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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 1024x967, confess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4658932 No.4658932 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have and will never have any respect for digital "artists".

>> No.4658937

Sometimes I'm just extra hard to improving /beg/s so they don't get to comfortable.

>> No.4658940
File: 110 KB, 799x616, D886579F-CEEC-4DC6-B09A-5CB9F795253B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? Also, begone cumfarti.

>> No.4658947

begone cumfarti

>> No.4658955


You're like those people who think that only actual film cameras take pictures, and digital cameras only create pixels that happen to look like pictures.

>> No.4658960 [DELETED] 

Nothing worse than when a digital “artist” “paints” something trying to make it look trad.

>> No.4658976
File: 40 KB, 825x464, 62fd1fc0-1867-43db-9772-343234fb7d98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't paint *for* a woman, but what she taught me in terms of art and movements and subjects influenced me enormously, so now that I lost her it hurts that she can't be the one I share my art with.

>> No.4658977

Ngl I need this more than I get it

>> No.4658982

Ok, but this is like saying... I dont have any respect for people who use HB pencils.

>> No.4658987

Are you really this fucking dense

>> No.4659005

Clearly HB pencils are evil. B5 and H5 are fine, but H4 is pushing it.

The essence of art is lost with HB pencils.

>> No.4659051

It still is traditional art. You can feel it, sharpen it, smell the damn thing. What you make with it won't be gone if the lights go out. It doesn't need batteries or a source of electrical energy to function.
I know what you will answer beforehand, and yes, you still are fucking dense if you cannot comprehend the intrinsic superiority and skill that traditional art demands over child's play digital.

>> No.4659057

Holy based.

>> No.4659063

t. Fat pedofile

>> No.4659065

Then why does it always look like utter shit when a good trad artist makes his/her first transition to digital? If it were objectively easier like you say, there would be no drop in quality or curve in learning it.

>> No.4659068
File: 64 KB, 609x668, 6465169519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I confess OP is a massive faggot.

>I bought a drawing tablet and couldn't get used to it.

>> No.4659074

Not that guy, but I'd say line control is much harder on digital, especially small details, but it is offset by the ability to undo and transform

>> No.4659078

I did trad all through high school and early college (obviously because digital wasn't around yet), and all you really have to do is keep your sketch lines super light until you've got everything where you want it. "undo" is the eraser, "transform" is just drawing it again, kek. It's not some innately higher level of skill, it's just faster and cleaner on digital.

>> No.4659082

Yes line control is ridiculous if you go with little to no smoothing. Legendary Hard Mode

>> No.4659086

>first transition to digital
Was your first drawing good? Was your first watercolor good?
And the point isn't if digital is more "difficult" (which it objectively isn't).The point is that it does not and will never hold the same artistic value as real art, and the skill required (which is not measured in how complicated a drawing software is, or the quality of a tablet) is far more deserving of praise and admiration for countless factors which you, I and everyone knows.

>> No.4659091

The good ole digitalchads vs tradfags. Remember what’s this thread is about, retard.

>> No.4659119

Using this logic, if I print a digital piece it will be art.

You misunderstood my point though.

Digital art is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less.

Is music less ”art” than a painting just because it can only be performed once? What if I record it? What if I perform someone elses piece? Does it become less ”art”?

No. The only thing that truly matters is how the audience experiences your piece. For them, a computer screen is just another medium.

>> No.4659125

By his logic you also couldn't do art prints. Only the original on canvas would be art, the rest would just be hollow replicas crapped out of a machine.

>> No.4659164

Except art prints or recordings of a piece does not devalue the original piece, since its "source" was a traditional medium. You cite music as an example; same thing applies.
You can admire a traditional piece on your cell phone or computer screen, and know the labour, technical skill and "humanity" that went into it, be it good or not, a masterpiece or a mere study. In music, you enjoy a composition or a song in whatever device of your choosing, yet you can never with a straight face imply that a piano piece or a strings quartet or what have you is in any way equally deserving of the same (and the same kind of) praise as a song created entirely in a computer that merely imitates the "real" sounds, rhythms and intrincacies of a real instrument. The result might be impressive and highly admirable, as with a piece digital art, yet it can never be true art.

>> No.4659175

I... have had sex with almost every nude model I've hosted in my studio. Shamelessly.

>> No.4659178

in ur dream faggot

>> No.4659254

your hand anatomy must be really good now

>> No.4659261

I don't trust anyone who praises my art especially when they are in my presence. I assume that they are trying to be nice to me and not be rude. I really only trust the words of absolute and anonymous strangers since they have no obligation to be nice to you even if are projecting half of the time.

>> No.4659262

Digital fucking sucks, you can only make plastic skin or those soulless art station mmorpg splash cards. The best digital artists always try to imitate trad techniques or use a lot of filters to make their pieces look good.

>> No.4659263

I confess that I find my tradfag friend pathetic
He comes up to me once in a while with his new piece but I can't stop looking at him like a cute innocent puppy lost in time, so behind the time and NGMI because he doesn't have the connexion

>> No.4659264

>even if they are projecting half of the time.

