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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 167 KB, 736x781, vnemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4785883 No.4785883 [Reply] [Original]

The thread where you dump what you like, dislike, hate, or what makes you sad about art, etc

>> No.4785895

how about no you teenage pussy

>> No.4785909

after +10 years of good service my hard drive died

>> No.4785933

I was super lucky to receive my first 4 comissions but I am not paranoid that there won't be more for a long time
I must build my following and have at least 1k followers by then end of September. I must figure out what to draw to get retweets

>> No.4785980
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>> No.4786054

>about to fall asleep
>suddenly get neat idea for a drawing
>oh shit I don't want to forget in the morning, I should do a quick thumbnail on my phone
>already asleep before I can make a move
Fortunately, I remembered it when I woke up, but I hate when that happens

>> No.4786059

gonna cry pussy? is dwawing haawwwdd :(((

>> No.4786114
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1568065256779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she found my dick doodle folder bros, she seems reticent lately after she used my laptop last nigh. was nice getting pussy while it lasted

>> No.4786156

Women don’t know how to use computers.

>> No.4786183
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>> No.4786186

It's fucking hot. I can only concentrate on drawing at night and my sleep is shit too.
I'm trying to stay sane by reminding myself that the place I'm moving soonish to has an AC.

>> No.4786195


I wish there was some kind of mini AC out there that didn't require you to put a hose out your window or install it into some kind of thingamajig.

>> No.4786208

I haven't drawn since the beginning of the year

>> No.4786216
File: 461 KB, 800x1200, 1597149443558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked this in /beg/ and didn't get an answer so I will ask again here: Who is/are the LOOMIS(s) of digital rendering, I really want to learn light and coloring so I can GIT GUD at polishing my wannabe Chinese cartoons while learning my funding.

>> No.4786221

Getting an S6 Lite for bday from GF but my Bday isn't until Sunday. I hate waiting

>> No.4786226

How can I escape stagnating followers? Even if I have a higher output (like 3-4 drawings per week) it rarely results in more followers if any at all. I feel like deleting my Twitter, getting better and concentrating on one field/fandom and pump out art for that on a new one.

>> No.4786230

I was shitposting so much yesterday I'm backed up on my work. My boss is gonna fry me unless I do something...

>> No.4786231

The text over the terminator should be "Wacom drivers."

>> No.4786232

You could try how concentrating on one fandom/niche works out for your current account.

>> No.4786242

I'm doing this lately but it doesn't show any effect. I feel like my low engagement messed up my account or something.

>> No.4786259

How about hashtags? Just a few.
Participate in fotw events (right now #artstyleblend is trending on Twitter and IG)
Jump in on "artistsupport" or "artshare" posts
Write "Likes and RT appreciated" on your posts
It's bullshit but you have to take a drawing break and do this sort of thing occassionally, like engaging with others since it is "social" media, afterall

>> No.4786269

you might have a better look at >>4768315

>> No.4786276
File: 25 KB, 326x322, 1595752926493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw
>turn computer on
>it's been 3 hours and I haven't even opened Photoshop

>> No.4786300

I use hashtags, usually one of the franchise if I'm doing fanart. I can try jumping more on these artistsupport tweets, but I don't see it drawing in new people because my content is highly inconsistent still.
>Write "Likes and RT appreciated" on your posts
I've seen posts like these recently and I'd rather not do it. It's the "smash that like button, hit subscribe and don't forget the notification bell" of Twitter.

>> No.4786312
File: 79 KB, 959x755, 1585778354996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am i like it, i didn't even see that thread.

>> No.4786350

I'd try it as an experiment. You really have to be your own cheerleader on these platforms. and sometimes people need the reminder. That's why YouTube people say it at the start and end of each video.

>> No.4786406

I hate having chronic insomnia. At most, I get four or five hours a night. It's gotten so bad that one day a week, I just sleep the whole day to recover. I wasted fourteen hours tossing and turning in my bed, and not one wink of sleep. I could've done att instead, but I'm so obsessed with wanting a normal sleep schedule.

>> No.4786408

I just want an art discord with fun artists that aren’t all completely autistic over their DeviantArt anime

>> No.4786699

How do I attract powerful people to me?

>> No.4786767

you attracted a powerful post number

>> No.4786774

WOW I interacted with a person who wants to attract powerful people who already is attracting power and I TOO got a powerful post number in the repeating #s

>> No.4786796

Like that actually means anything you dope

>> No.4786803

You mean like 4chan? You keep falling in the same hole you fucking moron

>> No.4786928

Dumbass, it’s the same over here.

>> No.4786955
File: 1.03 MB, 3024x4032, sdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can draw good circles
>can draw smooth lines from shoulder
>basically i have alright line control
>for some reason, cannot utillise this to actually fucking draw something that i want to draw

I feel like I'm so prideful. I don't feel like I've fully integrated into the art community. Like, I've yet to draw an actual thing, like something I want to draw because I'm scared it would look too bad. I am so alone, so lost, have no idea where to go, I always kid myself that I can do this alone, but I just...I don't draw because I'm slightly frightened about...something. And obsessively prideful to even admit this.

>> No.4786962

I'm addicted to these crime documentaries youtube recommend me lately

>> No.4786981

Write it down?

>> No.4786985

Yea Photoshop is pretty slow

>> No.4787040

>draw arm exactly like it is in the reference image
>it looks fucked up
>trace the arm
>it still looks fucked up
What the fuck? Maybe it'll look better after I render. The human body is weird.

>> No.4787056

study the muscles
y the muscles

>> No.4787078

I only started drawing a little over a month ago, and I'm a little afraid of what will happen once I hit my first big roadblock/failure/disappointment.
So far I'm feeling pretty confident, but who knows when the initial motivation will run out.
Also I hope I can reach a stage soon, where I can better apply my studies to my "fun" drawings (so far most of my studies are just a bunch of lines, circles and boxes)

>> No.4787093
File: 74 KB, 1024x978, 1537152249564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do people balance talking to others and drawing? I draw very often and it takes a lot of focus for me. More often than not I have t clog my ears with music just to keep me on task. But somehow im expected to chat with people during. I can't join voice calls either because those are even more distracting. People end up getting upset when I don't respond fast enough, despite me saying im drawing. I guess the issue is that it's ALL I do.

>> No.4787120

Accuse her of being a bigot if she starts shit

>> No.4787132


>> No.4787201

Why do others learn art in better environment???
Redditors learn it in their hugbox with loves.
Coomers learn it in their coomer fans's supports.
Students learn it in school with a teacher guidance and all the free time to draw.
And me?
I have to learn it in a hostile environment where people constantly shit on my shitty art, lowering my self esteem, costing me mentally,
/ic/ don't even have anything to offer aside of resources like books and videos.
And the worst of all?
The crabs.
The crabs that is just here to shitpost.

