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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 524 KB, 640x640, 1563746430947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4440762 No.4440762 [Reply] [Original]

How do I draw in this style? It's anime-esque, but more so traditional Japanese woman. I can't get the head shape down.

>> No.4440767

a lot of korean weebtoons have thsi style read some

>> No.4440770

what part of this is anime esque?

>> No.4440771
File: 560 KB, 745x625, fwap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you learn how to draw a regular human face first

>> No.4440782

I hate how true Thanos is here.

>> No.4440817

You copy pictures like it. Well no, i shouldn't say copy more like closely emulate and study pictures like that style. Why do we have threads like these anyway? This is the same question asked almost every week and no one thinks to just study pictures of what style that want. This is how /beg/ jap artists got started with anime.

>> No.4440819

>tfw you have that book and it ass raped you

>> No.4440820
File: 95 KB, 679x960, 20229438_145527126026976_4686137632128391174_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on weibo, there's a shitload like that

>> No.4441361

Unironically, fundies.
Memorize the skull and learn how to draw it from any angle. Build up the features on top. Feel the form. This is basically just realism, nothing very cartoony about it.

>> No.4441369

No it's not. It's just an asian woman you brainlet

>> No.4441371

Draw from life not anime. Or just use dots.

>> No.4441493

And frankly she doesnt even look Asian. Happa at best. But pretty much White.

>> No.4442124

>anime-esque, but more so traditional Japanese woman
looks like a gook artstyle to me

>> No.4442278

Are you fucking with me OP? That’s very clearly a Korean art style. The first post in this thread is criminally underrated. >>4440767

That’s not a Japanese woman. That’s a Korean woman. You white pigs disgust me that you can’t even tell them apart. You’ll never be able to achieve drawing in this style if you’re this blind.

>> No.4442399 [DELETED] 

Pic related is a Korean chick. The OP looks Happa at best.
Stop virtue signaling you insufferable faggot.

>> No.4442402 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 220x393, 8DA373CF-887A-42C2-AE76-A3202ED62BC3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a Korean chick. The OP looks Happa at best.
Stop virtue signaling you insufferable faggot.

>> No.4442408
File: 1.45 MB, 220x393, B631A304-F0E5-4F4A-8767-B30A67D81F4E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a Korean chick. The OP looks Hapa at best.
Stop virtue signaling you insufferable faggot.

>> No.4442438
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, Suzy-210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you pick the ugliest korean possible?

>> No.4442440

>thinking an entire race looks like one person
imagine being this fucking retarded
the artist is actually korean. its similar to other korean artists' style

>> No.4442447

Yeah but as with manga the person drawn in the OP’s pic looks White. They are obsessed with looking white. You go into a K-beauty store and it’s a temple of skin whiteners and hair color and strange contact lenses. They also spend ungodly amounts on plastic surgery trying to make their eyes bigger.

The girl in >>4442408 is actually a pretty good average of Korean features. Not the best and not the ugliest. They can be quite harsh looking.
Im thinking we have some fetishists here.
I live in a building with mostly Koreans in a mostly Korean neighborhood. I dated one for 2 years. I know what Korean chicks look like.

>> No.4442466

we get it, youre racist

>> No.4442471

>not being racist

>> No.4442480 [DELETED] 

Koreans are the most insecure asians, it's cringey as fuck when they desperately try to convince everyone they're not like the other asians. All gooks and chinks look the same to the rest of us.

>> No.4442487

says the racist white faggot that has to bash other races just to feel better about himself LMAO the lack of self awareness is outstanding

>> No.4442495

Married to a Chinese woman, dated a Korean woman for years, dated almost every race but White my whole life, live, by choice as the only White guy in my building and almost entire neighborhood.

Whereas your stupid ass is calling people white pigs and white knighting for non-existent korean girls in a drawing.

You’re fucking cancer.
And deep down you know it.

>> No.4442498

>gook starts seething on cue
Lmao, reminder you will never be white

>> No.4442520

>using racist slurs
>saying all asians look the same
>I’m not racist cause I dated an Asian girl hurrrrrr
So you also have yellow fever? Amazing.
I genuinely feel bad for your non existent wife that has to have a racist bastard as a husband. Keep thinking you’re superior tho.
I’m not Korean, or any type of Asian. I’m just not a fucking retard like you.

>> No.4442524

>seething THIS hard
Sure thing gook, keep crying because all your women desperately want to be white.

>> No.4442531

Which racist slur?

