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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4573356 No.4573356 [Reply] [Original]

Regardless of all of CSP's fantastic quality-of-life features and tools, Photoshop still "feels" better to actually draw in. Is there some technical difference the could be responsible, or am I just crazy like many artfriends have told me?
I started on PS, but I've used CSP exclusively for 4 years now, and every time I switch back it still feels the same. I only continue with CSP for certain tools and the hate of Adobe themselves.

>> No.4573357

Install Krita

>> No.4573373

CSP is only good for lineart, the rest is just meh and gets bested by PS

>> No.4573381

To draw in? It doesn't matter, use photoshop if you like it more.

>> No.4573383

>including PS and CPS, but not Krita in the comparison

>> No.4573386

Paint Tool Sai is good for lineart, and it's much cheaper than CSP too. For the low low price of 0 dollars.

What CSP is good for is your tablet and smartphone. USe

>> No.4573387

Painting - Photoshop
Coloring - Either
Line art - CSP
But you can do anything in both of them, they just shave time off of certain things better.

>> No.4573426

Oh I see, Krita is an updated and actually free version of paint tool sai. Yes, it must be very good.

>> No.4573432

Sai isn't free. Unless you mean piracy, but then you can pirate CSP too making your point moot.

>> No.4573435

No rules, just tools.

>> No.4573450

Photoshop is cumbersome and the brush engine is shit.
CSP is slow broken shit

Krita is ok across the board, it has powerful editing features and perspective rulers.
>But it doesn't have X
It does you fucking monkey
>But the stab doesn't work
You just broke the settings yourself

>> No.4573466
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>OP asks why photoshop is different to CS
>Krita crabs prove they can't read
It's either just the different stabilizer or PS being on OpenGL. They both can use PSDs, so just swap from one to the other when you need to.

>> No.4573491
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>no liquify

>> No.4573499

Should I use Krita over medibang then?
I bought csp but I gave it to someone else, so I use medibang now but colouring is very hard and ends up ugly
Should I switch to Krita?

>> No.4573534

I don't think a software will fix the coloring.

>> No.4573546

Krita is literally the worst and you fucking clowns need to stop barking at bigger dogs.

>> No.4573551

medibang has really awful brushes, like really bad..
and using nothing but pen to color my drawings is annoying

>> No.4573563

>No liquify tool
>No transform
>Shit animation features
>Shit brush system
No thanks.

>> No.4573566

PS is only really good for photobashing and imitating oily or thickly textured painting. Drawing lineart and sketching is much better in CSP, coloring in cartoony styles is faster in CSP, imitating watercolor is easier in CSP.

So it depends on what you wanna do. Wanna do MtG style stuff? PS. Wanna do manga illustrations? CSP. Wanna do american comic style stuff? Draw lineart in CSP and color it in PS.

>> No.4573581

>PS is only really good for photobashing and imitating oily or thickly textured painting.
this is honestly what tards on /ic/ believe. lol.

>> No.4573585


>> No.4573600

Curious why you say PS feels better to draw in? What tablet are you using? The consensus is usually Clip feeling better to draw in.

The one area where I feel Clip truly excels over PS is blending. The closest PS comes is the Mixer Brush tool, which is unintuitive and laggy.

>> No.4573609

>CSP is slow broken shit
I works absolutely perfectly for me. On both my main desktop pc and my shitty old laptop.

>> No.4573611

CSP doesn't have transform?

Also, its animation feature is more robust and intuitive than Photoshop's.

Brush system is debatable. Photoshop is somewhat limited in its brushes when it comes to replicating traditional media.

>> No.4573750

It has never been actually possible to replicate watercolor in PS without having to go through a dozen steps with layer modes. CSP does it with a single brush.
CC's line tools are exactly the same shit they were in PS7. Utter jaggy, unwieldy shit meant for drawing simple shapes for graphic design, not crisp and beautiful lineart.

Adobe knows their weaknesses, that's why they made Fresco. The /ic/ PSIDF are a bunch of losers who don't even draw but defend their brand loyalty to the death because "it's the industry standard reeeeeeeeeee" when that hasn't been true for the past two years. There's as many people working on CPS, blender, sketchbook, procreate and even fucking krita because Adobe wouldn't give us any meaningful improvements since CS4.

>> No.4573785

CSP watercolor brush is bad, better than PS but still bad. Rebelle and expresii are better for that, but only that.

