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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4446619 No.4446619 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid Questions Thread

>> No.4446623

Is there a way to do more than just the round brush shape in Sai? I've been doing a lot of tradional gestures w/ sideways charcoal and would like to do this in Sai as well.

>> No.4446666

what is a good starters tablet with a display. though I want to try for a more traditional style, like impressionist/romantic style landscapes, so what would be a good software for realistic oil, that can mix and blend.

>> No.4446748
File: 172 KB, 800x592, derp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What elements do you like/dislike about splash art/promotional digital paintings?
(For example, a scene with battling monsters and heros within a semi-complex environment.)

I read a post here where an anon mentioned that they find all such art grating, so am curious if any of you have any tips as to the nuts and bolts of what elements might lead you to feel a splash piece is either excellent or lackluster. I'm trying to paint such a scene well enough that someone like this anon would honestly enjoy it.
(Mentioning individual pieces you like/dislike would help, too, if you feel like giving visual examples of the sorts of things you love/dislike)

>> No.4446761
File: 349 KB, 1920x1200, qiyana-splash-art-lol-uhdpaper.com-8K-125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legless character standing in front of a green screen
i'm tired of it.

>> No.4446785

Thanks for the tip, I get you
Any complex promotional vidya art that you really enjoy? (Things like battle scenes or heros vs. foes in fleshed out settings, etc?)

>> No.4446850

How is DrawABox?

>> No.4446851

How is Prokos FREE videos(as in, without the premium courses bought)

>> No.4447296
File: 53 KB, 584x676, astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took learning how to draw seriously a few years ago but stopped after graduating from college and working. Now my life has stabilized + quarantine gave me time to learn again and I've lost all my miniscule gains from beginning.

Pic related was the farthest I can go, not impressive by any means but I'm seriously proud of it and I'm so frustrated I can't even do that again. Does taking that long of a break mean I have to start from square one?

>> No.4447316

What videos helped you guys understand how to do value studies in color?

>> No.4447381

Is it okay to drag the side of your hand against the drawpad to help control your lines? I find the friction makes it immensely easier to keep the line from wobbling all over the place.

>> No.4447414

I have an old samsung tablet with a pen that I never use. I want to use it for drawing. What's a good android app equivalent to photoshop?

I don't want to have to just use photopea for everything, i'd like something I can use offline as well

>> No.4447517

I want to get the momentum for a comic/visual novel project going. What would you guys recommend to get the ball rolling and raise interest? I have a few designs already, but not sure about what steps I should take now.

>> No.4447576

Do you have a story in mind? I'd say build a narrative with the characters in mind (don't be too rigid though, characters can change from conception to better suit the story you're trying to tell. Or vice versa, change the story to suit the character's personality and motivations)

>> No.4447664

How easily does doing stuff like this get you a job? Should I try doing it?

>> No.4447671

Infinite Painter.

>> No.4447689

ive been in the industry for 5 years. I worked on a couple big name projects. I get paid 70k cad. Is that enough? according to feng I should be a millionaire by now

>> No.4447701

I do, though much of it is loose and the details (such as the magic system and the politics of the various factions) are still vague. Past the initial arc, though, it's a bit of a crapshoot as to whether to go with a conventional rpg/adventure story or go for Total War sort of thing.

It's going to take a few years to build up with some free short stories of events leading up to the current crisis. Lore, major battles, simple gag shorts, etc.

I just have no idea where to start.

>> No.4447759

How do I get better at consistency with shapes? Retaining information enough to replicate it on a whim or derivatives like it. Does it fall under muscle memory at large?

>> No.4447767

How do you get any job in any industry with math skills of a 3rd grader?

>> No.4447811

I wouldn't get hung up on where to "start". Just draw/write out one of the major battles. Don't focus so much on trying to cram too much in at once. Write it like it's chapter 12 and not chapter 1. You can always rearrange chapters later to something more linear. Sometimes it's better to start in the middle then get hung up on the beginning and never start

>> No.4447862

I notice I am utterly slow in art. Outputting actual effort takes more time than anyone else who can do anything they want in a flash in comparison it feels like. If I were to as swiftly I couldn't process what I am doing almost I'm just not used to it. If I were to improve myself in this I feel like I need to forcefully go faster even if it may give garbage results at first. Would this help get me slowly adjust to my normal skill level while also having a newly acquired speed or would I just be wasting my time? I'm still unsure about how to tackle this. It doesn't seem like a common occurrence for people otherwise it'd be an easy look up a solution.

>> No.4447993

pyw and your time spent

>> No.4447993,1 [INTERNAL] 

its there any important diference in the ´´methods´´ of vilppu and huston, or its like the same thing with diferent aproaches to feeling the form? and if thats the case wich aproach do you feel its better?

>> No.4448463
File: 199 KB, 2160x1620, 2BDA63E9-E227-4049-8F1B-4C1499877619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make the brushes of procreate totally black?
I want to avoid those grey pixels. I know how to do it in photoshop but not in procreate…

>> No.4448514

yes, but you might only take half the time to get there again. No harm in trying

>> No.4448659

Pretty much. It's all practice/ constructive thinking. The more you do it the more refined and intuitive it'll become. Take Scott Robertson as an example. His lines are as straight as a ruler and his circles are almost perfect. The only way he was able to achieve that was constantly drawing them.

>> No.4448665
File: 32 KB, 236x205, arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to learn digital painting and I feel like I've heard people say use a hard round brush with opacity pen pressure. It is awkward to use because if I want to continue painting in the same tone it makes these lines because it adds over what Ive already painted. Is there a better alternative or fix for this or do I just need to git good?

>> No.4448696
File: 1.03 MB, 1855x842, Screenshot-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What elements do you like/dislike about splash art/promotional digital paintings?
Soul/soullessness issues. Something about them (and high res porn) just feel tacky and uninspired. I'm not sure if they all are soulless or if it's just association.

I think the only example of promo art I like is pic related, and that might well be because I have never seen it before on its own and I associate it with the song.
I think the core issue is that it doesn't have an underlying mood, or feel. The point of it is to just look cool and sell the product. It feels bland because of it.

>> No.4448697
File: 92 KB, 646x960, ''Something's moving in the snow...'', by ChasingArtwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

example of 'epic' art that I nabbed off Deviantart because it does have a mood

>> No.4448699
File: 772 KB, 600x788, ascended_sleeper_by_chilkat_d36oksj-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4448701
File: 106 KB, 1200x928, Wrath__Of_The_Dragon_by_VampirePrincess007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4448703

Why do I get so frustrated when I draw sometimes? I just want the art to be good, but the n I freeze up and procrastinate on the drawing for hours. I then just browse 4chan or watch videos while the program is open on another monitor, I don't know how to prioritize it without me taking breaks on it.

>> No.4448707
File: 104 KB, 717x1014, chubby_bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I'm done drawing something digitally and have to change the size and resolution for upload, how do I avoid the image having sever aliasing issues? This happens regardless of the dpi and regardless of if I save it as a PNG or JPG file. I usually work over 4000-5000pxs both horizontally and vertically at 600 dpi, usually try to resize my image just over 1000 pxs both horizontally and vertically at around 300 dpi, regardless I have aliasing issues. Example attached.

>> No.4448710

Are you going in with a plan or a goal for what you're drawing? If not, make a habit of drawing in a sketchbook, allow that to build ideas and get your creativity flowing. Once you have actual ideas you want to draw digitally, then you can focus on the goals you want to accomplish in that image.

>> No.4448717
File: 382 KB, 499x516, 1558745052148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn in two weeks because I got a new job and it was killing me.
What's the best way to get back into it? Just draw as usual?