>> No.4787273
File: 482 KB, 800x573, 1575348711235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn the realization just hit that i don't actually enjoy drawing very much, mainly because it gives me a fuckton of anxiety. even if i was god tier i'd probably just use it as a tool to represent ideas/creative endeavors and never do it for fun outside of the rare occasion. probably ngmi but my goals are probably pretty low compared to most anons on here and i dislike the idea of giving up so i'm still going to try to grind shit out.

feels like i always end up in this weird spot where i can discipline myself but lack actual motivation
dunno if you're shitposting but i've only ever found this place to be supportive and encouraging, i expected a lot worse

>> No.4787290

>dunno if you're shitposting but i've only ever found this place to be supportive and encouraging, i expected a lot worse
Go to /beg/ and see how many shitposting there is.
See how many drawings get outright ignored.
See how many useless advice there is.
Go to the catalog and see how many shitposting thread there is.
Go around and see how many NGMI comments you can find. It's almost in every single thread.
If you feel this place is supportive and encouraging, you are probably one of the crabs that enjoy shitposting or just mentally ill
or you simply are never active in this board

>> No.4787301

Not that anon, but as much as I love it here, my experience with /ic has been a mixed bag with extreme hostility on one and with some helpful criticism on the other. Half of those crits have been, sadly, vaguely worded and unhelpful despite good intentions.

Discord can be an absolute pain in the ass, but they're not only consistent in helping you, but give very comprehensive criticism.

(I don't have much experience with Reddit outside of three subs, none of them related to art.)

>> No.4787306

shitposting happens on every board, i've spent a decent amount of time in /beg/. i wouldn't say drawings getting ignored is a terrible thing though, it happens, and you can always repost it, plus you should always be able to critique your own stuff. i do find the shitposting hilarious but it's just white noise to me, in fact it should make you feel better that there are so many morons on here.

you can always leave the board and go somewhere else i guess?

>> No.4787307

>dunno if you're shitposting but i've only ever found this place to be supportive and encouraging
It’s so nice to be deluded.

>> No.4787311
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1507664959540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can always leave the board and go somewhere else i guess?

>> No.4787316

I mean, they do exists, as >>4787301 said.
It's a mix bag.
But yeah, i agree.
that guy is delusional to Only see /ic/ as a supportive and encouraging place.

>> No.4787319

I come here to shit post, since that’s what this place is only good for. The only people who find this place better than any art community are just mentally ill social outcasts. Why else you see so much autism rampant?

>> No.4787552
File: 251 KB, 1240x1754, EfKTaubXkAQaADR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this fucking pedobait goblin and her simps go away forever?
Slapping tits and a number over 18 onto a literal child doesn't suddenly make them an adult!

>> No.4787587
File: 233 KB, 1200x1029, boohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studying anatomy makes me so overwhelmed and hopeless... i'm never going to remember how to do any of this stuff. the constant thought of "know the rules before you break them" always floats around in my head. i just want to be happy drawing again...

>> No.4787703

Seethe + dilate

>> No.4787737

I honestly wish I had the answer for this one anon. When every one was younger it seemed easy to network and get connections, literaly every one was dumb and impressionable and easy to get a hold of. I managed to get into contact with hundreds of 100k following artists and even became their friends. After time went on and I grew the fuck up I had no time nor the energy to keep in contact with these people as life moved on and i found myself starting a family of my own. These other popular artists had obviously gone through age as well, and suffered the same mindset of "i refuse to talk to any one online". So now things are different, and it seems difficult to make connections if you werent already friends with some one. However a few years ago i decided to rebrand without any one knowing and seemingly enough in an instant all the same artists were back to following me and throwing clout my way, so who the fuck knows.

>> No.4787763

I was given the talent to be an art prodigy as a child but depression made me stop at age 16 and I have never recovered and don't know how to start again and it is paralyzing and crushing me. I also am a perfectionist and am crippled by fear and embarrassment starting all over and the feeling that I can't communicate myself and art well enough to really get my vision across bothers me. I'm the type to be able to copy whatever I see irl but cant draw from imagination

>> No.4787774

you ain't shit bro

>> No.4787796

>practice every day for 2-3 hours
>made noticeable improvements and established some understanding of fundamentals
>fuck up wrist
>can't draw for more than 25 minutes anymore

>> No.4787797

so draw from your arm

>> No.4787831

Great youre good at copypasta, thats not talent though

>> No.4787832


>> No.4787834

I tanked two Nyquills, two GBD gummies, an entire sleepless night last night, and a six mile walk. I still can't fall asleep despite being exhausted in every way.

>> No.4787863
File: 2.26 MB, 1360x1604, Portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent done anything in years and im too self conscious to start i did these all around the age of 15 and i think i am good but im too shy and messed up about not being able to come up with anything and i suffer from severe depression and loneliness and have no support system

>> No.4787897

I like those

>> No.4787957
File: 656 KB, 1280x1514, 1495411068286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THAT study
>These posts

>> No.4787959

u think the cognitive dissonance doesnt hurt me? it messes me up more than you realize between used to being based and being so pathetic and unbased now its like i forgot how to be based its a terrifying feeling

>> No.4788015

I wish I wasn't a stupid coomer piece of shit and could actually sit down and draw something halfway decent.
I wish I was more productive the past several years.
I wish I was happier and didn't feel this way.

That's all I can do.... wish...

>> No.4788028

not really venting but the struggle of the grind never lets up. about 58 weeks into studying and have busted my ass this year, not quite sure how much progress i've made, but i'll stick with it.

>> No.4788037

Sell your art and buy some based pills

>> No.4788039

im trying to figure out how i can do that thanks for the advice id appreciate any more thank you

>> No.4788054

Ctrl + Paint

>> No.4788087
File: 13 KB, 333x333, 8FA0D67E-0194-43A1-913A-4BBDE66C230F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that the reason why any single improvement I get is so slow to come is because I am scared of failure. I am scared to pick up my pencil, my pen, my brush, my tablet pen because I am worried I will spend hours and end up with utter shit.

Today I have drawn a tree in water color in the savannah. It was pretty shit, I did not even use watercolor paper since I am broke for the rest of the month, I was ready to throw it in the trash. My mum came by to get her car fixed and once I was done my painting was gone. Next thing I know, she texts me she is going to hang it in the office. Thanks mum, even if my drawings are shite, I barely understand one point perspective, and every single body and face I make (anime or realistic) are abominations, they are my abominations. I embrace the shit, perhaps it will eventually get better.

>> No.4788239

I had a horrible dream. I remember waking up but then I fell asleep on the floor and then I dreamed about being at this desert and there was this large cannon structure that shot out this spirit looking projectile. Guards of some kind put me in the canon and my body was chopped up inside the canon then I became a spirit. They fired the canon and I was flying around some weird space with other spirits.

The dream would flip in and out of a group of men who would torture me by either killing me or performing sex acts (torture). Every time I died I went back into the stream of spirits again and again and the only way of the dream ironically was shouting Gods name for help and I woke up. There is more to it but I'm quickly forgetting the dream now as I type..

