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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4742109 No.4742109 [Reply] [Original]

Just back into drawing after a couple of years, let’s turn this into a positive thread. Post images / memes / improvements or even your personal stories!

>> No.4742112

what if i already gave up

>> No.4742113

You haven't given up if you're still here

>> No.4742123

No good feels. I practice regularly on top of having a job and my improvement is not there so I'm permanently miserable of being fundamentally flawed and inadequate at the only thing that matters to me.

>> No.4742132

five days in, already draw better than ever, will post pic later.
>Feels awesome

>> No.4742160

Is there a way you can add in more drawing time? Like dyring the weekends instead of pushing yourself after work during weekdays?

Great, do post! I always thought I couldn't do rendering, forced myself to do a grayscale study today and found that it was, indeed, possible

>> No.4742166
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>> No.4742170

Do people really fall for these fake motivational posts
Go draw lmao

>> No.4742186

Damn son, I just wanted to create a encouragement thread, why not draw and motivate others as well?

>> No.4742190

I am drawing
Why don’t you fuckin draw

>> No.4742276

it is ok to give up after you tried your best!!

also if your goals change

>> No.4742322

you can do it girl! yaass queen! girl powa!!!! Babe, i know you have it in you!!!! get those positive good vibe feelios. oh sweetie dont be sad your so talented!! *hugs* everytime you feel you cant do it just imagin a cute pupperino cheering you on! because i know it girl you have it in you!! #winning

>> No.4742412
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here it is

>> No.4742725
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Things that will make you feel better at drawing if you’re a beginner

- Taking on easy subjects.

This is important because it will help you see success early. Try looking at copying simple line drawings of things you find interesting. While you’re copying you’ll improve proportion and see improvement. Practice drawing circles, while drawing with your arm on at least 11x14 paper, you’ll see improvement by page 20!! That’s probably just an hour or two.

Good Teachers

- Perspective was more enjoyable as an intro course through Marshall Vandruff than anyone else.

- Brent Evistons art and science of drawing has been fun and helpful.

- Draw a box was grindy and sucked. Loomis requires you at least be able to draw the eggs, circles, curves and wavy lines very proficiently. He also assumes you understand shading and values - not so much the concepts but the techniques. For some new, you’ll just be frustrated.

Start with something for absolute begginers. If you haven’t mastered circles, straight lines, spheres, ovals, ellipses then don’t jump to people.

Alphonso Dunn is another enjoyable and easy to understand teacher on YouTube. Keys to Drawing is a good book as well. I’m rambling but I’m trying to point out resources that felt good at the very start.

- Most of all, take a break from fundamentals and just draw some easy shit you enjoy. You need to see some successes to keep going. Give yourself an easy victory once in a while beside the hard ones.

>> No.4742730

not gonna make it

>> No.4742738

just replace film with art.

>> No.4742823
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I love Vilppu because he taught me how to think solidly, build a drawing, and render it from imagination. Before, I drew with loosey goosey shapes like disney storyboard artists would do.

>> No.4742986

I already draw through the entire weekend on top of that. If I'm already bad and not improving drawing LESS is not gonna do me any service.

>> No.4743972


Good video. Saved.

>> No.4743983
File: 276 KB, 728x1004, asderftgyuijokpl[;]'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets better anon, i promise

you could improve faster than I did too if you actually draw everyday and not just sporadically cope like i do

>> No.4743986

Did you draw this? If you did that’s really amazing!! Do you have any social media because I would like to see more.

>> No.4743993

Damn wtf. I just wanna draw hot guys. I feel shitty now

>> No.4743998

Yeah I feel you...

>> No.4744006

goddamn dude that's some solid improvement

great job trying to move away from stabilization

>> No.4744026

I did! I'm trying to rebrand right now, so I don't currently have an active blog. I will soon though
dont give up anon drawing hot guys is liberating
thank you!

>> No.4744035
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Since January I've been drawing everyday for the first time in 7 years, and my art's improved by a landslide and it's only been 7 months into the year. It's like my stale art was just waiting for a chance to shine, gesture in particular has really breathed new life into my stiff old work. I'm really curious how my art will look at the end of the year.

>> No.4744047

Why are you so pissy, faggot?

>> No.4744266

>Be prepared to fail over and over
>Be prepared to fail. For years
Finally. Something I already do!

>> No.4744316

How exactly do you study gesture?

