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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4731687 No.4731687 [Reply] [Original]

the thread that acts as a shoulder to cry on

>> No.4731703

How the fuck did people handle working all day while not drinking coffee or energy drinks?
I want to keep drawing but I feel like taking a nap.

>> No.4731715

my art suks

>> No.4731725

you're addicted to caffeine

>> No.4731729

Anyone else draws but never posts or shares it anywhere?

>> No.4731790

Yes because >>4731715
And theives

>> No.4731805

I don't even post my exercises for critique

>> No.4731841
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Sometimes you ask yourself is completing the drawing even worth it if nobody else is going to see it except you.

>> No.4731908

I'd just like to say this.

Fuck the loomis head method. I literally cannot get the eyes in the right spot or have them look normal no matter how much I try.

Putting the actual features of the face on the loomis ball head is fucking impossible. Where are the alternative methods because this shit isn't working and I'm not going to spend months practicing this dumb shit.

Also, how the fuck am I supposed to draw titties with volume and MASS. I'm drawing to produce my own coomer art, not doing this because I want to make art a career.

Only those with a death wish want to make a living out of their art. Why do you want to make a living off of something you'll never be satisfied with?

>> No.4731912

If someone were to say they are satisfied with their art I’m sure you’d go DUH DUNNING KRUGER STAGNANT HAHA or something. I will say that not everyone has the same brain problems as you

>> No.4731968

I'm saying that I've yet to meet any artist who is satisfied of their work and believe they're good enough. They always strive for more.

Most artist seem to hate their artwork. Don't understand why. Disliking I get, but hating it? Seems a bit extreme

What's the point in posting if
A) Nobody sees, likes, retweets
B) You're just going to get ignored
C) You'll get shitting on and told to git gud

Better to not post at all and mind your own business

>> No.4732026

>What's the point in posting

>> No.4732079

No shit, I'm trying to quit. Hence why I came here to complain like a bitch.

>> No.4732092
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Getting off caffeine is a bitch, you will feel like complete shit for at least a week if you quit cold turkey. Even if you try and manage your intake you will still feel the withdrawal effects hit you like a ton of fucking bricks as your blood vessels start to return back to normal and blood flow increases to your brain resulting in heart pounding migraines. The first three days are always the most difficult but if you can get past those three hellish days you can go through day four, five, six but you don't feel like yourself until after at least a month has passed and even still.

If one of you has not been addicted to caffeine - don't even start to consider drinking that poison. Avoid the caffeinated Jew.

>> No.4732138

I draw, but I don't share (or not so much) because one thing I look after someone shares something is their likes or favs. It's seems like I cannot stop taking numbers seriously, and I feel like that's the only way to know if you're good and popular enough. It frustrates me because not only I don't enjoy drawing and get anxious when I'm about to upload something, I also incapable of enjoying things or compare myself to others. I wish i can stop this but i guess i have no choice but to get decent numbers.

Although, i have the felling that if you not reach at least 1k likes on twitter, that means you're not good.

>> No.4732180


>> No.4732258


>> No.4732281

Twitter numbers aren’t always an indicator of that. If they were, then all the whole garbage that gets 800K likes would be true. Sometimes people just don’t like networking or they’re shy or just don’t post that often.

>> No.4732313
File: 25 KB, 400x489, __yoshikawa_chinatsu_and_mirakurun_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_akakokko__21b1f880f20a27cbbd9939685b02df5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i really have to do peter han's dynamic sketching course on traditional? i don't have the materials and neither the money to get them

>> No.4732314

The human mind is weak, that's why people need to flagellate themselves so much to stay on the right path. You shouldn't feel bad about it, but you should avoid that shit. You know very well that you will never be able to have a meaningful interaction on Twitter, so all you can look for in terms of validation (which despite what the faggots here will tell you, is an important aspect of being human) only comes in the form of numbers. So the numbers become your objective value even if you already know that on these shitty sites, the shittiest posts get the highest numbers and good posts only get a fraction of that amount, if they get any.

>> No.4732325
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> Having stable artist life, doing porn commisions
> Cousin writes to me: "hey anon, there will be anniversary of my parents marriage, I'd like to give them a picture as a gift. Would you be able to paint them?"
> I agreed
> Decided to return to my old workflow
> I have done the sketch and sent to my cousin
> "Its okay anon, but only the faces do not look alike them"
> Decided to use my usual workflow
> My mum walks in and asks me who am I drawing
> " - Its, aunt Stacy and uncle Joe"
> " - Hmm, uncle looks similar but Stacy is unlike"
> I redrawed everything completley
> After whole day Stacy's face is still looks awful, despite all construction drawing under.

Holly fuck. I regret taking this commision so mutch. Its drains me away. I wasted whole week doing nothing but suffering while drawing this bloody portait. I really wanna draw everything but this. I cant focus on anything while drawing something else knowing that I have to fininsh this portait soon. It really pains me that I feel so drained by craft that I really love.

>> No.4732335

>pornfag can't draw human beings
top lel

>> No.4732342

i posted this in the wrong theard kek

>> No.4732485
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I feel like I've subconsciously given up. Like I can't even imagine myself doing any decent art.
Drawing is fun, I love it, I want to draw my own characters and sketches and stories, but FINISHING something just sucks the joy out of me.

I can't understand why my sister won't stop complaining all the time.
She's had her artistic career fed to her by a sliver spoon, all her tuition payed and fees payed by my parents, and landed the perfect job (great pay+benefits, barely any work, can get home early and draw) and she still has the gall to bitch to me.

>> No.4732488

Part of it is personal biology. Another part - adrenaline. When you know that you gonna starve and die if you don't farm hard enough or that you gonna get eaten if your focus falters during a hunt it kinda puts you in the mood to perform at your best. People didn't evolve to live in luxury with most of their basic needs easily sated.

Physical exercises kinda help but of course not for everyone. If you feel sleepy try to stand up and spend 10-15 on some light physical training.

>> No.4732489

Yes except for I think week 7 or 8 he makes you do something digitally. At least the version I have anyway.

>> No.4732497

Would you be willing to accept help with getting the likeness down?

>> No.4732524

faggot has a "stable artist life" drawing the 2 porn faces and you want to help him when he's getting what he deserves? are you some kind of cuck?

>> No.4732584

>insults insults waaah
I don't care, I'm not from here. I'm only hanging around for the artfight thread.
I'm willing to contact through a throwaway email or discord or whatever if you'd like a paintover. No pressure though, I'm sure that you'll figure it out with enough horizontal flipping and liquify.

>> No.4732618

Are you guys alright? How much fucking caffeine did you drink? I used to have a coke or two a day and quit cold turkey. I was tired for like 2 weeks and that was it

>> No.4732715
File: 133 KB, 640x530, D9KqdyhUwAAfLnO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm always on the outside looking in even when amongst friends. It doesn't ever feel I'm part on the conversation or don't fit in at all like I'm just there to be there. I don't think there is a place in this world but I know some people would be sad if I just left but it doesn't feel like that, it's like one-sided feelings. I don't want to think that I'm incapable of feeling empathy but sometimes I just don't know. I just want to feel a connection to someone.

>> No.4732717

I feel you anon. Doing portraits of humans is boring too

>> No.4732739

as a rule i never accept doing work for family and friends cuz of the pressure and sometimes they can turn into an asshole feeling superior cuz youre doing worjk for them which can be the same as doing commissions on the internet but when its someone you know IRL its extra shitty

>> No.4732741

I only post my stuff here to get critiques, as soon as i get good i am going to shield my art from the plebs.

>> No.4732746

How do these nips on twitter play video games all day and then crap out a bunch of drawings by end of the day including high-quality work? Where do they get the creative drive from anyway?

There has to be some process of starting any image that I'm not getting. No amount of fundies is going to solve this or maybe there is a fundamentals of the creative process and if so this needs to be taught to beginners before anything else. Why is this not emphasized to people starting out? You see the problem I have is I would load of photoshop and stare at a blank canvas. Obviously I can't turn a blank white page into a creative piece of work. Most of the time I would just start noodling until something comes out of the mess


There just has to be a more efficient process for this. Even before starting photoshop. A way to get a bunch of ideas and plan every sketch so that I know what to do and the thought of a blank sheet of canvas doesn't cross my mind.

>> No.4733004

they don't have to worry about politics or internet drama

>> No.4733012

You're so sweet thinking those artists play games all day.

>> No.4733013

they do...

