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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 489 KB, 2402x1156, EXlY9OeVcAA7SqC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4705368 No.4705368 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4705380

k then

>> No.4705382

You mean Incase?

>> No.4705387

It's a bit overmuch for my taste.

>> No.4705393

Checked her twitter, most her work isn’t as good as the OP picture

>> No.4705399


Artist is a man (maybe went tranny now) and is also the most insufferable SJW I've encountered in the porn artist genre.

>> No.4705410

Scenes with more than 1 male are for a few people, women, faggots, and closet faggots.

>> No.4705419

they look like wax statues and the cum looks like candle wax, it's amusing

>> No.4705442

Looks awful.

>artist is a man

>> No.4705445

Post coom you like

>> No.4705456

he's good but he is also a huge commie faggot and a canadian. separate the art from the artist i guess.

>> No.4705458

>pornographer is a virtue signalling left-lib-socialist


>> No.4705462


He posted under a male name for years on Tumblr before they banned porn. He only started calling himself "Alexis" very recently; that's why I thought he might be a tranny now. He's the stereotypical male feminist who draws really depraved porn and so betrays the fact that all his SJW posturing is really a mask for unrequited sexual desires.

>> No.4705468


A lot of porn artists are pretty based, in my experience. They get tired of being told that drawing boobs is misogyny. Today's Left fucking hates porn, in case you haven't noticed. They're all fat women and sexless betas who are triggered by depictions of beautiful people fucking each other.

>> No.4705476

Unironically fucking gross, i make fun of those fags who constantly spout muh decadence and degeneracy, but i have the feeling the world will lapse into one huge drug fueled orgie. Somnolent and incessant pleasure.

>> No.4705481

you can't be leftie or rightie as porn artist since that crap is anglosphere thing and you need to be top 0.1% if you want to make a living in anglo countries

>> No.4705500

Looks like a discount Everton.

>> No.4705510

I don't care

>> No.4705527

>Today's Left fucking hates porn, in case you haven't noticed. They're all fat women and sexless betas who are triggered by depictions of beautiful people fucking each other.
I'm a leftist male who loves porn (me and my wife watch it together) and works out. WTF are you on about?

>> No.4705536
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, why the alt right believes in nofap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today's Left fucking hates porn
lmao no
coomerism is ultimate left
sex positivity and all that

>> No.4705544

Go outside and you'll realize the "Left" you're bitching about are a vocal (and unfortunately growing) minority that only live online overall. You think the average person is even aware of this bullshit 900 genders thing?

Get a social life outside of the internet

>> No.4705547
File: 278 KB, 1308x2048, IMG_20200707_143320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4705560

It's puritans on both sides of the political spectrum, and they seem particular to America. Every hear Europeans bitching about porn?

>> No.4705565

Commie cuck

>> No.4705571

Radical feminists hate porn, liberals like it

>> No.4705574
File: 909 KB, 1280x1233, marx_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4705579 [DELETED] 

Why does every post on 4chan turn into bitching about SJWs? Oh yeah, /pol/tards.

>> No.4705585

Why does every thread on 4chan turn into bitching about SJWs? Oh yeah, /pol/tards.

>> No.4705598
File: 24 KB, 340x270, slaanesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the question is: will you join?

>> No.4705622

check out her comic

>> No.4705629

They're the same person.
He probably picked a girl name to attract more coomers

>> No.4705644

Me in the middle

>> No.4705654

prove it

>> No.4705655

Anon, you’re on 4chan and asking that...

>> No.4705663

Keep in mind they accuse the left of hating porn while constantly attacking and shaming sex workers. Don't take them seriously.

>> No.4705674

>Keep in mind they accuse the left of hating porn
Just in this very thread they accuse the left of loving porn... I think your argument falls apart

>> No.4705680


>> No.4705725

>Just in this very thread they accuse the left of loving porn... I think your argument falls apart
The /pol/tards seem confused about this issue. On one hand they're NoFap evangelicals who blame porn for all kinds of (((degeneracy))), while on the other hand they're eager to target the "Left" as porn-hating puritans (which I see very little outside of second-wave feminism).

>> No.4705737


Cuck porn doesn't count. Of course you and your "wife" love that.

