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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 241 KB, 1012x449, djhflukyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4578862 No.4578862 [Reply] [Original]


General thread for discussion of entries, contest prep, and related topics. Link the entry you're talking about unless replying to another poster.

Previous thread: >>4567126

Don't be a tool. Read the contest rules.


> isn't everyone gonna get BTFO by the JP entries?
No, separate prize pools

> do covers have to be black and white too?
Uncertain. Color them at your own risk.

> what's the page size?
Unspecified. It's recommended you work at at least 600 DPI regardless.

> do entries have to be shonen stories?
All genres are allowed, but keep in mind that this is still a Shonen Jump contest.

> Western reading direction or JP reading direction?

>> No.4578984

Could you show us some of your work? I wanna see what level it takes to impress Japanese editorials. It doesn’t have to be a whole thing, just a sample.

>> No.4579198

Hey, I'm that anon. I'm a little hesitant to post anything because I don't want to out myself (I'm not famous or anything--far from it, and I doubt that the editor I talked to or the people that delivered my material to them are browsing /ic/, but I'm paranoid anyway). Maybe if I end up finishing the one-shot I'm doing I'll share it.

That said though, if it's okay with you, I can try and compile some of the stuff that was talked about when I went in for the review. Some of it might be helpful in terms of pinpointing what editors care about and want to see in your work.

>> No.4579238

Thanks for baking, OP. And good job on the FAQs. We can expand on them if need be.

>> No.4579539


what are the bets on the generic shonen to not-generic shonen ratio

>> No.4579546

98 to 1
Generic shonen is easy
Non-generic actually requires effort

>> No.4580252

>I can try and compile some of the stuff that was talked about when I went in for the review. Some of it might be helpful in terms of pinpointing what editors care about and want to see in your work.
Yes please, I'd really appreciate that.

>> No.4580304

>AFAIK thresshold/binarization should be used for lineart only, having grays in the scan will only interfiere and make it more difficult to get a good sweet spot.
>You could try to separate the grays and the black into different layers, binarize the black lineart layer and then apply the CSP screentone setting or similar to the grayscale layer.

I don't have CSP, no idea where to get a legit cracked version. I never got into digital art programs so I'm basically illiterate with them. Maybe I'll just skip gray tones and lean on my lineart for the contest instead

>> No.4580643

Bros, i feel something
I going to win this contest, becuz i'm a Baka Gaijin

>> No.4580650

Is naf participating? If he is, I'm not even going to bother.

>> No.4580659


>> No.4580719

If that’s your concern, you had no chance of winning even if naf doesn’t participate.

>> No.4580838

just do it for fun don't take it so seriously, because you will just create stress even if you win because you made it into an unpleasant experience.

approach it with the mindset of indifference to the outcome but immense care to the process.

>> No.4581122

He won some other MediBang manga contest a while back. Probably is even better these days

>> No.4581383
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Can someone explain why medibang is so crappy?
Holy shit. Any western website that lets you read pirated manga knows how to program a proper reading engine.
Here? you can't freely move the page, it always freeze every 2 seconds, making a 55pages one-shot that would be read in 10minutes twice as long

>> No.4581450

Do you also get a constant ghost pop-up that you have to X-out every few pages like I do?

>> No.4581461

Yup, that too. I suppose it's an ad that adblock is preventing from appearing.

>> No.4581463

Why are you worried about naf when you should more worried about the semi-pros and professionals in the game development, animation, and comics industries that are entering?

>> No.4581486

>the semi-pros and professionals in the game development, animation, and comics industries that are entering?
They are?

>> No.4581573

A bunch of my friends in the animation industry are planning on entering (who knows if they all will end up going through with it). I imagine there are even more in the indie comic/webcomic scene and in other industries also getting ready to enter. And this doesn't even take into account all of the talented college-age weebs who have cancelled internships thanks to Corona and no schoolwork to do who have all suddenly bought G-Pens and Pilot Ink in the last month.

>> No.4581590

Are they good?

>> No.4581651
File: 231 KB, 900x1200, DVs1LBpUQAAkYsF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them, but maybe 3 have the technical skills and style to win. Most are Asian so they can nail the "manga" look, the only issue for them is becoming competent at using strictly ink and screentones (digitally or traditionally) before the couple months they need to churn out the oneshot. They could make work like Marco Nelor (pic realted) with less on-point anatomy but more aesthetically pleasing/manga-looking characters if they really sit down and play with CSP/Photoshop/the physical manga tools for a month or two. One in particular I think could win if she really goes through with it, as she's the most talented of my friends and consistently has the most unique story ideas and characters.

>> No.4581660

lol I'm surprised at how many really think Jump is going to go for a series with a black MC, or any large black presence at all


>> No.4581674
File: 689 KB, 1169x827, EYJzTv7XkAILB-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted the full version on MediBang if anyone's interested.

Now I'm going to focus on the second entry.

>> No.4581691

I've read every entry and so far, yours is the most competent and interesting. No. In fact, even on its own, it's a very good story.

Like I told you, however, this is a shonen manga contest with shonen manga judges. So I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Your work is excellent, but magazines are mainly after works that will fit their demographic rather than the work's quality
I want to fuck that snake

>> No.4581697

Nelor didn't make >>4581651 for the Jump contest, that's just from his screentone sketchbook.

>> No.4581709

To me, it’s less about winning, and more about getting into Jump. Somehow, I doubt many would be willing to go all in on getting a weekly series running in SJ. Moving to Japan, pumping out 17 pages a week, competing to stay on the magazine, dealing with editors, managing assistants, none of whom really speak English.

I think most people would be content with simply getting their one-shot in the special edition, and walking away with $20,000. Winning the contest alone is pretty good for a portfolio after all. When you really stop to think about the daily life and skills necessary to be a mangaka in SJ however, it’s a whole different story. Making ONE good 55 page one shot in 100 days isn’t good enough.

Even the guys who already work in comics, and are familiar with the crunch. Being fluent in Japanese is an undeniable necessity, if you stop and think about it, the editors might be willing to accommodate you, but your assistants? How would you communicate with them effectively on the nuances of what you need them to do? I don’t think many people would be willing to learn Japanese unless they have a really strong desire to live in Japan. Especially since the perceptions of most people who haven’t really taken up its study, is that Japanese is really difficult to learn.

>> No.4581713

I always enjoy your content my dude.

>> No.4581714
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good luck anon!

>> No.4581721

Just get assistants in your own country or that speak English? There are probably plenty.

>> No.4581765

You're not wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of those young anime/manga-loving professionals have studied Japanese in college/are picking up Japanese seriously now that this contest is happening. Not many are going to publicly talk about how seriously they're taking it since learning Japanese and preparing to move to and work in Japan can attract a lot of naysayers, and many don't even mention or downplay their interest unless they make it. I imagine a similar thing can happen with this contest where a bunch of young pros/college-age artists tell their friends and co-workers "Oh yeah I might enter that Jump contest" without mentioning how they're grinding hours of Japanese and doing pages of studies with their G-Pen in preparation for the contest.

>> No.4581770

>Just get assistants in your own country
In my experience, the pool of talent for that is rather shallow in the west. There aren’t many people with skills, or willingness to crunch 2 pages daily 3 days a week. And you’d need them in house, online hiring is just opening a whole new can of worms.

Not saying there aren’t people who can draw manga, Im saying there aren’t many, it’s a hard skill to learn, and out of all those, how many are willing to work part time for part time pay on someone else’s project, long term?

>or that speak English?
Definitely not happening in Japan. Though English is more common among the young, the general level is still VERY low across the board, with the overwhelming majority lacking the skills for even basic conversation. You’re basically looking for people who can draw manga, wanna be mangaka, and speak English at a very high level. I say from experience working with Japanese elementary school teachers, Japanese language skills are an absolute necessity even for basic planning and communication. And these are teachers, who have to teach kids English, so they already know some of the language, not artists, who haven’t bothered to use it in years.

>There are probably plenty.
Idk. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. My 2 cents.

>> No.4581787

I mean, yeah. But as someone with intermediate level Japanese, with the benefit of living in Japan, and who is also working on manga (for this contest and others), there’s only so many ways you can divide up your time before you run out of functional hours. Currently since I’m prioritizing manga, I’m only “studying” Japanese for about 2 hours a day. And by study I mean watch J-sub anime on Netflix, collect a few new vocab words, and review my anki deck. Maybe read a bit of manga. And I can get away with that cause I’m at an intermediate level. I can sit back and watch Digimon, and basically understand like 95% of what’s being said. The beginning is the hardest, and when you need to put the most daily hours in. You gotta learn the writing system, some kanji, all of the fundamental grammar, and memorize about 2000 words before you’re ready to just “immerse” and consume content for learning.

Idk, I think someone who just decided now to start learning Japanese whilst working on a manga, is gonna run into a lot of roadblocks. Maybe I’m slow, but I spend about 6-8 hours working on the manga alone. Add the time for Japanese, sleep and other basic needs, and well, it’s good we’re in quarantine, this would be unsustainable with a full time job (well it will be next month, which is why I’m crunching hard now).

It takes about 2-3 months of long hours to get to the point where you can just consume content to learn, and I’d argue that even my current level, comfortable as it is, still isn’t good enough to work in a fully Japanese environment like a studio. I still need about 6 more months of study before I can get to that point.

>> No.4581823

cute, but somewhat anticlimatic and cliche ending, also doesn't seem like something that jump would pick up, and I have no idea where this kind of story would go to, either.

>> No.4581825


> In my experience, the pool of talent for that is rather shallow in the west. There aren’t many people with skills, or willingness to crunch

You're that anon from the other thread, aren't you. You should really try and have more faith in people; you might find kindness and help will come your way more often if you did.

