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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 480x639, 6ruo9trw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4701872 No.4701872 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make YOURSELF feel proud.

previous thread >>4698018

READ THE STICKY if you're new or need guidance.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

>> No.4701902
File: 104 KB, 414x640, C5D2A063-7317-4DEB-952D-F8C0809B3283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like I’m polishing a turd.

>> No.4701913
File: 117 KB, 720x1280, 20200705_232633~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 heads from imagation and 1 reference of Jesse Vint.

>> No.4701918

Your art is hideous but its not /beg/

>> No.4701926
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x2600, JazKaz OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to just remove the arms and jacket from earlier and color. I really feel like Im getting faster.That being said, Back to anatomy studies. These hands are wack.

>> No.4701937
File: 741 KB, 1077x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like not shit? Where are the fuck ups?

>> No.4701941

uhh clarity for one. Push those backs even further.

>> No.4701943

Looks like a blob. You fucked up by using a blob as a reference.

>> No.4701946

What this guy said. Honestly I just think you have very poor aesthetic taste. Your artstyle is totally revolting to me, even your non sexual stuff. Ultimately that’s just my taste though so don’t feel too bad. I think many people would have the same opinion though.

>> No.4701975

really stupid ass brainlet question, but when doing the loomis head construction is it still divided in 1/3rds when the head is in perspective/ tilted? Feels like my face is too long a lot of the time when theres a big tilt or tough camera shot.

>> No.4701976
File: 103 KB, 414x640, EA7A5CEF-B4CE-4066-8633-ADA3DB38B425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m honestly not sure how to take that. If everything about it is so bad how can it be in any way good?

>> No.4701978
File: 595 KB, 1255x1883, IMG_1341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few questions, mostly I want to confirm some assumptions
First, I "feather" my lines a lot, but I have read conflicting declarations that this is either harmless, necessary or detrimental, and that I instead should focus on making things in as few lines. Is this true? I know that I must improve line control which would result in utilizing single lines, but just how bad is it to utilize manny small lines, if at all?

Second, at the moment I am not following any guide aside from "just draw", I have the "6 gorillion Loomis Starter Kit" which includes Creative Illustration, Drawing the Head & Hands, Figure Drawing - For All it's Worth, Fun with a Pencil, Successful Drawing, and The Eye of the Painter - And the Elements of Beauty. Which should I pick-up first? none of them scream "start here".

Third, while this may be completely negated by my second question, but I at the moment my plan was to (as some book told me, I believe the one where it told you to practice copying your fist and shoes) learn to copy objects, then trowing in basic construction, only for later go all in for construction (drawing from imagination). Is this approach correct?

>> No.4701991
File: 309 KB, 776x848, 1585629396978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4701998
File: 310 KB, 1280x1024, 3D51BB0A-8814-419D-B769-5EB4B25C0EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not like I’m shooting to be some tumblr artist who strives for hideous. I shoot more for an American comics look. Jim Lee, j. Scott Campbell, that sort of stuff.

>> No.4702005

Its harmless, until you can't stop doing. The reason its suggested to do clear bold strokes is to prevent you from developing a habit. small strokes should be a conscious decision not something that happens because you can't help it. Bold strokes will also help you build line weight and line control.
That being said, its fine for first drafts. Some pros can go over line art multiple times until they find one they like.
Construction. If you're going to learn anything at all Learn that. Doesn't matter from what book. As soon as you're free from symbol drawing a lot of avenues open up.

>> No.4702011
File: 216 KB, 1398x1009, 06-05-2020 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to draw some cars that actually look like cars

Still a lot of wrong things but I'm happy that at least I managed to do it after some weeks of practice

>> No.4702018
File: 3.35 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200706_143406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to stop whining about my art being bad and do some practices

>> No.4702019

Nice dude. The self-critique shows you def have the gmi attitude.

>> No.4702029

Thank you, anon

>> No.4702032
File: 184 KB, 1644x622, chinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to work on a side profile for the female, if that's the correct usage of term. Is there anything for now I should correct or better express anatomy-wise for this one? Any feedback is appreciated

>> No.4702045

that's not the real quote faggot.

>> No.4702051
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I did some weird contraption thing to practice perspective

>> No.4702054

It is impossible for the jaw to end behind the ears. The skull simply does not work that way. Beyond that, work on the brow area, it's not typically that flat.

>> No.4702055

Thanks for the crit anon. Yeah I didn't think things through with the foreground part. I kinda just had it in my head that things in the foreground have dark values and just went overboard with it.

>> No.4702058

Would you mind explaining the brow bit? Are you referring to both profiles?

>> No.4702062

it's looking neat from the thumbnail. In the future, you may want to make your lines more varied, same with gesture, it seems like it could benefit from some reference, the pose is there, just that it looks a bit stiff, look for a reference for painting folds in fabric too.
The underlying structure determines the way the folds will appear so remember the shape of the body and the planes of it.

>> No.4702155

Yeah, I get it. I mean I tend to get carried away with aesthetic myself instead of looking at what would actually happen in the scene as well. Overall its an easy fix and a drop of habit, and np

>> No.4702158

In that slime image, look at the details and shape of the girls left nipple, the deformation of her mid section and the large bulbous parts of all her face
It's drawn with a level of good skill, but the the details you have put I'd say are over expressed when they could look more beautiful with simpler shapes and less intense details.
If you are going for comic style I'd say you aren't too far off, but it still seems like its a bit too much

>> No.4702159
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon >>4702054 said, but also, make the jaw more feminine. You dont want your females to look like pic related, trust me

>> No.4702202
File: 642 KB, 1878x1613, what do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like drawing
>like video games, and random internet shit more
>draw for 3 mins
>feel like playing games
>what do?

>> No.4702204

Serious pursuits will require serious sacrifices. Go cold Turkey. Do you use Steam?

>> No.4702216

Sure, but i rarely use it.

>> No.4702226


once you realize how boring and repetitive every game in the store to ever exist is, you end up naturally quitting.

>> No.4702230
File: 11 KB, 321x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my fursona c:

>> No.4702232
File: 97 KB, 456x707, 2020-07-06 03_35_10-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a thing! will update

>> No.4702391
File: 90 KB, 352x525, 2020-07-06 05_52_20-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4702394
File: 2.48 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200706_185539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4702409

Fingers are weird

>> No.4702432

Is that a beard or a mane/plumage under the chin?

>> No.4702434
File: 10 KB, 561x649, Skunkfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's their hair, I've got the same hair actually.

>> No.4702436 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 2316x3088, IMG_2359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4702437
File: 993 KB, 1000x652, 1585260986138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back and tried to fix the drawing on the left... this is literally the best I can do for now.

>> No.4702440

much better

>> No.4702444

It's a cute picture, but if you are who your name suggests you are, you probably don't want to post on here. People are going to make very unkind comments.

>> No.4702445

Thank you! I forgot what board / thread I was on and posted >>4702436, but I'd hate to derail the thread.

I never draw but I'm having fun picking it up, they don't look weird?

>> No.4702449

I am indeed, however I forgot to clear my name field before posting the first image and didn't really notice until the delete post timer had been up, and so for consistency sake, I've kept it on, though it was a mistake on my end. I can handle it though, I quite do appreciate you looking out for me, though c:

>> No.4702453

the colors are quite nice and its different enough from most furry art (which I think is pretty samey)

>> No.4702459
File: 29 KB, 299x213, 1510707352276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ mainly focuses on human anatomy and its derivations e.g. anime. With threads about realistic animal anatomy study infrequently. if you want to see resources that are tailored for helping artists learn to draw cartoon/furry/anthro animal characters, there is a board called /trash/ and it has an art improvement thread. >>>/trash/improve although they are just as likely to flame you so I wish you the best of luck in your pursuits.

>> No.4702460
File: 116 KB, 443x1080, 0FE5FDC8-ECD9-4802-AE3E-D06EC222B09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When doing beginner books like keys to drawing, it says give yourself half an hour for the excerise, but the excersise is too simple to take that long, this one took me 14 minutes- am I making some glaring mistake? Surely a beginner lline drawing of your feet can’t take half an hour

>> No.4702487
File: 166 KB, 755x925, birds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried about the legs, had to redraw them a bunch of times before turning them into bird legs.