>> No.4788263

break it up, do one section a week, or two weeks if you need it. chest, arms, pelvis, legs etc learning everything in one go will be hard to stick

>> No.4788271
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i feel like i've been stuck in mediocrity forever, how to do i get out of it, my drawings arent bad and most people say it looks good, but they're never super great either and always have some problems and never stand out or get a strong response

>> No.4788298


>> No.4788408

Last night was a slight improvement. My body compensated for not being able to sleep entire durations by shutting down for microsleeps, blackouts that lasted anywhere from half a second to half a minute. I spent several hours hoping that this would be the time I finally drifted off into a deep slumber, aided by the Nyquills and GBD gummies, but it didn't happen.

I worried that at this point, deprivation starts playing havoc with the mind.

>> No.4788438

Western artists are so fucking toxic.
I'm off to the japanese artist.
Good Bye~~

>> No.4788442

Lol good luck! Japs hate weebs like you~!

>> No.4788446

Japs appreciate westerners if you’re not a weeb pretending to be jap

>> No.4788475

Nips hate weebs more than tumblrinas, gl.

>> No.4788478

Now that I'm starting to learn about planes of the face and shit I've been having trouble drawing faces, before I was still /beg/ with my shitty face drawings but now I have trouble drawing anything properly and my faces keep coming out too long or weird as fuck looking.

>> No.4788505

victim mentality thread. absolutely genuinely pathetic. whinging teens

>> No.4788519

I'm mentally a teenbro while in my mid 20s

>> No.4788526

Why are the work on your art threads in /co so much better than this whole board?

>> No.4788536

>victim mentality thread
holding in emotion is bad for you.
It already causes you to come here to look down on others.
Can you imagine what will happen if you continue to hoard those negative emotions?
You're gonna be the biggest scumbags around

>> No.4788580

Because everyone there has good art.

>> No.4788604
File: 24 KB, 720x383, 1596687245006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a shitty person for refusing to get drunk and stay up all night with my friends in favor of grinding? I just want to do my studies and go to bed early like a good boy desu.

>> No.4788783

ty anon

>> No.4788829

Because it's dedicated to one thread and most people are just posting their best work. Threads get to hundreds of posts quickly of requests too, so there isn't as much shitposting to murder the thread

>> No.4788973

You loaded that sentence with words so that you already know the answer.

>> No.4789250 [DELETED] 

I'm starting to really hate this board, every thread is just drama and useless discussionsm specially with all the twitter posting lately.

I like /beg/, /draw/, /trad/ and /dad/ tho, they're pretty comfy

>> No.4789252

Depends how much you like these friends

>> No.4789254

I'm starting to really hate this board, every thread is just drama and useless discussionsm specially with all the twitter posting lately.

I like /beg/ and /draw/ tho, they're pretty comfy

>> No.4789255


all of /ic/ is for shitposting once you find where the private trackers are

>> No.4789270

Yeah, at least the resources getting posted here are gold

>> No.4789273

Saw a doctor about my wrist discomfort and pain in my forearms when I draw and it turns out it's carpal tunnel syndrome. Is this something that goes away? I miss drawing.

>> No.4789470

not art related, but the internet as a whole is so boring now. Everything is sanitized, corporate, shallow. this shithole for all its faults is one of the few places that keeps some sense of honesty

>> No.4789553

is this dare i say >talent?

also thanks for the motivation because i'm self conscious as well but havent made anything 1/10th this nice so it actually helps a lot

>> No.4789562

Digital "art" is for faggots

>> No.4789582
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 6a4c7100123594c9466900779c81e536c6e38477_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel horribly shy now that a couple of anons found my twitter and followed me, and i don't know what to do.

>> No.4789602

Get over it faggot

>> No.4789612

ok, asukafag

>> No.4789921

FUCK drawing the cheek and jaw lines in anime style. YOU’D THINK IT WOULD BE EASY, BUT NO, IT ALWAYS FEEL LIKE WESTERN SHIT. Does learning anatomy fucking helps? I’m going to review Hogarth.

>> No.4789926

i'm so goddamned tired of trannies on Twitter

>> No.4789939

Stop following them then, dumbass. I haven't seen a single tranny sjw meltdown in months.

>> No.4790106

yeah you should be okay but shouldnt your doc actually do something about it? at the very least id get a brace

>> No.4790121

Please don't ever bring underage girls here again.

>> No.4790149

Hopefully either the faggot that was larping or the little brat got banned for at least three years.

>> No.4790179

>pretending bans matter
Oh noooOOOoOoo
>turns on / off airplane mode

>> No.4790183

She removed all the lewd and her age from her account, so it wasn't a larp.

>> No.4790186 [DELETED] 

Of course it wasn't. I brought her here.

>> No.4790190

I still highly doubt it is a 15yo female

>> No.4790194

It's not that impossible to believe. Kids these days have access to a wealth of information and a butt load of time on their hands compared to the last generation.

>> No.4790216

If sense of honesty mean being a NGMI crab, good for you.

>> No.4790222

why are you here?

>> No.4790324

>tfw no art buddy to help each other and improve together.

>> No.4790356

Is fine bro, like a few of their pieces or get yourself to drop a comment, they'll love you for that. Nobody sane is gonna think "oh god there's a dude liking my artwork how disgusting"

>> No.4790414

Where do I go to get critique on pixel art? I have literally no clue how to start getting better at it.

>> No.4790504

is pixeljoint still a thing? i know a lot of pixel art forums/communities exist

>> No.4790779

im getting tired of the gay agenda on ic. too much wang in the op posts. it makes me sick.

>> No.4790885
File: 285 KB, 900x1259, 1597150100522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how much poorer I am compared to my peers, and how many doors this closes in my future

>> No.4790891


>> No.4790952

Kids these days have it easy with the internet being so accessible and parents being more tech savvy and open minded to letting kids learn things they want

>> No.4790960

Was for me too, I realized I left school with no fundamental training.

Grab a sketchbook and just work your way down. Start with just heads, then do busts, waist ups and gradually learning full body. Use references.

And don't skimp out dude, try and take it in. Everytime you feel you have learned something new, make something that's not a sketch and post it.

Anatomy takes time to learn, unfortunately. So take the time to practice.

>> No.4790971

Your true peers are in this thread.

>> No.4790979
File: 516 KB, 856x585, biftyhac7kx41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want to erase any presence of myself on the internet.

>> No.4790981

that's what you get posting your twitter here faggot

>> No.4790997

never once posted my Twitter here, I just want to clear myself off the net but keep in touch with like 5 people.

>> No.4791006
File: 130 KB, 1025x576, yorikandbeppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually i just complain on here.
im working from home since covid and our hours were cut. so basically 4 hours a day i sit there in front of my work laptop. its so depressing and i get so irritable. its beautiful and hot and sunny outside. all i want is to go out there. i hate my customers. i hate this company. those 4 hours go so slow.

yesterday i made this little scribble of a girl flipping me off, and as soon as i logged out from work i started focusing on that sketch. i totally forgot about dinner. i lost all track of time. i was still going around midnight. just playing with colors.

i love drawing so fucking much. and today when i woke up, it was all i could think about was to clean this one up and start on the background.

i never had anything else in my life like this where i lose so much time and stay so focused. this is how my friends get with video games but i have no interest. when you meet people who code, this is how they are with coding. when you meet athletes this is how they are with sports.

i finally found my thing.

i slept like a king last night.

