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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 418 KB, 1784x1880, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4759160 No.4759160 [Reply] [Original]

I'm drawing this. Should I just stop? Do I seriously just suck? Should I be done with it and kms?

>> No.4759168

Naw youre all good, her tits are much closer to anatomically correct then i usually see

>> No.4759173

Really? Thanks. I spent way too much time on them just erasing and redrawing

>> No.4759175

finish it, but try again.

>> No.4759188

I will, thank you for your comment

>> No.4759202

keep it. looks based, plus practicing on anatomy is always good, and you really can only improve

>> No.4759214
File: 100 KB, 700x573, pepes-hugging-each-other-lovingly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have potential and i wanna see you make, keep it up anon.

>> No.4759216


>> No.4759220

Niggy, just draw, you'll get better so long as you put practice and study in.

>> No.4759233
File: 711 KB, 320x246, f767a5d9ac2831df17102545b22c74d8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind Anons, I am touched. I will keep drawing

>> No.4759236

look for some reference and compare your work with the reference.

>> No.4759237

don't be discouraged m8, you're doing great

>> No.4759251

looks decent, particularly in the thumbnail
make her flatchested and it will be x100 hotter

>> No.4759265

There is a lot wrong in this image but i will say that it's really good you are trying to do more dynamic an complex poses.

I reccomend watching scyras "coil technique" video as it helped me break down foreshorterning alot easier.


Also pick up Micheal hamptons book for help with your anatomy, your chest and torso anatomy is pretty ok in this but the arms are lacking.

Also observe any artist you like and take aspects you like about them to apply it to your style and work, you can learn a lot from just looking and observing.
Good luck :)

>> No.4759275

I'd say either make the feet bigger or the fists smaller, but I actually find large hands like that charming.
Other than that, I'm in love with the anatomy!

>> No.4759311
File: 510 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0012-(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing it friends. I don't know if it's the right thing, but I'm doing it.

I'll go away and tinker with it now, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.4759311,1 [INTERNAL] 

>>4759160 yeah but how do you kimjunggi tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>>4759233 *indiscernible sociopathic chimp sounds*

>> No.4759428

if you're only encouraged and willing to draw cause of other people you're seriously ngmi

>> No.4759477

Long ago, I posted something here for critique and was destroyed. It messed with me, but it was fair. Not getting destroyed this time felt good - why would I pretend it doesn't? Do you enjoy pretending you don't care what other people think? I don't think you do. Maybe before passing judgement on others take a look at yourself, I'd say you need it. Cheers, try to have a good one anon!

>> No.4759502

>breasts pressed together as if she was wearing an invisible bra
>super stylized face on body with realistic proportions
>those hands

>> No.4759510

Look at yourself in the mirror and try to hold your arms and hands like she is doing.
Spend some time studying the neck, trapezius, collar bone, calf, and forearm in particular. I assume you made the hands huge on purpose, but if not, holy shit dude those are enormous.

When you're adding clothing on top of a body, make sure it follos the curves of the body, or else it will flatten out the whole image.

Do your best to see this one through, but on the next drawing you make, start with more careful construction.

>> No.4759511

Oh she's gonna wear a bra, and the hands are deliberately big (it will become clearer when it's finished). I don't know about the head though, you're probably right about that

>> No.4759512

>realistic proportions
And a stylized face on a realistically proportioned body is totally fine, that isn't even close to one of the issues with this drawing.

>> No.4759516

Yeah the hands are on purpose, in fact I've made them even bigger. What I do about what you said is I take 3D models and pose them and study those. I still have a long way to go though.

>> No.4759518

OIP here, I bet there are a ton of issues, but if you've identified them could you share with me?

>> No.4759520

If you are basing this pose off of a 3D model, then you need to find a 3D model with better rigging, because that is not how the human body works at all.

>> No.4759523

Redline me?

>> No.4759544

Do you even know what proportions are, you little rascal?

He'll never post his work or redline, because he is full of shit.

>> No.4759545

I was this post:

Those are the main things you should focus on for now. There are other issues, but in this early stage of your learning, anatomy and construction are paramount.