>> No.4702498
File: 50 KB, 601x850, 1594035245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i made way to escape absolute noob in 4 month this is korean version i will make english version later sorry for creepy moonrunes

this tech tree maded after 9 years of useless digging perhaps it can may not work

>> No.4702502
File: 515 KB, 1280x1024, noses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I see these improving down the page, unelss I'm delusional
yo lopera whats up

>> No.4702510

I think you just got more confident towards the bottom. Your nostrils look really strange.

>> No.4702512

Too big? Not curving in enough?

>> No.4702513

Post it and we'll tell you if you didn't take enough time to do it.
This exercise is stressing emphasis on accuracy so if you got a 100% accurate recreation in 14 minutes then sure who cares.
But likely you just drew something that was passable as feet so you could check it off your to-do list instead of actually learning from it

>> No.4702516

They look like you just drew circles and colored them in.
Be mindful of the value of the shadows in nostrils because it's not just 'dark', it fades to lighter values so when you sketch noses, don't just make a solid black circle. Focus on contouring the darkest shadows when sketching and you'll get a better feel for the form.

>> No.4702528

Ok thank you, I’ll just do it again since I drew loads of crap over the feet like faces and dumb shit

>> No.4702539
File: 118 KB, 414x640, 1E79C45A-9EA0-4614-B58D-33DB381E33E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. Gave the face another shot this morning. Tried to make it more attractive. Who knows. I’m 4+ hours in on this one so it’s time to give up.

>> No.4702543
File: 639 KB, 960x1200, Anorexia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4702545

i have no criticism but your art style and fetish is just fucking repulsive

>> No.4702546

If you're trying to draw an anorexic person, you missed the mark. She's still a bit too bulky (her neck, hips, waist, arms). Look at some actual anorexic people.

Also that face is straight FUCKED homie

>> No.4702547

he died three days later...

>> No.4702552

God dammit. I’m trying to make the art style less repulsive! Subject matter is fine by me. Didn’t think women in peril to slime was so unpopular.

>> No.4702554
File: 112 KB, 900x500, skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would skirt physics work in this situation? she got her knees up so it should slightly wrap around the base of her legs and fall down between them right?
if so, how do I make it not look like shit?

>> No.4702556

I didn't want to make her waist smaller since she's sitting, I imagine her standing up she would look a lot thinner
why is the face fucked ?

>> No.4702558

You're making it fall too much between her legs. It'll drape down slightly, but not that much.

>> No.4702565

I also want the skirt to cover her lower parts, should it be possible if it was a longer kind of skirt?

>> No.4702573
File: 326 KB, 801x785, 20200706_074323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabric for pleated skirts is stiffer than you think. If you want it to cover her, you should lower the legs a little bit. Otherwise, maybe change the skirt to one that has more drape like pic related.

>> No.4702580

I fucking hate when the guy doing a tutorial doesn't respect his own construction lines. Like if you have to eyeball it anyway what's the point of construction? Why are you showing me this when even you can't make it work and you have to break the rules to get a good drawing?

>> No.4702582

I think it's fine, just make the girl look less like a goblin, still cool style you got there.

>> No.4702583

ok thanks, I think I'll try and change the position later

>> No.4702597

Why is ass anatomy so confusing?

>> No.4702599
File: 58 KB, 414x640, 1590922345095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's making her goblin-like? When I draw goblins they look like the green guy here.

>> No.4702600
File: 169 KB, 1152x864, rsz_img_20200705_162727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4702613

probably because you're trying too hard to give women giant asses and hips without learning normal human anatomy first

>> No.4702617

>you're trying too hard to give women giant asses and hips
I mean, that's the idea.

>> No.4702618


>> No.4702631
File: 208 KB, 360x448, 532532533254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's all her facial features being too close to each other, the fact her face is being squished doesn't help either. Still, it's cartoonish, the first thing I thought when I saw it was Eris for some reason, you're not that far off, just try to make it appealing, adjust her face a bit to something more feminine, or find references of faces being squished.

>> No.4702638

Face is better than before but still not attractive. If you want it to be less ugly

The hair is fantastic. I wish I could draw hair like that.

Nose appears way too short
She has pointy dog teeth. Dont use black lines on teeth. In this cartoon style drawing the teeth as one single, smooth mass with no lines on it is more attractive.

The black lines around her aereolas should be much thinner, aereolas themselves should be round or oval

>> No.4702641

I dont care what people draw, I was only answering the question
Learn to walk before you run. If you dont understand what typical human skeletal and fat and muscle are doing, you're going to flounder when you draw exaggerated proportions

>> No.4702661
File: 490 KB, 750x905, damsel in goo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread where we post our gals being molested by goo?

>> No.4702683
File: 1.70 MB, 3349x2314, CBC5CDF8-84C3-4406-8A51-DF4DFBB2E46A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to take my time but this only took 15 minutes, I want to be able to do the excersise properly and learn so I don’t suck at drawing but this already felt really slow and I needed to try pad it out to make it take longer, are you just supposed to be as slow as possible?

>> No.4702684
File: 381 KB, 683x1745, gneg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic/ I need soem fresh eyes on this

>> No.4702694

Needs more curves

>> No.4702699

I’m down for it, slime bro!

>> No.4702723
File: 105 KB, 1000x895, 1585345567306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.4702726
File: 342 KB, 800x823, idontknowwhatimdoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4702734

looks like shit you fucking dumbass

>> No.4702748

Pretty much this >>4702638
Nose is a bit too flat, teeth being less detailed or using something other than black lines would make it better. It's not to my personal tastes but I can see the face as being attractive tho in its current form, with the nose and teeth changes being sufficient changes to make it attractive to most.
Them nips are a bit too weirdly deformed with some thick lines, I'd say mostly the left one tho, the right one looks similar to some of the big nipped hentai or western comic porn, but it might be shaded too harsh with the thick black lines, cant tell for sure tho since I'm a /beg/.
With those being changed she would be pretty attractive I'd think for the most part, fetish is odd tho. A regular tentacle monster instead of a ghoulish slime would probably be more acceptable among coomers.

>> No.4702760

She does seem a bit too square around the center desu yeah
A bit more curves or definition in the clothes to imply flow or something would look better

>> No.4702762


I know what I want to work on and what to draw despite my level, but I struggle with STARTING the actual session.

How do I trick myself into start drawing?

>> No.4702765

Ask someone to have you draw something. I have a queue of things, that while I'm not working as commission (Because I'm no where near that level) helps keep the grind going. Since having a list is like a ticking clock.

>> No.4702771
File: 191 KB, 760x1000, 16C3E78C-2D5F-41C8-85B0-DBB1F69A9E15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anons! As I advance in my /beg/ness the more specific criticism is helpful.
And the slime thing isn’t THAT weird. I hope. I’ve seen others do it.

>> No.4702781

Slime isn't bad desu, however you've usually got a female like slime or generic non living slime like that pic. Male slime is odd, a explicitly monster like slime that seems to be made ghoulish and revolting with little similarity to a human will take away from the sexiness.

>> No.4702824
File: 193 KB, 683x1745, h59xx204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.4702837

>recently started drawing within the last few weeks
>start with loomis
>get bored and move into trying to imitate eyes from artists on pixiv
>move back to loomis then try vilppu
>learn about drawabox
>try out drawabox
>250 boxes
>all the shit he wants you to do is boring
Fuck this shit i'd rather stick with vilppu and loomis

>> No.4702844

drawabox is shit and the person who runs it is *really* not as good as he makes himself out to be. i recommend heavily against using it.
http://irshadkarim.com/ is his portfolio site

>> No.4702851

you only use like 3 exercises from draw a box thats all you need

>> No.4702863

Do you draw to get that pixelated look or run it through a filter?

>> No.4702877

at least post a progress pic. this isnt /vent/.

>> No.4702882

Thanks. What exactly approximates or validates a female jaw, is it just rounder and thinner?

