What you're talking about is the COLOR PAGES that were originally published IN COLOR that were converted into monochrome in the volume release for whatever reason. You don't need to learn how to fucking paint to color this shit you dingus, you just need to use bright eyecatching colors and do normal ass shading that you will learn by just making manga anyway. It uses the same fundamental principles as all drawing or painting does.
>Maybe also read even more manga? When I was a teenager I was mainly an anime watcher, but maybe I should read more manga and understand the composition.
That's what I am telling you, yes. How the fuck can you expect to make a good anything if you have minimal understanding of the tools or practices of the medium in question?

Frankly dude you come across as someone fresh out of school who thought it would be easy to make a comic, failed hard and now think it's because you're not a master painter or whatever. That's not it at all. You suck because you have no experience. How do you improve? By doing and failing and doing again and again as you gradually improve, lose progress, regain progress, give up, try again, sweat and bleed and eventually lose your humility in the cloud of drawing and writing, moving ever forward.
In other words just fucking draw.

>> No.4801759

>No you godamn fool, he's not converting copics into screentones. What you're talking about is the COLOR PAGES that were originally published IN COLOR that were converted into monochrome in the volume release for whatever reason.
Wait, stop, were the pages where Gold Roger was originally executed and such originally full color?

>> No.4801767

>Frankly dude you come across as someone fresh out of school who thought it would be easy to make a comic
Oh how I wish this was the truth. More like trapped in a boring office job, going in my head "wait no I fucking hate this, I want to create things, I wanna git gud and make stuff to feel accomplished of, I can't deal with this life of office any longer"

>> No.4801769
File: 255 KB, 784x1145, Mashle - Ch. 1 - 001 (VIZ) [Digital] [Intervención].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, go look at ANY WSJ manga's first few pages. It's very very common for new series to get color pages to help promote their first chapter. Not just in WSJ either.

>> No.4801771

>Wait, stop, were the pages where Gold Roger was originally executed and such originally full color?

>> No.4801773

Okay that I didn't knew. Thanks for clearing that up, I was thinking here "madman, how are you making your screentones in the late 90's like that!?"

>> No.4801782

Anon go to YouTube , type in “manben” and watch those videos.

>> No.4801789

Right away. Thanks.

>> No.4801859

do this.
find a way to save them to storage if you can, they're incredibly rewatchable and comforting.
man beeeeEEEEEn

>> No.4802111

i third this

>> No.4802231
File: 426 KB, 650x904, TezukaMangaSubmission_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp.. I think I'm at the finish line.
I'll be uploading my oneshot probably tomorrow, or sometime this week. I'll go through it one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Thanks to everyone who made this journey more educational and motivational. :)

And good luck to everyone who's participating!
I'll be rooting you on!

>> No.4802260
File: 43 KB, 362x240, angledensetsu7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big grats bro. Wish I was you right now. I'm drawing my final page today, but still need to go back and draw backgrounds for more than half the one-shot, do the handful of pages I skipped and finish off every part I left for later. THEN draw the cover.
This is going to be a painfully long and yet frustratingly short 13 days.

>> No.4802274

I've been there, and while it's not the most pleasant step... There's satisfaction in seeing your previous panel looking better than before. ^_^

And yes, the cover definitely can take up a lot of time.. But I've seen previous winners just take an excerpt from their comic and just use that as their cover. Some I've seen them just choose the 1st page, and leave it at that.
I guess at the end of the day, if the story and art is solid, that's what the judges will be looking at anyways.

Keep up the hard work! Looking forward to seeing your work on the Medibang site. ^_^

>> No.4802947

What a thrill! Sigh.. Now I'm exhausted ^_^;
Okay! Back to work. :P

Good luck again to everyone participating!

>> No.4803010


>> No.4803034
File: 2.90 MB, 2097x2718, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803084

Looks great.
Something feels off about the shading on the forehead but that's just my persobal taste.

>> No.4803091


>1.1k views already

wow good job man!