>> No.4448719

>wanting the art to be good
if you're /beg/, this is borderline suicidal. practice drawings have zero value outside of what you learned from them.
if you're drawing for money, disregard this.

>> No.4448723
File: 87 KB, 579x587, digi thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smth like this took maybe a half an hour to an hour I forget exactly. Half or so with ref at the end but only to retain the style because it was my first time doing it.

>> No.4448731

This was an absolutely fantastic answer. I've felt out of my depth when considering this issue for a while now, but you cleared it up perfectly. Thanks very much!

>> No.4448736
File: 260 KB, 1080x1515, IMG_20180711_163340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do I learn how to shade and make the cool sfx shit like fire and glittery stupid bullshit

Also also is it ok if I literally use a reference for everything I draw, even if it's like conglomorations of different references, like a different leg or arm from a different source here or there

>> No.4448737

Any time, man.
Wait- dumb, not-art-related question: how expensive is salmon where you live?
This isn't related to anything I just don't know how to google this and didn't want to bother /ck/. It feels weirdly inexpensive where I live for how people talk about it.

>> No.4448743

I have no clue what program to draw in, I've been using Photoshop for the longest time whenever I gained the drive to do so but I feel like there's always something more I could be doing with the program than what I am doing.
Like through either brush type, special effects, other bullshit like that. Everything I draw just feels kind of basic and I really don't know where to begin correcting that.

>> No.4448744
File: 28 KB, 600x628, 1585177444623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I practice first if I'm a beg? Anatomy or gesture?
yes that picture is supposed to grab your attention

>> No.4448746
File: 477 KB, 2500x1030, Red Mountain, AlexeyRudikov, Devart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, also I just realized- I think something about the extreme detailing draws attention away from the important parts of the picture. I just realized looking at the ones I posted that they're sort of underdone when you're not looking at the giant robot or the wizard.
I think this one draws your eye to the mountain first because its in the center and outlined by fire. After that you look around and see all the things its threatening to devastate.

>> No.4448766
File: 232 KB, 900x723, oh itsafinedayforfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey yeah, you're right there, too. I know a ton of factoids as to what can make for a nice composition, but have trouble applying one without many of the others dropping out of my awareness. I was just making my painting much too busy, you're exactly right that areas of simplicity can make a painting much nicer.

As to the salmon, funny you should ask that, because it's the main dish my region is known for, since i live near the sea, and my distant relatives always marvel at its low price when they visit, since it's not even sold where they're from. So keeping in mind it's supposed to be really pretty cheap here, it's about $8/€7.24 per lb. A whole fillet (farm raised) is about $18.30. You can get exquisite just-caught wild salmon astoundingly cheap though sometimes, if you go down to the docks and buy directly from the fishermen.

>> No.4448784

How do you draw in perspective when vanishing points don even fit on the sheet?

>> No.4448794

>$8/€7.24 per lb
Yeah that's weird- 8 bucks per pound here and it goes on sale regularly for 6. And that's in Canadian money, it's worth less than US.

>> No.4448806

Sounds like it's pretty similar where we both live. (I'm in the US.) The number I just grabbed is from the grocery a couple miles from my house, it's cheaper a few miles further along, I'd say 6-8 is about average here, too. It's kinda like a holiday though when there's been a really big catch and a crew is handing out titanic top-quality fish by the armful for the barest fraction of the stores' prices. Cheers~

>> No.4448812

What will help me draw random shit better in general?
>in b4 fundies
Im talking like a book or video course

>> No.4448834

How do I get some square-ish brushes in CSP? That's the one thing I'm currently missing from Photoshop.

>> No.4448835


>> No.4448838

Gesture definitely. Anatomy is something you build onto it. I’d recommend Vilppu’s Renaissance figure drawing course. Nice picture, saved.

>> No.4448876

So I have finished steve huston course on NMA.
I'm mediocre at best not improving that much lately. I think I will improve in the future when I put alot of mileage.
Anyway what should I focus on next? And any recommended course?

>> No.4448980

that seems pretty dang normal to me.

>> No.4449093

When people recommend loomis what does that actually mean? I get his books have exercises in them but they feel really useless and always skip a lot of steps that I have no idea how closely I should be trying to follow along or what I'm actually trying to grasp.

>> No.4449139

How come CSP freezes every few minutes and lags whenever I use large brushes?

>> No.4449165

What's the best tutorial on how to use CSP (or photoshop if some of the processes are the same)?
I mean, when I watch a random drawing video on youtube and the person is just drawing, I'll see little things like only a certain feature (like an arm or the face) being selected and contorted slightly to fit better (instead of the artist just erasing/redrawing area from scratch). I imagine there's some good keyboard shortcuts that go into all that too.
Another thing I've seen and fascinated me - when someone had a finished line-art, they brought up a color palette, hit some button(??) and it auto-filled the page with color, but it was actually able to be close to what the actual base color was. Then the artist could just slightly retool the elements with ease. Like, how the fuck does that work?

So yeah, any good video/tutorial that touches on those aspects?

>> No.4449348

I still don't understand why wanting the art to be perfect or look good is a bad thing.

>> No.4449367
File: 346 KB, 474x508, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i push myself into spending all my time in art ?

I know here are things that i could do whole day
> jerk off my dick
> play games
> watch yt
> sleep

But i cant do that with art, is there a way to somehow get lost in making of art and forget about distractions, like instead of looking for fun in movies etc you are having that fun on canvas, how the fk i do that ?
How do i break through that barrier, is it possible to make art activity you can do without getting tired or burned out ?
Kim jung gi said art is like breathing to him and i can tell he is telling truth, but how do i approach such mindset

>> No.4449370

Draw a square on a new layer. Go Edit -> Register Materials -> Image. Give it a name. Turn on "use for brush tip". Put in folder All Materials -> Image Materials -> Brush. Create a copy of a subtool like waterbrush. Hit the wrench. Brush Shape -> Brush Tip -> Material. Find name you saved the square as. You now have a square-ish brush.

>> No.4449387

Abandon the top three activities and only do the last one an drawing.

>> No.4449404
File: 58 KB, 236x338, 2020-03-27_18-13-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im addicted

>> No.4449408

Yes, get addicted to drawing to the point your arm swoles up.

>> No.4449416

No plan, I just start drawing until something comes to mind

>> No.4449418
File: 49 KB, 640x392, ahiutqqxkbf41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>4449404 (You)
>Yes, get addicted to drawing to the point your arm swoles up.

omg this is a good advice i just need to somehow cling to drawing like i cling to coom

i wonder how can i achieve that, addiction to art, thats a good first step

>> No.4449422

How do I study? Is just choosing photos of the subject I wanna learn and copying it to the best of my ability a waste of time?

Where can I get art friends? I like /ic/ for its honesty but I wanna make genuine connections.

>> No.4449535

Tablet come with gloves because hands are oily. But what about arms? I know they're less oily, obviously, but could my bare arm still harm my tablet? I hate drawing with a piece of cloth hindering me

>> No.4449628
File: 7 KB, 230x219, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must first pray to loomis to give you the strength to draw again, next you must finger your asshole to appease the tumblr gods so they dont curse you with regression and being gay.

>> No.4449735

Scott Robertson's how to draw book has a part that covers perspective grids with vanishing points off the canvas

>> No.4449748

If only I learnt this when I was in my formative years...

Think about your skill overall than what you are specifically making. Besides as you improve your past stuff will pale in comparison to what you later do. Think about progression.

>> No.4449766

I haven't drawn in over a year. Good luck, anon, lord knows I need it. I'm starting again tomorrow. (I swear)

>> No.4449903

who are some good informative/teaching youtubers to follow that do more traditional styles but digital art? It seems most youtubers who do digital are heavily on the side of anime/animation which I have no interest in.