>> No.4702895

they aren't squares

>> No.4702896

much better, even the pose is a bit more dynamic, now move onto the next thing and in the future dont get too caught up in one piece when youre a beginner

>> No.4702898

feels like youre just tracing the outline rather than feeling the shapes and forms of the hand

>> No.4702900
File: 41 KB, 649x659, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 15, feeling a bit depressed today so just did a quick one so it doesnt bother me later, dont need replies i just have to post one a day so here i am

>> No.4702914

Are there any somewhat reliable drawing pads in the <100 price range? I'm poorfag and beg I need something simple to start practicing digital

>> No.4702922

paper and pencils are a whole lot cheaper, and there's nothing you can learn from digital art that you can't learn with pencil sketches. Except coloring, I guess, but that's trivial if you have mastered composition, linework, and shading already.

>> No.4702931

His stuff looks so amateurish. How do I avoid this fate?

>> No.4702932
File: 86 KB, 666x666, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt like a bum so went back and did a proper one, thank you for reading my blog

>> No.4702938

Draw every day and don't settle for "good enough," experiment with different styles, do studies of anything that you are planning to seriously draw whether it's people or backgrounds, iterate your drawings and find things to improve every time, don't be afraid to erase what you have and start over, look at how other people draw and paint and study their techniques, and lastly and arguably most importantly, don't ever think you've learned everything there is to know about art. There's always something new.

>> No.4702947

Embarrassing. A friend of mine said the exact same thing. It's a habit I'm trying to break.

>> No.4702959

>Not telling the furposter that his "art" looks like complete failure.

>> No.4702970

Damn. I wish I was anywhere near that amateurish.

>> No.4702973

Better to just ignore. They die without attention.

>> No.4702977

its not embarrassing at all anon, at least youre out here trying to learn something and better yourself, everyone starts of somewhere and its how you deal with failure that defines you

>> No.4702980
File: 88 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20200706_193051_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here I am guys. Some gesture practice up here.
No practice whatsoever.

>> No.4702982
File: 193 KB, 1410x800, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to have fun with vilppu

>> No.4702986
File: 97 KB, 1280x1199, IMG_20200627_193523_679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew DA CHAD JOKAH real quick

>> No.4702987

I am shocked and offended.

>> No.4702991

looks like the venom jokah from the arkham games :D

>> No.4702994

What the fuck is vilppu

>> No.4702997

I wonder too.

>> No.4703003

>they don't follow the teachings of our lord and savior Glenn Vilppu

>> No.4703004

Wishing good luck to your mental health.

>> No.4703050
File: 122 KB, 190x249, popeye arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you don't anon
his rendering is awful and every drawing has at least one blatant retarded mistake, he tries to hide his lack of underlying skill with rendering but does a poor job of it.

>> No.4703064

>If everything about it is so bad how can it be in any way good?
It shows that you have a grasp on fundamentals. The volume, the light, you know your anatomy. Not perfectly of course but it's all there. So your image can be said to be competently made. It's just that you choose to use all your skills to draw an ugly hag being molested by a slime monster. Personally I'm very much in the camp for "girls being molested by monsters" but I prefer the girls to be attractive.

i'd say you need more life drawings, especially of faces and then to find a couple artists that you like and check out how they stylise faces.

>> No.4703088

what the fuck is happening to that left arm. Wait I didnt even see that at first but what the actual fuck

>> No.4703097

He draws boxes

>> No.4703106

I want to start posting my drawings online

>> No.4703129

So take a picture of the paper. Or get a scanner.

>> No.4703147

I want to make a webcomic and from what I can see I can only fit 2 panels in an A4 page so in the long run a cheap drawing pad is a better option.

>> No.4703170

You won't be getting anything decent with only a hundred buckazoids, friend. But if you really want one, go for an old refurbished wacom. They're not the best on the market but they are at the very least the easiest to get working on any computer. With other brands, they're not always that convenient as just plugging it in and commencing work.

>> No.4703177

Yeah. For that price he can get one of the smaller screen less wacoms and that’s about it. Screens are a meme anyway.

>> No.4703206

XP-Pen Deco01

youre welcome

>> No.4703214

Thanks, yeah I don't mind screenless
That one looks great thank you

>> No.4703233

you have a good eye but that reference was very hard to read already

>> No.4703235

>I'm da Jokah, brah

>> No.4703253
File: 465 KB, 3508x2480, torso_front_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have time for more iterations.

>> No.4703254

I've decided that I want to start learning, but I have no inspiration for what I want to draw. Where can I get good ideas for what to draw?

>> No.4703263

Your penis!

>> No.4703267

What happened to the anime who drew penis people a few days back? He was pretty cool.

>> No.4703282

on 4chan, this board, fa fit stuff like that, i normally have my paper by my side and just browse like i normally do then when i see something cool i just draw it

>> No.4703304

boxes are shit

>> No.4703307
File: 248 KB, 700x900, 4702554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many variables about clothes to say it has to behave a certain way. But there are a lot of qualities and behaviors that give the impression of cloth, like crumpling.

>> No.4703311

just draw some cubes nstuff

>> No.4703317

gachimuchi JOKAH, like it

>> No.4703337

Thanks, I'll make sure to not be too focused on one piece. There's still a lot of room to improvement.

>> No.4703378
File: 33 KB, 369x359, Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 12.42.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do these exercises a lot when I was starting out, they're fun as fuck, super simple and are great for building an innate sense for perspective. Here's something I used to do a lot too, not sure where I read about. It's just drawing some kind of vague organic blob shape and then drawing cross contour lines to describe the form. It's great for warming up and for when you're in the "don't know what to draw" mood. You can do just do the surface level lines like I've done here, or you can draw all the way through the form as if it were transparent.
For what you've done here, I don't think it would hurt to slap down a horizon line and draw this "contraption" in actual perspective, too.

>> No.4703386

Why I can already tell that's Tomoko?

>> No.4703390

Oh. One piss.

>> No.4703391
File: 1.25 MB, 2160x3840, R0xeXvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never painted b4 but i started today

>> No.4703392
File: 1.45 MB, 2160x3840, YvLWis8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4703394
File: 1.35 MB, 2160x3840, xBfUQ9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4703400
File: 639 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200706-155712_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My drawing

Do you guys know how to make this? Or copy the rendering style??

>> No.4703404
File: 148 KB, 702x898, Ron1nwithass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here desu, what do? I'm only getting seriously invested, whenever something really bad happens in my life and I know I really have to start drawing.

>> No.4703418

draw furries for muney

>> No.4703421

draw f***ies for muney

>> No.4703435

I read about something called urge surfing where when the urge to do some problematic behaviour comes up you just acknowledge it and continue doing what you're doing. It's just a little self control, man. Not to blow it out of proportion, but you may also have a video game/internet addiction if the craving is too invasive for you to ignore.
This video is about juggling, but it has some good advice within the first minute:
>All you need to do is to keep picking the balls up every time you drop them. Don’t get bored, don’t give up, don’t go “oh, I wanna do something else.” Keep picking up those balls until your hands know how to juggle.

>> No.4703439
File: 236 KB, 1000x941, 200705posesboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some webms on rendering techniques similar to that style get posted to this board a couple of times but have never found actual resources. Maybe the best thing would be to look for an artist who renders like that and happens to stream their drawing process on twitch or something.

that looks so good. any book you recommend to learn to draw folds/drapery?

>> No.4703445

Thanks anon, I know I've gaming addiction and overall procrastinating behavior. So your advice in general is just keep forcing yourself to do it? Well I've heard it a lot of times and I understand it quite well. I guess there's no other way.

>> No.4703460

I actually wouldn't mind to do it, because I really need money, but I still got a lot to learn.

>> No.4703461
File: 1.41 MB, 2983x2350, 20200706_162102~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scene from Forbidden Planet

>> No.4703478
File: 1.94 MB, 2571x1890, gggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique me so I can escape beg, I need to improve, I feel like I can do so much better if I can find out what I'm lacking

>> No.4703484


>> No.4703490

It looked ugly from the distance, but when I clicked on the pic it looked pretty alright besides the 4head also maybe make eyebrows more defined? Shoulders are not shown either, but don't take my critique seriously please. I'm only novice.

>> No.4703517
File: 143 KB, 633x279, my poor data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4703522

I think it would look better if you move both eyes slightly to the left

>> No.4703528
File: 213 KB, 1000x1415, pose_without_reference4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first try at drawing pose.

She is supposed to lean on the wall.
I did not use any reference .