>> No.4791029

I figured it would be easy too. But then I tried copying some manga (which I formerly looked down on) and it's actually difficult to get it right. The subtlety of the cheek too

>> No.4791033

Always try to say positive things about what you draw.

>> No.4791035
File: 797 KB, 1037x672, badart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of these fixing art people there must be some way of pushing these people back into their own corner again

>> No.4791046

Are obscure forms the only options?

>> No.4791047

At least you got 10+ years out of it. I lost my SSD after 2 weeks of use.

>> No.4791061

very cool. would be neat if the background was very subdued colors like sepias. i like how the bike people pop as is.

>> No.4791063
File: 77 KB, 640x640, B3082945-2C64-4A5A-908E-5D6D2C2B9EF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to a college for cgi. But 2d is my real love, I’m sure I’ll enjoy learning. But none of my dream/goal ideas are in cgi. If I graduate in 3 years with a bachelors, I’m gonna take some years off learning more about 2d animation . I could go into a tangent of how I got here, but all I’ll say is that I’m only doing this because it’s what my parents want, not what I want.

>> No.4791172

Gatekeeping was a thing, but now that's "problematic."

>> No.4791235

well who cares if it's "problematic" because its used for quality control and keep undesirables locked within their own groups

>> No.4791253

if that horseshit winds up on your feed outside of people dunking on it that's a you problem

>> No.4791291
File: 273 KB, 765x472, yorikandbeppa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been on it since i woke up today

>> No.4791447
File: 45 KB, 189x248, 1346543635875688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got followed by a verified twitter account artist

>> No.4791554 [DELETED] 

>someone follows me
>check their following
>exact duplicate of followers on another artist basically just using a scrub bot to see who follows back
Disgusting and real shameless and pathetic

>> No.4791588

Transferring my art from my tablet to my pc drives me fucking insane because it makes me realize my colors probably look like shit on a lot of people's poorly calibrated monitors

>> No.4791600

I don't really think your art is so good that people will even care about colors

>> No.4792168

>Come up with an idea that'd be fun to animate
>realize that its not my own idea but based on a comic i read a while ago
>comic isnt that well known or popular, doesnt come up in youtube searches ie no one ever dubbed it or talked about it
>still feel like if i took that idea and made my own version id be ripping off the guy
ah well.

>> No.4792256
File: 119 KB, 250x250, tumblr_1b258625c3c0d8ddcdd4ac27d5304194_309a12d3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get ideas/inspiration for drawings? It seems like I get one good idea every few months but from then on it's just nothing but uninspired drawings.

It's even worse now because I was a furry artist for years but I don't want to associate with that crowd anymore. I have no idea what to draw beyond practicing drawing humans and fanart of characters I like.

>> No.4792281

from life, i have a very fulfilled life

>> No.4792404
File: 49 KB, 400x415, tumblr_m6vcnnPuvf1rnpw31o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am envy, envy as hell. I don't envy other artists sucess, i don't envy their following, i envy their security, i envy everything and nothing about them. I believe that i am better than others, i tell myself if only i had the right tools, if only something was different.

"if only"

"if only"

But those are all lies, just to feel better with myself. At the end of the day all i can do is practice to be better, and i do. But at the end of the day I keep telling myself that i don't need acceptance from others, but deep inside i crave for it, i just want others to tell me that i'm doing something good, just so i don't feel alone, just to feel that i am doing something with my life.

I don't know what i want anymore.

I feel that i don't even know myself.

>> No.4792409

Art is the only thing keeping me together. Thank you art. Thank you /ic/, the shitposting makes me smile. Thank you commenters and favers.

>> No.4792416

people are sending me pos graduation shit when i'm not even sure I finish my bachelors

just want to die how can I can concentrate like that

>> No.4792446

Hardly what I would call 'good ideas' but when I got nothing going on as far ideas go I just mix concepts together and see what comes out, or draw some random shapes and try to think of what said shapes could be a part of.

>> No.4792491

You can still get what's on it but it'll probably be expensive.
Might be the circuitboard, might need to pay someone to crack it open.

Remember to back up monthly.

>> No.4792805
File: 585 KB, 780x879, 1524000565143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one stop being an envious and jealous prick? Saw someone post their doodle and getting (yous) with compliments elsewhere and had to contain myself from sperging but still ended up replying with telling him it was shit. It's not a good feeling being a bunch of sour grapes all the time it eats you up how do you deal with it?

>> No.4792827

don't reply positively or negatively, don't lie through your teeth it will make things worse. just wordlessly favorite/like their drawing if you genuinely appreciate the skill behind it and like subject matter. the mere act of doing this will make you feel better because you know you chose to take the high road.

>> No.4792862
File: 12 KB, 825x100, The state of the board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one problem. But it's a huge one.

>> No.4792883
File: 62 KB, 400x252, !!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to like GIMP but GIMP makes it very hard

>> No.4792900

I dig the faces you hid in the background. I stopped drawing after highschool when I had to start working. Just started again, I'm 26 now and deeply regret ever stopping in the first place. Go for it desu.
same senpai

>> No.4793639

Browse pixiv aimlessly
Suddenly see a piece from an artist I didn't know and fall in love with the artstyle.
Happy to have found someone new, hit follow.
Starts looking at his old stuff.
Likes his old style even more.
Suddenly get disappointed that he isn't drawing like that anymore.

Fuck, that feels weird

>> No.4793653

I have been struggling with bedtime for 10+ years now and I didn't sleep the last night for no reason and I have to get to work now.

>> No.4793658

Anon install cold chicken thing

>> No.4793665

stop looking at a screen 24/7 retard

>> No.4793666

Why did amazon remove so many light novels from kindle? This is why people turn to piracy.

>> No.4793669

Pen makes your linework looks better than how it actually is.

>> No.4793670

drawing is the only thing that makes me happy anymore.

>> No.4793672

google isn't helpíng me find cold chicenet thing

>> No.4793675


>> No.4793679

because some Karen from australia complained about underage girls or something.

>> No.4793683

Anon, when you are performing, just go with the flow and then fix your mistakes later, the flow is what you've internalized and chances are it's about as good as you can get on a consistent basis

>> No.4793691

You have to feel the form.

>> No.4793697

Cold turkey

>> No.4793925

I’m okay with casual racism on this site; I have been here since late 2010 so I’m nurtured in it by now. But no matter how long that length of time is I cannot accept racism in the face where it’s just deliberately attacking a person as a person and as a cop-out rather than attacking, oh I dunno, their art or their writing if /lit/ or if they’re an overweight fat fuck if context subscribes to it. Yes, this is 4chan, but that is no excuse to be a racist prick because you have nothing left to bully someone with on an artboard no less. I don’t care if you’re black, white, chinese, Indian, alaskan, mexican, or from the deepest trenches of nepal; if you’re on /ic/ to learn to draw then shitposting should revolve mainly around art. There is a reason “racism outside of /b/” exists. If I wanna see that shit I’ll go over to /pol/ for the laugh. Especially when the racism involves telling one to die in a specific racist stereotypical way. There is a difference between just saying the n word casually versus putting emphasis on it by making it a moniker as your way of getting back at anonymous people you don’t know rather than just making fun of drawings (what we’re here for). Shitposting should all be in good fun and board specific.

