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File: 105 KB, 692x380, EZUd2VLUEAEQoJn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4627792 No.4627792 [Reply] [Original]

I am not a pedo, and I don't do or draw anything that would make people think I am, but someone who has it out for me has started spreading old drama out of context and is trying to use it to claim that I am. I just want to draw porn, why can't they fucking leave me alone?

>> No.4627796

Have you considered blocking them? It's not that difficult.

>> No.4627801

They keep fucking telling everyone I speak to and I have to give them the evidence to prove it's bullshit just to maintain friendships

>> No.4627805

Ignore, do not acknowledge, keep posting. These people are clowns do not let them pull you into their circus.

I know of a female artist who got mobbed and called a pedo for drawing sexualized female characters that are supposed to be 30 years old. The word pedo means nothing anymore thanks to these people.

>> No.4627816

That's why i only show my shota drawings to intellectuals, plebs wouldn't understand

>> No.4627825

Is this someone you know fucking with people you are talking to in real life? Can you afford to take them to court for defamation? Is there enough evidence to make a police report for harassment? Do that.

Is it just some twitter bullshit? Just leave twitter. Nothing good there.

>> No.4627837

They haven't done anything involving me irl (at least not yet) but they have been following me around multiple discord servers and have just moved onto my twitter. I think they would try to mess with me irl if they actually had my irl information. idk what evidence I need for defamation. Also it's a group of people from different countries.

>> No.4627845

The fuck did you do, did you insult a bunch of trannys?

>> No.4627860

not that guy, but there's a fairly large group of people on twitter that will harass you till the end of the world for drawing the wrong thing.

>> No.4627868

Everything is the wrong thing nowadays

>> No.4627870

Yeah pretty much. I also decided to show that you can get people to transition with minimal effort by sending girl shit to some annoying fag. It did work and they hate me for that, but it turned out he was lying about his age so now they're saying I knowingly sent fetish shit to a minor despite evidence that I had no idea and that it was the least sexual stuff I could find.

I know, I fucked up.

>> No.4627871

When people used to idolize you then suddenly you did something that's against their beliefs, they'll hunt you down til they see you get destroyed. It's that kind of autism.

>> No.4627893

I'm a pedo and I draw things that make people think that I am and I share your opinions and experiences so next time you make this thread don't include a subtext saying that it's okay to bully some people when it's not okay to bully anyone because if you don't cover my back with this I won't cover yours.
Neither of us are criminals anyways.

>> No.4627913

>anime artists
japanese people don't really use tumblr and are not using twitter in such a way, so that title is not accurate

no they were just killing time and scrolling down thousands of tumblr posts a day, they didn't care about you, and def didn't do something like idolizing a fuckin pleb who draws cartoon girls the whole day.
there are a lot more normies on twitter and every pic or post you make is directly linked to you, in comparison to tumblr where it get's reshared thousands of times by various different people with their own following and no one cares about the source.


you are comparing a public statement and action (even if it's just an opinion or idea) to a fucking blog post. In other words, fags use twitter like it's a fucking tumblr blog without realizing that they are tumblr degenerates thrown into a pool of twitter normies who just can't relate to drawings of underage girls and furry porn

>> No.4627928

>I also decided to show that you can get people to transition with minimal effort by turning a rando into my guinea pig
yeah, that's more than crossing the line ethically speaking, though obviously the reason you're being harassed has more to do with going against the narrative of gender essentialism (i.e. gender dysphoria being some kind of biological constant rather than being in large part a social phenomenon). in a just society the person affected by your little social experiment should be able to sue the fuck out of you.

>> No.4627939

Ok, pedo.
>I just want to draw porn
All peddlers of degeneracy deserve the rope.

>> No.4627943

guess what, those aren't your real friends, retard.

>> No.4627948


>> No.4627955

Yeah I realise that. I've since stopped doing this kind of retarded shit. I honestly wouldn't even care if they were telling people what I actually did, it's the lies that bother me. I'm not even into trannies or fags, let alone ones who also happen to be children.

>> No.4627986

Clutch your pearls somewhere else tranny.

>> No.4628243
File: 216 KB, 500x475, pwPEcwH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4628246

I will bitch.

>> No.4628318
File: 42 KB, 500x437, 1586723377372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's hilarious. Don't worry, they will just end up becoming an hero like all the tranny fags, you did good.

>> No.4628321

Imagine believing that shit when people like Shad exist. People talkin shit isnt canceling. Snowflake

>> No.4628325

so you sent an underage kid sissy porn in a successful attempt to mindbreak him into transitioning?

>> No.4628349

That's pretty based

>> No.4628359

one time i drew this pic of people of all colour holding hands in harmony and 4chan went fucking bersek

>> No.4628414

>I'm a pedo
>Neither of us are criminals anyways.
Retarded too. I hope you get bullied until you take your own life you fucking pedo.

>> No.4628790

I sent programmer socks

>> No.4628824

Based if true

>> No.4628873

Did he fuck up (started taking hormones) or just played sissy and now is ashamed of himself?

