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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 662 KB, 932x1129, Screenshot_20200722-001848_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4741634 No.4741634 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Huion.

>> No.4741636

kek, rage continues

>> No.4741637

Wat happenin

>> No.4741640

>No other sizes of this image found


>> No.4741641

Fuck Huion, fuck their overpriced good bullshit, and fuck any asshole who buys it.

Honestly, fuck art in general. I can't believe I wasted so many years of my life on this shit.

>> No.4741645

overpriced GOOK bullshit I meant to type

my hands are all cut up from the glass so it's hard to use my phone's keyboard

>> No.4741649

So, why did you go apeshit on an inanimate object?

>> No.4741653

If it were a Huion employee, I would have given him the same treatment and then shat on his fucking grave.

>> No.4741656

350 dollars my ass.

TWENTY dollars. This thing should cost TWENTY dollars.

>> No.4741657
File: 47 KB, 400x315, 1470476211518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice going, butterfingers.

>> No.4741658

nigga my fingers are shaking, I cant type worth an ass

>> No.4741659
File: 39 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to defend my employer at all cost

>> No.4741667

did you cut your fingers when you were breaking it

>> No.4741668


>> No.4741671

yeah glass tends to slice up your hands when you punch it

>> No.4741672

Lol, your own fault for following the chinkshills on here

>> No.4741700

I told you niggers, huion is shaite but poorfags here defend it due their inhability to get anything better, but yet mongoloids like OP keeps falling, i'm still using my old ass cintiq 21ux and not a single problem, feels good not being a retarded neet.

>> No.4741711

Wait is that a carpet? Oh shet rip.
Sorry you're going through this, OP. Whatchu gonna get now?

>> No.4741755

>not starting with a beat up Intuos 3 tablet that costs less than €/$40

I don't even!

>> No.4741762

I'm using a Kamvas 13. Feels good to start digital art with an affordable screen tablet.

>> No.4741768

Sure Zhang

>> No.4741777

>OP could have sold it to pay for a better tablet
>Broke it instead
Lmao what a fucking loser

>> No.4741784
File: 37 KB, 419x600, 1586746814228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ive been using a cheap huion tablet for several years now with no problems

>> No.4741785

Yeah it's a hit and miss. Glad mine has no problems either because I hear support is shit.

>> No.4741788

>Fuck Huion
is she still doing scandinavia and the world?

>> No.4741793

How did it break did you drop it? Did you ragequit and punch it?

>> No.4741803


This made me giggle. Thanks.

>> No.4741815

How does that even happen, did they not mention in the manual you're not supposed to whack it with a hammer?

I had a Giano as my first Huion tab, it stopped working after some 3 years but I don't really mind, I wanted to upgrade anyways.

>> No.4741822


>> No.4741832

>How does that even happen
From the blood in the pic I'm guessing op got assmad over something really stupid and punched through the glass

>> No.4741855
File: 519 KB, 1124x1429, 9023F8AD-5E8F-4BA4-9B21-CA74175B0274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute hands

>> No.4741857

Good luck getting all the tiny shards of glass out of that carpeted floor, retard

>> No.4741858

>retarded beg draws like shit and then gets mad at tablet

>> No.4741865

Most likely yes. I want to see OP's work

OP, pyw!

>> No.4741867

Never heard of a vacuum?

>> No.4741911

This. The 1060plus is alright

>> No.4741915

Have you ever had to vacuum glass out of carpet? It takes forever to get it all because it gets stuck in the fibers of the carpet. OP is going to randomly get huion glass stuck in his foot for at least a week

>> No.4741917

cute hand, wanna show us ur butt too? ;3

>> No.4741920


>> No.4741926

>Chink glass in carpet
>Anon steps on it
>Tiny glass shards extract COVID.rar

>> No.4741929

He wouldn't have a Huion if he was rich, moron

>> No.4742019
File: 70 KB, 968x1024, 1592949501140m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all i need is pen and paper which cost like 10$

>> No.4742076

lol you dont know its a problem because youre adjusted to it. i did't know i had a problem with my bamboo until i got a better one so yeah

>> No.4742091

What’s with all the fags raging here on /ic/ lately

>> No.4742102

Let this be a lesson to all who desire screen tablets. Make sure you reference this thread in the future using the archive.

If you want a screen tablet, go Wacom, always.

>> No.4742107

chinkshit not even once

>> No.4742110

dont belive their paid ""reviews"" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twy5Wo8m284

>> No.4742115

Is it a baw thread?