>> No.4803094



sorry i guess you're a girl lol

>> No.4803144

Haha, all good. ^_^
It's not like ppl can tell immediately on 4chan anyways. :P
Also, thank you for the kind words!

>> No.4803165

Not that guy, but I like to guess by the artstyle. Guessed right from a while back.
That and your writing style.

Anyway, congratulations on completing your first manuscript!

>> No.4803210
File: 72 KB, 320x320, usgyuuun_heart1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803364

I missed this message =A=;
Thank you! :)
I wonder if I went a bit too overboard.. ^_^;

>> No.4803466
File: 3.25 MB, 2140x3102, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally done with the 12th page ;__;;

>> No.4803511

You're getting there! :)

>> No.4803544

how do you shade in monochrome?

>> No.4803562
File: 276 KB, 1012x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use screentones.
All they gray you see in manga is actually small black dots that our eyes perceive as gray because of an optical illusion.

>> No.4803721

Or hatching
Or stipling

>> No.4804481
File: 6 KB, 220x220, Tgtt_26_kamina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow good job

>> No.4804483
File: 138 KB, 1200x630, cryfeaturedimage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I learned you can draw in the trim margin

>> No.4805042

Thank you! ^_^

>> No.4805121
File: 14 KB, 488x176, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small update on the illusive 'to color or not to color cover art' topic.
While the Medibang staff confirmed on Twitter that it should be on monochrome, I don't think they'll disqualify you for having your covers in color.
Here's an excerpt from one of the contestants who have a colored cover.
Hope this eases any unneeded stress about how to approach your cover art.
Just do as you please! :)

>> No.4805212
File: 1.41 MB, 2140x3102, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pg13 pre screentones

>> No.4805390

Nooo, it's more the fact that it's transversal shading (in this case sort of vertical), it requires a lot more finesse (conscious spacing and following the form of the object).

>> No.4806912

I'm squeezing every last minute I can get until the deadline for the contest - does anyone know if the 12:00 JST deadline on September 1st is midnight (when August 31st becomes September 1st) or noon on September 1st? I'm guessing the latter considering Japan generally uses the 24 hour time clock and they would have put 00:00 JST on the submission information page, but I don't want to have the submission window close on me before I upload my stuff because of that assumption.

>> No.4807074
File: 1.07 MB, 1584x2230, Screenshot_2020-08-20 top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone used this?

>> No.4807077
File: 120 KB, 350x418, 1588929464223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just found out there's an existing manga with the EXACT same premise i have.

>> No.4807089

Interesting. Would use it to prototype a comic with.

>> No.4807096

Who cares? Why do you care? You should know that it's all about the execution.

>> No.4807125
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 195coa8pc6ji2jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that ever stopped anyone
wondering about this too
you should probably upload on 8/30 just to be safe imo

>> No.4807189

must the drawing style be the same as the generic anime style or can i use mine?

>> No.4807260
File: 514 KB, 763x1079, Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 9.02.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see why you can't use your own drawing style

i'm using a combination of my own and the generic animu style

but you might wanna hurry pally theres only 10 days left!

>> No.4807431
File: 602 KB, 759x1080, Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 10.48.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pg 13 done

i have 23 pages total counting the cover...

10 pages with 10 days left...

>> No.4807435

Where can I get this for free?

>> No.4807512

keep on grinding bros
we're all gonna make it!

>> No.4807583
File: 35 KB, 240x240, usgyuuun_cheer2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up anon, you can do it!

>> No.4807586
File: 150 KB, 320x320, usgyuuun_dancing1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rooting for all of you!

>> No.4807675
File: 139 KB, 780x381, b6KzHwR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who the fuck cares.

I'm developing a game and just recently found two games that at a glance look identical to my concept. If I let that stop me I'd never finish anything.