Can someone redline it?

>> No.4703532
File: 835 KB, 1093x1218, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick edit. Her head is kinda bulbous so I took some from the top. Her eyes were placed weirdly so I moved them, resized the right eye because it was too small, re-angled the left eye a bit, and also changed the face shape slightly. Also I was trying to just color over the nose because red tumblr noses are disgusting but I accidentally erased a bunch of lines so I just redrew a different one. I can't quite tell if you're going more for anime or western, most of this feels western but the eyes and the general face shape look anime to me. I don't think your art is terrible though, just make sure when you're drawing faces to get everything at the same perspective.

>> No.4703548

lower back needs to be way more flat and foreshortened

>> No.4703550

use ref

>> No.4703553

>Can someone redline it?
literally go to softporn websites until you find the closest pose and use that as your redline

>> No.4703561
File: 173 KB, 1365x2048, EaVSAAFWkAIjQ9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of pic related. just use reference bro, try to draw it again from memory after that if you're trying to get good at drawing from imagination

>> No.4703565

eh i'd fap to the ginger

>> No.4703573
File: 347 KB, 726x633, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed a lot, but this is what I would do different. I can't tell how old this character is supposed to be. I assumed you were going for an older female and not a very young one. Her eyes are very large for a woman, and her right eye is probably way larger than you intended for it to be. I think her jaw should be further down, when peoples mouths open their jawline changes

>> No.4703581
File: 673 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200706_143212_compress77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis pg 34

>> No.4703584

which videogame is she from and if she's real whats her name

>> No.4703586

I have the same eraser :-)

>> No.4703588
File: 97 KB, 1067x368, feetpractice_7_6_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Vilppu's anatomy videos today, starting with feet. Took a bunch of notes, tried to follow with his drawings, then tried another from a ref. Tried to F E E L the F O R M but a lot came out looking weird, and I also go over the same lines too many times a lot and my drawings look really sloppy. Trying to get better.

>> No.4703590

Let's be eraser besties, anon

>> No.4703598
File: 621 KB, 1586x1526, IMG_6673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first exploration into the digital artworld.

how did i do guys?

>> No.4703603

looks like ink

>> No.4703604

extreme /beg/. Atleast 2 years before you even get to int. /s

dude your art is actually really nice. Keep up the good work

>> No.4703607

gotcha senpai https://twitter.com/jeanwanwan/status/1271512633540313089

>> No.4703609

pretty cool ska vibe, would use a sticker of this design on a cool tiki juice bar or skateboard deck

>> No.4703611

Get into game developing and draw stuff for games

>> No.4703614

thanks mate,appreciate it!

>> No.4703615

thanks anon!

>> No.4703632

the sauce god

>> No.4703634
File: 607 KB, 753x1200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

above figures are 1min
below are 2min

-drawing fast is fucking hard
-i can never ever get the head size right first try for some reason
-kinda feel like i need to draw from imagination or at least memory to get better but can't bring myself to do it because every time I do it looks like complete ass, very discouraging to look at
-missing hands and feet because i usually leave em for last and run out of time

>> No.4703655

Those gestures are pretty nice, especially for 1-2 mins. I think the more successful drawings here are the ones with the more expressive lines, I really get the impression that you just went at it the pose. The hands on knees drawing on the top and the back view in the bottom middle especially.
I think you really gotta push yourself to do those drawings from imagination. Putting if off now because they "look bad" will only hurt you in the long run. You're not gonna get better at them by NOT drawing them. At least try learn to laugh at your bad drawings instead of getting discouraged. Draw a few quick poses from memory and post them here

>> No.4703657

Oh I know that one, Peter Han teaches it in Dynamic Sketching 1, really good exercise too.

>I don't think it would hurt to slap down a horizon line and draw this "contraption" in actual perspective
You're right, I should have done that to begin with, thanks for the tip

>> No.4703675

fucking talentfag

>> No.4703683

Looks nice, keep at it, anon

>> No.4703693
File: 2.21 MB, 2304x3444, IMG_20200706_193515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been practicing figures from imagination while working with Hampton's book. What do you guys think? Any advice?

>> No.4703704

>Draw a few quick poses from memory and post them here
its almost 3am here so i will do it tomorrow. good night /beg/

>> No.4703733
File: 2.94 MB, 3072x4096, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help especially with hair no clue how to draw that thing

>> No.4703734
File: 1.25 MB, 1738x2193, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forehead is way too long, I agree, face proportions is a necessity
The shoulders exposes my lack of anatomy, will heed
face is awkward, placement of eyes need to be improved
Her face is bulbous and her eyes are definitely wack, shows a clear need for perspective implementations
Wow, way better, will keep in mind of the eyes and jawline.

Thank you for the criticism

>> No.4703766

you are not drawing the eyes where they should be. that little dent you draw in the skull? that's one of the bones which make up the eye socket in humans. this bone basically houses the eye, its structured in that way. If that indent is visible, the eye should be very close to it.

what you're doing is kind of like how a lot of artists will draw womens breasts more visible that they should be when they are facing certain ways, its a form of symbol drawing because your brain wants to draw these things but you dont know enough so the brain makes a best guess. and you can do this by the way, you can do for stylistic purposes move body parts around. but do this when you have a better idea of fundamentals

>> No.4703767
File: 171 KB, 1152x864, rsz_img_20200706_192335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4703775

Michael Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing (CGMA) - https://mega.nz/#F!8qA2FLDQ!9ADn1WRz-YcH7H9M3i11dg

>> No.4703819

For loomis study, I shouldn't be drawing the eyes, brows, mouth and nose should I since I've not studied those by themselves yet correct? I'm thinking that since I'm doing that I'm going to really mess myself up since that's imagination drawing.

Or am I over thinking?

>> No.4703820
File: 227 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20200706_195839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique, please! :^)
How's my skeleton looking so far?

>> No.4703823

Just draw bro you'll correct them later

>> No.4703827

The nipples need work dude. Looks like a wad of gum.

>> No.4703832

really good dude, i wish i had that level of self-critique as you

i legitimately thought that was fallout concept art at first

>> No.4703840

Maybe the creature just finishing chewing on them?

>> No.4703842

>correct it later
That seems like a really bad idea.

>> No.4703844

Dang, I've been posting this for a while and nobody has anything to say? Guess I'll just keep doing my thing... ecks dee

>> No.4703847

I don't see why

>> No.4703854

head looks odd in shape

>> No.4703856

That's like saying you'll construct an entire car, then fix the kinks later on after everything's installed and put together.

That's like saying you'll build an entire tower without checking the blueprints, then fix it when it starts teetering over.

>> No.4703858

Yeah, it's not a perfect circle and it's also looking slightly upward. Redline what you're referring to.

>> No.4703867

she has like a 1head

>> No.4703869

I'm being meme'd. I'm gonna go back to drawing and stop wasting my time. lmao

>> No.4703871

Well you're not making a finished piece, its just practice, when you get to study those parts specifically you'll know what you did wrong in the past drawings and correct it but you can leave it blank if you want I don't think it really matters

>> No.4703876

Warning, /beg/inner giving advice.
The biggest thing is the head. Your face plane is more front-on than it should be. Also yeah, the face is too big which makes the forehead tiny. I think the ear might be too small but I'm shit at ears so don't take my word on that one.

>> No.4703878

Are there any good tutorials for drawing heads with a square to start out instead of the loomis ball?

>> No.4703880

ego too big kek

>> No.4703881

That's such a waste of time, man.
Why not get it right as you go along, so you have something to refer to?
What's with you guys and this weird obsession with being able to look back on the past and compare the present?

>> No.4703883

You’re overthinking, just draw them in anyway. Make them look bad. You gotta get all your bad drawings outta you so you can start making good drawings.

>> No.4703884 [DELETED] 

Bro, I asked you to explain and all you did was use retard-tier language and you didn't even redline. Fuck off wasting my time, pothead.
Redline for me.