>> No.4449911

Play around with your pressure opacity so that you can lay in a solid stroke more easily.

>> No.4450313

Is is possible to paint something without making a lineart?

>> No.4450319

No, it’s impossible. Don’t even try or your fingers will fall off.

>> No.4450338

Which art book or art master will help me draw thicc anime bitches

>> No.4450359

Check what rescaling method your program is using. There should be several options. Bilinear, bicubic, and lanczos will give you smooth scaling. Nearest neighbor will give you hard pixelated areas.

>> No.4450372


>> No.4450386

First, get a wrist timer and set it for one hour. You don't have to change your schedule afterwards, you just are now aware of how the hour passed.

Next up would be visiting yourbrainonporn
Apparently it exists to sell a book but I'm just interested in the website's claims and testimonials. The testimonials specifically come from an unrelated subreddit about the subject, they're not faked.

TL;DR nofap gives you a lot of good shit- increased motivation, sociability and will even undo recently acquired fetishes. I haven't tried it myself, I'm fine with becoming a Cenobite, but it's useful for other people and reading about porn and the mind is fascinating.

>> No.4450433
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, tehmeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to sound very useless but assess and reassess. Do thing, think on why you didn't like thing, find out how to fix thing.
>art friends
People like people who are earnest and helpful. I'd say just make some new accounts on various websites and just engage with people. Be entertaining. Mention you want to be an artist where relevant. Make fanart for people when you want to, propose deals and ideas that benefit them if you think of any. For most people you can probably get your foot in the door just politely asking for help.

>> No.4450523

It's like a strength training program where all you do is try to go out and lift your car. The average person will just fucking destroy himself before making progress.
A /beg/ is missing a thousand nigh unteachable skills that he can only acquire through trial and error and practice, he has to build them up slowly and it involves a lot of fuckups. There's no point in asking "does it look good?", because of course it doesn't.
The appearance is useful only as feedback to learn, and the evaluation should be along the lines of "I'm working on x, so ignoring all this other ugliness, how well did i understand what i was trying to do, even if i fucked it up? did any part of it work out well? did anything feel different about this attempt? should i try it a few more times or try something else?" and so on.

>> No.4451042

Am I the best artist in here? I think I am certainly

>> No.4451054

yes stan

>> No.4451072

Are there any good sites or books that contain alot of dynamic poses, with lots of forshortening? Any will do but lewd is best

>> No.4451078

hyper angle books in the artbook thread

>> No.4451082

How do I stop hating learning so much? I love drawing, I really do. I could spend hours just doodling shit from imagine or random reference drawings. But when I'm trying to make gains that all stops. I can't fucking focus or not get bored during a lecture or book and inevitably fuck off to do something else or start drawing random shit. I really want to make it but this is killing my chances. What do?

>> No.4451110

Im looking through a few drawings and i noticed commonly that the spine is sometimes bent back it would snap but it makes the pose more eggerated. Is this ok to do or no?

>> No.4451152

Bumping this but specifically this post because i have this problem except sorta opposite. How do you stop hating your drawings because their shit and learning at the same time?

>> No.4451322
File: 349 KB, 620x534, 2020-02-22_23-48-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could spend hours just doodling shit from imagine or random reference drawings.

just doodle and exercises at the same time lol, putting characters in boxes etc
>But when I'm trying to make gains that all stop
i mean you get gains from regular drawing and doodling as long as you dont do the same thing and try different stuff all time, if you go to comfort zone each time you doodle then yeah 0 gains.

>> No.4451326

>Next up would be visiting yourbrainonporn
oh i know everything on porn, i decided to never quit it after countless no faps.
Its not possible in first place if you are artist and most references make your dick go AAAaa

>First, get a wrist timer and set it for one hour.
phone could work too right

>> No.4451528


>> No.4451597

can someone give me a tutorial for this?

>> No.4451625

That's great advice on both questions as far as I can tell, thank you fren.

>> No.4451683

Just got a tablet, since it acts as a second monitor, is there anyway to disable that when I'm not using it? Mouse gets lost sometimes and/or leaves a game window

>> No.4451697

Also seems to be fucking with my mouse a bit

>> No.4451704

Go through Ctrl+Paint, it'll teach you all the fundamentals of digital art software.

>a certain feature (like an arm or the face) being selected and contorted slightly to fit better (instead of the artist just erasing/redrawing area from scratch)
Lasso and transform tool. Lasso is mapped to 'L' in PS and 'M' in CSP. Transform is Ctrl+T. (ideally, you should customize your own shortcuts, Ctrl+Paint have a video on this).
You can also use Liquify if you're using PS.

>it auto-filled the page with color, but it was actually able to be close to what the actual base color was
I have no idea what this means.

>> No.4451705

unplug it genius

>> No.4451728

I *guess*, but that's kinda tedious. Was hoping for an actual "off" option.

>> No.4451807

Thanks for the input. I'll be sure to check that out. Quick side-question, would you or the sources provided be able to tell me why my CSP is only partially translated? All the items in my toolbar display Japanese text with the letter corresponding to the key used to select it when I hover over it with my mouse. But other parts are in English when I hover over them. Official copy and everything, but I'd like to not have to guess what each tool does by looking at the icon.

>I have no idea what this means.
I wish I could find an example of it, but I know I've seen it, and it happened so fast I don't know how they did it. But I'm guessing they had some sort of custom color palette up, then they did some sort of key combination, and the whole page filled with colors from that palette. Like if it was a scene in the woods, the program was pretty accurate in rendering the backgrounds with dark browns and whatnot. And if there was a character in the foreground, the program was able to render the color of the character's skin and hair. Or close to it at least. It laid the foundation and the artist just had to quickly change the hair color here, and a random object there.

>> No.4451823

What's the best way to point out that people are offering unhelpful unsolicited advice without seeming like an ungrateful 'never improve' bastard?

>> No.4451824

How can I get a better motor coordination?

>> No.4451827

Some artists I follow have a discord server for fans to chat. What's the point of this? Is it beneficial to have once you start get a somewhat large fanbase?

>> No.4451833 [DELETED] 

always great to see ex-/ic/ regulars making it that are not fucking hacks like IIya.

>> No.4451925

Neither of them. Perspective first, then rendering..

>> No.4451950


>> No.4451963

Anyone have good examples of sketchbook instagram/twitter/etc that mainly show quick sketches of people who arent posing, like cafe sketches etc ?
Preferably from professional artists as it seems to mainly be beginners/students that show these kind of sketches.

>> No.4451969

if the artist is smart he can basically make connections with people in different lines of work and start the friendship with a favorable power dynamic if the person is a "fan".
Could lead to finding whales with money to farm.

>> No.4452134

Just wondering, does there exist a program or site for training on a tablet? like duolingo but for drawing? if it doesn't exist, if I ever become really good at drawing to where I can teach I'll make it and make bank.
but, if it does I can have a streamlined learning experience on top of my own practice which would be really nice.

>> No.4452149
File: 60 KB, 139x241, whAUEWHHAUFHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I not feel incredibly empty when looking at my own garbage? I've literally just began drawing so of course it looks like a blind man having a seizure managed to feel his way around a piece of paper to draw a cylinder. How do I get myself to shut the fuck up long enough for me to just keep at it?

>> No.4452464

Great to hear. Sucks to be you, bro!

>> No.4452468

I make far more noticeable gains when learning from others though, and I'm trying to make up for a lack of artist experience as a kid.

>> No.4452502

Stop looking at your own work like a vain faggot and move on to the next thing when you're done.

t. vain idiot who does the same thing

>> No.4452516

It's called JustDraw

>> No.4452689
File: 44 KB, 327x850, 63D54470-3212-464C-86AB-BD1630CA94E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck is this pose from? I’ve seen this exact same hand position, shadows and all studied by multiple artists.