>> No.4807813

I think it's going to be a thing you come across more and more as you keep creating.
I had a character design made with an orange shirt with a star in the middle + blue hot pants, thinking it was simple and elegant.. Only to see someone show me Steven Universe some time later.
The character is nothing alike, but the orange shirt (w star) and blue pants really caught me off guard. Didn't help they both had black hair. ^_^;;

Sure enough, there were quite a few entries with the current contest that had a lot of vampires in it, and some felt conceptually similar to mine.
That being said, all of the execution were very different, and while it's kind of unsettling to see that type of similarities.. You just keep going.
If it's different enough, don't let it bother you. If it's too close for comfort, you can adjust as much as possible.
That's what I did with my character design. :)

>> No.4808487
File: 2.85 MB, 4299x6071, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks ^_^

covers done

>> No.4808586

vampires and police stories will always be pretty popular, with any story how you really set yourself apart are the characters and your directorial choices. no one would ever confuse nypd blue for columbo or the wire... i mean for fuck's sake, how many westerns and john wayne movies are there?
walking on previously tread ground also gives you a lot of allowance to go *weirder*. jojo gets away with being what it is b/c the audience already understands the concept of vampires and knows the beats of a traditional vampire story, same thing with eva.
oh and i really liked your story anon.

>> No.4808789
File: 845 KB, 1831x905, screentones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a free screentone set for Clip Studio Paint?
Everything is fucking paywalled in the official page.

>> No.4808811

Yes you need to filter your search for only the free shit. You can also just go download every screen tone in medibang paint library and use those in clip studio. :)

Also its not hard to make your own screen tones in clip, you know. I've had no trouble replicating some deleter tones in there

>> No.4808815

Yes, but most of the free stuff isn't in the resolution required for manga making (600dpi) since most of it is just color patterns.
The basic stuff is still behind a paywall.

>> No.4808828

Anon did you not read the manual?
CSP already has plenty of screentones that you generate with a tone layer.

you can select the area u want using lasso/wand then click Tone
you can go in Effects under Layer properties to convert everything in that layer to a tone.
There is a guide somewhere on the tips site that tells you how to properly size the tones so it doesn't look like shit but I'm too lazy to look for it.

>> No.4808834

The stuff from medibang is uploaded in 300/600 dpi dude. Use that stuff or do what this guy >>4808828 said and learn to make your own tones. Seriously it isn't hard.

>> No.4808837


>> No.4808871

You also don’t have to use tones. A lot of manga tends to look better when they don’t. Dragonball is a good example of one. I’d also say that for beginners, you should learn how to make pages look good using just ink before using screentones.

>> No.4808996
File: 89 KB, 583x363, Capture13a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks! ^_^
Hopefully my take on vampires + buddy cop + The Thing/Eldritch creatures has its audience. ;P

>> No.4809039
File: 2.22 MB, 4299x6071, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must...keeep gooiiignnng

>> No.4809098

Saaaame... stoped caring about every single line and dramatically increased my speed. Hope it ends up looking okay.

>> No.4809336

What fonts are you guys using?

>> No.4809357

Went to the Kyoto manga museum today. Couldn’t take photos, but it was awesome. If you’re interested in making manga, you owe it to yourself to check it out some day.

>> No.4809412
File: 431 KB, 1600x2000, CYBERNETIC INTELLIGENCE WILL ALWAYS BE SUPERIOUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the trash/beg/?

>> No.4809453

You asking for advice or what’s up?

>> No.4809489


you could say I do ask for advice

>> No.4809516

Well besides telling you to study more anatomy. The first thing to fix would be your line work. If you can get into a habit of connecting lines with confident strokes you’d see the image pop out more. Next thing would be to not rely on tones too much. I don’t recommend using a soft brush to create highlights. There are better tools like tone scraping. But I don’t know what program you use. In traditional, tones are scraped with an exacto knife. To mimic that you can use a hard brush and crosshatch erase/apply white.

>> No.4809561
File: 689 KB, 781x639, Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 9.15.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep it up fellow anon!

i'm still using stabilize 100 and sharp angles to keep my lines "clean" as one of my friends said "wow this is one of your cleanest works yet!"