>> No.4581843

You have a realistic viewpoint, but there are certainly instances of Westerners who barely speak any Japanese landing pretty big jobs with Japanese studios (I'm thinking of the Westerners who worked on Eizouken and Genice working on BNA). Also, I don't know what your experience was specifically for learning Japanese, but a bunch of my East Asian friends picked up Japanese way faster than I would have expected given the number of hours they were studying, especially the Korean ones. The Asian-Westerners really have a huge leg up in this competition/the whole working-in-Japan thing with the easier language acquisition and natural execution of manga-inspired artstyles, I'm kind of jealous. Though I would be thrilled to see anyone I know win this specific contest or eventually nab a job in Japan.

>> No.4581846

Quite good anon, more interesting and comfy than the 100th shounen fight things.

>> No.4581848

Frenchies regularly work with JP studios because their animation industry is advanced and filled with skilled workers. If you have the expertise they want and aren't an asshole they'll find a way to work with you.

>> No.4581872
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>> No.4581891

Are you trying to say that if you win the contest, you would have to move to Japan and learn Japanese and work with Japanese artists exclusively? Because if that's the case I'm not sure why Jump is having a contest for other regions complete with translators, because anyone willing to do all the above would just as easily be able to enter the standard Japanese contest

>> No.4581899

Apparently, since there's virtually no one in the west who is skilled and thinks it would be worth it to

>checks notes

get paid to live the weaboo wet dream of working as an assistant on a comic running in Weekly Shonen Jump.

>> No.4581914

Speaking of which. What was the snake woman's sin?
The nephew was greed, the religious man was pride, but her... ? Lust? She simply dissolves into several snakes. What's the meaning of it?

>> No.4581938

Well I've been to Japan, and it's nice to visit but I wouldn't want to stay in an alien culture. Jump doesn't pay THAT much.
I wonder if that's a requirement to "winning", so if their picks don't agree to it then they simply don't declare a winner

>> No.4581950

It's not a requirement. I think that anon is just saying that that's the best way forward for some reason.

I don't buy it, personally.

>> No.4582019

I'm rooting for you bro, good luck.

Never know, even if he doesn't win, if he can at least snag an honorable mention there's a possibility of other editor's eyes finding his work favourable. Even if he doesn't get a fast-track to WSJ, that ain't the only magazine out there that can offer a stable platform.
I mean shit a lot of authors once they get that WSJ golden goose decide fuck it that weekly shit is way too much work and move to a different mag.

>> No.4582032

> I mean shit a lot of authors once they get that WSJ golden goose decide fuck it that weekly shit is way too much work and move to a different mag.

Always kinda felt that they should move to bi-weekly or maybe even monthly anyway. Imagine how much better some of the material in the mag would be if people had more time to work on it

>> No.4582058

You know I've kind of been thinking about this.
You don't technically need a team if assistants. It's technically possible to simply do it all on your own, it's just a lot more difficult and time consuming, but it's certainly possible. It's not like there's not precedent, either. There's definitely been WSJ authors who didn't work with assistants, or only with one person they personally knew who helped them do stuff like screentones. One example is Nakaba (who makes Seven Deadly Sins), his artwork relies pretty much entirely on his skill as a draftsman and it shows, but it still looks cool and readable. There's also Togashi though counting him is cheating because he doesn't operate on a deadline like everyone else, even excluding the napkin scribbles he's been known to submit. Q Hayashida didn't work with assistants either, so she claims in the post-script for the last volume of Dorohedoro. That's a monthly series, but the artwork is detailed and looks like it took a lot of time. So, really, if you can draw fast enough then you don't necessarily need assistants.

Even if you find it too hard to work without any assistants, I'm sure it can't be that hard to put out a hiring call to find a native jap speaker who has (actual) conversational english capabilities who would be willing to work for you applyign screentones/helping to write competently in jap. It might be expensive, but if you're in WSJ then money should not be your primary concern.

>> No.4582613

Post her work

>> No.4582647

This was adorable as always

>> No.4582657

Why isn't there a front cover? btw I've always loved your stuff.

>> No.4582662
File: 149 KB, 720x548, 20200516_203847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh...I thought hed be hidden so well

>> No.4582665

Yeah, I’m not saying that out of all the possible entries, there won’t be those willing and prepared to do so. Because that’s life, there’s ALWAYS that one person. I’m just looking at from this perspective, since there’s a lot of panic of professionals entering the contest. I believe that people who already have a professional life and career set up in the west, would be less willing to gamble on getting into Jump, as winning the contest is no guarantee you’d stay on the magazine long term. Imagine all that commitment just to drop in ranks and be cancelled after a few months. Not saying that’s guaranteed to happen, but it’s a real possibility you’d have to take into consideration should you decide to bet on it. I still think most people, especially professionals, would be content with the glory of winning, and walking away with $20,000.

It’s cause it’s made for kids that I can understand most of it with little effort. The more mature a show gets, the more unfamiliar words I run into.

It’s a great watch though, yeah. Digimon is great. And JP Pokemon was a lot of fun. Better than I remember it from when I was a kid.

No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. You can very easily just win and get your one shot in, and not worry about any commitments. But the Tezuka award is also a contest that frequently sees rookie authors’ first entries into serialization. So it’s also a possibility if you want that.

So while you wouldn’t have to do anything if you win, if you want to go beyond your victory into actually competing weekly to keep a series on the magazine, then you’re gonna need a lot more...

>> No.4582671

Oh, plenty of westerners already work as assistants for Shueisha and other publishers. Well, not “plenty” but there are a few, I know a couple personally. I was talking about LEADING your own studio and having your own weekly series in Jump.

All that aside, I live in Japan, and while I personally love it, it’s not for everyone. There’s definitely a massive culture shock to confront, and learning the language, if you move here, is an eventual NECESSITY. Forget work, just for having a social life and mingling with the natives, making Japanese friends, having meaningful relationships, paying taxes, and other day to day stuff, you need Japanese, there’s no way around it.

A lot of people straight up can’t deal with the social isolation that comes with moving to a foreign country and not knowing the language. To me it was a fun adventure, and I found ways to make friends, and get around those initial obstacles. Most people can’t deal though. Japan won’t accommodate you, it expects you to adapt.

I wasn’t saying it was the best way forward. I simply said “my goal is to get a series, less so than win this contest. Jump hosts similar contests every month in Japan anyway, so it’s not a once and over thing for me.” I’m more concerned with someone beating me to the punch and being the first westerner to get a series running IN Jump. It can happen, but just looking at it realistically, it seems unlikely, from this contest alone I mean.

I mean, it’s 17 pages a week. 14 minimum really. Of you’re solo too, as in you gotta write the story too. That’s a hard crunch. Like a real tough one without assistants. Though, you’re right, it does depend on art style. The simpler the art style, the easier it is.

As for DHD, yeah, monthly is a different story, but the pay is much lower too. A lot of monthly mangaka don’t have assistants cause they simply can’t afford them. Plus, 30 pages in 30 days is way more manageable.

>> No.4582672

You should change your cover. It doesn't draw my attention. Other than that, liked and subscribed.

>> No.4582682

>I mean, it’s 17 pages a week. 14 minimum really. Of you’re solo too, as in you gotta write the story too. That’s a hard crunch
Oh, I'm intimately familiar. I was naive enough to try the WSJ-esque 16+ pages every week. It's very very difficult, and after the first couple of weeks I backslid and ended up only finishing chapters bi-weekly despite still holding myself to the weekly standard. It generally means 100+ house of work every week, which as it turns out is basically not happening if you don't have external motivation (such as, for example, not being axed by your publisher). I'm just saying that it's not impossible, just very very difficult.

>> No.4582683

I love your stuff man. Good luck!

>> No.4582688

It has nothing to do with faith or lack thereof. It’s a sheer numbers game. Japan has a larger and more developed industry, and thus a larger pool of available artists.

I already confronted this dilemma while I lived in Spain. When I had a comic running. “Where would I find help?” I lived in the capital, and was in several circles of artists and the like, and still found no one with the skill necessary to draw comics, let alone be willing to work for someone else for part time pay.

Maybe it’s different in other countries, but that’s the thing, due to the nature of the work, and the turnover on deliver, you’re best off hiring locally. Not to mention, a huge minus with remote work, that never gets brought up is, the benefit of comradery when you work with someone. Work is as much a social experience as it is anything else. You’re more likely to earn the faith and devotion of someone, when you physically work with them, and spend time together, than when you send then an email specifying what you need. Plus, I speak from experience when I say it’s much harder to stay focused when you’re working alone from home, than it is when you’re surrounded by other people working.

You’re gonna have strict deadlines to meet with Jump, and you can’t be reliant on your assistant always turning in their work super late or less than par. Something much harder to monitor when your only form of communication is a computer people can walk away from.

>> No.4582698
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do you think tv tropes is a good website for learning how to write for manga what tropes or cliche should i focus on that anime never gets right

>> No.4582699

Yeah, it’s possible. It’s really hard though. It’s like I’m saying though, it’s a numbers game. Overall, I’d say it’s mostly unlikely that someone winning this contest would go on to publish a weekly series on the magazine, but possible, because anything is possible after all. Hell, for all we know, Shueisha can be like “ok, the foreigner can submit monthly rather than weekly, and can work from home in their foreign country.” Or something along those lines. Anything is possible after all. It’s just a matter of how likely it is.

>> No.4582711


Learn to actually right. Though if you lack the skill and need a template to follow, look at the top 10 most popular manga, and break down their narrative structure.