>> No.4742184

The cope to end all copes

>> No.4742203

Clarification: I have an XP Pen that works just fine. This thing was in my closet collecting dust. I was angry about an unrelated thing when I did this and figured I'd take my anger out on a company that charged me 350 dollars for a worthless piece of plastic.

>> No.4742205

Unlike you faggots, the cost isn't an issue for me.

>> No.4742209

Yeah your brain has bigger problems

>> No.4742213

The problem isn't on my end. Trust me.

>> No.4742215

I'll summarize and just say that I hate Americans and I hope the virus kills all of you. You are awful human beings and I wish the worst for all of you.

>> No.4742217

Which American hurt you today?

>> No.4742231

Well all of you, for one. I don't like being ridiculed for something that isn't my problem.

>> No.4742241

Are you sure you don’t have a problem?

>> No.4742243

Stop with the xd.filenames asshole

>> No.4742250

I'm sure I don't have a problem.

The only reason I'm ever angry is because I hate Americans. There is literally no other reason that I get angry. That should say more about you people than it should say about me.

God bless coronavirus for killing so many of you.

>> No.4742256

lmao so mad you had to waste your time just to call someone an asshole. Having a bad day, mate?

>> No.4742260

Pyw? Im curious now, and since you're quitting can we see the stage you are on?

>> No.4742262

Op is too much of a beginner and a pussy lol

>> No.4742275

I won't post my work because if I do, you people will dislike it no matter what.

You people seem to fall victim to what I call the "Detractor Effect," meaning if you dislike someone enough, you will dislike everything that they do and every piece of art that they make.

I cannot receive any constructive feedback from you people so I will seek it out from someplace that I can receive GENUINE criticism.

>> No.4742277

And I am NOT a beginner. I have been doing this professionally for the past 10 years.

>> No.4742278

We promise we'll be nice. Pls pyw

>> No.4742281

>we'll be nice


>> No.4742284

Ok pussy

>> No.4742285

Update: I mixed it in with my shit paper.

>> No.4742286
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20200722-083248_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh it didn't upload. Weird.

>> No.4742287

What the fuck are you talking about, no one "dislikes" you. It's the opposite, most of the posters agree that huion is indeed piece of shit.

>> No.4742293

>I cannot receive any constructive feedback from you people so I will seek it out from someplace that I can receive GENUINE criticism.

"I came out as an irritated ass but I don't want to be treated like one! 4chan will call my big boy drawings bad after 10 years of ngmi :("

>> No.4742298

What do you mean NGMI??? I literally made it...

>> No.4742309

Then wtf is keeping you from pyw?

>> No.4742310

Op literally raged like a baby kek

>> No.4742320

In this situation, I could literally be Picasso and you assholes would dislike my work regardless

>> No.4742325

Let me guess... Loomis?

>> No.4742326

Yeah right. Prove it. Who is your employer?

>> No.4742328

Yeah like I'd do anything to identify myself.

>> No.4742329

Picasso stinks and was a thief

>> No.4742331

Fuck Wacom

>> No.4742341

I'll never understand how any could ever ENJOY art. What a stupid profession.

>> No.4742342

I meant to type "anyone" but my hands are still fucked up, my phone's keyboard is a piece of shit, and I can't edit anything here because 4chan is fucking nigtarded.

>> No.4742344

W-what did he mean by this?

>> No.4742347

then dont do it why are you even here you roid rage chad. go play sports thats probably what you enjoy more

>> No.4742353

That thing about enjoying sports more is sadly not even a meme! That's true my man; with sports I don't have to put up with this bullshit.

>> No.4742358

Are you ok Anon

>> No.4742359

I'm fine. You Americans are the ones who are fucked. You assholes deserve to die. Once again, thank God for coronavirus.

>> No.4742361

anon seriously wtf is wrong wit chu?

>> No.4742362

yeah go back to that knuckhead. go life heavy object then put down heavy object too

>> No.4742365

I just said there is nothing wrong with me. Americans are the problem. They are awful people.

>> No.4742366

Become a professional sportsman and your opinion will change with a quickness.

>> No.4742367

As a 3rd worlder I can say that you should really quit art and seek help OP.

>> No.4742369

Nobody here cares, Anon. Americans hate Americans too.

>> No.4742383

I don’t. Lool stay mad. How mad are you right now?

>> No.4742422

Why would I seek help? You Americans are the problem, not me.

>> No.4742427

Silence third worlder. Before we erase your pathetic country off the world map using the Rods of God space weapon targeted over your scrawny heads.

>> No.4742431

Oh no what are you gonna do? Perform 24,000 sorties against a few chink farmers hiding in the trees and then get your buildings knocked down by goat fuckers?