>> No.4733016

Have you seen their daily life or you're generalizing japanese people to japanese artists?

>> No.4733018

I'm referring to the people who spam gacha caps and type inane commentary all day then lol here's some art.

There are also lots of them who stream drawing while playing games in between.

>> No.4733019
File: 10 KB, 258x195, 1522324627232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing fanart commission
>google images of the character
>see my own older art

>> No.4733022
File: 922 KB, 1125x1801, D71127FB-6481-40E7-82B9-673554E35C29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post your artwork anyhow you like. Numbers =\= good, just be happy that people seen your artwork.

>> No.4733024

>There are also lots of them who stream drawing while playing games in between.
But how many hours do they draw daily, they still have to put in the time to draw, instead of playing games all day.

>> No.4733030


They draw and game at the same time I dunno it's their replacement of not shitposting on 4chan and drawing at the same time. That doesn't get to the heart of my post--I'm talking about they're able to just somehow crap out a bunch of creative quick drawings where it seemingly feels like no thought was put into the steps taken.

I would like to know a procedural approach to starting an illustration/fun sketch for creativelets like myself just like they're able to.

>> No.4733038

My hobbies in life are botting the shit out of games and drawing. I just run a script in the background that automates games while drawing.

>> No.4733039

Open pixiv or some booru and find something random, copy the idea but change characters.
The more you see art, the more you'll find recycled art.

>> No.4733047

>I just run a script in the background that automates games while drawing
No there has to be more to it than that. Yes, a lot of ideas are recycled but it can't be just as simple as replacing the characters or there would be a lot of witchhunts on a daily basis.

>> No.4733051

Get the overall idea of what someone drew, usually a girl doing something cute on pixiv. Redraw that, don't trace of course, change the character, drop in some background or not, congratz you now are another art pumping machine with minimum effort and no originality

>> No.4733062

Best way is to create a section of your canvas dedicated to inspiration and references, then start your process with a few loose thumbnail concepts before starting the sketch phase.

>> No.4733089

>creative drive
>creative anything
do you have an idea of how stupid these people are? they can do that because they're on autopilot 24/7

>> No.4733100

>enjoy the process of drawing
>enjoy having finished drawings to look back on
>cannot bring myself to draw except for in random bursts of energy with days if not weeks in between
I just want to draw reeee

>> No.4733121

I don't understand values

>> No.4733128

I am addicted. I grew up drinking soda and coffee and for so long hated drinking water. I'm at the point where I would drink 4-5 cups of coffee on top a energy drink and maybe a soda, all in one day.

>> No.4733135

I used to drink coffee, then I started waking at 10-11am and became too lazy to make coffee.

>> No.4733160

I make it the night before and keep it in a jar in the fridge.

>> No.4733166
File: 187 KB, 750x712, 50510BBF-7F4A-4494-B1F7-6A4A71D29653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told myself that if I lose interest in Art, then I’ve lost interest in life itself. I haven’t drawn in months and I’ve been contemplating suicide by hanging myself. There’s nothing else I want to pursue other than making a comic.

>> No.4733172

why haven't you drawn in months?

>> No.4733173

If you want to storytell but don’t want to draw right now, maybe take on writing? I’ve been taking a break from art because I find myself easily frustrated by it lately, and in the meantime I’ve been writing and working on a novel. Then again, I like writing more than drawing, but it satiates the need to create and the storytelling, so I don’t feel as hard on myself for not drawing.

>> No.4733176

gachashit isn't as time-consuming as most of the major timesink crap people get addicted to (mmos, fps, etc). you can turn on your phone, open up a gacha, spend 10 minutes doing whatever until your stamina runs out then go back to painting/drawing. it's also about habits and moderation though. drawing is how they spend the bulk of their time and gaming is just a fun little cutaway, compared to those who make gaming the bulk of their time and spend 6-10 hours a day playing then 15-20 mins drawing and wondering why they're not improving

>> No.4733190

I got tired of low growth and exposure on my art social media accounts so I hired a company to help me
They were really fast at responding at first, then no response for like 2 weeks
Pretty sure I just got scammed and I feel really stupid right now.

>> No.4733203
File: 25 KB, 540x468, B3E3C551-97DC-43CC-AD5D-E45AFE8BE943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t say I haven’t drawn in months, actually. I’ve done sketches, doodles and “studies” (sketched Will Weston’s drawings), but I’ve yet to actually do a fully rendered drawing.
Yeah, I’m in this same position right now. I sort of enjoy writing /world-building more than art, it’s just that I’m too prideful and cynical to ask someone to draw my characters for me, so I thought I’d try and draw them myself. I don’t know. I’ve purchased books and supplies. I don’t really want to cut the cable, but at the same time, reading these posts about enjoying the process, I’ve come to realise that it isn’t really enjoyable to me.

Thanks for responding anons.

>> No.4733212

I was where you were about 3 or so years ago, except I told my parents I was planning kill myself when they were gone and I felt like I was killing them. It also made me realize that by not being in touch with my outlet (I stopped drawing for years at that point) that it was one of the biggest reasons for my depression. I want you to know that you have to get back into art Anon, you're ruining your life without it.

>> No.4733221
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1576892083776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ipad pro died on me 3 days after the year warranty ran out. all my procreate files are in there, turns out it never got synced to the cloud

having it replaced is gonna cost like $649 and that's without even saving any of the data

all my shit - GONE

>> No.4733224

next time follow the 3 place backup

>> No.4733230
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>> No.4733236

>turns out it never got synced to the cloud
I never understand how people like you function. Takes literally less than five minutes to make sure your stuff is backed up, uploadEd to google drive, Apple cloud, email whatever. A friend of mine works in a tech repair shop and the amount of people who run in with broken shit who lost an important essay/document/whatever and never tried to back it up even once is astounding.

>> No.4733237

Just as designed by software updates, goyim. You should have traded in your iPad pro for store credit at the apple store before it crapped out to purchase a new Ipad. Everyone upgrades their products each year to avoid your situation, don't you know?

>> No.4733246


>> No.4733251

>draw every day for a month putting in hours and practice
>getting to a skill level I’m happy with
>burn out
>don’t draw for a month while getting distracted by video games and work and other mundane shit
>finally feel like drawing again
>super rusty and all my gains have faded

I will probably be nothing more than a hobbyist because I lack self discipline

>> No.4733253
File: 87 KB, 600x826, EWiX0j2U4AgrfrK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude, generic anime girl sitting/smiling/sticking her tits out is peak creativity.
There are jap artists that are actually insane though, pic related post fully rendered, huge watercolor paintings every three days or so

>> No.4733263

don't worry anon, this is a normal cycle, most people aren't 100% consistent to practicing art., you can only be so productive for so long until you hit a wall. however that means your improving. you did not "loose your gains", once you warm up again and get back into the flow you will see your previous skill level return. this board has an unrealistic expectation for improvement and practice, which is probably why so many people here find actually drawing so daunting and spend all day shit posting instead.....

>> No.4733275
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>thought that I'd learn to draw to illustrate my own retarded stories/make a webcomic or something
>lost confidence in my writing and haven't finished anything in 6+ years
>still can't draw either
I know I should just take it easy and make whatever dumb shit I want, even if it feels like all I produce is trash, but it's harder than I thought

>> No.4733281

I got into a gigantic argument online. Had 30 people screeching at me. i felt like they didn't want to understand where i was coming from. i couldn't take it anymore and left.

Yet another artist made a mistake sharing their work with the world. Unfortunately they crossed the line with the social justice harpies. And I saw someone raging getting lots of support; using "FUCKING NOT OKAY" authoritarian-lingo.

And I get defensive when an artist shares their work and gets roped into cancel culture. Of course the artist inevitably always pulls their work down and apologizes.

the gist of what i said was: hey you guys are bullies, you are too authoritarian over people's art, let them make what they like. you can stand over someone's shoulder and tell them what to paint. also swearing 'it's not fucking okay' doesn't make you sound more virtuous.

they kept steering me and telling me that i am policing online criticism. and i felt my argument was against people's freedom to criticize. that artists should expect their work to be criticized when they post it. but 15 of them were saying all this shit about i'm telling them not to critique. i kept reiterating that criticism is great, but you guys are bordering on wanting the artist canceled.

anyway this is vent so, i just wanted it off my chest. i'm not against criticism, i just want to support the artist against the granfalloon.

>> No.4733306

I got a mini-heart attack when this happened once.