For reference, most manga use the Ki Sho Ten Ketsu.

So it’s like, Introduction/Set Up, Development, Twist/Climax, Resolution. As a general rule. Though KSTK is more nuanced than that, just looking for that pattern in popular manga, and breaking it down will help you get started.

>> No.4582712


>> No.4582715

>Learn to actually right.

>> No.4582719

I blame it on the fact that I went to bef at 4am last night, and I just woke up. Lol.

>> No.4582744

how do you feel about phenomenon in anime could it make a good power system will it need an explanation

>> No.4582754

Are you guys going to try and do the full 55 pages? I'm thinking about doing ~30 or so, hopefully that doesn't hurt my already abysmal chances.

>> No.4582767

What do you mean? I’m gonna need a better explanation than that.

>> No.4582831

like should there be an explanation for powers and magical objects in anime for an example chaos emeralds death note devil fruits dragon balls chakra etc

>> No.4582873

Nah, there doesn’t always have to be. Though it depends on the individual needs of a story. You’re also writing a one shot, which means you have very limited real estate, which means you have to be very efficient with your exposition and world building. You don’t really have the time to explain the nuances of a complex magic system. The the general idea, what makes it unique, and how it ties to your core narrative at large. A good example is FMA and Equivalent Exchange. You don’t spend much time in the first chapter explaining how it works, just a quick demo with a simple explanation, which comes back around full circle at the end, but more importantly ties to the core philosophy of the MC and the theme of the first chapter (and series at large). Honestly, the power system should be one of the last parts you tackle as it’s largely dependent on setting and theme.

Like, you can have a general idea for example “I want people to fight by summoning kaiju!” But the more nuanced parts of how it all works will largely depend on the setting and themes of the story. Plus, like I said, you won’t have much room to explain it all in detail, so you’ll have to think of clever ways to condense it and explain it as efficiently as you can.

Likewise, you can also forego explaining your power system if it’s simple enough. But really, it’s mostly there to add flavor.

“Come to me, excalibur!”
>Oh, he summoned a sword, of that must be his power, I know excalibur, it’s famous, so surely the sword must have a special ability.
Don’t even need to explain anything. If you add anything, it’s really there for flavor and to enchance the setting. Look at Magi for example.

>> No.4582877

You never know with these contests, some years they didn't choose winners at all.
This was the winner of last Jump contest with Naruto's Kishimoto as head judge and it's not really something what they'd usually publish.


>> No.4582888

This wasn’t the Kishimoto one. The Kishimoto one had no winner, and second place went to some chinese one with a prankster kid that had cards or something.

This one is from the one last year that was for Jump Plus. Idk who the judge was for that one though.

>> No.4582915

i just got finished watching death note i got discouraged it was awesome but the mind games and plot were god level thinking theres no way i could come up with strategies and master mind plans in my own manga like death note by the way fulllmetal alchemist inspired me to create my own manga

>> No.4582928

>i just got finished watching death note
>manga thread
Nigger read it and learn.

>> No.4582931

I could be wrong anon, but you sound like you're a pretty young guy. Why would you be discouraged? You have a lot of life ahead of you with which to learn how to tell stories like that.

>> No.4582960

Just do it if not for the victory then for the sake of feeling "I did something", or practice, or even clout. I'm working on my entry too, I'm 23 pages into it as I'm trying to figure out paneling and pacing, and I don't know how well it'll do, or how people and /ic/ anons will recieve it but damn it I want to at least post it and say "I fucking did this".

>> No.4583053

yep 17yrs

>> No.4583070
File: 70 KB, 1422x800, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured. Just relax then anon; you have a ton of time ahead of you. They might not admit it, but there are tons of anons on /ic/ (and maybe even in this very thread) that would kill a man just to be able to turn back time so they could start drawing as a teenager or younger. Nobody rolls out of the womb good at art and writing; they practice it over the course of their lives. If you start now, then you'll end up doing the favor of wasting less time getting to your dream of making a work that you and others can be proud of.

Don't worry about how much time it takes, or whether you end up being first or last. Just worry about being *good.* People will remember good works and good artists long into the ages. If it takes you ten or twenty years until you can make a work that lasts hundreds, that's still pretty worth it.

So, just sit down, and study some art and writing. Don't let other works get you down, take what you can learn from them and make what *you* want to see.

>> No.4583099

yea you are right ive been binging (fullmetal alchemists berserk samurai champloo hunterxhunter death note ) anime during the quarantine and ive been trying to take parts of them and cram them in my own altering the story/plot and what you said is true i have to focus on writing

>> No.4583621

Sunday bump

>> No.4583707

>but the mind games and plot were god level thinking
>god level thinking

>> No.4583868

Seems like this guy will be entering. Very high-level work.


>> No.4583887
File: 121 KB, 591x878, EWkVRwZU0AEuAYm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would consider his screentone use competent, but his characters are completely mediocre. If you consider this high level work I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.4583899
File: 613 KB, 2048x1454, EW2MZxuVAAEoypm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherrypicked example.

>> No.4583904
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>> No.4583913
File: 721 KB, 1563x2048, EWwhEmJXYAAsrpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583933

>but his characters are completely mediocre
NTA, but I think the face in that picture is well positioned and conveys a good expression, and the pose has a dynamic line of action, though I kind of agree on the rest of your examples. It looks like the artist still nails it with the expressions from time to time though. They're good with forms too.

>> No.4583966

A lot of his backgrounds are literally photographs. Like this one >>4583904, panel on the far left, at first I was impressed, but then I realized it's literally just a photo. Par for the course for this industry, but not what I'd call "high-level work." That aside his panelling and shot composition are pretty decent, but you gotta wonder about his actual story, which is what you're being judged on the most. Story trumps all. His art looks impressive at first glance, until you realize the impressive parts are just photos.

>> No.4583970

If he's entering his ongoing samurai manga, and not a one shot, he's already lost.

>> No.4583989

"this nose are made for smelling."

>> No.4583990

If it works, it works. If the judges care wholly about execution like people keep saying then they're not going to care if you use photos, 3D models, or holiday stickers so long as the result is good.

>> No.4584002

I know, but that anon brought him to our attention cause he was impressed by his art. When on a technical level, his art is actually fairly average, consisting mostly of photos and CSP assets.

>> No.4584005
File: 353 KB, 894x932, gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Little bit related to the topic, i read this new Jump series where there is small notions on how you should make manga characters feel. You could get some tips here but of course Bakuman dwells on the subject more deeply. if you're interested

Have you ever read something where the characters feel so unique it really pulls you in?
I used to follow many Jump Oneshots before when people used to translate them but nowadays no one bothers.

Also when Sasaki dropped from Editor-in-chief's job few years ago, Jump has been more tolerant on trying different kind of series so i don't think it's a bad idea to try something different than the usual battle shonen.

>> No.4584007

Fairly average seems like an understatement. It's good art; using photos doesn't make it bad. That sort of logic ties into ideas of purism that people use to dismiss things like collage, photography, and modernism, which I wholly disagree with.

>> No.4584016

Writing a manga or a one-shot for Shonen Jump feels like nailing a formula and adding your own twist to it, honestly.

Like the guy in your picture. Being a "genius" for making an excellent shonen first chapter. I bet there's a double page spread where the hero kills the vilain too

>> No.4584026

Im glad to see /ic/ finally embracing knowledge from the far east. The west is filled with Morons trying to protect their ego and gatekeeping and obscuring information who bately know what they are talking about. The average 25 year old asian artist is as good as these western 'masters' we all praise so much

>> No.4584036

> The average 25 year old asian artist is as good as these western 'masters' we all praise so much

This is probably bait but on the off-chance it isn't I'm just gonna say that you should really take a look at the "most recent" section of Pixiv before saying things like this.

>> No.4584051
File: 107 KB, 576x1024, EURBtd5U8AEdUlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's average. Almost of all of the perspective and basic character proportions aren't even done by the artist. The character art is okay to amateur depending on the panel (I'm not going to count the chibi comics which are downright bad since they're not his "official work") especially in the faces which often have a "facial features floating awkwardly on a face" syndrome. Inconsistent skill in drawing characters is already a sign of being not "high-level" like >>4583868 said. That being said his pages look alright from a distance, showing a good eye for composition and panel layout.

>> No.4584066

But again, you're partially using tools to dismiss the quality of a work, which is the same thing people do for collage, photography, and even digital art as a whole. It's fine if you want to personally declare this person's character art as mediocre (I disagree; I think they're definitely better than the majority), but your other statement is a reductive argument that reduces "truly" impressive art to stuff done completely manually, and last I checked people aren't weaving their own canvas and mixing their own paint from pigments and fats.

>> No.4584069

I’m actually gonna start doing this desu. I saw he uses Unreal a lot too. I won’t be doing it for this one shot, but definitely for my next project. I have a monster of a computer and UE4, I also have the money to buy assets from kitbash.

Things come put SO well when you’re able to set up a camera to create/test out the best shots.

>> No.4584086

High-level concept artists also do this. It's more common than people realize (partially because it works extremely well as you've stated).

You should check out some of the quick 3D mockups people make with Blender's Grease Pencil, anon. I ultimately prefer to work manually because I like the hand-drawn look, but 3D workflows create some really beautiful stuff.

>> No.4584102
File: 125 KB, 728x1103, 20160706070843693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using his use of tools as a crutch to highlight his lack of skill in basic draftsmanship. Being competent at using Blender to help layout scenes does not change the fact that if you're shit at drawing people people or can't even trace CGI models without it looking awkward/stiff, people will still call you a mediocre artist. Making good use of the tools available to you is just one skill of a good artist, and this guy doesn't have much else going for him. Whereas great artists who regularly use 3D CGI elements in their manga also have good character artwork, etc such as the author of Negima.