>> No.4659285

Tradfags are hilarious. Just look at /trad/. None of these people know how to draw.

>> No.4659301

Digital artists do not have a ”make pretty picture button”. It still takes hours to make a thing. Takes years to get good at it (on top of the time spent learning how to art traditionally).

To me this sounds a lot like confusing technology bad sorta thing.

>> No.4659304
File: 28 KB, 278x417, 1362405182066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not supposed to put your own confession in the OP you fucking mong.
My confession is that I haven't drawn today and am very tempted to just go to sleep with nothing done

>> No.4659311

Also we have cyan. Not just some blue with a bit of green in it. Nah. True cyan that glows on your screen with a might of a blue sun.

Try doing that with oils

>> No.4659373

I started drawing because of jealousy and horniness.

>> No.4659391

back in HS i was drawing mostly to impress chicks. i would make my drawings at home copying from other artists and would finish them during class and besides the beauty spurt you get at your late teenage years, prob that was the single reason of why I got laid. but it never works with all girls. If she doesn't give a shit about art and likes strong athletic extroverted guys, just give up. but in most other cases, they'll get wet if you're REALLY good.

>> No.4659421
File: 50 KB, 447x456, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've profited economically out of shameless tracing drawings, with people praising "my" accuracy in proportions and "style".
Also gotten some bitches to send me nudes for the sake of art after I fool them with my tracing drawings of them lol

>> No.4659456
File: 16 KB, 465x261, unnamed (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my friend because i beat the crabs so hard with blah blah logic and grinding
My friend said never deal with them but my personality doesn't allowed it.

At least i fixed my mental disorder my self .it's not even cool story
But it's not finished yet

>> No.4659537

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.4659545

>Digital artists do not have a ”make pretty picture button”
Yes anon, it's called filters

>> No.4659569

I fight against crabs in jackshit korean board that was all, i acted like insane guy and lost my friend during this happen

Problem is there's three more crabs to wipe out i approached art as war

>> No.4659574

>I don’t have any respect for people who use the internet. Only communications through messenger pigeons is valid.

See what I did there? Now begone, cumfarti

>> No.4659576

Even your flawed analogy fails to prove its point retard, as communicating face to face holds indeed more value than digitally

>> No.4659578
File: 59 KB, 689x689, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ignore all threads with Pepe as the OP image; this goes double for all posts beginning with anime girls.

I only give help to people who post their work and show a modicum of self-sufficiency. Noobs cant be helped by anything except drawing more. You wont understand most art advice before you have some mileage under your belt.

I've barely drawn anything all month since real life, or what passes for it in quarantine, keeps distracting me. I fritter away my time by compulsively buying art-related junk to compensate.
Im giving serious thought to buying a crab-shaped pencil holder for my desk- even though theyre 20$ each on Amazon.

I genuinely miss the days when I could upload porn on the internet anonymously as a teen. I dont draw sexy stuff anymore, but goddamn, what I wouldnt give for the right to goof off without people looking over my shoulder. Fuck adult accountability, sometimes.

>> No.4659583

Longer story is dunning kruger happened in my life

i study art for 9 year and still didn't archieve anything so i obsessed to survive no matter what so i give some advice and tried to help (translating some shit) but suddenly crabs are poking me
With bullshit reason and triggered me

I decided to wipe them so theY will never ever triggering other ,mostly people will say ignore them but i don't, i wanted toture the crabs because i thought it can be funny
yes pretty fucked up mentality at least i don't hate my self anymore i hated art education in this country since i was kid so i pissed off about it

>> No.4659635

I love to have relentless hard sex with female artists.

>> No.4659654

Are they really that easy to bang as compared to stacies or other kinds of girls

>> No.4659658
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1564218279517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion was typed instead of handwritten, thus it's wrong.

>> No.4659712

I dont respect digitial drawing but I can respect graphic design and typography done digitally. How do i legitimize this viewpoint? Idk i think theres just something aesthetically unappealing about digital drawing like its tacky but graphic design aesthetically makes sense in a digital medium.

>> No.4659746

every decent digital artist can beat all of the trad larpers that skulk this board in both traditional and digital mediums

>> No.4659747

Technique proper to traditional art is largely just extended onto digital. So it can be argued that digital is a poor imitation of the actual thing, while graphic design is wholly oriented around the tools provided in digital programs.

>> No.4659750

Realizing how many things you actually have to remember is slowly starting to haunt me

>> No.4659794

It's like driving or playing an instrument. Once you've practiced long enough you start doing it automatically. So, just practice.

>> No.4662082

I don't draw a lot anymore

I switched to sai out of pressure from friends

I really, really, really wish I liked doing digital but I can only do trad

>> No.4663017

how the fuck are they even remotely the same retard

>> No.4663770


Tbh, I prefer SAI over Photoshop for most things, simply because of its simple UI design.
Digital can feel like a hurdle if youre not used to the software, yet.
Have you ever tried Corel Paintshop? I used it a million years ago when I was first trying out digital and it was only program that had the closest look and feel to traditional painting.
If its still around, maybe look into that software.