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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 170 KB, 1575x1496, 7EC5781C-8839-4EAA-898B-A7A43E7CC1FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4583372 No.4583372 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ic/, what do you guys think of these redesigns for Yandere Simulator? Honest curiosity. I ask because this developer for the game has been getting talked about a lot right now and I found two Kiwifarms threads about him; one of which was about his designs. I like the school girl and nurse, but I don't like the teacher very much

>> No.4583373
File: 273 KB, 1574x1737, CD420678-FD45-4642-924D-327BBFF870E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583380

All of these suck.

>> No.4583383
File: 245 KB, 1575x1860, 24D266BB-7B51-4A42-BDAC-D64A0447380A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty /beg/ in art and having an eye for design, but I do think these look pretty good. I don't like the faces though and the teacher's new outfit looks like something a grandma would wear

>> No.4583387

this belongs on /v/

>> No.4583390

What do you think about these that suck? I can agree about the grandma teacher, but the nurse and school girl I think look good. To be fair though theres not much you can mess up with a schoolgirl.

The faces are ugly though

>> No.4583395

why would it belong on /v/ for? I get it's a game, but i'm talking about the designs and art

>> No.4583396

Why are people still giving that autist art

Both are good

>> No.4583409

Kiwi farms is full of trannys and roasties, their opinion despite how shitty yandev is doesn't matter

>> No.4583428

What annoys me most about these isn't even that they make the design worse, it's that they can't fucking draw or render and make it look worse regardless of design.

>> No.4583432


>> No.4583550


The game is a stupid fetish game, removing the stupid fetish elements defeats the whole point.

>> No.4583567

I don't like the super porny outfits in the first versions, they're just too much and look silly instead
but the second ones all have weird ass faces

also, why the fuck is anyone giving free art to this crazy autist

>> No.4583572

the actual fetish is the guro stuff though

>> No.4584184

This looks really cute Anon. Giving her longer sleeves and a longer skirt would also make it easier for her to hide weapons compared to her normal outfit. Maybe consider changing the stockings to crew socks?

These are still characters from a shitty fetish game but kudos to you.

>> No.4584188

But he wants the guro to involve big tit women with their thighs out in the open

>> No.4584214

>To be fair though theres not much you can mess up with a schoolgirl.
that's some basic beg thinking

>> No.4584229

The first ones can be a bit much, but the redesigns can go too far. The game is fun and stupid in an anime world so no need to keep everything real.

Teacher should keep hair and cleavage but have the longer skirt, tights and collar. No expression change, deletes original personality

The nurse is actually legit better. There's no real indication of any personality in the first. Your redesign is fun and informative

Yandere-chan's original design is perfect. It's actually iconic at this point. I can see what your trying to do with the face, but it's an expression she should have by default, only with her senpai

>> No.4584233

>current year
>still giving money to that
How long has the "game" been in development?
10 years with all the help and money he got for basically doing nothing and outright refusing help from experienced programmers and such?

If you value your future as an artist, don't associate with the guy or the game.

>> No.4584249

all trash but the rights are constantly worst.
understand the appeal of that VN or whatever that shit is, sjwtards stop inserting yourselves everywhere

>> No.4584254

did you kiwiniggers not get the message the last time you tried to get validation on /ic/?

>> No.4584383

The art and designs are shit and that's the wrong uniform for an "18" year old Japanese student to wear.

The idiot isn't going to finish his game, he's banking on all the money he made from his idiotic followers lmao.

>> No.4584435
File: 69 KB, 950x532, mendrawingwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did a feminist make these? Looks like something /r/mendrawingwomen would do

>> No.4584436
File: 134 KB, 505x600, 1513541090569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's the wrong uniform for an "18" year old Japanese student to wear.
if this isn't autism it's something worse

>> No.4584457

Who is this aimed for?

>> No.4584465

I feel like all of these redesigns, while charming in their own way, miss the point of the look of the game which is Generic Japanese highschool Harem Anime. The game is supposed to look trashy because it's just like my japanese animes guiz.
Anyways even if you weregoing for a more realistic look, these haven't gone far enough.
The jacket looks even more weird with the red dress covering up the breasts as normally jackets like that would go up to the collarbone. The dress is still too short for formal wear and would be at least at the knees. The makeup is too heavy for school anyway.
This to me is the worst redesign. As why would she still be wearing a skimpy halloween nurse costume, she should either be in scrubs or have a lab coat and jumper if you wanted to do a nurse. Also, while the sock idea is nice, why would anyone put socks above tights. It just looks bad.
This one is the best but you basically just swapped a summer uniform for a winter one. The shirt would probably be better short sleved with a jumper or vest instead, but that's just a nitpick. The looseness is better and the skirt is nice too. Also if you were aiming for prestigious, the characters would look better wearing a white blouse and blazer.

All in all, it just looks like you redesigned it to be a less fetishtistic game but you went only half-way with it. This takes away from the tone the designs are supposed to illict, i.e. dumb harem bullshit. If you wanted to make more serious designs, then you need to change the characters clothing completely.

>> No.4584468

Was that VN ever finished?

>> No.4584480

it has a beginning and an end and some good content in-between, but not to the level of princess trainer, no. Also, the relative lack of CGs and the fact that you mostly stay in the headmasters office, rather than cycling through locations to encounter different side characters, hurt the immersion factor quite a bit imo.

>> No.4584502

There are worse tho. Like giving money to Star Citizen devs.