>> No.4442542

Also I could absolutely tell you weren't Asian because you cant string a coherent thought or argument together.
I don't have yellow fever, cause I like/dated Indian and Arab babes too. If anything I was a douchebag self hating white most of my younger life but not a fetishist.

Lastly not only do I have a Chinese wife but she’s brilliant, hilarious and successful. And she loves the fuck out of me. And you not believing me is both irrelevant and a little funnysad.

You are projecting because you DO have yellow fever, have probably pretended to have a gf and take great pride in distinguishing koreans from japs and announcing it.
You’re a real cool guy you are.

>> No.4442549

No, no, and no.
Keep being racist white piggy

>> No.4442555
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to be an artist
>shit observation skills

>> No.4442556

Thinks being called racist is a bad thing.

>> No.4442559

An uncultured swine like yourself would think that. Oink, oink, piggy.

>> No.4442565

Ok, COVID-19 spreader.

>> No.4442568 [DELETED] 

Welp, time to have sex with my Chinese wife.
Have a nice life loser.

>> No.4442570 [DELETED] 

Have fun with your white hand, piggy.

>> No.4442707
File: 186 KB, 668x650, Photoshop_2020-02-12_04-27-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I draw in this style?
i remember when i studied this style lol

>> No.4443117 [DELETED] 

It's called the Chinese virus.

>> No.4443899
File: 370 KB, 797x996, 259E2991-CF35-4E7F-9A7E-0F4F45F86E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally looks like

>> No.4443902

whats the name of the artist you fag

>> No.4443913

dont compare me to that wanker, disgusting.
Ross basically draws over photos i never did that

>> No.4443935

I’m starting to believe that 90% of this board doesn’t have eyes.

>> No.4443942

These resources have been available for years it's your own fault for being to retarded to find them you're welcome


>> No.4444329

More pls

>> No.4444380

No Im saying she literally looks like Ross. Put his hairstyle on her and you’ll see.

>> No.4444395


Nice drawing though, don’t get me wrong.

>> No.4444413

>not posting the ultimate drawing tutorial

>> No.4444514

Ross is better than you and living the life you wish you had, stay seething /ic/

>> No.4444667

What's the difference between realistic Japanese art styles and realistic Korean art styles? My western piggu eyes can't tell.

>> No.4444762
File: 677 KB, 471x705, 2020-03-25_09-04-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ross is better than you and living the life you wish you had, stay seething /ic/
lmao ross himself came, go trace your photos bitch lmao, i dont wish to be a cuck who has to trace photos to survive >>4443935
>’m starting to believe that 90% of this board doesn’t have eyes.
pic related lol

>> No.4444832

This woman does not look asian at all, wtf lol.

>> No.4444841


>> No.4444854

probably because it's not 60% plastic.

>> No.4445958

That's really cute I wish I could art like that and draw a manga

>> No.4446171

she looks asian and she looks korean, most people in here are correct. You on otherhand are probably racist and have to rationalize it that the only reason you find her hot is cuz she is not asian cuz you dont like asians.

>> No.4446184
File: 36 KB, 512x512, 4132C97D-46F1-46BD-BFCE-1B47CDC2127E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ridiculous faggot again.

>> No.4446194
File: 137 KB, 640x360, 7F5BA162-9C6A-4308-8BA7-99414C063B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyway, where can we learn this “Korean-looking” art style.

>> No.4446408
File: 689 KB, 1280x1707, Jeon.Somi.full.91829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw pretty korean girls.

>> No.4446520

They’re not obsessed with looking white. They’re obsessed with looking young and petite. Pale skin is an Asian beauty standard because pale skin meant you were wealthy, and not working in the farms

>> No.4446610 [DELETED] 

Thats why all their plastic surgery makes them look whiter and they lighten their hair and use colored contacts
>Racial beta orbiters are a thing on /ic/

>> No.4446618

Thats why all their plastic surgery makes them look whiter (artificial double eyelids, pinched noses) and they lighten their hair and use colored contacts
>Racial beta orbiters are a thing on /ic/

>> No.4446652

japanesse tries to be more "cute" while korean is mostly often more "mature" looking in their comics

>> No.4446667

japan was literally colonized by people from the korean peninsula less than 3000 years ago, there's honestly no real difference between koreans and japanese without ainu blood

>> No.4446699

Nobody wants to look like you, you dumb caucasoid ogre - what part of that do you not understand? Pale skin has been an attractive and desired trait in most parts of Asia long before your imperial asses came in and started fucking things up. Get over yourself. /pol/ tier discussion btw.