>> No.4742436

Based schizo lunatic

>> No.4742443


You seem to have a lack of reading comprehension. A weapon from space requires just a push of a button and 30 minutes to charge the thrust. In just 1 hour your country would burn to the ground after impact and in 24 hours every structure, every true, ever man, woman, and child will be nothing but toasted ash pushed beneath the sea floor. The very clay that you walk on would be nothing more than broken bits floating into the pacific.

You don't wanna fuck with America.

>> No.4742456

I'm not a schizo. You people are schizos.

>> No.4742460

i have no use for your zoomer garbage, digicuck.

>> No.4742469

>aaron rutton

Fuck off with that boomer cocksucker. Why watch someone whos so obviously a shill. That defeats the entire purpose of the review.

His art sucks, but not as much as his opinion.

>> No.4742482

All you had to do was zoom in a little to get straight lines dumbcunt, oh well w/e.

>> No.4742486

Fuck off fagget, what goes around comes around, the US can't even properly deal with the covid19 virus, you can't solve everything with nukes.

>> No.4742487

See? You've never even seen my art and you're saying it sucks. This is why I won't post it; you people will say bad things about it regardless of the quality.

>> No.4742492


>> No.4742501

Covid hoax is a psy-op. We just set off HAARP in China to flood them and will continue to do so until their precious wuhan is no more.

You say what goes around comes around? Well, that's what they get for letting this virus out of their bug hive.

>> No.4742502

>I literally made it...
>using a huion

>> No.4742505

Oh naw dude I bought this thing just about half a year ago. Was a waste of 350 dollars

>> No.4742525

Its possible for you to be good, but its not very likely. Its far more likely that you arent that good and you know it and are just using ics negativity as a pre emptive defense and justification to not post. Its also quite likely that you thought that a display tablet would make you improve far faster and it didnt so now you are upset.

>> No.4742532



>> No.4742533

Baseless assumptions. Typical American behavior.

>> No.4742538

I honestly broke my Huion because I love nigger dick

>> No.4742542


You call it a hoax but then claim China will pay for it? Make up your mind.

>> No.4742548

I'm gonna get my 350 back, even if it means stealing it from these assholes.

>> No.4742549

Post some of your work, let's see how good you are.

>> No.4742551

Where did your pinky go

>> No.4742553

You should have tried posting your photo to twitter by pinging Huion, get your post viral, and then have those insects take notice. They would gladly ship you a free table replacement to damage control.

>> No.4742558

Great idea, my nigga.

>> No.4742704

foreshortening. youre ngmi

>> No.4742872

send them offensive art

>> No.4742898
File: 466 KB, 600x463, 1586893854488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screen tablets are overrated, screenless ones are better.
>hand doesn't get in the way
>no issues with dead pixels and other technical issues only screens have
>doesn't heat up
>doesn't cost 2 fucking grand
The only advantage of screen tablets is being faster for you to get used to it, but the price doesn't compensate. Specially if you've already gotten used to a screenless one. You can literally do anything just as easy on a screenless tablet you can do with a screenful one. Take this from someone who actually spent money on a screen tablet thinking it'd get me a better experience (it didn't).

>> No.4742930

You're a faggot.

>> No.4742932

Screenless tablets suckass.

>> No.4742938

Wrong, you're just shit. Its an important distinction.

Ive worked with both and Ive sent all my display tablets back because they do the same thing as the ordinary ones, just with a fucktonne more compromises, maintenance and general headaches. I paid back my current tablet thrice fold in my first commission with it, and it works tremendously because its your skill that matters.

>> No.4742940

I'm not going to waste time relearning how to draw when working with a drawing monitor is so much easier.

>> No.4742942

lol that's stupid, you're stupid.

>> No.4742945

If youre actually capable of drawing, it wont take your brain long whatsoever to adapt. Its all very motor driven and your body is very good at making those adaptations.

>> No.4742969

Uh, that's not an argument.

I already kickass with my Huion Kamvas 20, I fucking hate using my screenless tablet.

>> No.4742980

>hand doesnt get in the way
I guess you cant draw/paint in trad then, you massive drooling braindead fuk.
>doesn't cost 2 fucking grand
oh yes, its always the retarded poorfags who shill the photoediting screenless, dont even shill the big size ones but the carpal tunnel inducing small ass ones, pls die already or get a fucking job.