To be frank, there is not really enough that is right in this image to warrant a redline. Redlining serves to fix anatomical and perspective oversights, but redlining this would more or less amount to a complete redraw. Again, look in a mirror and try to do that with your arm. Pay close attention to the left arm, as that one needs to have its pose completely redrawn.
Another thing to think about is the cape in the second image: it's coming off of her waist as if it's a skirt, but that's not how capes work. It should be draped around her collarbone and over her trapezius.

>> No.4759550

>Do you even know what proportions are
Do YOU? This drawing is far from proportional.
Also fuck off with this crab shit.

>> No.4759561

They aren’t, tits outside of a bra don’t look pushed together and cleavagey, even fake tits have a valley between them. The perspective of the drawing doesn’t look too bad, anon. But unless it’s a design decision, I would size the hands down.

>> No.4759563

>redlining this would more or less amount to a complete redraw
That's an interesting way to say you're too incompetent to redline this.

>This drawing is far from proportional
He basically traced a 3D model. It's pretty proportional.

>> No.4759565

I read that the hands and bra tits are intentional, so keep going! You can do this!

>> No.4759567

Then you go ahead and redline it, dumbfuck.

>He basically traced a 3D model
Again, if that's the case, he is using a bad model.

>> No.4759572

What's there to redline? I'm calling you out on YOUR bullshit, dude. Stop being such a fucking crab, holy SHIT

>> No.4759575

Thank you anon!

>> No.4759578

>What's there to redline?
That is literally what I just said.

>I'm calling you out on YOUR bullshit
WHAT bullshit? What the fuck are you even bitching about? Why are you picking dumb fucking fights in someone else's critique thread? What is wrong with you?

>Stop being such a fucking crab
How the fuck am I being a crab by offering critique? Legitimately just kill yourself and this board will improve tenfold.

>> No.4759586

>That is literally what I just said.
No need to redline, because it already is proportional, right? Great, in that case we agree!

>How the fuck am I being a crab by offering critique?
You call that a critique? You were just rambling, dude. If you have nothing of value to say just stfu

>> No.4759589

I noticed you dodged my question. I'll keep things simple for you so you can't possibly get confused:
What bullshit are you claiming to call out?

>> No.4759594

>claiming the body is not proportional
>defending faggot who couldn't provide a redline
>derailing thread with this petty BS
>being a retard

>> No.4759600

You started the thread with " wahh wahh im bad im quitting" and you only continuing cause some people encouraged you
im not saying you shouldnt care about others but if you have no drive within you to push through being a beg and you only rely on other peoples encouragement you wont make it

>> No.4759604

>claiming the body is not proportional
It isn't. Her right arm is much too long, particularly the forearm. The left upper arm is also too short, even if it's supposed to be foreshortened. The pelvis is much, much too small. The lower left leg is too short, even if it's supposed to be foreshortened.

>defending faggot who couldn't provide a redline
You said you couldn't provide a redline either, faggot.

>derailing thread with this petty BS
YOU did this. I didn't pick a fight with you, you picked a fight with me.

>being a retard
How? You cannot demonstrate that I have been wrong about a single thing, and even if you could, why are you so personally invested in the critique I give the OP? Why are you responding as if I am attacking your work personally? Are you the OP or something?

>> No.4759606

I didn't say I'm quitting, I said "should I quit"? There's a difference. And yes, I do rely on other people's validation. They're a much better judge of my creations that I, or so I figure. What's wrong with that? Why wouldn't I "make it" (whatever that means)?

>> No.4759608

are you a female

>> No.4759609

>You said you couldn't provide a redline either, faggot.
Yes, because there is nothing to redline. Either provide a redline or STFU

>> No.4759611

>because there is nothing to redline
Are you legitimately trying to claim the OP image has no errors?
Are you OP?

>> No.4759612
File: 734 KB, 1351x671, improve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it anons

>> No.4759613

I'm claiming what I claimed from the very beginning >>4759544
You are full of shit and will never provide a redline because you are an incompetent narcissist. I'm sick of people like you. Either do something useful or FUCK OFF

>> No.4759615

Oh god, you're that "narcissist"-anon. No wonder you're so aggressive and incomprehensible.
I also notice that you once again dodged both of my questions.