>> No.4733308


>> No.4733452

I haven't improved in months despite drawing for several hours every day.

>> No.4733456

What was controversial(?) about the artwork?

>> No.4733505

To Deny Loomis Is To Deny God.

>> No.4733511

You sound like a pussy though, why be in a community with those like that to begin with

>> No.4733512
File: 21 KB, 540x502, 143652346346347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing fanart
>google images of the character
>see my own year old art
>realize how much I've improved since

>> No.4733521

Fuck god

>> No.4733524

I just post some of my stuff here to get a reality check from time to time.

>> No.4733532

>Putting the actual features of the face on the loomis ball head is fucking impossible.

what is so hard in this? I don't understand how this can be difficult.

>> No.4733535

love drawing portraits
hate drawing the clothing

>> No.4733537
File: 221 KB, 937x1024, Practice-Chart-937x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the optimal amount of hours one should practice for drawing without running into burnout or overestimating yourself? This chart is for piano but it's quite similar to art.

I ask because I've just recently got back into drawing and I'm being stupid about trying to aim for drawing 16 hours/day mainly out of fleeting motivation. My new idea was to just draw for 2 hours per day and bump that up to 4 hours or more on the weekend. Thoughts?

>> No.4733558

I spent six months practicing with the goal of learning how to doodle things like a kid. I did not succeed. I never drew as a kid becauce I didn't know how; whenever I was asked to draw in school I would just scribble on the page because I couldn't figure out what else to do. I just wanted to know what drawing something felt like, but apparently that was too much to ask.

I wish I could just permanently kill my interest in drawing. There are all sorts of other things I'm good at and enjoy doing, and I know I should probably be satisfied with that, but I can't help but want to be able to draw as well.

Lack of confidence in your own work is the bane of all writers. I find it's usually best to speed through the writing process as much as possible by avoiding editing until the very end. You're a lot less likely to end up with a finished work if you're constantly getting bogged down with analysis paralysis, and the more you review your own work the more you see its flaws and get tempted to just scrap everything and start all over. Having a good outline and some real passion for the project help a lot as well, of course.

I feel like everything I've written has been tremendously flawed and that I've squandered all my best ideas with poor execution, but other people seem to enjoy my work.

>> No.4733559

idk, i feel like i spend an hour everyday just to remember how to draw, it's hard to say without knowing what and how do you want to draw, but i don't think 2 hours will get you much

>> No.4733565

at least you appear on google

>> No.4733576

just start, give yourself the goal of drawing even if just a line everyday. just create the habit, then it will be easier to start.

>> No.4733578

I can't get this ocean to look right, FUCK WATER.

>> No.4733584

I guess I'll just go with 3 hours per day/25 week then. I was going to "make up" for the workweek by tacking on 10 hours however lectures drag on for hours which also takes up time and I'm sacrificing too much time away from other things.

>> No.4733590


Getting a likeness requires very careful measurements. If youre new to portraits or having to scale a poorly-sized reference photo, use a grid to check your proportions. Academics call these "plumb lines", and use calipers or string, but its all the same methodology.
It will also fast track your progress.

>> No.4733595

>suicide by hanging myself
no, this must be one of the worst ways to die!

if you want to kill yourself just because you are not drawing it means that you did not lost the interest in art.

can't you just make a book?

>> No.4733597

I will take this as a warning


>> No.4733598

oh yeah, and that chart you posted won't work for art, double amount of hours and then it will be more or less accurate

>> No.4733607

>having it replaced is gonna cost like $649 and that's without even saving any of the data

did you tried a non-official apple repair? maybe you can at least save your data. for what I heard apple just format it and replace the board no matter what.

>> No.4733612

don't worry, I am pretty sure that you don't lost everything.

>> No.4733619


producing trash is the only way to get gud

>> No.4733632
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>> No.4733636


I do one hour per day, what I think is the minimum amount, any less than that you can really do anything.

>> No.4733640

but even one minute is better than nothing.

>> No.4733647

>I spent six months practicing with the goal of learning how to doodle things like a kid. I did not succeed.

I can't see how you wouldn't be able to do this.

what does doodling like a kid means to you?

>> No.4733656

I can easily spend 6 to 8 hours drawing actual artwork without breaking a sweat but it's these fun-dies that take up the stamina. It's necessary for me to go through them though.

>> No.4733659

it takes stamina because thinking and learning something new is hard for the brain to create new connections

>> No.4733679

sometimes I draw more than that, the problem is that I think after some time you start to get diminishing return. like there is a limit of how much you can really learn per day. so if you are doing it for learn, it does not make much sense go over to that limit. to be fair one hour is way below the limit tho.

>> No.4733692
File: 29 KB, 370x429, doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no gf and it's bumming me out. I'm a hollow shell of a person and none of a person and no girls are interested in any of the things I like. I literally have my art but no one cares about that either.

>> No.4733730

Anon confirming what I always knew was so

>> No.4733732

i never had something just die on me before. i had an iphone in the past that lasted 3 years before i got bored and my old ipad lasted 6 years (still going strong) without any issues. im also sort of a luddite, i do mostly traditional art so didn't know much about what this "cloud" was.

I thought I synced everything with my dead ipad when my Notes and Pages popped up in icloud (thank fucking god) but not the procreate.

I would've lost my shit if i lost my story ideas and i am sad i lost my procreate files, but oh well i'll just draw more. 99% were gay shit anyway that i probably wouldn't finish.


im gonna get it checked by geek squad to see if it's just a battery problem and if it's battery just replace it for $99, but if it's something else i am taking it to a 3rd party to try extracting the data - fuck it at that point there's nothing to lose anyway.

>> No.4733736

why do you guys want a girlfriend so much? is there something wrong with me for not wanting one?

>> No.4733744

yes, you are a fag or incel

>> No.4733746

No expert but I'm pretty sure they just want someone to connect with

>> No.4733748

>geek squad
make sure to ask about the data, because I think they will format it.

>> No.4733751

I can shit art out pretty quick too but it comes at the expense of line quality. I’m sure those nips are using vector brushes for their lineart to get good quality stuff so fast. But there is also the fact that a lot of them probably spent a lot of time mastering pen control. I never take the time to practice perfect outlines and so I waste a ton of time hitting cmd-z repeatedly until I chance upon a satisfactory line. Sometimes I’ll go a few lines without hitting undo and feel like a pro tho. Even so I get things done pretty quick.
It all comes down to how much you’ve practiced necessary skills. If you can do a contour in one stroke after practicing it for hours and hours, you’ll be that much faster for all the subsequent pieces you try to shit out.
Same goes for anatomy. You can try to imagine how to draw a hand, but you will always be slower, even with a ref, than the guy who wasted a week drawing just hands for 10 hours a day and studying muscle and bone structure.
It’s pretty simple, time wasted mastering a skill equals inestimable time saved on later projects.

>> No.4733757


not to be pedantic, but to be an incel you need to actually want I girlfriend.

>> No.4733760

Apparently something like 20% of suicides are still done with a noose. I found this out when BLMfags were claiming YT pepo were lynching them.

>> No.4733774


>> No.4733781

And loomis hates you.

>> No.4733783

he does not care

>> No.4733795

A lot of people have a misconception that "love fixes everything." That if they can find someone to love them then it proves their worth.
Humans are social creatures they get lonesome. Plus it's nice to have someone to cuddle, eat with and talk endlessly about nothing. To seek approval or appraisal from.

>> No.4733796
File: 328 KB, 750x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20% of suicides are still done with a noose.
but what is the satisfaction rate?

>> No.4733808

no, this must be one of the worst ways to die!
He's right, overdosing or Alcohol poisoning are a way funner away to go out. Looks horrible from the outside perspective, but you'll be too far gone to care.

>> No.4733909

I've had alcohol poisoning and it was fucking terrible

>> No.4733945

not him, but more and more communities are like that. The choices are getting more limited by the day...

>> No.4734022
File: 8 KB, 250x199, 1579720145588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how many sudoku'ed successfully by it.

>> No.4734061

If you don't tie the noose properly and gauge how much force you'll need on the fall you risk a horrible death as you won't snap your neck but slowly die of strangling instead which is actually one of the most painful ways to go.
You might become a vengeful spirit bound to shitpost on /ic/ forever, because you didn't make it.

>> No.4734205

Aren't we all vengeful spirits bound to shitpost on /ic/ forever?