I've got thumbnail sketches of the rest of the chapter done (pic related) and
what i'm skimping on is generally keeping the panels simple by having the faces close up and just keeping it 1-2 screentones so i can finish in time.

>> No.4809571

A good way to imitate the tone scraping with the xacto blade would be a stipple brush.

>> No.4809602
File: 927 KB, 1061x1500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4809679

>Release Date: 2 days ago

yo the amount of exposure this contest gets you is nuts...

>> No.4809712

The real question is how much of that translates into a gain on your actual following. A lot of momentary views on single works like this don't translate to much; people blow up with tens of thousands of reactions and retweets on twitter and still end up only having 2-3k followers at the end of it all.

>> No.4809719
File: 602 KB, 1600x2000, ColoredversionmandoIsuckatboth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use Clip Studio Debut, it has basic screen tone layers available, then I cut and erase it according to requirements set by earlier layers.

This is a screen tone version of this character.

How do I master the art of beautiful long lines anon?

>> No.4809727

WildWords and Komika!

>> No.4809757

I got like 50k two years ago when I posted. At the time I was fairly convinced it musta been bots or some shit. I doubt Medibang pulls a lot of traffic, given how few GOOD manga they have. Especially 2 years ago. Idk how much it musta changed since then.

>> No.4809770


>> No.4809790
File: 62 KB, 613x852, line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I master the art of beautiful long lines anon?

Practice doing long lines. They might start off a bit wonky, but you'll just have to keep at it. Focus your eyes on where you want the line to go, don't look at your pen tip because you're nervous. Don't be afraid to start over (especially digital). Mileage comes with repetition, don't give up if you suck at first.

One thing that helped me is not sketching with soft brushes. I now sketch everything with the ink pens in CSP. Turnip pen is probably my favorite sketching pen.

>> No.4809847
File: 410 KB, 800x1192, Badoom-3p_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,
I actually forgot that I wanted to do this.
I wanted to make something special for it, but I won't have the time.
Am I allowed to just submit an arch from my webtoons comic?

>You may submit works that you previously uploaded in a different website. (With the exception of works published in commercial magazines / commercial websites
does webtoons count as a commercial website?

>> No.4809851

Do people make money off of it? If so, yes.

>> No.4809854

>does webtoons count as a commercial website?
Not, unless they pay you for the content. As in, being under their contract.

>> No.4809946


Thank you!!

>> No.4809947

Sorry, I hate being the barer of bad news....
Webtoons is not just a commercial website. They own full exclusive rights to your work. Posting this page here would be considered against their terms of service.
>8. Intellectual Property and Other Rights
> Digital Content is licensed by the copyright owner to NAVER WEBTOON
> All Digital Content and the Service, including intellectual property rights herein and thereto, are the property of NAVER WEBTOON or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third-party licensors. You may not reproduce, distribute, rent, lease, sell, license, copy, modify, publicly perform or display, transfer, transmit, publish, edit, adapt, prepare derivative works based on, or otherwise use Digital Content except as expressly authorized by this Agreement. NAVER WEBTOON reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.

It's a piece of trash move. Their terms of service are complete overkill. They are written in big letters and in plain english, but they are a complete longshot from their friendly loose advertising of "come in and read and make comics!". Even though it's not illegal, they are clearly working under the assumption that nobody will read their terms of service, which grant them ridiculous rights. The fact that it's not a platform, but an agency, makes it real shady.
I really don't like companies like that. It's a real eyebrow raiser when a company pretends to be friendly but is structured like a scam.
There are ways to terminate your deal, although, they hand an "amend" clause, which allows them to change anything they want at any time.
I'm sorry if this made your day worse, but I have good news.
This magazine this contest is run by is called weekly shonen jump for a reason. As professionals,we should be able to make a manga in a week.
If it puts you at east, the winner of the tezuka 100 contest haven't even started drawing his pages yet.