>> No.4744678
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it's been months since i drew anything at all
i've tried, though... maybe every second day, i open Photoshop, scribble for twenty minutes, then delete everything and clutch my head because i feel so stifled by my own limitations
it's the first time in my life i've ever not WANTED to learn. First time i've really wanted to give up.

Yesterday i decided i'm gonna get back on top of it. I drew for about six hours yesterday, and i've done four hours today so far. I don't intend on stopping until I go to bed.

I just downloaded some screen recording software, and i'm thinking about doing some videos talking through my character design ideas (kind of like them tumblr bitches do, but without all the chibis)

i actually feel kinda good today. I'm happy with what i'm doing right now. Just wanted to share that.

I hope everyone else is staying positive too. Good luck to you, friends.

>> No.4744688
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Stay winning son.

>> No.4744734
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The sooner you learn to forgive yourself for not practicing art in the past the faster you will be able to into habit of drawing again and improve your skills in the future. Remember, there's no bigger crab than youself.

>> No.4744878

Thinking about started Peter Hans dynamic sketching. Just wondering a couple things.

Drawings done by people in the course look intimidating but I want to get better and I’m willing to try.

Should I get regular toned strathmore paper, can that hold ink? Or should I get a mixed media pad?

>> No.4744929

Thought I'd share my personal story since I think and sense there's probably a few of you in here that would relate.
Art for me has been kind of a roller coaster, going from intense highs for short periods of time to almost complete inability to focus for long periods of time leading to hiatuses.
My longest hiatus so far being about 2 years.

I have ADD so my focus can be pretty selective.
When I'm interested in something I have hyper focus, I pick up and retain things easily and it's an enjoyable experience.
When I'm not interested it's nearly impossible to focus on something for more than a few minutes at a time.
This even manifests itself physically, like if I were doing a study for example not only will I not be able to focus mentally, my eyes will physically de-focus themselves so I can't see what I'm doing.

I don't know if it's related to ADD or if it's just a personality quirk but I tend to shift from one topic of interest to another.
This typically lasts for a few months to a year and borders on obsession.
A few examples of some past obsessions I've had are drawing, photography, exercise, competitive gaming, bonsai, blacksmithing, etc...
It's kind of random, but they're all characterized by short spurts of intense interest, like I think of them 24/7, and then followed by a gradual lost of interest which can then lead to a depressive state.
It's something I've been aware of for a long time but I'm just now starting to get a better understanding of it.

It's caused me a lot of pain when it comes to Art since that's the one thing that I keep coming back to.
It's hard to go from a period of intense interest just to lose it a few months down the line.
I'd refuse to accept this and try to power through, but that just made things worse.
I'd continue to think 24/7 about Art, but it'd shift from positive to negative thoughts.
Like guilt about not doing enough, and anxiety that I'll never achieve my goals, especially when I compare myself to others.

>> No.4745396

I really hope I can adopt this mindset. All I've been doing lately is berating myself for not taking art seriously since I was a child and keeping myself from being at professional level today. Now I'm 25 and I have little to show for it. If I'd taken it seriously early on, there's no doubt I could have been pro by now.

I know regret is bad, but like, man. Art is the one area I had aptitude for as a kid and I pretty much squandered all my years of improvement potential.

Your mindset is really mature though. I hope I can see things that way.

ADHD has severely crippled my ability to learn. I don't have the "hyperfocus" other people speak of, I struggle to focus on anything. Even when I'm drawing, there's a constant stream of thoughts in my head that are completely irrelevant to what I'm working on, and act of concentrating sometimes feels physically painful. I have pages and pages of pure scribbles - literally, mindless scribbles - that perfectly display the disorientation that is my mental state. Trying to actually think of all the various aspects whiloe drawing, like perspective and line quality and so on, feels really taxing and I have to fight through my mental fog in order to do so. It's just tough, man.

>> No.4745427

Drawing for six hours straight? Isn't that kinda tolling on your brain? Wouldn't it be better to draw for 1-2 hours a day to keep yourself from not burning out? Don't take this as an advice I'm a complete beg!!! Just a curious question.

>> No.4745442

not the anon but

it depends from person to person some can go on for hours while others need breaks which doesnt matter that much cuz what matters is how you practise and not how long,m altho mileage + good learning process is the best obviously

>> No.4745463

You're being too hard on yourself. Balancing a job and drawing is not an easy feat and the fact you're doing it consistently enough is already a good sign. If you feel you aren't improving then you can use what downtime you have to focus on your weakpoints or just start from the beginning.