>> No.4452726

As a kid I'd always play hand guns with my friends, you'd hold your hand up like that, sort of like a revolver and whenever you'd shoot you'd lower it, ”fire” it and pretend to recoil it to go back into that position. Might be something else though, or a similar phenomenon to artists drawing random towers.

>> No.4452808

I've been finding it easier and easier to draw from reference, but I'm worried I'll become a slave to reference images. How much does doing studies actually translate into imagination drawing?

>> No.4452816

I did this and loomis fingered my asshole and taught me how to paint with my dick

>> No.4452839

It depends on how much you actually analyze and try to absorb the information you're drawing. Nothing wrong with reference. Try doing exercises by drawing and analyzing as much of the object you're referencing as you can then immediately trying to re-draw it purely from memory. It's the best way to practice learning what you're studying.

To put it simply, how do you know how to draw something you've never seen before? Reference is a necessity in order to expand your inner library.

>> No.4452952

You can look up fine motor control exercises but the articles I found assume you're a young child or recently had a stroke. They are probably too simple to help.
Assuming you DO have a problem with your hands, I would guess doing something to strengthen your fingers, like shaping cold clay or woodwork.
But if you're normal there's probably nothing wrong with your hands and you're just uncertain and scared of the idea of failing

Zero or about zero. Doesn't mean you're not allowed to draw from imagination at the same time, though

>> No.4453191

Is it bad that i can pretty much only draw from reference? I mean i only draw extremely simple non foreshortened no rotating major masses poses from imagination

>> No.4453237

Yes it's bad

>> No.4453254

Why some people born with better drawing skills that the others?

>> No.4453257

You are simply your DNA.

>> No.4453333

Talent genes, blame your ancestors and pure luck that others are better than you.

>> No.4453339

Why is it ez af to dream in 3d but insanely difficult to think in 3d

>> No.4453383

Have you considered Play-Doh?
(not fucking with you, make a sculpture out of plasticene)

>> No.4453517
File: 42 KB, 382x430, 1584610163430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I edit the thumbnail of a twitter picture upload like all the lewd artists do? I'm new to this twitter thing

>> No.4453534

Who's that artist?

>> No.4453595

how many studies of kangaroos do you think proko did? he's proof you need to do studies if you want to draw it from imagination.
you can't just wish something onto the page with generalized art skills, you have to know what the damn thing looks like.

>> No.4453717

For the people with an Ipad. Do you use an matte screen protector for drawing? Its hard for me to decide if i want the quality trade off for the better feeling.

>> No.4453757

Used to lift but this quarantine is being the biggest gains goblin right now, so learning to draw is pretty tempting. I'm kinda used to having rigid plans, is there a way to create a rigid beginner learning schedule/plan?

>> No.4454004

I have CSP Pro license (bought it while they had their 50% promo sale), like it overall but the 24 frames limitation for animation is really restraining. I don't have the money to upgrade it to EX yet, what if I pirate an older version? Will it affect my license for CSP Pro if I installed them both at the same time?

>> No.4454101

Pick up a learn to draw a book like Loomis's "Fun with a pencil" read it and do the exercises. As a beg, there's no real other way to structure yourself unless you do online mentorships where professionals hold your hand and guide you.

If books aren't your thing, check the video thread, there are a bunch of Vilppu videoes to help steer you on the proper path, but what you get out of it is entirely dependent on your own self discipline, such as with exercise.

>> No.4454998

Why is digital art less fun than traditional sketching in pen?

>> No.4455034

What will help me build intution about making basic forms in perspective

>> No.4455036

I think it's because it's not a physical thing that can be seen and felt, respond to real light. I don't know the real answer, but digital art does feel kind of soulless to sketch in that I only do finished pieces or small doodles to post with.

>> No.4455183

I use paperlike and I really like it. The loss in quality is negligible to me and I personally think it’s worth it for the texture.

>> No.4455187

look at and draw a bunch of basic forms.

>> No.4455472

I've noticed here and some other online communities an almost visceral reaction against Animation/comic style drawing that isn't manga.

Am I fucking crazy or is there something to it?

>> No.4455638

I dislike it because it's never used for anything but I've never said it before

>> No.4456332
File: 281 KB, 960x1280, artist-unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting here because I don't need a whole thread. Can you guys help me ID the artist of pic related? I found it in an old abandoned house in my city, but it doesn't say anything on the frame.

>> No.4456408

I dont know how it works in procreate, but that effect that creates the gray pixels is called anti-aliasing. You've got deactivate it somehow. In photoshop you have a checkbox when you select the brush

>> No.4456691

How to feel the form? I practice gesture drawing a lot, and sometimes i get a good result at the end of the practice, but the feeling form is so hard to me. I tried to do it slow and fast, but it did not work.

>> No.4456696

Its Albrecht Dürer

>> No.4456705


a painting of Judith?

>> No.4456709

By always trying.

>> No.4456713
File: 181 KB, 998x1200, Judith Cristofano Allori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4456720


is it really albrecht durer?

>> No.4456785

Is practicing 6 hours a day a good number or should I pump it up to 8?

>> No.4456787

What a stupid question, go draw.

>> No.4456920

When does using a reference become not okay?

>> No.4456951

When it's just a tracing of someone elses original work.

>> No.4457088


Really anon?

>> No.4457090

Could you keep your thrift store treasures to their own thread, please?

>> No.4457761

Should i just leave /ic/? i find this place so discourging that i rarely finish a piece

>> No.4457835

There's not a lot of a good reason to be here unless you extremely beg and take advantage of the resources. Even then, most of the time spent here is just to kill time and if you're here killing time, you're not drawin!

>> No.4457851

you wouldn't finish anything anyway

>> No.4458576
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x2144, 73199892903531.5e5723acb9c63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/, /gd/ here. I am trying to start applying textures to my illustrations but I can't wrap my head around it. Most tutorials I've gone through explain how to use textured brushes ,noise filters, overlays and the likes on top of your artwork, and these are things I know how to do. But when I see some artwork like pic related, understanding how the artist did it or how to recreate this effect is beyond me. This was supposedly drawn in photoshop and procreate. It looks completely organic and doesn't have this faux traditional finish that most tutorials teach.

Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve this?
How do you texture your work?

>inb4 hard round is all you need
I use hard round for practicing blocking and values, but sometimes you just have to use textures.

link to artists behance in case someone needs more reference

>> No.4458614

I want to buy something to model human embryology ie something like play doh but better so I can reuse it and it won't get hard.

Is plasticine what I'm looking for, or polymer clay? And if so which one should I get?

>> No.4458678 [DELETED] 

Both are suitable. Plasticine is usually much cheaper. Polymer clay over time will also dry and harden over time (I'm talking about after a few years though).

>> No.4458681

Both are suitable. Plasticine is usually much cheaper. Polymer clay over time will also dry and harden (I'm talking about after a few years though).

>> No.4459138

Best FREE online resource for learning perspective? Pdf or video I just don't have funds for the fundies.

>> No.4459151


>> No.4459191

Oh damn, thank you I've heard a lot of good things about this book.

>> No.4459894
File: 122 KB, 252x491, 1585467987023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about raising the prices on my commission sheet
I set the prices in the 20 dollar range. I feel my art is improving so I would be fine with charging more now, but the thing is that I have a few clients who return to me often. I wouldn't want to lose my clients because they have to pay 3 dollars for the same mc chicken they've been getting for cheaper

>> No.4460572

Is painting with a loaded brush synonymous with applying thick paint?