>> No.4703886

I don't even know if you're the same anon but he specifically said that he didn't know how to draw those parts yet so he's not gonna get it right that same time because he's not focusing on that, to that I said that it didn't matter to just draw as he can. I'm not talking about comparing I was saying that when you finally get to study something you'll know what to change in the way you currently draw

>> No.4703891
File: 443 KB, 801x758, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4703892

ok I see
We probably got posts mixed up. That makes sense. The way I'm learning this is to study each part bit by bit as I draw a picture, then piece it all together. I'm probably not getting it all right either, but it's helping me so that I don't have this thing hanging over my head where I know I could've changed some things and I now can't because I've built too many features upon it.

>> No.4703895

Oof. I see what you're getting at, but, my head's looking upward. The Loomis circle I'm using is tilted upward so yeah: you're gonna see less forehead because of the perspective.

>> No.4703899

I appreciate your attempts to critique, but... I think I've made a mistake in asking. lmao

gl guys

>> No.4703900
File: 84 KB, 473x222, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First piece of advice: Take better pictures if you're gonna post here, I had to bump down the brightness and up the contrast to be able to see what the fuck I was looking at. Secondly: Learn the loomis method for heads, you almost have the lines right, but your features are placed really fucking weird. Your eyes are up at the hairline, your nose at the brow ridge, and the mouth where the nose goes. Watch Proko's video on Loomis heads, he explains it pretty well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAOldLWIDSM

>> No.4703901

ok but the issue is she doesn't look like shes looking upwards, her features are dead on and the top of her head looks like its concaving in, why come ask for advice to repeatedly and then when you get it you act like its perfect? youve draw like 10 figures in your life act humble youre killing the vibe of the thread

>> No.4703902

yeah this is what im trying to tell him, his eyes are too far down so she doesnt looks like shes looking up

>> No.4703903

the only time critique here is good is when a random /int/ wanders into the thread and helps like three people then disappears

>> No.4703924
File: 93 KB, 587x541, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the head you've drawn has no tilt at all. If the figure is supposedly looking up so far that their forehead is disappearing then you should be seeing the underside of their chin, and the construction lines need to be angled appropriately. What you've drawn is the exact same thing you would draw for a 3/4 view of someone looking straight ahead.

>> No.4703939
File: 363 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20200706_205925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro. Chill. I already figured out what the issue was and fixed it. You're offended that I didn't take your criticism. Don't get salty, man.
Bro, it's a phone, not a digital camera. What do you want me to do? And I did use the method. It's obvious that I did. I just angled the vertical line on the side circle the wrong way and I fixed it. On top of that, I've been watching Proko's videos. That's how I've even gotten this far. lmao
You guys get hella butthurt when someone disagrees with your criticism... You gotta realize that not all criticism is gonna be accepted when you don't know what the artist is trying to do. Everyone calm down.
Yeah, I saw it when I looked over my side circle for the side plane and realized my vertical axis was straight up and down for some reason. I don't know how that happened. Does it look better now?

>> No.4703942

I might still need to adjust the chin, though... Probably needs to be moved up a bit.

>> No.4703950 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 238x357, 1512447439397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still looks wrong but you're being a faggot so I'm not helping you again.

>> No.4703954 [DELETED] 

this, i want to redline it so bad just to make him stfu but im not going to help this faggot

>> No.4703958 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20200706_212005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I tried being polite, but fuck you all too. I got this far without you, and I'll go further. Retarded fucking narcissists can't handle a different opinion and think everyone's supposed to agree with everything all the time. Suck a nigger dick. I still figured it out, asshole.

If you had just redlined it in the first place like I asked, none of this shit would've had to go down like this. You fucking crab faggots. lmao

>> No.4703961 [DELETED] 

the irony in this post is crazy, i hope in 5 years you think back and cringe at how you behaved, for your own good, peace im going to bed

>> No.4703962 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1498550534125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still figured it out, asshole.
Sure doesn't look like it lmao. You are perma/beg/ at this rate.

>> No.4703963
File: 283 KB, 1200x1200, I blame a lack of effort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redid my other drawing but using boxes and trying harder. I can't fucking draw faces, or the body from behind, or the body from high/low angles but other than those 3 things what should I work on.

>> No.4703965 [DELETED] 

Good night, shit stain. I'll be doing my thing while you jerk yourself off over how much you crabbed out in a /beg/ thread.

Irony, my ass. I ask for help and ask for a redline and you do the literal opposite. You're the ones that can't handle criticism. You think you know everything and you fucking don't. Peace.

>> No.4703967 [DELETED] 

Crab harder, nigga.
You said that shit 3 weeks ago and I'm still improving. :^)
Wipe off your cheeto dust and get back to jerking it to pedo porn as usual.

>> No.4703968
File: 1.42 MB, 2732x2048, image0 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get super embarassed and/or stressed when I'm drawing and it doesnt go anywhere.

I had no ref for this.

But I just kind of broke down out of embarassment, feeling hot in the face and just awful.

I don't know where to go in this, or what to develop next, or what to even DO next.

What kind of things can help me get past both these feelings, but more importantly, the lack of direction I feel? It's like I don't even know what to do next in this. Sorry.

>> No.4703980

big improvement anon very nice

>> No.4703987 [DELETED] 

It all depends on what your goals are. You have a drawing of a head so I'm assuming, like most people, you want to draw portraits and figure drawings? There's a shit ton of resources out there for learning both of those, and some really helpful videos in the video course thread. >>4654003
Unfortunately there's no shortcuts to doing stuff like this proficiently, but if you want some direction I'd recommend picking a course that sounds good from the list and trying it out. I used to do meandering drawings that went nowhere for a long time until I started actually studying what I wanted to draw and it helped me tremendously ("just draw" is a fucking meme, a lot of people learn nothing but how to dig themselves into a comfort zone with "just draw"). The best thing you can do about those feelings is set more realistic goals for yourself. No one becomes a great artist overnight, they all had to learn gradually like everyone else. Start by learning to draw basic shapes, I know it sounds retarded, but you'd be surprised at how some people can't draw a proper cube in perspective, or a cone, or whatever. I think Keys to Drawing covers stuff like that (I haven't read that one myself though). Once you learn that, you can learn stuff like gesture if your goal is to draw people, which is actually pretty easy to learn and will help your art a lot if you take the time to practice it. There's usually a couple people lurking her that help anons with their gestures and figure drawing as well.

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.4703989

wtf. Why. Like do you get turned on drawing are people watching you draw. Does the thought of posting get you? How in the world is this even a thing.
Is this bait. Look at reference and draw jeez.

>> No.4703990 [DELETED] 

Looking at all your hypocritical messages I must say that redlining for you would be extremely counter productive. Just go practice heads with iterative drawing. Go Watch Proko's video. If you cannot think for yourself you are not an adult, atleast mentally. If people here dont help you out then go and find simple videos that explain these things better than anyone in this thread can. You are either a complete child-minded adult, or you are, infact, a child.

The fact the first thing you do is jump to insults is what makes me believe this as well. Let's see how you respond to this.

>> No.4703991 [DELETED] 

You first, asswipe.
Rope yourself with your own intestine, you pretentious turd of a human. Crabs like you belong in a boiling pot.

>> No.4703992

>i'm drawing and it doesn't go anywhere
this shouldn't happen. as a /beg/ your drawing should either be basic exercises with a specific goal (construction, proportion, perspective, anatomy, line weight and consistency, etc) or drawings of things that interest you conceptually.
just doodling, without a goal in mind and without implementing the tools you've learned from whatever book/course you follow, will mean you have nothing to compare your work to whether that's a reference or mental image. you will not improve, and your art will not satisfy you. do not doodle, draw with intent.

>> No.4703996

Looks a lot better! I think general anatomy study would help you a lot, especially the limbs and hands. The pose is ok but if your goal is to make more dynamic stuff you should learn about gesture as well.

>> No.4703997 [DELETED] 

>they again tell me to do things I've clearly already done and just need guidance on

I don't have time for your moralizing or self-aggrandizing bullshit. The fact that you won't redline tells me all I need ot know. If you had anything worthwhile to say or do or any intention to help, you'd have done it long ago. You deserve the insults, you self-smelling asshole. Get fucked.

>> No.4703999

anon.. d-did you try uploading the.. the same image twice??? What did you change here

>> No.4704000

>I get super embarassed and/or stressed when I'm drawing and it doesnt go anywhere.
You need to relax and not expect anything of your drawings, while simultaneously pushing yourself. Or basically, lower your standards but increase your effort in practicing.