>> No.4809951

>If it puts you at east, the winner of the tezuka 100 contest haven't even started drawing his pages yet.
Well shit! I stared too soon! :(

>> No.4809972

not saying they aren't shady but I'm not sure that's the case.
Webtoon Originals are owned by Webtoons but Canvas comics aren't
Canvas comics are owned by the creator and can be posted on other comic sites.

>> No.4809974
File: 80 KB, 1028x800, 1557533521481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you started just in time, friend.

>> No.4809987

Now I’m sure to win. Thank based fren!

>> No.4810025

I've never looked into webtoons. I checked the TOS to help out anon.
I never heard of canvas comics, but their terms of service say plain and clear
> All Digital Content and the Service, including intellectual property rights herein and thereto, are the property of NAVER WEBTOON or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third-party licencors.
To me that sounds like a bottom line saying "we own your work".
Notice how they specifically say IP, and not copyright.
I don't think they guard it much, but if they have a work that makes money that is their and was theirs they could screw you over.

On the other hand, look at what TAPAS IO rights for their terms of service:
>Tapas Media does not claim ownership rights of your Content. Your Content belongs to you and Tapas Media does not restrict you from using your Content for any purpose unless stated in additional terms for other programs or offerings Tapas Media may provide.
Further down they explain that only if you agree to participate in them it becomes a commercial publishing, and even then, the rights they ask for is non exclusive.

Either way. I don't understand much about online publication. Just please read the terms of service and look into any platform you intend to upload your works to. There are a lot of people trying to make a pretty penny of your work. Make sure you take the time to check twice, especially if its to host a project that will last you a while.

>> No.4810039
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 11b2651c2a5ed34ddbfbdccfe48c25d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho? Is that right?
May the best man win

>> No.4810053


Also, how inaccurate is the anatomy of the charecter?

>> No.4810114
File: 176 KB, 1065x380, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canvas is just the section of Webtoons where the majority of people upload their comics.
This is from the creator faq section.

I feel you tho, i think people should be vigilant about this kind of thing,
however I don't think it is as you said that uploading onto their platform allows them to instantly own your creation.

>> No.4810118

It’s not too bad, but could use some polish. I think the drapery distracts a lot, since it doesn’t sit on the girl too well.

How far along are you? What you writing about?

>> No.4810163
File: 740 KB, 763x1080, Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 3.09.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pagina fouteennn

>> No.4810168

anyone who's submitted already know what file size is good? i see 600 dpi in the rules but but no other specifications. im assuming bigger is better, but im also worried about moire patterning if i upload huge files and medibang auto resizes them

>> No.4810269

I see. Thanks! I really hope you are right.
I know there are a lot of hard working people putting their work on these types of platform. Nothing sounds worse than trying to grow out of a publication, then being met with legal screw overs and your IP being locked away for good.
I have the design of the main character, and I've finished writing the summery, characyer intro, main series of events about 15 seconds ago.
I might share it along with the design of the MC.
It's about A rogue soldier who wants to fight for justice from the shadow and a commander who insists on finding the path to what's right through doing things the right way, and their first meeting on the battlefield.

>> No.4810294

Have yet to submit but...
>jump paint
>new manga
>canvas size
>jump manga size grayscale
hgiht = 33.3cm
DPI= 600
That would be my best guess since it's an officially endorsed source, it's literally has the competition linked with it and was endorsed as the official paint tool for it.

>> No.4810296

You’re really going for the week thing huh? I’m about 20ish pages in and still have to draft a few pages to tie things together.

Is your style really simple or do you just work that fast?

>> No.4810458
File: 514 KB, 1754x1275, RO small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, but I'd be lying if I said it was intentional.
I found out about the contest early august.
Developing the idea is the most time consuming part.
I only cracked the last piece of the puzzle about 2 hours ago
I draw fast
This took me a little less than 15 minutes. the initial sketch was less than 5 but I tweaked it for a few more minutes twice.
For the record, I don't normally count how long my art takes. I was listening to a song, I knew the time from starting when it started and finishing before the end of it.