>> No.4460694
File: 722 KB, 742x720, 1526277882250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ipad pro 11 or 12'9? and why?

>> No.4461260

I used to think
my life was a comedy

now I realize
it's a medical drama

>> No.4461273

How many courses that get thrown around in the video threads and what not, are actually worth it and not total memes?

Sometimes I feel like artists who give these courses are just grifting for money, and they give out the most asinine exercises and homework that they themselves did not even do to get to their level.

Has anyone actually taken the plunge, got acourse, did everything they were told, and see tangoble improvement related to that course that they would not have ny simply just drawing?

>> No.4461314

I've seen real tangible improvement from Steve Huston and Glenn Vilppu.

Especially Glenn Vilppu. His courses are hard to understand and you'll probably have to take notes, just because he jumps from topic to topic frequently and pulls concepts back and forth from different lectures, but they're really the best. I wonder how I even drew anything before I really studied Vilppu now. Only now do I really feel like I understand drawing.

>> No.4461325

12.9 you need all the space for multitasking. It's bigger so the battery life is also a little longer.

the pro 12.9 isn't even that much bigger than the normal iPad

>> No.4461712

but if im not a pro and just draw for fun do you think 11 is enough? i can get a cover and pen and 11" for lower price than the 12'9

>> No.4461808

Does anyone here NOT draw every day, four to eight hours a day, despite still being pretty good? Not even like "making it" as a professional but solidly non-beg with a good amount of followers.

I see a lot of people who seem to be completely consumed by drawing so much that it takes over their lives, but they're still worse than me.

>> No.4461839

Pyw, silly. See what level you're on.

>> No.4461842

If that's your big concern, why even get a pro? Just get a regular ipad.

>> No.4461845

Not a concern just a consideration. It's just hard for me to decide

>> No.4461904

When you have a chance, go to the apple store and try the ipads out yourself. You can also always just return the version you got for the one you're more suited for.

>> No.4461995

Folders and windows keep opening on my tablet's display instead of my main monitor. Why? This shit is fucking infuriating.

>> No.4462074

How do i stop cooming to the references?

>> No.4462078

use uglier references

>> No.4462553

Should I sign my drawings? It's not like I'm afraid someone might steal them, who would wanna steal garbage afterall. But maybe it helps with getting my name out there? Or would people view it as being obnoxious?

>> No.4462557

Go ahead and sign it if you want to be identified. No reason not to. Yes, if someone sees it and likes it they can always trace it back to you and find the rest of your work. Otherwise, they may never take the time to reverse image search if your art is good but not the great.

>> No.4462573

Are you more creative when relaxed?

I've found a lot of benefit in listening to asmr and binaural beats.

I'm not a psychologist, but I feel like a lot of creative processes are actually a mild form of synthesia. These processes could be triggered by a more relaxed mind in a suggestible state.

>> No.4462820

To anons who use CSP. How do I set an image as a default background? Like when I create a new file I'd like it to use a specific image as background.

>> No.4462840

look up how to make file templates

>> No.4462842

just coom

>> No.4462888
File: 748 KB, 2092x2246, linda yoga lines (2) (1) (2) (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im coloring smut and need help shading
Can someone outline in red where the shadows should be on the face and back assuming the light source is top down and slightly ahead of the figure? Also if you coukd help critique the shirt that would be helpful, I dont usually shade clothee

>> No.4463005
File: 154 KB, 1193x704, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using an XP Pen 15.6 pro since November now, and it only came with a 30 degree angle stand. It's been an okay angle but I've been wondering how it would be to draw at a 65 angle. Anyone have this specific stand? Wondering if it's worth it or is it just crap, and if the 65 angle is really good or not

>> No.4463022

I'm pretty sure you can only save background color for a file template. You can save layers as a material but you'll still have to drag them into the new file which doesn't make it much more convenient

>> No.4463380

Anyone know of any good sources for military references short of just putting on some tacticool Netflix movie and taking screenshots?
I tried looking at /k/ but most of the images were of just the weapons themselves and not people actually using the weapons in the appropriate setting.

>> No.4463443

Is parallax a deal breaker? really want the wacom cintiq 16 but they say it has parallax or something like that, if its that bad I guess I'll save for a pro 16...

>> No.4463514

give your regulars a discount for being loyal costumers

>> No.4463531

I have that exact stand, and despite it being expensive, it's sturdy as fuck and really good. Really heavy for what it is, good slide that never feels like it's gonna break. I've dropped it a few times and it's still fine, also it'll hurt the fuck outta your fingers if you let the plate drop on it. Good stuff, made mostly of metal.
I use it for more than just my tablet, now, but I really don't agree with the price. Sure, materials and build wise it's worth but shouldn't have to spend 50 bucks on top of the 15.6.
If you don't care about money, definitely get it though. It's nice that it maintains the portability of the tablet, since I've actually travelled countries with the tablet, laptop and this stand nicely in my bag.

>> No.4463559

I want to learn how to draw realistic faces and eventually full body pictures/poses. As someone with zero drawing experience, would focusing all my efforts into learning how to draw heads be the best thing do for now, or should I try to do other stuff too?

>> No.4463668
File: 165 KB, 1266x1562, gesturewhat_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesturescratch anon here,
still trying to figure out gestures. I know part of it is a mental thing, like seeing lines of code in the Matrix, but in this case seeing people with gravity/water lines flowing down the pose of the body. Some of the shit I can see, but other things leave me stumped.

I was playing around with #1. As much as I don't like it, I traced over it to kinda get an idea of the body's flow.

#3 is pretty easy to me. I can see a definite contortion that would make for flowing river lines of form.

#2 though has me stumped. The whole point of gesture is to avoid stiffness, but when the body is a stiff, rigid pose like that, what can I do? The model isn't doing any bending at all. And to draw that would be pose-drawing and not gesture drawing. And the degree of confusion I have hear leads especially to aimless chicken scratching.

I know once I get the mindset I can grab ahold of it like a wet bar of soap and just keep grabbing and grabbing until I can grind them comfortably. I know I can do it!

>> No.4463676

To help explain, I've been accused of doing more form drawing, drawing just the outlines of the body instead of the pose of the body. When it's not clear to me at all like in pose #2, I'm thoroughly lost.

>> No.4463892

#2 isn't a gestural pose. This is why teachers in classrooms/studios matter. The teacher would tell the model to do more dynamic poses than that.

You have the basics of gesture. This forum puts too much emphasis on it. It's an exercise, usually done to warm up with. Don't overthink this. You have enough of the concept down to move onto more finished poses and pieces. The entire point of gesture is to see simple lines, and say 'I know what that figure is doing, in space." That's it. You're done. Move on, and up.

>> No.4463917

I really want to draw porn and I'm learning, but I'm not into anime - do people mostly like traditional hentai with anime style faces? I want to draw the way I like but honestly I'm worried no one will like my stuff

>> No.4463937

Oh thank FUCK. Unless I wasn't paying attention to Vilpu videos, he nor anyone else say anything about not having to get the gesture out of everything, like I've been trying to do with #2.

>> No.4463958

#2 model name?

>> No.4464007

No, I like western stuff just as much--the trick is to find a style that's simplified enough so it's easy to replicate, but not creepy or off-putting. Incase is a good example.

>> No.4464050

You're talking about Vilppu's lecture videos that are in the video thread? Don't they corresponding to his drawing book? Do you really need to follow along and take notes if it's pretty much following his book?

>> No.4464212

Valentine001 01 from Art Models 3 in the artbooks thread.

>> No.4464395

if you can subtly immitate a video game company's art style and build a portfolio around it (and of course have a clean history of no porn) you can probably apply.

I heard Riot Games actually checks your account and prefers people that play their game tho.