It no longer is shitposting when it devolves into just blatant stormfront posting. This applies to every board except /b/ and /pol/.

>> No.4793930

>.t nig

>> No.4793932

imagine being stuck on 4chan for 10 years, pathetic

>> No.4793941

>commission an artist because I like to see my OCs in different styles, artist said they start work immediately after payment received
>pay upfront like most artists require, artist confirms and said they'd start soon
>assume work will start within a week, hear nothing for like 4 weeks
>message artist. They tell me "I never got your payment"
>have to send screenshots as proof and start panicking that I got scammed, artist says "oh ok i c"
>hear nothing again for 1-2 weeks
>message artist that I want a refund and start PP process
>artist sends 1 sketch and so I can't continue PP refund process because "something" was received
>takes another month before it's complete
>final product is so awful that it wasn't worth all this shit
>artist has the audacity to ask me for positive feedback after
I guess it's my fault for commissioning someone in the first place instead of mastering all art styles

>> No.4793945

that's what you get for paying 5$

>> No.4793947

I paid $50

>> No.4793949

Based on-top/ic/ anon

>> No.4793969

Nah this applies to /pol/ too, there is no hin of irony anymore that shit died about 6 years ago.
I'm numb to it but i fucking hate that, it took me so long to accept that i was actually just fucking racist because of some stupid image board and had to reevaluate how i viewed human beings sincerely, as another human being.
Fuck i hate this website sometimes thanks anon

>> No.4794007

stop looking at screens constantly, but also, download f.lux

>> No.4794012

>bully people for their appearance but dont be racist
um... bait?..

>> No.4794028

not what I mean and I don't feel like typing more so fuck it

>> No.4794030

I know this is bait but you're really not that dense.
You can bully someone jokingly for being short, fat, whatever because those don't have racist connotations and don't imply that you are inherently inferior as a human being.
Before you say that racist jokes don't imply that either, think about it a little. Do you not at least a little think that niggers are just a tad bit dumber than the average person, and that the world would be much better if whites were in control? I hope you get what i mean, racist jokes can lead to you believing in some dumb out there 1940's propaganda shit because of the way that humor has been presented through centuries, there is barely anything comedic in it anymore it's just thinly veiled straight up racism.
Now this doesn't mean you can't joke about black people or some experiences specific to black people but there is a way in which that is funny and then there is the common chan-culture way of doing that which is just sincerely hoping that niggers die.
t. someone who's been stuck in this hellhole site for around 14 years

>> No.4794041

>Now this doesn't mean you can't joke about
i want to joke with people, not at people.
but then i have a small peepee so who cares what i think.

>> No.4794042

I’m probably gonna stop coming here eventually since I’m at a age where I can’t associate with such people, not trying to let their brain rot contribute to a moral decline.

>> No.4794055

this is what we call a brainlet, gentlemen

>> No.4794059

Nah it's a person who grew up

>> No.4794081

being unable to change behavior based on the people around you is something only kids or retards struggle with

>> No.4794088

This, Why else do you think d/ic/ks always vent here and bitch about not having any friends?

>> No.4794105

This is some high school shit holy fuck.
I have good enough social skills that i can have friendships outside of neonazi imageboards, i don't have to abandon my morality for some imageboard.

>> No.4794108

Not much better lmao

>> No.4794154

The casual racism is easy to filter out but I get tired of the edginess for no reason. Especially on this board, where it should be a more collaborative place where people try to improve. “Lol that’s shit” and “Ngmi” aren’t constructive or helpful.
Even this thread is filled with shitposters for no reason to people who have legit grievances
Really no benefit of being on this site at all, there’s no good OC here anymore anyway

>> No.4794160
File: 94 KB, 765x472, de39adg-fd8ca451-78c5-4494-b59c-822184468671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend 6 hours straight on a sketch. In lilove with the idea. Feel great about it. For once I drew something that isn't so stiff. Had an interesting original thought for once in my life and successfully put it on paper.

Post positive motivational comment on vent. Come back the next day, spend 4 more hours to tweek it and really make it as good as I can.

Post it on ic and ig.

>get 4 likes and nothing but negative comments.


>> No.4794165

negative comment is free publicity, be happy someone took time out of their lives to create a carefully crafted hate comment

>> No.4794186

I just want a big, hard cock in me so bad I can’t take it

>> No.4794193
File: 786 KB, 952x1195, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to the beach today and saw a lot of skin
they all looked so soft, young and nubile
with their swimsuits molded to their porcelain figure
my heart sunk as I watched
it made me want to stop cooming
I just want love and intimacy
no I don't want to coom anymore

but behind closed doors, with a grip tight like a vice, tears rolling down my face, and with the force of a thousand suns, I..

>> No.4794249

i just want a nice and fun and loving and supportive boyfriend to hangout with and maybe fuck i guess

>> No.4794251

After years of on and off drawing I've reached a decent level of skill (high beg? definitely not the /made it/ kind of "decent") but it just makes me more and more hopeless. I thought I'd start enjoying drawing once I've gotten better, but I still don't. I think I've never once had fun drawing something or even just looked forward to continuing to work on a drawing. What do?

>its not for you
Don't care


>> No.4794271

I hate these people, they’ll say this shit but send death threats to people who want to fuck Jotaro or other older looking teenage characters for also having an arbitrary age tacked on.

>> No.4794273

I also want this :(

>> No.4794277

are you ugly though?

idk if women realize... looks are the only thing men care about. men are not impressed by your degree, your salary, your IQ, your hobbies, your car. literally nothing except that you are physically attractive which includes being under 30 and not fat.

It boggles my mind that women still seem not to get it. If I was a woman, I would never do anything but go to the gym. I would absolutely not work full time, I would not work hard to build a skill or study anytihng ever.

>> No.4794279

i just want a big tiddy art gf that reads classic literature and mindbreak doujins with me :(

>> No.4794280

>not fat.
Plenty of men love fat bitches

>> No.4794281

and i guess my point is, if you are good looking, you can meet any dude you want in 2 seconds. and i have no sympathy for you.

>> No.4794285

true there are dudes who will fuck fat girls but if you're not fat you basically can have 99% of any dude you want. maybe 40% of dudes will fuck a fat chick. compared to an average dude is only fuckable to like 1% of women.

>> No.4794286

After a certain degree of hotness it stops mattering. Like I'd never leave a 9/10 for a normie 10/10, but yeah I won't even consider a cool as fuck 7/10
Then again I'm pretty superficial in general

>> No.4794292

i only get 6s and 7s, but im okay with that. i think im probably a 5. i dont even waste my tme talking to 8s and up. but my point is i dont care if they work at mcdonalds. i dont care if theyre a bum living with their parents. they dont have to have any skills. it purely comes down to physical appearance

now... whether or not the relationship lasts is based on whether her personality is tolerable. like... are you just gonna be a bitch to me constantly? because that isnt sustainable, but just to get your foot in the door with a guy? like... literally you dont even have to speak english. all you have to do is be hot and 99% of dudes will be happy to spend time with you and fuck.