>> No.4734208

Because It doesn't look right anon. I see proko draw this fucking perfect version of a head and then see my Deviantart tier eye/hair/nose placement and ask myself how did I possibly mess this up.

>> No.4734231

Yeah but you didn't feel it when you were drunk on when you where recovering

>> No.4734247

I've done this for a decade already.

>> No.4734407

That sucks, dude. Some people can't be reasoned with. Just let them go and be glad they're out of your life now.

>> No.4734560

is 19/20 too late to start a medium and make it in said medium?I recently picked up sculpture and i prefer it to drawing but i fear it's too late and i wasted my teenage years drawing rather than sculpting even though i was inatley better at it than drawing if iwas sculpting i could actually be really good at something rather than mediocre at drawing

>> No.4734577
File: 34 KB, 540x450, oooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with the knowledge that you'll never be able to enjoy your art the way you enjoy art made by others? I'm at a loss trying to identify what I even get out of drawing in the first place, all it ever does is make me hate myself

>> No.4734589

some nip grandpa made rounds on twitter garage kit community a couple of years ago after posting his progress, and he was ancient

>> No.4734593

*was ancient already when he picked the hobby up

>> No.4734605

I think, I enjoy my art way more than other people enjoy my art. I also fucking enjoy the process of drawing. Literally all my anxieties and troubles go away. Keep pushing through your plateau and keep improving anon. It gets better.

>> No.4734613

I feel the same way. I am probably the only person who likes my own art this much. Everytime I draw I feel good even if it is hard and when it doesnt look like it should, I know I am learning and can push for it to look like I want if I try hard enough. When I dont draw I feel awful.

>> No.4734642

It's been like this for years and it's only getting worse. I keep thinking about how I need to find a way to fix my outlook before I finally break down, but it doesn't seem very likely. I probably don't have much longer.

I'm the opposite, if I struggle too much on a piece then I end up feeling like shit even if things turn out fine in the end. Back when I first started it felt good to constantly be progressing, but I stopped feeling like that a long time ago

>> No.4734653

It's a mindset issue. Take some time and just do studies. Copy images. Reps at the bar. Don't look back at your drawings. Just take the time to enjoy your drawings, eventually you'll stop minding the bad drawings, since you'd have done enough good drawings in the past to know you're okay.

>> No.4734657
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 15674567547568678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 35c outside
>fan only cools me down if it blows right into my face
>eyes are completely dry after 15 minutes

>> No.4734673

Im nearing 2 years of art and I really feel like becoming a good artists like those you see online all the time is absolutely impossible and permanently out of reach. Despite practicing regularly on things focusing on weak areas, things I'm terrible and trying to finish things out of my comfort zone I'm getting nowhere. This is beyond any plateau and Im scared shitless of being perma ngmi despite my best efforts.

>> No.4734679

what's there to enjoy, that's what im wondering in the first place

>> No.4734705

i mean you are gonna get it right on the first tries, you have to draw many shit heads before you get to that level

>> No.4734742

>is 19/20 too late to start a medium and make it in said medium?I
20 years!? gtfo! you could even start a sports career if you want to.

>> No.4734754

don't you enjoy the process? don't you enjoy knowing that you did it? don't you enjoy see your improvement?

basically I can't enjoy my art the same way that I enjoy someone else's but I also can't enjoy someone else's art as I enjoy mine.

>> No.4734756

put it behind you?!

>> No.4734776

you can make anon (if you aren't disabled, even then you might still have a change) there's nothing special with those artists. it is just that 2 years are not that much. Think about how many hours you really did put in, you will see that it is not that many.

>> No.4734788

I love my art but I wish someone else related to it too. It feels really lonely sometimes.

>> No.4734882

>If you aren't disabled
At this point Im really suspecting I might have some undiagnosed mental condition that makes me permanent shit at art
>Think about how many hours you really did put in
I do put a lot of time however and not as much as I want due to having a day job. If I'm not working I'm practicing. And if I'm not doing practice I'm either eating or sleeping.

>> No.4734896

>having a day job.

well that explains it. you will not improve as fast as someone who draw the whole day. but don't worry anon, you will improve.

also not depending on you drawing skills to eat and have a home as its own advantages too.

>> No.4734925

Maybe try getting a job that allows you to work late or ask for a change of shift. I found I have a lot more time ever since I switched to a more late shift. I can wake up at 4AM and get plenty of time to draw in the morning compared to getting home after 5PM and have no energy left.

>> No.4734934


>> No.4734962

I don't know because I have crippling insecurities and low self esteem. I've been drawing over 20 years and I still feel this way.
It's weird because my art and comics have been featured before (and not because of nepotism, I have no friends or connections), people say they like my style, my characters, etc. but my brain doesn't want to believe it
Someone told me I have impostor syndrome but I don't even think I'm good enough to have that.
I like my work because it's my OCs and my characters, so of course I'm attached to them. At this point I draw them because I enjoy seeing them "come to life" in a way
At the same time, I really like looking at other people's art (especially OCs) and supporting them.

>> No.4735018

Want to draw but my hand hurts

>> No.4735023

Sped read this and thought you said your butt hurts

>> No.4735090

>gossip threads reach post limit
>actual discussion threads die
Fucking hell

>> No.4735142

I'm a horrible person anons. Today I yelled at my mom. She wanted to go to church and she believes this entire pandemic is just a hoax. I was so stressed out, I snapped and raised my voice at her. I know she's just lonely and wanted to be with friends so afterwork I always visit her, but I guess that wasn't enough company for her. Fuck I feel so bad. I'm such a horrible fucking person.
i really thought this year was gonna be good, I went back to college and I plan on working hard, I was really happy. But then this whole shitstorm quarantine happened and I got laid off. I had to drop out again because i wasn't sure how long this thing will end. Even though I got rehired later on everything still sucks since our boss is making us do overtime without pay and we cant even refuse since there's a lot of people out there whose willing to take our place.
I haven't drawn properly in weeks aside from fucking doodles. I hate my art and now I hate it even more because I feel its regressing. I hate that my mom would rather believe a fucking priest than doctors. Fuck I just wanna scream. Im so tired, just hope this whole crisis will end soon.

>> No.4735153

It kind of feels like biblical times with this Corona stuff, doesn't it? That, or STEMfags having a giggle.

>> No.4735158

It’s not going to end anytime soon, anon. This is the new world we live in. If big tech is investing billions in online solutions you know this is how it will be going forward. Telecommunications/customer support all moving to at home work. Curbstop pickup will become the norm and normal parking lots will be a thing of the past. You won’t be allowed to enter any store without your cuckmuzzle. You turn on the TV and ever commercial break will remind you to wear your mask, stay 12 feet apart, and wash your hands (sponsored by the CDC). Theaters will close everywhere and virtual/augmented reality will be widely adopted as it becomes sleeker, faster, and more powerful. Schools will all move to Zoom and we call these kids zoomies.

Grocery delivery will be the only way you ever can get food. Soon we’ll have restricted areas and government imposed zones with its own rules where you can and can’t go and for how long. This is the new world.

>> No.4735181

>generic upshot of an older hot guy with a "weapon"
Holy shit the creativity

The irony lmao

>> No.4735270

>is 19/20 too late to start a medium and make it in said medium

>> No.4735272

>>Grocery delivery will be the only way you ever can get food. Soon we’ll have restricted areas and government imposed zones with its own rules where you can and can’t go and for how long. This is the new world.

>> No.4735273

I didn't say he was creative, but putting a piece that detailed every 3 days is admirable

>> No.4735274
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>> No.4735287
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>mfw too poor to overdose
A painfull death will be

>> No.4735616

>fan only cools me down if it blows right into my face

>> No.4735630

Maybe have it at a angle or to the side or sit a little farther back. Wear cooler clothes. Hair up if you have longer hair. I use a spray bottle full of water to occasionally spray the fan. Like a make shift swamp cooler thing.

>> No.4735631

Use a spray bottle to mist yourself with water, THEN turn the fan on you.
Re-mist every 30 minutes or so.
If you have non-LED lightbulbs, change them- they are unironically putting out heat. The extra charge for LED bulbs will save you in the long run, since they use less power (read: money) and are less physically hot.
Do you have curtains? Get curtains on your windows.

>> No.4735635


Take a fucking class. Even one for kids or old folks will give you some feedback on what your doing. Most community colleges have art courses too.
Finish your drawings.