>> No.4705739

>watching porn with the wife instead of fucking her


>> No.4705753
File: 700 KB, 637x900, e6d5970916fc77f2bfb005075506ebace1d791da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the anon you responded to but its a rare genuine case of "both sides." there are people on Both Sides who pretend to hate porn because porn is something that can easily be blamed for every societal ill you can think of.

it's also easy to target porn artists because they span the entire spectrum of politics. there are altright porn artists who only draw white women being raw dogged by white men in the missionary position because they want to promote the white race. There are also the tumblr porn artists who only draw disabled transgender black lesbians in wheelchairs cucking each other for max diversity points.

The altright loves the first and the radical left loves the second. They hate the porn that opposes their politics. It's identity politics in the micro.

That's also probably a contributing factor to the explosion of hentai in the West. the anime style can be co-opted for anything but since Japanese artists aren't concerned with Western politics you can find whatever you want and consume it with no guilt about betraying their principles.

>> No.4705764

>you can find whatever you want and consume it with no guilt about betraying their principles.
except NTR I guess lol

>> No.4705777

>there are altright porn artists who only draw white women being raw dogged by white men in the missionary position because they want to promote the white race

name fucking one

>> No.4705787

Yeah, alt right porn is hentai as you can see in this board

>> No.4705803

people want to see pokemon girls fucked by dogs because they are fucking degenerates, that doesn't have anything to do with a political stance, it's a false dichotomy

>> No.4705808

hey, we can multitask.

>> No.4705952
File: 428 KB, 1280x720, calmdraws-1246177842154668032-20200403_174845-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4705958

what, you seriously think there isn't altright porn? lol someone up thread mentioned #based artists that don't like being "politically correct," what do you think they get labelled as?

>> No.4705962

Get better taste, retard.

>> No.4706009

This thread is the most beautiful example of retards trying to politicize everything. Everyone loves porn.

>> No.4706011
File: 2.03 MB, 368x348, 1593048304026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best coomer artist
o i am laffin

>> No.4706019

Not that guy but I agree, Calm is way better

>> No.4706026


asians can't be good porn artists because they can only draw blurred genitals.

>> No.4706028

What the hell would altright porn look like? Shadman would be the closest example I could think of (an edgelord who portrays himself in nazi garb), and much of his work involves kinky lesbian sex (now that I think about it, lesbian porn is what helped me be less homophobic after being raised a fundie. So it's intrinsically leftwing?).

>> No.4706030

just goes to show nip superiority when they have to blur the genitals but still put out much better quality work than any baka gaijin scrub

>> No.4706087

the coom i like has real people and not cartoons

>> No.4706284


>> No.4706339

Porn is harmful and there’s been countless studies about it. Enjoy the brain rot

>> No.4706349

Anything is harmful in excess, including this forum. Video games are probably more addictive than porn.

>> No.4706383
File: 3.64 MB, 1932x1932, 7717E835-E3D2-4A50-9A9D-6F1D06B301DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait

>> No.4706408

Glad your wife's boyfriend let you share some time with her watching porn of other women getting fucked by other men and being pleasured by this act while you're watching.

>> No.4706425



Or more likely using a ambiguous sounding name to con horny rubes that hope they're talking to a girl

>> No.4706473


What part of "Alexis Flower" sounds ambiguous to you? Do you think there's some kind of shortage of trannies on Twitter?

>> No.4706607

Who's the best furry artist?

>> No.4706643

I’m saying it’s a fucking honeypot you dumb stump. It’s not even the first time it’s happened but you so addled by what genitals THEY have you lose you mind.

>> No.4707317

Incase only draws gay shit mate. His ideas are good but his straight content is what ? 15% ?

>> No.4707754

My issue is everyone has cheek implants.

>> No.4707760

>best coom
maybe when they stop with that weird 2.750DPD

>> No.4707856


It sounds like you need to... dilate

>> No.4707868
File: 90 KB, 800x600, d1uuux6-bd77bf32-da35-47b7-a979-8eef81604e04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David C. Matthews is the most based coomer artist

>> No.4707987

>David C. Matthews
It's amazing been drawing forever and hasn't improved at all.

>> No.4707998

He already perfected the style he was going for.