>> No.4810486

Ah, I see. I started properly inking on the eighth. Learning a bunch of new stuff on the way. I’m in a bit of a panic since there’s still more pages to do, but my pace isn’t half bad.

How long do you need to get from sketch to inked work? And are you planning on simple backgrounds? I’m retarded and decided to add a couple of scene changes.

>> No.4810616
File: 1.02 MB, 7015x4759, Ro Character design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. Don't panic, just be confident in yourself and don't story drawing.
It helps a lot to have a friend along the way when doing things like that. I am going to be up for a few more hours, I wouldn't mind chatting while I'm working as well.
I'm not going to ink this. I'm going to work with semi clean but still rough looking pencil lines with digital paint and screen tone filters.
I want this manga to have a very gritty aesthetic. The rough pencils will end up working in my favor. It's a gamble, but like bakuman says, it's always a gamble. If anything is too rough I can always try and go over with a light box and a new sheet, or clean up digitally.

I'm in a sharing mood. I'll post what I wrote down so far for what I'm working on"

>> No.4810629
File: 652 KB, 7015x4759, Ro Character design non transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough concept:
Two people fighting for good cross paths for the first time on the battlefield. Will they end up clashing and drifting apart, or manage to converge and overcome the greater evil?
Ro, A rogue hero Who takes missions from both sides as long as he believes innocent lives depend on the mission, wants it to be done a certain way to prevent catastrophe, or thinks the mission may put an end to a conflict. Nobody can locate him or contact him. If he picks up your mission there is nothing you can do to stop him, he has made up his mind. He won't let anything get in his way of fighting for peace or protecting the innocent, even if it means taking the life of the person he took the mission from. He has a huge sword that can extend and spring forward to pierce large structures.
Ocean, The youngest commander in the ??? army. She is a prodigy and a brilliant strategist. She is smart, kind, determined, tough, and athletic. She knows her side isn't clean, but believes through holding positions of power and through wise military actions, she could change the tides of war, protect the innocence, minimize harm, and bring peace to this war torn world.

>> No.4810632


Rough series of events:
>Ocean is dropped off by a hellicopter
>Ocean wakes up from her sleep
>Ocean walks to the control room of the airship, only to find out it has been infeltrated
>dark control room with a glow of eyes
>she gets kidnapped and the glideon mouth opens mid air
>Ro jumps out of the Glideon with Ocean in his arms
>he uses the trees to soften the landing
>he brings her to the villiage that he wants to protect in this mission
>he finds out that she already came to the villiage offering them to evacuate
>he is surprised that she noticed, and wants to start off on a good foot with her
>They get teased by a village boy, asking if ro brought the girl to marry her
>he tells her he doesn't need supplies or anything, just to sit and watch from the air
>He gets her a lift back to the glideon
>she sneaks out at night to the village
>she ambushes him, pin him to the ground with her on top of him with a gun to his head
>she insists that he takes anything, ammunition, bullet proof vest, food, water, gadgets but he refuses.
>They communicate further, including becoming friends, discussing the mission, and warning her about troop 7
>He told her that no matter what not to get help from troop 7. They have killed their commander and the rest of their team for a bigger reward.
>Ro already killed one of the 3 remaining on troop 7
>she goes back to the ship
>he stands up, and walks into enemy warzone as the sun rises
>he begins to disable all communication and setting up his play
>It's been a few hours since the attack was supposed to start
>Oceans crew become getting nervous, infighting begins
>Ro finally triggers the alarm
>he keeps dragging it out to make the soldiers more confused as their ssytems are shutting down and their efforts to attack him become futile
>the enemy army releases their mecha
>3 giant robots

