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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4649878 No.4649878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't start drawing as a child
>he didn't make it into any art shows
>he started drawing in his 20's
>he will never make it in the animation industry

>> No.4649881
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>> No.4649883

>he makes shitty threads on /ic/ instead of actually drawing.

>> No.4649886
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>He copies off anime screenshots
>He religiously follows how to draw anime tutorials written in moon runes even though he doesn't know fuck all how to read them
>He keeps drawing floating anime heads and never draws from the neck down
>He insists on avoiding fundamentals because he saw his favorite chink artist start drawing with an anime eye without the use of construction

>> No.4649891

It's worse than that OP. I did start drawing as a kid and won art shows. But realized animation makes you a willing slave, even in countries where it pays decently. Thank goodness I have a dajob that pays well and I can draw for myself on my own time.

>> No.4649936

>thinks animation is the hardest goal to reach

>> No.4649953

>he uses 4chan

>> No.4650151
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Is starting to draw in your 20s really a failed goal?
I'm 22 (going to be 23 in a few months) and have only started. I feel like I'm getting a little better as I practice but I do have this underlying anxiety that it's too late for me to ever really be as good a people who started when they were much younger and it does feel really discouraging. Like I don't even know if practicing all the time is ever going to result in me being even decent.

>> No.4650186

if someone tells you it matters, will you quit?
seriously, what do people want from asking this question?

>> No.4650193

>implying getting into the animation industry is the goal, and not just drawing coomer shit and making Patreon bucks

How old are you boomer?

>> No.4650213

I'm not going to be basing any of my decisions on anything people say in this thread, however hearing different people's perspectives/opinions will contribute to the soup of feelings and thoughts I have about this. Most of the time when people ask others about something, they aren't expecting an answer that will solve everything for them or lead them directly to their final conclusion, they just get a feel for where other people are at when it comes to thinking about the topic so that they can get a better grounding and sense of thinking about it.

>> No.4650226

>4th grade
>people around me tells me I have talent in drawing
>joins school art contest
>6th place
>out of 8
>quit drawing after that

>> No.4650287

Same. 22 here as well turning 23 soon and desu I cant help but feel that it's too late. But it doesn't matter since I only have two choices. Either I start now or regret not trying when I'm a senile old fuck.

>> No.4650289

Don't reply to /asg/ autist threads
Sage and report

>> No.4650329

>>He keeps drawing floating anime heads and never draws from the neck down
Just end me. How do I escape this hell?

>> No.4650352

Draw bodies

>> No.4650455

Talentfag here. I'm 29 but I feel like I can overtake those tumblr artists drawing the same tranny shit for over a decade by only doing hard practice in one year

>> No.4651049

>animation industry
My 8 frame porn loops make more money on patreon in a month than any professional animator will make in his entire career working for pozzed companies and virtue signaling 24/7 on twitter

>> No.4651069

Take out anime and you have the eternal /trad/ crab

>> No.4651521

Im also 22, you guys are dumb and already have a loser mentality. See you in a few years when im making thousands from pateron per month

>> No.4651553

You can do it anon. All these crybabies blubbering about it being too late make me laugh.

>> No.4651678
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S-s-stop it you b-bullies >.<

>> No.4652144

It's not a loser mentality to be considering whether you're on the right path or not, I wish you the best on accomplishing your goals but you don't have to put down others just because they aren't certain they have the right ones.

>> No.4652173


take it from someone who has been drawing since a child, who has been in art shows,

all you're missing is some weird ego drive but besides that you guys are golden.

it's just more difficult finding the time as an adult and as a high schooler watching vilppu i wasnt thinking about depression n real life n shit.

in this day and age greatness can creep out of anywhere desu

fuck who is to say you won't memorable or regarded? just find the right audience and timing is everything.

shit. luck/making it = preparation + opportunity

that being said i've seen some hard ngmi's and some soft professors who dont have the heart to say it.

but if anime studios is any indication we don't need masters as much anymore. it's a team effort.

>> No.4652726

No, it's not. More people start later in life than you think.

>> No.4652756

If you have not been drawing r34 of dinosaurs by now then you are literally ngmi, especially at 22

>> No.4652768

dude you're young as shit but don't waste time, grind now and stop wasting time on the internet

>> No.4652807


>> No.4652817

Neuroplasticity drops off a cliff after age 25 and it only gets worse from there.

Learning and improving won't necessarily be impossible but literally everything will be more difficult and take longer since you're essentially always going to be battling against slow, and natural, cognitive decline.

>> No.4652898

I'll never make it in any industry, which is why my goal is to try make something on my own and hopefully people will enjoy it.

Starting something and giving up is a failed goal. It literally doesn't matter how late you start if you get there in the end. People have started in their 60s and gotten good, all you need to do is continually challenge yourself.

>> No.4652917
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>started drawing at around 12
>drew every single day from age 13 to 15
>only made one art competition because I was horrible at completing work
>end of the year 2016-2017, 15 years old, do acid
>acid spirits tell me art is useless and to give up
>quit doing art for next 3 years
>start drawing once a month at least age 19
>keep getting frustrated with lost skill, luckily still remember how to fix it, papers are full of eraser marks

>> No.4652919

It’s actually after 12, sorry you’ve been lied to lol

>> No.4652935

>not becoming exponentially better after a break
maybe you just suck at life anon.
anything I take a break from my brain keeps learning subconsciously and I come back better than I ever was.

>> No.4652981

True, that’s why I quit art last year after hitting 25. Literally no point in trying to make it now. At least I can still crab on ic

>> No.4653067

Source please

>> No.4653070

Pyw lol

>> No.4653071

I started drawing at 36 and I suck and I don't care. What now, OP?

>> No.4653076

A-at least I know how to read Jap..

>> No.4653218

>people magically become retarded within the span of 3 years
Shut the fuck up you stillborn clowns for once for fucks sake. If you have the ability to shit on people starting """late""" you'd better pyw and your age but you wont

>> No.4653226

> people magically become retarded within the span of 3 years

Look at quality of posts on ic and tell me it’s not true

>> No.4653240

>he's a nigger
>he's brown
>he isn't white
>he's a shitskin

>> No.4653245

The reason for that is because you're growing out of the shitpost phase but the place doesnt grow along with you and is in a perpetual state of 18-20 year olds shitposting.
The board isnt growing more shit every day, you're just growing up

>> No.4653254

>being desperate for art as living

wagie gonna win at last

>> No.4653522

Considering I wasn't born in Japan I wouldn't be able to make manga anyway.