>> No.4573816

Some weeks ago I tried CSP after more than ten years of PS and liked it from the beginning. It's a bit of everything, blending is great, the pencil feels and looks good, even some controls are like PS.

Besides that it's a complete different tool, but not really bad and if you want a drawing and painting tool and are considering the price, go for CSP. Since Adobe went CC it's down the drain anyway.

If you really want a special challenge in feel and controls try Corel Painter.

>> No.4573820

Nah, it's pretty nice, you just gotta tweak it to your piece.

>> No.4573835

so far Krita's charcoal pencil thin has been a great experience to sketch with, in the end if you really want to work huge like 8k plus then PS is still bettter equipped to handle large files also i would probably still end up using it for post processing anyway

>> No.4573858

CSP. Photoshop is bloatware, CSP is a one time purchase and specifically designed for digital art.CSP is more artist friendly, whilst photshop took years to add in a line smoothing tool.

You can draw well on both, what matters is your skill level

>> No.4574176

Their realistic watercolor round brush is pretty nice.

>> No.4574189
File: 1.93 MB, 3724x2160, фывфыччччччччччччч.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beta build for 4.3 has some new sweet watercolor brushes and is peerfeeecly sablee and usable.

>> No.4574572

i loved krita but configuring palm rejection on my new 2-in-1 was a fucking nightmare, im now a ps user and can't say its much different

>> No.4574714

why is there no latest CSP cracked for mac?

>> No.4574738


does CSP performs well on high res canvas?

>> No.4575548

that is krita?

>> No.4575555

>configuring palm rejection on my new 2-in-1 was a fucking nightmare
Let me guess, Windows?

>> No.4575641

Really wish Photoshop changed those fucking warning popups, really breaks the flow.
>change brush size
>remove a line
>brush size is still selected so it deletes it
>try to draw
>popup appear telling me size is outside range
>have to click Ok or I can't do anything else, with an annoying *TING*
It happens all the time for all sorts of reasons and it's annoying as fuck, really wish they just added some red line or something telling you what's wrong and not bust your nut at the slightest error.

>> No.4575656

I started on PS. I've used it for years but no thanks. CSP is better for illustration. If I wanna paint I go for Krita and Mypaint.
But use whatever you want. It's only about you, not about what other anons do.

>> No.4575737

I feel that clip studio paint is nicer to use for drawing/inking. Especially for manga shit. There's so many nice ink and manga asset brushes you can download made by asians. But I think photoshop is nicer for painting. There's a lot of photoshop brushes you can't recreate in CSP because they are "dual" brushes

I've seen artists create amazing illustrations and paintings from both programs though.

Pretty much this

Those are the new watercolor brushes that are included with Krita 4.3 which is about to release soon. You can download the beta if you want to try them. They simulate watercolor pretty well

>> No.4575765
File: 409 KB, 1355x1109, krita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like krita

>> No.4575767

only 3rd worlder does

>> No.4575772

Seething adobe shill

>> No.4575773

...if by 3rd worlder you mean inhabitants of a better world according to the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics as opposed to a 1st worlder who inhabits a corporate sellout world, then yes, 3rd worlder would prefer this software any time

>> No.4575781

i like adobe too.
i dislike how the bigger industries enable adobes pricing and rental licensing.

>> No.4575800

>Considering for a second that he could have meant something besides that
Fucking 5th worlders

>> No.4575831
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Yes that is Kria and I fucking love it.

Krita is what CSP wish i could be.
It has editting features that rival Photoshop in most aspects
>adjustment layeerees
>can edit a group layer without a performance loss
>Cross channel curve adjustment
that can do crazy shit if you understand it, it can shift hue/saturation/value depending on either of those parameters. What does i mean? I means that you for example can shift your reds hue towards purplr or orange and make it more vibrant without affecing the rest of the picture, you can ttint your lights or shadows, change saturation only for the dark or right or red colors, it's supr powerful.

And in the same time Krita has a modern and powerful brush engine just like CSP. But unlike CSP it has proper multi threading support and high performance. I can transform in real time, it can move in real time and it cam paint with bigger brushes quicker. Gone are the days of moving first and then waiting for it to update and show you how it moved as th poor csp cucks used to.

The very reason i chose Krita is because I don't need to waste time and ass pain of switching back and forth between CSP and PS with different color profiles and other problems, in fact I don't use either CSP or PS anymore, because Krita is good at both painting and editing.