>> No.4708018
File: 52 KB, 640x645, EOlA-73XUAs8BU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Chris-Chan wishes his art was

>> No.4708134




hello Alexis

>> No.4708158

Fucking yikes

>> No.4708179

OP and >>4705952 have no appeal at all kek

>> No.4708363

Wrong. I also agree with him : it's harmful & we shouldn't promote it.
Just get a real, regular partner.

>> No.4708397

I have a real, regular partner (married) and we watch porn together. It's fun.

>> No.4708409

this is the second time i've seen you say this. nobody cares about two pale landwhales looking at cuckold porn together.

>> No.4708420

The rendering is amazing but by god it looks horrible

>> No.4708508

Hes a good artist for gesture but a horrible twitter follow. Fucking annoying cunt he/she/it is.

>> No.4708512

Does this guy ever saw a real woman?

>> No.4709209

>Today's Left fucking hates porn
No they don't, they're all ultra-degenerates who substitute love and natural urges for porn and debauchery. They just hate the idea of straight men liking tits in vidya and other media because muh oppression.

>> No.4709210

He's seen real women but only on pornhub

>> No.4709211

Maybe he knows that real women are inferior

>> No.4709234

This is too based for feeble minds to understand.

>> No.4709248

I can't tell if this is so bad it's good or it's just pure good

>> No.4710471
File: 72 KB, 800x600, d1uuv0w-7de4056e-7ee6-475b-b4ca-61b98b221530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4710538

My wife is a little over 100 pounds and cuck porn isn't my thing. Why do morons online insist on making up shit about anonymous people they've never met?

>> No.4711054

>basic bitch pinups and lesbian shit
yawn I don't think you get this whole "coomer" thing bub

now THIS is a coomer artist

>> No.4711066
File: 84 KB, 800x600, d1uuv6c-80ae2a57-6e0d-4e93-883f-8ef03c15aeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4711148
File: 120 KB, 666x1000, MV5BYjdkZjQ3NTctY2E0Ni00Njc4LTlmZWItZDlkMmZhNTRiOGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjIwNTg2ODA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the alt-right are the REAL cucks!
Remember that time liberals made an hour and a half long interracial cuckolding porno to "own the nazis"?

>> No.4711160
File: 573 KB, 760x1012, Screenshot_20200709-155022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4711444

>ywn get to this level of based

>> No.4711450

We all wish we could achieve his level

>> No.4711485
File: 42 KB, 600x597, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'I am a leftist "male"'
>frogposting unironically
you people really don't suffer the burden of self awareness

>> No.4711486

>people want to see pokemon girls fucked by dogs because they are
based and redpilled

>> No.4711919

What makes you think hyper realism is what he's going for?

>> No.4712279

>people want to see pokemon girls fucked by dogs because they are fucking degenerates

low iq statement

>> No.4712315

I didn't say hyper realism.

>> No.4712331

Holly shit, it's not a fake, it actually exists! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8195518/
>1 win & 2 nominations.

>> No.4712796

Wtf how do you render like that but have ngmi perspective

>> No.4715000
File: 1.42 MB, 1400x885, CyanCapsule-806749-Bel_Ball_Grab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4715200
File: 141 KB, 2000x862, 90786c417ee1af74fcc57b483b5e28af23638878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incase only draws gay shit mate.
He tried to draw furfag shit too.

>> No.4715244
File: 72 KB, 667x1000, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing real woman only hurts your coomer abilities, im living with one for a half a year now and people stoped commissioned me

>> No.4715247


>> No.4715255

Anything is possible with the power of turd polishing

>> No.4715664
File: 691 KB, 1920x1048, evan-lee-sexy-lol-final-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Evan Lee because vaginas are scary and I don't like dicks
and also I think his art is amazing, but I bet somebody will call it shit

>> No.4715681
File: 85 KB, 1080x1349, 1578003532695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's OptionalTypo, Eigaka and Kenshin187.

>> No.4715689


>> No.4715717

>le smug coomer face

>> No.4715726
File: 95 KB, 800x600, tetsuko_s_maidens_08_profile_by_davidcmatthews_d1h1c4b-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i miss the old nsfw artists, when they drew porn of what they wanted instead of soulless garbage to pander to others. Unironic soul.