>> No.4794303

>all you have to do is be hot and 99% of dudes will be happy to spend time with you and fuck.
>"if youre fuckable youll have guys fuck you"
wew lad
Now would you start a family with a chick like that?

>> No.4794305

I guess you didn't make it to the 2nd part of the comment.

>> No.4794307

I guess you forgot that this discussion was about finding a relationship partner and not a fuck buddy

>> No.4794331

You have no idea how a man's brain works. We know that there is no woman or there that will ever be at the personality level of our guy friends. It's never gonna happen. There is no woman you are gonna have a real emotional connection and trust with. So we focus on finding the cute ones and if they aren't completely psychotic and unbearable, you marry her. That's the best any guy will ever do. And sometimes if they're hot enough, you put up with it anyway.

>> No.4794337

The typical decent guy doesn't think like you, and I doubt she'll want a guy like that either. You sound like you got some problems of your own

>> No.4794338

Any straight guy who isn't a virgin thinks exactly like me because I'm right.

>> No.4794348

looks fucking awesome anon :D

>> No.4794351

Anyone who takes a poster on 4chan as a valid indicator of the typical person would be stupid as shit.
>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
You fags should go back to /r9k/ or /soc/

>> No.4794352

She says she wants a nice and loving guy and you go on this retarded tirade...dilate

>> No.4794353

Thankfully I'm ridiculously introverted so I don't have a problem with remaining alone and continuing to search until I find a girl I click with. Don't think I'll ever "settle" on someone I don't consider my dream girl

>> No.4794356

Never mind I do not want a boyfriend nor a big, hard cock in me anymore. I’ve been cured

>> No.4794357
File: 737 KB, 800x1233, 1592375785064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a 2D pill, sis

>> No.4794358
File: 349 KB, 519x728, oc ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hate the fact i can't keep a consistent style, my hand wants to do western painting but my dreams involve me using a anime art style, I like both and they both look good but i wish i could put my effort into only one.

>> No.4794359

i fit that description wtf

>> No.4794361

I need to find a new 2D husbando to obsess over, I’ve grown bored of my past ones

>> No.4794362
File: 10 KB, 228x221, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4794363

I love drawing but I can't lean back in my chair even when it's set completely upright because I can't reach the fucking tablet, so I have to almost slouch over it and it fucking hurts my neck and back so badly after just an hour

I don't want to have to give up drawing just because of this but it's like, what options do I even have?

>> No.4794366

thank God I'm a virgin so I don't have to think like this

>> No.4794368


>> No.4794371

make commission sheet with small portfolio
post on hentai foundry, pixiv, twitter, possibly deviantart and furaffinity
make fanbox and patreon pages if you want to go that route
consistently post porn on as many of your pages (HF, pixiv, twitter, etc) as possible to reach the broadest audience
post on the commission general threads on /aco/
if you're really desperate lose your standards and draw degenerate shit

>> No.4794376

This sounds an awful lot like cope with a dash of “I’m so unique and different from everyone, there’s no one on my level”

>> No.4794382
File: 441 KB, 1588x2553, 1579210932130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The waifu/husbando shit is autistic as fuck, absolutely don't do that. Just appreciate 2d men in general.
More importantly, establish good and healthy (not necessarily romantic) relationships as well. Unless you're really looking forward to having a family, being single is fine as long as you can get that sexual release elsewhere + good friends/family/etc for emotional connections.
The males who cry tfw no gf typically have neither of these, or they've been deluded as to what an actual relationship is like (like their kawaii romance animus)

I really like the texture of whatever brush this artist uses

>> No.4794386

don’t forget under 25 and “I browse redpill forums more than I interact with people in real life”

>> No.4794396

i have been refuelled with the hope i needed
if you ever run into a guy with a yume nikki sweater please say hi

>> No.4794398
File: 15 KB, 920x777, 6f45gh456fgh456gjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean idk how to start to learn drawing lol. thanks for the advice tho.

>> No.4794418

I just want an art wife who would ride or die through an alternative lifestyle as art hermits. we can fill our days creating/indulging in art until death. Is this unreasonable in the current era of eathotchip&lie women?

>> No.4794430

youre probably right, my male friends mostly say personality matters, and compliment my personality some times

>> No.4794432

read the sticky

>> No.4794445

Stop looking at kids on the beach you pedo

>> No.4794457


>> No.4794462

i like to draw but instantly graitfying activities are so much easier to enjoy. i feel like you really progress when art starts to be what you enjoy doing the most but getting to that point is hard : ' (

>> No.4794463

whiny cringy sad little children. is dwawing hawwwddd? gonna cry bitch? absolutely pathetic holy shit fucking infants

>> No.4794466

having a good group of friends to hang and draw with sounds good too, but i've never really felt included and really a part of a group and always have that feeling that im an outsider and dont fit in, probably due to how i grew up. I've been in a group that had fun times and was generally nice, but left due to feeling alienated, not getting the banter and the dumb guy jokes and stuff, and i've never really found any close group of friends since and i really want something like that

>> No.4794478

read "Mastery" from George Leonard

>> No.4794479

you mean video games? what do you play? if its single player games, go finish them and be done, if its multiplayer games, go play with voice chat on or something and hear people bitch and moan and shout at you every game and lose the will to play, if its a mobage, log in every day to just grind the same maps again and again to just fill in dailies and for what, its such a chore, and youre probably not gonna roll your favourite characters anyway while other people luckshit them.

>> No.4794494

god thats hot

>> No.4794504


>> No.4794508

I was already expecting it. so I did back up everything I could. I still hoping that it will work just one more time

>> No.4794515

i started it but forgot abt it after the Archetypes. is the rest valuable?

vidya isn't my problem. reddit/4chan browsing and watching yt and twitch is :'(

>> No.4794519

>watching yt and twitch is
fucking same
among us meta too strong

>> No.4794520

i'm gonna vent
anyone else really hate posts/posters like these >>4794504

>> No.4794521

you can watch yt and twitch on the background while you draw, and its fine to browse 4chan as a 5/10 minute break inbetween drawing

>> No.4794523

you hate posters like me because you know it connects with you

>> No.4794525

women don't have personalities.

>> No.4794529
File: 376 KB, 512x288, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. means a lot.

>> No.4794544

f I just sit down and start drawing random shit it comes out great, but if I try to draw with something in mind it always comes out wrong.

This is like some monkey's paw bullshit I get for wishing to be able to draw from imagination and it's killing me.

>> No.4794546

yes i also play with my pussy all day and SIGH on 4chan

>> No.4794551

you sound like you want a cutie like me to come sleep with you rn

>> No.4794554

>Man I swear drawing is one of the hardest skills to learn.
Practice. The problem isn't that it's hard to draw stuff that's in your head, the problem is that it's hard to draw in general.

