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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4612855 No.4612855 [Reply] [Original]

>Draw a circle
>Add these two curves
>Now perfectly pencil in the correct shape for eyeballs, ears, nose, lips, chin, cheek fat, sideburns, eyebrows, nostrils
>There a face it's that easy
The worship of Loomis by this board is pure Mysticism.

>> No.4612863

Professional artists recommend Loomis too. And when people say Loomis, they mean FDFAIW. Not FWAP

>> No.4612869

yes loomis is not that good, but more complicated things scare beginners off

>> No.4612911
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Nobody worships Loomis, he's just generally recognized as a good resource for teaching construction drawing at a beginner level because the cartoons in FWAP are made of simple shapes and their gonky nature makes you less afraid of messing up something that's supposed to look pretty.
The problem is that brand spanking new drawbabies can't into construction, beginner level construction is actually a bit above complete beginner level.

The man wasn't perfect, he really just thought this was easy enough for everyone because he took for granted that beginners could easily grasp "feeling the form" for simple balls and stuff because it was just natural to him by that point. And I'll be honest, I took it for granted too because by the point I picked it up I had already been drawing a ton and had at least a little grasp of the illusion of depth and wasn't so self-conscious about fucking up, so I took to it rather easily. It took me a while to understand that people who never drew before or drew very little can't do anything but symbol drawing, let alone being able to understand how to draw volumetrically. Give the man a break, it was an honest mistake.

FWAP is still a good resource for beginner construction. It would be nice to have a modern spiritual successor that has a more comprehensive path from fresh-off-the-page to beginner construction and solves those issues while retaining the fun, inviting learning environment, but we don't have one AFAIK. Just refer people to Keys To Drawing in the meantime, even if it isn't as fun or glamorous looking.

>> No.4612916


The point of fun with a pencil is to get you comfortable with the idea of drawing

>> No.4612924
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When i was start figure drawing in 2016 i think like loomis? It's outdated horseshit! just grind hampton

But after too much shit happened i finally realize figure drawing all for worth gave a message. Right. He already know every mistake i made

Besides finally realize what should i do in my work for fucksake.... i can't describe how mystery loomis was

Seriously read a text

>> No.4612930
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>> No.4612931

why do you write like this?

>> No.4612936

Second impact of dunning kruger

>> No.4612939
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>> No.4612941

you can (not) make it

>> No.4612944

am i retarded or something? how do you go from the 7th image to the 8th? the geometry looks nothing alike

>> No.4612952
File: 48 KB, 850x514, drawing-20200521-181840-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand head like this

>> No.4612965

just use "you can draw in 30 days" + drawabox
these two things together are perfectly adequate

>> No.4612966

You don't draw over the shapes, you use the shapes as landmarks to make your drawing over them

>> No.4612975

Never heard of You Can Draw In 30 Days before, I ought to look that up.

>> No.4612980

I guess I just dont see the point in attaching an inverted pyramid to the bottom of a sphere if you already know exactly what kind of jaw you are going to be stylizing/drawing? again maybe im just retarded

>> No.4612982

it's a good book and very simple. it's for absolute beginners.

>> No.4612987

Let me clarify, the first image in >>4612939 just seems like the artist didn't try at all to make a face look good. Like they go for a completely different style than the head in the 7th image. It just seems like the artist half-assed a face and jawline to prove a point about head construction but the face they drew is attempting a totally different style and they even intentionally drew it flat. Like do you really need to draw a cone ahead of time to understand perspective?

It just seems like one of those things that advanced artists do, they think they are giving useful advice to /beg/s. Like if Im a retarded /beg/ I will suddenly realize how to draw perfectly proportioned cute anime heads because I drew a fucking cone first.

>> No.4613024
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>> No.4613025

Jesus, looking at the diagrams in this thread makes me think of how DnD and games like that represent magic runes to dumb people. I dunno how one can even begin to Make It.

>> No.4613033
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>> No.4613038

He’s not well read and uneducated like me ;(

>> No.4613049
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I think I can explain what's up with this.
The first one is a half-assed head that doesn't make sense as a 3D form because the person isn't really understanding the forms of the head, they're just drawing a circle with two lines brought down to a point for the chin.
The second one is taking pains to show that the head is made up of two distinct volumes, cranium and jaw. At the end it basically shaved the jaw mass down to that eety beety baby chin there.

Yeah, it's a little inscrutable. Probably would have done with some turnarounds and a denser wireframe to help the viewer understand the topology better, so they can replicate it more easily. It's basically just a modified Loomis head.

>> No.4613052

Go watch any jap artist do a speedpaint. Look at their construction process for the head. Report what you find.

>> No.4613060
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what about lips

>> No.4613064
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all have at least room temperature IQ here. I think we can all understand you can simplify the cranium and jaw into two 3D shadpes, a Conic structure and a Spherical structure. But if you're going to be heavily modifying a cone to a point it is unrecognizable then what point does the cone serve? You already know exactly what jaw you are going to actually be drawing.

It doesn't serve any purpose. It's just another "draw the rest of the fucking owl tutorial" image that an advanced artist put together in a retarded attempt to help shitter artists make appealing art. When all theyre going to do is frustrate novices when they struggle to draw anything near as perfect as the cute anime head in the original, because they have no idea how to correctly proportion the features of the head, they have no idea how to place and distort human facial features.