>> No.4745521

>like disney storyboard artists would do.
>unlike vilppu
Anon I...

>> No.4745572

Don't listen to this guy he's trying to make you fail

>> No.4745796

Do you have any better advice?

>> No.4745808
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Look at this and become happy NOW

>> No.4745900

Get a shitty notebook it's a pen
Also in one of the lessons he tells you what he uses

>> No.4746342
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>> No.4746433

How do you forgive yourself? I just can’t

>> No.4746530

At the end of the day. Does "doing the right thing" matters at all when there are no results? No improvement is a terrible sign

>> No.4746531

I also have adhd and when I get in that mind set I do gesture drawings. Having to get the bare details down in 30secs-2 min before swapping to a new photo makes it harder to lose focus.

>> No.4746554

damn can i see your work. Also, how do you not draw for 7 yrs lol

>> No.4746576

>already gave up

>shitty person

>it is ok to give up
>I tend to shift from one topic of interest to another.

>Don't listen to this guy he's trying to make you fail

>How do you forgive yourself? I just can’t


>back into drawing after a couple of years

>I practice regularly on top of having a job

>Actually posted drawings

>Actually encouraging

>Drawings of improvement

>been drawing everyday

>I drew for about six hours yesterday, and i've done four hours today so far.

>Remember, there's no bigger crab than youself.

>Posted drawing


>> No.4746665
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You simply have to make peace with the fact that life isn't always going to be a linear journey to greatness, and that regret only further sets you do the road to complacency and failure. You're always going to have almost daily thoughs of what could've been, and there's always going to be some teenage prodigy or protier artist your age whos skill is lightyears ahead of anything you have done in your entire life. What you don't see what they gave up to get their to get there, and you almost never see the ones that later plateaued, regressed, or even given up on art later in there lives because of circumstances or live changes.

Now as for how to forgive yourself you have to actively counter whatever negative thoughts that's eating with positive ones. "This looks like shit" can easly be counted with "come to think of it this is actuall better than the one I did last month." Or " you know what today is the day I actually learn X". Just keep fighting those thoughts and eventually it becomes second nature to match selfdoubt with reflectiveness and effort. You're never going enjoy process of creating art so long as you hate yourself.

Lastly, the journey of someone who's become proficient art later in life is also a story worth telling, and one that that people are desperate to here. It's up to you if you want to be the one who tells it. Good luck.

>> No.4746684

>What you don't see what they gave up to get their to get there
I have seen quite a lot of examples first hand of people who made it (as in. great artists who can make a steady living out of what they enjoy and live fulfilling lives) effortlessly just by talent. Meanwhile here I am working 1000 times harder just to achieve basic proficiency, and failing hard.

>> No.4746712

>I am working 1000 times harder
I honestly doubt that.

>> No.4746753

Do you enjoy art like they did? To me enjoying making stuff or simply being passionate about the things that interests you is talent. It makes you draw hours on end without burning out imo.

>> No.4746801

I love this.

>> No.4746813

it can be exhausting, sure, but when i'm on a roll and the strokes are turning out like i want them to? it'd be a shame to waste that spark! right?

nobody needs to be grinding away at the expense of their brain cells imo, it's all about the ebb and flow and just... feeling it, for me. When it feels right, keep at it.

hope you're well, friend

>> No.4746822
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update btw, got a whole bunch of designs done and screen recorded the vast majority of it - i'm not feeling very confident yet, but i downloaded some editing software and my friends and i are collaboratng on sharing our design processes

things are going well!

i hope everyone is keeping on keeping on!

>> No.4746823

Brent Eviston will encourage you, if you get what I mean,

>> No.4746826

If anything I'm more passionate. I easily can dedicate 6 to 12 hours on a piece daily because when I'm drawing the rest of the world stops existing. Its all the inbetween moments where I come up to speed with reality and the miserable state of affairs that the other guys can produce in 2 hours finished amazing pieces while I take 3 weeks with absolutely dreadful results. I have all the passion but it does me no favors in the end.

>> No.4747256

You're wonderful anon and dont you forget it!