>> No.4446733

White people aren't the only people with double eyelids.

Small noses are actually an East Asian facial structure in general, especially since they have small nose bridges.

Colored hair has nothing to do with race either (but even still, the most conventionally attractive hair is black, or brown, which both what asians have.)

Circle lenses make your eyes appear more vibrant, and bigger. Bigger eyes give you a more youthful appearance.

Please stop stroking your ego. Yes they do like white people, but not everything is about us, lol.

>> No.4446735


>> No.4446737

with what exactly?

>> No.4446741
File: 73 KB, 750x740, 112534789044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers checks out

>> No.4447050

Miss Jisu draw in this style. Does anyone have her course?

>> No.4447105

She’s the only one I’ve seen paint in this style.
I paid for her course - it’s only bloody $45. I wouldnt rip it for you shitstains if I could.
(Same with Weston btw).

>> No.4447125
File: 42 KB, 500x283, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldnt rip it for you shitstains if I could.
I am so angry

>> No.4447171
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, ERytLa3W4AAHa7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some artists that draw faces in this style?

>> No.4447195
File: 110 KB, 1000x847, 1483880232813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4447238

Is it worth it?

>> No.4447773

To me

>> No.4449176

Link to just one ( that looks like op pic) for the non-weebs plese.

>> No.4450502

I don’t think this woman looks that bad though she does have unflattering makeup.

>> No.4450974

>but more so traditional Japanese woman
no??1?1 it isnt

>> No.4451182
File: 518 KB, 500x483, 6275ff47ea0853683b5718b0e9a45d22 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average faces from China, Japan, and Korea

>> No.4451916

averaging out any large group of faces results in universally attractive faces.
there was a study done on ugly ass prisoners where they averaged out all their faces to see the face of evil and it turned them into handsome fuckbois.

>> No.4451989

Nice Filipino ladyboy. Whats his rates?

>> No.4453189

soulless, soul, soul

>> No.4453214
File: 82 KB, 554x919, 1583066778852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I draw in this style?
copy it, study it, draw in this style for atleast a year. thats all you need to do.

>> No.4453492

Yeah but other than that.
Theres millions of tuts on shit that can save time, share tricks and cut to the chase.

>> No.4453505
File: 155 KB, 652x951, other_none683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wondered the Japs bullied the rest of Asia so badly. They kept all the test for themselves.

>> No.4453885

I mean.. is it really racist to say that they all look the same?

>> No.4457297

She's white

>> No.4457298

There's no substitute for actual study and practice. The style is already fairly realistic, you'd learn most of its tricks by doing portrait studies

>> No.4457302


>> No.4457343
File: 14 KB, 236x354, d7570e7c002053c98bc4f6f97f3219df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, because they dont look the same.

>> No.4457382

No, they do look the same.

Looks the same to me, you yellowfever faggot.
Try telling apart different types of whites or blacks by their country. You can't.

>> No.4457384

Umm yes, you can.

>> No.4457385

Show me nigger.

>> No.4457417

>he cant differentiate an Albanian from a Lithuanian by temple width and brow slope
>he cant spot a Somalian in a crowd of Nigerians from their fucking huge round head
>he cant tell me if Mr. Souphanousinphone is chinese or japanese


>> No.4460464

that face is realistic wtf are you talking about anon.

>> No.4460551

This is true, I think drawing takes time, but this would be greatly sped up by talking to people with actual artistic talent.

>> No.4460552

Half-white actually

>> No.4460562

Weibo fucking scares me. Theres all these underrated lads out there we'll never hear of because of censorship, but within weibo there's hyper competition among the overpopulated country.

>> No.4460728
File: 1000 KB, 3456x4608, A427B2F1-CF7D-4D8F-8DC3-C0F18BC2FED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know.

>> No.4460729

>It's anime-esque

NGMI, get your fucking eyes checked

>> No.4460735
File: 106 KB, 578x464, 1585729030484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cough cough*

>> No.4460745

Fuck off coofer

>> No.4460752
File: 132 KB, 681x703, 1585739758154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not reply to me?

>> No.4460787

>>446 0752

Is that how you get sick? I thought it was if you reply to us

>> No.4461359

Is anyone has miss Jisu course?

>> No.4462590

heres the artists since no one posted it https://www.instagram.com/tjdtnals865/

>> No.4462627

what's the source of this

>> No.4464179


>> No.4464422

Nicee danke you very much arigatou gracias Anon