>> No.4810635


>The panicked crew abouard the glideion overpowers Ocean, ties her up, and calls up troop 7 to finish the job
>Ro fights them, and finished them up with his sword
>Ro's sword, parsephone, has modular extention. It jumps towards the mecha and impales the pilots
>Troop 7 kills the pilot of the craft carrying them, and fly it themselves.
>The crew of the glideon meets up mid air with troop 7
>troop 7 find out this is a mission to help ro, so thry kill every single crew member
>Troop 7 pull up tied up Ocean, and are prepared to rape her
>she manages to remove her mouth cover and bite the leader's nose off.
>He gives off a smug remark and throws her to the back of the control room
>he lights the place on fire and leaves
>Troop 7 makes an escape to go and kill Ro
>Ocean turns around to have the ropes burn with only her back taking significant burns.
>Troop 7 finds the village on their way to the warzone
>Troop 7 burns the village and kills the boy just as Ro arrives
>Ro kills both of the members of troop 7 brutally
>Ocean's ropes finally burned off from the fire after a serious damage to her back
>she manages to land the glideon, hoping there is anyone alive there to save
>Ocean faints
>next thing she knows she is in ro's arms
>he rescues her out of the glideon
>He puts her down, and before she can explain that she was betrayed, he punches her in the gut
>He tells her the blood of [name of the village boy] is on her hands
>tears start forming in her eyes

The end

>> No.4810667
File: 1.47 MB, 4606x4444, oh daddy o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cranked out 14 pages in 27 days plus a cover so

At the rate I'm going, it takes two days to do one page.

if i want to make the safety date of august 31st

im condensing the panels down and having an epic fight scene instead RIPPED BUNNY

>> No.4810681

>vampire sky ships
Vampire sandwich comes to mind.

>> No.4810829


??? what is vampire sandwich

>> No.4810856

Ero doujin about vampires in a sky ship.
Based on a game called granblue fantasy

>> No.4810951

Don't upload huge files. There are people here uploading these 2000 x 3000 images which is total overkill, and looks like ass with the moire. There's 0 need, shit gets resized anyway by their online reader so just go with like 25% the size of your canvas or something. If it ever comes to a point where they'll want a bigger version then they'll probably be asking for your project files anyway.

You're probably doing the newbie thing where you pick at each page, at least going by that day where you spent 5(?) hours drawing a simple background. Don't. Right now time is your enemy, so keep it fast and loose. It's probably too late to take that approach here but in the future you really can't afford to spend so much time on one page, let alone one panel. If you're struggling with it I discovered doing this one shot that it's faster to just skip it to draw the panels you want to draw then come back and finish the stuff you skipped as the last step to motivate you. Remember they're not looking for someone who can draw detailed backgrounds or whatever, they're looking for someone who can get shit done in the time they're given and produce an appealing -- not necessarily technically correct; "stylistic suck" is good enough -- end result.

Bro go draw!

>> No.4810969


>> No.4811029
File: 163 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-21-20 at 8.21 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kew l

>> No.4811043

>I’m not going to ink this.
Big mistake. It specifically says im the rules they want completed works, not drafts. If you’re gonna do a sketchy style, be sure to do it with ink, as this is gonna be printed on a weekly Jump mag (which uses shit paper), and pencils simply won’t read.

>> No.4811087

Don't worry, friend, I'm always drawing.
Pencil is my tool and my gamble.
>needs to be dark enough for printing
You are absolutely right. I darken them all the way to black before moving on to the grays.

>> No.4811113


>> No.4811247
File: 3.10 MB, 4299x6071, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4811253

>(3.1 MB, 4299x6071)File: 15.png (3.1 MB, 4299x6071)
Resize your shit nigga. Don't just export at the original canvas size.

>> No.4811255
File: 704 KB, 763x1080, Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 10.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4811412

next year im winning this. screenshot my name

>> No.4811423

There isn't one next year dude. This international contest is only being held because it's the 100th Tezuka contest.

>> No.4811432

I mean, he could always apply for the Japanese contest in March, provided he translates it.

>> No.4811434


>> No.4811437
File: 752 KB, 762x1080, Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 12.33.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 done

>> No.4811506

If this contest goes well and they find that there's a lot of promising entries, they might run another one next year.

I feel like the opposite might be possible too, if they come up with nothing they feel is worth putting into the magazine they might try a round 2 to see if they can coax some more serious people out of the woodwork.