>> No.4584526

i hope he kill himself with a shotgun during a stream

>> No.4584558


>> No.4584721

Oh, I didn't design these myself. I just found it on Kiwifarms. I saw some other stuff in there, but the posts were very old and to be honest, a lot of the submissions didn't look very good.

It was this https://kiwifarms.net/threads/fix-alexs-shit-designs.31778/

>> No.4584729

Why do people keep associating the sailor collar for something only middle schoolers wear? It isn't and you should educate yourself more.

>> No.4584734
File: 32 KB, 359x551, 1571905565921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the OP. So wait, people from kiwifarms came on here before? What for?

>> No.4584762

how can you possibly think the nurses outfit is anything but a disaster?

>> No.4584764

It's not like he's gonna change them anytime soon. All he'll do is just keep the models like that because he paid
$5 for the pack and it saves him any volunteers who "help" him.

>> No.4584773

completely tryhard trying to remove every inch of sex appeal from the characters
the nurse is by far the worse
why the fuck would she have a whole goddamn sweater on under her suit?

>> No.4584775

I like both. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but I get that it's a fetish game with characters that are meant to be sexy and while I do like 2 of the redesigns, I don't think they would fit the game. Especially not with the way they redraw their faces. I do think the nurse needs to have a little retouches here and there to show off her personality more, but the original is okay too.

No idea why some people here think I made these though, I was just curious about some of these. And for that matter, I'm curious to know why or what Kiwifarmers spoke about on here.

>> No.4584857

why does a game that has such an outlandish concept need to have realistic designs

>> No.4584881

She's supposed to be emotionless.

>> No.4584899

Silly OP, when YanSim has kidnapping people and torturing them in a basement as a mechanic, I'm hard-pressed to see it having professional looking teachers.

Also, why the fuck does Mulberry or whoever still draw for him anyway?

>> No.4584913

>those fucking noses
American, why is it always American?

>> No.4584914

She's as crazy, and lazy, as him.

>> No.4584921

I agree. To be honest a lot of that thread seems to be people circlejerking about how horrible the designs are without understanding why they work in Yansim.

>> No.4584949
File: 191 KB, 419x398, 1589074919624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't all of these characters just generic Unity store assets? I'm surprised by how lazy this project is.

>> No.4584953

I’d say the og nurse design is bad on the grounds of being too generic to remember but that’s the entirety of these designs outside of the protag hogging the search results for yandere.

>> No.4584970

Yeah, I'm a /beg/ and I'm definitely no expert, but I can certainly say that they keep exaggerating and circlejerking when a lot of the resigns and edits are pretty bad. I don't think the redesigns I posted were perfect either, I don't see why they made the tits or hips smaller and the faces uglier for an anime game. But I do like 2 of the redesigns on its own, not for the game though.

>> No.4584995
File: 53 KB, 250x263, absolutely haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can still see her face and shins

>> No.4584997
File: 2.95 MB, 1786x2400, 0a5651aa18186a9185d2a051925f2bd0421afa3b_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but men are good at drawing women?

>> No.4584999

How does it feel to fap to your own characters, answer truthfully.

>> No.4585190

Why is it that when people criticize yandev, instead of going for the real problems like insanely lazy cobbling together of stock shit and making fans pay for it, they go for something so fucking gay like the characters being too sexy. No shit it's gonna be sexualized, whether the game is shit or not you were never the target audience. Silly designs? Really? It's their stale, overdone nature that's the problem. God I fucking hate internet moralfags. Kiwifarms is forever a bunch of offended teenage girls and moms who get mad for all the wrong reasons. They are an embarassment to the online shaming movement.

>> No.4585196

*men are good at drawing attractive women
girls who spend a lot of the online on forums are of the type that hates seeing people prettier than them, and hate sexualized women because it offends their unsensual selves. Even though in the west we never got quite the same faggy otaku who hate seeing any non-faggy dudes, we got the female equivalent.

>> No.4585975

Yawn. Woke Twitter ruining everything as always. They are supposed to be sexy for Christ sake

>> No.4586068

I've seen people who talk about this shit game and complain about the teacher being a rival because of her predatory nature and I just don't get why? She's clearly not meant to be portrayed in a good light and the variety of different sorts of rivals is fine.

Why are other people okay with fiction having student/teacher relationships but with this shit it's suddenly bad

>> No.4586078

That sucks, it's actually one of the very few good looking western VNs.

>> No.4586090

>watch a medium made for virgins/neets/losers
>get angry when they potray fantasies for virgins/neets/losers
I miss when anime was niche, now everyone likes generic shonen anime but hate everything that makes anime stand out from western cartoons.

>> No.4586094
File: 74 KB, 792x612, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha, they cant be serious

>> No.4586107
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 13333577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand changing the clothes but why change the faces at all? The characters don't look animey anymore and they lose all their sex-appeal.

>> No.4586120
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, Artist_Unknown_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets add an ugly western nose to everything

>> No.4586231

>mmm yes, beautiful single line noses
anime noses look like shit
actrually, anime faces in general look like shit

>> No.4586252

Ok r*ddit.

>> No.4586272

the word "Reddit" isn't filtered.

>> No.4587090

>actrually, anime faces in general look like shit
Opinions on Araki's faces?

>> No.4587250

Not him but as much as I like his art, the way he draws faces most of the time come across as a bit unappealing for me. That's just my opinion though

>> No.4590393

wtf, that ugly nose