>> No.4584110

I don't think his art looks nearly as bad or sub-par or awkward / stiff as you claim, so I don't think we're going to reach an agreement here ultimately.

>> No.4584124

Any tutorials on how to use these 3D programs like Unreal and Blender to their max potential to create scenes?

>> No.4584132
File: 130 KB, 925x782, EXEs7QjVcAEBDmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some serious Dunning-Kruger effect going on in this thread with the 17-year olds who think Death Note has god level writing and the anons that can't see the lack of basic draftsmanship behind a bunch of assets and screentones.

>> No.4584134

I never said the art was flawless, anon, don't be rude. I only ever argued that it is beyond average and certainly not "bad." If you think that the majority of artists are capable of this level of work then you must be surrounded by far better artists than I've been for the majority of my studies.

>> No.4584172
File: 97 KB, 847x463, Dunning-Kruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, how is saying someone *else's* work is good a reflection of Dunning-Kruger? What the fuck?

>> No.4584193

People on /ic/ who gave up drawing tend to be pretty retarded.

>> No.4584197

Can you post your favorite one-shots?
I'd like to study them

>> No.4584211


TIL you're not allowed to like something unless it's better than what you can make

>> No.4584295

This specific sketch looks good though and I don't see any particular huge flaws in it aside from the folds not being applied very well and the definition of his neck looking a little scribbly/lazy. Do you just not like the style of the faces?

>> No.4584419

they're just coping at this point

>> No.4584619

I'm no manga connoisseur but I don't feel uniqueness to a character is a drawing point. To make a character likeable you can make them relatable or sympathetic, keep them grounded. Really hard to do in a one-shot format. All about execution I guess.

>> No.4584780

Judges wont really care anon. Theres a bunch of manga artists that do that. There was a video of a mangaka showing how he does it.

>> No.4586222

> still no korean entries and only a handful of chinese ones

Is it really only westerners who give a shit about Shonen Jump?

>> No.4586264

Yes, if koreans and chinese can make their dosh digitally without the worry of a deadline, and without catering to those dirty japs (theres an article where japs were seething when they realized they were reading a Korean comic) why join them?

>> No.4586337

Imagine being so petty that you could enjoy something and then throw it away after finding out about the person that made it.
Can't even seperate people from their work.

>> No.4586343

>theres an article where japs were seething when they realized they were reading a Korean comic
I wanna see that. Do you have the link?

Japan is so weird like that. It's sad because it makes all their preaching about "love", "virtue" and what-not seem so hollow.

>> No.4586349

>Imagine being so petty that you could enjoy something and then throw it away after finding out about the person that made it.
>Can't even seperate people from their work.

Kinda like the people who want to "cancel" anything if the creator at some point said a wrong opinion

>> No.4586945

>Japan is so weird like that.
Japan is full of many different people with many different opinions. 126 million to be exact. Japan isn’t one person, don’t judge it as such.

>> No.4587172

I see more of the opposite, Koreans hating Japanese. It's very strong even among younger generations because they get taught to hate Japanese in their education systems. You can just search the latest Korean cancel wars on twitter if you want evidence.

>> No.4587193

Has any winners of tezuka awards written protagonists that have killed people? I think it's not very shonenlike unless they're anti hero

>> No.4587212

Also to add, i've only read the one shots of naruto and death note, and if I recall Naruto only beats up a murderer and in death note everyone gets revived.

>> No.4587228

the fact that everybody gets revived doesn't mean that it's retroactively ok. Especially since it ran for quite some time. Pretty sure it's ok but odd for them to kill.

>> No.4587247

I have never been much into contests, but we will give it a shot if we can get something done before September. I have to admit that I am sort of anxious at the prospect of it, but excited nonetheless.
Please do, it would be both interesting and helpful.
This is really nice Anon, I hope it gets more recognition.

>> No.4588282

>try to come up with an idea for the last two weeks
>can't come up with anything that wouldn't span across thousands of pages
>finally write down something, a rough script, still long but should fit into the maximum amount of pages allowed
>show it to two friends because I can't judge how good it is myself
>"yeah looks good but what it's really about?"
>"I don't get it."
kill me

>> No.4588594

What's your idea?
>I don't want people to steal
Execution matters more than ideas, most winners end-up doing by-the-book battle shonen anyway.

>> No.4588616

I'm in the same spectrum as you but instead of writing and laying everything out i was just sketching characters.
I also happen to have a short attention span and procrastinate a lot so I've convinced myself to just draw/draft whatever comes to my mind page by page, in the end i'd be more happy having something to submit and doing something than waste time and not remember what i did yesterday. Just do it anon.

>> No.4588684

It generally revolved around rigging matches in lower echelons of professional sports, so kind of a real life topic but with battle shounen stuff thrown in as the sport. The point was to have the washed up, match rigging MC change his mind after encountering an enthusiastic, young competitor trained by his old love and just in time too, because it turns out he was already watched by a detective hired by the sports' federation while the match rigging syndicate planned to take the guy out for good after the final deed. I never conveyed anything properly, stuck too many things into the story and focused either on flashy fights or "giving hints" to the reader, i.e. never actually explaining what the characters' feelings and relationships are, instead creating some vague scenes with dialogues skipping around important topics because I tried to be ambitious and do this "show, not tell" stuff, except I forgot readers won't know everything I know about the characters by default.

If anyone wants to steal this, go ahead, it's nothing new or innovative anyway.

>> No.4588796

It’s too complex a plot for a 55 page one shot, and sounds more like a movie plot.

I had the same problem as you initially, coming up with stories that were too complicated for the little time you have. 55 pages is basically like 10-15 minutes of TV runtime more or less. So like, think if an Ed, Edd, and Eddy episode, or Powerpuff Girls, or Dexter’s Lab, or Johnny Bravo. That’s how long you’ve got. Reason why I’m bringing up western cartoons is cause they’re episodic, and thus, self-contained episodes. That’s basically what you’re gotta create. You should literally be able to tell the entire plot of the chapter in roughly 4 simple sentences.

>> No.4588800

I meant real estate. Also, Spongebob is probably the best example, especially since the earlier episodes are quite well written.

>> No.4589343


>> No.4589914

I've spoken about it with multiple asian friends I have with ancestry in different countries. The long and short of it is that basically every major asian country hates every other major asian country. There's a severe economic and cultural rivalry between china, japan, and korea, and I wouldn't be surprised if indonesia is due to be pulled into it as well.

Shit like this is why they're running this contest. They're going to lose the international market to korea otherwise.

>> No.4589935

Is 100 pages too long for a one shot?

>> No.4589942

50 is the maximum allowed

>> No.4589948

Wasn't it 55?

>> No.4589965

maybe? its about 50, read the contest rules if you want the exact number.

>> No.4589973

it's 55

>> No.4590139

>tfw Korean and Japanese artists on twitter refuse to follow each other even in the same fanbase
Sometimes it's good to be a baka gaijin.

>> No.4590432

So, anyone have any resources on how to use screentones in medibang? I know traditionally you cut them out, stick them down and scrape off the tone to make highlights but I can't get it to look right in this program.

Also, when doing screentones do you need to strictly stick to just those or can you use some grayscale as well? I was looking through Blue Period and they use pictures of famous works in grayscale, or have a watercolor texture on brush strokes sometimes. Is that some kind of screentone trick or is that just a texture on top of something in Photoshop?

>> No.4590634

You don’t have to use screentones at all. Just learn hatching and crosshatching techniques. Pure black and white with good hatching honestly looks better. Akira Toriyama for example couldn’t afford screentones and thus stuck to pure black and white, and that helped create Dragonball’s clean, iconic look. You read super and it looks like ass because the new artist is heavily reliant on vomiting screentones on the paper.

>> No.4590674

I know I don't have to and I can work without them but that's not really an answer to my question. I want to use them digitally. I have used them traditionally but in medibang it just doesn't feel the same and I'd like to know how people go about getting the same feel as trad with this program. Ive seen work that has done it successfully I just don't get how to reproduce that.

There aren't any screentones in stock around here (I guess quarantine spurred a bunch of weebs to buy them out) so I can't really buy more to do it traditionally.

>> No.4591845

Does make you wonder what the future of comics is going to be though, if the rivalry is this intense.

Pretty fucking funny that Japan is so salty over this though

>> No.4592344

It seems like you do them the same way you would traditionally, the only difference being you have more control over how much you remove. Theres more videos on youtube but these three focus on explaining it. Theyre not medibang but it should apply to other programs too,
So, just make your own or save ones you like to use. Taking pictures of actual screentones to use might give your work a more trad feel too.

>> No.4592487

what this anon said >>4582711

>> No.4593408
File: 138 KB, 606x857, special force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh they're special alright

>> No.4593416

I respect his balls, I'll probably either give up half way or finish and never post it anywhere.

>> No.4593435

>Stipple brush to erase shit out
Yep this is exactly what I was looking for thanks my man!

>> No.4593485
File: 147 KB, 720x364, 20200521_005158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, honestly I have to agree with >>4593416 , I'm pretty sure hes a 14-15 year old and the whole thing is pretty impressive for his age, if he keeps it up he'll just get better and better

>> No.4593489

Why is this so full of soul
If only i could understand what they were saying
Revenge mood is cool

>> No.4593519

Here’s a phenomenal example of a well-made one shot by a professional:


This is basically what you should be aiming for in terms of characterization, pacing, structure, etc...

Anime PV cause I really like the style of this:


>> No.4593533

Since when did "soul" mean "polished turd"?