>> No.4747324

If what you're saying is true then it's time to seriously reevaluate your resources ,and the direction you're choosing to take your art in. Hours upon hour of drawing means little when you're neither learning, nor retaining the skills used to solved issues with you art. Are you actually making headway in the those pieces dispite the time you spend making it, or are you constantly painting over it and doing it? Are you using reference? Are those references good? Do you have working knowledge of your fundamentals? Do you have an eye for attractive or interesting aesthetics? Do you know why you like artist that inspired you? Do your current goals actually reasonable or are you punching far above your weight class to catch up? These are questions you have to honestly ask yourself now that you reached a crossroad in your journey.

>> No.4748076
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Okay that one worked but I bet this one is a stretch. This is about writing (so sub out writting for drawing) but the boring kind.
But it helped me think about the process of art and the people viewing the art.

>> No.4748198


Based post.

>> No.4748199

Dubs say: we're all gonna make it

>> No.4748206
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Its happening lads!

>> No.4748222

>What do you mean everything just clicks for others while you fail to internalize things even with years of conscious dedicated practice and constant reevaluation and experimenting
>Have you tried trying maybe?

>> No.4748239

based it hurts poster

>> No.4748349
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You have to be shitposting, lying through your teeth about how much work you're actually doing, have some from of mentally disabled to not be able to any information for the long tem, or are eternally free handing with zero to little references material or studies to improving for years on end to not be able to see your own improvement. Worser still is that you've resorted making excuses to bandaid your inadequacy and failure as an artist. You've close you mind to growth and have given up, for those reasons you're going to remain terrible at art.

>> No.4748375

There are no excuses. I do consider myself a failure and Im gonna keep trying to improve through hard work regardless

>> No.4748385
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I feel like everyone has a different method of learning gesture that works for them. For me it was learning the line of action, placement of the head, ribcage and pelvis, and learning how to push a pose further, I also find that drawing fast helps, slow lines will dull the gesture.

This was from March of this year so there's some errors and I could have pushed the pose and perspective further, but I still kind of like it. I'd like to re-draw it next year.

Also, I didn't stop drawing entirely for those 7 years, it was just very sporadic and I wasn't focused on improving, just drawing a cute girl then moving on.

>> No.4748443

Fuck, this is great. I love Joe Bob but haven't seen this episode yet.

This is perfect for literally for all of my hobbies, and I have zero interest in film making.

>> No.4748556
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>> No.4748562
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>> No.4748576

Stop thinking: I'm not good enough to finish a piece
Start thinking: I'm a better artist now because I can learn from my mistakes.

>> No.4748577

I went to a life drawing session and I was absolutely horrible.

I will correct this.

I will become a great artist.

>> No.4748580

Don't forget. If you mess up doesn't mean you can't start again. At any day, any time. Take your time. You don't have to wait until the next day. You can take a few breaths, clear your space and start again. Any repeat until you can get it done.

>> No.4748587

What happened?

>> No.4748589

You understood that?

>> No.4748693

>Most of all, take a break from fundamentals and just draw some easy shit you enjoy. You need to see some successes to keep going. Give yourself an easy victory once in a while beside the hard ones

Fucking THIS! One of the reasons so many art teachers start with extreme basics is so that you build up confidence early.

Do simple still-lifes, like an orange or a book. Find concept sketches of characters you like on tumblr or pinterest or wherever and copy them. Go to one of those "Here's how to draw a tree" lessons for kids websites and find something there to draw. Just do something! Those easy wins are going to add up and help propel you forward to more challenging subjects later.

Most importantly, find ways to have fun with it.

>> No.4748985


>> No.4749006

Now you sound like someone that actually wants to make it, god speed anon and keep drawing.

>> No.4750160


>> No.4750326
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For the first time in nearly 6 years, I not only drew for 2 weeks straight, but I drew substantially. Body parts, poses, household objects, scenery, landscapes. I had such a huge variety. I was also patient with my mistakes. I have never made so much progress before in my life. I corrected long running mistakes I've been making with legs, improved my gestures using techniques I learned from Force, and started drawing more men as well.

I feel very empowered and I really feel like I'm coming out of a deep cave.

>> No.4750431
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>> No.4750801

Got a link to Force?

>> No.4751110

Ur all gonna make it, dont give up anons, you have come this far.

>> No.4751265

You aren't immune to propaganda
Insert image of anime girl with Canadian flag ass here.

>> No.4752072
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Since the beginning of the month I've been timing all my drawing sessions and fixed the objective of 100 hours of drawing.