It's literally the fucking owl meme. If you can draw a head like that you understand construction. ITs just retarded. Its like putting an algebra review section in a differential equation textbook. Anyone who can read the ODE textbook already knows everything there is to know about algebra. Yes Im mad

>> No.4613103
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>> No.4613147

Yeah, I get you.

>> No.4613156

yes lots of people who try to teach construction don't actually use it and do their drawings by feeling instead

>> No.4613183
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>> No.4613205

>The worship of Loomis by this board is pure Mysticism.
Much of /ic are legit autism that requires strict structure in everything they do, to cope. They need the "rules' and structure of Loomis to cope, because they can't or won't take art classes, and they neckbeard their way through trying to "grind" art like it's an MMO.
And it's not gonna change. Ignore it, laugh at it, but you're not changing it. This is how a lot of them HAVE to learn, because normal methods don't work on/with them. This is the special needs art room.
(I never heard of Loomis when in college for art and working as an artist. I really only ran into here. It's fine, as a book, the guy was a top talent back then, and tried to pass some of his knowledge forward, but it's not the be-all, end-all of art education. But it's free, easy to find, and it's achieved cult status here. Construction is a common beginning concept students are taught, and every teacher has their own spin. Mine just showed us how, in class, Loomis never came up, ever.)

>> No.4613263

It's more like they start off doing this until they grow accustomed enough to take off the training wheels, so to speak. That's what happened with me anyways.

>> No.4613265

You are retarded the are only 7 not 8

>> No.4613270

Well, that's the hope, but i think far too many of them "grind Loomis" for years.

>> No.4613284
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Prob'ly. I started breaking away from strict rote Loomis when I started to learn more about the actual fundamentals of perspective and construction, like drawing boxes and stuff, doing cross-contour, all that shiz. I figured out If I could draw boxes with only their outline, I could do the same for other things too. I became a lot more freeform after that.

>> No.4613670

>The worship of Loomis by this board is pure Mysticism.
That's funny, ever since I started reading this board everyone bitches about Loomis. To me his books are just an accessible way to learn fundies. If they don't work for you just move the fuck on.

>> No.4613684
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>> No.4613703

Don’t listen to this guy. He obviously didn’t read no fun with a pencil

>> No.4613732

>its another episode of "professional artist bullies hobbyists"
It's all so tiresome

>> No.4613739

shit, if only there was like, a place we could go, where we type in anything we want to see, and pictures will show up, and then we can use it to see what that thing really looks like, and draw it.

>> No.4613912

One word: hitokaku
I can't shill this jap enough

>> No.4614021

someone needs to make a fun with a pencil but with cute anime grill instead of ugly old man.

>> No.4614046

Bruh, use the knowledge from that to make cute anime grill, that's what I'm going to do

>> No.4614052

I hate everything you stand for

>> No.4614067

This but unironically

>> No.4614069

This is the biggest "draw the rest of the owl" I've ever seen not counting the actual owl picture

>> No.4614169

You need to
Loomis is a way of constructing, and it's 1 of thousands
In fact, the more you stick to loomis, the slower your progression will be.
Take from loomis the basics but it's mostly a guide on how to learn how to understand (and FEEL) the form. Find your own ways of measuring and take from loomis what works for you.
Drawing isn't a 1-2-3 process. you repeat 1 and 2 until you get to 3

>> No.4614243


>> No.4614275

Indeed, but the process they use to draw (mostly a combination of landmarks and proportions learned by eye) sometimes isn't that related to the basic 'sphere and cones' construction. So lots of times you see people make a drawing tutorial with 'sphere and cones' but actually do it by eye. And it shows. I'm not saying that it's malicious or anything, just that they use a step that beginners don't have, and it shows.

>> No.4614293

what about them?

>> No.4614300

hahahaha, you mean far too many can't wait to be done with fundies, right?

>> No.4614304
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>> No.4614309
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>> No.4614334
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>> No.4614347

why do you use those lines; that's really dumb.

>> No.4614363
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>> No.4614367


>> No.4614371
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>> No.4614389
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More hitokaku excerpts

>> No.4614399
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This is good too

>> No.4614404
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Now you can draw cartoons

>> No.4614478


>> No.4614720

Give 'em hitokaku

>> No.4614721
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>> No.4615139


>> No.4615326

Just watch prokos drawing basics then read loomis

>> No.4615466

Which is it

>> No.4616364
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>> No.4616377

Do you have this in english? I don't korean

>> No.4616484

his most viewed videos

>> No.4616969

What do you need the words for, just copy the tutorial

>> No.4617665

You sure

>> No.4617674

Ok /beg/, post your work then.

>> No.4617954
File: 285 KB, 469x530, anime girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to guess it's the same as every other tutorial
>eyes fit between the length of the ear
>the chin connects here
>make hairline
>dont forget to use the + to map features
etc. etc. just draw bro

>> No.4617975

What the fuck does this have to do with constructing cute anime heads

>> No.4617976

Loomis is a meme for a reason. It’s only so hard because of muh beginners guide and sticky, but nobody questioned them to post their art.

>> No.4618011

A lot of /ic/ probably doesn't have the time and money to go get a teacher. I work and most of my money is spent on living expenses for me and family. I can afford cheap art supplies like pencils and so on but I don't have the time to go to art school. And frankly the cost of it will strain my budget even if I had the time.

>> No.4619903
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