>> No.4593821

That was awful what the fuck

>> No.4593901

Then don’t bother entering. You’ve already lost.

>> No.4593905

Did me not liking your shit mangaka trigger you, fanboy?

>> No.4594011

>my manga
You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?

>> No.4594019

not him but read it again, he didn't mean you made it, should be pretty clear by the "fanboy"

>> No.4594036

If you can’t see why that one-shot is well written enough to draw lots of attention, get an immediate film adaption, and a serialization deal starting this summer, then you should just give up.

Purely off of the characters, concept, humor, tension, theme, structure, and twist; regardless of your own taste, objectively looking at what makes it tick, and how to break it down and pull the core fundamentals of writing manga from it, then I’m sorry, but I’m just being earnest in that you should give up. You don’t have what it takes to write manga. Stuff like that is EXACTLY what they’re looking for. If you can’t deliver, or worse yet, refuse to adapt, you’re wasting your time.

No one wants to read post ironic pretentious garbage by weeaboos who watch too much anime, like Digibro’s shitty LN. You’re shooting for Jump. They want a mainstream megahit that can captivate people off of concept, setting, characters, and execution. Leave your hipster weeaboo pretention out the door, or take it with you back to /a/. Kubo’s one shot is objectively, the excellently executed for a manga one shot.

>> No.4594099

Dude, I think that anon was just baiting since people like to rile up Kubo fans
He's probably an /a/fag

>> No.4594108

>Is naf participating?
Sorry, who?

>> No.4594504

You are too retarded to appreciate that great story and appealing art

>> No.4594610

not that anon but this reads like a copypasta dude lmao

>> No.4594619

Wait, are they actually using this to choose a new Shonen Jump series?

>> No.4594621

No. The winner gets their one-shot published. That's it. Anything outside of that happens separately.

>> No.4594623

What are previous western winners?

>> No.4594635


the contest is only for a published one shot, not a new series. Literally no one except mentlaly ill japs wants to kill their body doing 20 weekly pages for Jump

>> No.4594718
File: 309 KB, 975x1378, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished scripting, storyboarding now. Then i'll need some serious proofreading, my english is bad.

>> No.4594736

looks pretty good anon. you got a blog?

>> No.4594771

regular_size_monster on IG. This is my first time doing a manga-ish comic, hope I'll be able to finish it.

>> No.4594976

That's pretty cool. Good luck for the people who get involved. If I could draw and was younger I would give it a shot.

>> No.4595014

I'm genuinely scared of this, bros.

>> No.4595027

What do you mean

>> No.4595313

Okay to be fair the actual content wasn't that bad at all. The cover looks horrible, but the drawings inside are at least consistent, and the paneling is noticeably better than the art quality.
The artstyle is pretty unappealing, there's no line weight variation and the character designs are very generic, weak even when compared to deviantart shit. There's no interesting use of effects or interesting pages to look at.
The story is whatever, not the greatest but it establishes what the dude wants his shounen battle whatever series to be about. The characters ass around for a little bit then shock!! the MC's house is burning!! He arrives on the scene and his mother is dead!! Then an edgy guy appears, monologues to MC who then goes edgysayan mode and fights the edgy guy, then MC's friends join the fight and fight the guy. Then ANOTHER guy, who's apparently a member of the super speshul force joins the fight and kills the edgy guy, the MCs thank the speshul force guy then watch the sunset as they say they want to join the speshul force THE END.
Nothing about that made me want to see more of this setting at all, but that's fine that's not necessarily the point.
If the guy fixed his designs, learned how to use line weight and had a more interesting setting then he'd have something fairly competent, I think. The paneling isn't horrible and that's the important part to nail. Other than that it's incredibly generic, it feels like something anyone could slap together in a week. I don't know how much effort the guy put into making this, but it doesn't feel like a high-effort one-shot, it feels like something someone shat out on a whim with little interest in actually winning.
Overall, 4/10 at least it was readable.

>> No.4595341

sounds like you're just mad you weren't invited to join the special force, anon

>> No.4595910

I'm pretty sure this is made by an actual 14 year old or something, despite that it's a lot more coherent storywise than akai. That's gotta fucking sting.

>> No.4596151

I don't think it was any more or less coherent story-wise honestly. If anything it got more done in its runtime than Akai did, which would make it denser.

>> No.4596310

Well for one, dogs go "woof" in English, not "wof"

>> No.4596336

No I legitimately thought it was shit.

It got that attention because it's Tite Kubo and it's in the bleach universe. I'm serious when I'm saying it's not good. If you're shooting for that kind of one-shot, I think you're shooting too low.

His pacing is shit his jokes are shit his characters and their development is shit and very 2d. His art is the only good thing about him and even then it's pretty mediocre.

But hey man. You do you. You can like trash if you want.

>> No.4596358

you can see the potential for greatness in there, if that kid practices i am sure he will go far. way better than that akai shit lmfao

>> No.4596369

>it’s shit
Pyw then my man. Doesn’t have to be art, this is a manga thread after all. Show is your rough draft or your outline Mr.Man.

I think the biggest problem with you weebs is that you treat anime as “art” and not what it really is, “entertainment.” If you fail to grasp this simple concept, you’ll never make it. Shit like Fairy Tail gets popular, not because it’s artistic with it’s complex characters and intricate plot with dense themes (because it literally doesn’t have those things), it succeeds because it’s a fun little read that succeeds at entertaining people with how it’s paced, and paneled and the unique little twists it shows to excite kids. To you, it’s “shit” cause you’re a jaded manchild who spent too much time watching anime, not realizing the medium is primarily aimed at children. You forgot a time where you genuinely thought stuff like Bleach and DBZ were exciting, and you DIDN’T spend hours on the internet nitpicking at plotholes. It’s entertainment, for kids, you’re not meant to take it seriously, same way you’re not meant to take Scooby-Doo too seriously. If you can’t grasp this, and can’t appreciate how well something was made with that purpose in mind, because you’re looking for high-minded art where it does not exist, then you’re going at this with the wrong approach, and will literally never succeed. There is room to be artsy and thought-provoking with manga, but never at the expense of its primary purpose. Prioritizing the artsy fartsy crap for the entertainment value is missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.4596392

alternatively he just doesn't like it, jesus christ

what's with all this posting like this shit and >>4584132 calling people retards for not holding the same completely subjective opinion they have, that's the most braindead take of all

>> No.4596422

Liking it is not an assessment on the objective qualities of something. If you want to be a professional, you need to learn to put aside what you like and don’t like, and learn to look at things more critically. Learn from the success of others. This is a work by a working professional with over a decade of experience, he knows what he’s doing.

Stop being pretentious little pricks about it, and critically look at what the work is doing right to learn from it.

>> No.4596430

noted anon, i'll be sure to change my opinions on the emoji movie, as it is a work by working professionals that know what they are doing.

>> No.4596478

Do whatever you please, I’m done arguing with you desu.

>> No.4596484

Thanks for the help! I'll post more in the future

>> No.4596488

Kubo fans are the worst.

>> No.4597503
File: 74 KB, 610x408, hells coup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can we please talk about this one

it's the best so far

>> No.4597580

I'm trying my best but I see how well some of the competition draws and I feel super intimidated.

>> No.4597972

If you're genuinely scared of competition then you were never going to come close to winning in the first place.
If it matters, they don't need someone masterful in art but if the examples posted so far scare you off then you shouldn't really be considering entering if not as a joke anyway.

>> No.4598039

That's the thing. I'm scared and yet I want to do it anyway.
Let's see how it goes, bros.

>> No.4598510

How come japanese contest is 31 pages and not 55?

>> No.4598520

It's not just about how well you can draw. You've seen the judge's comments on what they're looking for, right? Much more emphasis is on character and story than art skills. It can look flashy and have great art but if a comic is shit to read with static characters nobody likes, it's not getting picked as a finalist.

That said if someone else meets every requirement for story and characters and also has good art you're going to get BTFO

>> No.4598523

The 55 is a trap, only do 31

>> No.4598524

Good luck, anon. At the very least, it'll be a learning experience. That's the way I'm approaching it

>> No.4598527

That's the theory

>> No.4598730

yeah respect to everyone seriously participating.

>> No.4599135

Because we are baka gaijin and they don't expect us to be able to do a one-shot in 31 pages like them, so we have a handicap.

>> No.4599136

Is spamming "SHOW ME YOUR PANTIES!!!" every few pages good comedy to you? If it is that's honestly fucking sad.

>> No.4599166
File: 791 KB, 1034x691, 1572151451655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, it's like you ignored every part of his post.

>> No.4599172

It's in relation to something from last time he was pissed off. Don't worry about it. :)

>> No.4599591
File: 92 KB, 288x287, 1587191905120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's for kids, it doesn't have to be high quality.
Man, nobody tells this guy about Disney

>> No.4599674

Yeah man, you tell that strawman!

>> No.4599840

>manga is about a dude who wants to see a girl's panties
>wtf, it's shit
>no, it's actually competent, you just want high art


>> No.4599881

Funnily enough, this take is also what motivated Miyazaki to make a lot of his movies. He thought that a lot of stuff for kids was absolute shit and wanted to make things that he thought were good and would stimulate their imaginations.

>> No.4599902

Based. Miyazaki.
Another person we need to talk about is Mamoru Hosoda, and generally the people who worked on this anime >>4581872
The english dub is exactly what this person talks about. The US executives saw it was for kids so they dumbed it down with fart/poop/panty jokes and extremely loud and obnoxious music.

The original anime is well-loved on /a/ and the countries who had a proper translation even though, on the surface, it's a kid show to advertise toys.