It's the first time i've been feeling this motivated because even if I don't improve day by day at least I see my efforts clearly.

I also saw the 10000 hours rules video I convinced myself that if I draw this much i'll be a decent artist.

Hope that I keep the pace, we all GMI :).

>> No.4752076

think about it, if i atleast learn just 1 thing, 1 small thing about lets say painting or drawing. just 1 tip or error i made, and i correct it
think after a month or a year
i would have fixed 365 erros, isnt that crazy i can improve so much in a year

>> No.4752484
File: 35 KB, 735x728, a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who can save yourself from this cycle. Pick up your pen and get to work.

>> No.4753523


Based Gooby. I hope he's doing alright, these days.

>> No.4755868


>> No.4758301
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>> No.4758313
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>> No.4758353

thats right limp bitch, move out of the way so the men can work

>> No.4758431

Bought a tablet after not doing serious drawing like when I was out of school. I enjoy it so much I actually lose track of time, and want to improve myself. I'm surprised I improved in some ways in just this short amount of time.

Fuck I was stupid for stopping for 10 years.

>> No.4758447

I have been drawing several hours every day for the past several weeks. I don't think I've improved at all but I am happy that I have actually managed to draw for substantially longer than before. I used to struggle just to draw for an hour every day.

>> No.4761315



>> No.4761354

.>Draws everyday and set goals for learning
>Decide to take a break and play some vidya
>Vidya feels boring and a chore because you have to keep playing to get gud and git gud to have fun
>Fuck that i could just draw
Remember to take drawing slow at first and ease it into your schedule if you are a beginner then that shit becomes your life once you see improvement. Drawing every day is the best thing i ever decided to do for once. Godspeed anons

>> No.4761433

I've been practicing anatomy for probably about 5 hours every day for the past 2.5 weeks and man am I seeing improvement. I'll tell you it took all I had to get past that initial hump of everything looking like shit and I'm still kind of there for tough perspective poses. feels good man.

>> No.4763679


>> No.4765501
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>> No.4765643

This was fantastic.
Thanks for sharing, mate

>> No.4766321
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if you fail, it can only be because you was a lazy piece of shit, because everyone in the world (yes I know everyone) has the same opportunities, but some just don't work hard enough. So you should feel bad about yourself!

No, you can excuse yourself knowing that you did your best.

Also live the rest of your live hating your past self for not knowing better and making mistakes. That is the healthy thing to do. That is what champions do!

>> No.4766367
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>> No.4766380

I've been going through cognitive drawing book and this is exactly why I feel much better about drawing than I've ever felt. I'm quite retarded when it comes to drawing but because the excercises are fun and still leave you with a pleasant result it keeps me going. Anything small helps and Draw better than last time, that's what I'm having as a philosophy. Seems to be working so far.

>> No.4766386

ever since i graduated into this stupid pandemic and lost my summer internship i’ve focused solely on improving my art.

now im having so much fun, really i wake up and start drawing right away, even missing meals bc im so invested. i was worried i’d burnout, as i usually do towards the end of summer, so i started running again to create another point of motivation. every day i see and feel improvement.

>> No.4766387

I'm finally reunited with that little kid inside me that loved to draw and was completely fearless about it, God it feels great.

>> No.4766813

how did you get back that feeling?

>> No.4766969

This is some good advice.
Skip DAB. It makes drawing feel like a chore and burns out most beginners that attempt it.

>> No.4767231

I'm making art my number one goal for the day, and the thing that comes first in my life. I sleep to draw better. I work out to get fit, learn discipline, and have more energy to draw better. I soak in lavender baths when my hands grow tire and get a full night's rest to draw better the next day. Art is always on the brain but I stopped saying "when i get good then i will draw X" and instead it "hmm how will can i do that with the current skills i do have" and i fail then i decide to learn it. I do study and free style equal and i decided to make obtainable goals and milestones that I'm confident i will reach instead of aiming to be the next master class artist or fitting myself into different boxes because it's what I think should be drawing. I cut stupidass, drama, politics and arguing with retards out of my life and now focus only on things that will truly give me joy because its only thinks I can actually control in the world and what's in my direct vicinity. Hope that helps.

