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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4399967 No.4399967 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you put all this effort on getting a real job?

>> No.4399986

A real job in the art industry?

>> No.4400141

because I already have a real job, I just want to live the artist life one day eating cup noodle everyday and sleeping in a cold and damp one room student appartement.

>> No.4400144

Based, this.

>> No.4400166

Define real job.

>> No.4400234

I'm too socially inept for a real job.

>> No.4400351

I hate wagecucking and wagecucks by extension, I don't care about money, I've 180'000 euros saved and never use it except for bills, I just want to do what I like which is drawing, don't care about anything else thus I won't get a "real job"
wagecucks can do their excel sheets and retails without me.

>> No.4400417
File: 36 KB, 640x760, 1572614443795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 1 dollar is worth more than 4 of my currency, so art is a goldmine if you manage to gitgud.

>> No.4400422

>needing a real job
i didn't realize there were peasants here

>> No.4400434

You're doing that for me.

>> No.4400435

Because im gonna off myself before 35

>> No.4400443

What effort?

>> No.4400455

Fuck 3rdworlders, they're ruining the art industry

>> No.4400517

>Why don't you put all this effort in making some rich asshole even more rich

No thanks, bud.

>> No.4400659


>> No.4400662


>> No.4400664


>> No.4400700

Because i live in a fucking communism, where no real job exist or is generated.

>> No.4400711

define "real job"?

>> No.4400963
File: 37 KB, 480x542, e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I support myself when I'm still /beg/ tier

>> No.4401018

Anon is always me, I only have one life, i'm not burning it away making me shekelstein more rich while I get home ay 18:00 desde tired to wagecuck some more and the hit the hay to repeat the same shit the other day, I preffer to starve, and the fact i'm a brainlet that learns really fucking slow makes all this more interesting.

>> No.4401044

Sell crack on the streets

>> No.4401049

Get a job in McDonalds.

>> No.4401075

Sell your body.

>> No.4401082
File: 78 KB, 1080x690, 96520e358af20e64bdcdebff554689da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a real job and it makes me wish i put the amount of time i work into actually drawing.

>> No.4401167

shit is looking real bleak bros, somebody fucking change my outlook

>> No.4401175

seriously guys how do I walk the path of coom, I can't take the wagie life any more

>> No.4401245

Because i don't want to
and i make a decent wage anyway, i'd earn less if i got a job

>> No.4401335

I got rejected from a 7-11 for not having any experience and that was before the economy got corona'ed.

>> No.4401341

I do have a 'real' job.
I make more money than most artists do.
I still wish I was good enough to live entirely commissions.

Although the I live entirely on my own, so all it takes is just one dry spell and I'd be living on the streets so maybe its for the best.

>> No.4401347

Well, I will be joining a two year program that trains animators for the industry soon (though most get hired in six months). From experience, I lost a good job selling phones three and a half years ago when my manager bought more phones than he could sell in store, and ended up having to sell the branch. I had no experience beyond sales jobs and retail, and drawing porn was my only option.

I left a year ago, got a lot better over a six month period, and started making more money than I ever did selling coomershit.

With enough commissions to pay my bills in a studio apartment, and the fact that I will be splitting my costs with two roommates in the near future and where rent is cheaper, I don't have a reason to go back.

>> No.4401368
File: 32 KB, 450x580, NotRealJob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real job is where you do real work.

>> No.4401421

>making more money than my doctor friend from drawing furshit
Living in a 3rd world shit hole isn't all that bad.

>> No.4401424

I was born with social anxiety

>> No.4401439

I had a "real job" and got tired of the office politics. It was more important to make my managers look good than to do my actual work, so I quit. I'm happier making less money doing commissions than I ever was playing stupid mind games for a salary.

>> No.4401463
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>> No.4401477

I have a career. Drawing is the hobby to get my mind out of the stress of it.

>> No.4401787

I thought communism forced you to work and share everything? I guess chilling is cool too.

>> No.4401806

>inexplicably have 180000 euros saved
how did you come into that kind of money?

>> No.4401816



Burned out project manager here - feeling exactly the same.

>> No.4401867

Yea but that's not "real" work.

>> No.4401893

Sniff... We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.4401919

>tfw working wagecuck job
>only have 2-3 hours of free time left in the day to practice art

>> No.4401957

Planning to be a project manager in the future. How is the job? Are you working in the tech field?
Is the pay any good?

>> No.4402067

do you at least get weekends? that’s when I make most of my gains

>> No.4402121

>Have a job
>It's in shifts
>Work 24 hours, walk 72
>Pays enough for whores
Fuck you pink Vojak posters.
If you weren't genetic trash deserving of all the world's misery you would have already fuck off to an oil rig, to weld pipes far away, or just keep a storage in an important place like airport.

And then you wouldn't be so desperate to grab a footfag comission for 30$ by any means and hacks and 1 minute tutorial, and could actually practice painting some quality cute waifus you actually dream about.
But you can't, because you're not people.

>> No.4402157

Are you in the right place? This is /ic/, not /biz/.

>> No.4402177

80% of /ic threads are
>How do I get a quick buck
>How do I draw like a low level fetish cooker artist #35785425
>How do I learn to draw coom in a month
Your living defines your life, if you're a poor desperate loser you're doing the desperate loser things, no time for funded and quality art, you need to trace and hack to get those 30$ asap.

>> No.4402399


>> No.4402741

fetish furry porn

>> No.4402767

>Work a job
>Think "I could be drawing" all day
>Go NEET and draw all day
>Think "I should be working a real job" all day


>> No.4402774

You need to find the middle ground in which life just sucks.

>> No.4402898

I can always go back to software development, but it's socially destructive at least with art I can chat with artists and post my work. And regular people like what you do. Nobody knows what the fuck a programmer does. I can't talk about it with regular people. I don't want to talk about tech shit with techies they're fucking autists. And staring at computer code all day means I haven't even learnt how to talk with women.

>> No.4402959

Save money and get passive income.

>> No.4404987

They are dumb weebs