>> No.4464399

I've noticed a lot of fantasy game art has a simplistic rendering style.
Like it's pretty much flat tones with a basic shading.
Is this to identify with the semirealistic 3d models or is it maybe to change on the whim of an art director?
Maybe to save time and money?

>> No.4464416
File: 237 KB, 914x1024, external-content.duckduckgknighto.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly maybe just studying more good renaissance or older traditional paintings would help.

Something that's especially grating to me about video game art are the garish color choices

>> No.4464728

I did get my 15.6 pro for 300 bucks flat because of the sale.. I don't think another 50 would hurt too much. I've been working at my desk for like 8 hours lately because I just really love drawing, and I think looking down cus 30 angle is taking a toll on my neck. I'm like really tall (6'4)
Okay one more question. Does your arm start to feel tired when the tablet is propled up at 65? I image it "rests" less at that angle, making longer drawing sessions a bit more tiring in the arm

>> No.4464754

As a beginner that takes at least an hour to finish a sketch, is it ok to take things slow? Watching livestreams and speedpaints that take the artist 1.5 hours to fully finish a painting, start to finish, leads me to believe I'm going really really slow. But is that ok?

>> No.4464765

if I had to guess (I gotta guess, lol) I'd say I sit at about 50-60 degrees pretty much 99% of the time. I am only 6ft, so idk how much height will play into it, but I did have some soreness in my shoulder for a bit until I got used to it, and now it's absolutely not an issue. Kinda like I just needed to use the muscle more than not at all for a week.
I gotta admit, that 1% I spend at about 45 degrees is pretty comfy, but I gotta get real close to the screen so it's bad for my eyes and obviously neck.

Also, it can get pretty close to 90 degrees. Like 80ish? Maybe 75? I don't like it cause my screen sits too low, but I'd emulate a canvas a bit better.

>> No.4464775

Speed is irrelevant to a beginner, unless it's getting work done on time in class. "Speedpainting" isn't part of your world, or even a goal. It's meaningless.
Good art takes as long as it needs to be made.

>> No.4464794

Yes, taking it slow is ok. You will gradually speed up as you gain more experience. No need to rush.

>> No.4464795

Thanks anon. I just get worried sometimes, you know. Gets un-motivational seeing an artist produce a masterpiece in 1/10th the amount of time it takes for me to even finish conceptualizing/sketching. Maybe it's their skill that lets them go faster, like muscle memory? idk but thank you for your answer, i'll try not to worry about time until much later

>> No.4464805

It applies to anything. Do they yell at kids in kindergarden READ FASTER!!!!!? Nah. Most speedpainting is showing off or someone with skill and experience. When I got out of college with an illustration degree, I was fast, because I'd been drawing and painting so much for two straight years. These days, i'm not nearly as fast, mostly because I don't need to be. But I'm probably significantly faster than most beginners, but I have more hours behind me.
But it's always good to slow down when you can, and just get into the process, and it takes as long as it takes. Nobody is keeping score, unless it's a teacher, or you're getting paid.

>> No.4465253
File: 19 KB, 192x192, large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make it so that in FireAlpaca the pen works on instant contact? For me, the brush only registers a stroke if you've moved the pen for a short distance, and this makes drawing tiny details and connected lines far more difficult. This isn't a tablet problem, because it doesn't happen in other graphic programs. I don't know what specific terms to look up for what this is called.

Please help anons.

>> No.4465257

slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

>> No.4465322

I don't know about firealpaca but I know Krita will sometimes do that if I have the stabilizer/wobble correction function turned up too high

>> No.4465415

Those are very experienced artists painting subjects they're very familiar with.
You should take as long as you need to. Unfortunately we live in a world of deadlines and finite time, so speed is a desirable quality. But while you're learning, you'll learn better if you just go at your own pace.

>> No.4465551

So why is it so difficult to actually finish something? I can seldom bring myself to commit to an idea I have. I'll just leave things at varying levels of complete and move on. It's frustrating but there's a legit mental block in place.

>> No.4465593

I don't use any stabilizer, so it can't be that.

>> No.4465609

Maybe I'll buy it if I get drump bucks from the stimulus package
I could afford it easy but I'm being a cheapo

>> No.4465897

Why does my shading comes out grainy? Like I'm catching all the little bumps on the paper. Is it supposed to be like that?

>> No.4465908

Depends on the paper you're using? Some thicker papers are very porous and textured. Others are very smooth.

>> No.4465997

Why does my new xp pen tablet lag with gimp but my previous huion didnt?
Is there anyway to fix this?

>> No.4466077

when you cut a i drawing in digital your DPI get lower

how do you keep the 300DPI?

>> No.4466086

What the fuck did you just say

>> No.4466111


>choose a canvas 300DPI
>do sketches and choose the best
>make it bigger and do line work
>cut the unnecessary white spaces
>check the DPI and now they are 72

>> No.4466173

Which is better: focusing only one book or course until the end before moving on or jumping from one book to another at random?

>> No.4466191

What do you think? If you're constantly jumping between teachers and processes before you fully grasp the concept how are you going to absorb the information you're learning?

>> No.4466199

On one hand, there's this, and on the other hand, there's being bored of learning a single subject for a long time, which is what slows me down when sticking to the same book. I'm just wondering if you learn faster by learning different subjects but at the same speed or digest one completely but at a progressively slower rate.

>> No.4466208

Because you just can't/don't know how. Do master copies, that will teach you a lot, if you're analytical enough you'll find the differences and will know what to do until you copied the whole picture

>> No.4466209

one primary focus, but keep an open relationship and lightly skim whatever catches your eye, and dump it if something better comes along or it's not working out.

>> No.4466327

If drawings are a representation of 3d on 2d plane then how does one repesent 4d on a 3d plane

>> No.4466338

You could look it up, it’s literally a sculpture.

>> No.4466345

>3d plane
ngmi in math

>> No.4466388

not the anon that asked the question, but going by that logic, are films/animations considered 3d, with 2 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension?

>> No.4466571

how cheap but reliable are screened tablets usually

>> No.4466612

Anyone else feel parts of their body of what their trying to draw? Touching part of neck trying to understand what goes where

>> No.4466626

Projection onto an affine subspace

His tendency to generalize concepts like “plane” suggest otherwise, crab

>> No.4466631

is using the paint bucket tool cheating

>> No.4466847

Anyone else feel like being able to draw is a pipe dream?

>> No.4466860

Yes but I do it anyway because I'm too stupid to stop. Point being, you don't always have to do something because you feel you're trying to accomplish an ultimate achievement. Drawing especially is a marathon, not a race. If you learn to enjoy the process you'll have a much better time and before you know it you'll have learned how to draw. Time passes whether you're drawing or not, so if you enjoy it, you may as well do it.

>> No.4466866

Not even a little bit.

>> No.4466873
File: 3.19 MB, 1948x940, sqeeeeez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this is the right thread but do you know artists that have a similar style?

>> No.4466880
File: 3.21 MB, 1912x844, eeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4466925

>learn to enjoy the process
How do I accomplish this?

>> No.4466981

Not him but "enjoying the process", for me, is trying something new whenever I can. Even if it's just a very small thing. Try different eyes. Try a different brush size. Whatever it is. That way I can enjoy the feeling of new-ness again

And it means keep learning. Every day I learn things. And that makes me happy.

But what it really means, deep down, is to just enjoy drawing. When people ask you "What do you enjoy doing?" do you answer with "Drawing" or "Looking at something I drew". The action of making is what is supposed to bring you joy, not the end result. So focus on that.

Here's another way to look at it:
"Making it" is a result that is out of your hands. There's nothing you can do that will 100% give you a chance to "make it". Contrary to what crabs here will have you believe, "making it" is more about marketing and luck than it is about art.