>> No.4767290

Go to sleep right after work. Draw when you wake up

>> No.4767503

Fuck is this me from the future? I can definitely feel you on the interest part. I'm always jumping hobbies and then absorbing every crumb of knowledge about the subject before buying stuff related and then slowly losing interest. There are very few things I've managed to continue with but I attribute that to brute force.

>> No.4767509

But it was an experience. That's a step you can say you've taken in your journey to be better and that matters.

>> No.4767515

This is accurate. I'm a forever DM and when I need easy drawing joy, I draw items and maps from my campaign world. They're terrible but my players used to love seeing that shit. I'd put the items on cards and whoever had the card held the item. Covid is dumb I want that back.

>> No.4767528

Ooh, nice! May I ask what books you've been using/what exercises you've been doing?

>> No.4768647
File: 27 KB, 700x467, C4A69FFD-0B76-4DBF-8ABD-3B585EF73F71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nice feel when there’s still a very long way to go, but I’m getting to the point that even my absent minded doodles are having this gestural fluidity and overall cool feel to them

>> No.4769931

it helped a ton, thank you !

>> No.4770911

Are you me? I stopped drawing for about 5 years. Ive started again recently and was surprised at how much of it I have retained. I decided to buy a tablet last week also.

>> No.4770948


>> No.4771321

draw a box

>> No.4771324
File: 4 KB, 275x183, armpit reff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a lot of real life that takes my energy and sometimes it's hard to make that push to learn new things, and improve myself as an artist. But I still try anyway, you know?

>> No.4771374
File: 44 KB, 608x628, 775xamv6dp541_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drew from imagination for the first time in months
>actually liked it

>> No.4771388


>> No.4771519
File: 773 KB, 2663x2083, 20200804_183753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4771566

Shrink talking about Laziness and motivation. Framed in helping "gaming addicts" but just listen to the explanations
try this writing exercise, Sounds like bullshit but motivates the shit out of me.

>> No.4771837

Liara got some nice hair tentacle things

>> No.4773433

>Loomis requires you at least be able to draw the eggs, circles, curves and wavy lines very proficiently.

not if you start with 'fun with a pencil'. that's supposed to be the first book and starting point.

>> No.4776093

cute kreb. Saved

>> No.4776343

I haven;t been able to draw because I grinded for 6 years only to realize that I had lost my way.Grinding seems aimless now and I don't know how to start again. Ive been working on the same paining for 3 months. It's bad.

>> No.4776621
File: 934 KB, 1034x1544, elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished this, which started as a tg drawthread request and turned into one of the most ambitious things I've ever painted. I haven't done any art to speak of in 5 years so I'm pretty pleased with it

pls no bully

>> No.4777043
File: 302 KB, 544x424, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ADD, we crave excitement and novelty so we tend to always be looking for new and exciting things like drawing, music production yet shy away from them once that boring phase that's needed to master the skill comes in. That's why we tend to be jack of all trades types of folk yet we never seem to master anything.

>> No.4777071

Just got noticed by a former Ankama artist after a day of feeling really down with my skills and now I feel the motivation juice flowing through me

>> No.4777128

What they told you?

>> No.4777151

That they found one drawing I did some time ago quite good and funny and suggested me to draw a character I was planning to draw regardless, so pretty good i think

>> No.4778902

Not anon but it physically hurts me to focus and I compensate with rage.

>> No.4779332

I'm very /beg/ but I bought a drawing tablet because I thought it'd be fun to draw on a computer. I've been drawing random requests on /vg/. They're objectively terrible but I'm having fun and am motivated to get better

>> No.4779771
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, dontgiveup!1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4779796

something happened the other day that really got me motivated. i posted some masterwork sketches here on /ic/ and got a lot of praise for it, one guy even asked for commission prices. something about this really motivated me to improve myself, so that one day i may feel this elation on a genuine level.

>> No.4779799

uh, should note the sketches i posted weren't mine. but the praise felt very real, and so i'd like to feel that genuinely one day, sorry if i didn't make that clear.

>> No.4780030


>> No.4780051
File: 213 KB, 1600x1800, niceitalianman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having fun learning to paint digitally. Felt real good doing this today. Good luck anons, we're all gmi.

>> No.4783313

I kinda sorta wanna draw right now. What's going on?

>> No.4783389
File: 279 KB, 406x720, kitten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the kitten of positivity.
You must reply with another picture of a cat or any animal so you will get quick gainz and fun while drawing.

>> No.4783404
File: 37 KB, 653x470, 1585993746514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