>> No.4743299
File: 322 KB, 600x390, 1594771844447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking salty. I literally said I own one and still prefer screenless tablets, you salty bitch.
>I guess you cant draw/paint in trad then, you massive drooling braindead fuk.
KYS. It's objectively an advantage to see more of your painting without obstructions. Some painters like to use long brushes in order to see their painting from more afar and without anything in the way, retard.

>> No.4743308

Because they paint in massive canvases you stupid fuck, holy shit why this place if full with this amoeba brain idiots? Bigger canvas=you can't see much due to how human eyes are allocated in the skull and the skull itself, but on a 12/16 inches screen there is no need for that you nigger imbecile

>> No.4743309
File: 495 KB, 600x297, 1589984844676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself

>> No.4743314

only a retard would by something that isn't Wacom.

>> No.4743316

He is making a value sketch brainiac, I have seen docenz of artist paint and they never use that shit on a tiny canvas, keep the cope though, is amusing

>> No.4743336

>I won't post my work because if I do, you people will dislike it because it's bad.
>You people seem to fall victim to what I call the "Honest and Anonymous Effect," meaning regardless of who someone is, you can say whatever you want about anything they do and every piece of art that they make.
>I cannot receive any constructive feedback from you people so I will seek it out from someplace that I can receive GENUINE hugboxing.

>> No.4743362

Huion? More like Huioff

>> No.4743398

Your president told you to drink bleach, get to it.

>> No.4743421

Only a faggot makes generalizations like that.

>> No.4743441

You're doing that thing narcissists do where you think you're being brutally honest but really you're just a cynical piece of shit who doesn't realize that his behavior is a huge problem. Dunning Kruger effect at its finest.

>> No.4743452

honesty doesn't need to be brutal, but your thread is all
>I hate this tool I got and the company that makes it
>Art is bullshit, why did I waste my time with art
>No I'm not posting my art, you'll just insult me!
Like, really, what was it you wanted to get out of this thread?

>> No.4743465

Some keks probably

>> No.4743474

You could have tried to recoup some of the costs by pawning it off on someone else.

Hell, I have a Cintiq 21UX where the screen doesn't register the pen anymore and still thinking of selling it on eBay. Maybe someone thinks they can fix it.

>> No.4743477

>i bo-bought Huion, do-don't ca-call me retard

>> No.4743481

Thoose are really easy to fix anon, is ALWAYS some capacitor kicking the bucket, like on anything tech related with more than 10 years of service capacitors always die the first, a friend fixed theirs that way, literally a 3 bucks and 1 hour of work fix.

>> No.4743485

Yeah I have one. It's great. There are bad apples out there but not everyone will get those. I took the chance because their products are affordable. No regrets in buying mine.

>> No.4743491
File: 287 KB, 907x693, 1594366140206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why 4/5 reviews I see of huion they have some faulty pen/cable/screen? Why play that roulette only to save a couple hundreds? I don't get it

>> No.4743496

nobody should by a product with that mentallity.

>> No.4743524

> the way retards think

>> No.4743528

This retard has a great tablet and didn't have to spend so much on a Wacom.

>> No.4743532

you're a bad gambler

>> No.4743540

Kek it's a good thing I don't gamble.

>> No.4743542

The absolute COPE of chink gamblers

>> No.4743545

My gamble paid off. Sorry yours didn't. Now go play with your unneccessarily overpriced tablet.

>> No.4743552

for now...

>> No.4743556

gambling +100$ to get at least 10 years of shelf life with wacom

>> No.4743564

Nigger my used 21ux is working as good as the day I got it and my old 12wx got selled to a friend just because I got a bigger screen, but was working strong, thoose tablets are 12 fucking years old while your chink garbage breaks at the first week and you have to fiddle with the chink tech support to get another faulty replacement, I get you are short in money but being poor doesnt equal to being a lobotomized moron.

>> No.4743567

proves that digitalfags are delicate sissies

>> No.4743568


>> No.4743571

Mine's here for months now. I'll change my stand once I experience it. But for now, being short in money and seeing artists I look up to using the same tablet are enough reasons for me to stick with the cheaper option.

>> No.4743573

Okay Zhang

>> No.4743593

intuos gang

>> No.4743597

Screenless eww

>> No.4744180

Yeah boiii screenfags BTFO

>> No.4744215

Actually its 200, and wacom drivers are fucking shit. You are no different than apple fags. For screen tablets, wacom still hold the top with their cintiques, but for screenless tablets you're frankly irrational to buy one from wacom in the current year. You spent money on brand, ie on feelgood fairy dust.

>> No.4744238

S-so the fact that I adapted near instantly to a screenless tablet indicates that I, a shitty /beg/, actually has potential?