But what is 100% under your control is getting better at your art. Improving your skills. So focus on that. Learn how to appreciate and enjoy that.

It's not easy, but really, if you can't enjoy the process of drawing, if you can't enjoy drawing, then maybe drawing isn't for you. Or painting or whatever.

Imagine you're at an archery competition. Winning the competition is not under your control. Hitting the gold is not in your control. What's in your control is how you draw, how you aim, how you breath, how you release, your stance, the quality of your bow, the quality of your arrows. Everything else is a result of the things that you do AND a factor of things outside your control (the wind, other competitors, etc).

So do you focus on winning? Or do you focus on perfecting everything that's under your control? And, therefore, should you only find joy in winning? Or should you find joy in learning how to perfect your stance? Or doing drills and getting better?

Sorry for the blog post, but this is a topic very dear to me.

>> No.4466992

If you can clean it up, it reminds me a lot of magazine illustrators.

>> No.4467001

Is a chart with 3 axis and an animated timeline a 4d object?

>> No.4467005

You get what you pay for.

>> No.4467009

what software are you using?

that does not sound right at all lol

>> No.4467320

If you sub to a parteon can you see all the previous rewards or only the upcoming one?
I don't mind supporting one of my fav artist to check his psd and process vids but if it's only one per month and not the full content that's not happening.

>> No.4467383
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look?
Should I start doing animations again?

>> No.4467397

I think it depends on the creator. Sakimichan for example, you only get that term, but you can also get a previous term if you pay enough. Then there's some creators I believe usually those without much content who just let you have the entire stash. It works this way because they send it to you, so they have a choice.

>> No.4467506

how i make it so other artwork doesnt discourge me to draw

>> No.4467530

What are some good places to learn/talk about industrial design and concept art? Active professionals to follow? I mostly see people discussing characters and weeb shit.

>> No.4467574

For concept type work, CG forums is a pro/amateur forum. Can be pretty good.

Industrial design, no clue. Completely different industry than art.

>> No.4467669
File: 447 KB, 1000x978, dsms20200404_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a faggot for watching lecture videos and treating them like I'm in the class and taking notes as well?

Watching Peter Han stuff now.

>> No.4467700

No, that's the only way to remember things and come back to refresh them. Draw what the teacher draws, take notes, then draw a couple of personal variations of it. Have you ever been at school anon? that's learning 101

>> No.4467907

Thanks a lot
*quick kiss*

>> No.4467953

Serious question: can you get good at making good lines with line confidence if you have bad nerves and have shaky hands?
I'm not saying I have Parkinsons or anything, but a perpetual state of jitteriness. Am I fucked, or do I just have to work harder than others to have clean, consistent lines?

Anyone else have naturally shaky hands?

>> No.4467965

you had potential, but now you ngmi, miserable faggot

>> No.4467973

How do you deal with people calling you a shit artist? It hurts my feelies

>> No.4467994

It only should matter when you think their art is better then yours and if they give you shit with sound advice. In every other situation you are being a pussy.

>> No.4468009

Thank you anon I thought I was being a faggot too

>> No.4468028

I hate you so much

>> No.4468044

Anytime I search this up I find almost nothing which I find weird. Are there any blogs or documentations where you can see the journey from literal first drawing ever to mastery?

>> No.4468061

Suck my balls turbo nigger

>> No.4468225

based zen master

>> No.4468261

Is there a site like quickposes except it gives you old masters' works instead of photos?

>> No.4468269
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x2268, what is this tablet pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my sister a Wacom 20WSX tablet from a surplus sale, and it came with this pen which was working at the time but isn't working on her system, nor on my own 20WSX.

Can anybody identify this pen? I can hunt down drivers but I can't do anything unless I figure out what this is.

>> No.4468404

Looking around it looks like it's probably this:

Which is almost worse, because now that I've found it, I can't find any driver issues that it might be, but I know for a fact it worked with the tablet because I witnessed it plugged in and working, and drew with it before taking it.

But the alternative is paying as much or more than I did for the whole tablet for a replacement pen.

Please save me somebody.

>> No.4468481

Try contacting Wacom's customer support. If they don't help you fix it they might just send you a replacement, but I don't know how good their support is. I had an XP-Pen pen that broke, and XP-Pen's support just sent me a new one.

>> No.4468633

Can I start learning on digital medium or should I start on paper first? I can make goodish art on paper, but I don't make construction lines and shit (I do it on my head or, at best, on a side) because I hate erasing it afterwards.

>> No.4468641
File: 643 KB, 843x1035, 1561245501671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make it if I believe in myself?

>> No.4468644

Well, do you want to draw on paper or digital? Get started with the medium you're going to stick with. Nothing's stopping you from also doing both, or a mix of the two. But practice with what feels right for you.

>> No.4468673

You guys know of any good reference sources for male hair? Googling male hairstyles just gives me pages and pages of faggy numale pompadour shit and I need to see hair that's messier and more natural.

>> No.4468679
File: 318 KB, 2896x2896, 20200328_124547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mostly do digital art and occasional traditional? I've been wanting to practice the basics on paper at night, but I feel like whatever I know doesn't translate properly. I draw full bodies every day, but still haven't gotten great at going about the loomis head to draw heads properly, they always end up extra jank and make me pomf. Then it feels like practicing on paper won't help me when I return to drawing on my pc tomorrow
Basically it feels like I'm not absorbing the critical skill. I get it, sphere, oval, lines for the brow ridge, nose, chin, hairline etc but it's never food enough. Same for drawing symmetrical eyes
I don't know why I keep doing things so wrong naturally

>> No.4468685

try adding 'long' or 'tousled'

>> No.4468696

Thanks! I want to do digital, paper/pencils/paints is too wasteful imho.

>> No.4468707

It's natural to be bad at first, don't be so harsh on yourself. I had the same issue regarding mediums, practice more on paper and it'll become more natural for you.
More importantly. Reading what you wrote, it very much feels like you're not putting the elements you learned into practice.
Do a finished piece. You have to apply the fundies and the studies you make to something you intend to complete, to "put it into practice" and assimilate it properly. It'll also clearly define the areas in which you're lacking so you may do more precise studies after it.
Finished pieces, anon. Regularly. They're more important than all the studies in the world. Do you think Michelangelo carved 1000 stone cubes, 1000 more marble arms and legs and then popped the Pieta out of his ass? Of course not. You won't progress if don't do finished pieces.

>> No.4468750

maybe you draw worse on paper because you dont have same editing tools and cruthces as digital like layers, aswell as disconnect in hand eye coordination if you have tablet without a screen or even difference in perspective as ou zoom in or out in digital but on paper its different, those minor things can fuck up a beginner, just keep drawing you will get there some day, or some year, or some century
jk, just keep at it dont let pussy shit inferiority complex creep up on you, JUST DO IT *read in Shia LaBeouf voice*

>> No.4468788

What are some good low level daily pen and ink exercises?
Also, should I get more pens than just an 05? I'm very new to this.

>> No.4468859

>What are some good low level daily pen and ink exercises?
Put an object in front of you (or a room, or a scenery if you feel like it) and draw it as accurately as possible, light and all. Doesn't need to be a complex object, an apple or something easy will do. It'll teach you much about proportions, values and how light acts on different textures, you absolutely cannot go wrong with this as it can be applied to any artstyle you want.
>Also, should I get more pens than just an 05? I'm very new to this.
05 is perfect to start with, no need for more. But go for it if you wanna try different sizes, maybe others will appeal to you more.