>> No.4811618

I would call that "wishful thinking".

>> No.4811921
File: 301 KB, 1619x1162, wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck. Don't panic, just be confident in yourself and don't story drawing.
>It helps a lot to have a friend along the way when doing things like that. I am going to be up for a few more hours, I wouldn't mind chatting while I'm working as well.
Thanks for the encouragement! I ended up falling asleep after an allnighter, so I wasn't around to chat. And I work alone while listening to Youtube or music. It gets lonely pretty fast, this past month has felt really odd. All I do is draw, I really only take breaks when I can't draw anymore. I miss the shit out of my main project too.

Hope you manage in time. You have a lot happening. Keep up the grind! It's the last sprint.

Thanks friend, it helped a lot!

There's been other Jump contests. I think a year or two ago another anon won honorable mention. But, it seems not all the contests are the same. The "Tezuka" part seems the difference here. But, I couldn't tell you the difference.

>> No.4812107
File: 252 KB, 696x515, Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 7.35.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck araki's book is really good. i think i'm gonna recommend it to /beg/s from now on. it's a better sticky than the sticky.

>> No.4812149

That book is good until it devolves into shitty translations and repetition

>> No.4812627

I mean in that case who cares? Them doing a single western contest for the chance at getting a one-shot published and nothing else after that ever just sounds like a joke more than anything.

>> No.4812868
File: 42 KB, 530x793, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find any of those 'preinstalled' screentones.

>> No.4812875
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 3377c4e8d552a6fe8b9f9c22fddb972e42bea1d961e7796b5776d9acaa47f391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a script necessary if you're both the artist and the writer? I find that I fly off the script anyways when I do my thumbnails. It feels like such a redundant step for me but I'm afraid I'm making my writing lower quality by skipping a step.

>> No.4812877
File: 23 KB, 604x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Select area you want to fill with tones, click pic related icon to create tones.

What you just posted is for predefined images for other effects.

>> No.4812894

>What you just posted is for predefined images for other effects.
That's exactly what I'm looking for.

>> No.4812917
File: 15 KB, 524x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open clip studio > download additional material.
Might take a while to download.

>> No.4812921
File: 107 KB, 650x904, TezukaMangaSubmission_051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4812929


>> No.4812937

The answer is yes, you should definitely have the ending written out first.

>> No.4812985

I should've clarified. I usually first finish a plot outline, then write a script, then thumbnail. But I'm thinking about skipping the scripting stage and just jumping from the plot outline to the thumbnail. I'm not missing out on anything if I do that, right?

>> No.4813119

You guys know that you should plot your manga using the Ki-Shou-Ten-Ketsu structure, right?
That's literally the most popular story structure in Asia and it's almost mandatory for successful stories.

>> No.4813155

literally webtoon

>> No.4813185

Scripting it out seems like a waste of time to me too. I just go summary/outline -> name -> sketch/ink

>> No.4813275


>> No.4813414

thank you! I'm not alone...

>> No.4813532

The whole medibang translates really confuses me.
It seems kind of crazy that they would translate every single submission. I wonder if they will cutoff anything that clearly breaks the rules so they won't have to translate it.
On the other hand, the global submission's deadline is a month prior to the japanese one. It should be enough time to translate it all with a decently sized team.

>> No.4813544

New Thread:

>> No.4813553

They’re not going to translate all the dogshit entries. They’re the pre-emptive filter. Usually in contests, they have the editors filter out the garbage before handing stories off to the judges. This will be similar, either their translation team is working with editors as that filter, or they were give guidelines to filter out stuff based on some criteria. ie, “if the art is below a certain standard,” “if it breaks any rules”, “if you found it too boring”

Overall, I’d say roughly 50 pieces will make it past the translation team. Maybe a little more, and from there maybe like the top 30 will make it to the judges to decide on what the top... 10? Are. Those being the grand prize, 2nd place, and 8 honorable mentions.