>> No.4735640

I don't enjoy art anymore, idk why, i just don't, it's the only thing I'm good at too but i feel fucked now, maybe it's depression or lack of progression, it's just fun is all gone and I don't know where to go from here

>> No.4735663

I haven't finished a drawing in years. I get them really far and drop em

>> No.4735669

let you hand heal and go work in your theoretical skills

>> No.4735676

it's okay to feel this way. if you feel like it would help talking to a counselor or a valued friend can really help us get to the root of feelings like this.

>> No.4735681

>actual discussion threads
dawn there is some time that I don't see one of those. which one was it?

>> No.4735684

please don't kill yourself pingu
I used the damp cloth technique to go through the days where I didn't have aircon

>> No.4735732

>our boss is making us do overtime without pay
this is one of the things that most disgust me! this is basically theft

>I guess that wasn't enough company for her
don't take it personal, I mean would just her company be enough for you? she probably miss going out and talking with her friends

>I hate that my mom would rather believe a fucking priest than doctors
I know how it is, my aunt wanted to come and see us, I said her to not come, she said that god would protect her! she thinks that this virus is god punishing catholics for having saints, which is kinda fucked up because my mom is catholic. anyway, I used some bible quotes to convince her, she got really mad and didn't come.

>> No.4735753

>fan only cools me down if it blows right into my face
did you mean literally? the only part of your body that eliminates heat is your face?

>> No.4735763

crack is pretty cheap!

you probably gonna get ass raped and killed before you can overdose tho

>> No.4735915

No, I don't. Drawing is a pain in the ass and improvement means nothing when no amount of work will get you where you wish you were, or make you feel any better about your art

same except I also hate my OCs

>> No.4735956

>No, I don't.
why draw then? don't you have something you like doing? you should do that instead.

>> No.4735966

I draw for a living so I don't really have any choice

>> No.4735981

Maybe loomis is not for me

>> No.4735995

>I don't really have any choice
you do! not saying it is easy, or that you should, but you do have a choice.

>> No.4736006

What's the point of drawing if no one will see it, or anything I will or have drawn?

>> No.4736009

Do you only see value in activities that grant you attention?

>> No.4736178

Drawabox is like studying for highschool.
I get terribly frustrated at how hard everything is, but I still manage to get through the courses eventually.
I know the site itself wants you to take it easy and switch between specific disciplines and drawing for fun, but I feel like all of the fun in drawing has been sucked out of me and here I am hoping I can get past Insect Construction without giving up on drawing in general.

>> No.4736181

Pull through it, my man. Most people can't make it past the 250 box challenge and very few people actually finish the entire drawabox program. If you finish it you're one step ahead in the game.

>> No.4736239
File: 34 KB, 550x550, pp,550x550.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally at the point in my career where I only take jobs that are at least a few hundred dollars each and have many return clients
>get something semi-published
>feel like im ready to take flight with my art career

>rona hits

>im fine, im the least affected, im a freelancer
>production companies I work for stop needing storyboards because they're all in California where its shut down
>clients who I do personal work for seem passionate about getting their projects done with me
>all of a sudden when Im almost the whole way through they start just taking forever to respond. I send over an update- it takes a week to hear back- they don't even have money problems, they're working
>I don't have any ground to stand on because Im just as guilty about getting back late

>months later
>pay my taxes from last year, its almost 2000 dollars
>i haven't been getting paid more than a few hundred dollars a month
>im drowning in bills, don't know how I will pay this months
>I can't tell anyone because they've finally started respecting my career choice, if I tell them now it just goes back to them being concerned I'm an idiot who can't feed them self

>realize I'll just have to go back to taking shit commissions and shit contracts
>feeling gung ho, take several in a day, some are only 30 dollars, one for 50, etc.
>the one thats 30 its a piece of cake, just a simple cartoon drawing of a person they know in Snoopy style
>bang it out in an hour, add a background just to be nice cause it feels too plain
>send it over 24 hours later, they're kind of nagging me because I said that I could do it in a day, didn't expect them to hold my to my word so much though...
>"it doesn't look like her"
>"can you remove the background"

I dunno lads, it just feels like a kick right in my gut, just knocked the wind out of me.
Its not the fact that my self esteem is tied up to how good I can draw, its the fact that my career has regressed, I know I did a good job and yet here I am

>> No.4736250

Honestly anon thats just this demon called Nihilism eating away at you, infecting your heart. There's meaning in a lot of things, but if you listen to that voice it will only grow stronger until you're nothing but a depressed shell

>> No.4736276

>There's meaning in a lot of things
Stop feeding him bullshit, there's no meaning or point to this. You ask for anybody to give a fuck about this thing you love and you get called a narcissist by >>4736009 while the same person will routinely put likes on fanart and porn that are drawn for attention from the bottom up. If someone sees your drawing they might repost it and get 100 times the likes.
The whole social media environment is gay as shit and the only way to go is to learn to enjoy the process of its own and being alone with yourself.

>> No.4736278

How do I know what creative pursuit to focus on? Do I do drawing, game development, animation, or writing?

>> No.4736283

>is to learn to enjoy the process of its own
as in just making a picture on Sundays to relax as a hobby instead of putting everything you have in it and trying to identify with it or find meaning in it
just smear paint around

>> No.4736285
File: 76 KB, 492x502, zawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you learn to enjoy the process then

>> No.4736333

learning to enjoy the process is the meaning, we agree

>> No.4736425
File: 51 KB, 551x412, 1567606445274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to create characters and tell stories. Over a decade later, all I can do is create generic illustrations with no real story. I've tried to make a comic, but I can't write for shit. I lack any sort of creativity or passion and all I can really do is copy what media already exists. There are people in this world that are meant to create original works and inspire with them, and then there are soulless cogs like me that are only good for churning out fanart and commissions. My only use is adding +1 to a characters respective tag on a booru.

>> No.4736435
File: 16 KB, 360x360, external-content.duckduckgo.com34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4736437
File: 30 KB, 300x235, same hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4736574
File: 76 KB, 1200x1255, 1515904012402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legitimately paranoid. I feel like my foot has been placed too close to the SJW crowd and now I feel mentally trapped. I feel that the moment I do or draw something that is not 'correct' or is 'bad' (one example being drawing fanart for something that is morally questionable and not PC) I will get dogpiled and put down by the people who act all smiles towards me and others. I am afraid of all the people who follow me and my mutuals and I feel that just by having chit chatted with them I have placed a target on my back and they will turn on my in the blink of a eye. I am especially afraid of my followers with all the red-flags that you typically see from stereotypical, social-justice twitter trash. I want to be stronger and be able to say "I will do what I want and no one will tell me what to do" but when I look at it in a realistic way I have a weak heart and I'm sure that any legitimately major backlash will shatter me.

>> No.4736631
File: 787 KB, 677x909, firefox_0lU5wP7bVT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Saturn to step on me. That is all.

>> No.4736679
File: 981 KB, 342x239, 1465073267809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite animu writers actually liked my fan art but not enough to retweet it. I didn't expect anyone to pay attention to it (since I barely get any likes/retweets at all) but this surprising occurrence managed to simultaneously lift me up and depress me at the same time. I feel even worse for caring this much when I normally don't.

>> No.4736818
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1336330018128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make not-over-explicitly gay fanart for a webcomic
>Too embarrassed to post it on /co/ or anywhere else
I don't think I could handle the potential humiliation but I don't know if I should just hoard it for myself either

>> No.4736826

People love gay shit. If anyone gets triggered, they're just a vocal minority. I believe in you anon, share your work and make someone's day by posting their favorite ship.

>> No.4736848

Overtime without pay OMEGALUL, I would never do ANYTHING at work without proper compensation.

You need to be paid for meetings you attend, overtime at time a half, and any other thing you have to do. It's illegal to not pay overtime and idk why you would ever work in those conditions.

>> No.4736852

Thank you for the words of encouragement, I just made a solo picture of a character so it's nothing too crazy. Though I think it would be best if I wait until the time and mood is right in a thread or something, even if it takes a while.

>> No.4736855

>loses gesture the moment I start to build on top of it

>> No.4736883

That's even better since you're not in danger of attracting ship drama. Do it whenever you're comfortable, just don't let the anxiety make you postpone it indefinitely. Good luck!

>> No.4736925


ALWAYS exaggerate your initial line of action. To the point of caricature. Everything stiffens up when you put structure on top. Do not be afraid to make your initial lay-in look like a cartoon. It saves time and peace of mind.