The only valid criticisms are that the text tool is actually bad and most of the default mixing brushes are less than fantastic, which you could always change, find some custom brushes or make your own.

>> No.4575901

still going to do my lineart on csp though

>> No.4575946
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Many people complain about thee stabilizer in Krita which is fucking baffling.
You can just change the settings(bottom right on my screenshot) if you don't like it lol. It does anything from super light smoothing to full on slow motion and has a pull-string circle mode which you can disable or enable however you wish.

Having adjusted the stab to your preferences Krita actually feels more responsive and snappier. The cursor and brush follow your hand quicker and allow you to feel i tighter.

>> No.4575959

i'll take my vector layer + curve line tool + auto snap + thickening line tool. compared to spamming ctrl+z, controlling line quality with pressure and being accurate enough with screenless tablet to not waste time.

>> No.4575982
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ewww, sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I'd think learning to control your own fucking hand would pay off in the long run.

>> No.4576000

if i could ink a full body character in under 10-15 minutes in a traditional way but digitally i would do that since it feels more natural, but i can't. good for you if you can though.

>> No.4576019

>not buying an Apple iPad Pro 12.9 for 1k and then using procreate
ngmi my friend

>> No.4576024

>his display is under 30"

>> No.4576025

>not buying a thinkpad/surface tablet and running linux on it

>> No.4576032

>using tools to draw
lmao at this plebs

>> No.4576052

>i draw in my imagination, suck it plebs

>> No.4576687

These look like shit compared to CSP

>> No.4576689

I can work up to 4K with no lag in a Ryzen 3 2200g

>> No.4576700

CSP does all that except meme liquify. What shit computer are you using that transforming isn't real time?

>> No.4576724

my computer is literal pee-pee-poo-poo dogshit and yet it runs csp really well most of the time, while it fucking flips its shit at krita

>> No.4576763
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>What shit computer are you using that transforming isn't real time?

R7 2700X @ 4.2Ghz
16GB DDR4 @ 1733 Mhz
Vega 64 Niro+

I basically purpose built the creative workstation with the best shit on the market 2 years ago.

>> No.4576765

Eventually Krita will be the Blender of art programs but it just isn't there yet.

>> No.4576770

give it 2 more decades, and then 5 more decades for the industry to adopt it so you can use it too

>> No.4576773

I would argue it is.

>> No.4576797

I don't need some """industry""" of starbucks sipping faggots to allow what I can and what I cannot do.

And as I heard they are eager to dump the shitfire that is PS ASAP already buying CSP licenses in studios and allow the people to use krita or Affinity too.
Not only Adobe treated and keeps treating the art crowd as someee kind of unwanted bastards but they dare to crank up their subscriptions too. PS literally costs infinite money to run and the studios would get fucked in court for pirating.
>2019 brand new features
WOO HOOO It only took two decades of begging for them to introduce the most essential features OH WOW, I bet we get a crisp brush engine in 2050 and maybe blending in 2070.

You know what? Go to your industry and tell them to lick my balls.

>> No.4576813

just checking the thread for this reply
based no liquify poster

>> No.4576820

based and gmi

>> No.4576827

GIMP master race plebs

>> No.4576831
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>These look like shit compared to CSP
Oh really? Do they?

>> No.4576841

My R3 with 8GB DDR4 does it in real time. Check for resource leaks in your OS.

>> No.4576846

Yeah, and you know it.
CSP's behave like auto actions, Krita's behave like texture stamps.

>> No.4576850

what happens when you stroke on top of those strokes, will it blend like watercolor?

>> No.4576852
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""""industry standard""" on the left

>> No.4576858

I have photoshop CC 2020, and Krita is hands down better for drawing painting. Haters probably haven't tried since many versions ago, or are just too hung up on wanting everything to be exactly like photoshop but free.

>> No.4576870

Depends on the settings you give them. The thing with CSP brushes vs PS is they remain completely mutable at all times and you don't ruin them because you changed a setting and now your spider webs stamp brush paints dicks instead.

>> No.4576874

>and now your spider webs stamp brush paints dicks instead
A recurring problem in the industry.

>> No.4576879

get rid of anti aliasing if you don't want feathering duh

>> No.4576884

Or Kritafags are mentally ill cunts who can't stand people liking any other software and act like they've sunk millions of dollars in their shitty software choice and need to justify it online when all they've spent is their worthless time.