>> No.4704002 [DELETED] 

the duality of man in one post

>> No.4704003 [DELETED] 

stop being a cunt and people will help you. come back next thread with a more productive attitude and you'll probably get a redline on whatever you post.
>self-smelling asshole
reddit-tier insult

>> No.4704006
File: 884 KB, 592x635, dunning_kruger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read loomis

>> No.4704009 [DELETED] 

I changed the temperature on the stove. Boiling crabs takes precise application of heat!
>stop being a cunt
Stop projecting and I will. My first post asking for help was met with some retarded "1head" response, like wtf does that even tell me? I ask for a redline and I get a meme post? I tell you guys to relax and you get offended. Fuck off with this shit, man. lmao

You never had the intent to redline. You never had to intent to help. You never cared to assist. You're a waste of time. You're a crab.

>> No.4704010

dude this is a BLUE line and he specifically requested a RED line
stop trolling

>> No.4704011


oh thats fucked I actually had the same problem before. I got over it though because I became better at managing my OCD. Not gonna try to be anono-doctor, but do you know if you have OCD? Atleast for what happened to me, I obsessively compulsed over a small piece of the art and would not stop working on sometimes a singular damn line for a full 2 minutes sometimes, hell even more until it looked perfect to me.

>> No.4704014
File: 403 KB, 706x800, 8cf022e8473ae6a7afb4112fb2adc5595d2012642978fe6527f70f6a09dde8ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4704015 [DELETED] 

Make sure you wipe off the cum from each others' chins.

>> No.4704016 [DELETED] 

someone made a humorous post pointing out your head construction lacked proper skull structure, specifically that it had no forehead (is "1head" really so hard to grasp when the word for the bit above the eyes is "forehead?"). not our fault you're illiterate and angry.

>> No.4704021 [DELETED] 

You already got redlined and you said it was "wrong" because you thought we read your mind and knew you wanted the head to be looking up. You've been acting like a retard the entire time.

>> No.4704024 [DELETED] 

>I think general anatomy study would help you a lot, especially the limbs and hands.
That's about what I expected. I've done a lot more studying with the torso than the limbs, so I'm not surprised to hear I should focus more on those. Where should I look for studying the hands though? I've done more studying on them than the limbs but I'm having a hard time grasping it.
>The pose is ok but if your goal is to make more dynamic stuff you should learn about gesture as well.
Ok, thanks for the advice.

>> No.4704026 [DELETED] 

that exact piece of advice was given earlier in the thread ( >>4703484 ) and the person who recieved it immediately understood (>>4703734 ).
this is just you being retarded.

>> No.4704028 [DELETED] 

>i-it's not our fault you don't understand our gen-z lingo!
Stop pretending that any of you actually know what the fuck you're talking about and actually have intent to assist people. You're sad people lying to those that are obvious garbage, and tearing down people that are obviously doing well. Go back to your LGBT discord.
I specifically said twice that I wanted the head looking up and you still acted like you knew better. Fuck off, asshole. You're pretentious, snooty people with fuck else to do with your lives but meme around on a board full of people trying ot get ahead.

>> No.4704032

try to have some idea of what your drawing is about. write one or three sentences that would describe it or are related to it. do some thumbnail sketches before actually starting your drawing. consume art and save the ones you like to your inspiration folder. hope it helps.

>> No.4704036

>someone else understood my lingo, therefore I reasonably can expect everyone else in the world to understood, too!
I bet $50 you don't understand ebonics.
Stop wasting my fucking time. You're an asshole. Deal with it.

>> No.4704037 [DELETED] 


its literally looking up what more do you want

>> No.4704045 [DELETED] 

Oh, so you're /pol/. That makes sense, you can go back now.

>> No.4704048

The gun looks great. Also that's my favorite movie

>> No.4704049

>Where should I look for studying the hands though?
Honestly I haven't done any big anatomy study myself but everyone always seems to recommend Michael Hampton for anything anatomy. https://mega.nz/folder/8qA2FLDQ#9ADn1WRz-YcH7H9M3i11dg
It looks like this course goes over, gesture, anatomy, and head construction so it might be a good place to start.

>> No.4704052

>but do you know if you have OCD
Not other anon but I spent my entire childhood getting up to check to make sure light switches were off even though I could obviously see they were off, and don't get me started on making sure alarm clocks were switched on. Turns out you don't need an alarm clock when you stay awake all night checking to make sure they are switched on. Fun times.

>> No.4704053 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr /pol/tard! hyuck hyuck
Goddamn, is this all you faggots do? Just call everyone not YOU a frequenter of [insert board name here] as if that even means shit?
Wtf does this have to do with my art sketch? Nothing. Nothing at all. You're here to cause drama and be a bitch and nothing more.

>> No.4704058 [DELETED] 

No it's just always easy to tell because you guys have a persecution complex bigger than the statue of liberty and always bring up the meaningless demographic insults out of nowhere.

>> No.4704060

Ok, thanks anon. I'll check it out.

>> No.4704064

Imagine how much you could improve by just drawing instead of being retarded on /ic/

>> No.4704065 [DELETED] 

Why are you accusing me of doing what you literally just did?
This is why people don't need to be listening to you. You're so far out of the range of self-awareness. I'm at least still drawing in between my responses. You? I guarantee you're doing fuck-all right now.

>> No.4704068 [DELETED] 

Funny you just posted that as I posted this:>>4704065

The only people being retarded here are you fucks pretending you have intent to help people when you don't and get butt-scarred when you get called out on it. Pretentious fuck.

>> No.4704070
File: 197 KB, 508x310, looooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that you said you've improved in the last 3 weeks you've been here? What were your last works that led to your current piece? Just post them

here's the redline too,

>> No.4704072

also need to say the edge of the chin of my redline is off and should be pushed in more, but you get the point

>> No.4704075
File: 187 KB, 511x308, fices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually here it is fixed.

>> No.4704076 [DELETED] 

you literally did get help though
>how's my skeleton looking?
>head looks odd
>yeah, these are aspects of it that i recognize need improvement. redline? (plenty of people post verbal critique without redline, don't ever expect one)
>her forehead is small in comparison with the rest of her head
>???? stop wasting my time lmao

>> No.4704079
File: 2.33 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20200614_202820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. And it wasn't any thanks to any of the shitheads posting right now.
This one is from 6-14.

>> No.4704081


>> No.4704083
File: 463 KB, 493x817, drawingSUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begin practicing about a week ago
>watch some vilppu stuff and follow along with his vids a couple days ago on gestures
>try to do some quick gesture drawings today on a 60 second timer
>everything looks about like this
Drawing is hard and I don't understand what I'm doing or how Vilppu shits out a person by feeling the movement of the gesture. Maybe I should skip gesture day and start working on some other shit.

>> No.4704085
File: 320 KB, 652x787, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to this post kinda late so now everyone's already done some pretty good drawovers, but hopefully this is still a little helpful. it might help to think of the front of the head as a flat plane or a box so all the features line up nicely. right now some of your guidelines sorta go in opposing directions (see upper left drawing). it's pretty close though, I think whatever changes you made/people suggested helped it a lot. there are also some fun overlaps you can get with the nose and the eyes to can sell the angle, but that comes more with studying from reference and all that.
I think the rest of the skeleton/body works fairly well, it seems really solidly constructed based on whoever you're studying from. if you're not already, you should do some figure drawing while applying the construction methods you've learned to the pose

>> No.4704086
File: 2.09 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20200706_221520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare it to this (I've made changes during this whole bullshit back-and-forth).

>> No.4704090

gesture isn't a great idea to do early on before you have a decent handle on construction so you can at least visualize body structures in your head, it looks deceptively simple but you need to have a decent feeling for how the human body balances in order to pull it off well. i'd say work on more technical stuff and then come back to gesture later, and don't start with such short times either.