>> No.4736954

You enjoy the drawing process more as you get better. That's not an issue. The issue is when art becomes anything but mindless doodling to waste time like videogames or a job where you're supposed to render dragon dicks or space marines or anything people ask of you while your brain is turned to off, If it's anything beyond that and you want to use it to speak and reach others you are fucked.

>> No.4736959

there is so much i have to learn, so much i havent even started learning, and the stuff ive been grinding for over a year now still isnt that good.

i feel like im never going to make it. i can't draw a single appealing thing and ive been practicing for a fricking year. im so upset

>> No.4736960


Stop doing lowball commissions, those only make people devalue your work and lowers your self esteem. Look around at popular artists you can find and check their rates, if if its scary to you.
Unironically set your rates only an iota below theirs until you can get some traction. Then start charging at their rates or higher. People expect to pay dosh for something that's good (and a lot of people get off on saying they can spend dosh on luxury items like art.).
Dont spend more time on work than you have to, and only give the client exactly what they ask for. Make sure you give rules about making changes to jobs before you start.
If they dont like it, they can walk. Remember, if someone is willing to pay you, youre a professional. No matter what. And professionals dont apologize. They are clients, not your friends.
You call the shots, anon. You can do this.

>> No.4736964


I've started making time to screen people before I subscribe to their feed and gatekeeping people who try to follow me. Its tedious at first, but its gone a long way in helping me create necessary personal boundaries in the Singularity. Dont be afraid to preemptively block alphabet people, either. It costs nothing and you have everything to gain.

>> No.4736967

Aw man, damp cloth was a lifesaver for me when my AC broke last month. Thought I was a goner for real.

>> No.4736971

>Dont be afraid to preemptively block alphabet people, either. It costs nothing and you have everything to gain.
I blocked everyone with pronouns in their bio and I hardly followed anybody as a result.

>> No.4737663

Thanks anon, you’re right.
I’m already in this contract on Upwork though and I’m afraid that if I make t n unhappy they’ll give me a bad score. In Top Rated or whatever and it’s going to suck if a 30 dollar contract messes that up. I don’t know how to tell them that I gave them what they want and they’re just picturing something stupid that’s not going to work. I can’t keep doing the run around with them because it’s not going to work. I don’t know whether it’s better to just tell them to keep their 30 dollars, fight over it, or keep trying to make the drawing right until we’re both “happy”.
I redrew it once to look more like the woman he requested and not line a Snoopy character and he hasn’t responded...

>> No.4737691

I have an art boyfrie--I mean friend from here where we communicate on social media but is he really my friend if he constantly unfollows me/ blocks me/ghosts me? I can't tell if it's my fault for not messaging him for a few days because he seemed inactive/down about something but I didn't want to seem clingy and weird like I was in the past so I just ignored it. I tried to type as little and brief as possible not to look crazy after making up but even not talking to him resulted in a bad reaction. Or maybe it's something else he's mad about or maybe he's no mad at all...

Well I know he's briefly mad at me and we'll be lovey dove--I mean all good sooner or later but I just don't get him sometimes. I'll just keep my composure and wait.

>> No.4737702

>is he really my friend if he constantly unfollows me/ blocks me/ghosts me?
No, block him and never contact him again.

>> No.4737712


I don't like blocking people, it's the worse form of expression one can do online. But he's an odd one. Like the other day he nuked his account then reactivated it. Then he would leave these vague tweets about how he doesn't feel like drawing.

He would like/retweet my tweets but then unlike them. Comment on my stuff but then a day later remove his comment. He's been doing this since the day I got close to him in January. I'm a very forgiving person when it comes to "autistic" personalities but I don't know anymore. He would say some things that actually seems like he means it but then retract from it--that's how he is and I get h..

gosh typing all this out really makes me look really gay. I guess the short version of this is I don't know what I think of him nor why I hold so much attachment to him. I can't figure it out.

>> No.4737721
File: 33 KB, 599x626, 1504738715318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a healthy relationship, boyfriend or not. Honestly though, it even sounds like you enjoy the abusive push and pull he's giving you. If you were actually smart you'd abandon the relationship from the moment he started acting like that, stockholm anon

>> No.4737723

Ypu can draw bizarre porn

>> No.4737729

This board trully is full of underages

>> No.4737730

He's treating you way worse than you would be blocking him. Another option is muting him though, then you wouldn't have to talk to him again
He's not autistic, he sounds like a lot of artists out there who use you for "exposure". He interacts with your work to seem like he's making an effort, then retracts it so it doesn't mess with his ratio
You are the prize, anon. Don't put him on a pedestal. That's when you become nothing more than a desperate fan.
Good luck

>> No.4737760

>He interacts with your work to seem like he's making an effort, then retracts it so it doesn't mess with his ratio
Both of our accounts barely even break 30 followers. I make no effort in trying to get exposure because I don't care at this time. Some followers that followed me followed him and visa-versa but I don't care about followers at the moment. He probably does, but I'm no use to him retweeting his work if I don't have a reach to begin with so this is something I don't understand.

I also feel like a jerk if I don't reweet his work as it makes me look like I don't care but at the end of the day it does nothing in the algorithm if he doesn't make the effort to tag/keyword his posts. So I'm useless tool. I don't see why that would be the reason for this sort of behavior.
>Honestly though, it even sounds like you enjoy the abusive push and pull he's giving you.
I don't enjoy it.

>> No.4737762

But anyway I won't let it get to me. Maybe his goal is to stop me from drawing again. I won't stop...

>> No.4737773


>> No.4737800

No they don't, what the fuck. Most people's iPads last years after the warranty runs out. It's the phones that some people replace yearly.

Anon, take it to Apple under warranty anyway. Sometimes they make an exception. If one store refuses to, try another, or go back to the store later when someone else is working there.

>> No.4737985

i have realized that I barely improved and that i just got slightly better at cheating

>> No.4738029
File: 402 KB, 563x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, I leaned to program so I could make games. now that I can pretty much make any game I just can't bring my self to make anything. I just lost something.

I guess I could force myself to make them, but why?

>> No.4738049

>have story ideas
>learn about story structure to implement story ideas
>as skill increases, start to lose the feel of meaning that informed the ideas to begin with
wtf, I don't remember wishing on a monkeys paw or making a deal with the devil

>> No.4738055

You guys get it. I'm considering just forcing myself as well.

I wanna try making a game too someday. But learning to program is such a daunting task that doesn't align with my short term goals.

I think I always wanted to tell stories for the sake of it, not because I actually had stories to tell.

>> No.4738071

if you drew it because you thought it was cute that's very different from having [insert popular characters] wave a trans flag to signal your ideological alignment, and most anons understand that. at worst someone will call you a faggot.

>> No.4738105

I think our verbal IQ might just not be high enough for certain things. I can draw for 6-7 hours without losing concentration, but with writing I often get exhausted after just 45 minutes. I can do complex illustrations no problem, but I struggle to keep long-format texts cohesive. Some of that can be alleviated with good planning and by keeping individual scenes self-contained, but there's a clear limit to how far that kind of cleverness can take you. I've been writing shortstories for a webcomic format recently, and that's been working out better.

>> No.4738165

Does anyone else feel that 2D art online is way too overcrowded? Almost every fanbase of any semi-popular media has decent artists.

Even coom is starting to become crowded with enough jackoff material for us to last centuries.

Whatever idea or story I have has probably been done already or nobody will care about it. There's plenty of good artists out there just barely scraping by, I really have nothing new I could contribute.

>> No.4738177

Make 4d art that changes overtime.

>> No.4738217

Is it possible to just have an inefficient visual memory?

I know studying adds to visual memory but the rate I improve at is so inefficient. I can make semi decent pieces with a ref (won't post work but I get frequent non coomer commissions so that means I'm not 100% shit), even if I'm only using it loosely, but the instant I draw without one it's like I'm a complete beg again.

>> No.4738389


Thats the way its gotta be, man. Trust me. It seems lonesome, but it will work out. Youre gonna attract the correct crowd.

Are the scores on that site weighted? If so, a bunch of higher scores in the future will outweigh his nonsense. If you've already completed his request, you dont owe him a single thing more. If he's not paying you, find a way to file a dispute for payment through the site, if possible for failure to render payment after receipt of goods. If he got something and he didnt pay, he's literally stolen something from you.
If youre afraid of going that far, tell him to give you half of what he owes you and then blacklist him from working with you in future. If its possible to leave bad buyer feedback, pursue that as well.