>> No.4601297

Can we please have just one thread about this contest without devolving into stupid arguments? You dumb fuckers arguing probably aren't even working on an entry, go get a damn room you faggots

>> No.4601443

>No, separate prize pools
there is nowhere that says that

western entries get translated by medibang before being sent to the jp editors and then to the mangaka to review. JP entries skip that medibang process and get directly sent to the jp editors, it's why there is a separate link for jp works that leads away from medibangs website

>> No.4601457

That honestly makes the most sense, and probably for the best as well. Also, not all the western entries will be translated. Medibang will probably prescreen the top 20, translate those, and send those to Japan.

>> No.4602372


The western section is called a "division" and has *entirely* different rules compared to the JP contest (including different page lengths). There's no way they're going to judge them as the same contest, otherwise they would standardize the rules.

>> No.4604012

Ok...my chars are at their maximum power from the start, the MC will catch them after fainting but noone will receive a power up after that, the coomer ideas and le peaceful and philosophy flashbacks are covered too.
what do

>> No.4604155

The fact that both contests have different rules and prize pools supports them being separate you dumb shit.

>> No.4604229

Take out the flashbacks as much as possible and give your characters, or at least the main one, some kind of depth or change. Don't make static characters.

>> No.4604285

How hard is 55 pages by September 1st.

Assuming you can work 4 days a week on this.

>> No.4604292

It is at level 5 I would say.

>> No.4604301

With as big as this thread is I thought that people were posting their works in progress or pages.

Guess I was wrong.

>> No.4604302

So you mean this:

>> No.4604336

Blocked in my country

I know what it is though...

I would post more, but I don't really need advice into how to draft pages, and it'd just feel more like I'm bragging or showing off desu. I'd post story, but it's too late to change anything now. And I'd post the outlines for some other stories I'm cooking up, but since they're so detailed in the scene and execution, I would be worried people would try to take those for themselves. Plus, outlines don't give as clear a picture for feedback as an actual draft would. And it's also the thing about storytelling... you gotta wonder just how many people ITT are actually well-versed in the narrative arts, and how tighten up a story. I'd feel many people would be more inclined to try and change things to suit their individual tastes, than actually give objective feedback. Like, you already get that with art critique, and storytelling is even more grey when it comes to objectivity. This is why it's better to seek advice from professional editors, or people you personally trust to know what they're talking about, when it comes to that sort of stuff. Even in manga, half the people ITT, if that, aren't gonna be able to help there, and pretty much no one here is Japanese, or fully aware of the exact approaches and thinking processes Japanese mangaka really have when making manga. So it's basically the blind leading the blind. The best we can do, is post our work when it's done to get a vague idea of what the general public thinks, and then use that as feedback to apply it to the next one you make.

>> No.4604341

I'm working on something but I'm just gonna show you guys when it's submitted or let you find it on your own :)

>> No.4604354

>it's also the thing about storytelling... you gotta wonder just how many people ITT are actually well-versed in the narrative arts, and how tighten up a story. I'd feel many people would be more inclined to try and change things to suit their individual tastes, than actually give objective feedback.

Also, a problem is too many cooks in the kitchen. It's a common problem in film when there's too many writers, causing a story to become more flat. Somtimes you just gotta trust your instinct and follow your vision. If you make mistakes you'll learn from them AFTER it's done.

>> No.4604675

>no one in this thread is skilled enough to critique me and if anything they'd steal my work, also they're not japanese

Is this Spanish Anon again? Respectfully, your attitude towards other people is making it really hard to stomach this thread.

>> No.4604882

>Don't make static characters
you nailed it, ty

>> No.4604986

That's fine. FMA is one of the most popular shonens worldwide and the characters are also at their peak from the star (there's just a few power ups for one protagonist and one secondary character but tey're not that great and very far inbetween). Wha'ts more important is what >>4604012 said. You can even have them at their peak of their character too, but you have to prove why they're there by challenging their beliefs (look up flat character arcs). The point is, It's far more important to have some inner conflict that really shakes up the core of the main characters than one huge external one that don't resonate with people, since. Either that or you need one hell of a mind blowing plot so that chharacters aren't AS important (but even then, they still are, unless you want to go into formalist and/or iconoclast territory, but I doubt that sort of stories will win in this contest). Also, creative battles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>power level battles. You can makes something as mundane as rock paper scissors intense as hell if you're creative enough and personal enough about the stakes.

>> No.4604988

5 out of what?

>> No.4604993

Fuck, I meant >>4604229 When saying what's more important.

>> No.4605233

Not what I said, but ok.

>> No.4605265
File: 166 KB, 554x855, Desktop_2960987y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the fuck happened to this guy's comic? The artifacting doesn't look intentional.

>> No.4605275

Looks like an upload error. Also, he should cut out panel 4, get rid of the diagonals, and give more real estate to 6. Also
Tsk tsk

>> No.4605285

Idk, I agree with him on not being over-reliant on anonymous feedback for story critique. It’s just gonna muddle the pot. Find an online writer’s guild or something, but don’t post your stories online anonymously. If they’re good, people will steal from them, and of you need help, you won’t be able to filter good advice from bad advice. It’s just common sense.

>> No.4605288
File: 1.16 MB, 2732x2048, B6AB8F67-DB4F-475F-B14E-B5554828B339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any legit guys participating in this interested in making a small discord together to motivate and give feedback to each other?
Been working on a one shot called Tiger Mind that I wanted to show to a Editor at Shuesha.
I’m considering this contest as well. There’s around 30 pages that still need inking.

>> No.4605312

You live in Japan?

>> No.4605335
File: 186 KB, 402x623, 1589460310346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the guy that posted this page?

>> No.4605351

you don't have to take offered critique if you don't want to. still different from saying whether or not someone knows enough to critique you.

>> No.4605911

do you think they would accept only pencils ? ink is expensive in my country

>> No.4605929

>Only completed manuscript. (Scenario, name not allowed)
Read the rules.
P.S pencils would be still be considered the name (unfinished manuscript) and thus disqualified. They want people who can finish a work.

>> No.4605938

No. Find yourself an inker or use any ink you can get I don't give a fuck if it's writing pens you have to finish it or it's pointless

>> No.4605964


I swear to god all the actually competent people so far just heard "you can get published in shonen jump!" and threw their fucking brains out the window

>> No.4606000
File: 135 KB, 1227x866, converted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone posted a work that's clearly a converted scrolling comic. It's converted pretty well, but this is probably the best example I've ever seen in regards to how flat that format makes time and paneling. All the pages read virtually the same way; I don't even get to move my eye sideways to take in some new detail most of the time.

I keep telling people that scrolling comics have bad paneling almost as a feature, even the really good ones. Nobody ever believes me.

>> No.4606012

Why do so many people always copy Kubo's art style?

>> No.4606015

It looks good and it's simple. Also it was a very popular manga so of course it has its fanboys.

>> No.4606305


If the pencils are super super super tight to the point where they're dark and consistent enough to be pen lines they might be able to get away with it. They'd be taking a huge risk though, and it's inadvisable either way. As was said, you'd probably be better off using cheap felt pens or something to finish up than sticking purely with pencils.

>> No.4606309

Is it not in the rules that it needs to be Right to Left format?

>> No.4606319

It is, hence the comment. All these people are dropping their precious pre-made comic babies in here hoping that they can get a SJ syndication deal without even taking the time to flip their fucking pages or at least read the fucking rules. They just read there was a contest, had a vision of being the next Eiichiro Oda, and turned their fucking brains off in-between that and hitting the submit button.

>> No.4606320

Only time I've seen an infinite scrolling comic page was in Scott McCloud's book and he was getting fucking experimental with that shit. It was cool. I really hate the shitty infinite scroll panels people put up because they don't flow well in their vertical format or books. They just suck.

>> No.4606328

The funny thing is the one-shot is supposed to be a short story by itself and there's no way you're going to get a fleshed out story in that page limit by posting chapter 1 of some web comic you've been working on for years. They're not even going to get picked.

>> No.4606340

Also, what people don’t get is that one shot is meant to be a TEST. If you can’t handle making a self-contained original story that’s interesting, then you’re not ready for weekly or even monthly publication, where the direction your story must take is often guided by polls and competition.

>> No.4606351


>> No.4606366

Before corona I was supposed to move there so as soon as Japan allows outside travel again I will. I’m pretty serious about getting published for a job.

Not me

>> No.4606381


>> No.4606393


>> No.4606439



>> No.4606490

まだ勉強中 ~

You’re an English teacher in Japan?

>> No.4606736

Is his moon rune speak that bad lmao

>> No.4607334

So much fucking soul. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.4607386
File: 187 KB, 974x1378, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying. Completed the script, I'm at half the storyboard. Would be happy just to complete it.

>> No.4607588

Please use typed text for the finished piece or clean up your handwriting.

>> No.4607680

i'll use a font, this is just for measurement

>> No.4607929
File: 57 KB, 180x288, intellectual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This won't work, the villain is too nuanced and complex for WSJ standards.

>> No.4607994
File: 1.25 MB, 1037x1500, dust dust dust dust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a writer in Jump who can rival Togashi!

>> No.4608085

incredible edit anon, thank you for this gift

>> No.4608195
File: 297 KB, 462x500, apex edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one more...

>> No.4608269

im doin 15

>> No.4608959

About 5-6 pages in. I regret drawing already.

>> No.4609108


>> No.4609129
File: 94 KB, 1080x859, IMG_20200527_152409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the whole storyboard a couple days ago,will start shading soon.I hope my art doesn't hold me back too much since I haven't been drawing almost at all the past two years.