>> No.4704095

I figured he was trying to do a below view, but according to the body it would be a straight forward view. I will use the info you posted later on in my draw career. Thanks anon! (Not the guy you replied to btw. If it werent already obv)

>> No.4704098
File: 139 KB, 1334x848, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4704099

I'll agree with >>4704090 partially and say don't do 60 sec gestures as a complete beginner. Vilppu even recommends going slow at first and really figuring it out. Obviously he can go fast, he's a fucking pro and has been doing it for longer than you've existed. I'd say you could feasibly work on stuff like basic perspective and proportions first. I think the Vilppu drawing manual goes over drawing little box figures at first, which should be a lot easier for a beginner than trying to do a quick gesture then building forms over it.

>> No.4704100

Thank you so much. I'll keep working at it and your pic-related is showing me a lot of what I'm getting wrong.
Bro, you can have a straight forward body and justtilt your head upward as if you're noticing something in the sky or whatever.
But, by all means keep being a snarky little "I'm-a-better-person-than-that-guy-teehee" shit like the fag you are. Fucking Twitter "uwu" asshole.

>> No.4704102


>> No.4704103

60 second gestures are extremely difficult for beginners, and even very strong artists can have difficulty with them. You have no foundations with which to draw the body, and anything you have studied is hard to apply in such a short time frame. 10-30minute poses might yield better results.

I dunno if you play chess at all, but chess games have similar time constraints to gesture drawing. Imagine just starting out playing chess, learning what all the pieces do, and then playing a game with a time constraint of 60 seconds (bullet chess). You have no time to analyze the position, think about the moves or which moves to even play - you'll learn basically nothing, just randomly moving pieces around until the time runs out or you get checkmated. 10 or 15 minute games can be much more instructive and will allow you to start seeing patterns and applying concepts that you've studied in a much less intense environment.

>> No.4704105

>Every human has a perfect spherical head in reality!
I'll make it and I'll be better than you could ever imagine, you fucking crab. Neck yourself with your own intestines.

>> No.4704110

>Every human has a perfect spherical head in reality!

>> No.4704113
File: 568 KB, 640x854, reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thanked him for useful information, clearly showing I am not as advanced as him. How can you be such a bipolar and unthankful dickwad? Also why the fuck would you be practicing full body positions with an upward tilted head? Practicing a basic body face is what you should be doing first and I only assumed thats what you we're doing because thats what beg's do, anon.

Infact, not only did I clearly put myself under him, removing my ego (unlike you, who needs to get fucking gut wrenched by life to lose his ego) but I said thanks to him and that I would use what he said to improve myself. How far down this schizophrenic delusion are you? Go to therapy or fix whatever the fuck is going on in life to make you a shitty person

>> No.4704115

For future reference, please don't demand a redline - asking for one is fine, but pushing for that repeatedly and especially using insults in doing so is not a good look. Lots of people give purely verbal critique, whether because they lack the skill to do an effective redline, don't have the time, don't think one is necessary, don't own a tablet, etc. This doesn't invalidate their critique, and saying your time is wasted in response to good-faith comments is a great way to make sure you don't get your work critiqued productively.

>> No.4704121

Thanks lads. I guess i'll try checking further about some vilppu stuff or look for something involving perspective, proportions, and whatever else is considered "start here" material.

When i eventually get back to gestures I'll be sure to not start at 60 seconds and give myself more time.

>> No.4704127

Why are you linking that to me?

>> No.4704138 [DELETED] 

brainlet wojak

>> No.4704141

>i legitimately thought that was fallout concept art at first

Thanks, anon! I used the artbook as reference so maybe that's why you saw a similarity

About the self-critique part, I think a lot comes with sincerity, not just about your work, but with yourself. Finding and accepting your flaws and all that thing.

Althought practice helps a lot with it too, I don't think I'd be able to spot those errors some months ago

>> No.4704142

That is so good. How do you do that?

>> No.4704174
File: 74 KB, 1024x1280, img_20200706_212525_612_by_maikeru01_de0tqfh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4704181
File: 122 KB, 889x669, Annotation 2020-07-07 0565435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give some insight

>> No.4704182
File: 378 KB, 2050x2130, yakub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this guy is a schizo who has been here before. I remember him posting some fucked up symbol drawn face and getting incredibly aggressive (muh style ramblings, calling people narcissists again,etc) when he got critique.

>> No.4704199

the main utility of drawing people as boxes is usually practicing perspective, so drawing the one on the left as an orthographic profile isn't really helping you with anything unless you haven't learned any other construction techniques and are just practicing proportion.
pretty solid work given the content, try challenging yourself with more dynamic poses.
the heads are decent, eyebrows and hairline on the right are slightly lopsided. feels like you're trying to avoid drawing eyes

>> No.4704236

Can't tell if he's severely autistic or just someone who wants to troll from time to time. Christ almighty this gives me a fucking headache.

>> No.4704257

I have a feeling like he's a giftfag though if that really is true. I dont want to expose myself as one but I am and I am the complete opposite of him. I dont pretend to be better than others and I feel bad for others. He's gotta get over himself or just leave these threads lol

>> No.4704271
File: 116 KB, 700x700, skirt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've probably seen another of my posts here, my current abilities restrict me to drawing different versions of her and they give of a samey feeling

>> No.4704287

The only thing that keeps me motivated is the idea of the things that I might be able to create

>> No.4704291

Like giant robot anime babes

>> No.4704309
File: 121 KB, 607x739, shado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just felt like lightly scribbling something
stomach too short and face is messed up as I see it

>> No.4704311
File: 34 KB, 540x673, 1591583523821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4704314


>> No.4704315

First day back at my life sucking job... I work out in the heat and while I understand this is getting back to the "normal", I can't help but feel cheated when I was making double that payment at home and I had all of the time in the world to study and practice my drawing skills. I came home today and passed the fuck out in bed. This job is so fucking exhausting and I have to cope with the fact that now that its back to fulltime, my drawing practice time is now severely limited. Again, I know I should just be thankful I had time off and had the opportunity to grind drawing studies, and understand that I shouldve prepared for things to change eventually. Its just... fucking fustrating. I was making some good fucking progress with art, spending 5 hours a day learning different aspects of drawing, and I was learning a lot and I felt I was doing a good job. To make matters worse I am most likely going to have to get a second fulltime job on top of what I already have, so I can afford a new car since my old one wont last much longer. So while you can argue I can at least squeeze some drawing study after work as long as Im not dead ass tired (because studying while you're tired isnt a good idea), once I get two FT jobs ill hardly have enough time in the day to get a healthy amount of sleep. I know at the end of the day I just have to suck it up and do my best to work around my busy schedule. Im just really fustrated...

>> No.4704326

iktf bro. One day I'll be able to draw the character designs I've been thinking of for years.

>> No.4704377

looks like you need a cozy/bar thread bro. Go make one on /b/ if you need to and just discuss with the dudes. Life's tough but u gotta keep pushing through for that bittersweet freedom

>> No.4704378
File: 100 KB, 477x923, photo_2020-07-07_00-32-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used this as a reference
If 0 is object and 10 is no-longer /beg/
where is this?
I want to know if I've at least made any progress

>> No.4704383

4 - 5, maybe 6

>> No.4704384

>Used this as a reference

>> No.4704389

i appreciate the comment. I really only know of/ use /ic/ since im not all over the place on 4chan. But ill check it out, and thanks for listening.

>> No.4704391

np man. Just vent it out and gn bro :)

>> No.4704396

Thank you, that gives me hope,
and makes me realize that improvement is possible for me

>> No.4704415

Like it. Imo the boxer should be turning his upper body even more tho, is more realistic and also helps you practice to draw twists

>> No.4704419

very nice, super well observed. the lost edge on the arm and the back are handled really well too

>> No.4704420

Why does restatement matter? Usually if I make a wrong line I just redraw it and then erase the wrong line after

>> No.4704437

Thanks you, anon

>> No.4704560
File: 127 KB, 616x877, photo_2020-07-07_02-54-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave it another shot,
although maybe I missed somethings I didn't first time around

>> No.4704576
File: 2.22 MB, 5000x2000, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just been starting to do gestures.
I feel like I either go too far to where it just becomes basic construction, or it's just complete scribble (or somehow both)

>> No.4704580
File: 292 KB, 1421x785, whatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will my scribbles become the correct scribbles.

>> No.4704635
File: 615 KB, 1072x944, 111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rookie here.
Been drawing 2D for a "long" time now. Tried different techniques, instruments, yada.
Never produced anything an inebriated chimpanzee with Parkinson's disease couldn't (being a little self-critical here).