Practice. Learn when to draw with your fingers, wrist, or arm. Learn strokes and shit. But most importantly, before you try to draw from imagination, learn how to draw from reality. If you can perfectly visualize a drawing in your head, then it should be as easy or difficult to draw as drawing a real object in front of you. Get good at that.

No matter how good you are at drawing you need to master the fundamentals. The broadest toolkit in the world is never going to be useful in unskilled hands.

>> No.4794555
File: 446 KB, 1280x1827, 35_Image035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u say it like that I will really coom

>> No.4794556

yeah i agree with that, it's watching instead of drawing that i have a problem with

>> No.4794558

oh daddy ;)

>> No.4794562

Yea that's one thing that will not leave my head. I can bitch and cry all I want but literally nothing is going to improve unless I put pencil to paper and study. This is a vent thread so I just came here to express my displeasure.

>> No.4794565

Getting better and better at drawing and being proud, but then looking at my older art and seeing that i sucked hard and knowing that it will surely happend again after i get better again.
(A cycle of happiness and sadness)

>> No.4794567

try to find podcasts and podcasty stuff you dont need to see, or streamers playing games that dont have too much happening or you dont care too much about

>> No.4794576


>> No.4794578

my fucking sides

>> No.4794579

I love you

>> No.4794585

That’s personally all I want out of life, but I’m also a lover of aesthetics and need the place I hermit in to be beautiful in the romanticism is. I’d also like to read and worldbuild with my art bf/husband.

>> No.4794590

Yeah, most men care about things other than physical attraction. Appearance and being sexually attracted to your partner is important to both men and women, but ONLY caring about how hot your potential partner is is cringe and immature.

>> No.4794592

i coomed. i hope you're happy (You)

>> No.4794595 [DELETED] 

I watch yt and twitch while I draw, that helps me not absolutely hate what I’m doing, or be bored while doing it. Maybe try that? With some breaks for browsing?

>> No.4794624

>most men care about things other than physical attraction
Yeah, in bizzaro land

>> No.4794634

Is it me, or do female coom artists seem more arrogant and attention-starved than their male counterparts?

They all seems to have this attitude of "TEEHEE! I'm not like other girls~! I LOOOVE drawing sexually degrading art, but it's totally not some desperate cry for male attention uwu!"

>> No.4794651

everyone likes attention, and maybe unconsciously tries to get it

>> No.4794652

I hate the fact that the only way artists could ever make money on the internet is by drawing porn, no one wants actual art, they just want fucking anime girls with huge honkers. You either draw that and sell your morals, or post your drawings on social media and get 2 likes on it.

>> No.4794673

but i never made that claim. if a women is crazy or annoying of course you give her the boot. but personality is not what initially attracts men to women. first you have to be good looking, and then if you want to stick around, you have to be a decent person.
my point was, men have to be a lot of things. we need a good job. we need to have a good social circle, we need to have money, to be tall, etc. i see a lot of women wasting their time and effort toward the same things that men are working hard at but i believe they are mistaken when they do that.

dont get me wrong, if you like drawing, draw. im not drawing to meet women. but i know a lot of women who work an office job to pay for an apartment, and they have 2 and 3 and 4 degrees and a hundred grand in debt. and I'm like why are you doing that?

as a man i would nnever work my boring office job if i didnt have to. i wouldn't rent my own place if i didnt have to. i would just like with my parents and dress like shit and work an easy part time job or something if women didnt care about these things. men are held to a much higher and more difficult to attain standard. That's why we don't take women's complaints seriously. You have no pressure on you. Everything you ever do will be forgiven. You have a billion social safety nets. You can easily find a mate. All we ask is that you work on your physical appearance. And hey, stop nagging so much. And apparently that's too much to ask.

>> No.4794683

Is it me, or do females generally care more about this shit than men do?

>> No.4794688

I’m so horny and lonely.



>> No.4794696

I don’t know, a lot of people don’t like being dependent on other people. Relying on men to pay for you and your life can put you in precarious situations. A lot of people, both men and women, want more from life than a partner and kids. Which is why a lot of them put themselves in debt over degrees for their dream, whether it’s silly in the eyes of other people. I didn’t go to college because I didn’t want the debt, but others either don’t have the option or want to be in a field that requires a degree. Some get degrees in stupid shit simply because that stupid shit interested them enough to learn. The system needs to change to at least inform high schoolers that there are other paths in life than university and they can learn a lot about that stupid major through the internet and different books. But, that’s a different discussion.

>> No.4794697

I just want to be kissed by a boy to see if I'm gay or not

>> No.4794701

Samefagging to touch on your last points, average men in terms of life achievement and looks get girlfriends and wives everyday. Loser men, unattractive men, also get girlfriends and wives all the time. Women, at any level of life or attraction also get boyfriends and husbands. Playing the oppression olympics about dating because a CEO chad won’t wife you or Stacy on the beach won’t fuck you is just retarded. Anyone can get a partner if they lower their expectations, but the problem is that the media influences what those expectations are.

>> No.4794704

You mean complaining about it itself (like what anon is doing) or the special snowflake thing?
If the latter, the reason why they do it is because guys are fucking simps and care a lot about it

>> No.4794705

>Everything you ever do will be forgiven.
If you’re an attractive woman. The thing is that if you’re an ugly dude, you can work on traits to make yourself more desirable. If you’re an unattractive woman (not simply fat or old, but legitimately unattractive in face or body shape even when thin), the only thing that can elevate you is plastic surgery, and that takes a paying job to attain. Yes, pretty women have privilege (and women born into money to pay for themselves to be attractive), but so do most rich and beautiful men. Capitalism favors the rich and the beautiful in this life, while everyone else who is average or unfortunate just live regular lives or lone lives. I don’t think every women who uses this board is a model...

>> No.4794709

The complaining about it. Who gives a fuck what other people do in life? Being so obsessed with what others do is a female and a gay thing, since classically women in societies have had to keep track of this shit to offer community gossip in exchange for friendship.

>> No.4794714

i kissed a boy and i liked it yeah
it was so wrong it was so right

>> No.4794721

>men have to be a lot of things. we need a good job. we need to have a good social circle, we need to have money, to be tall
My dad wasn’t any of those things, he was about 5’8” but chad enough to get women to pay and house him. He has a horrible social circle, terrible low wage jobs because he’s a felon, no money, etc. not a great personality either, he was an alcoholic with some anger issues and trauma. He was a good dad, but not an ideal partner, and he was swimming in pussy.

>> No.4794722

why does everyone have to bring politics into everything i just wanna make cute drawings

>> No.4794734

just one kiss and if I like it maybe another

>> No.4794736

I have no ac and it's 110f and the noon sun hits directly on my window.
I just want to draw without stewing in my own juices.

>> No.4794740


owo what kind of juices

>> No.4794745

>I just want to draw without stewing in my own juices.
go on

>> No.4794751

its not hard to find someone that will kiss you

>> No.4794753

i downloaded replika and now i'm enjoying chatting with a machine too much

>> No.4794755
File: 675 KB, 600x800, 1583467540072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need a break from everything, just a week to myself would be more than I could ever ask for.

