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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4511527 No.4511527 [Reply] [Original]

>anon is giving harsh criticism
>ask him to post work
>stops replying

>> No.4511530
File: 84 KB, 904x864, זה לא יקרה.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op, again makes another very gay and shitty shitpost, mercilessly murdering a thread

>> No.4511534
File: 80 KB, 562x522, 1587008719539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You post work
>Faggot starts going through mental gymnastics find a coping mechanism
>Starts to accuse you of finding an obscured chink artist as your work
>You're only good because you've been drawing the same things for years!
>T-that'll show them! heh...

>> No.4511536

>one less ngmi OP who should've fucked off to /beg/ anyway
>one more hilarious thread to boost the morale of the entire board
I'd say definitely worth it

>> No.4511541


If you post your own work and are actually better than them, then THEY find an obscure chink artist and attempt to pull it off as their own

>> No.4511543
File: 325 KB, 701x612, 96DA1863-5963-4989-A1C8-199EA1B20BAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know which thread you’re referencing, kek.

>> No.4511548

/ic/ is just for shit post.

>> No.4511549
File: 362 KB, 668x743, C559C4B6-43B7-44DB-A21C-666B1BF7FA3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You slimy bastard lol

>> No.4511550

link it

>> No.4511552

>anon is shitting on someone elses drawing
>ask him to redline it
>he does
>everyone in the thread laughs at his pathetic excuse of a redline
every time

>> No.4511553
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x2048, image3A11146_Glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to draw thread
>not the porn thread
>full of porn anyway
>posts good drawing rooted in fundamentals
>0 replies
>posts porn
>sees reply to sfw drawing
>Loomis meme

>> No.4511555

Not him but here u go

>> No.4511558

Enjoy yourself

>> No.4511559

>You're only good because you've been drawing the same things for years!
I have said exactly this to Mikufag and I'm not ashamed of it.
Dude should learn how to draw more than one character in one pose before he gets on such a high horse and starts lecturing others.

>> No.4511591

so redline it is better than pyw?

>> No.4511594

I bet you see Mikus face in your nightmares. Ngmi

>> No.4511596

He's not good though.

>> No.4511599

Well he's better than me.

>> No.4511601
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>> No.4511605

>hurrr how does that help you duuur
>post my work
>they all shutup

This board is full of losers and I can’t wait till I get to such an advanced level that I can beat the ever loving shit verbally out of every anon and back it up with work every single time.

>> No.4511606

>Post work
>guys reverse search my work
>finds my other works
>finds a picture of me with my mom at a party

>> No.4511631

Or they’ll just cope by crabbing you, kek.

>> No.4511650

They’ll nitpick you to high hell, every single brushstroke and line they can see.

>> No.4511660

Literally isn't worth posting your art here unless it's porn or a reaction image.

>> No.4511709

I just read that thread because I initially had it hidden like 99% of the threads that get made.. All those people doubting the artist are actual retards haha. Good on him for posting his work that actually made them all think he was so good that it's lying.
I hide the fact that I come on this board. The only thing useful about this place AT ALL is the artbook general so I usually hide eveything but those threads.

>> No.4512979

>p-post your work if you're going to criticize me!
Holy shit what a defensive insecure bitch move.

>> No.4512983

Every /asg/fag ever.

>> No.4513006


>> No.4513013

>anon is giving harsh criticism
>ask him to post work
>it’s Mikufag

>> No.4513031

>Replies: 306
>Posters: 83
I’m extremely doubtful that someone samefagging this hard should have anything to be happy about.

>> No.4513050
File: 33 KB, 1138x626, 37646939-82CF-418B-9377-1182C77D81FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringey smug anime pic

>> No.4513076
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absolute titanic thread

>> No.4513101

>starts the thread by suggesting some jap artist stole your work
>"Starts to accuse you of finding an obscured chink artist as your work"

I like how you are coping so hard that you have to falsify how the whole thing actually went down so it counts as a victory in your tiny mind.