>> No.4744246

yes you are gmi congrats

>> No.4744253

Sure. Listen, the only reason learning is easier when youre young is because youre too ignorant/naive to notice your mistakes so you have insane confidence and never lose heart.

Im going to be a bit controversial here and just recommend what I did, which is just try your best to draw the things you want to draw and learn through that instead of grinding studies. If you're a spontanious creative type with low conscientiousness (which you most likely are, since creative types tend to be) repetitive militaristic studying will make you miserable. Just grab a lightweight drawing program and draw stuff that makes you happy

>> No.4744256

>t. brainlet with no real argument

>> No.4744258

Are you having another one of your autistic meltdowns? Do you have a handler we should call?

>> No.4744270

what the fuck is this schizo thread

>> No.4744273

Thanks, Anon. I love you.

>> No.4744319
File: 48 KB, 256x449, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have huion's intuos knock off and pen it came with had broken right click button (doesn't register every few clicks).
So I ordered another pen and it had same fucking issue. Feels bad, but I guess thats what you get for 60$.

>> No.4744354

Pic source?

>> No.4744356

Sun-ken rock chapter 168

>> No.4744369


>> No.4744424

she got short arms

>> No.4744454

You just made yourself look like a huge bitch , ya wasted 350 just for a few shitty pics of u bleeding

>> No.4744506

>10burgerbucks for a pen and paper

stop wasting money lads

>> No.4744619

Vacuum most likely won't take it out
Unlike a nice slice of bread. You ever drop a glass, just pick up the tiny pieces with bread and then do the vacuuming

>> No.4744644


not OP but what do you think will happen if anyone "fucks with America"? Y'all gonna go and destroy some more statues or just sit down and drink some bleach while screaming "WORLD'S GREATEST NATION"?

>> No.4744654

> Covid is a hoax
> we just set off HAARP to punish them for throwing covid on us

Yes murica big scariez much stronk

>> No.4744656
File: 272 KB, 840x600, HH_Joshua_Graham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news is our greatest commodity

>> No.4744667

Made me laugh

>> No.4744670

Has to be bait of some kind.
Like 200iq bait

>> No.4745234

Go ahead, call someone and see what the fuck happens to you, faggot.

>> No.4745243

Any asshole who tries to dox me or file a wellness check is getting fucking killed.

>> No.4745440

Everybody everywhere knows for a fact that chinese things are shit and break easily, yet you broke it with your bare hands like it's the thing's fault that you are so fucking stupid and ignores common sense

>> No.4745443

Guess where all Wacom tablets are manufactured, sweetheart.

>> No.4745449

It's a Japanese company so it's subjected to Japanese laws and culture

>> No.4745451

based. i hate whatever asshole talked me into getting a kamvas pro 13 when they first came out.

>> No.4745468

>he trusted Chang
you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.4745477

I think youll find any manufacturing that goes on in china has to fall fully under the CCPs governance. The japs can insist on standards, but once its off shore, theres little they can do to influence what happens. Wacom cant outsource construction anywhere cheaper so their hands are tied.

>> No.4745495
File: 10 KB, 186x356, 1583669797184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never again, anon

>> No.4745507

I'm still wondering why apple doesn't just make their own dedicated drawing tablets. They clearly have an edge with their display technology.

>> No.4745512

>just pick up the tiny pieces with bread
I want to believe you but I'm having doubts.

>> No.4745698

Its a limited demographic to them. A general machine is more profitable. Specifying a machine will kill its sales. Ipods worked because everyone listens to music, ipads work because they're not centered at anyone like a universal product.

A drawing tablet is only good to artists and enough of their consumers are artists to justify the focusing on one specific groups one specific product.

>> No.4745788

But Apple Watch is a specific target audience is it not?

>> No.4745905

Good riddance

>> No.4746573

can relate, it'll be okay anon.

>> No.4746580

If by specific target audience you mean literally any human being that cares about time and has money, yes.

>> No.4746584

okay wiseass

>> No.4747017

Same mine is working just fine for the things i need it to

>> No.4747961

I see why this site gets so much hate now. You people are a bunch of fucking narcissists with nothing better to do.

Thank God the virus is killing so many of you.

>> No.4747972

it's more likely to kill the chinks in the sweatshop that makes these than to kill any of the shut ins here

>> No.4747976

I for one have read a surprising amount of inspiring messages here. It's about 50/50.

>> No.4747986

I wish Iran would cut the bullshit and just nuke this shit country already.

Or at least knock a tower down with one of those old ass 707s they got laying around.

>> No.4748859

ngl, based af