I've tried every single drawing and graphic design software since Paint Shop Pro and right now CSP+Sketchbook is my favorite setup. When Procreate adds gradient maps and other QoL stuff that may change. But Krita, PS and Corel Painter are all solidly in the "clunky swiss army knife when all you need is a spoon" category and instead of streamlining their shit to a faster, more efficient modern workflow they keep adding bells and whistles instead.

>> No.4576935

try paintstorm studio

>> No.4576942

>swiss army knife when all you need is a spoon
>CSP+Sketchbook is my favorite setup
>switching back and forh between two applications

I'd rather eat with one army knife than fiddling between the chopsticks and a fork.

>> No.4576949

Implying any pro doesn't post-process the shit out of their PS photbash in AE.

>> No.4576962

any art program is fine and which one is best for any individual depends on their personal taste and how well their computer can run shit. in the right situation, even mspaint can work pretty well. however, if you actually pay for photoshop instead of pirating it then youre unironically fucking pathetic.

>> No.4576964

>get rid of anti aliasing if you don't want feathering duh
The right on has some anti aliasing and no feathering.

>> No.4576973

The best part of being a first worlder is that I can live like a third worlder if I choose not because I have no other choice. Enjoy sewing Nikes for our sellout corporations so that they can make another billion off your cheep labor and sell products to people that would consider you less than mud.

>> No.4576982

the good thing about 3rd world is selling a commission for $20 and living for the entire month

>> No.4576984

Why is the entire board of you rich first worlders is bitching and moaning about having old computers, bad monitors, not affording cintiqs and waiting for trumpbucks to get an ipad or a huion screen?

What did you choise to be poor? Or are you actually a mommy's jobless basement dweller?

>> No.4577003

how am I supposed to know how frickin 1st worlders think, they be cray-cray

>> No.4577569
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How the fuck do I get a pen brush to just become round (second one) and remove the stupid line thinning at the ends (rest of them) I keep fiddling with the tool settings but I just cannot find the setting

>> No.4577572

disable pressure for opacity and size

>> No.4577612
File: 152 KB, 867x531, 1588947282688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon. Wouldn't have been able to find that small button. I'm almost there, the last thing I need to know is how to achieve that fade on borders, do you know how can I achieve this?

>> No.4577954

I recently got recommended Paintstorm for painting, is it good?

>> No.4577982

What is it about CSP that makes it so much better for lineart than Photoshop?
At the same time what is it that makes it so much worse for painting?

>> No.4578007

>What is it about CSP that makes it so much better for lineart than Photoshop?
Vector Layers
>At the same time what is it that makes it so much worse for painting?
Photoshop shills

>> No.4578475

bitch, make a new thread
Krita/PS vs Corel Painter vs Paintstorm or somethin

>> No.4578675

>Photoshop shills
Looking through artstation while filtering by software has shown significantly less results of full on painted work made in CSP than with any other painting software.
And even then it shows that most paintings made with CSP were done in in conjunction with PS.

>> No.4578684
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What is the best program to replicate traditional like pic related. line/ shading and texture quality. without looking like plastic.
they look so ugly when i try to do them in Photoshop.
Also any artist who does this in digital ?

>> No.4578686

Popularity is no measure of qualiy, PS was the first advanced image editor and became a tradition. Now the people are just used to it and entire books are written about it.

>> No.4578688

actual pen and paper

>> No.4578690

any program you're good at.
You'd have to paint the picture and them paint the texture into it.

But why the fuck do you want that?

>> No.4578764

just download some pencil brushes

>> No.4578780

>pull-string circle mode

Can you elaborate on what that is?

>> No.4578785

Gahh, I unironically would love to have that life.

>> No.4578840

>tfw in 3rd world country living from commissions in a nice apartment while also paying for a house

>> No.4578846
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Your bush behaves as if it was pulled on a string behind the cursor.

good for making sharp urns or very accurate lines if you're into stabilizers a lot.

>> No.4580948

This. Krita has so many options and it's a program whose brush engine is specifically geared towards digital artists, no Lazynezumi etc. required

>> No.4581110

I've never seen a digital drawing or painting that perfectly imitates traditional media. We're dealing with variations too subtle and manifold for humans to consciously pick up on and replicate.

>> No.4581480

yeah i've been trying csp for a while and it just doesnt feel as good as photoshop

>> No.4581575

oh it definitely does, that anon just got peanut brain

>> No.4581579

I mean, who the fuck buying this shit? I pirated everything and have everything installed. Corel, PS, CSP but since i'm not using lineart i prefer working in PS