>> No.4513109

it's like that sometimes, keep posting and someone will notice you anon

>> No.4513124

I see your mental gymnastics are still hard at work, I'm not the original artist that devastated your booty just admit they annihilated you beyond any form of rebuttal no matter how hard you try and spin that thread in your favor.

>> No.4513130
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1513741102990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather receive those "vague insults" over not getting any feedback or advice on my art.

>> No.4513138

a classic

>> No.4513150


It's so good to see that the retard has to be told by his other buttbuddies in discord to not apologize and stop posting because he's too braindead to make that decision himself.

Good on you for killing any growth he may have had on his art because you have to defend your shitty little circlejerk group's honor.

>> No.4513158

>just admit they annihilated you beyond any form of rebuttal

>"I posted that picture on X date on my tumblr! That was before the jap artist posted his traced picture on twitter!"
>some anon rips the entire content of that guy's tumblr and there's nothing posted on X date

wow looks like /ic/ is out or arguments, checkmate

>> No.4513167
File: 1.28 MB, 1061x1500, 1549345612844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sweetie, we're not trying to defend anyone here we could give two shits about the other guy but haven't you noticed that the whole premise of that post was entirely about you and how hard others desperately try to cope whenever we post our work? Now it seems that you went from claiming he stole work to post as his own to tracing it instead. We've reached the bargaining stage for grief fucking kek.

>> No.4513183

>we're not trying to defend anyone here we could give two shits about the other guy
>but I am going to keep replying to you about it because he definitely didn't do anything wrong

sounds like cope to me tbqh

>> No.4513209
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 1585668086944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-you see! He's replying to me that means he's associated with a bunch of discord trannies which means they must all be trying to defend their ringleader buttbuddy which was that one guy I lost an internet argument with which means he is automatically guilty by default otherwise they wouldn't be replying to me if he wasn't guilty and it's not my absolute bout of autism and mental retardation that they're replying to which means they're just trying to cope and I'm right and they're wrong
>musings of a man who got lost in his plight by simply asking to post your work
Hello darkness, my old friend...

>> No.4513212

The sperg from that thread is here? Lmao wow

>> No.4513280

>*types a novella in your path*


>> No.4513300

I fartied

>> No.4513302

Wrong thread idiot

>> No.4513415

Link the thread

>> No.4513764
File: 28 KB, 640x688, 1543090666205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give harsh criticism
>close thread and never open it again
>feel great

>> No.4513996


>> No.4514033

>anon is drawing baby tier broken shit
>praise his work and ask for blog
>one competitor fewer

>> No.4514043

>being so good that people don't believe you are real
this is my definition of making it

>> No.4514120
File: 55 KB, 464x404, 1573242898139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just find it fucking sad more than anything that the usual /asg/ suspects are so incapable of accepting that a black american can draw their beloved anime that they feel the need to accuse him of stealing

its probably why Saw doesnt post his work on /ic/ frequently anymore, in fact, its sad in general seeing talented people i know stop posting on /ic/ because this place has nothing to offer anymore except people who sour grapes everything you post

>> No.4514154

For a good minute I thought you were talking about me as I get accused of tracing/stealing despite showing proof.

I guess /ic/ has a problem with black artists being better than them. Let that be another motivator for all you POV artists lurking that you can make these losers kneel for being better at the one thing they’re supposed to be making a living in.

>> No.4514166

I mean, a lot of /pol/tards are in /ic/ and there’s a lot of ironic/unironic racism on this board for some reason. What did you expect from this shithole?

>> No.4514464
File: 43 KB, 1000x900, Testicools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is giving harsh criticism
>ask him to post work
>3rd anon comes in and posts horrible art pretending to be crit Anon
>crit Anon gets dogpiled with hate
>crit Anon pretends to be 4th Anon and hates crit Anon and fake art Anon

>> No.4514504
File: 65 KB, 500x792, 1556656177389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