If youre a pro artist, it going to be a given that you have better ideas of what makes a picture look good. If the client could make a good picture, they'd be artists too. So dont let their poor taste drag you down. Give them their simple picture and save your creative energy for your personal work- the stuff that really counts. The client is just a paycheck.

>> No.4738478

We have like 4 good pony coomer artists in our fandom left, so if you want to bite the bullet and watch the show, you'll be welcomed with open arms.
Tip: Anatomically-correct (crotchtits and everything) has only become popular a couple of years ago, so we're really lacking in that department.

>> No.4738508

That's interesting advice, but I'm worried about accidentally stepping on some toes and having people notice my attempts at gatekeeping; especially with certain mutuals.

>> No.4738551

this whole thread is full of people being sad, but this is somehow the saddest thing in it

>> No.4738556

remember the glory days...

>> No.4738561

Wtf are crotchtits

>> No.4738563
File: 481 KB, 547x438, 1584363413074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4738565

Jesus fuck, i dont even know where on the animal i am looking at

Times have changed

>> No.4738809
File: 156 KB, 400x416, 1528845678222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only notice a really glaring error as soon as you post a commission publicly

>> No.4738816
File: 3.96 MB, 423x324, 1593121504061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SMTV trailer
>Protag is finally revealed
>Just want to sit at home and draw him all day
And I literally JUST started work that day, now I get to sit through 9 hours of work safety videos

>> No.4738818
File: 266 KB, 854x863, 1505580431611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 26 and I'm barely finishing my bachelor degree. I'm so fucking slow compare to my other peers from high school who got their shit together. I dont know but everything I do I feel like I'm just wasting time, I'm slow at everything and I'm so tired of being slow. I know that I shouldn't think about catching up to anyone, but I can't help but feel I'm so infantile at anything I do. Even to now, I dont even know what the hell I am going to do with my degree. The only thing I'm getting better at is drawing, I dont know if I can even make it. I just want out. I just wish that "someday" will get to me.

>> No.4738825
File: 717 KB, 652x772, 1545768159304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to join a niche community and provide artwork related to yuri
>They won't accept me because I have a Benis

>> No.4738838

>fun with a pen
>It is not fun

>> No.4738849

You might flip your canvas too often. If you get used to seeing it both ways, you might not notice big errors. Flip sparingly or give yourself a good break before moving on from the sketch.

>> No.4738850
File: 8 KB, 217x232, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get used to seeing it both ways

>> No.4738851

its ok at least you're not 50k in debt and still in a dead end job like most people who have their bachelor's. Or, even worse, physically disabled and nobody wants to hire you. IT COULD BE WORSE. If you're still in one piece, you're way ahead.

i am 27 and a couple semesters away from my CS degree which I will likely never use anyway, I am only doing it to commission in the military. Since the age of 22 I was self conscious that I was "behind my peers" and feeling like I had nothing to show for it, but then turns out a lot of people who have a bachelor's degree don't necessarily have better jobs or feel more accomplished either, they're struggling to find jobs as well and if they do find a job that pays more, their debt still cancels their wages out for several years - even past a decade.

How far are you in your degree? If you're only a year or less in and you don't know, then stop. If you're almost done, then keep going. Go at your pace, it's fine to be slow, just be consistent and always working on something. Make sure you're sleeping, eating, and exercising enough because it does help make life a bit more bearable. If you have depression make sure you get to the root of what is causing it and do something about it.

>> No.4738855

not hard to rp as a girl online bro

>> No.4738875
File: 14 KB, 327x327, 146357567568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend knows that I'm an artist for 5 years
>always picking on me because digital art is not art and I just press a button to create a drawing
>hes dating some jewish fat whore
>one day messages me to have a laugh with an attached photo of the painting she sent him, stating that she is the artist
>you can google that painting just by common words like "peacock painting"
>he wont believe me that she just blatantly traced it and actually had a nerve to put her name on it

>> No.4738909
File: 222 KB, 490x621, 1592349274136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How far are you in your degree?
I will be on my last semester this fall to finish my BS. thankfully planned a bit carefully so my debt isn't high. But this whole summer hit me with a strong realization of my entire being mediocre at attaining happiness. I wish I had drawn earlier and stopped doubting myself, I sorta blamed on my strict parents but deep down I know the ultimate responsibility was on me. I really like drawing and I'm glad that improving fast but I don't know where life will lead me after college. I think the reason I stayed for so long was because I trapped myself in the illusion of being sheltered by the comfort of being youthful and still in school.

>> No.4738965

Only my messy drawings express what I what them to. Any time I try and do something clean it loses whatever made it cool.

>> No.4739301

>>thought that I'd learn to draw to illustrate my own retarded stories/make a webcomic or something
>>lost confidence in my writing and haven't finished anything in 6+ years
This. How do I stop?

>> No.4739403

what is the word for feeling both completely unskilled and creatively inadequate while at the same time feeling like you could easily do better designs than 99% of the trash you see in modern movies and vidya?

>> No.4739421


>> No.4739425

dunning kruger

>> No.4739427

cognitive dissonance

>> No.4739428


>> No.4739436


>> No.4739774
File: 245 KB, 850x935, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_daitai_konna_kanji__sample-b8248ccf235de8c2dd061a85b694bc94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already 5pm by the time I get home from work, and I'm expected to clock in at 7am the next day.
There's just no fucking time

>> No.4739810

Don't fall for the TEN HOURS A DAY BRO meme.

If you get back at 5 and sleep by 10 you can easily fit a 2 hour session in there on top of life maintenance. Take what you can get.

>> No.4739814

lost at sea zombie

>> No.4739969

2 to 3 hours is really all you need if you have 2 days off.

2 x 5 = 10 hours with Saturday and Sunday making up for 15 to 25 hours depending on how long you draw which is nearly the hours a part-timer does.

>> No.4739987

I get home by 5:30 after work, start studying by 8 and study 4 hours.

>> No.4740190

If Jeff Bezos offered you $1 Million USD to suck his cock so you can attend art center, would you take it? Yes/No?

>> No.4740198

Yes, it is no ordinary opportunity.
20 bucks is 20 bucks, but this is even more.

>> No.4740205

a self aware chunibyo

>> No.4740229

If he is std free (or only has STDs that can be fixed with antibiotics) I would do it. Art center AND enough to permanently retire on? Sign me up.

>> No.4740357
File: 352 KB, 853x778, 1573521006055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you're probably right now that i think about it

>> No.4740503

Is it bad that I'm technically waiting for someone to enter my life and motivate me to draw again? I have absolutely nobody. No friends. No nothing.

>> No.4740506


>> No.4740789
File: 1.11 MB, 1224x1632, I'M THE DEVOURER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4740814

i cant enjoy art anymore like i did 5 years ago

i dont even grind fundies and make all boring, its just kinda gone

>> No.4740818

as I typed this I realized that this is ok
its ok to get bored of something, maybe someday I will comeback, I wont force it fow now
and im gonna be ok
thanks ic

>> No.4740867
File: 26 KB, 600x371, Screen_Shot_2017-04-05_at_2.58.07_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4740868

why is /ic/ so rubbish at teaching?
Is it because /ic/ is all currently at shit level that they don't even understand it themselves??
Why act like you know the answer if you just gonna throw the responsible of answering to books?
It's the equivalent of "Just google it bro, it has your answers"

>> No.4740873
File: 191 KB, 1200x601, EWEMS2dVAAE8kOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever look at inspiration from your favorite artist and realize you don't even know where to fucking start?

>> No.4740936

this was done without planning, let go and you can do it

>> No.4741094

This is less of a vent and more of a confession, but I desperately want to be the cool and mysterious silent type that no one knows much about. There are artists that seem to be living enigmas and it's something I want to be myself, but my true self has already been plastered on the internet and I've talked to a number of people and made my presence known and feel that I lost the opportunity to be the 'mysterious artist' that I want to be; I don't really know how to describe it better.

>> No.4741107

i post my shit anywhere at all times regardless of the quality, i dont give shit if some faggot steals it since i draw for fun

>> No.4741282

Why bother trying to be a mysterious enigma when you could just be happy? You clearly enjoy talking to people.

>> No.4741390

Are we even friends if we don't talk? I thought you had changed and stopped caring about me, but here you are over analyzing every single thing I do.