Pic is part of a panel

>> No.4609207
File: 45 KB, 413x423, Screenshot_20200527-092839_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fantastic read, I loved it so much dude. The art style is incredibly charming and while the story was simple, it was well told and I enjoyed it the whole way through. Can't wait to see the second one!

>> No.4609229

That one was weird, the art style changed completely just a few pages in.

>> No.4609339

Thanks, anon. I recently finished the rough draft (or NAME) of the next story. I'm going with simple and straightforward structure.

That guy is hidden in every oneshot I made except the very first one, the Corrupted Forest.
It might be hard to see in some cases but happy hunting!


>> No.4609344

its not, dont use adblock, still is there for me too

>> No.4609644

Ah fuck, you are the guy who made The Legend of BOLGARR. I remember that, good read!

>> No.4609845
File: 177 KB, 1199x772, Screenshot_20200527-155452_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd most popular is a terrible unfinished One Piece fanfic
I noticed that there are actually items lower on the list that have more hearts (and vice versa), so what do they sort by, views?
It's still incredibly autistic of whoever made that to think it would actually have a chance at going anywhere. It's not even finished, which is bad enough, but the most damning thing is that you're supposed to submit an ORIGINAL work, so this idiot is immediately disqualified on multiple accounts. Just... why?

>> No.4609965

It's a judged contest, so theoretically views and hearts don't matter, only quality. Works will be screened for quality, those that meet the minimum quality guidelines and abide by the rules will be translated, and then judging will begin.

>> No.4610008

Yep, imagine working on an actual series too. It's more grueling than most realize.

>> No.4610133

I'm aware, I was just marveling at all the retardation in the submissions so far.

>> No.4610180
File: 9 KB, 227x223, 1489726187800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a 3DCG manga because quarantine has driven me insane, would anyone want to read it? I've done a few chapters but I don't get a lot of chances for feedback

If that shits not cool on /ic/ I'll fuck off, no worries

>> No.4610187

Go for it.

>> No.4610197
File: 3.35 MB, 1771x997, 0A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I hope its not unbearable, I'm just an amateur scrub. Forgive my atrocious typesetting.

prologue: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81575400

chapter 1: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81732140

chapter 2: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81868030

>> No.4610380
File: 576 KB, 750x1334, E2B6730F-6E88-4DE0-A832-BDE3D4EDFEFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4610390
File: 701 KB, 750x1334, E92223FC-8877-4A5F-9976-7C98BD38D820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv links work really weirdly (read not at all) on phone browsers

Search for Story Anon in users

>> No.4610400

Kay, I’ll do it when I get home later.

>> No.4610403

So far everything is devianart tier

>> No.4610430

The only pro looking shit is disqualified as well lmao

>> No.4610457

Which one?

Also, all the best entries will show up literally a the last hour.

>> No.4610474
File: 10 KB, 862x774, lazy sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out how to generate screen tones in Manga Studio, as well as how to convert grayscale painting to screen tones, but is there any finesse to using them? Or is it really as simple as shading with grays and then converting it at the end? Also how small should the pattern be?

>> No.4610498

I need your advice, I have a story that I'm very fond of, I know its good but I'm not sure if I should burn it out in this or try to get featured on webtoons.

>> No.4610500

Publishing manga on webtoons seems like a pain in the ass

Also you can do both, they allow entries that have been featured on free websites. Just not ones already in magazines

>> No.4610517
File: 92 KB, 1199x239, Screenshot_20200527-222405_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this rule mean?

>> No.4610518


>> No.4610522

Gonna have to put this on the FAQ next thread.

"Scenario" is another way of saying Script. A "Name" is what the Japanese call Thumbnails, or Roughs. So in essence, the rule means "no scripts without art, and no sketch pages." Fully-inked and finished works only.

>> No.4611189

Come up with my idea.

Start to draw the first page, it's really shitty took me four hours. Redo the first page again, it's really shitty.


>> No.4611229

Post it

>> No.4611444

Is there a age limit to this. I'm 31.

I feel sort of shitty if I win and I'm beating mostly teenagers.

>> No.4611513

Drafting page 10 right now gentlemen, hope everyone's still committed.

>> No.4611514

No and a lot of winners were full adults too

>> No.4611526

Don't worry you will not beat anyone.

>> No.4611596
File: 1.58 MB, 3724x2096, 74D3FA08-A189-4FF8-A678-00B05E28FF5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4611612

looks nice but a little generic

>> No.4611620

I like it.

>> No.4611624

25 here

>> No.4611633


>> No.4611634

"name" is referring to not sending them a concept draft but a finished work that's ready to be published

>> No.4611635
File: 21 KB, 238x339, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you win using another companies IP?

It just that a lot of people are using one piece, bleach or sonic as the ip.

I looked it up and its not in the terms of condition that you can't use someone elses ip.

So could you copy Death Note and get away with it?

>> No.4611642

Are you actually stupid?

>> No.4611645

they're joke entries

>> No.4611650

No, it has to be original. It's in the rules. All of those people are going to be disqualified for that shit. Are you stupid or just retarded?

>> No.4611664

vertical manga need a very specific writing and paneling style, just like when a beg wants to get into manga and splashes 30 shitty panels on a page with no sense for storytelling and direction, no sense for dynamic, continuation and build-up.

A good storyteller can make it work in any format, and vertical manga in new ways only possible on that platform.

>> No.4611685

How many hours do you guys practice writing a day?

>> No.4611688


>> No.4611693


The writing is the easy part.


You just have to follow Brandon Sanderson lectures.

He pretty much writes in a Shonen/YA fashion. His books are YA on steroids.

>> No.4611695

Why do people say it takes 10 years to write anything decent then? Some people even equate writing to brain surgery.

>> No.4611698

I don't actually write anything prior to post production and type setting, but doing that is easily a whole 2 12 hour work days per chapter.

It probably does take that long to write literature, but we're making comics where hopefully 80% of the story can be told visually by scene composition alone.

>> No.4611700

We are trying to write a manga here anon not the next great american novel

>> No.4611704

Don't overthink about writing too much anon, unironically overthinking about just my drawing skills prevents me from drawing itself and takes away all the fun. Just aim to make atleast something.

>> No.4611733

Writing literature and writing for comics/TV/film are COMPLETELY different things with completely different approaches.

While Sanderson’s lectures are good for getting you to think about specific things for larger stories, they’re not gonna teach you, nor prepare you for writing short stories, one shots, and manga chapters.

I’ve personally found this channel to be significantly more useful:


I’d also recommend you pick up as many books on screenwriting as you can. Like Save the Cat, and so on. Think of it this way, you’re writing a pilot for Cartoon Network, not a 1000 page fantasy epic. Jump and the manga industry don’t work much differently from your average American TV network. And the rules and techniques for screenwriting be it film or TV apply to manga as well. You don’t have time for a slow burn, you gotta grab your reader by the balls within the first 3 pages, and keep them interested for the remaining 52, and leave them satisfied enough to wanna tune in next week.

Oh, as an aside, the common writing technique used in Japanese manga is the 起承転結 KiShoTenKetsu. I suggest you look into it. It’s a very useful, not exactly technique or structure, but in my experience, mindset to take when writing manga, because it’s very flexible, and applies from the macro to the micro. From entire arcs, to scene structure, and even page composition in some cases. It’s also more nuanced than it initially lets on, don’t just read about it and think “oh it’s the 3-act structure,” cause it’s not.

>> No.4611752

I can vouch for this. I fell in love with Kishotenketsu early on and was able to write a lot of satisfying stories with it. (At least for a newbie writer). It's also the concept that led me into studying Robert McKee, since McKee's book is based on the concept of the "turning point" which is what Kishotenketsu is based on. McKee is basically applied Kishotenketsu.

>> No.4611767

Oh yeah, also, this goes back to the previous discussion we were having about Kubo, and Digimon and Miyasaki and so on... I wanted to avoid it as I didn’t wanna get into it, but for the sake of leaving some good advice ITT... don’t overthink things. You’re not a teenager anymore, but you’re writing for teenagers. You need to think back to the sorts of things that actually interested you from the ages of 10 to 17, because that’s your target audience. Now, this doesn’t mean make it stupid, because there is plenty of room for depth, and kids are smarter than people let on, but anime fans DO have a propensity for over analyzing the medium, so much so, some people even make a living out of writing lengthy video essays doing a rather pointless critical analysis on a children’s cartoon. What I mean to say is, entertainment comes first, deep themes and philosophy are the things you sprinkle in to teach a lesson, or to make it appeal to adults AS WELL, but your primary audience is kids and teens. And something people seem to forget, using Digimon as an example as it was brought up, is that even Digimon wasn’t above silly poop jokes, and is incredibly simplistic and formulaic. Which isn’t a bad thing, this is what I mean by learn to look at things objectively. Put your defensive hipster anime critic in the locker, and look at media as an opportunity to learn HOW to write. Shows that are successful are successful because they WORK. You need to learn how to do that. The philosophy and deep themes come after that.

>> No.4611781

according to https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-04-22/shueisha-reveals-new-circulation-numbers-demographics-for-its-manga-magazines/.145991 which is a literal translation of data given by wsj itself.
27.4% of readers are 25 years old or older, 25.8% are 19-24 years old, 17.6% are 16-18 years old, 16.4% are 13-15 years old, 9.6% are 10-12 years old, and 3.2% are nine years old or younger. We're talking 50% over 18, another 20% almost adult, 25% of the kids you're talking about.