Don't forget to draw whatever you want to draw too, even if you're low level (want to make cute anime girrs? draw some. Comics? Try drawing a page. etc)

>> No.4469044

That's a little better but not much, still full of fags who dump a gallon of mousse into their hair.
I've moved on to browsing stock photo sites, model portfolios and pictures of sports teams, and I'm having better luck with those.

>> No.4469058

Okay, I'll try. Thanks.

>> No.4469186

Anime source?

>> No.4469331

I love oldschool stuff like this. Who did you take inspiration from?

>> No.4469949

any general on /ic/ to find someone i can hire

>> No.4469981

that's literally the objective of the piece though.

>> No.4469985

the objective is to make people tired of it?

>> No.4470007
File: 40 KB, 582x582, 1585281600636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do you deal with thin ellipses?On digital, I've managed to learn how to draw smooth lines, I have managed to learn how to draw straight lines, as if they were made by a fucking ruler, or with a bit of purposeful tremble as to add a sketchy look to them, I've managed to learn how to the basic mannequin head I can even draw almost perfect circles with some difficulty, but FUCKING THIN ELLIPSES. HOW THE FUCK?

And I KNOW they are needed for any circular object that stands very close to the horizon line. How do I deal with it?

>> No.4470012

Not him but pretty fucking expensive, about 40 bucks a kg

>> No.4470016

Denki gai

>> No.4470271

Are there any recommended standard woks for water paint(beginner level)?

>> No.4470334

Ellipses suck, do triangles instead unless you absolutely need one

>> No.4470339

There's no substitution for practice. Literally just practice drawing thin ellipses. Maybe after several hundred you'll start to get the hang of it.

>> No.4471047

Why do I postpone drawing day after day. It's been several weeks now and I haven't touched my pens and brushes. It's like I put so much pressure on myself. I don't dare try and potentially ruin the image in my head or something.

>> No.4471060

When working through a book, is it normal to want to redo the exercises a few times? Or should I just give it an honest first attempt and move on?

>> No.4471093

Don't let perfect get in the way of good.
Also don't think that whatever you can slap on the page first would be perfect, it's a lot eaiser to make a decent second draft.

>> No.4471102

you should probably be doing each exercise a couple times, up to you whether it's doing one exercise several times or doing the whole book several times, but it's silly to think you can absorb whatever is being taught by doing it once

>> No.4471238

how do i take out a wacom nib if it degraded so far down? my tablet didn't even come with smth to take it out properly

>> No.4471240
File: 102 KB, 640x640, 4920758D-53B9-4FFC-A353-090FC58F50AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy this type of coloring, and I want to replicate it in my own work. Is there any advice for doing so, on either digital or trad?
For dig, would just a hard round with texture or slight adjustments work, or would using watercolor brushes be better? Sui Ishida does this type of stuff, and i think he only uses the default brush with some slight tweaks. Any tips would be appreciated.

>> No.4471251

Try eyelash tweasers or nail clippers.

>> No.4471295

Anybody? I worry that I won't be able to help my chicken scratches only so much.

>> No.4471306
File: 2.07 MB, 1601x2968, strangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say I'm good at art, I treat it nowhere as seriously as I should, but make of this what you will - I have shaky hands too, so if you put serious effort into art I don't see it hampering you

>> No.4471336

Sometimes shaky lines can add character, as long as the overall contact points and shape are good. Just embrace it as part of your style and maybe it will improve over time.

>> No.4471350
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, goku go further beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kim jung gi and plenty other like karl kopinski dont do dontlinwork with perfectionism most are actually pretty wobbly its that they know what line to put and where

dont let some shaking hands deter you, keep drawing and go further beyond

>> No.4471718

this. clean lines may give a certain look but wobbly doesn't ruin the forms of things. you can learn shape independently from hand control.

>> No.4471791
File: 1.59 MB, 2000x1667, Lionization of the Sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey people,

I have a question about vectorizing an image, I've been trying to find a free vectorization converter on google so I can convert a png image to a pdf image for a contest I'm entering.

Anyone know of any free vectorization converters? Also I tried almost everyone I could find on google and it's either you have to pay for it OR the vectorization can't handle the detail I put into my work and the image comes out all fucked up

>pic related to give you an idea of how detailed my stuff is

Please help, thanks /ic/

>> No.4471837
File: 500 KB, 600x600, 62A67353-DA8A-4F99-A574-55A65B6AB2DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is drawing from imagination different from symbol drawing? Aren’t you just replacing one set of shitty looking symbols with some new better looking ones (that you have acquired through memorization, observation, etc). Not trying to bash drawing from imagination, just want to make sense of all of this

>> No.4471852

Who're the fanart staples to spam right now? Isabelle is the only one I know is currently huge on twitter.

>> No.4472032

I'm good with ellipses in general, it's specifically thin ellipses that drive me mad.

>> No.4472070

Symbol drawing is just memorizing the shape, the path the line/color take and proportions of it, basically tracing/copying 2d shape that you saw on paper. This fails cause unless you are doing 1:1 copy, combined shapes wont fit together. It's like taking pieces of different puzzles and trying to make your own pic with them.
When you actually learn how the object is made, it's 3d geometry, you can manipulate it in your mind, like a 3d program would, and then draw that model on page.

>> No.4472220

I see. Even so, doesn’t that mean most 2D artists could simply memorize the features in various angles? They wouldn’t need to manipulate any forms in their mind, they could just pull some shapes from memory, give or take a little tweaking? It seems like that’s what the majority of artists do, especially with facial features

>> No.4472297

1) When's the best time to post on Twitter? I feel like I'm always posting on the worst possible times.
2) Is 'drawing what I enjoy and the followers will come automatically' actually true? I've been posting my art on Twitter for 3 years now and I don't see it happening any time soon.

>> No.4472314

Just memorizing is valid, if all you draw are the same cute anime girls forever. It could be argued that it's faster then learning theory and how to apply it. But deal with a task like creating 10 concept designs of a fantastic creature that is mechanically functional or do an animation of the character your friend just gave you? Nope, cause you can't copy and remember what doesn't exist. And there is a limit to how much brain can remember anyway, so symbol drawer will need to constantly refresh what he saw and seek out new symbols to copy. This idea of memorizing vs applying theory is the same in music and any skill really. Person who doesn't know it can never remember more then 10 complicated pieces of music and that would probably take an unreasonable amount of time. Musician with even basic training could look at any notation and will literally hear the music in their head, and then can modify and do whatever they want with it.
On the side note, skilled artist without any training who claim, you don't need one, learned and using theory intuitively while drawing. So yeah you could learn to draw beautifully by just drawing, just way slower and no as fully as a guy who've read loomis and drawn boxes.

>> No.4472545
File: 37 KB, 610x720, post-smarter-best-times-use-social-platforms-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4472297 for 1), pic related but I have no idea if it is still the same hours now

>> No.4473267
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRADCHAD's what is this grid board supposed to be? I always see my favourite artists have this with their sketchbook laying on it, I don't quite understand.

>> No.4473430



>> No.4473446

In the pic it looks like a standard round brush, with a light paper texture overlay on the whole image. I think the color palette is the most distinctive part of the drawing. Keep the colors muted and close to gray. The shadows and lines are washed out, never pure black.

>> No.4473454

Inkscape autotrace

>> No.4473655
File: 189 KB, 1236x1740, IMG_20200405_115352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for this type of style?
I really like it

>> No.4473764

Is it okay to post drawings on /ic/ if you don't care about critique, just want to show other people your stuff?

>> No.4474004

yes, but you'll get critic anyway, if anon likes/dislikes it enough, so don't go on defensive right away. And don't create a thread just for yourself

>> No.4474014

they've probably bought it to protect their table/do some light lining for vignettes or something, unless they do bunch of technical drawing or generally like to be exact with measurement.