Just recently took up 3D sculpting. Very, very, VERY recently.
So, this picture. I did this. Me. Been working on this thing in Sculptris for a couple of sessions now.
100% from memory/imagination. No reference material of any kind (going to change that once I run into a dead end).

What the hell is it about learning to draw in 2D that's so difficult (for me)?
Just a little while ago I could barely sculpt a fucking stick figure that actually looked like a stick figure and not a weird multi-pronged dildo.
And now I'm doing stuff like this....although the number of undos are off the charts. But still.

>> No.4704639

hell of a lot harder to visualize form and perspective as a 2d representation than as a 3d replication, since your brain is already trained to think in 3d. modelling is way faster and easier than drawing for pretty much everyone, which is why so many industry 2d artists use it as a shortcut in their work.

>> No.4704640

(it also looks an awful lot like you mirrored that, which obviously can't be done effectively in 2d media)

>> No.4704644

Thank you. That helps putting things into perspective.

>> No.4704653

it's still some pretty solid work and a very useful skill to have, definitely not trying to crab. less of a "3d art is trivial" and more of a "2d art requires fundamentally changing how you view things" - you should be proud of that work, but don't feel like you're somehow less than average in your ability to do 2d art. shit's hard, which is why there are so many courses on it and even relatively talented people spend several years of focused effort getting to a high skill level.

>> No.4704671

I appreciate the insight. I guess I'm still amidst the process of figuring out what my actual talents are, and how I should invest my time to make the most of them.

>> No.4704745
File: 925 KB, 1442x1041, 20200706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the Procreate meme

>> No.4704896
File: 991 KB, 970x867, sai_2020-07-07_06-39-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picking up again after months of nothing
fucked up the face shape but I can't fix it cause sai crashed when I went to save lol

>> No.4704917
File: 271 KB, 1796x762, dtjym,j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone looking for a hard copy of Scott Robertson's How to Draw, the Book Depository has it on sale for less than 30 Yurobux, with free shipping worldwide.
Amazon has it for double the price.

>> No.4704921
File: 1.37 MB, 2048x2466, IMG_20200707_151538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a drawing from memory without referecens, except for that half-leg because the muscles of the legs are hard af to draw, opinions?

>> No.4704924

Her face looks like the bride of chucky

>> No.4704937

>le schizo ecks dee
You can go get fucked, too, crab.
Did you use a mirror for that reference?
I didn't demand anything. If you're that sensitive to a request for a redline, then fuck off the /beg/ thread and let people with testicles give advice.
>they lack the skill to do an effective redline
Then, why are they giving criticism? Their verbal skills obviously sucked enough for me not to understand what they were talking about because forgive me if "haha 1head" doesn't tell me everything I need to know.
I don't care about "how I look" to a bunch of autistic anonymous crabs on 4chan. Fuck you all, for all I care. I came here asking for help and I get memes. Suck a dick.
>I thanked him for useful information, clearly showing I am not as advanced as him.
Yeah, so did I! You're not better than me, you moralizing fuckwit. Fume-huffing jackass talking down to me like you're a god to me.
>Practicing a basic body face is what you should be doing first and I only assumed thats what you we're doing because thats what beg's do, anon.
Right, because not only do you assholes assume shit without any prior knowledge, you also go around telling people what they "should" be doing like you know them better than they know themselves. How do you not see how much of an asshole you people are?

>I thanked him! I thanked him! It's almost like you didn't even look upwards by two fucking lines to see that I am capable of being humble WHEN PEOPLE GIVE ME USEFUL ADVICE. If your "criticism" is shit, I'm not going to just assume you know what you're talking about and say "ok, durr hurr, you're right!" I can think for myself, you empty-minded fool.

>> No.4704946

how do you do studies?

>> No.4704948

>I dont pretend to be better than others and I feel bad for others.
But, immediately before this, compared himself to me and moralized over how much better of a person he thinks he is than I am:
>I dont want to expose myself as one but I am and I am the complete opposite of him.

You're a delusional fuckwit pretending to be a good person when you're not. You like the smell of your own shit so much you look for opportunities to grandstand and backpat yourself even on anonymous board. You're useless for criticism.

>> No.4704953

I always understood it to mean that you analyse a piece as you reproduce it.

>> No.4704967 [DELETED] 

guys please please do not reposnd to this guy, the fact he got so much help in the first place is worrying to me, i come here because its nicer than /v/ or /pol/ and i do not want to see one person ruin these threads, please ignore him and dont feed the trolls

>> No.4704969 [DELETED] 

man, fuck off
goddamn sensitive twink

You're not "worried" about anything. You're here to moralize and grandstand. Go back to discord. Nobody's trolling when they're here asking for advice. If you can't handle your "advice" being disagreed with, you don't need to fucking be here. This isn't a fucking safe space.

>> No.4704974
File: 27 KB, 449x422, b1d799f09fe2211685b29d26d7a18855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me fix this head and explain my mistakes to me? In theory I know how to do it but it just always looks odd. Guess I don't know after all.

>> No.4704976

This is the poorest attempt at pretending to be a /beg/ asking for advice that I've ever seen.

>> No.4705001
File: 352 KB, 2100x1500, pen 07-07-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat

>> No.4705006
File: 930 KB, 2500x3000, EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TTRPG character/monster advice. The lady has kind of a weird face, but I tried making her nose hawkish and her eyes slightly walleyed to reminiscent of a parrot.

Main help ask is for the creature in the back. It's meant to be some kind of amalgamation of sea creatures into a kind of frankensteins monster. The bit I'm struggling most with is getting the centipedish like legs to look right and not wonky as shit. Also, I want to add a fringe/swimmy legs like a tomopteris, but I don't even know where to start with it... Every attempt doesn't look much like the mark I'm trying to hit.

I know it's really rough, but I'm trying to get the shapes figured out before cleaning up and starting on details, but I just can't get the shapes right. Any advice appreciated.

>> No.4705010

I think you need to expand the abs a bit sideways and add some variety to them. Also it feels like the forearms are a bit small. The area between the throat and the chest is also a bit off..

>> No.4705014

I'm not pretending anything believe me. So should I go to another thread then?
I don't really browse 4chan too much these days, only saw this thread and thought it's where I could ask for some feedback.

>> No.4705027

Alright. What exactly are you trying to do with the head? Are you asking for advice regarding construction and feature placement? Or, are you asking for advice regarding dimensions and perspective?

>> No.4705051
File: 56 KB, 449x422, Construction thoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A combination I guess. I've included my constructional thoughts in the picture now.
When I look at this picture I notice there is something wrong with the left eye but I'm not sure on how to fix it. Also I think my placement is also kind of weird. Which shouldn't be the case since I'm trying to follow constructional guidlines..
I think it's mainly an issue of perspective though.

>> No.4705063

What guide are you using/following when placing the facial features?
At first glance, it seems like the features aren't aligned with the rotation of the head's vertical axis. I think you need to shift everything over further left.

>> No.4705066

I see. It looks like you're not placing the legs as if they're rotating and turning with the body of the creature, where the body twists. It seems like you have all of them hanging downwards, disregarding how the body is moving.

>> No.4705068

It's also possible that the right eye is placed too far away from the bridge of the nose, which helps determine eye placement.

>> No.4705071

Also, some legs shouldn't be visible, given the perspective of the viewer's sight. The ones on the left, in particular. They should be hidden behind of bulk of the creature's body, while more of them should be appearing as a continuation from where the bottom-right's rows of legs started.

>> No.4705081

new because you all faggots are lazy cunts


>> No.4705082

based permabeg

>> No.4705097

No particular guide per se, just things I've picked up along the way to remember how to draw a head. I tried adjusting it a bit by moving it left and it looks better now. I don't know why I don't see such things myself though. Guess I need to practice perspective a bit more?

>> No.4705352

Lol, I dont know if you're a better person than me or not. I did tell you that you need to have better self control though because it has made me a happier person and I haven't annoyed others around me because I focus on self control. Dude, just leave these threads please.

I wont respond anymore. Have a good life though I hope you solve whatevers goin on bud

>> No.4705541

got a sauce on the reference bruv?