>> No.4611785

Hell, even Evangelion, the holy mecca of pretentious anime nonsense for idiots like Mother’s Basement used a monster of the week plot formula, and even had an episode where Shinji and Asuka beat an angel by dancing together snd using the power of friendship. What I mean is, anime “critics” love to out a magnifying glass on on the deeper themes in anime, while overlooking the simpler more fundamental stuff that makes it tick, as well as the silly nonsense. Stop listening to those people. And stop listening to that voice in your head telling you to listen to people like that. And I don’t just mean the “Animetubbers” but the 20-30 yos on 4chan whom you’ve grown so used to talking to to develop your “taste.” Your target audience isn’t 4channers, it’s Japanese kids and teenagers.

Put your “taste” aside, and learn to look at what goes into making mainstream successes a success in the first place, structurally. You’re not above learning from people like Kubo, Kishimoto, or the Fairy Tail guy cause their manga are “shit.”

That’s my final say on that topic. Best of luck to all, now I’m off to sleep while I regret staying up to type this tomorrow.

Absolutely, I’m always looking for new ways to improve how to write, even though I’m not the writer in my team. There are still several things I struggle with, but lately I’ve been drafting up story outlines and turning them into names cause they’re so much fun. KSTK really is magic when it comes to helping you solve a structure problem. You start to develop a bit of an instinct for the pieces you need in place to make a story work.

>> No.4611793

Alright, then feel free to write a super deep and complex insight into the human psyche. You’re not grasping at what I’m saying here... in order to be able to do stuff like that, you FIRST need to understand how to construct a story so it’s entertaining above all else. You first need to capture your reader’s attention with something entertaining, before you start throwing Nietzsche in their face. Your first chapter is NOT gonna include any of that at all. Otherwise you’re better off writing a Seinen which is where people are more forgiving for the slower burn.

>> No.4611806

>in order to write good, you need to be a good writer!
wow thanks einstein, just wanted to statistically prove you wrong. Most of jumps audience is young adults aged ~20 average, not 14 year olds as you seem to think.

>> No.4611830

You're never gonna win with this lack of soul having to analyze how to write a fucking manga lmaaaaooooooo

>> No.4611838

Stop being pedantic and arguing for the sake of arguing and work on your reading comprehension.

Also, I’m well aware that plenty of adults read shounen manga. All of the people I work with talk about Kimetsu, Shingeki, and One Piece on the regular, but guess what, the kids do too. The magic trick is making something that appeals to both kids and adults, which, starts by learning to make it appealing to kids first and foremost.

Anyway, that’s enough for tonight, I’m off.

>> No.4611841

So are you saying structuring a basic plot isn't that hard? That the hard part in writing screenplays and novel is the actual putting together of words and that in comics our drawings will do most of the expressive work?

>> No.4611847

post your art

>> No.4611848

>call it a kids medium
>get btfod by statistics
>s-stop being pedantic

>> No.4611885

True, kids and manchilds :)

>> No.4611949

Fuck sake /ic/ this discussion is confusing.

Are Shonen Jump readers mouth breathing retards?

As I have a rough outline of the 55 pages. Just need to start polishing each individual pages, will post a couple of random ones here for critique later. But, my story draws on Roman history, several religions and rolemaster combat system.

I might have wasted twenty days.

>> No.4611972

>But, my story draws on Roman history, several religions and rolemaster combat system.
Sounds like a fucking mess and you're going to blame your readers for not following your schitzophrenic rantings

>> No.4612051

>contest for being published in a magazine and possibly making it your career
>"can i just steal something?"

>> No.4612413
File: 287 KB, 500x486, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-pls respond

>> No.4612415
File: 24 KB, 167x425, 1589251842194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resize your shit nigger.

What do you think the "shounen" in "shounen manga" means?
The magazine has a very clearly stated intended audience, and will no doubt be looking primarily for things that audience might be interested in reading.
That doesn't mean it can't have depth or be "girly" (teenage boys love cute girls, especially if there's plenty of T & A), it means this website's demographic is not the same as the demographic you should be writing for.

>> No.4612495

If you haven’t been keeping up, writing a novel and writing a screenplay are totally different things that require different techniques. If you’re trying to write a screenplay like you do a novel, you’ve already fucked up. Second, idk about you personally, but I find it fairly easy to go from outline straight to name once I have a clear breakdown of my scenes, how many pages each scene should aim for, and the intended purpose and general flow of each scene. The hardest part of writing for manga is actually staying within your page limit, yet still having that satisfying crescendo. Many beginners tend to overestimate just how much they can fit in 55 pages/30 pages, etc...

The skills of a mangaka are more akin to those of a film director, learn to think like a film director.

>I might have wasted twenty days.
You might have, but it’ll be easier to judge once we see it. You don’t really have a lot of room to explain much in a single one shot (it’s not a Ch1 remember, it has to be self-contained), so you really have to stick to the bare basics in set up: who what where when (toss the why and how into your ketsu). The most important thing is that you get some sort of character arc with emotional payoff, or if you’re working with mystery/horror, a neat twist that surprises the reader (who pulled the trigger?). A combat system I don’t think is something you should really bother to explain in a one shot, unless you can do it in a couple lines during the action.

Sorry, I forgot to do it when I got home. Like I said, it didn’t work on my phone, and I work in an Elementary school, and from the looks of the thumbnail it seemed pornographic, so I wasn’t about to use the school computer for it. Today’s Friday though, so I’ll give you feedback (next thread likely).

>> No.4612500

This, Jump especially had core values they tend to promote with their magazine. Both Bakuman, and Araki in his book mention this. If you wanna write a shounen that’s more out there or gnarly, then Kodansha is your guy. Though Jump does tend to stray something too.

>> No.4612505

>and from the looks of the thumbnail it seemed pornographic, so I wasn’t about to use the school computer for it.
Completely understandable but don't worry its not, zero nudity. I wouldn't even say its particularly ecchi.
>Today’s Friday though, so I’ll give you feedback (next thread likely).
Thanks dude I really appreciate it

>> No.4612714

Are you sure about that? The exact phrase they use is "open to the right".
That sounds like it means Left to Right to me.
I mean, it is for SJW so it would make sense for it to be R to L, but is there any clarification beyond the phrase "open to the right"?

>> No.4612719

>The exact phrase they use is "open to the right".
>That sounds like it means Left to Right to me.
What kind of ESL are you
Open to the right means it starts on the right. How on earth could you think that means you end on the left. Do you end on openings?

>> No.4612740

Honestly considering the translation job they did for the rules, I wonder if any of the foreign entries are even going to be coherent when they're translated for judging

>> No.4612746

I would hope the Japanese translators could write legible Japanese better than they can write English

>> No.4612772

It’s easier to translate into your native tongue, all you need is to understand the target content. Which shouldn’t be difficult considering it should all be dialogue.

>> No.4612799

>inb4 all foreign entries are doomed after shoddy translations from translators paid by tin cans per day
Would it be wise to offer a translation yourself and save them the work? Would it even be against the rules

>> No.4612938

They might find the offer a bit rude. If you’re willing to go that far, might as well enter it into a proper Jump contest like 新世界


Just mail it in, or use the weblink right there. They take foreign entries so long as they’re in Japanese. If you’re under 31 pages, you can also enter normal Tezuka:


>> No.4612953

Also, JP Tezuka has a slightly delayed deadline. 9/30 rather than 9/1.

It’s what I’m doing. I’m entering Rosenrot in English into Medibang Tezuka, and in Japanese into Shinsekai. Then I’m doing another 31 page one shot specifically for JP Tezuka.

You’re also not limited to whenever Medibang hosts a contest either. Shinsekai is monthly for example, Tezuka bi-yearly (March and September), and they have like a half-dozen other rookie contests each year:


Kodansha, Shogakugan, and Kadokawa all have their own yearly/monthly contests as well. You can check them out by going to their respective pages.

>> No.4612979

But if I am flipping pages in an english book I am opening pages "to the right".
I am going from left TO right.

>> No.4612985

That's even dumber, you open a book on the left

>> No.4612989

But I move to the right.

>> No.4612991

you know what just do left to right and get disqualified, I give up.

>> No.4612994

You're dragging the pages FROM left TO right. If you're reading a japanese book you're dragging the pages FROM right TO left.

"To the right" = Opening pages from the right.
Honestly the way they worded it is ambiguous but it makes sense if you just look at the bigger picture.
This is a competition run by the japanese for the japanese. They read books from right to left.
So... why would they throw that out the window? They're not going to flip a submission so that it reads from right to left when they print it. They want submissions to be printable, so they want them to be read from right to left.

>> No.4612996

You’re overthinking it.

When it doubt, just use simple deductive reasoning. A Japanese publisher would never prioritize a foreign printing style over their own. They’d say “both are ok” or “Japanese only.” The fact that they bothered to specify means they want Japanese only.

>> No.4612999

I agree. It does make sense to match the Japanese reading order.
It's just that that phrase is unclear to me and it's really bugging me.
Actually I set an email to the organizers asking for clarification.
If I get a response I will post it here or in subsequent threads.

>> No.4613007

I know, I know.
I overthink a lot of things.
Not a pleasant way to live ones life.

>> No.4613010

OP should make a new thread soon btw. This one won’t last the day.

>> No.4613192

So I got a response from Medibang.
They responded:

"Yes, entries need to follow the Right to Left format commonly found in Japanese publications."

So you all were correct.

>> No.4613198

Ask them if the cover can be in color

>> No.4613206

The rules say monochrome only.

>> No.4613215

At this point I’m just planning for a B&W cover but it’d be good to get that clarified

>> No.4613231

I sent a follow up question. I'll post when I get a response.

>> No.4613273

btw if the thread is dead and a new one isn't made for whatever reason, feel free to just DM me on pixiv

>> No.4613324

New thread.