>> No.4759617

>@bumblefuck right on the drawing
sorry, no

>> No.4759618
File: 123 KB, 850x1054, 1575031763133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all gonna make it!

>> No.4759621

> "narcissist"-anon
No idea who that is, but considering I'm not the only one telling you that there might be a cernel of truth in that.

Again, provide a redline or fuck off. I'm out.

>> No.4759625

No, are you a misogynist

>> No.4759629


>> No.4759635

Nigger, I see you calling people narcissists in every fucking thread.

Be honest, how many of these posts are you?

>I'm out.
We should be so lucky.

>> No.4759648

Don't be, women can be pretty cool

>> No.4759653

Mad about watermarking, what a piss ant lmao

>> No.4759658

how do you know...?

>> No.4759678

Your mom was pretty cool last night when she was sucking my dick

>> No.4759682

Hey OP, did you know you have a very peculiar posting habit that makes you easily identifiable?

>> No.4759709

kek, OP is samefagging like crazy ITT
Look at the poster count vs the reply count and track the reply chains.

>> No.4759710

You mean the habit of replying to a comment chain between two people, one of whom is me?

>> No.4759713

haven't samefag'd once lmao, is that just projecting perhaps?

>> No.4759714

You are so fucking obvious.

>> No.4759717

These two are both me, I'm not pretending to be different people. I just post, then I see a new reply, and I post replying to that.

>> No.4759719

That isn't what I'm referring to.

>> No.4759725

Yeah, I don't know what to tell you mate. I really don't care that much about bumping or appearing to have a conversation or whatever it is someone might samefag about (honestly why, there must be better uses of one's time). Here I'll sage to prove my point

>> No.4759754
File: 72 KB, 540x700, 54f9d4bc483a97c6a2b7b5c9bb4168c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are looking for advice, which after all the rambling on the thread i'm not sure

i would recommend you too look at drawings from the author of BNHA
IMO the guy is pretty good at drawing hands, and if you are going for big hands you can check how he does hands inside gloves

but more important, finish the drawings as good as you are able at the moment and then check whats wrong.
move on to another drawing and improve on your weak areas

if you don't know whats wrong... train your eye or ask

>> No.4759762

I think you should get into the habit of finishing your art. I know it's frustrating, but you should try finishing it. Creating art is the only way to get better at it.

>> No.4759817

Thanks everyone. Despite the silliness I got some good advice, mostly to just finish what you start no matter what you think of it. Anon is wise, I bow to anon.

>> No.4759823

You'll never improve if you just stop, Anon. Keep going! You're already better than 90% of /ic/ anyway

>> No.4759842


>> No.4759863

If you worked that for more than 10 mins. It's ngmi

>> No.4759895

>enter thread with 70 replies
>"i bet it's full of autism"
>it is
/ic/ never disappoints

>> No.4759897
File: 7 KB, 261x105, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you expect, you autist

>> No.4759974
File: 533 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0012 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going strong. Having fun. This is the first time I've drawn anything in more than a decade. Forgot how relaxing it is

>> No.4759978

Did you apply any of the critique you got?

>> No.4759985

I try. Mostly I'm trying to just finish it, still got a long ways to go though (I am extremely slow). I did the dress just now, tried to follow the curves of the body like an anon said. I don't know if I did it well, or at all... but I tried

>> No.4760006

And the anatomy?

>> No.4760012

I tried to hide it a bit, but no one was really clear on what was the problem so I didn't really do much

>> No.4760013

You are being lazy. Apply the critique or fuck off.

>> No.4760017

Read the thread. I read all of it. If you can find ONE mention of what is wrong with the anatomy (besides hands and boobs which are like they are on purpose, as you should be able to tell by the latest iteration) just tell me

>> No.4760026

All of these posts:

>> No.4760053

I guess I missed that bit about the arm length and pelvis size (the rest I did). Honestly lengths are my weakness so I actually measure the lengths in a really cohesive way before drawing, so I don't know how something could be wrong... but I'll make the changes and see

>> No.4760060

Yeah looks like shit. I don't know, maybe the person suggesting the bit about the lengths was just wrong

>> No.4760067

This looks completely terrible you stupid western cuck.