>> No.4628877
File: 55 KB, 340x225, 86346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4628912

What did you draw?

>> No.4628914

He's just started seeing a gender therapist and is telling everyone he is going to start hormones. We all know gender therapists only encourage this behaviour, so there's not much of a chance that he won't start them. I don't think he actually has them yet though.

>> No.4628953

Lately I've been thinking of deleting my old instagram (only have 14 followers anyway) and creating a larp Japanese one. I can speak Japanese reasonably well and I've noticed that the Japanese tend to [mostly] sidestep a lot of social issues that plague the western news cycle. No one can chastise me for not participating in "blackouttuesday" cause I'm Japanese and I don't speak English.

>> No.4628983

Why the fuck did all the artists migrate to Twitter when Tumblr died? It's functionality is terrible for art. The posts and likes are all in one line you have to scroll endlessly. There's no way to skip to earlier posts. The 140 character limit makes tagging unworkable. Deviantart and Pixiv have these features for god's sake. Is there seriously nowhere better?

>> No.4629009

First deviantart have mainly artist, not really site that would have “normies”, since they are the ones that fund us, also the reputation deviantart has. Second, ain’t no one gonna use some foreign site that you need to draw explicitly anime to get noticed, also the censorship issue there. Last, twitter, insta, and facebook are the best sites to use right now because of the population and people there.

>> No.4629068

Twitter is where SJW's share their retarded hashtags, it shouldn't surprise you that it is where they have most presence

>> No.4629093

send me some programmer socks uwu

>> No.4629098

If you never draw pron or questionable art with children you will NEVER ENCOUNTER THAT.
That's what you coomers get. And you wonder why you're seen as pervs, opportunists & degenerates? Look at what you draw, your gallery is a reflection of your mind!
(Yes, even if you draw your scat art with disgust & just for the money : it clearly shows that you're a pathetic sellout willing To go that low for money)

>> No.4629109

>lol, nice going bro. it's hillarious how you made that persons life worse. maybe he'll kill himself soon :)

>> No.4629114

>joined the sjw hive
You did this to yourself

>> No.4629121


>> No.4629140

>gender therapist
A thing that shouldn't exist. I'm a psych, whenever I get a legit tranny kid in my office I tell the parents they're anorexic and need to take antipsychotics for a month. Three weeks later they don't want to transition anymore like some miracle happened.

Transtrenders never even see a legit mental health professional anyway, let plastic surgeons and mortuaries prey on them.

>> No.4629142

That's honestly hilarious, good work OP.

>> No.4629152

If you are too weak to get brainwashed by jewish propaganda you deserve it

>> No.4629157

This. Cancelling is ultimately a meme in the long run and won’t effect you unless you’re one of those pretentious virtue signaling types (Projared for example). I’ve seen people from here draw loli/furry shotas yet garner 100+ followers, and when somebody DOES try to witch hunt them they just ignore it and continue on.

>> No.4629161

>if you're weak you deserve to become prey
ah, the serial killer mindset

>> No.4629162

Trannys are just another way to get money by jewish doctors. I remember there was a drug that was proven to help the thoughs of being a tranny but nah that would ruin the deal of selling hormones/cirugies/dilators to children and mentally challenged individuals.

>> No.4629173

If it wasn't OP then it would have been someone else, maybe worse, he could have ended up in that /r9k/ tranny cult. When everything and everyone around you is telling you that being a tranny is amazing and so brave and makes you the center of attention you will end up falling for it. Sadly the only way to end this is to be against jewish propaganda but that makes you the bad guy.

>> No.4629175

its the only major social network that allows porn

>> No.4629181

>If it wasn't OP then it would have been someone else, it was inevitable that she'd get raped sooner or later, officer, I was doing her a kindness by showing her how the world really works
You aren't exactly helping your case here, Ted. You don't trip people up for no good reason, you help them overcome their problems if they fall into your circle of concern, and you leave it to others if they don't.

>> No.4629185

Sounds like they were entry low level acquaintances if anything. If they're the type of people to ditch you at the drop of a hat from an accusation from literal "who's", then they weren't worth being around. I had this issue as well, it's cultish, especially in lefite art groups, which love to snag and abuse any artist who doesn't parrot their answers.

>> No.4629189

Dunno, i just hate trannys so it's really funny for me. These people are so self centered they will probably not listen anyway.

>> No.4629199


>> No.4629203


>> No.4629215

take you commie filth drama off this board pedo faggot

>> No.4629287


I hope you lose your license to practice and you never make it with your art

>> No.4629297

You ain't cutting these kids' dicks rabbi.

>> No.4629300

I diagnose you antipsychotics for a month

>> No.4629305

What did you get accused of?

>> No.4630133


>> No.4630268

So one guy is obsessed with you ? Just block him and carry on.

>> No.4632157

I draw shota content and nobody cares cause it's hot af and quenches my soul. If some twitter fag got uppity over it he KNOWS he'd get the fist. POW

>> No.4632176

fuck you, you pedo piece of shit. I hope you kys.
why the fuck do you care what they think anyways? engaging with them is your issue. ignore them. you do you, stay the fuck away from kids faggot.