>> No.4741804

>Are we even friends if we don't talk
I’m afraid of getting hurt again. I could be talking to you then 3 days later you block me for an unknown reason.
> I thought you had changed
The same can be said to you. I thought you wouldn’t be pulling the same stuff from before but that’s not the case.
>stopped caring about me
>are we even friends
If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be here. I’m friends with a guy from here from 2015, he hasn’t logged in a few months, but you don’t see me going on /vent/ wondering where Waldo is. Because he isn’t constantly doing what you keep doing.

It hurts to say this but maybe we aren’t friends if I have to walk on eggshells when communicating with you and have to apologize for everything I say. We’re from 4chan, I shouldn’t have to be doing this to a d/ic/k.

>> No.4741811

>I'm drawing to produce my own coomer art
says it all right here

>> No.4741844
File: 108 KB, 295x285, 1551125554855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan art is really the only way to get recognition huh....

>> No.4741872

I’m sorry for that last sentence, I’m just frustrated.

>> No.4742261
File: 109 KB, 690x750, 1577508262293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal drama

>> No.4742269
File: 9 KB, 225x225, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm wasting my talent and time drawing nasty retarded shit instead of interesting and appealing illustrations that I can actually show to people and not be ashamed of. But every time I try to make something serious I get impatient and bored with it.

>> No.4742377
File: 95 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draws only degenerate shit
>afraid of showing drawings to anyone
>Boyfriend always wants to see what I'm drawing
>never show him
>I worked up the courage today to show him my sketchbook
>He flips through it
>I have never seen this much disgust and shock on someones face before
>"I didn't know you were like this, anon..."


>> No.4742381

post it faggot

>> No.4742384

Do what you love. It's not a "waste" if you're enjoying yourself. Fuck those people.

>> No.4742388


>> No.4742389
File: 374 KB, 2100x3000, raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kno its bad plz no bully

>> No.4742394

Not going to lie but your boyfriend is probably an even bigger faggot than you are.

>> No.4742398

I agree with this anon >>4742394
Both you and your boyfriend are perfect for each other. You and your boyfriend overreacted to some stale shit as this?

>> No.4742404

I agree, my art is pretty stale. My boyfriend just has this weird image of me I guess.

>> No.4742433
File: 38 KB, 320x320, 1562879741967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does "He" even exist? Be honest.

>> No.4742494

God damn there is this girl I saw who is so short and thin she looks like a child. I couldn't control myself and I wanted to get her number.

>> No.4742497

>Wanting to pander to fags and men haters
I don't know what you expected.

>> No.4742544
File: 480 KB, 600x525, 1571495554615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 and i've spent the last 8 years of my life grinding my art to become a better artist, yet somehow I have accomplished absolutely nothing.

every "industry" opportunity i have been faced with has fallen through at the last minute

Resorting to taking furry commissions or drawing porn for patreon makes me feel like a dirty failure who is never going to "make it"

I recently started taking antidepressants which has made my muse completely abandon me and I haven't been able to even force myself to make anything for almost the entirety of 2020 and my social media numbers are slowly dwindling down, i'll be below 1k soon.

I have so many ideas for what i want to do that i think people will like and i always feel that little burst of inspiration/motivation/excitement but then it fizzles out before I even start. by the time i do start i'm so overwhelmed by just how much /work/ goes into making /anything/ that i just shit out the same garbage tier portrait of a cute girl with her legs spread like always to keep my patrons from abandoning me.

there are so many projects i start but never finish, and there are infinitely even more that i never even start.

whenever i see companies hiring jobs in my field when i actually look into them they look so abysmally boring that i never apply. is anyone really happy and satisfied with their "industry jobs" or is it all just a fucking grind to pay rent on time like it feels like it is? sometimes i feel like i should just go get a job at walmart if its going to be just as soul sucking as any "art" job but easier to obtain.

i cant even tell if my art is good or not.

>> No.4742667

>whenever i see companies hiring jobs in my field when i actually look into them they look so abysmally boring that i never apply. is anyone really happy and satisfied with their "industry jobs"
Just like any other job there will boring shit you have to deal with, i don’t get some artist, they act like having an art job will be this magical wonderland that’s different than any other job when that’s not the case. That’s like a neurosurgeon who spent many years grinding his doctoral degree and quit at the last second because the job is too hard/boring. The goal for having a job is to earn money, it’s not some fun wonderland. You wasted opportunities, anon.

>> No.4742703

I made it further than most d/ic/ks ever will by winning awards and getting scholarships so I feel like I should keep going but I just can't be bothered now and I wish that people didn't know that I I do (did?) art because when I tell them I'm not doing that anymore, the mood gets so awkward. I feel like I'm letting down the people who were supporting me but it's not like there's any major loss if another artist stops churning out content

I'm still drawing but it's more of a hobby now.
I shouldn't have put all my eggs in one basket

>> No.4742718


I can't pity you. You're a spoiled baby who might be 25 but probably act just like you did when you started 8 years ago. You think you're going to get some amazing once in a lifetime opportunity with sub-par art skills? News flash: Even the old masters had to make shit they didn't want to make. If you wanted a lifetime of only making the art you want to make, it's possible. It's called getting a non-art job (Walmart doesn't count) and making art your hobby.

>> No.4742752

Youre going to be bringing in more of the right type of people than the wrong one's, so I dont expect inquiry's will be much if at all.
Remember, the people youre blocking/ignoring arent people you want around anyway. So it doesnt matter what their opinions are about it.
If they try to harass you, screencap it and send it to Twitter as evidence of stalking or bullying and let them do the rest.

>> No.4742758
File: 108 KB, 1024x570, ENTwQuUXsActEHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think you're going to get some amazing once in a lifetime opportunity with sub-par art skills?
no? where did i say that?
why doesnt walmart count as a non art job.
>there will boring shit you have to deal with
i can accept this, but what i struggle with is the feeling that no matter what im doing my life will be an unbearably miserable scramble to scrape together enough coin to live another day of struggling to scrape together enough coin to live another day of struggl-

>> No.4742764


Create an "inclusive" yuri community as revenge. Unironically.

>> No.4742771


Are you both Jehovah's Witnesses?

>> No.4742852
File: 54 KB, 540x443, 13654565678568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some 60k+ jap with 1k follows suddenly becomes a mutual after like 6 months of me following him with no interaction

>> No.4742947
File: 247 KB, 3000x2100, 1594371254604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else doesn't actually draw, but just lurks here because he regrets what he has become?

>> No.4743263
File: 78 KB, 626x744, 14365463476734634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw a fully rendered picture twice a week and then lurk /ic/ and especially /vent/ to have a laugh after posting a good drawing on my twitter account.

>> No.4743280

How can I be a Chad like you? I recently realized this.

>> No.4743289
File: 161 KB, 473x509, 1464574578457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw bro. I haven't read a single book. I was just drooooowing this whole time.

>> No.4744185

>have only a week to make someone improve their art
Fuck I have no idea what I'm doing with me luckk

>> No.4744233

Nile? Is that you?

>> No.4744588

I don't enjoy art anymore.

>> No.4744659

I wish I could be in good relations with my brother but his taste and interests dumbfounds me. It's like he draws but only does so for the attention of voice actors and e-thots which pisses me off. Speaking of voice actors, he has the right idea of using voice talent combined with his art. Not too long ago I paid for a VA to voice my daughter and the video reached 3K views
It was meant as a shitpost but it got me thinking that art alone posted to social media might not be just enough. It's the interactivity with the post that could propel you to viral status. Well art + animation + voice, a combined effort. Sort of thinking yourself as a businessman and hiring people for specific jobs. My brother has the right business sense but his art sucks at the moment. I'm not even sure at what point in time we became distant. It's just incredibly lonely this whole art thing and I guess the only way to get out of this lonely box is to improve and make things people want to see.

>> No.4745218

I got fired today

>> No.4745221

Dude free 600 bucks, grats

>> No.4745354


>> No.4745397

I guess that with time you get better at it.

>> No.4745422

flip vertically?

>> No.4745441


>> No.4745450


>> No.4745478

>why is /ic/ so rubbish at teaching?
because ic is not for teaching, it is just to tell you what you did wrong and, at most, give you some direction on how to improve.

It is more like showing you art to another artist than showing your art to your art teacher

>> No.4745489

did you get it tho?

>> No.4745497

no :(

I saw her today and she was wearing dark pants and oh my god it's like legal loli I wish I had confidence. I wish I was attractive.

>> No.4745626


>> No.4745933
File: 27 KB, 407x361, 1445638233968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been working on something for 5 days
>can't get myself to post it because I suddenly don't like it