>> No.4760075

>western cuck

>> No.4760077

Yes, clearly your anatomy is perfect, don't change a thing.


>> No.4760089

it's just autism. don't mind him

>> No.4760112

All those posts are you, aren't they?

>> No.4760166

All what posts are me, retard?

>> No.4761498

Yeah. No skill shit talkers like him should better be ignored.

>> No.4761504

Shut the fuck up faggot, you can't just instantly apply critiques and improve your anatomy because someone pointed it out to you. It takes time.

>> No.4762132


There's a difference between not being able to fix something, and not even fucking trying. I pointed out that the left arm was posed in an impossible way. I gave him a tip for how he could see this himself, and advised that he fix it. He did not change one single pixel of the drawing of the left arm.
He is lazy.

This thread was made so that OP can get asspats and encouragement rather than critique. This is why he didn't post his drawing in /beg/, and this is why he did not attempt to apply or respond to any of the critique he was given until he was called out for it.

>> No.4762288
File: 118 KB, 1462x2048, 20200701_142511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study both anatomy and gesture in tandem. You've got a few errors, but nothing you can't fix with practice. A few things I'm noticing.
>Breasts have weight. It can be difficult to perceive this weight if you don't know the perspective of the rib cage. As an easy way to remember, "breast fall down and out". They will be pulled by the weight of the fat very slightly below the same nipple height used for men, and will be pulled out slightly if the arms are raised due to how the breasts sit of the pectoralis. I find tear drops to be the easiest gesture shape for breasts, since they have both a direction and, hence, gestural quality to them. In short, BREASTS WILL NEVER TOUCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THEY AREN'T HELD UP BY A BRA OR SUPPORT.
>Study the shoulder girdle structure. The scapula and clavicles make a very strong shelf form that can be handled with perspective. Studying it will allow you to do a few things, including make convincing neck placements, do correct deltoid attachment, and have implicit knowledge of the full range of motion for the humerus.
>Your lack of fundumentals on the legs (with regard to the knees specifically) is giving your legs drawings a "stacked sausage" quality. The legs have dominant gestures that overpower the smaller muscle forms. These gestures generally follow an elongated "S" when seen from the side, and two stacked semicircles seen from the front (eg, the round side points outward for both the quads and calves, while the flat side are inward for both segments as well). Using these shapes to design your body parts while still considering perspective and form will give your designs a more consistent and "thoughtful" quality, even if you still have holes in your anatomy knowledge, which can only be filled with practice. Also, I find the knee joint to be one of the hardest joints to learn due to the patella being the only joint that functions as a DETATCHED levered hinge. Without it, bipedals would exert far more energy to stand up.

>> No.4762441

your crit was shit. at least provide a redline --- ooh wait, you're not skilled enough for that, I forgot haha

>> No.4762561


>> No.4762657

OP here, thank you, those are some prime tips, especially on the tits which I really appreciate

>> No.4762950
File: 932 KB, 2300x2000, AylaDeckedOut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finished it (at least the initial lines, gonna ink and try coloring next, even though I've never really colored anything before). I truly feel just a little bit better for putting in the effort to go through with it. I will take everyone's advice into consideration for my next attempt, even the rude ones. Thank you anons.

BTW surprise, it was Ayla from Chrono Trigger all along! Wanted to draw her with the final equipment I have on her on my DS (except Bronze Fist cause I couldn't be assed to level her to 99, I just googled an image and shopped it in lol)

>> No.4762972

Fuck off to /beg/, /ic/ is not your blog.

>> No.4762992

aight my bad, bye

>> No.4763268 [DELETED] 

Any time. Glad to hear you got a chance to read and found it helpful.

>> No.4763274

Any time. Glad to hear you got a chance to read and found it helpful.

>> No.4764654

What the heck is happening with the left foot? Why is it in front of the right shank if the knees are pretty much touching each other?