>> No.4632177

are yo utaking your antipsychs ? or your propsychs ? (estrogen)

>> No.4632183

oh no..... you'll lose that audience. fuck those tranny faggots.

>> No.4632191

post @

>> No.4632193

It's also furry so I'd get b&

>> No.4632195
File: 54 KB, 738x412, based-oda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not actively trying to piss them off to get them to market your art for you
Anon, they are professional twitter users, basically overrated failures. The only success they get is from virtue singling on twitter, you should be proud that your artwork will causes so much butt hurt. Think about it you are living "rent free" in their heads.

>> No.4632835

nice LARP faggot. i'm actually a doctor and when i get a straight patient i inject him with AIDS blood

>> No.4632849

But OP's story has nothing to do with his art. It's entirely about him upsetting SJWs by breaking their narrative, but doing some extremely fucked up things to achieve that, then them ignoring the fucked up things he did and inventing new fucked up things which are easier to spread and impossible to apologise for. He could be a musician, a pastry chef or a carpenter and they would still be fucking with him.

>> No.4633199

>girl shit
what do you mean by that?

>> No.4633236

I hope this isn't true.

>> No.4633240

In a way I'm glad that they won't stop harassing you, because you are a huge asshole. Maybe it's time to just leave Twitter for a bit and come back next year.

>> No.4634569

programmer socks and a maid dress

>> No.4634587

Goddamn this is tough to hear anon. Having to bear the weight of ruining someone's life on your shoulders for the rest of your life is not going to be easy. I hope you are ok.

>> No.4634631
File: 135 KB, 1200x1058, EVLV0P8UcAUShr0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist got called a pedophile. Do these look like children to you?

>> No.4635460


Dangerously based.

>> No.4635467

supremely based

>> No.4635474

daaaaaaaaaaymn they're hot

>> No.4635502

Hello, Based Department?

>> No.4635507

I think 'based' does this a disservice, this anon is literally saving people's lives. Kinda the opposite of what OP did.

>> No.4635797


Yeah, he's fucking things up for me. More boys should take the pink pill so I can have a harem of cute girlfriends (male). Instead they'll just become gross sweaty men who will steal my precious boypussy and call me a nerd.

>> No.4635961
File: 30 KB, 690x621, 1591127896572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using social media

>> No.4635973 [DELETED] 

>I am not a pedo, a--
Stop. For what reason exactly are you saying that, nonce?

>> No.4637166

kys pedo

>> No.4637258

He's not wrong, though, being a pedo doesn't automatically mean you comited a crime.

>> No.4637552


>> No.4638368

Yes Mr. Sherman, it's always the Jews.

>> No.4638877

It almost always IS the jews. Whenever you read something bad, just look up the person responsible and it will almost always be a jew. They have started cleaning up the "early life" sections on wikipedia now because of this, but they have version history anyways and you can read it from elsewhere.

>> No.4640535

>Anime artists
>I am not a pedo
Sounds debatable

>> No.4640561

>seething discord tranny

>> No.4640604

cutting and sucking, don't forget the sucking

>> No.4640609

Your first mistake is actively drawing porn on Twatter. You're supposed to use a +18 image host as your draw name account then REPOST IT ON TWITTER AS A DIFFERENT NAME acting as a "fan" to your draw name's art.

>> No.4640654


>> No.4640668

Smart Anon

>> No.4640670

Twitter is filled with normies OP should of drew your porn on the JP side

>> No.4640691

sounds like you got Projareded. Just make sure they don't post your dick and you'll be fine. Just do what he did.
Minus the sending nudes and dressing as sailor mercury.

>> No.4640707

just keep posting art like a fucking machine not giving an absolute fuck like Sakimichan or Cutesexyrobutts

>> No.4641437

>based anon psychiatrist preventing people from living their lives suffering from gender dysphoria for all their life

Why the fuck would you not hope this is true? It probably isn't, but I sincerely wish and hope that it is.

>> No.4641441

>living their lives suffering from gender dysphoria for all their life
fucking dammit

>> No.4641524

Kek you deserve to be harassed

>> No.4641555

Should post it here

>> No.4641603


you seeing a therapist?


useless post
stupid question

>> No.4641629

I have a friend that suffers from gender dysphoria due to having fucked up genetics. In some things he feels like he's a man, in others he feels like he should be a woman. I have to talk him down from suicide a lot. He's gone to a lot of different people about this and all they do is suggest he gets surgery to transition into a woman because it will make him feel better, ignoring the fact that those who transition normally end up feeling worse and kill themselves anyways due to the worsening of the gender dysphoria. What he wouldn't give for a professional that would actually treat him instead of people who don't actually care about his wellbeing, instead suggesting dumb shit that only serves to make certain people's agenda look good.

Honestly, do you even care about these people? Or do you care more about looking cool and virtue signaling on Twitter?