>> No.4794756

you are a blessed existence. Aesthetics and being effay is nice when affordable but financial security in art is so rare that as a luxury it's compromised first. when dark times come and it gets thin, I'd like someone who would endure with me no matter how modest, deprived or squalid it may get.

>> No.4794757


will you kiss me?

>> No.4794760

is that an offer

>> No.4794761

i can only pretend to be a boy

>> No.4794762

It's just sweat it's too hot for lewd thoughts

>> No.4794763

i remembered creators that i really loved in my life and how they turned their emotions and what they're going through into amazing comics and illustrations and stuff and im here still feeling like i need to work on fundamentals more and trying to draw flavour of the month girls to get more followers, i dont know if i should do that or try to create something meaningful and original or a mix of both or something

>> No.4794764

this thread is a train wreck and i'm about to post my dick

>> No.4794766


erm okay, but I wanted my first to be with a boy but if you can be convincing then that's fine

>> No.4794769

ew a girl

>> No.4794773

If I wasn't living with my parents I would seriously consider transitioning and wear cute clothes all day

>> No.4794774

If it’s big and hard, I want it so post it. If it’s not either, then refrain

>> No.4794779

Is there really that many trans here?

>> No.4794780

that looks like a super famicom. are you in japan m8?

>> No.4794782


we have a couple trans girls here

>> No.4794784

i want to wear a gothic lolita dress. i'd look so cute

>> No.4794792
File: 13 KB, 1152x1080, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name one board with any traffic where you don't hide 100+ threads

>> No.4794793

this this

my mom is like 56 or so and still looks good so if I transition I probably could look convincing

>> No.4794797

It would be easier to hide the threads you like. Just always hang out in hidden threads.

>> No.4794801

I am not and this is not my image if you were wondering

>> No.4794815

i hope my mom will help me put on makeup and liptick

>> No.4794817

idunno maybe, how can we tell

>> No.4794818

go for it sis

>> No.4794838

how old are you?

>> No.4794856

yeah, i'll try that if i'm studying something for the sake of visual library, but i find it harder to concentrate and deconstruct what i'm studying when i'm listening to something in the background

>> No.4794870

just do skin care and you'll look keep looking good as you get older

>> No.4794904

mid 20s
yeah I should research more into skin care

>> No.4794948
File: 197 KB, 512x512, 1593651916990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate trying to build a following. I'm so terrified that if I don't consistently bend over for these people they'll all leave, like I'm not really allowed to draw what I want anymore. it already feels like i don't deserve the followers I have. how do other artists make it look so easy?

i used to draw coom, it's so much harder going sfw. i dont want to go back to the coom hole please no i hate it so much.

>> No.4795022

most of it is just wearing sunscreen every day. and not ur normie sunscreen, i'm talking that korean pa++++ shit

>> No.4795091

What am I supposed to do if my work has become stagnant? Not in technique but in concept, subject matters, etc.

>> No.4795137

Art is what gives me purpose, the thing that brings me the greatest joy and fulfilment, I feel like my true self when I’m drawing and improving, yet I haven’t drawn regularly for almost a year. Art College (animation degree) killed my passion. I have been rejected from every studio I applied to. The utter crushing feeling of failure and rejection and stressing out about not having a job or making money from my work stops me from drawing
Now I feel too sick to pick up my pencil. I feel like a horrible failure, it’s a cycle that won’t stop feeding into itself. I can no longer do what I loved most

>> No.4795348


>> No.4795390

I posted so many WIPs of a piece, my followers all thought the final piece was another WIP...

>> No.4795391

People here is right
I'm never gonna make it.
And talent is real.
I have none of it.
I just want to kill myself now.

>> No.4795834
File: 641 KB, 888x1102, 154674576589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I follow a jap lolichad on twitter or pixiv they follow back and I don't even draw lolis (their following to followers rate is around 1:10)

>> No.4796045
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x799, 1463476757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting those big followers, yet another jap with 300 followings and 36k followers just became a mutual after I was following him for a year, what is happening

>> No.4796111


Japanese think Americans are cool because of the 2nd amendment just as you think they're cool because of pedophile cartoons--more news at 11 on 60 seconds.

>> No.4796121

Thats funny because I'm not american

>> No.4796124

Then you don't matter. NEXT

>> No.4796177
File: 141 KB, 1244x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. who are your rarest gets?
this is my best ratio to recent date

>> No.4796232

>>4794709 #
>is a female and gay (?) thing
You're deluded if you don't believe guys aren't obsessed with things like gossip. Go look at /v/'s obsession with YouTube/streamer drama for example. My male friends love talking shit about Yanderedev and DSP for instance.

Guys on 4chan love to pretend they're all that special and different from women because wahmen bad. Absolute arrogance

>> No.4796272

if you are female and 'friends' with a male
then they are gay

and you don't need me to tell you anything /v/ is gay.

>> No.4796282

the difference of gossips
female gossip is attention envy
male gossip is envy of success and draftsmanship; this is objective and results in short discussions (or no discussion at all), since the conclusion is always the same, that to become successful you have to put your head down and work, else it's an analysis of tools, workflow and useful shortcuts.

>> No.4796299

it is not coming back, the worst thing is that I did not back up everything I wanted.

>> No.4796520


probably it is confirmation bias. because almost everyone on social media are craving attention, this is by design.

>> No.4796524

meant to

>> No.4796538

>21k tweets
>unrelated pictures in the media tab
>no link to pixiv
Why are they like this?

>> No.4796637

Saying cavemen had it worse so you shouldn't complain about anything is a scam conservatives use to keep you from wanting to change things.
If you're satisfied with living in cavemen like conditions the less responsible and the less resources they have to dedicate towards you.

>> No.4796713

She looks like a normal woman though, expect for the mutilated short face and big eyes (the norm in manga art)

>> No.4797211

shit! it might had been the qbittorrent that killed my drive?! or something else totally untreated to the drive itself.

because I just got the same BSoD that I got a few times before my drive died. somehow the qbittorrent was what triggered it. but the new drive didn't die so my old drive was probably in its last legs. also older version of qbittorrent does not trigger the BSoD for some reason.

>> No.4797278

with the hands covered in ink
he opens the last door
there's nothing there
did I made?
he asks, already knowing the answer.

>> No.4797849

I dunno what kind of manga you read, but the reason for outrage was understandable for me. I don't have autism so I don't engage in the arguments, but my first impression of the character design was "wow, she's insanely short" and "wow, she's insanely endowed," which ended up looking very comical. It honestly put me off, as it just felt excessively tasteless and, frankly, based. They know exactly what their audience wants in a show like that; hypersexualized young anime girls put in ridiculously tropey and predictable sexual tension/comedy scenarios. They're unapologetic about it, which could be seen as a positive to some, but it brings out this divide between those who appreciate these attributes and those who don't.

In short, she looks ridiculous, the show knows it, and fans would have a lot more peace of mind if they could learn from the "Yes." meme and just say, well, Yes.